tv Action News ABC April 15, 2015 1:35am-2:11am EDT
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trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying center. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. buying used cars is all we do... all makes and models...
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they ld a vigil for t 4-ar-o boy struck and killed lst night at 57th and litcield adt this ur police are still tryg to tra down the rv who hit and ran. tuday night and the big story on "tion news" tonight is the sar r a drir w may be almo rdy to turn herself in. but there ia latereaking eepme in ts story. "action ne" reporter chad pralli, is live at the police acidt investigation decision. chad what's epteere? > jim, philadelphia police tl investitors have been in contact with t lawyer of that suspected drir. se expected to turn herself i either tomrow or the following day. bt re in t past cple of hou police he recoved the vhle involved inhisit a run. i s fodn a parking grand iis now at a police facility and it aears
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the pole e set to solve the cs >> steps from where t boy drted on 57th and litchfield neibors made aay to a sll mmoal droppg o teddy bears and candles, and some takinaome of silence. tiss video capring t vehicle in question 2011 hospital 2014 black fd ed. > is time of yr we have youngsters young kids it is sprgtime and they will run itthe reets. adeople have resnsibility to stop. > d iestigars what the cr should lk like chrome dta the fntnd und te windows, and the vehicle soulde intact and no vicle pr le at t sce. teeage om neighbors of theittle boy has been loud and ce. > at's terrl tric, you o thbt tng is to tn yourself in. > i hope and pray to the almhty god she get a conienc she don't he no conscience. >> the wnesses say the impact
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hurl the child 15 feet. thmotr tn r down the ock and desperately tried to revive the boy. a image that some have been uab to shake. > ihink aut it thinking aout her screamingit was hrble. > d the namof the suect, nor the name of the boyas been relse aga if you're just tuning in late developments police he rcer eehle spect in th t and run and that dever h been lawyered up and se expected to turn herself i the next dayr two. live in brewerytown, chad pradli for channel nw" > ank you. >> a tonigh surveilnce imes of the feing white sed expected in a second hit and run crash last night. a young mother and her 2-yr-old d were struck nar masher and ligh in the wst kenngton stion of the
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cit teoy still e hospal ad mother relead earlier tod. adfrg a $10,000 to find the driver of thishite car blieved to be a 2007 infinity. d yet another hit and run in philadelphiaed a police chase is afrnoon. sartg with a head-on crash at 4: at the interction of ford rad and chamox drive. andhey tracked him thrghhe faiount pa and west of montgomeravenue where he was cpr. toeoplee ht in the accident. here is $10,000 rard up fogbs tonight for infmati leadingo e arrest of a serial bank robber. "cons" report kenneth moton le athe td bank. watre the deils? > jim, it appea the suspected serl nk robber has an affinitfor td bank branches.
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fb.isa agents ve done t wrko ideify this guy and ivestigato ne e public's help bring him in. images of t man the police and f.b.i. are calling a serial bank robr. knowgis na rashon mitchlccused of walking io ateast four banks a demanding cash. > hasn't dipsspyed a weapon he has violent notes. and we are wried aut eslio >> and desperaon is ramping up. ad mchell h three td banks i t pa we and charged with the february 28th rob roy of the bank at 16th a market in ceer city. and invtigators say he took a twweek breabefo movg in o the td bank on walnut thsda w re tras poli work te sce. thf.b.i. ss friy mitchell rbbed the td bank on city line avenue and another on baltimore
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pike in springeld. mitchell is 5'9" 215 pods. lstnown address on masters street. >> d the ctures e good ad weope someone sees t pctures ancalls in aip for u. >> ase mentioned, there is a hfty rard for information ladi to mitchell's capte. $000. anye with ts should call the f.b.hiladeliaoli or 911 repting live kenneth moton canl 6 "action news." >> tight hearing f the first time from the good samaritan finding a disled m aaoned in his woods left by hs mother. wlki near cobbs creek park he soed pair of deer. he followed them to take a pcte and he s sticks on a pckage in the shape of a cross. >> and i put my foot like that.
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and the head came up like that. ad i said oh! i id oh my god! >> aerson found 21-year-d deqn norman a quadripgic missinfor five days. thesay norman's mother nyia parler, le m alone in the woods to diehile she went to vsit her boyfriend in maryland. policsay she will be charged with attempt murder. heevel eected to have power back up running tomorrow or thuray. treget ucks arrived td. teew own are, straub rold the dice in the contract dispute wtthe utilities plant and they puld t plug and it is costing them fines every da th a waing for nicer watr befe finishing the hook-up. nd move to quash phalphia'saisick lve bilbefore it tes effect in
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may. te stsene aroved a bill tat would block any additiol requiren r binesses byo e sta d federal mnu. adxpeeto pa the house as well. hwer, thgeor opposed ad iladelphia's law requires busins witht least 10 employees to oer an hour of pid sick leaveor eve 4-ur wkwe. [cnti] ozens of people rallied tnight in northeast pilehia to ptest funding cuts in the school distct's bdget. they gather athe fox chase elementy scolnd mared to the congressman's office to have teir position heard. ad seven princips from the pilalpa school district hnored todayeceiving the distguish principal award. andhe all award honors outstandi administrators
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maki signifant contributions t eir hos and comnities. vtans ward ts country's hgst milary honor in town tonightelping the families of the fallen marines. te cgression medal of honor took partn the gathering of hero's evt rittenhouse sqre. tevt raised $30000 for e children of marines killed in a helopter csh last moh in orida. ♪♪ >> hillary clinnicked off hr mpaign for president today o a decidly small scale, and that wasn purpose. clion met with a small gro much iowans at a coffee shot and th a community college. fo goals, to build the economy of torrow strengthen fmilies, fix a dysfunctional gornment thais her words and protecth coury from threats at home and abroad.
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and chris christie tk his pesidentl ambions to new hmhire proceeding chaes in social security d medice eligibilitrule sang at the retirement age should go to 69 d medicares increasing 67 eventually. chse wts to reduce and een eliminate socl security benefits to more after fluent rtees. >>nd printbama took a major st tords norlizing relayings with cuba. thwteouse announced the president wl remove cuba from the state deptns list of onies that sponsor interest national terrorism. oba m with presidt castro o es. ad cuba removed from the list in 45 days. coness cld act to blo the moveut obama would certainly veto such a measure. still to come on "action nw"ramatic dash c video rleed of an offic
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inteionay ramng a gunn t sp hi >> a it is one expensive coffee run. this launch to the internation saontation crng a frst. a expsso mhine for the astrauts. >>fter a gloomy and dp tea stormtraer live dublscan showi a f lingeringhows arnd. iam tracking a differe waeproem for your morni coute. iwi pln inhe acceather forecast. >> and t domino effect on organ donation. ad ali gorman shows us how two lol hospals took pt in a histor kidney transpnt succe. anducis rgers with t trn-arnd at least in the hips department for a phills stawhen "actione" cnnues.
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if you struggle with type 2 diabetes, you're certainly not alone. fortunately, many have found a different kind of medicine that lowers blood sugar. imagine what it would be like to love your numbers. discover once-daily invokana®. it's the #1 prescribed in the newest class of medicines that work with the kidneys to lower a1c. invokana® is used along with diet and exercise to significantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it's a once-daily pill that works around the clock... here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in... and sends some sugar out... ...through the process of urination.
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and while it's not for weight loss it may help you lose weight. invokana® can cause important side effects including dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections... ...urinary tract infections, changes in urination,... ...high potassium in the blood or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis. stop taking and call your doctor right away if you experience symptoms such as rash swelling, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. tell your doctor about any medical conditions medications you are taking and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time.
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cruir smaing io a wanted mn purpose. the incident happen back in februa. pole say the suspect mario vlenc went on a crime spree bfore stling a rifle from a wl-rt a shoing a rod itthair. >> one rounjust wt out. hes definitelyl ked rht nw definitely loaded. >> when valencia refus to drop te rifle and went towards a bsiss participate the police ofic ed his car to plow ito him. ad ey say that the situation uld have been much wor had thman ge into t busess andpened fe. rowen university is the fr collen the tri-ste area to launch body cameras for te cpus poli. oficers gave a demonstrati of the $95,000 technology. 3 fics are equipped a i
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i mantory to we during the 12-ur shifts. ad governor christie sign rgutiolast fl reqring plice depantso u either dashboa cameras or body cams. >> o, on-- and liftoff. >> historic mission rocketed off from cape canavel, florida tiafternoon. lsteto this t first expresso maker ever sent to orbit aboard this capsule. ad ao carrying two tons of grerie supplsnsence experiments to t international sa aon. when arrivals on friday the sick astrouts on board, including an itali women, get t use the pods to test wheer hot beverage as le expresso caneaid in space. >> and a rare show of bipaisanip, t house and nate wh an overhaul how
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medire pays doctors. >>ndledge dies from a lg batle with liv canc. sinng "when a manoves a wm"nd rling sto cald i one of the greatest songs of all times. >>and rita wilson recovering bfo a double mastecto. te 58-year-d had surge lt wek with her husband, tom hn by her side. getng a second opinion after initialioyie found no cancer. exptedo ha a full rcery. >> if you areot famiar with thedeaf the kidney tranlant chn it is a remarkle phenonon a they cmpled the largest chain in te id states. and ali gorman to th it sav theife
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of a wan from delar >> rosie corb feeng good in the lgest kidney swap. >> feel blessed. > having a genetic kidne disse. a her kidneys deteriorated and needed a transpla. hr long-time neighborhood fiend susan cason, wanted dote but she wasn't a match. so d swanson said she joined thpair don netwk. shwld donate a kidney to the repie she does mat and they wouldind her a donor. it grew and it led to 34 kdys between 26 hospitals natnwide. crtiana was in e middle of the chain. calnghe coordinion of the
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frt and the life sed a mic. >> and the donation is the hope for e patients. teore we expand it it adds significalyo the donor pool. >> s calls her friend an angel on hive. >> and giving me a chance at n lfe. a motherseeing my child born. ad now am around for my daughter husbdnd friends. > kinan incredible aunt o anninand crdinating to pullomeingike this off. dr. swann sce the dons and cooinators e true heros. moron this story and the other donors and ripcipit the on "nhtli" after "jimm kml >>ettghe much-improved acuweather foreca. >> we sll have se showers around. showg this the lt batch of lgering showe over us.
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sey in cheer county near oxford cssing 27 mong o in the next 30 minutes and skis begino clear. lookg near penns landing, a cloudy a damp nit. teos there the owners are hoping f warmer sny weather to ty can take the boats out. we add three dreary tsdays in a row. and todaylast tudafm a quarter inch and march 31 not that much a little more than tra of rai but lo of clouds and dmf thr tuesdays in a rw rg now it is cloudy and camp. temperatesn the 50s. pilelphia 53 allentown 54 wilmington 52. milie 51. a little cooler on the beaches. sa is city checking in at 48
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degre. stle xnd action radar showg not really heavy, just lnging shors rht now. yuoonorth and west you see some cud cov but they are gra adhat the thinner clouds ad tt at will be mong out ithe overnht hours. antomrow morning the pblem for t morni commute, sun gle. dn forget the sunglasses epeciallif your heading ea. it will be breezy wh ptty big sun glare. b 8:00. 53 te biggest weatherroblem is sun glar you are doing ok. wednd the high eure builds in and a beautifulay. 68 dege the tempatures are l a ttle b of a breeze out of the nthwest to about 12 miles r hour at times. and on thsday thursy not quite as warm. wn sft out of the suta so 64 degrees, that's sanae. a thsho ohith wind rit off the ocean, mratus only in the 50s. i will be a dry day on thursday it trackg the l pressure thats goingo try to sneak up o frid it can bring us me couds, peaps scatted shors mainly
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sth of pilelph on friday. te prlem when you get snine this time of the year alleies sufferers have a hard ti. te poln outlook is medium to hig to high right into the weend. so e he can choive accuweather seven-day forast, sn d breezy, and a baufulay tomorrow. 6 grees. tura stilaice da not qi as warm 64. o frid mt highw cloudy some scattered showers epeciallsoh phadphia, 64. ansury looking pretty ni. clos brki th some snsne. 7 deee cu have a passing shower saturday ght with a cold frt. bend the front the tempares dp back down to noa sund, 64 degrees. mnda an easterly fw pulling i clos and drzle, 60. and tuesday, partly sunny with a hghf 67 deees. aln all, a pretty ne loing sen-day forecast. > u are going to areciate tisf y haven't seen it already. gtng an up-close and very
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prsalook one of the tornados that wreaked hoc on illino last week. sm smit a fher of three is pulledver to e side of the roa he dring on interate 39 inllinois when he captured this video of a massive twister had state towards him. ande felt like theruck w ging to lt off the ground. he s ok. >>t is mega millio. >> hello americans. tonight's jkpot $47 milln. to win that jacot you must match these five balls plus the mebl. . the first number tonight is 68. th isollow by 7. up next we he 71 followed by 2. adhe time white ball f this tuday 3. now for the mega ball that
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pahe team c tket pzes to half o on the discount deal sght groupon. adollar night among the three dates in ma if y are interested get them nwhe offer exped at miit. >>nd the most popular player wi the bat in h hands, came ale. teuestionw it engh? >> thanswer you will find out i just a send. ereronight higighting the phls deficiencies with the ba siles out ryan howd and ul. adne bres out. utley .091 batting average. theirst -bat ainst harvey, tais a solo home run and phillies 1-0. andow tied at 1-1 in the scond inng bhan in the basesoaded jam and to the rg-field corner that bngs all three runs home and the ms lead 4-1. thi inng, utley again.
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two homers and three r.b.i.s and philldown 4-2. ad nt bter ryan howard. two on that was 98 mil per hur hwd sevestrikeosn the lst thregame to t fifth, and right in the backf utley. if you think that was an acdent, i have a bridge to sem you. ad buchanan in tre anden revere doe't have the best arm but perfect throwo the ple. bt missinghe ta ad the phillies lose 6-5. >> fers g.m. aressing the mdia tomorw afternoon and ten hope to learn the coach's fa. ade led them to a record above .500 but they missed the playoffs the secd time in three years. and he said that he tnks t
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flye can win with the flyers crrently on the roster. >> i beeve we are a pyo tam. ade don't have a lot of gs wherthey say they are going do st of our pyers a either on theay up or miaini. ad improving some plers, a oths maintainin and hopefully we add a couple pieces and expe to be in the payoffs >>he is post-season hockey for giroux. ad playingor team canada. wh
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[leaves rustling] are you day dreaming? hmm? yeah. about a luxury tree house? mmm hmm. with lookout decks for star gazing? yeah. cool! wait. how...? you've got the new instant game from the pennsylvania lottery. oh yeah! the wizard of oz with top prizes of $300,000. there's a full moon tonight! [male announcer] want to see your dreams come to life? you could scratch your way to instant winning. the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life. trading-in or selling your car, truck or suv? takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. one, get your free online valuation. two, drive to your local car buying center. and three, walk out with your check in as little as 30 minutes. buying used cars is all we do... all makes and models... no dealership pressure. we'll even settle your loan or lease. so don't wait. get your free online valuation now at
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he sixers are off tonight. after tomorrow they will be off all summer long. torw ty hosthheat and tey re eminated from playoff cop -- contention tonht. and jefgordan showing off hs new colors. reting fm full-time racing at the year's end. and leang a penn ste cht. and sometimes you get to dumping a ball off a trampole or attempt to. yu d see h feet he misjudged it. >> . > ihe ok? >> se he is ok. bck to t cubie f m. >>a right, finally tonight a montgery county student sang ad dced the night away. ♪♪
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he's got high hopes he's got high hopes -- > they held their annual spring show at pope john paul ii high school. stude kindearten through 8 grade took part. th year's theme aes' fai and freedom. >> and "jimmy kiel" ve nx "acti news" continues at 4:30 wth pamela edwards, mat o'nll meteorologist david mrphand ken rogers. focecily tynucis rodgers, thente "action news" team, imim gardner. go night. ♪♪ actionews"s sponsored in parb--
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