tv Action News ABC May 7, 2015 1:35am-2:11am EDT
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way. grab a 30-ounce drink or doritos snacks for a chance to win subs for life movie tickets, and more. and catch marvel's avengers: age of ultron, now in theaters. subway. where super heroes eat. here at friskies, cats are in charge of approving every new recipe. because it's cats who know best what cats like to eat. up today, new friskies 7. we're trying seven cat-favorite flavors all in one dish. now for the moment of truth. yep, looks like it's time to share
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a fi statn has llen vicm dons of tores late tay and tonig. stormsave riethrou oklaha kans braska butouth of oklaha ci it got flatn rmarbly no o has be klle or seruy inry. t is dnesday nigh and theig story on "tn news" tonht is vience cong down om the sks. even tonit, lighning srs as stunning warng lg that e fice stm syste were i acti and perps seahing for mo pas to land. "acon ne" rert shrie wilamssive at the the big a tonit. shaie, ewl coin bat down hahein th pla ste >> poe ji so r 39 cnrmed toadoes in th clust of t midwt stes. fivof th alo toucd down in okhoma ty. with the ers twisrs com other major probm, high wate. this is fm the surbs of okcthese are ca trped in gh war. if you ke a look. we ard of fla flood
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watch and waings but for theirstime ev the natial weher seice isd a flh flo emgency for okho ci. nowhis meantt the ei metro ar is under th thrt of hi waters and risk of oods. alrdy 7 ih of rainas flnn okhoma ci from floodg okco th vio of the toado on the grod in braska. youou can see how large this torna is movi acs a crop fid in e open space sto cse gettg close enoh to gethat vio. omino cloud has bn the case all afteoon and nig acrs the the miest. this is in oklam aoer thing happening tonht becau of e tordoes the acvi you see her the exosions that are hapning like tranorme or down power le of coue, mang contacand expding. this n make itiffilt for emergcy ews worng tonht. dowpower les making it dfcult for poce ape fi
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fgerto do their joto gethe the hp anne who mayn ne. thether mess that we talk abo the the floon this is cong al from the sto givi drivs a hard timtonight on t ros. frothe we can see a vi from e sky. this a chper flyi over oloma. i is showg the devaation that is haening, hos as you c s here coletely flaened, so far the are repts of at let5 hos bei affeed thughout the the oklahoma ar. of ur that nuer cou chang a dangous ttn. we eect more rerts of dames nit goes on. we st got th videin the las30 minus. this vio is tlly a mot, in moor okhoma. dbs and dama l arou. motr nare of coue showinh w toght, jim. but repos so far of any dathat this ti. that is enuring ns t s much acvi haening right there. >> viouslwe hopettays tat way thk yo share. priser
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escad in souwt phadpa tonit and stilon the loe. invtitors say th 16 yeaold haeem sile y is wand for ree gunpnt robries. he s arst out of ate andeing trsptedr phidelph inrnational airpt toght by prive subcoractorsandheyut him inhback of is white kia. policsay th never tued on the chd locks. sine try was able to jump out, ill hdfd ne 5th d larwd. tmr his th bihy. dttethink height be tygo g back to his neiborhood in mant. rain seis in the norsw highpd n resu at 90 tonightfr a pestrian was kied e tras. a peon was stru at 60 in haveord toship ne towhip li statn. atri ha ve ideifi the viim or why h or she wain e pa of this sea trn. commity colw bo delare coun me tother tonit pay tribe to
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treeamily members who were ld moay a fi in chester coty. live in colw tog "conews" rerter eth mot keeth? >> rerter: jimthvicms of that fire lid rit arod the coer from he. tnht we have len wom were dited to seing this chuh, i coregaon a this couny. >> ♪♪ >> porter: inside new lif bible feoh in colw boro it was a cebration of liv, the wom who not only lived in th cmunit but they were invoed. >> u cod not k for bett wa yuould not ask for mo classou i n. >> porter: family and frien of ronda, sal a i and angel r im fied thpews to rmberhthe wom who dein the he fire west colw wnship on moay. thewertre wh invtars say smey materia trh ouide spark t the fire. rolda and s ite
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siers, angelas say's dahter. >> e wh was ing bett ewld i imine becse they haso mu suprt. > report: ose who kn vcmsor deca said e passi for this chur cmnity theyeed bud was credib. >> tay decate sold oufor chst. all othe are mw spenhe serving pele. >> th were fahful veible,hey were teaae. they lod theor. tekept the misy mong for thewill be sore mied d the mery will not be fortn >> poer:this seice lauter a tes. wm left bend so many rliv kveronica schm. >> agedy in o swoopand evero is just ngo work tother to you know look ter theid and faly left behi. >> poerfunel for al thr womewi be held at thishurch next wednday. i suld tl you at destroy chester coty he belg to the viim's sist andunt, ana ll siers. a fu has be seupa link. w haveosted it on s abcom.
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rpting li fr coyn boro toght, kennh moton for aesix "action ne", jm. wer gushele a guer foa residentltet in cheenham today. it ot unks of aspht to the00 blk of aburn ro startli nehbors. >> came outo get my na. i saw the t. it loed li a volco >> the was a boom and war comg out. it s like a fotn b fouain, mi ou > roer:ar mainrake cutff serve to tenems foros. by 8: o'clock tightqua america crs hacp the lea dug downnd reaced the exhat rst. thea finiing up road reprst th late ho. hat h be a retively qui cami for mayor in phidehia has sdly epd ino a fire stm. in e eyef the stm poli commiion crs msey ad the the tion will the nexmayor ask raey to stay on. to caidat are sayi no way. mayor nutt
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is fis wi that bt e cdidat are not backing do. mona lpa s mu mo on this. >> poer: jim, this all staed rg last nighs debe here atix ab twof e cdas cricized ram sang his soand frk pies ha harmed the e my nort comnitynd ahe has be pc. well,ayor nuer slmed candebut toght one is stiing with that ide it art wi two coents durg e dete. >> mber one commsioner ramy has goto be out of her >> ople havto be reaced whethey for a pocy that pele e counity simy don't trt. >> porter: t fire wks heateup toy when currt my micel nutrslamd both mocratic mayoral hopuls, saying op and frisk paed a tituon chaenge and mht have preveed cent shting dea of rgeant bert wln at a game stop sto in mr. >> yone o is not smart enoh to at let ask him to stais prably not sma
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enoh to run this ci. >> porteranony wlia aswed e mayos coents but fud to bg he id it is time for a new lear in the the poce dptmtna new pocy. >> i nningo end it. >> porter: oero cndas id they wod keep raey and jim kenny poied out esident oba hasnough faitho appnt hm le a natnal task for on pocg. >> mmissier raey himsf has not coented ot conover. >> lea not now. olwyn bo deware counthas been clsifi as a stssed munipity by the coonwealthf penylvania. that mes th colw will smi s buet to a state oveight bodhich cod all to it amd unn conacts and lev new tas. twenteight other municalities ve been decred direed since 18 ninhave sucsully emeed om the ogram. w would oot anight mon-old puy? that at authities in cheera to know. neibors alg joson stet knew the str
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mid breed terr a frndly dog and called him frank but lt mnth e dog was sh five tim cle range with hll int buets. fra is n on his way to recery but still lily to hvanotr suery, an $200n bills for the poe who came to his ai nrly two dozen teacrs thrghout ntgory coty ae beg ngled out for theiwk it classrm. twey-three teachs ha beeselected as finalistor the the nth anal voes of isratn awa f aching exclence tewere recogned in a cerony in norriswn tonht. thehe e fili we sleefr more than00 nomatio. uewe the ones beg honed tonight caen count cor fodation and cooper uiveity heah care hoed the015 nuingxcellce aards icher hil nineen ns we hored for thr outsnding pae cre and toght's cemony was in celrion of natial nurs we. till to come
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onacti news" tonit, lting the gua down the gornor orders a chge over balme'state of emeency. lus distbing ne evince agnst the pit whoraed the pla t alpshe the dead disnt ws not then desion. nd dir deed w phidelphia plans to fix the fact th fewer peoples garge geing pi up on time, siy. emperur oled off a bit77 e high in philadph 'rreected ised by 80' im trking rern of sumr-like heaand humidity i e ac weher seven day forecas i d han. if u a mad at astou are certnly not ale. a "tion news" ouble shoers have bn hard at work geing our viers refd and editsh they say t cable giant owes the what comct says it is doing to trsform its cuom serces . uc roers hear fm his rojoki ov lean mccoy h to say abth kel toy whe"tion ns" connues toght
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e a of of emergey is noonger in effe in the sitf baimore. govnorift the der tod, in the wake ast wees rio. sa poli and natial gua re cled in help loc ofcers enrce the curw, mewl atrney genal lotta lyh, is conderg requt fr balmore's yor for a fder pro e cities pole depare a whher offers have dirinad used exssive for. nvesgars way at gernwin co pit who dlibately crh a ane in e frch alps had rehrsed the delyient on e same ple earlr that day. invtigars say anda lbz put the the plane into a corolled dissent dung a morng flht on mah 24 but kept readju connuing the ttings.
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he cra the ple ju two hou lat dung e rern fligh he amerin comny spe x has be blting cargo in ob and shtling suppes t e e statn but its goal to unch asonauts. tod th suessfully tted an emgency espe syem for the t rst ti. as rt of the saty teing for the dron caule. no op were on board ju a test duy. parhes owed the escape pod's disst. spa x hopes to uh man misons wiin two yes. emolition maines ban teari down a daero old warouse tay as part of phidehia's new an f vact properts. thiold wahouse s sat abann atithnd risi sunn huing pa f re thaa dede. city ofcials say the buiings are moreh just an eysore but they can pose hazas for neighbs and emeency respder five and a half millnolla and 43 new wrksill help exdite jintnspectn by l and i andhe fire
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depamt. >>wo hahin thers in a rwtrashema of philalph'satation truc. tehave en pulngole dty. so many age trus in teepair shop rht now. cits flt is aa reco low. few tcks on the stre has mea trh coections are getng baup too. only 85ercent are being pick u on time and at is with oveim to mpente thehe stets deptme s brght 30 new comctors andt leas20 morand addi a cond colctn shif to he to get bk to norl wi ts colctn by the le of summer. halpaascle ga ccast annoced it the is anunrrg 5500 jobs as parof the mui yr cusmer serve traformation. mnof its cuomers y that teffo to prove is long oveue. "acti news" trouble shte getore colaints about comst an any otr comny. tonht, nyd han hes some of tho vie get satiscti.
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>> ihk they are horrle. >> porte ey tell us for five yes comct erroous chaedhem for a cae x they rn in. tey y th ha a of the bis, fe years worth t pvit. timich y sicerl neweesaid wh's roa just arge for a cableox with a pa five plus ye. >> m n happ thais er $600. >> roer: t ying to get the mon ba from coast. >> alg with them is ju bngi your he agnst the the ll you get in whe. >> porter:h tell trole soots comct clai th ddt tnn thr box eithe thewere reoly chge an tra month ter they cnled their seice. >> eir custom serve nee toe fid. i mean the isething radally wron >> rerter: camo tell us themade phe call afr pho ca to comct. >> ornd er agn. eve ti. i go thugh the whe thing. >> porter: after the "action news"role shoors got invved hehey in sicervillto
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me comst agrdo crit than th for the adtional chars the past fe yes. tha yofor your efrts. lehmsot th vce mail. > weill issue a 00 cret, ing that you sign a non-sclosure agent. >> porte s, they were told coa wod give them the $600 crit b only if theagrd not to talk abt it. the cens di't ha that issu >> go news, we chnel six ce thrgh and got ou $200 ba. > portercomcast sa we havapologized to our cusmers a ese issues havee sie relved to te sisfaction. thiweek comcast anunced pla to siicany imove te cter exrn. and tho efrts ll go a long y to preve the expienc thathese cusmers wthu st yea sohat is ast prisg? wel among otr thgs, in thehe futu dita receish cusms turn in equient. nw meurin pla lets
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cusmers drop off eir equmt at certn ups stos. comst say that wa in, drop of and is it. theny advic ask for and keep yo recpt. meante as pa of the o cll tnormation agn, comct promes ad5500 cusmer servi bs over e teext f yes. it so says it wi crea treme cusm suprt cenrsn alqre, spoka and on and finly amo otr thin it wi trle sizef the socl teamshat see cusms onoci plforms like ttter and fabook. i'mydia ha chael si "cti news omain high cotyad hasots of reons to celrate toght e-mailat tur 107 toy. she hasix kid 14 grachile 21reat gandildren and,4 grt, great granhildren. shea her love of faly is whagives her full of light. do u wa to know why we shod t philes sn
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well she sa that wahg piies s keep her you ander birtay sh that the phills win agai >> l wi th. > bko the 80 fr ac weaer. >> upr 's d adng humidy as we. sto trker six live doub sashowi e showers had earlrre st faing apa rit now. evethe clds up above are begning brk throh. so suhine will be bk tomrow. rg n prty . 60 degrs philelphia dowfrom a gh of . alltown lie 61. sea isle ci withh wi offhe ocean 55 deges. reang cuent at 59 deees. a salliteix th acti rad showinyou can see how shors are st drting down t the soh, falling apa tho clo cleing as well leing to pret ce contions tomorrow. defitely on the warm side. all es are on the pla stas, stle have tordo watcsn effect fr oma down into
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nore tes. w ve t rerts of, trdoes and thatill clim in the ovnight hos. blk of them from bska, kans and okhoma and the proemlso is th we have a stosv the me area agai d again, that is a traing effe. rcd rafall surbs of the okha ci we ofre in man rerting mo than 7 ihes of ra. so flash flo emgencs in efft. also e to of tute is we the sari is locad and ere were coer at safi was hit by a stm a bigats we on the loos frnatelya imals have been acunted fo overnht a relevani morng hours the wl be a ltf concern with all of the buiings deroyed and all the injues and ftutely morstormsn the way tomorw. fute acker back at ho shong 8:00'clock tomorr morng already the 60's. by the afrnoon 80egreein phidelphia. tempetus wlonn cli as we head thugh
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the weekend. so e exusive accu wehe sev day forest, niceay tomoow, ix of sun and cloudlow hudity wi a high of degrs. on frid we will bump up to 85. samen sarday but more hm. take wat and s scen if youre into t aerdn dail retta sunyor mo ing her into air nditioning or get hero the po 87egre. it ll be wa humid as wel o moay st as wa d hum wh a high of 8 ge tueay, 85, e mo ti befe a cold fro brgus mch need owers and tuerorms. andhen drping tempature bacdown nroal with a high of 76egrs on wdsda we vaeady had ver dayof mpetein the 80's t midityas en low this isirst ti will get high tperarend sumrti humidy. >> mmery eli. >> yeah >> ey hded out philalphia's st presgis cic hon tonht, moth to o but tee desving repie. sonwriter and
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÷h ® m arnold palmer, professional golfer. know what we have in common? we talked to our doctors about treatment with xarelto®. me, when i had a blood clot in my leg that could have traveled to my lungs. that's why i took xarelto®, too. xarelto® is proven to treat and help reduce the risk of dvt and pe blood clots. i took xarelto® for afib... an irregular heartbeat
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that can lead to a stroke from a blood clot. xarelto® is proven to reduce the risk of stroke in people with afib, not caused by a heart valve problem. hey, well i'm glad we got together. for people with afib currently well managed on warfarin there is limited information on how xarelto® and warfarin compare in reducing the risk of stroke. i tried warfarin before, but the blood testing routine and dietary restrictions had me off my game. tell me about it. let's see, golf clinic, or blood clinic? ooh, that's a tough one. not this time. not with xarelto®. anything else? i'll have another arnold palmer. ok. make mine a kevin nealon. really, brian? hey, safety first. like all blood thinners, don't stop taking xarelto® without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of a blood clot or stroke. while taking xarelto® you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding and in rare cases may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®
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watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle-related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve, or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto® tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® has been prescribed more than 11 million times in the u.s. and that number's growing. like your guys' scores. with xarelto® there is no regular blood monitoring, and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto® was the right move for us. ask your doctor about xarelto®. you may be able to get up to 12 months at no cost. pecial otball ayers suid uin center city tonig the for a good us pars dbles lin teharity fai sh as the the 19 cotail lounge and o own skrsky hosd th evt,
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whh rais money for sile motrin phadph. lean mcy, ping into a coroversy toy. >> hes t afrd to spea his mind no ethip key and lean mccodidot have the thbt retionship. mcc has ved to buflo and in physal prence on. chip key is sti on h min i inrview wi es the the magane mcy sa he wn full coro youee how ft he god riof the gd plers, escial allf the go blk plays. he got r of them the fasst. thais the trut mcc does not abate and eagsa comme. kl haparted ways wi mccese jason an tre cole but brought in dmco muay ron maell and jord mthe all blk plars. ronaworski sa it soun likso gras to him. >> is all nois when a team le a guy go that ayer is usuly disgnewhehe lees.
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righ wng or inffere thaplayer will not be hay. >> e eaes ha sie tr of their t pis from ts year backs eric r and rda eva and ba manolik. fl compled invtigaon in the paiots andeflate ga. repts nthat is pobae paiots deberately dfted balls udn the afc champnship viory ov the colt 243age report stes that tom bry s prob que a ast gerly awarof te chting. the nfl is rertedly
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>>hase utley and his leue wor .103 baing avage get a sond stight nig off. ryne sandrg hos at will givhim ti to get things rig. phiies and bres toght tieda in the urth inng. freie ma dro for rbi doue. two-o atlan jeme wilams gives upix ru. newix -e in the six. ryan howd lead off the inng wi e solo ho ru hisihf the yea phiies will plate two more make it sifou butthere is ways a butn the boom of the secti, nick smas a rbi doue. toits on e nig r him. the fa forrdo the nih, sev-five brestwo forrrera, phlies lose sevenive. they fish up thr-seven. allryce hae ntiol ugger hit tee home ns this aeoon. all in his firstee at
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bt a cole of e ho runs are moon shot he now haeight on t san. harr fish wi five rbi. thehe natns at the mrls sen-fe that spts. >> anksuess. hiladelihty museum celebtinall things gean. msm showed off its new exhit called the gean socty of pesylvania clrating 250 yrs, it will be view throh sepmber. jim kiel ne up folw by ght li. jim'suest ad le vi nick holt a music om maro ve ere the is lhine is the a ma fve "con news" coinues at 4:3wh tala edwa matt o'dnel meorologist dav mury d ken rodrs wh traic. forcely tyn, ducis rodgsthe tire "action news" tea i'jim ganer, good night. >> ♪
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