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tv   Action News  ABC  March 27, 2015 1:35am-2:11am EDT

1:35 am
through your nose suddenly, you're a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. cold medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow, it opens your nose up to 38% more. so you can breathe and do the one thing you want to do sleep. add breathe right to your cold medicine shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right. and look for the calming scent of new breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle.
1:36 am
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> fles were spading tr other ildin and bris adhards lass wt flying ad eeaant customer said w' sll shaking hours late thudayit, and the g so on "aion ns" night is thle masve epsion anblazen w york cts east viage. 20irefighrs erd on thecene b th u no po enter t of thfour affted budings from cllsg. a tot of 19 peop were ijed incdg four frighte. fouof the jured we citilly hu. athoties say alindicis aehat s caused the blt. and 7-arm fi. lve openhe sne is "abc nw correspdent lona za. wat the siation now >> we ji fire gerare si very much on the sne
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hre. teyabe tting help fr mther nare. i stted rain. cuse seeend me thr wo connues ancmsier sa that will coinue touout te nig. i s ju after 3: en th eploon torehrough the rst biln >> it sd me forwd. i w sti byhe wiow. is the wdow kd olike vbte li ruer. > passers by sd toelp ijed peon on t stet. texplosion and re wereo itensehicklouds ofmoke eveped thnew rk sky li. ple handed oumasks behing diict in e heavy so. gss eved to ha caud 7-arm firehat destroyed two bildgsnd evacted ser blos in w yors st vlge. theesulti fi sead rply anseco buildg clpsed as neighrs scmbled t saty. i ok hdreds of fifighters hours to bri at ble under cntr. >> th ma exemely nro
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sahes of these budings to sarcfor any victs >> redes likeatth and nrbrks s lost eetn >> i'very upt my ole life ws in there. iled in that blding 23 ya anyh, i'just nu yuno it'all gone. teuildinisompletely dsoyed. > rerter:nd there isne posive si ji though we' ben stding here r hos, frhe fivt time we're seei pole officers are alwing poe inurrounding builngs hre ba in their me toght. lvin et vle of w rk cit lna c "cnnel 6 actn new" bacto you > lo thank you so . i s o ar ago when anoe biing blew up inew york and a at me 8 oe r kild thexplosion leled aartnt eastarm. te nt vesgationonnues t is daand ey have foun a g leak ipes near th svbla cs the tred >> refighte baled a ble
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i vesh towhip burlgton cunttonight that damaged tr homes. i oke outt 7:1on 200 bo of wo lane. frighters hadt under dml 4 mites. nbodw hurt >> wl thiss the newsh socd the wod. terash th germwings arus intt frch ps was ntn accintch theolot lcd the pit out th cocit ansent t pla into adea plge that aed 150 lves. "con w reporter share wlams habeen folwi th ltt developmts anshar he, ofia ha learned what hapned but th ill ha idea why colot andr lutz didhis upkable thg. >> fials e ti to figurit out. there digging thugh r fincial records mecal hsty any treme pitical views. invesgatorsoing thugh his home in geany lking for y psblevence is as repor
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sayhe ogr the autit to g fro3000 to l altide of 130 fe. > hosments bere slammg io the french alps te ckpit voe recoer pcd up scrmof passenrs adhud of pilot knking on te doorocked outy th cpit lubi who stayed sint a hit thbutton ling te ple down in 10 minu long day decent. >> detived th we dot kow y whh cabe anazed a wiiness to deroy the arcrt. >> once at crsi alte the pilotsearasng copie tlo tkcontrol ase stepped out pemably to use the reroom. when heetueinvestigats sy t copit did t ond andept the do
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loed. >> ey're liento brehing and coidering the ptrn th'reeing is cnst we someby cocious ae, and doing mei that tey inte to do. >> cod this pil ckout hpn inhe id stes? at 91 a numb of chae wrmanded on u.s. arliers. iclinif a pit levers th ccit foany reaso a fg and apt must eernsy te until t pit rerns. so thers two pelithe cocit at all tis. > the o opons ha been wrng onrsonhy iy don cle the do if you hav lsthan o pple inhere and i thinthat nooan ze conpt isomething that needs t buversal we need to do thiall over the plet as asute stanrd >> iernational carriers seem t w aaee wi regulations u.shas inlace as mulp eure aiines annoceoday they archanging thr ckpit rul to maatehat 2 cr mmbse inhe cocit atll tm. that incles lutaa. briin air shtle
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d air cna and fbis jng this ivtati at is point only i a suort ro. a knhreamecanwe o bod. >> ofourse t iny here is i's soard to geinto ccits beuse enforceme ad sury after 11. >> at's what makes it iric. tera o calng fo cmer inhe copit as auto meure > sre thk you. >> ll the mind of muerous cpot be e subjt tnht's "nightline" at 12: at "actn newsand jiy kml. >> iladelphiaolice a tryi stut an aarent adtn in frmt pa this atnoon "aconews" rerter dann cears live at cer dttive headartsdann what'the status ofhis? >> rept: well, ji polic nw y a won wagbd by tehroat andhro in the bcof a ca tey' notreang thiss srger abduion bad wtss cnts they do beeve te womakw her abdr.
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tis all began 2:45his afteron 32 block of gle in faiont pa and a man andell wrarguing she wadoi mwg of othe talkg: the mnever struck her but grabb hr b bacof the that an seoff last sn gird avee nacaly dre witsses scribe the n lg skn black male weang witeee shirt d black skuly cap and driving ue 200pontiac gra px with drtinted wiow witnees we only to get fs toet he ofennsylvania tag ltte jn t in to i yosee the ca know wheabouts ooerse have ifmi helpful to the ivtitn yore asked to cll 91 rghtow pocare tang thias priority ca unss tey herwise fi out th the woman is oy. lvin septemberal dttives, i'dann cuelr,
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"hnel 6 action news." >> a li of sprinsrms t trgmh of tharea biing a toent of war with i. i s fucg in tnight downpours secuying t car tho an umell dive had tte itasy on teoads ke he route 202 knof prsia. the was mor dmr te was mor ring an tat s a prlem and there's talof eratures. metrost cecily tynan is tai l tight with live dole can apry da >> ji hvtorrential dwnu and blii downprs erer this eving moved or new elan atl colfnt trigring wet waer is stl oute. and yocan seet is movg vry slly. thameansel de with rod o owe not ly thrgh the oveitos but en into the rng. and closer upn stmtracr no litningtkes wi this nxt und movi. s it'plalphia right now really alg t i- coidor trgh lmingt annewark the's moreown acsser
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vrgia mong thrgh in the oveight hos and ts is defitely a corast inir maswh's you hava frt you hva cla a masses d yuan sewhere they strmnehd of t fro wndsut sout ricond 67 tawasi in plelphia tod. 5. thebehind thatront win out o rthst th temperatures i e 30s. s once th front mov toug it wi llg down co ai ad i wodot be rpsed if tomorw moing see a w solakes mixed init shors. this is what toxpect oeight. remai dp occaonal she. tempares tume mxte of snow and ra for the mrng comme. lts of cuds for efrnoon andatury iseallgoing to feeli wier rha mo sow shows. iltkbout that inheull acceath 7-day foct. >> thk yo pidelphipolicere huntg for prator tightt bo io a woman's ho and tri to in her. tiis a etchf thsuspt rlsed by the spial victims
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uitonigh invtars say th at 3 a. the to -year-d man o into me in the 17 blo of cadcstreet in pot eeze trgh a ont wind. h dended moy,hokean tiedo sexually asult e vcm. pole saf me reason he wasorced to fe befe it go een e. > andhe man licsay ra oer a good satan in upr cichesr sn wehi bar autriti say 31eaold sawn mcinness of chter rbd be shelgas stion on 300 blk mark. wtss interved tryi toy keethe croofrom geing a waynthe spt took off in volvo drgi samarit under tear and running him er. te viim w tated for his injies. eles linecr conr r yn n hped kickfant ey volencinitiative toy on the philehiauum ofr se. h annoce winners of ceas
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fr hh tag cop te that asks soamia to k e qestiowhy r futu maers. he said gun vience was part of u ippinng in deoyt d he posed for ctures wi tho thacame outoda >> a new war aresp in middl east a al the cause of this dadlbridge colpse in tes 2-d todaand new rsey lawmars ta a sp to ming cntrersial sdt tting otiol. ducire hears omome former eaes pl meorogist ceci tyn wi be bkith a datic drop in temratures wen "aion nsconties tonht
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why are all these people so asleep yet i'm so awake? did you know your brain has two systems? one helps keep you awake- the other helps you sleep. science suggests when you have insomnia, the wake system in your brain may be too strong and your neurotransmitters remain too active as you try to sleep, which could be leading to your insomnia. ohh...maybe that's what's preventing me from getting the sleep i need! talk to your doctor about ways to manage your insomnia.
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1:51 am
psps > itappen inexas today an oveized tracr-tiler saed into bridge unde cnruion nding beams flli ono the road crusng sever ca.
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oe peon was kied. tr we inred. it ppened th morningust nrthf austin on ierstate 35 a jor highway th runs l te wato minno. tonig, traiis still beg divts arnd the ene. a suxt shiite wais treaning to or take th mde ea. su arab d ales are bombi rels in yemen even toands of suppters maed i thetet se to est te boin the re are suppted by iran ad long siering rivry with su arab cod be rey to eplo. toousins apared in chicago fdal court toy anged with cnsping to spt lac sate fdelrocutors say has emds meer of ilno ntnal gud waarrested cico mway airrt trng gt it egy. his coun jos wasuosed to crry outn attkgainst a
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us. mitary base he. > the wasome frurat fys athiladelia itertional airport tonight oedelays wi gs and al kndsf long was. waerorcesever concting flights to be cnlled leavg passengers srd in phidph. mny ruted that thr lgge beued om the pa. a l of psgers we going trgh phadelphia to otr dstitions. smeaed up to 8 hos tryi to findut whe their bags wntz we oke to onemployee th siairles we sht-hded i deing wi bron luggage cre. that'sml nsolatn fr one faly from eland supped t onheir w to dae comtition in monts reel > need the ba. >> wrtting has this be >> coulcry th ste. >> an ameran airlis sokesm apologized for e icvenien butonight the is is stl unsolved.
1:54 am
> fr new rsey newoom assbly lawmars tod uamous paea bill aling pants opt ouof saarz tes for r chire i'ineaion tt ba lsagainst park sc. juslt n enn pented that te from bei ued asraation reirement frt lsthe nextee yea. nw ll noneeds sete apval bere nto gornor crtie. >> ve gd ne f docto tonht wioucongressnal aprol face 21% cut in med kte oked paynts bypril 1 and norlly gr locked hou o presentatives toda apved a bi to peanent blo those . cmomise wanegotied by nrmal potil enemies jo behn and nay pill's wre. te bi nowoes to sete. >> tsear is tuing t be the wst flu ason in dlare history. heal ficia unced mor tan 230 0 lab confmed ses
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o u soar that suace pss nberf cases dung 20201ourk from sne fu. 28 ople di u in dlare thiseaso futes re than rent record othatwine f otbrk. on "hethchec tog new rseahuests that parent mig nt to have eir chiren orr off t fu n rtr than ki mea vrnia th univsity sty looked atmohery 10 rstaants scoring kids mes fr nriol valu they fountypil fi open r yousrs th bre one in bween resurants fed a bject hahy chce. the rearche y ev whi vgabs were klinincluded tewere almost alys fried. lesthan lf threstauran ofed frt. ola thirdf ds menus ofer helmy drks like w ftilk. ovus imptant informion for pants of young chdre > always stress to ilen thapoto frch frs
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they' not vaellyegetables tey n't coun there not gaes but tern healy. > orms med thugh earlr tis eveng. we ill ha more shows. nto wi thiquite yet. sotrker 6 li uble sc sowi seve weathe no tunrorms. te'snoth arndf sors movgutopslg i95 co fomong outf mra nerk, delawa ha heavit dowour youan see hothis extends trgh wiinon to pilalphiand intoou jery haonton and mo sors e on e waovernight adntooing rus tdayphadphia 67egrees tat wa front finally lift u nort wlngton made itp to 71 fl ithe lehigh lley fco ge are colai explaing the warm frt did nt adnceoh of alnwn unt thieventhe gh in altown ly 50 s a bidiffeehen you had to north. pidelphia crtly 54
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dges. alleown 45. wlmgn 53. mllvle 58 a wiwood 48. ad tperatures wi tmblg ase headowardshe wend. stlite along wi aya showghe banosws it acd frt and tang i ti mcngt thrgh ouregion. tmoomorninghe ru hour i'going to be cloy andamp andith coldir benng to movinn aitioto the sors. cu havwet snowflakes mixg i inorthst sur. wlnot amou to athing. temrates 40 don beurpris if u see fakor two. ftu tracker timing ou aod 6:. yueeand ofhors with a lttlbit of bl. thas mixture ofnow in tr aainotely big de. b luhtime t rid of iure i e fo of clos or formf sors i ould say but ill hrinhe rof ouda fe faelyy la in day much li td rit bere sun sets cu see brks in cuds a
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tethings chge ase he te weend. thiss paern we've be u i st of wiernd it's comg back for lt wke of mar. tibig dip in jet stam cld a trgh and 's ing door r from cana to strm right dm the region tmratures on surday to 2 bew avage anwith psbility of even flry or sow show. s it definitely goi to fl ad lk likeinter on stury. so t lusive accuather 7day fest. mrng shows, afrnoon clouds, highf 50. sturd wetruggle to hit . winchills inhe s. sny, still chilly, bghr btr of two da this weend. 4. on moay seonae weher mv 5 degrs. icasingldsnd tuesy a psbity of late d or eeni shows. 5. andednesday we welce apl pretty itty ne da pry suy and seonable.
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5 gree thursdlouds th so sninand tempatures ck up to 60egrees. i wi ba wintry weeken btext ek l inll oking pey nice. > noanpp fos jo is it. > don't k out the waer. > ver. >> l right >> the auence that we to tnht's pfoance of rty dnng e ace muc i e time of s li tonight andor one man it w li caing mome. phidelphia tive muay threw fom lo ankle less to ma surise aparance on ste. i tthe he hing hind psr and when inally shod h face he h a spial rqst rirlid alys ca. >> i wa y i leou with aly hrt and want to a youo be myife ches ] and a u n seer her tion s
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> ight former eaes with melacathe same time tonht alkdof
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psbiliti ere. >> unds strivrping e that trfm eaglment resurant in strt ty sce of eaes reio guys theeam w weeks ago tdd heema ought th tghero rae moy r his funtn. > s thi nualoops for hlcharity evt tonight trd in somewhat of a going awaparty in ceer ci. teormer eaes offeei lnan isoined by jemy mcn, lesn moy antren cole. > 's diffent. i is. iwou n say 's stnge toh just a difrent el to i. >> it a lile difrt. ilbe a eae fover. >> ybe at hea. cle antodd py r cos and mc bualo and macl rutedi andy re in kns city. > i washocked ke i id youou havto me twcerz ago allhese guysoulbe gone nt ev st the gu but ty
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te i uld haveetgainst tat. >> tsformer eaes taking the hh road th hit the rad not o fmer play we taed t haanything negati to say god ch kell tebeeve eagl ll be sucssful xt seo > think evybodyas en hard on chipor is 's dn bt hhas a plan inis mind adhh yoaee with it nt ea he's gog tout it ito tion and seif it wor. >> 'll bebltw he and lke i id onhe cbuer i'lbe phly fa >> no hardeelings just bsess bucole s one la tis y as eaves town > hefuy you ll see me a tdd in upuper bo. > 'll see jefskvery "chanl actn nw" >> eaes' fans got a chce t sayoobye tcck bednik i bhlehem. te ll be a ate serce fr fila fends tomorw. he exd onoth sis of
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fotbl. >> 'sot only ic bu eething you was for nf fahise th n reesented. tughs paion forhe ga pri in the cy. hme in evy way. >> ilahead the flyers lo twolayers f mainr of the san. pus,ole mels looks like you get sick you can't breathe through your nose... suddenly... you're a mouthbreather. well, put on a breathe right strip and instantly open your nose up to 38% more than cold medicines alone so you can breathe and sleep shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right.
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> it's lo sc for flyers
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ad th lostwo key players frhe rest of season. forrd waynsimmonds an adw mcnald wentown trn to ocshs sionds blrd t a broken leg and mond abren hand > nor philes injury to rpt we hope it's mir scrched from tit's ga wth ghtness in his ba. > co hamels o h a rou srg dialed in f this one. pites fi inning of sh o blalls twhi tre sring t four. piies lose 4-1 hame los god. >> fil tonhas your inr voicev gten y in troue b fortng be inn. wiscs forrd nigel ha is at eoum en somee catch his eye. >> sh shs beauful [ > sh she's beautif [ lghter ]. > did u he tt? > l rit. >> oo. >> ps it ght. > sgops thanyou dus,
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"iy kimmel live" is nt on cael 6 followed by "nitlin. and "aion news" contues at 43wh tala edwd mt o'dnell, teorologt david mry a rerogers wi taff. foreci tyna duc rogers te ti cti wstm imim gardr, good night pass pa
2:10 am


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