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tv   Action News  ABC  April 3, 2015 2:05am-2:41am EDT

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> tonht "aion news" is being news onn invtigion on a local coege cms the won's ftll team s.oseph's unirty tudayit, j is off. i'mick willis a the bllgtoryn "aion news" tnht is hangrokenhais csng suspionn fema athtes whol fothe hks. "con news" rerter nn cueaspon wi aource aouthe diurbi deils. i'a sty yoll on see hre on "acti w tonht. dn > rerrrick "actn ne" hsearned that st. josh's univei cducting intnal invtatiointo srus allegations of hangn te wom'softball progra somef t uff that algey toplace is so graic we cant enalk aut it in tis repo. "ctions" was tre ash bs th so trsrt the s.oseph's wen'softball tato viin was layed svalourthis is hazi scaal unfding and univsi
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wuldot cfirm fourtudt ahtes were suended and not alow ard the bu bthey're confirming inrnal invtiti ibng cducted b red profsional. sues telling "aionews" fem mbs of the softball tam forced to ueo hzg for someme d they aleg th studen we bei gv written inrucofr a nte om upper clasen teln thets is deverefee wethei has co for hem t sh respecandei te place f th don lw istrtion there's wi be dire cnquences. sues sathe students bng iniatedhood toonse alcoh peorm seal as ivving inappropriate uch ad perrnl dances for up clsmen onhe teaa mmking various seac d mre grhico outle he. te hazg algedltook place nt on camp buin home up clasen. uirsity spesmajoe lnr confmed they're are o e legatis and th ty aeei ken seriously d the's multipleero of same evt and th muiple
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intvie withtudent ahles, aches ansta ha tak ple oers stl to cmand redial acon was tak to re saty of all sunt atetes. nwjoel lirdi adds they have srt guelisgainst hazing adhey'll geto the bott adeop lbheld acouable f aetns po tr. lvat stjoseph unirsy, dann cular, "chael 6 tion nw. > eang ne nht fm qaktn, ber cntwhere a fris bng at t ste gate viage townuse cmnit tat ju off old bethlehem pke. choerd was ov t sne hlan hr a as flas shot frothe ro the fi wt tolar anat least tw hm were iolv. the's fwn wo on any ijies. >> and o was injed bu pen of dam he aslas rgard rougts chesr cuy apartncomplexaier tis eving. tiss vwer video as anrmy o refighters erged he at e wt brk narcics
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west white n tonht rides are wiout a hmanduch more ng lost everytng th owd. "con news" rert ch pal isive at the sne wtthe sty. chad prelli. > y rick the eanup connues t he at the winter book artntsrs e baing wiows. tatshe apamt th caught re. it royed. ad aho te ago spoke to the nhat lives there. >> ts isiewer de te fe tt raed athe wnr brook aptnts fad ripd throhhe ro. frits iniay tacked telaze anwent to dfsive d cjwhing anhis wifeere long for aew e when he gt t ca his apare was o fi. > returned othe houswe werlkinatnd ca tohe se. ad n wee loing foour ct w t our do bt now wre lookg for vctoa. >> ing sst appears o hibengings e now
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dsoyed. > i holng upaly we cndering. m wi shs she's dfinely suffering que ait rg now. >> fifighters say stnginds hmped effortto puout the fr si ey had it uer corol i ha app ho. twoeiboring aparents al sufred dama. frofficials sa8 pele have bedisplaced. whi whing serves for his ca mrk od win looks f s sn dog th esced in the fre. >> e's skitth. bt ifnyby can fi h we' upt feelerb fo te ople th lost homes and tere worried about finding te dog sh oicls sa rsents a staying wh offials andhe cause of the fire isnder iestigatn. live in we white la, ad pralli, "channel action nws"oce say th 6-ar-old pilalphia money is rt of the ri that ha stolen
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vhles innd around the ci sin lastpring. tey ckeup ricksanch yesterd and according to invtigators ere been 300 rpord car thts sie maof 21 sanch suected of being ptf maj opation tabroke into seral rs d sti thair bags fr inside. i thoriesrhoping to makmore arres. > a der jue dbng down on vel de. a ora veloper tryi to byhe revel for mt wa giv the go ahe to puha thewo bii doar property gen stuwi antip 22 mlon doars anheroed te dand he b e casi wtut any ligation to th od tenas sucarestra ad ba. te jue says thawilall hvto g woed out bunot ise of a cotom. >> oera tas what we do. tt's what ourobs e.
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traround assets toc asse arehy you findhem i bnkrtcy ot cots and su. >> stubs tching urces frhe si osar pr think tankpossib small gmblg aand he not ne yt. h ai hll adails tis ekend of half billi prase ofeveral othecasino stes intlantic ci. > e dohings th crte jb we t to crte anher 5000 jbs do trwith we're doi in thnorth part of to. adofly ci ll go alg wt i. > toeys for botrevel and srb an to cle thsale tmroand it cant beime lsedn cot til moay. > jeey gornor chs crtie toy pardoo a pidehia womaiied f crina n atntic cuy. shaeven allenas arsted in 20dung a trfic st on atltic city expresay. senfmed police abo the
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hngun her pue whi she ws linsed to cay in pnyania nejersey did not regnize pennsyln prts leading toaous caes. al also drmour pnetrang buet crise'order tod gisalen a full pard. naailed his desion >> prident obama says toy's dato limit ir'sroam is t lit "historic udstandingthe tentati armenwldpane ir nucar agreent. rplicans are oosed to the dal. >> thunit stes toth wth ouallies a paners hseached histoc udstanding wh ir which it fl imented wi prent i om obtaing a nucle weapo it ll ma our countryles ad world sar. >> somessues ne to be resold bere fal agent i ju. iawill face more ipeco
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thaany otr nation inhe wrld > s. senator bob meez was i urt tay pleang no giy to cots of tr corption. newersey democr acsed of asting 11illion inifts and caai corutn fm a fid in exchange for litical fvs. mendez wareleased wio bil foowingrignme y adad th say afrward > ese legations are fae ad i cfident they wi be pon false d i forwa t dng so cot >> d the flida drmend i acsed of hping excngfogifts enrd a t giy ea in urt toy. teitri has ntatively been shuled for july 13. >> an uppemangie 8th grer is chard an adu fo klli mother. lhigcnty distcattney sy14-yr-old jamie sionek consped with cab baes, 20
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ya old. jm wanted her moer dead bcse s wating tbre u e retionship. cel silvek was sb mar 1 anboyfrid barness ardy unr arst forhe mrde >> e sons hnnd joe share do a spki ou ecsively toa ws" days at the nts's aths wra murdesuide. jhcooper ceof coer unirthealth syemnd forr ste transporti cmmisonean leader in efts to reti cd. sepmb 8 thhigh pfe cue was fod de. te new jersey home set on fir fr ns, eurs swld who sents muer msry. opefrid the somset coun procutor said the ivesgaon s colete. jhn shidan staehis wife to ath d tohed the use bfore fallytbing himself. fusheridan boys s it's
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ipsie andhri was soyolice wo. > 'reot i to allow t posetos ofcto destro m faer's lacymy es legy to ptect th from te r up > rk ai do says he wn a dearation ite that hsather's manner of death is urolv. tne to "gd morning amica" 7a. afr "ai ws" se mo othis exclive itvw > ansti to como"aio nw tonight lo at se w ve the aming rescue of mantraed onisaioat for mns. and t ll he me to let s famy kn he ise tog. ad sa n sees of "ai nw uncoverg wod ass offs of phaliy ma nt reize. tonig moni maass takeus on one of ki pho gally ad th say litng doesn't sre ice inhe samelace btan hit twoles plng to teame aiort. ccy. > getea toow for rm ad n y and al a wet y
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ad bi this stem m traing a hoday weekend co down he acweather day frast. > and pl meet yo 2015 pilalpa lies. fnally ba in tn fm fori. duc rogs with that storand sor when "tn ns" at 11 com right back. ( bell rings ) they remind me so much of my grandkids. wish i saw mine more often but they live so far away. i've been thinking about moving in with my daughter and her family. it's been pretty tough since jack passed away.
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it's a good thing you had life insurance through the colonial penn program. you're right. it was affordable, and we were guaranteed acceptance. guaranteed acceptance? it means you can't be turned down because of your health. you don't have to take a physical or answer any health questions. they don't care about your aches and pains. well, how do you know? did you speak to alex trebek? because i have a policy myself. it costs just $9.95 a month per unit. it's perfect for my budget. my rate will never go up. and my coverage will never go down because of my age. affordable coverage and guaranteed acceptance? we should give them a call. do you want to help protect your loved ones from the burden of final expenses? if you're between 50 and 85, you can get quality insurance that does not require any health questions or a medical exam. your rate of $9.95 a month per unit will never increase and your coverage will never decrease -- that's guaranteed.
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so join the six million people who have already called about this insurance. whether you're getting new insurance or supplementing what you already have, call now and ask one of their representatives about a plan that meets your needs. so, what are you waiting for? go call now! we'll finish up here.
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> 147 kied anthe ascks sart rli anlasted 13 hu. fur agnmen strapd wi expseserat chstian vcms and opened fi on them skillg scos bere corred b curity foes and what th ofer shotthe attaers wtnees y they pded lik bom. thelaa afliated teor goal shaboblaim resnbity f t asult
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twoomen acsed of tin t tonate a mb in neyork cty. theyere rm nure ques aledly stied bo-making on-li aninvestigators say oe of thwomen d fr proneanks tu as expsives anthey alsotate piwanted to taet funals fr lice offirs. btuthori say the puic wsever in a dang. artwe pa lethy udcover sfxt bi reti. > a il missing for than t nths was fnd toy sme 20milesff thcoast nr carona. 37-ao u joan wa lsheard fr in la juary andis fi rerd h missi when th didn't hear fom m for a week. todaynother vs spted hi adroht mn bod. adhe coastguard tn fw him b hect to a hoital in nrlk inry virgia he' aud of h talkgo his fatr after t reue. > was aa you guysere cryinand sad u know ias dadnd wanot dead iwted you guys --
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> ah, we were. itught lt yo > stl not ear how he bece lst at a. loc news rerts s s bo ws csized and st wa msng he svived by drkg rin wateand ting raw fi. > cke phadeh's hmtoley ofutng edge work fr medine tt ar een educion. mnicmalpasis starting a n srs nht thhg the icreble acmplimes th cn onlye fou he. piy leadg the y d mona you're starting wh natnamuseum of amican jwh hiory. >> ngere selfs and istaam heas tang praits of peoe all ov e wor. his exhit can only beneen jralem and th week it wl nmr phadelph and he unt aust. fl alover the couny are cmi he to che it ou >> riard avoan's phos
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at an eating war of polical scdal. his stuing exhit uses stark wi dropac and stdi pturz toapture o coty lars. rlng e had hichrocle te te befe 19 cart ford pedential eltion. > th's part whai thin was ad's mked abity. >> beuse of wte background and coistey inormat it alls us the ews toee the dsptions beeen yoknow the slit smk of sle or tiping of eye. >> eyot a prer bere leavi the tourf the world ca exbit of lhe cies, lon do, new yor la w send the lltion t phadelphia. pevery gd reons. fr phadelphia waep
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center for bintennial se braons and send our ty hltraffic bitions for decade and naonal muse of jewish amicanisty has co ties with e isel msm >> e of a nd tist and visnary a grt exhit. >> thk yofor tt rept > tui to "hlthcck" at 11 adce fonight ow. g toed nountil the wscast i er plea. an study ys night ow are bono deloping diete than eay rirs. resrchers say at hd tr even if bo gros get the amount eep. it cod dueo bad eati hbs, changen mebolism and rduced mule ma. >> e fame full ca togeth tnht inrar op hy thursya of thlord's sup at the caedral balica s.eters and paul chae
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catas se brt. te sng ofhe et follows exale chstians belie jes dd wi the aptl athe last sur. >> phalia was8 an cnr citf this caneght src tmrow,f cr isood fiy chsti candar and o cose, this suay is est. >> and incrib lhtng cincidce occued over sks o setle dung seris sos. toets prerinto la we srk byolts of ligng, i'unclear if passgs ew wahped since jets are dsigd to take ligning srik elericity fls alg the otde of thjler. > cod notavenown i wou be sound aslp snorin >> e cod acally get a ltehder anlightning tomrow ahead ofold front a rin onheay as well. sotracker 6. >> trsioning to weatr.
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>> t is ti tonight youl b her live on sky6 or rher sotrker 6 li shong no rain outhere quite yet d no w' li sdi 6 came from tme. it'susm aprness y and aso y a lot anchors he a chel 6 iludg myse are wang blue tonit. temrus toy real ni. 6 degrs. frstime tseawe had temratus inhe 70s wit lads of sunin i's a eat day of eear an te dabefore this we had clos and showers d tt's 8 aove avage. and we d gusty nds. winds guing 35 milean hour. with the nds out ofhe sutht is a retivyarm ng. pidelphia, 5 grs. allenwn a reing 59 wlngton 55 ection along the she whe youethe wds off the ocn te oan mrature 44. tahas a b imct onhe temrares ofhe or tmraretren in e 40s.
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stlite 6 alg wi tn radar showing thcuds are rshg i shors across centl pnnsylvaa ancdront t to ee and at wi graally be movi ins we hathrough the day torrow. mrni rushr lots of cos. tmpetusely mi. fw sctered shows 6: 5 ad by 8:, 59 ur d't neea ti wintecoat tomorrow fte tracr timi it t 930. stey rain u of phidelpa temperatures in e 6s a head thugh the dayt won'te alday rain. bterioof on anoff sowe 4:00 sptyhowers arupdnd will be innsifying tmrow ght by 8:0 prha rume of thunr and then by saryorng a of timoisture wi be moving ot. sti a lot of ou. cos will bak for suhe a weead throh the day. so torrowight sundo at 727 psor ns happ pssor. i wi begin withlouds and sowe. bt rm. 66 deees.
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adunday is eaer weend. bne upf you he to suise srces. chiy, cooltarf serves 3. temratures soaring p the 5s al all a etty ni hiy weekd once we get through td -- tomoow i ould say. te exuve acweher day frast 70omorrow wi cu adhors and wds. stua wey, coer with ceing side 53. esr surps loing etty nc sn ting with clds 5 grees ant philes hme-oper a ne day. 67. and mture of s ancuds ad beer wth begi to dwill. tuesd clouds and shower 6. i ays unttled wednesday and tursy. and wi mo owers onhe wy. s weake it thu torrow tmrow nit, weend be ciy, but iti be dr > april sws > bring may flers. >> d maflowers ing > pilgms > ok she got it. >> old jo. > thks. > thodds of ev hitng lotte arenin
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sever mlon. iagi hitting big ckpot ti. thahaened to a cole from nrern england defi od aa winning a miion pounds o 1.5 miion seco ti. rted trk driver dad ng wslang usuanumbers wh aanglty me up in eurean veion of me mlons japot. by e way the ds of hittg tice you
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>> v how do put a sitive siopen the rer w' ca it like it s tcome o the games do not matr bt thway phlslayed does matr. taretus to plehia lte is eveni. tehad juso wiin the lst nine spng tining gas. staing monday agast bosto rests ll unt. piles kn theneed play
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btr. >> yokwfrom setti of bdone withttg pihing ect forole hals and also sruggl sewhat offsel adidn't pl as go of dfee thlast week s wel take these two days and de up r skis lile bt > yocaot -- >> ils and rae. eaerome willms fwhot to sipg. wla gis up six runs. .7 40. > jaan papb gives up pychntil nih. alows fo nrunz thd of upg, philli lose 10. w rge ofamble are egs taking by going wi sa bao as qrterback wi two srus knee jies inis nfl cre. digurl wahis coaxn st. lou 010 the ye heon rooe of thyr awd.
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coactd je the eagles goa wnner braord > 's exemely coetitive. you manot see that by him bi outburst beuse he's qi that his peonality bu h's exemely coetiti. i's imrtt f him to win. ador mo perfm. >> dti to co 'nova baskeall player plans to traner plus irible f >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85 i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen so you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. this is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through
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the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase guaranteed. this is lifelong coverage that can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, guaranteed. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and read about this rate lock for yourself. you'll also get a free gift with great information both are free, with no obligation so don't miss out. call for information then decide. read about the 30 day, 100 percent money back guarantee. don't wait call this number now.
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>> the ard wi graduate myi has atr year of eigibi. 'o is respted in toght's ncaa reeot ctt. cn i report jockey right te. > digetp >iokay. > s. >> >. > mily tonight the ym phideliis now nolaceor ht the received th degnation
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a pa of a prram to coat bgry and intorc mreh 20soo and cmnity nizationsn our aetake part ithe no pce frate prram. >> immy kimmel live" is next on chne6 folled by "itn. jims guestsre jan statm msifrom briawilsonnd "acon new ntinues 4:30 wth meorolostad murphy andaren rogers wh trfic. fr meorolist cely nan, dc rors, jigdr an te ei "tionew te i'm ri lliams have a nice
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