tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC May 21, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT
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and i will say this -- we have... oh, we have quite a show for you tonight. the incredible george clooney will be with us. that's right. [ cheers and applause ] the sexiest man in the world is here, and he's gonna interview george clooney tonight. [ laughter ] george is here. um... [ cheers and applause ] thank you. george is here to promote his new movie "tomorrowland," in which he plays a man who waits three hours in line to get on space mountain. you know, george clooney was the first guest on our first show. and i'll be honest, i didn't think he would come back. but he did, and he's here. and also here tonight, as seen on television earlier this evening on "the bachelorette," britt nilsson is backstage. tonight... [ cheers and applause ] for those of you who don't follow the show, they aired part two of the season premier of "the bachelorette." you know, they started out with two bachelorette's, britt and kaitlyn, and then the guys in the house had to vote for one of them and that one got to stay. and this is how chris harrison gave britt the bad news tonight.
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i'll get right to it. i counted the votes. okay. a majority of the men have chosen one woman who they can hopefully see a future with. um, britt... unfortunately, you're not going to be the bachelorette. sorry. [ audience chuckling ] he totally pulled a seacrest on her. he started out like it was -- seemed like it was good news, and then, wham, in came the bad news. he did the same thing to kaitlyn, too, but in reverse. this is how he told her she's the bachelorette. why do you have a long face? [ sighs ] i counted the votes, and unfortunately, kaitlyn... ...i had to send britt home.
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[ laughter ] you're gonna be the bachelorette. i tell you something, i would give him a nice little knee to the nuts if he did that to me. [ cheers and applause ] it's mildly sadistic. [ chuckles ] and then, he went back to britt and said this -- i'll get right to it. i counted the votes. okay. a majority of the men have chosen one woman who they can hopefully see a future with. um, britt... you're gonna be the bachelorette. no, that was a joke. we made that up. [ laughter ] but if it wasn't, what a sick individual he is, huh? so, britt will not go on to marry the 25 bachelors. but let's be honest, neither will kaitlyn. um... [ laughter ] but britt will be here. and unlike some shows on this network, we will not kick her off of -- of us, so... [ cheers and applause ] i think this is gonna be an interesting season.
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now, we have a tradition here. every year, with the exception of last season of "the bachelor" because i was actually on the show and i saw too much, i predict who the finalists will be. after the first show, i do it. i started doing this a few years ago, and over the past six seasons of "the bachelor" and "bachelorette" i've picked 86% of the finalists correctly. i'm 19 for 22. i've correctly picked the winner four out of the last six times. it's why they call me "rosetradamus", and tonight... [ laughter ] tonight, i unveil my selections for this season of "the bachelorette." the final three will be -- drum roll, please -- [ drum roll ] ...ben h., who seems like a relatively normal guy, chris, who made the mistake of driving up in a cupcake but i think he'll be okay, and the man who i believe kaitlyn will choose to spend the next four to six months of her life with, sean b. sean b. [ cheers and applause ] he announced right away that he came for kaitlyn. she seemed most excited to see him of all of them.
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i put my money on sean b., not to be confused with sean e., the sex coach who was eliminated immediately. uh, in fact, now that there's no sean e., why do we call him sean b.? from now on, he's just sean. so, congratulations to kaitlyn and to sean and most of all to me on picking another winner. thank you very much. [ cheers and applause ] i'm not making any money off this, but i should. oh, this is kind of -- this is kind of terrifying. according to a recent study done by at&t, americans aren't just texting when they drive, they're also doing all sorts of other stuff with their phones, including sending e-mails, checking social media, even having video chats while they're behind the wheel of the car. according to the survey, 61% of drivers text while driving, 33% e-mail while driving, 17% take selfies. and 14% actually texted their answers to this survey while they were driving.
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20% of drivers age 16-65 use facebook while they're driving their cars. that is insane there's nothing on facebook you need to see even when you aren't driving. [ cheers and applause ] but i see people... don't pretend you're not one of these people, because i got to tell you something, i pull up to an intersection, every person is doing this all the time. we need those driverless cars now before we all die. why do people need to video chat while they're driving? when you get into your car, you should have to insert your phone into a slot like a key to start the vehicle. right? that way you can't get at it. [ cheers and applause ] i know. i know what you guys are up to. i know you're the ones who have been doing this. and, uh, you get the finger of shame for that. you know, i've been asking our viewers to take pictures of inconsiderate and unpleasant public behavior and to point at it and post it to instagram of twitter with the #fingerofshame. the response has been overwhelming.
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we get so many of these. i'm a little bit backed up. so, let's look at some of my favorites very quickly here. these are -- these come, again, from our viewers. from johnny, he says, there's a guy who put a box, a cardboard box, on top of the recycling bin [chuckles] instead of just lifting the lid. he gets the finger of shame. from jessica... [ chuckles ] well, you can't stop diabetes if no one gets it, folks. finger of shame. this is from courtney. courtney says... [ chuckles ] the chewbacca family does not have that much shampoo in their shower. finger of shame to them. this comes to us from a guy who's in a bar, uh, with a gentleman who had no shirt -- well, when you have a body like that, you flaunt it. next, from abel orta, truck tak-- [laughing] this truck knocked these mailboxes. "guess no mail in the hood for a couple days." finger of shame.
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and finally, this is courtesy of milayna... finger of shame. yeah, that's nothing to teach a child. and it sounds like the most depressing country song ever recorded. so, thank you for sharing and for shaming, and if you see something objectionable happening in a public place, don't do anything illegal, just point a finger, take a picture, and post it to twitter or instagram with the #fingerofshame. and together, we can make the world a slightly less terrible place. you know, tonight on abc, the excitement was not limited to "the bachelorette." we also had the season finale of "dancing with the stars" tonight. it was the tenth year and the 20th season of "dancing with the stars" and the outcome is important because the winner of "dancing with the stars" often goes on to sit in the audience during next season of "dancing with the stars." so, there was a lot on the line tonight. the three finalists were rumer willis, riker lynch, and noah galloway. did you know that? woman: yeah. [ chuckles ] i don't believe you. [ laughter ] we conducted an experiment today -- went on the street to ask people
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if they saw kim jong-un on "dancing with the stars." oh, course, kim jong-un is the leader of north korea. he was not a finalist this season. but that doesn't mean much when people are faced with a camera and a new edition of "lie witness news." kimmel: we're out here talking to people about last night's controversial season finale of "dancing with the stars." were you impressed by kim jong-un's performance? um... yeah. i mean, she's pretty good. yeah, she is good, right? yeah. right. and what was the favorite part of her -- her dance for you? i don't know, i don't really have a favorite. would you say -- some people are saying the beginning was better and some people say the middle was better and some people say the ending was the best part. but if you had to pick, what do you think? um...the middle. you're more of a middle kind of person. i get it. right. what did you think of kim jong-un's performance? i thought it was awesome. and what did you like about it specifically? i liked the groove. the groove? yeah, he does have a lot of groove. he does have a lot of groove. do you think he's a good role model for other plus-sized dictators
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who want to express themselves through dance? yeah, absolutely, because, uh, sometimes, you know, sometimes, big people feel like they can't do things that maybe smaller people can. right. and he showed that pleasantly plump people can do it, too. now, a lot of people were talking about the dance kim jong-un did where he pointed the machine gun at the judges. do you think that was inappropriate, or was it all in good fun? i think art is art and you can do different things and they mean different things. i mean, it probably freaked a couple people out, yeah. but it's just dancing, you know? and you would consider him an artist? yes. mm-hmm. were you moved that he wore his father's jump suit for the final performance? it was really sweet. mm-hmm it was really sweet. what do you is, like the funniest thing you've seen kim jong-un do? come on, "the hangover." right, yeah. he was great in "the hangover" he was awesome in "the hangover" what was, like, your favorite line he said in "the hangover?" "chow, bitch" [ laughs ] [ laughter ] that's awesome. that was good. he's like, "i'm chow, bitch." do you think it was fair that judge bruno said
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that he was a lumbering bear through the forest on a dark, stormy night? based on what i saw from the clips, yeah. that was fair. [ laughter ] and, uh, and where did you watch the clips? i saw a few posts on facebook. on facebook, right. woke up this morning... and who -- and who posted them on facebook? my mom, actually. your mom. and she was all into it. do you have any advice for kim jong-un going forward now in his hollywood or dancing career just don't get -- don't let the haters get you down. that's all. you think kim jong-un should not have been let on "dancing with the stars?" i'm not going to disagree with it. i think he would have been an awesome danc-- he -- uh, anybody's liable to training in dancing. i'm not gonna -- i'm not gonna knock it. you're not gonna lie? i'm not gonna lie. he's like, "you're not gonna lie." no, i'm not gonna lie. well, we appreciate your honesty. [ cheers and applause ] kimmel: unbelievable. we'll be right back. george clooney is here tonight, so stick around.
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welcome back. george clooney and britt nilsson on the way. um, before we start, i want to say something if i-i could. um... oh, no -- [ chuckles ] yeah, this is the worst. all right, when i was 15 years old, i -- i -- [ chuckles ] all right. let me start over here. i wanted to be an artist when i was a kid. and i loved to draw. and every night, after my parents went to bed, i would sit at my desk in my room and i would draw and -- until it was very late -- and while i was doing that, i would watch a television show that is very important to me, as you can tell. [ voice breaking ] it was called "late night with david letterman." and, uh, if you watched it... [ cheers and applause ] can collect myself here. if you watched it without paying attention, it was a lot like
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"the tonight show", starring johnny carson, in that they had guests and an audience and a band. but it was weird. even though it looked like every other talk show, it wasn't, it was totally original, primarily because, uh, the host of the show, who a lot of the time, seemed embarrassed to even be there, he did not seem like he was a part of show business. he was uncomfortable, he never pretended to be excited, and his way of saying things was, uh, so subtle that a lot of the time, the people he was talking to didn't know he was joking. this is a very small example but a good one, i think. dave once took a camera crew into a store that sold nothing but lampshades. the store was called just shades. and there was a huge sign out front that said "just shades." he walked and he asked the very serious woman who owned the store, "so, what can you get in here?" and she said, "what can you get in here? shades, just shades." and dave said, "but seriously, what can you get in here besides shades." and she said nothing. and he said, "have you ever thought about just going crazy
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and selling lamps also?" [ laughter ] the woman said, "no, never. we do not sell lamps, only shades. that is why our name is 'just shades.'" it was like he had one of those tiny-sized screwdrivers you use on eyeglasses and he was always just gently twisting a little screw all the time. and i loved it. i started drawing pictures of dave on the covers of my textbooks in school. uh, when i turned 16 -- we have a picture. oh, that's my aunt chippy. my mother baked me a "late night with david letterman" cake. and you can see i'm wearing a dave letterman letterman jacket. my first car, i went to the dmv and i got a "late night" vanity plate. that's my little brother wearing jams. he still wears them, by the way. [ laughter ] [ chuckles ] we had no vcr, so i would have "late night with david letterman" viewing parties at my house in the middle of the night. my friends, who also loved the show -- cleto was one of them -- would come over at midnight, my parents would be asleep, and we'd drink soda and watch the show. looking back, i've now figured out why none of the girls in school wanted to have sex with me.
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i watched the show every night. i never missed it. and little did i know that many years and many pounds later, that watching the show was a great education for me. i learned almost nothing in college. i really did. but watching "late night," not only did i learn how to do everything from dave, the reason i have this show is -- is -- bec-- [chuckles] [voice breaking] is because the executives at abc um, saw me when i was a guest on dave's show and hired me to host this show. so, i want to thank dave and his writers and producers. [ cheers and applause ] i want to say... [ chuckles ] this is great. he probably won't cry on his show. tomorrow night is letterman's farewell show, and i would like it if you'd make sure to watch that instead of our show. we will have a show on tomorrow night. it's gonna be a rerun. please do not watch it. especially if you're a young person who doesn't understand what all the fuss is about, [voice breaking] dave is the best and you should see him. and, uh... [ cheers and applause ] [ chuckles ]
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i want to, um... i want to show you a little piece of one of my favorite segments from the show. this is something that we would quote over and over again when we were kids. it's a parody of those after-school specials they used to run on all the major networks in the '70s and early '80s. i looked this up on youtube the other day. i think this sums up how i feel this week almost supernaturally well. jimmy. oh, jimmy. jimmy, jimmy, i've been looking all over for you. hey, hey, hold -- hold on there. [ laughter ] now, come on, jimmy. i know how you feel. it hurt at first, but believe me, you're gonna get over it. you don't understand. nobody does. jimmy, just because a show is canceled doesn't mean it goes away forever. it can live on through reruns, syndication. you mean i might see "voyagers!" again? well, yeah, maybe in some form or another.
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you know, jimmy, i remember when they canceled "six million dollar man." [ laughter ] boy, i though my world was gonna end. but then, "the fall guy" premiered, and my prayers were answered. sure, it was a different time, slightly different format. but i adjusted. and you know what? i grew a little in the process, too. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] and one more thing. you know... cleto -- before we do this, i want to say, cleto escobedo, our band leader, who i've known since i was 9 years old, is very uncomfortable speaking in public. we had a friend who got married. cleto gave the single worst best man speech that has ever been given. yes, yes. that's very true. and i was a wedding dj. i've seen hundreds of them. true, yes? yes, sir. so, what you're about to see is a bona fide act of love. cleto would like to say something about his counterpart at "the late show," the great paul shaffer. so, go ahead, cleto. you have the floor. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] you know, i've been watching and learning from paul
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uh, since i was a kid, you know, never knowing that i'd end up here with this -- with this job. and i think, uh, any of us that are fortunate to have a job like this, uh, owe a lot to paul, and, uh, i believe he's the gold standard. and he's been so generous and kind to us over the years that, uh, i'm just really gonna miss seeing paul and, uh, his most dangerous band in my living room every night. so, here's to you, paul. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] fabulous. fabulous. all right, we have a good show tonight. britt, who is not the bachelorette, is here, and we will be right back with george clooney. so, stick around. [ cheers and applause ]
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from "the bachelorette," britt nilsson is here. tomorrow night, we will be off so you can watch david letterman's last show. we'll be back with new shows on thursday and friday with jennifer connelly, judd apatow, ray liotta, howie mandel. i will take on the winners of the school scrabble championship, as i do every year. and we'll hear music from twenty one pilots and zedd, too. our first guest tonight has it all figured out. he's a movie star among movie stars and the sexiest man alive against whom all sexiest men are measured. he has a new movie called "tomorrowland" opening in theaters friday. please say hello to george clooney. [ cheers and applause ] [ hard rock music plays ] nice! calm down a little bit. nice! thank you. wow. let me tell you something...
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[ chuckles ] hi, guys. i don't know. i came out here earlier, and they weren't nearly that excited. i'm related to most of the people here. yeah. yeah. family members. how you doing? how's life? good. very good. you know, i always like to ask you about the first time i see you because we have a very common interest and that is playing pranks on our friends and doing various terrible things to them. yes. you've actually assisted me on some horrible, horrible things i've done. can i tell you something, man? there's nothing more i love than to come up with an idea or an object of some kind and to give it to you because you can get away with things i can't get away with. but i-- a-- honestly, it makes me crazy because it's jimmy, right? and i think, "oh, well, he'll do this," and then he sends me something going, "you should do this." yeah. and i'm like, "well, why don't you do it?" and he's like, "because i could get arrested." [ laughter ] that's not really the reason why. the real reason why is you have -- i-i think -- y-you just -- you know what -- nobody's gonna mess with you. for me, i could wind up with a show that has no guests on it. that's right. that's true.
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left to my own -- that's right. you have to come every night if i do this kind of stuff. oh, man. you've give me some -- can we tell them some of the things you've done? i gave you a special gift the last time you were here. which one was it? well, tell -- well -- well, it's -- 'cause -- should we talk about the very last one you gave me, or should we... whatever you want to talk about is -- you know what -- talk about the second to last one. no, i think we should preserve that one. second last one was...? until it bears more fruit. 'cause i'm doing -- right now, i'm doing something so heinous. it's so horrible that there are many famous people all across this town right now who have framed photos of this hanging on their wall and don't have any idea what i've done. [ laughter ] i love it. i really do. it's horrifying. yeah, it might actually be a federal offense. it might be a federal offense. i might go to jail for it. but the one before it is not a federal offense. and which -- wh-- was it -- this the, uh -- the, uh, station-- the, uh, little box of cards that i gave you. uh, from, uh... was it -- which one was this, the... the ones that had matt damon's name on it. oh, well, those. yeah. yeah.
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yeah, those, i sent to, uh... 'cause this was -- this was when the -- not this golden globes, but the golden globes before when tina and amy did a joke about how -- it was a "gravity" joke about how i would rather float off and die than be with someone my own age or something. it was great joke. right. [ laughter ] that is a great joke. it actually was a great joke. i was glad i wasn't there at the time. perceive all the laughter at my expense. and so you gave me matt damon stationary. so, i s-- and because one of the other jokes -- they said some other joke about matt. it was a sort of nothing joke. yeah, well, he's a nothing guy. as you know. [ laughter ] [ chuckles ] i forgot about that. yeah, right. it still burns. it still burns. there's a little scar. a little acid reflux. and he -- so i sent -- i sent tina and amy notes
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from matt saying, you know, "the george joke was okay, but you know, my daughter saw the joke you did about me and, you know, they laughed at me and i thought it was really mean and it really hurt me." this whole -- and then i got a package back with flowers and a note from tina and amy going -- the first one was, "i'm really sorry, i didn't" -- to matt -- "really sorry, didn't want to offend" and everything else. and the next one said, "but on the other hand, we think this is from george clooney. we're grown [bleep] women. [ laughter ] "[bleep] you." that's funny. they were good. they're onto you. they're onto you. it just means you have to continue to evolve. but we've sent some horrible things to people. well, you have, yes. i mean, i have, too, but -- you've sent them to me from jay leno, i got one. yeah. yeah. and i thought, "why is jay leno writing me."
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[ laughter ] it started with a set of lionel richie stationary that i had made, and i would just send, like, little fan letters to people. and i did -- and i had brad pitt letters that you gave me. yeah. yeah. i sent them -- who did you send with that? oh, i sent them to everybody. [ laughter ] i sent -- don chadless has a movie coming out it's coming out now called -- it's the horn player. miles davis' story. miles davis oh, the band chimed in for a change. thanks for -- thanks for waking up for that. that was nice. and he talked to me about doing it. and so i sent don a note from brad. 'cause brad has a very successful production company. they won an oscar last year, i think. yeah. so, i sent a message from brad to don saying, "hey, listen -- we just got the rights to this miles davis/ charlie parker thing, and i got jamie foxx to play miles davis, and you should play charlie parker. let's do this." and this is heartbreaking for... it just kills don. ...for don. 'cause he's like, "what the hell?
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they're gonna make a movie" -- been taking trumpet lessons. been playing trumpet for, like, i don't know, years. i travelled to china with him, and all i hear is [imitates trumpet] [ laughter ] when you first learning miles, it's not what you hope it would be, you know? how long does it take them to figure it out that it was you? well, it was about three months, and then don wrote me, "did you do something dirty?" [ laughter ] i was like, "i don't know what you're talking about." do you find that people blame you for things you didn't do? yeah. yeah. yeah. but i also feel it's sort of like having a nuclear bomb that it's actually a deterrent. you know, people will be like, "don't do anything." oh, yeah, i would never do anything to you. because, you know, you can go, "oh, i'll do it." well, in a way, it's great when someone does something to you because you know, like, "oh, now i have carte blanche." i can do something absolutely terrible to this person. and i really do believe that it's fair then. of course. and i think -- although it makes all the other situations not fair, i guess. oh, yeah. yeah.
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and do people ever get you? well, yeah, brad got me pretty bad on one where i think he was doing letterman, and letterman asked him when he and ang were gonna getting married, and he said when george can legally marry in california. [ laughter ] and that followed me around for a while. i got him, though, pretty bad. i got a bumper sticker on the back of his car in the shape of a pot plant. that said, here we go again, "[bleep] cops." [ laughter ] because there's no way you don't get pulled over with that bumper sticker. george clooney is here. his movie is called "tomorrowland." we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ]
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well, we're back with george clooney. his movie's called "tomorrowland." we're gonna talk about that in a minute. it's really, really good, and -- but i wanted to, you know -- as you know, you're married. you're really letting yourself go. you look terrible. [ laughter ] thank you. that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me. but i wonder when a guy like you, and there aren't, really, guys like you, but when george clooney gets married... right. ...does it work like everyone else? does amal go through your house and say, "this has got to go," or maybe go through your friends and go, "this one's got to go?' no, but there's that moment when i've worn the same t-shirt, like, for a week that she says, "really?" and i go, "eh, okay." you feel like there are overall improvements? there are improvements in my -- not really. no, not really?
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i fake her out every once in a while. 'cause i'll get different colors of the same t-shirt. are you allowed to ride your motorcycle still? i am still. i'm still allowed to ride it. you are? that's good. that hasn't been taken away. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] still allowed to do that. yeah, so far, so good. i thought this is kind of funny. because we were in mexico at the same time. we always have new year's eve together. you and amal are so much in love. and, really, she's a lovely woman, and my wife and i were just talking about how smart and nice and how close you guys seem, how friendly you are, and then we're at the supermarket, i think, the next day, and there was a magazine that said, "sham marriage" on the front. and then, i thought it was funny, two months later, the very same magazine, "i'm finally going to be a dad." and the next one is "sham dad." [ laughter ] well, i just think that's very strange. and another thing that i thought about about you is you know everybody says they have a freebie.
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yes. you guys know what the idea is. that there's a celebrity that your husband or wife is "allowed" to have sex with. of course, it never happens. right. no. although, if i was ever anyone's freebie, i would immediately have sex with that person's wife. [ laughter ] i mean, like, right in front of them. but i feel like you are possibly the number-one guy on the freebie list. [ cheers and applause ] i just turned 54, so it's really not quite the same as it used to be. and yet you are on the cover of freebimagazine, "why george is still number one." look at that. matt damon. oh, yeah, that's -- and you know what? we did not do this. "women say, 'no thanks.'" [ laughter ] that's real. that's -- we did not -- this is not a prop. that's one of my favorite magazines, by the way. you got to read the centerfold. do people come up to you and tell you this a lot? oh, the freebie thing? yeah. well, there have been times over years
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that, like, husbands will do that. that's a weird thing. "my wife, you know, she says you're her freebie." and you're kind of, like, going, "what guy would say that?" you know? [ laughter ] "come on, let's go." it's, like, a crazy thing. i don't know if you remember this, but the first time i met you was at some party. and i was on "the man show" at the time. and i approached you. you were married. i was with my ex-wife, and you were indeed her freebie. right. and i walked up to you and said, "yeah, you're her freebie." [ laughter ] and, uh...and you guys are not married anymore. no, we're not. yeah. we're not. see how that happens? that works out. that had nothing to do with it, though. really, it was the only thing we had in common. [ laughter, cheers and applause ] we're going to take a break. george clooney is here. the movie is called "tomorrowland." we'll be right back.
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it's a pain in the ass to shoot? oh, man. you do bit by bit. let me tell you the movie really came out great. the director, brad bird, is a great director. the writer, damon lindelof, from "lost" and "the leftovers" on hbo, and i really think this one came out great. it's great. we're really proud of it. it's a family film, but it's also a little bit violent, fun. yeah, a good, violent, family film. that's the kind i like. and there are two little girls who kick ass through the whole movie. here's the funniest thing, though. here's what's weird about getting older and being, you know, on screen. tell me 'cause i'm wondering what that's gonna be like. let me tell you what it's gonna be like. when you're in your 30s, right, you get to win all the fights. you know, the bad guy comes in, you thump him in the chops, you walk away, and you kind of... there's an explosion behind you, you just keep walking. and now you're the guy that's like, "guh, guh, guh!" somebody hits you, and you're like, "guh, guh, guh!" and they don't let you do anything. there's no walking away. they're just, "ah, punch him in the face." and you're just like, "ow. ow."
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and the kids give you crap. you know, it's just like, "thanks, man." yeah, the kids give you a lot of crap. i was watching the movie, i was thinking, "oh, george is never gonna have kids after this." a spontaneous vasectomy. this is prom season right now. it is. i'm going to pretend to be asking you, but i actually know the answer. you did go to the prom. of course you went to the prom. yes. if you didn't get to go to the prom, who among us would. okay, you have a picture, right? we do have a picture, yes. put the picture up on screen. [ cheers and applause ] what year was that? 1978. and who's the young lady that was fortunate enough -- that's a lovely woman named -- her original name was lori laycock. and then she married the basketball star mike bach. and they had a son who's now a basketball star in the same town, same school, where i grew up. her name a lori laycock? yeah. well, her name is lori laycock-bach now -- bach. right, yeah. but you understand what i'm getting at. don't get me in trouble with this one.
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i'm from a very small town. do you keep in touch with lori? i saw her -- i was back for a family reunion last year, and i saw both she and her husband, mike, and i saw their son, who was playing basketball. my nephew, a couple days ago, was named prom king which i was not in the same school. [ cheers and applause ] you weren't? wow. yeah, i'm not -- i mean, it's okay. i'm happy for him but -- [ laughter ] i mean, listen, i'm happy for the kid. he's lifting the family out of the dumps i guess. yeah, he is. well, congratulations on the movie. i think this is really a good one. [ cheers and applause ] it's called "tomorrowland." it opens in theaters and imax on friday. mr. george clooney, everybody. we'll be right back!
10:50 pm
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10:53 pm
you can't get that with the other guys. this weekend only. double your gigs for free. only at t-mobile. hey, we're back. earlier tonight, two bachelorettes went into the pit. kaitlyn came out, and britt came here. here now to tell us about the shortest run in bachelorette history. please welcome britt nilsson. [ cheers and applause ] well, that was great.
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for someone who just had her heart broken in 25 pieces, you look fantastic. thank you. thank you. it's very good to see you. it's good to see you, too. why did you do this again? what was going through your head when you agreed to do this for a second time? i'm just totally nuts. [ laughs ] i don't know. honestly, yeah, last time was hard. and i just felt like i was supposed to do it. there was something inside of me that was always a yes. and, you know, last time was hard, and this was going to be a weirder situation than normal. yeah. and all of the things from the outside would make, you know, one think, "stay away." true or false -- you were starting to fall in love with those 25 guys. [ laughter ] every single one. no, but, honestly, i mean, last season, i was starting to fall in love, and so that was what -- but you never would have moved to that farm. there's no way. you could not go to that farm. you don't belong on that farm. if i was in love with someone, i would live anywhere, honestly. really? yes. even a farm? even a farm. wow. okay. i don't believe it, still. he's like, "mm-hmm." [ laughs ]
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i don't think chris, the bachelor, believed it. i think that was probably a big thing for him. he didn't, and i think that, you know, not a lot of people did for some reason, and that kind of started a big mess. right. but it got me to where i am today, and... so, you looked genuinely shocked when had chris harrison gave you the news, and he gave it to you in that kind of roundabout way. very misleading, wasn't it? yes. yes. that's what they do on these reality shows. they have to trick people. oh, i get it. watching it back, i was like, "that is a more interesting way to watch it." [ laughter ] yeah. yeah, i was shocked. i really was. because, again, i just had this feeling that i was supposed to do it. so, in that mind, it meant i'm going to do the whole season. and then i met these guys, and i felt things starting. you did? you felt you liked some of these guys? i did. i did like some of these guys. was there one in particular that you had your eye on? there were a few, yeah. there were a few? mm-hmm. so, it was really was -- yeah, really. honestly. i mean, not every single one, of course, but... yeah. but don't you think you go into a room with 25 attractive people and of course you're going to have that feeling?
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oh, yeah. like tony the healer. tony the healer. okay, so you seem like you like -- you know, he's -- you seem like you liked him, yes? [ laughs ] yeah, he had good energy. yeah, he did. [ laughter ] he had energy. he was, like, talking to the plants or something like that. see, we don't see that. see, when i met tony, he seems very compassionate, he's cool. that's my point. he seemed like someone who was, like, you know, wanted to be in tune with himself and understand the world. and i was like, "that is really attractive." then he's meditating with a fern. and then i watched him talking to the plants. i didn't see that until later. you didn't? went a little deeper than i thought. by the way, i wanted to know, he had -- the healer ironically had a black eye throughout the whole show. aww! did he tell you why he had a black eye? not in person, but he did. and this isn't on the show, but he came up to me, and he had written a note out. and it was pretty long -- really long-winded note kind of telling me to come find him, and he would explain the black eye. and i never got to 'cause i left the show, so i don't know. would you have gone to find him, to get an explanation for the black eye? yeah, it's intriguing, right?
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yeah, i guess so. well, i guess so, yeah. i tried, but it didn't work out. there was one moment from the show tonight that i think chris harrison would describe as one of the most shocking moments in bachelorette history. during the rose ceremony, kaitlyn is about to eliminate -- well, this happens. excuse me. excuse me. hey, kaitlyn. i'm really sorry. can i talk to you for a second? oh. okay. all right. man: curve ball. oh, my god. can i take you over? oh. yeah. kidding me right now? hi. hey. what are you feeling? this has been really hard for me. it's been a really emotional night. if i'm honest with you, myself, my heart is with the woman who left just a couple hours ago. brady: i'm going to go find britt. i'm going to go see if she's open to finding... finding love. okay. so, did he find you?
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[ laughs ] uh...i mean, yeah. he did. where did he find you? in my hotel room. crying. no, no! that's just where i -- [ laughter ] so, you were in there crying. i was in there before he came, yeah. and then they gave him your room number, and he knocked on the door? i guess chris harrison felt bad about how he let me go, so... and you're like, "room service?" yeah, he gave brady my -- wow. well, that's a smooth move on his part, isn't it?. it is pretty smooth. yeah. he's very gentlemanly. i thought it was sweet. and so, you're dating him now, yes? [ crowd murmuring ] can you say -- i'm giving you such a straight face. try to see if you can figure it out. that you're dating him? here's what i think. no. no. i think you dated him for a brief time, and now you're like, "oh, no, please." i'm like, "jimmy kimmel all the way, yeah." you're so hung up on me, you aren't able to -- is that something you can't reveal now? i cannot reveal at all. he comes to my door, and i was very surprised. will that be on the show? it will be on the show next week. oh, so you're still on the show? yeah! maybe they'll eliminate you a third time!
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[ laughter ] yeah, i was gonna say. [ cheers and applause ] i hope! we'll get you on "dancing with the stars," you can be eliminated there. i know! jouryou know? ...which is a strange situation for any human being to be in. that's britt nilsson, everybody. the bachelorette -- monday nights 8:00 here on abc. i want to thank britt. i want to thank george clooney. i want to apologize to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. [ laughs ] thanks for watching. good night. [ cheers and applause ] captions by vitac -- >> coming up on "action news" guns, stolen guns and suspects at large. we'll be live with the latest
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