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tv   Action News  ABC  May 19, 2015 1:35am-2:11am EDT

1:35 am
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>>is name is maal cin tron and for the last7 days he a and s minivan hadeen evading phadph police.
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law men have be yg to tack him town for a vial descable knping d sexl asult of the -year old woma tonht poli fod hi and put him behi bars toni >>t is nday night and he big sty on "tion news" tights at stave of aled pt and is now of thetets of the pidelphia. "con new repter share willmssive at thehe seal ctims ut. saie, how did poli make this arst tonit. > roer: jim, this was a joi efft between phidelia poli and u. marals. teyeein d cad him toght, this ure, cmg on e vy sa day tathe rerd for his art, was ineased. wand by philadphia poli ad federal authie aced rapi maal ntr i hind bars tonit. > i'so reev and so sfe nowhe is off the srt. >> porterthe yr-old was ten io cuo
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the 0 blk of prceton avue in noheast phalph. us. marsls d phadelphia ple, worked gether capre hi mchle van guilr grew up wth ciron in kensgton. > a big rpri. i dn'think he d do somhgike th. i d't know what he wod do. >> rerter: he had beenn hdg since pole nad him as a spe in the vlent attk. myst instigators s a wmanas waing in the 000 bck of east york in kenngton when ctn appaed her. h pretdeto be on his cell phon tts wh poce say plthe gu abct r and forder into his vehie. poleay seally asslted th22-year old wom and later ped her offn fitown. te mivan he algedly us was caht on cara. > need to give pise t the fullt. > porter: reden the aea thkful he has been cprednd thanul to w efcent. >> iod li to say
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conatulatiooodork gy because we dot ne tho ki of le arou. > poer: so reliefor resents toght. i alsopo with ntn's fmy off cara th eni anthetold me th this ete siation is a quote dsac a for chges, th li cou be lon inveigors he svu beeve that cinocld be psib behd a seco atteted kidppingelenrn the versame da that ese aes d algaons also hapned, jim. live fr huing park, shaie wiiams for chanl sx, ction ne". >>hanks sharri firsd back for amak beten phadelpa a and nw yo went offiout any poe tod. te fst train ld out of the0th stet at 6:07 thi morni and ached e the se last es dead derlment abt5 minus later but course mucof the foc toy waon the ntsb ad its inveigation. ltgo li toacon news" rpoedann cular at 3h sreet stion, dann?
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> porrwell, jim, with the nortound corror now ba in serc itould not be entily accute to say this are ba to noal. the is a new spd contl sysm in ple that some s culdave prented the tage among paengers a heigen v of awaress ad in me cas tredion in boding the trn. atk trn 110 wafirst nr u tin to depa jst afr 6:00.m. wi 109 psngers bod. > nnves. > l bibut noing that wilkeep me fr geing on my cme. > rerter: ction news" was on bod as it made its way trou srp rve whe atk trai188 daed taling at mil an hur,v icehe the psd speed lit. aongith maki spdy rpaso t ack and elerical syem amtk has actated a couterized sst lled autotitin conol. >> att willo is bsay pviden a hos thathe a will ceo sop the is a violao of spdn that ar.
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> rert: fbi anast connue to go over the the ta enne at a secure lcion in delare. they have rud athe wnhlwas notit by a blt in the moments fo te ashut toy, the ntsb twt itas not ruled outhe win heed strk by other obct, two her tas sthu aca and treon line sep tra were trk by obctthat night pioro e csin the same genal . sea revead kid ofn throw this at paing trai from bies li this th crs oerailroad tras. braon bostian has to invesgators es not remeeanything tt hapnednhe mts fore the deilment. >> itlways raes red flags when somne whhas be ivvein an acdent gog too fa s a suen claim of no mery. > porter: tod laers hiredy ims deared to reportthe train w hit by precle a red haing. atorys tom klend rort monluzzi reestour vicms incling two spish tust and daelor ma
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theyutioned why they waid so long to deoyed e se ro > a enge oeri twa at twicehe the poed spd lit. iane that for stter. we ha a sysm th can oeide him. > port: angoing frrd for insgors is there a sha focusn t eginr whhaseen doing tis u a w wee prr, ntsw ao noteshat cnusion onhe obae cau could ta up to 12 mns. w'rli at 3h street aon i'm dann cularor chael six "acti ws". >>hanks, nn. our mpletcera the ta deilment invtigaon, is oni at six abcom and on our x abc nws apps. a on the nt makes and offiadeternion ot the cae, we will of cose t y ow. aterrews were workg into the eveng tonht making reirs on water minerk in sprgeld, dlare couy. ruly 100 aqua in ameca csmers lo seices low
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wt prsure this ur. te crked 8-ch in food th7 block of we sprinield and buled so o e asalt. >>ell, ts te fell rg on to i- toght. te toppd lumb landedn te soubnd las of t hghw wilmgton just su roe 202 at 50o'clock. oeah t treef the dir, rable pull the the ln ee paly ouof the way so vecles cod sqeze ptt >>uthorities in riey rk are yg to expin the appearae of huredsf de fish in a lol lake. sun fis cat fh, ca tro, they a fload to the surce of riey la. ofia think hey ra boht too much nuients to te la and th robb the wterf oxyn th fish need to brthe. they pe it ov. edent barack a oba had tf ni thin to say toybt oning efftto make mden, new ry a mh ser city.
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oama arriv at phidphia intnaonaaport b td was a out t otr sdof the deware river and i was all about forgg a model rationship beeen pole andhe pele. "con news" repoer kee mt is live at camd county pole hequarter kenne overl was a good y for this bee leue ear but peful ty. > rerter:teally w jm. pesint oba toed the oetion center a at caen cuy policand prsed th dpartmt and nely minu eech. te t prident sd work is lo way from bei do here i caen and resent aged. > ♪♪ > was a big day for cmn. thehe present of the you hda a counity, ithe midd of chan. te focuof t present barack oba's trip the wo o e county poce foe. >> t is worki here it can work anywhe. it can wk anhere. > porte e presidential vit came with prse. > is histic.
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im happth he ose to coe to camd to come he. > porter: buthe s cricmr otrs o y thathere iaot of worko b do in the city whh ha a portya of 40 pcent. > u he one thgut give up othe otr. wawill happen sohey have big poce foe, eebody lock up. havbeen trng to get a job cn'tet a jo > repoer: cn pole for has seed as a mod for commity licing but resentsn and off cara sy enrcent t s been to agessiveor law a idg citize. > 're the b oe. we arn bad. it is ju that lo at us in a certn way. > porterreside appuded deease in cri bt theyant to ar more ao job crti, mething tapresident oba toued onn th degnated pri zon which will en up cmno a range feral funng. > if we as a soety dot do mreoxnd oppout to evebo os lling to work for it, th we will end u, seng nflictsetween lw enfoement the and
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rsents. >> porter: and mayora rdd's fice id s said it bfe, changing this ci will t ppen ovnight. the is a pl in placeo bring bunesses and jobs to mn. parof the ais publ fy and gettg a hale on cre, jim. rptgive from camd tnig, kneth moton for chael six ction ne". >> an kenneth. >>hpredent noued td that he is cuing back o ship. o mitary eqpment to lol pole departments. h yshat the u such equipnt by offirs n aiate and intidate a givthe publ a feing th law enrcements like ocyi forc the annnment cos ni mns ter complain about ofers using ri ge a amed ek so to coront posters fergus misuri. rom our deware ne room wiington city coc wan add mo moy the ties buet. te the couil nanc comttee toght, exse me, vted to add re than $0000 to e the mar bdt. thextra fdg wod go
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twd blic safety and wod binghe buet to me th 151 milln-dollar. poce ou pilalphia arsechg for te bait who has bren in a nb businee surillance vio swthat tehiehii a ste on wsngton avue on ma1st ad makg off with ce pos. he stru ain at a pizza shopnd then days lat bust into saone's baky o ntstreet but walk away ep haed. aybyith any inrmation i urd to call the poce. > oerof t iiand pets are ofring a $0 rewd toght after beg robdor a cond . it ed at therel hi cion on fray. a armed n held up the mneras e was head to teank to ma a desit. te owr tls us tt the sme woman s taeted duri thihold up last ocber. we owed you sueilnce vd wh th e happed from inde the ste, as the the mask roers put a gun the womas he ste
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600 and en her weddi n. upp darby pice supintendt, chael ciood caed the baits urn rrorist. >>t is eltion eve, d teame of the game toght i philalphia's mar's ra is shing s. fmer ci cocilman jim kn was meetinas many suprters as he cld at o'mley's atetic center in su phalia urng erybo to exci their rg vote torrow. statsar anthy hardy wilams grted redents a ock party point and breend posed for picr with anyone w nted to ta oe a. >>oug oler spe to a comnity gathing at harson plaza in noh philadeh. formeste senor mion reet to the miophe outdeihnd second an andart strt in phidpa. >>ormer dge neon diaz met with sep comme srg gaen stop the bo strt ay and frr d. ly abham was
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gad ndi outside e cloe opiontue in cenr ci philalpa l iladelphia vots in ch pay will nmate five and ty counl at rge candas and handf of couil ses are bi contteas we. a ecial ecti wi deterne who ll reace leent gornor me stk in the fth d sene dsict in northet pidelph. oh big ras, in torrow's pennlnia primy, incding thend on ses on t state preme cot. that has ner happed befe. pl open up at 7: a. and wll ose at p.m. tewe ask you jo "con ne" at 11:0for waup of the eltion rsusweill be staming toseesults ve ix acom, to the races that y ca abo most. ad updang as ras are dided on s abs twter accnt. till too onai nw tonight latest on the bike area maem th lt nineeoe dead and nely 200 ople lock up.
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>>lus, coumer rerts tes one of e most popur cellhes hit the maet. and it find th ner i't ncsarily betr. >>nd onl"tion news" has ived 3eet abe cent cityor an excse look at the hiest toist atacon yet currtly in the wos, ccy. >>ell, double an li ong mu ed rain trygo ve om e wt we ll have detas on where te showers andh are sosre head dh it ma for yo morng coute in e accu weher sevenay forast. >>ucis roers inoc u e w he coh of telyers wh "actn news" connues tonig.
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1:53 am
>>e a 1 pele are facing chges after a bir o bat h that kied ne gang memr inaco tas. ple s thafe gang tat gaered yeeay at a
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rsuntoettle dfrenc over tu and rcitment but fit bre out and shotsere r inde of the restrtefe e bra mov ouid pole say that n on did the e fit inlve guns but aso chas and knes. > d woded insid hd ople stabd, we had poe shot, and we h pele ba > e re ny suspts thatutries had to open up a coenon ct hold them l. so fathey are facing chars ovenau nothi ornized ci. authoties say that is to ear to derme how many willace charges of murd. >>ilita stillrying to fu t what ed one o its acft to crh caing life of one mane ad crical juring anoer. m2osprey nt down dung taininyesterday at in mlary base ouide of holulu. ofials iallyeribed the crh, as a ha landg, e oseis a mix beten an
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arane a hecoptert is pt made at boeg plt i dley toship daware couy. >>onightn isis pade so who is conoof t ia city of radi ter isis grnd u. back gvnmental fcthe pa weend. rposay isis milints haveied as many a as00 cvians and a soier d they ve foed 80 peop t fl eir home iraan bked iite forc aee msg ouide and wi ty to reclaii >>onsumerert just fini ing late saung galaxsma phone and says it lkedast years d ev betr. but you can aprently teh a old phone w trks b conmer por say,hat the s took aw so of the sta t feures ofhe prevus s5. >>he s6 is ma out of mt and gls, raer than paic. buthat foed samsungo get
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rdfhe mery rd ot and movable batty. i is so not water rsta. consur rerter sa -- ac that t s6 has a shter batry life so do i a short bte life th the previous versn. >>n faaxy s5 reins e magi's pic i is foowed by lg, g3 and i he x and ly s6 a tied for ird plac >>nothe icic biln mangp pilehia's sky li ll b me to the ci's hiest veng atfo. "acon ne" was invite57 stori up tod the peak o tho berty ple, 17tand mae tis is the vw toist will e fr one libey obsertn de 883 abe the god. o a cle d well, you can se fove sig lis stretch into r sate both new js and dlare. freh devopmt coany,
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gve ction ns" an excseook in the intioregn toy. i wille a cebtn of te 's icons and hiory from e lirty bell toen alin to eat monin or. e t attrti is expeed t en up this fal one wod lymagine thaw cu s weatr from up te. >> u can see storcloud rlng in. yu know wh we ne to do. > need to t a gat sky six cara. >> geto work. >> have so sun shers mvg n we need an all day stey soang. that is nogoing to hapn. but we do ha some spoy shers moving in. so trkesix live doue sashing that rit now pilalphia n geing on mcof the action. it geing cs we zoom in y can see it is just the le of the i- cordor, media, wilnon a parts e chter unty got a lile b of this ra. cest uy gomore than 2 ches on ha rain this aftnoon. as we move rtr to t we youan see lansr a
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pey stdy soing rit nw. yr pennlvania some avy rain but lot of is is falngpt as it moveso te east but the prlem is the tempature we ha ocean air t now movg in from the ea, back or cold front moved thu. it is 61eges in phidelphia 63 wiington. milille . it is a ve stae air mass and it alstips apt the tehowersnd tnrstms a theyove in. it so crtes a prlem with vsily. w ve low clo and g develing, trton, vsibi do to a mile. lesthaa quarr mi in te ponos. 13 in dor. wi be deing with pocts the of fo as we he t the overght hos. te satli x along with ati rad shs it rl wl yu nee this big bah of pecitatn and it is htti a brick wall. tais thback door co fro. that is what mov thu earer today anthat is why it feslst li fa. i is 61ee in pidelia rht now b in
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cond it is 80. wat ll hpein t overnht hos? thisa door front waes out a anthat will op up te or for sctered shers to ve in rit in te for yuroing comme. fute traer shing 6: in the morng it is real hit or mis shers, peaps some hea dowos. not ha one wl see th. cnder yourlf luy. w do need rai 63 grees in fi at th6:00 in the morng. sx-four millvie. hangn the afrno it gts warm, humid ain ead of the anher cold frt mvg fr the we. tiwill alsori us a few more spty shers but also pa of suhe. btarand hid torw for o last day before thiseg to d out, on dsday. thiis ay the risk thoh. we a lookg at maly hey dwours with the high hmidy. tealsclsee some lgening,trong wi lae hai tords very unkely with this systemo spinn te atsphere as it mos . the exusive accu weathe sev day focast wa hum morrow with sctere shors d thunrstorm
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nt evyone will see the 87 grs e hi. wdsday hh prsu biing in goro weatr, low humity bright suhin bey wind up to 25iles an hurt tis. 7 grees. thudayl prse mong of e cot of the calinas bt bngi a litt t of usne tohnt legh valy h best bet of seei sunine. o thsda but stty gre ck off to the hoday weend. the stly suy, low midity with a high of 78egrees. satua beautil, cool 7 gre. teif you like ings wrmer, y'll ksond hlof the holay weeke co e ineason sunda sohe the tmpetu up to 81eges more hi mori day wi be wa it wi be muy deees with the posbility of pop up she ad en are stms. dest otbe a wh out. ve unstd torrow srg le on weesday, and hlay wee lookg prty nicgd thks ceci. >> ilalph chestra is taki its sh on the road.
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ochera lef for its 15 touof eupe day. offials cluding mayor micel er ered for a speal laun cebration, in nt ty phadelph tnit the orchera wi pl 14 cnrtsn ten cies over three weeks benning tuday in
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stay still, like a statue! just like a statue. look here! when your day goes on and on you need 48 hour odor protection that goes on clear for no white marks. new secret outlast clear gel. [ male announcer ] take zzzquil and sleep like... the kids went to nana's house... for the whole weekend! [
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snoring ] [ male announcer ] zzzquil, the non habit forming sleep aid that helps you sleep easily and wake refreshed. because sleep is a beautiful thing. >>ell, new coach for the pidelphialrs anwho wu ha thght of this. >> n a na wod he thoho i you had had da haksl in the flye ccng olou are maer m than i am. flysull a name out of no whe buthey are confent hean return the am to pose. hkol was inoducedhis aterno. he cos fr the unersity o rth ko where he ejoy tremdous sucss, a .654 ing peenge over 11 seons, a al11 seons he d the the schoolo the touament, 20 of s plers ad in the n hl with eg beg first rnd drt picks. but hers t knock. he has 0n hl exrn.
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>> iot ve exrien at tisevel. s i will not pren at i d. i do ha a grt deal of cnfee in what do in wt mit phosopes ar ad the fact th theare goi to be suessful here. >> i wathan the goi to coe the the coh that was theeoples chce the popar choe, i was going to pickheoh th i felt lkfor this frahe, om tdayext yea and movi frrd here is the right coach a dav the rit ca for th frchise at tis pot. > extl and kstol th wil notet cousg. herso on th46 ye-o cac 19tcoa ineam hisry, venren ur apprances he made in seans st of any coa drg that span. sll co philes lokor a season hi six vicries in a r. puan
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>>hillies are fing thr groove,hey ing a seon hgh fivge winning reak into colodo togh dom ownoht a tiet te game? ryan hord ente with a 29 batng a avage in the la fivgame fir ng he brings revr withhe sile. piies lead one to noing. mgl franco doi wo with the glovin e fih. hw out this play, to tr t tt sk ga tie canttop heera with the sme leers, d he doles
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i, t ru ght now ii ad this game foutwo. w are the ghth inni. >>arlins fid their mner mike rendon erday. tday ey repled. neral mager, dann jnn. h puttg a taun the new sier. he is theirew gm. jenngs only coaching expienceas the 19's hgh scol alama a. >> xs ct neens noel ws name the all roie team toy. finly in 500 prtic jam, his car cahes fi hncliff tang to the hstaf sueryn his up tgh. h stab coition. fuh mar csh dung paice it pastix da in the in 500 whicwi be hld is ween that is spor. >>immy kiel live next flwed by natline. mmy gut will alande d mi cay "acti ne" coinues at 430i tala ward matt
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odne meteolist dad mrphand kan rodgers wh taic. for cely tyna duc rdge, e enre "ti news" tea i'm jim gaener god nit. > ♪


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