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tv   Action News  ABC  April 23, 2015 1:35am-2:11am EDT

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torms came through with almost huicane force, and sme pasf the area this is at e wind
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did in lower morand mogomery coun tonht, trees me crhi dowand power nes ce down with th. the stms may be go t theleft a good deal of dame bin t is wednesday night a theig story onactn ne" tonht is a big job e f towhipsnd redents wh have to cle up stm dame. that wld inude, home owner iwtvillelcester couy, and th is whe "action " rerter dann cuear is live nit, da. >> porter: jim, if y wantetnecesty how fice tho wind we this aterno, y need not lo any fuher en this masve caslty, a oot tree ripd from the grnd an leaninggait th usen te t 200 blo of oliv it is intrice tank will of lar routes routeipp to srs. > have bn wrd about this tr r a whil i kn somethg wou haen. >> porterneighb nick warhed the winh long and imdialwe ouide. he woied that the mse tree next do a 65oot popr uld come
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tuming dwn so day. > ere it go. >> porter: rvllance cama ned by jeery pieon caured pa the tree as it ca down. >> f me ason i had a t feeli. twoinut out the do i wtch it. i was in amement. you t to be kiing me. >> porterthe hewner hi men r her lo of tre and anals was the hmathe time when theree fel >> was woied about my animsecaehey are my best frid >> porrhow inicou aeu a treeover. >> i love trs. > poerfriend help her cay out a numb of pet birand dogs afr ci officls lher it was unsa st ithe me wth the tree wehg ser thoand pounleaning up again it. a tree s lod f thshade in e is are ti. it uld be a wheefo cre could can up the me. >> m without r. tha god nody is hu, you knowhat i mean. >> porter: that is a in moner treat. >> we vee waiti r thito happ. >> porte wodn'y kw itshere a gas line runng rig unrath this
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mssi tre so togh psehe and g is out he tonightorking than th sittiono ma sure noing more d happens on this blo. thehave had engh stf alrdy. thais the siatn herewe ae live from stfield, new jry, dann cuell for chael six "action ne". lkingt storm trker six leoue scan rar so clearg i in our areright now b the stem thabroht today wi and rain wi usher in sothing esfor the restf the we. meteorologi cecy tyn will ong tewith the detasn e full accu weaer fora. >>his backrd lity getng naonal ntion tonht but the homwrs wouldivanythg st to makit all go aw. this is the the extradary sightf flen toship newersey and the oersf thewo m haveeen orded to clear out. livfrom the g board tnht, "actn ne" repter shr wiis wh the stor share. > porrjim, e nerf the t homes ined
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we oded lee their hes tod beu what ofia are calng imnent cnrn. thatoe of cos is that the mes cld sle ito t delare riv. wel ke a lo at what exactlyhe area wee talking abo he. the homes are right back he. maime t river self is runng he. so this is wre the conce is ere e s cod sli. but wee being ld th they have lea the home bhd was art brki for te hoowns >> dot have word for th. i just d' thiis r home we ve t t of effo into it. i have put a lot of love in this hoe. >> whenea away we cod be walng aw for good and losi evything. that is hard to ta. bt at the ththe sa token w e both stl stdi here by thgra of god. >> rerter: 'reening tathland behind thewo hom has en coapsing for two yrs but wht mu of an exanation well is ek t the odes spoed anned storm
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sew drain leaking undgrod. thadrain was once matained by buington cotynd that is liky the use wh has bn under ming the soil florce wnship amistrors y t hill side is just not safe for the famils to rema there any loer. the odel ve had this ho sin 20 d sa th wo the whole lis to be ae to ve alg the deware rvernd ma a hoe a home. the tosh j, h vod to hp t hooe mu as they poibly can while these fali make the traitio >> l right. tas, shrie. >> ve breang news tnht fr choprix in mone shi guster couy. a you can see a emergey vhies havcverdn th blackorse pi and whe halload where a car ashed with dump tru st a shor whi ago. twoeople ha en hurt. we not know thr ieies,heir gender or dege of r injues
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but we do kn at police and frhave arved at the sce. this is mooe townsh, new jry rig the thblack hor pike and white hall road. e do knowhat sobody wstruck and kill by a freht trn tog in westnsville berks coun penylni ple say it haened at 8:0o'clock on warner street theha not idenfied the vicm or, y they on te trks in the fst ple. pladelpa police ar worng idtify the gh schl studts who a atcked sevaschlmates yterda o a septa suay platrm. "cti news" rerter keeth motonsi at the brd and sprg gaen subway entrce. kennehats the the ltt he. >> pt: well, still no arrts toght, ji septa trait t poli ll thaws tis plfo fight haen a blo aw fm e philadpa school dtri's heauarters. trait poli y soone cou he been kied by an on ming trn. anoer vient tack inde anoer sea sw stion invving teagers. this maive
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fht igted on tepri gaen ste plaorm onhe brd stet line tuday arnd 3:00.m. studes fm neby b franihigh hool kkg, puning, falling on to the tra. sep trant the poce say the offirs in the ol disicalady counica but n the efrts wi inca di whahas been a busy sprgf seeless aft school ac. >> at we're trygo do is ieify disoer a acts thaare unsafe at can theshare wi the scol dsict to prent big thgs like th om happin > rerter: la mon a go ofes visly attack a ye-old boy at bro and locust. the we lar teager surund a yearld on the mk frankrd line befo a 16 yearld sucr pun ched m. suscts in both cass wer ideified and chged. surisingly no repoed injiein the rent fight but arsts e expec >> wi be mang su and suprtinsepta that ere ae crinal arges in addion tonything
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el at we ll do in the scho lel regding this indent. >> porter: community college of iladelpa stent edrd bssays chges may der oths t they dot lve the probm. > re ucatio less inccerati dae involment, youn what i ma asar as mae ccp or anyther coeges that want to ntor t tes inigh schl. >> porter: vesgors have entifieat let two victimsrom yeerday's attk d ey are woing on getng names all the tee invoe. septa haten hot sps on the sysm whe more scol and trait poli ofcers like theneouust saw will be dpye jim. repting live fr spri grn, nth moton for chael six a "ai ne". pice say that is flipd rries as a resu of the u dve and o chir re hurtnhe cra. the dge inepid rolled on rooon t corn are of 68t andobbs creek parkway at the 4:0o'clk, just misng hitng home and kid e car e
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exctetoe ok. the drivewas not seouy hur he mor of the paubo, w jersey was in cou toy where he plead guiy to drk dring. jeffery hamion admiedo the jge that he had a few dris t thahe apared impredeuse of mecine tahe was taki for brohitis. hamton was arsted for a traic stop in demr in woolwh toship. he st pay fines a he ll los h lense robe in alged miss managent at phadphia va is expaing nit. the dartmentf vetera affrsayit a has lached a top wn reew of how disabity claimwere haned. offia vow to push anybyho falsified data. sepate thy the deptment's insptor na nnthat had a mionduct invtigation in two seor leads at the the pidelphia va is ongog. a fer jue in pidelphia has apoved a settlent agement th culcost the natial fooalleag over a biion
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dlrs over 65 yes. mou 500 foer ayers havsdhe nfl r alledly hing infmion abo coussions, and returngnjepyers to the el nfl acuants sa6,0 of 2000 rered plers uld someay devep aleimer's dissor nt over the life of th agemt. >>t was a ve specialpe hoe todain t city's poi breeze seco thisome on crs street is a a relt of the hureds of hours of wk by vonteers with adelph's bitat fr hunity. the crder faly reived the keys toy and now that becom th100 eity-r fmy in phadelph to purase a sa afrdable homthrough habat. ty s y are ver too old learn sothing new but 94 aold geor sco of warnster s ma to prove it. he ll be runng in e penn rels this weend. we caut upith the grt gra fath day in doystown training
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for 10eter dash. he did not stt ruing unl he was 88. till to co on ctn new togh ut by srise an mous cu of im ste anasht a volno ahas not erupd sin 19's. n e cuttg edg mona lpassho us how docto in phadelia a leang the way wi the new life ving suery for babs, cely. >>ine ththe wint coats, wnd chil torrow moing for your coute in the 's and 30 i' leyou kn howong this apl i sis au in the accu weaer focast. ndait for this dus rodge hes from maus mrtabt the prpt of runed with ch kell acti a ne and more conties in just a a ment.
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ell, authorities he appentlstopped a teorist atta in pas. a ofcial says iac extmist w innding to attk churches in what was desib as an immint attk. algian national who d in paris w caut by ser coiidenc he acdenl sh himl in e le and poce respoed to his call for help fou guns phe d comte inis car, and apament. donstrators ok the stresf baltimore day demding stice for deh the yog afcan-aran m whoied in poce cusdy on sund. feie gr's mher colpsed inrief toy, his sier s oveo the the juste partnt cil rigs divi is oped an invtigi in the dea whi was used by a sere sinainjy voano dmt for more than years s roared back to life. it haen toght in che. hugash oud arbillowing over near tos but authoti sayhat no
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va hs been spted so fa a ti pse shows t llar of sme shti in the sky fornately the in motaous area an theenly popated. residen ve be oered to evaate. te voa s t erted sn 12. thice as a comple srise toy. igst oever inh dow nes may have be a crime. autriesave chged briti man with coributing t the soalled, ash crh o y sih, when the bluehip indexlunge neay a thsand pots in mit. from se his mp home terader algey us ligening fast couter progms to mapulate chago mercht tilexchange h isight extradion in th you dhere prosecurs wt hmo fa chars. hiren's hospital of philalph is abouto do cutng edge suery at st won appral from the f.d.a. staing this summ theyi be le to sta a sang ne
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bor who ha maorme diarag a orns th cnn rict e lungs. the it is a dirr that has kild many chdren. moni mal pa is he with spial sees philly leadi wato tell us mo mony cars, u ve done resr anwh havyo found ou >> poer: so exted. for pregnant moths come jsto adelia and chiren's st from all arou thunited ates evy yearfter they get prty devtating ws. the fetus ve a coenital hra a coitn that can be deay dcrs can opate at h and ve so of them but the is a a ne maine in eurehat can to th in uterginghe ba a much betr chan of suival. pedir docts at chop are legdary peorng fe savg sueries it wb and afr bih. but cdh is a toher case. babs have a hole in their diaragm dhat alws r aga puing
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the ngs which can ulmately kl thchild. new door ho headri can startsing a new europn macne to help. shel me a tiny insion in ue andnflate a balon to expd fes's lungs. teatirth a te wl more surry to move oth orgs out of the way and clo t dective die am > ba c withand the balon inflion otr th oth orga beg push arod. >> you use the the a nothi to dowork for you. >> porter: chop is leading u.s. instition in sen hospilto start this new produre. >> 'ree hoful that canelp babtt curntlyon't we. > ah. >> roer: ehen old prr vince cod have e that trtmt. she unrwenfour suers in hefirst 60 da of li. doctsay at lu procu would have cut t one suery andhorn prr's lo hospitalizatio her mom stl tes up sti rembering h many timehe wsold it was the end. >> a t of crng
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a t of prayi. telnmto call yo pasr, she will in the live. >> porr:oy parker has a e bl of heth but jan is honin her famy wi go thugh t smtrauma a. >> is rky b dot gi up on yo chd. >> porte finily don gve onour chil 20uropean baes have en sav usi is new procu. so incribleime that phidelph ll ha th fir cncto save babi here. >> ildren spital typally rang anberne chiren's hospil in ameca, sno rpri th theyre dog is the. >> port:blute. thas,i >> ank you, moni. y have heard the sayi oean's trash is anotr man trsurene pidehiarst is shing wathat real mes. bradlmall spt lt year colcting lit inr fa mou park and trsformed tonht this dispy at the firmnt warworks. some of hifin a eancy tes whole lot ofos and eveno ng are want micel vick jee candates for phadelphia'
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myospenthis eah day at free lia in cenr city outlingheir sio r fute of cityarks d recatn. key ps inuded h the cty caery vil ice green spa and how to prect parks that aey ext. ets g at last word from cu weher and meteorogist cecily tyna >> jfr wild ternoon we' turng wint tmrature wise. gabhe winter coat. sto trker xi dole scashowing we ill have a fw scter showsust hangi off the coast. they ll ntin to pusho theast but this afrno have hey downpou and downwdoe of the dowoursulling do win gusts up to miles an ho andoping a lot of tre and satbeu of this. sacy posted this on our facook page and tree hit a nighr's ga. youan s the dage. tewe fast movg. by ter t a afteron some sunshine eak ugh theloud d th matt post thi
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this isne of my farite picres ever of a rabow. i lks like a pot of gold rig over hi in we dptr new jery. the p of the go, we will insad get a p of very cold air. ntold but cold. 52 greein phadelphia curntly. millvle 52. treon 49. alltown 44. rang4. wilngt 49egrees. cool air staming do from the nohwest and that is h i ll stay f a whe this voex low presre over gre las, icculating thico r. par of t nortrn new jry seeg some snow sors but wouldn't be surised if the ponos could see a few wet snow flake tomrow afrno. instity snowhers popng up. the bustop focast, m be aprib jaets are need. winchill in phadelia 32. wind chl ansuburbs down in the e 2s. it wl feel colder tha39 and 42 drees. we suhine tomoow morng and nextwo
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da weaer pattn is not chaing. te is low prsure that will mnd aeto the ea. high presse to the we. that will coinue to funnel dwnh cold r. 56 deees. that is 11 drees bel avere. facr in the brze, the way it fes in the afternn, clor to 50 grees. a uple stabity shers pssle torw ternn, namy, north of phadelpa couldix with a few w sw flas in the the pono te the exclive accu weher sev d forest keep pants on, fg abouthe sos for xt val days. the wiy and cool torrow. 56 gree friylst caon copy of tomrow,aybe t quite as windy 56 grs. teon sardots of sunine, brzy sti cool butot que as hars 62 grees. sndasun mi wi clo wth a hi of 62. heang in to mony tng pry sun tempar up a noh. 64 grs. teay back down to 63.
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co othe inee. posbility of so la day shors and wneay, cld, mixing with swe wi a high of 65 deees. a od idea to tune to david murphtomorworning at 4:3to see how cold it fes in yo ighbhood. not eng ke apriat al >> anks cely. wtyoung leers from tetate of delare were honed r mang a potive difrence in their comnies. this is 20 und 20 a celration of teeners who sta out ugh acemic entpreneur ship acvi. te evenwas gizey chains ioorated which hel yng pele purs teir ea. >>t t worof the you lm mars bei soased athis evt in fortashinon togh the grn field yoh fi fesval featureork works of hgh scol uden from 18 schos a ward were given r narti mentary and epimental films.
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ell, phills ying make it two in a r over miamind what happed. >> as ry sandbe said not a who t we rit f them tonh sev runs last night for piies, ju one tonh as you ve guse not engh t bthe the marls. three errs n't help eitr. clhamelsn the hill. sti in sech of th first vicry of the seon. scd inni, o on, t out. thawill get phiies ouof the inng. hams does t hp the cau. thais ro he gets a no deci. thais gng the
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defsi in ms cues. ryan hord gdy simore eigh inni, o out lets getourth out at secd. the che ley drs the the bl next baer d goon los into ceer fiel thiss what haens wh yo conrt a elder to a otelder. herre, threeuns sce, tree errs for the phlie they sione. >> needo pl better basahere is no qution abo tha thehe gu we have in th clubhse wee not ing to lettet us do, we will comout torrow prepe and see what haens. >> meure i don drop my pen f anotr err. fl draft preping for thehe drtnd some players are giving ba. quarrck m brford and mrk sahez help bud a plaground in phadphia. newomer m tebowas the as wl. mig maus maota be joinghem soo
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sombeevehip lly has oneore ch up inlve d wilget hifor are player. tasound like a grt idea to maota. >> at woulde a awome yu ow it wld be a grt oppti to go play for a coach th i priously ed fr you knowwe wi see. it a cry procs. the lot of thgs cap hapn. coach kel has a on for everyinhe does. he ll fi a wayo make his team the best team me the their game of the seon. >> riota rect sied a deal dse suay his rewd a reica of his face made out of sawich matialswó
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wshg we he anotr loc the athleteoist exced for the the dra delare titenenick boil is ck tbe inid to la ru ck. h ofnsive crnar at delare ed coach with chip key new hpire so h has be in the simir ofense and says e eaes wnto drt him,e is rea. >> e the trsitionyou knowtthe eaes offee wou be sile. frmaons, e the play cal, tyre all ve simirnd i thk ttould be exemy easy for mto be ale to pick up th play book > d chipas se him pl in peon a few time >> ere you go, see what hapns. inally tonight it was a triphugh dedes wh some fashiable eith grader stunts at bella scol in blawr, new jersey he the sihnnl dier and fason sw tonit. thestarted wi
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ouits from the 19's anend with a ty id ye of the 60. allf the preed from the etings towards variso i prot ornizaons. immy kiel live xt on chanlix followed by nig lin jimmy gst doctor phil man pacquiao a music. "conews" ntinues at 4:30 wi mala edwd matt o'dnell meorolist dad murpha kan rodgers with traff. for cely tyn, ducis rodrs, the re "action new tm, i'm m gardr, god t
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