tv Action News ABC April 29, 2015 1:35am-2:11am EDT
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pesylvan and rth in baltore. the ci wi curw was spsed to in efct a a 10:00'o across the city but herin e ar that sw riotinlast nightre was no moment by presters unt this happe smo bombs and peer bas. te the crds in the stre wr'taeut poce presees andight now the is an unsy eqlrm thrghout the ci. strts have be clred in manpartof the cit not allwe are loing on tonigh uesday nht theig story ction news" toght is e ci of baltore atcting the the natn, to th mome the has be in reat of lt nig d city ofcials are desperaly trying to ke tait w. livenhe sce tonight is "con news" rerter kennh mot. kent tching li pcres on nito here in phidelpa, it seemsi the h bn coidabl tnon onhe reet but you can oer us
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a mu bter sn of tt. what is it li from yo perscti rert e repo we re near that tseion 4 nus ago. as so as ock stck 10: p.m. we knew poce mea sess. we imdiately got out of are nw i'm stdi ouide balmore city ll desiad mea aa afr that 10:00 p. cuew. the are thsands of poce offirs and naonagrd hrei the mission to keep thicity in orr eewith t loomg 1: p.m. curto e in the citof baimore peop we sti in the et in peaful prest. >> wneed answs. a a yog man lo his life and do not know why. >> rerter: thewerin the epinterf moay nit's vioncwest nth of pennsvaa avues. ud the tchful ey law enfcement drsed head an toe in ot ge. it s is sight di't expt to se des lock arms d sto beeen pole d proteste to keep the pee. >> ltime is not wt you saw
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lt night. balmes uny. we sta fojune continue and pea. >> are precting our natn. w e precng tse k out reast nit from bei recesf th li stan pole cnot crs the li. thiis us stding for bltimo. >> porrlol helipter few e bu hossed to warn pele. it w timtoo home or lea the ci. a d of recory for balmo. te redentsoed to cln up the stets and busisses hit hard dung chao windowsere shtered, stos rancd a lt. some were alst bued the grod. tis c was sce of the orgiz clean efrt >> nt out and sh the worhow the counity that we stand rong togeer a ui we nt to be re life examples to our young pele. >> porr: cm tensns they we safe lee in this crowd someeloed
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the backlgof phalia. >> job ys serve ople ands rva of the popl i serve godnd thks whe i need to be. > port: as take a live looat the the scene ofity hal it is much dierent as poli ear tse stet thehe whinold to exeise reraint, agn, that curf will end up at 50a.m. andast a we jm. repting live om baime tonhtenth mon for chael x "tion news". >> an kennh. ets go live to hamion twhinew rsey and "acon ns" rerter dann cuear. dan govern chstie depyed o hundd ste toers to baimore. yuerehe as th lt tnit >> pt: that is right, jm thetate of new jeey is rsnding to an emgey reqst for he from the govern of myn thet was a a r conv that ft toght for walt mor jusa after 7:00onight ha comn trks andther equment led a cooy of50 newery sta trpers
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hador wa me. >> tri as much as posble to help her jurdiionwn they need assistae and en we ne asstcwe cl on them to hlus as we did wi say. >> porte e ty of balmore's te of deerate neethete ofew jers is odg some the most experic trooperfrom urb e acss the ste. >> ey a y to day bas, yunow, wo in somvy difcultnvirment and they real do some emenus tis. >> portertroopers loed riogear andther eqpmt whi pyed in the the city of balme. uon ail theyill be dpies unr ryland law to perrm l enfoemt dtie earlronight the maland gvnor lay n twted picresi new jeey state troers thai them and gvnor chriie for sendg hl rick entes adessed grp befe they left. >> ceain be caful, miain diiplen e ran excise dilee. theare gog down the to proct life
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and ect prorty. >> porter: w, the troers are pe toe deoyed in balme f the at let hou. i'mold that d be extd neceary or it could behorn if it is detmined they areo loer need. w e liverom hamion townsp new jeey i'm dann cuearor channesix "actn ne". >> anks da. ls take other lo liv at imo this is norta pesylvaniaone of the hot spo st nh a you can see the stet is ce. thehe rw is ee fr an hour ansix mites. at th potall is going as hpef. o vage coinuesn line at s abc.m. w ll have the the last overnig vepn beginng a40 onaction new. thmoeof a man shot andilled by phadelpa ple filed wrongful death lawsu y. it alleg th police plt evint toa it
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apar tt braon tait bwwas reaing for a gun ring a traic st in dember. the dirict atrney se willisid t char e offers, sayi sueillance vid cooborat eir veron of what haened the city d no coent on the lwit today. emion was running hi lattonit in wilmgton in the wa of the dole shoin to won werehot alo th 600lock westixth stet and at 8:. pole anpar medicsere met the a lae crowd as they perfoed cpr on t viim rig on the siwa. w n't know deils of what trigged the shtgs, nor do we know the condion of the victs right no a ung phadphia y belved to beine yes olds being tad att. christh's hospital tonight at was stck by a v. it ppened a8:3on th 1700 blk ofrill strt in fraford. the stking cle stped at the sce. offialhavyet to dtmine if any chges wi be fid. his
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was ecene at philalphia inrnational ai povty th afteo ter a flight from raigh-durham to newk had to ma an emeency i. onef e ple's prop engin caught fire in mid flit lve tonit, isaction news" rpt annie mcrmk. youalk to so of the pasnge. wadid theha say. >> rerterand, jim the pasngers oard tt flht aeomnding e crewnd pilot for e quk acon. phidelphia fire fiters surunded fligs 482 momts after a touch and go lndi. with his cellveif brian gioano caured vio of th more than 70 pele on brd husseng outnhe taac. >> was intse becausth prep us for a crh. they nt throu the the routinend ma we knew how to pion ourse and if they call out bre/brace thais what we we sposed to do. > roer: flighorating a united air express was traling from ray did your ramo rkndirt to phidelphia
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lanng ju bfe 4:00.m. whi in t r paengers hea a loud pop and saw flas. pils got warng in the cckp a ov heat indatio. onef the ennes fail. anoth paenger nt this ima ef the ennes, pollers were palyd in midr. >> r ane shte that sidwe do. just for a brf send you could feel th se drop. >> drped, it drped en the was a bang it drop qil >> roer: philadelphia inteation airport was brily a grnd st. this paenger from minnpol said her ple cired seval tis >> the was a planon the runy and we were dein. we we up the minus. > pte paenrs mnes from the air from e bagge clm whe waing to boa a bus at newark intertial airrt. allen eyn a had no chce but get ckn the ple and get ho to stld. >> rfe home to my kids and fami. sohere we go. >> porter: in report
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of any ijies, hower e wa onean that did colain of che pains. he ehe ve a hisry of hrt ises. h watransported to penn preyterian. reptingivat phadelia intertional airpt ane mccorck for chnel six "acon ws". he pncip othe phidelphia cht scol is fe on bail toght,fter beingharged with aggrated ad sile assat. for-six ye-old miael reid a has a brsed eye himlf after what pice descb as a mestic incent ov e weeken reiruns the feonville schl of the arts a sciensn the 200 block of east cotland strt. school ofcials say he had been aced but wod t say wtre has be fire ore th 200 teacrs a parts in dewa coun hit teicket lintight they raied at concd elentary scoin gn millsefore the school ard meeng tonit. teachs it garnt vaey shl dirictave be worki without a coract sin last jun theurpose of toy's rpose was show the ti for a new
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deais now. therigood ne tonht for e of caen. officia annoced that the city s be ned a deral pose zone by t fedel govnnt. 120ommuniespplied f prose zone stat on eg got it, and offials say caen wi now get specialovernmt atntion and feral gn as it wos to boo its ecomy and rede crim feral dge toy strk do a pesylvania law psd in onse the actio ofoict cop kill mum abjama he ve a rerded comncement addss the vrcollegth past octob. leglator drted a a bill to prevt ment anguhor cri viims and the famies n this case the wiw of ofcer dael fakner. but a jueaed that law a violaon thfirst a amement rit free spee agai he has overtned it. leire litenant joyce
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cra has be hored by e phidelphia commsion on hman retions. craig beca fit phidelphifirfig to dieon the ne of duty on decemr 9th, in wesoak lan the the fst fele fire fight, pardon. he was e of t ten phidelphians red toght in cter city asvery day heroe >>nd that she wa till to me onaction new toght, the sueme cou, takes up same sex marage and a dramic reue from der the ruble da afterhe nepal quake. e will meet the lol stunt who ov came a toh school syem to win a preigious naol scharsh cil >>et ready for a goeous dy torw lots of sunshe waer an toy. then'm trki a syem that will deloin the coaal storm d big chges by fra i'lhave deils on what th means in e ac weath foras >> lal mical practice is accus of ov bilng patitand mecare and now theare on the rar of the
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fdal. i'lha th sty cong up. ucirgers has a maj leae det on the mod in tnht illies meh anduch more wn a "actn new coinues why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. [screaming] woooohoooo! wooooo!
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cue teams rad to save a m bued in t rub. the man was trapp for arly fur ys t satuas eartuak crewsork for hos in the dark wi on flhlight they d cuthroh a be thawacsng the mas leg. the hrs later th we finlae pull him fr. meanwlehe dth to from the eahquake a has now clb t re th 50. utsidehe supreme cot tod it was a denstration fornd agn same sex marage. this was hapni wle inse thnine jtes hea argenth will
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relt in the lamark decion. at issue do gay coles have a conitnal right to marry i a 50 states? if no must stes with mara ns recogni same sexarriage linses fr oh stes. vmont senator beie suers is pted to annce s candacy f present tomoow. he ve icurny an inn butill run for demoat nomation. he wi prese thfirst lbel alrni hilry clion nd wittee weeks til te prary t phidphia's my'race fosed on at illive degrhic young vte. they tuout at sea t to hrriities of the ve demratic caidates who attd. theve s host by yog prossionals nwk of the chamber ofommee. loc dermalo praice has been nam tnhithe multi milon-ll der lawsu, this isactn new looki into clms that famy dermoly
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wasv blng paes. nown deils real that themay al havee or cai yo the the taxyer. invtigati roewdy salm has more. >> pt: it was no secret to the dons of paenthe conct us th family drtology has algedly queionae billi praices. patn tl us ey were due bie orcrged and harsed,or bis th sa wereever pa f or done. now famildertology is facg algations they ipperly bied mecare ten mlon-dl this isoctor pala nson ownernd prary dertolost w runs multle franise faly drtolo oices a cro the eastn you had. behints mli-dollar smi, some paents and lawitsla the s a praice that maheone to etmes to see door neln's lavish lifeyle. >> iss all ridilous. >> roer: wh maurn conlly got a bl ree yea after her 20 vit to famy deatologyin exe she ought
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it was fuy becse insurance d pa to have her in caer reved and also beusthere was no way that the bi was hers. >> get a bi for a ople us bis i thg it was hyeric. >> th to to pay my bill >> rerter: remy irn said he oped 30 but he ha pro insurce pa a bi fro19ont bere. aft hureds of cal he said got a letr sang thahis acunt d been clear. > peciayhen you don oe money, it is frtrating. > port: "action new spo to some doors off cama who said they were pa hundrs thoas of dlrs n this lauit e geoia deatogist alged nelnnd her husbd divted fund from the practicto befit their own extvant listyle inclung thr 8 milonollar mansion in georg forlly owd by ken roers, tion ss dubai and exagt paies i foi uni where thewould wipe t sweafm
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the ts fohead with huned dollars bis. >> receiv a bilit maifor somewrin the blark of $2. > port: whe neln w alleyivinghe life of luxy, abail, was nding a ofhat s sa were calls buling her to pay a bill from 20 that s sa she ddt owe. >> i esnay sit inimbo hopg i have enou par tra prect mylf. > porter: then justa weekoor nelson and faly dertology we nad the fedal govement. justi depament seed a 10.million-dollar claim aast lson for imopey bilngeca b ttled with adssion of wrodog fo3.2 milon-dollarnhff t proed of neln sls he15 squeoot este manon boug t backs oclients like gy. >> s lleme imdiately in tes. >> port: he say colction agency harasse hisoung dahr on her pernal ce even if for bil he sa inrce alrdy paid. >> th a hassing my daughr and i can't st it onlway i n sp iis
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to payhe mone i do it. > porro atmpts to rea dtor neon were unsucssful. paties say they call famy dertology and e colcti agci dons and hneds tis and never get a respse. they id they le alone when th fid a colaint witthe b or atrney genal offe. i'm wey saman for chanl six cons". hsdent from deware couyon'to ha wry ao paying for coege or runng up de. she geing a full ride thas tthei and melia gat founti. sher a woods elott has been arded a gates millnm sclarship. onl1,0 are given out evy ya she now theoth stent in e chesr up la scol disictoave en award that sclarship. very prd pants surrnding a hay yog gi. >> e's bmin > ac wther foca cecily tynan. >> lkg good in the sho term fridays wn will ha some prlems. storm trker
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six live dole scanhowwe are dry tight and chp x flying above theelare vaejust as teun w seing at 52. just goeous suns, we have t another beauful da on the way for torrow. rightow still very ld in phidelphia 6drees r high toy. seven-eelt go. allenwn 58 drees. wilngn 57. mlille clp dropng down to 45. sea isle city currtly 57. satli s thction rad swing u can see how we ve th caed o ar o ear skies. thats high essu bringing us betiful weher torr. loong to the south and ea you can see th area of unsel weatr, th low preurend that is a sysm thatill brg us cldy skiesnd mu coer air, on friy. butomorrow rning rush ho only oblem is dot forget sunasses, esseily dring ea. lots of suhineit wind at six. 51 deees by 8568:94 degre. futerker swing temratur aringp e
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mid 70's by the afrnoon with full suni o of the dys st wa to get ouide ad eny it. this wille chging by thuday and fray. that w presse downo the sou and coaal low, a pce of engy will drive wfm the noh and west anthey will consit gote ey wl rely be reachg their full stngth weloff cher so will not get a full imct of the sto bte ll get a ve stng oce fehhe stly . so friy lots of cld, temratures stgglint makit outf the 5s wi the poily t few shows. defitely big chans from tomro bt e exusive accu weher seveday foca shong tmorw the nist daof the work we. 57 gree ladf sunsne. on ursday more cloud, stl some nine earl 69 grs, few she posble in the afteoon. fridais that cloudy cl day witsome shers and a high of grees. goonews is that system is out on satuay high presre
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biing in, retn of sningets waer 0 greefor the unn game and suay for brd reet runooking ni. tempetur fora in e upper 50'so lower 60 by afteron. sveyix. lotof suhi. mony d tueay k out te shts. aftnoon his in the 80's, lw 80 and tuesy aftno a teatf so shors. all a all focast looking nig ct r frid. >> thks cely. pents teenagers in gloucter county are gettg a leon in safe driving. glassro high scol hosted a sharehe prram tonht. stunts inrested in drivg to scol ne ye were rqred atnd a lo with te pare. idea is to show parents how to tea the kid be fe drirs
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>>ebut g for a young pidelphia piher tonigh > didotave it togh jim. may downheoad t n tonht day aft wahingole hals earn hisit victorof the sean illies nt a ro toyakeis mar lgue sa, fit his caer. phiies d cardals, 2-ar d goal, he is sha. carnalslate runs ea o t rsthree inning the fst inng that is matt holiyithhe dole. matt carpter who tripled earlr sces. next batr is matt adam and thadrives in hoday. the t phlies d fa behd four to nothg. chase utynaps anzero r 11 id in ththird inng wta le. phiies trl fo-two. utley wi two rbi a's the nig. gnles alws tcher micel wkore dre in the run. gonles li two innis, ten
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hitssen runs, and th were all eae phiies lose 11ive. hiles acvated dom bro and opon po trip a. outelder has been rebbg an achies inr browns baing .139 wi nne gas with the iron pi. he was gin 72 hours to rept but he d not the rept toda ies/whe sks gam was poponed for cond strahdayueo unrt in blmo. tomros game wl played but lle play closed t e puic. thewi pl in an empty staum till ahd, we will ta eagle tre thas sts by to disss pressu on ch kelly to win and to win ri
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eags ha 20th pi in thehursy aft but so resctship key the clo. this is a key drt and key san for him. kel has full corol of the tea teuck, t ble, and cret wi alle on hi forr eaes play and coh tre thos stped by and sa cipe to win rit no > mht behe y that evebodis lahing at, at te e e ye ight be a guy wrhe is a geus. >> ua been in is town a long tim >> yeah. > w much paentso they have left. > non non younow, this gs dwnll real quk, everydy caing fohis hea >> weill ve the eaes and dra covered is we. checout our i she dra
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bre down thsday and friy night on six abc immealy flowed by "con ne" at 110. >>e e seeing a fight the centy. cenry is not ev 15 years old. man pquiao arved in l veg f sarday's boug. weighn is set for fray it wlbe a big fighthe in veg. ow the impoant stf. >> r six abc soball team kickff its new seas with the n toght. ther fad off agnst exceln in sawber mano co game. the ct it went ttt inngs we pued it out 11-ten. >> t e foe out at sond bse. >> m kiel lee ne flwed night le. jim's gst paicia heat and tim gr. "acon ne" contues at 4:30. frhe enre "acon new
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