tv Action News ABC March 20, 2015 1:36am-2:12am EDT
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si as susets op the last nghof wier. bt t seas not goi dn wtht fit. theanr ys spngtarts tmrow. btow noknow it from the so apprching on sormack i ishuday nigh and thbig story on "actn new tonight is snow to stt or rg lt get g to meolist cecy nan withhe latest ta onive doub sc dar. ccy >> m, we had out 23" ofno s fathisinr and wel lky add to th a ltle bit for fin urs ofint were ti sotracker 6 doublecan song a sto stem that reay is gting itact tgher ers onlow peure weste kencky adhat th is doing is tansrring ener to cota lwhawlorm and move up noreast. i will be innsifyi as de it's noone of thetorms that rply innsifies orombs ou btill like bring accumuling snow onoped srfas. thas k. thiimar this is t januy. a l of is wi me the
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ra. but theaonal weatr service psd wier weaer visory fr torrow for mostf viing aea expt f uern delare a extre soutrn nw jersey te aas not in pulwil miy see a in evt. are in pule whe will get wet slus sn. fte traeswg ting of the syem ifocan t to wrk ely mrow bere the sow star the snowhod ve i ten 7 d 9: and f mstf riewing area it wi be ow antn 'll bin to wt at sn/iline wo u noh weead rough the aftnoon hours ar phidehia. s e storm timene. againetwn 7 and 9: which soarrives fosecond ha of morng coute. teeaviest ll be inhe mde of dabetween 11 a 500. so thiiwhy mostf th will b ltg on main roa. and itill wind downetween 7 ad 9. ill taltols and al what's bhd the syem ci in theu acweather 7-d frast, j.
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> cely pedois prerg foressy athe coer 6olw bring tus ashey spyea sa soli 422ogome coun. oh vehles are fittedith po. tnhte samore crs te ty i- at fnt and/ o tmrow, hundreds ofrucks wlbe ady r the forto keep the roa clea deldotold "aion news" about therahas inlace as wl in newse coty. hlf avlablstf ll be rptingo work bwn 4 and 5a.o srt e press for mrng mte. te "aion news" morng crew wlbeeporting for du at theame time and ley know latt on snow tra and y pottial school closgs or dls. youan jo at 4:30. a sheded to hall meing turd in a frttation tonight bten presters and lice it hapnedawnest rec ptber
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aes poceade ten arsts. pote was ov e decision d th willms not to chge ple officers whoied 2yr-old andon -o. > "aion news" roer sharee wlams li athe re cnr toght. sharee how ha things seled dw >> we, jim, it to a while fr is to sele down toe hnt wh you the presters d be pysally reved frot buiing philelpa'sop co ws r a the city tolaw offer as thchae w hpning. pidelphia police were quick t ke ck e meing aos tmpe flarg as a o dspted a town hl commity metingeld byte reoen ad phideliaoli dptme. rsidts gathered athe lwrest reeational seember to talkbout impvg their niborhood wn fami frien anactivis suorng
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baon ta-brown gan t tr chrs anchant blk liv maer. > weeed to me sure the plicare accountable to cvian voic tn nes to be amement tords trapanc > bnn ta-bro was pulled oeby poce cemr an ofirsay th spotted a gu i e car aea stggle ofers shot ankied tatern. dsict torn selling wilams nound day th thefficers wou not be caed sang vio evidence adhe eyitness acus show ta-brown wasttemptg t reach for th n. > want t na of the ofer th kled hi >> oteste upt by no caes beg filed decid to cra a ing where dsh wllis and commisoner ramsey wrin attendce. > i'm aware ere stid relisp no buthat y s re todawas actlly emrassg. >> is was scheduled mont a ived by psentave -- i
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ti we needo sidown an talko t pubcs nessar resents ca in hes of makg prress and we disinted in the diuption. > it g for 34e78 o ha a oeid agend i'a counity. >> i'm out raed becae i wrin the counity. > now,o crges agne fil against thofficers but a lfw gop. posrs asking are teames othe ofcer iaed at letime queion he agreeit's lgitate. bt hiconrn fo posters anseei howh act tonight heon thk it'in the be interest to rlse ofcers' names in ar o thr safe and falies sae willms "chnel 6 atn ns jim. >> shae, thank u. toeoe ardead nit rst mui-vehicle acdent on stet rd and feterville
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bc county. at let one person suive the we tt haenedust bere 8:00 poli sh down street rad both cotructions bten lon and fl. > ndds of oicers lined strts of norea pidehia toght for anher sle seea rort wils ii. a poli esco led thtrite rde om f lodge to 22 dsict in noh phadelpa whe lson seed. > phadphia poce contue t sear foteenage suect tonht. ple thk he's the peon tapull erig under a klng of a n justalng hs dog. "cti news" repoer dann cuears li at poli he quasers tonit, dann. >> j soce tells "aio nw e 15ear-old beg sut bggedbt the soing mond. plice ndehimrm and extmely danro d a ui hitourn hielf in to
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ao an indents. >> me see us bere we see yu. w ow whyou ar and all theoce in distcts wlbe loi for yo >> hocide pin jas crk says innsman sht ueay fr 15-yr-old tiefe hamio he's suosly -- botsdents a vr brook nsred to commit crime with a 14-ao th rd as loout. > they' t pling bstbl and ey camene th iea they want to rob sm > is man was out walkg hi dg wn three yng me aprohed him and he s sh oncin t est. in thent theyidn't boly injurto takenying atll. cmssioner ramsey says th aey of the yog suspects is trac and fortunate. >> ggt tredy is the e mn th lost his li trnto walhis don a younchilds
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wtho a faer to wh? hw mh can u poibly on u when yore out walng a dg > ll thmore troui aleg sot halton was braggg abthe imin batoom overook hi moay. smof t nehbors e otged. >> it makes angry beuse there so yog and tilives hve noben. >> i'm gl for the my th fou thperpetrato thatid tihoible cre. i's sa two younles now aeone basically done. tere ov > now the 2 15ears wille ti as alts and the 1-ye-old noidtifd wi b trd as a nor. >> anne th inrmatn on theare abo caed lea at poce hequarters dncuellar khet six "action
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nw. >> woman ed afr being hit by a pie of fly wo. a 4.8 piecof feing glue from cnructi sighslamming he into a wall. se s dled aew hu later > toing ofhe best wa to gtrou philadphia was candat toght. terspoaofocud rum was hoed by t bett mobityorkg grouh the cnrti of ornization icludg cyc coion al atded pt foahony wilam th sepmb someone t present hitonigh >> villovfans began the jurn they hope will le them t e final fo. > udentsatched ges at stunt unn tonhand ampre fe short ofer pit perhaps theyxpeed ga to retive stre fee an i ct t. was wi nil a wnng by over 40 points
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tis wathece in eaon penylni tight, layette is on spng brk. somstudents ithe area wtedhe game at lal bars. tey posihave much chee ao nht. but th're sti pro of thr part at lafatte tonight. >> stl to comen ctn new toghtjefskvers with reacon fromisrgh at the villova vio. > autoies as manyhy as 45 mnut. vllo crses to aig win i ening rods ga of the bg dae reacon from bs prgomingp in > us the rough arst of clge studencsing ouage. we kn why th were in hi ito cuody. >> re vi fod out theay at the terror atta to a msm. rsrchers inven't a mnto gaet to keep peop frogettg drunk behind the we.
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murrr suide. thethink the man us bird, wsisng two wee. he s nvicted murder whas jst parod. > verrf vgin oered an vesgaon into arst of uirsityfirgia sde. h eded ten stches to cle a gasin hihd afris altci wi alcoh efer bvage corol agts. "con news" mona lps is live at e "aione"i ba tonig a moni this is qicyeati people attti. >> rtaiy is. uamunt was emging the honor sku onull sclarshiberss te 20ear-oland nowhged wth two iints tt haene otf a ga thiisideo. > it w caught onape rly wdsday moing and sparked otge ev sie. wi joson elf did no se his aory read a
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satent did fm him. >> the ofcers pned meo the n peying the kns in my ba wi above employed free fr the kaon to sure yestday. > jatn gave them a fa id jhon denies th climb an h's gry about hoitll hpned. >> iu just trt the scars o my fa and he will one y h'. bthe trma from wh abc offers d je stay wh he me >> virn atrney geral sid 's not re thalcohol cntl oicers h jurdictioto take take dw ayere anywhere vernmenn oded her congtulate aong hivideo yestery. bt oicial who spe
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cndion of ano muss. drg thlt day ofhe cmpgn, net cmign, cmign amin t igtleman hoo. adhe mtg took place teval oi. > the esent jok wi the pie si the amica peoe le e bl faly butch tr tn the owkol ttns i on he cck at 11 tonht take a de brth. rsrchersre puttg senrs o carso helpriving drk. esenally, brea lies th wn let peop artheir r i ried it wou nd toun dlars and tousands of lis r 25eople
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taday each d inhe couny adn i relat inden. >> rld's laest diier pu - to car to locash ofers. te's ben us er smirff cn t moan and hy wlr. lbing is voluary in uts ad incles alcohol by vume. calorie cars and fat nten >> th were burng call rids fr go cae at e pidelphia arry tonht in unirsity ci. tiis the first anal boot cmp toeat castman ase whichs re disoer th invves anver growth cells i e body lyhatic syem i s led by did fegbm te s-in-law of geral mnag and prident bay pranica. >> od cae night in-
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brnie prazica >> the nal hours of wier and wee getting eve bit that we k otcke6ive duble sc showghat dry contio are the tonigh tiis gointo lo a lot dffent by d-mng tmorw, thgh. coer 6 tonit. flyg hi ave the of pidelphia for thlast offial suet nt, 2015 the s is seing at 7: this eeni and e ne sunset wi be ppeng ng sprgs and b en wll ha ow onhe goun. motr ture doe't always paaccointo the candar. i'cold out ther pidelphia, 3 altown and rei 31. teon mivie 37. se a ci 37 and wilnon 3. teold aiis in ple need miure and th's tng cor. youan see now isll ra from e oo lley into i have vrnia buas th encounters colair wi
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chgeer t sno i wl be a heavy wet sn tabtomo the in rads d will be vingn drg the il end oforning cmte. i yocan get up eay, 6: coy, cl, by 8: 32ith smof thsnow ginni to mve in othe south and we. fture trker swg 8: getti cse to phadelpa you n sealready stai at rains alonghe o. this lbe a in ent. as we ad thu the y wel se someands of se heavr soaround lunchtime and th it ntins into the eveng bautny can see arnd phidelphiare noh it's al sno i thk thrain line wi ge closerohiladph anthen i v t fray eveng. a r acculatn tss te sto whyo location and eetion is k. freroh e mo snow you ses 3 6" d south of phidelphia to
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south jery nrtrn dewa wee loong a 1 to 2" that 3" li cse to philadph. adgainhe accumulatio ae ot nopaved surfac. miy onhe grs a lot tis wi beeing ot ra. ad th march it is fallg dring thday ani would no b surid if nth of pilehiae doet some suy accumulation on road the real are the key points i'noth ligh fffy snow. it's hey snow. tm tearsbe freeng, again te rds will t beuge mes mirds wet. sdroads a lt bitf ssh adood news is on satuay aying that is the will be mlti withempeturerising u in the mid 50s. so e exclive acweher frect, wet d rain and we eareout on ti for srg official rival 6:. 5. suny temperures dp to 40
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hd4 dee. mony do to 42 tesy little bit rcery. bt sll 10elow normal 46 wdsd paly suy, 52 ad headg into thud it's tao. tempetus are ld up 38 dges. ad somon and off owers move i sls thsy. mi muhy wilbe he eay i thmoing 4:. frypeal moment of winr. > it unceptable > wean hale it. > th close chaer open this yas one okone pidehia campai nht a cnal bran ofr libry i s t ha to get a ad on tiroom. tewe frnds of chstina bk kline the auor of0 oeooseleion oran trn. they celeat novest an toquestion
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> vianova pled a near prft ge. we ew layettwan for the catsut this is ouof hn 9- fil. stal stunng. 'o shts 60frot field and 50% wntown and 6 ca in double gures a lea e way wth 16. lt send oveto yejeff skvery li in pitturgh wi msgame reactn. jef > hey duci wwwhat a sta for vilna t thr g dae 4pnt wn. scd mostopsided win vlnova nc tournent histo. teare onuite a ru they won a scho rord 16 strght mes and ey hope tisole for lafatte th is at the beginning for fil fur ru > esn't maeromh you wny yokn if ulayed wll no w d >> it a eat feelin we nnot get co pla wept
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tis one. w ve to get rey and fosed frhe ne ga you > ink y n win erga likthis >> no. >> if y cod everne would do . > 's vy dfult. tere alys ne when you paagainst a am of th caler d pele harr me and sy yosaw her souch it a dsvantage not adds > hbieves the vianova tam cod get to thein fo and wantsest fothe vlnova te. hwbout nctate on sarday for llanova. teare tough te. w'llhant ju be ls and unc d dearlr ts sason jeff skveky "cnn 6 aion nw" > wel ccin with you tmr. upsets go. iowa at smu vclearn the
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> p ice deman be ste ms. masofld this coest. nw 1 inhe third twmute avtage. he ove scores. fys trl by the. ltin t thi perd > illies ta the sht trip over caeway to taa to face teank ease tecsutley ul sces twice op the ng. scdnng co ae first hmrun of thspnhonto gt mo pop fr his bat th sean. 20 mong to 8ttie gam drir go opsite field. phi w 7-3 th's spor. > "jmy kimmel live" ne follod by "nightn.
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