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tv   Action News 6PM  ABC  May 29, 2015 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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outh philadelphia point breeze neighborhoods. authorities say this surveillance video and these images led to several tips. police zeroed in on felder and executed a search warrant at this home in the 1300 block of chadwick yesterday. it's just a few blocks from both assaults. sources say it appears felder was packing his bags and fled just before police and u.s. marshals arrived. >> how do you feel about it that he's being sought for. >> i feel terrible. >> reporter: is it hard for to you believe. >> i'm still in shock. >> reporter: authorities have searched several locations. sources say during the search warrants they found gloves sneakers and clothing that and a appear to match those worn in one or both of the attacks. police want to question him in connection with the rape of a woman monday morning on the 1800 block of rosewood and the attempted sexual assault of a woman on the 1700 block of chadwick in late march. and again felder turned himself in to the special
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victims unit here about 30 minutes ago. there was an arrest warrant for a parole violation. he has not been ah arrested in connection with the sexual assault but police want to question him. chad pradelli channel6 "action news. >> a rape took place inside dieruff school in allentown. a 15-year-old girl has been accused of attacking a 16-year-old girl in the basement weight training facility back on may 18 during school hours. the allentown school district says it did not learn of the accusation until a week later. prosecutors say charges have been filed in juvenile court. for the second time this week the radnor trail was the scene of a sexual offense. this time police say they're trying to track down a flasher. "action news" reporter annie mccormick is live on the popular walking and jogging trail. annie, what are the details on this? >> reporter: well, jim, it was just yesterday that police did make an arrest for a man
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who they say allegedly grabbed a woman's bottom as she was jogging on this trail. well, now they have a new menace on the radnor trail. they say that there was a man who dropped his shorts and flashed a female jogger. motorcycle cops patrolling the radnor trail are a comforting sight for joggers today. just after 8:45 near conestoga road and brookside avenue a female jogger made this report. >> as she was running on the trail she passed a white male that had no shirt on. as she passed this male while she was jogging she turned around and when she did the individual dropped his running shorts to his ankles and exposed himself to her on the trail. >> reporter: that jogger ran and alerted police. >> at no time did the individual make any verbal or physical contact with her. >> reporter: but police are concerned. indecent exposure suspects often graduate to larger crimes like sexual assault. just yesterday radnor and media police reached tout the public after arresting this man paul curtis. on tuesday on the radnor
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trail, not far from this morning's incident he allegedly grabbed the rear end of a female jogger. in media police say curtis grabbed another woman's bottom in their borough just after noon on wednesday. a victim identified him and now he's in jail. curtis has a history of assaults and was on probation. back in radnor on the trail this recent incident has joggers on high alert. they're running together. >> i will definitely run with someone for awhile. and then make sure i'm running during the day. >> probably the best way is to run in pairs. it is scary because when you think about running here on the radnor trail that's what you're trying to avoid is traffic. it's a place that you can run what you would think safely. >> reporter: and back out here live you should not be jogging or even on this trail past dusk. that's what police are telling us. now, as for a description of the suspect the flasher they tell us that he's white in his 20's about 5-foot nine. he has an athletic build and
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he is thin and they also say that he is very tan. if you have any information you're of course urged to contact radnor township police. for now live in radnor, annie mccormick channel6 "action news." jim. >> thank you, annie. 61-year-old rocdn newell admited to killing three men in the poconos. he pleaded guilty to homicide and other charges all connected to the shooting at a ross township meeting in august of 2013. he fired dozens of rounds inside the municipal building before bystanders wrestled him to the ground. prosecutors said newell was angry with the township for condemning his property. amtrak wants to return lost belongings to passengers who survived the deadly derailment in port richmond. many items fell out of luggage tossed around on the may 12th event. amtrak is in the process of cataloging everything that's been recovered from the wreckage. in a letter to passengers, the company says it's working to
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return personal items as quickly and respectfully as possible. well, for most of us it is an annoyance that comes with the advent of hot weather that first mosquito bite but in camden county they're starting the spraying season and none too soon. here is "action news" reporter eva pilgrim. >> mosquitos aren't just annoying they can carry diseases like the west nile virus. the camden county mosquito commission was out overnight while many of us were still in bed trying to get the upper hand. in the cover of darkness camden county trucks rolled out in hopes of holding onto control a little longer. early this morning the mosquito commission sprayed for the pesky biting bugs. >> they're always very concerned around about mosquitos especially this time of year. >> reporter: for those who live in cherry hill this treatment is a welcome sight. >> i don't know anyone who really enjoys being bitten. >> they bite. they bite and they bite -- i think they biting for money. >> i think that's greater. i think it's great for the community and great for the neighborhood, the neighbors. >> you can barbecue and not
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get eaten alive. >> reporter: in the summer months the pesky bugs can run people inside. >> can't really control them. off, you get citronella candles they're not working. anything to help control that would be, you know, great. >> at nighttime it's very difficult to sit outside because, you know, you're constantly being bitten. >> we don't expect to win but we can minimize the battle. >> reporter: this morning's mission is part of a year long fight. experts say this could all be greatly helped if each homeowner did a small part. >> the best prevention believe it or not is the individual homeowner who takes care of their property and avoids those little pockets of water. >> reporter: if you have an issue in your neighborhood with mosquitos, you can report it online. we have a link on our web site in camden county, eva pilgrim channel6 "action news"." >> new jersey injury chris christie paid a vis at this time to the shore today to promote tourism for the summer. "action news" caught up with the governor in dell mar where he said he's optimistic the
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jersey shore has recovered the visitors that it lost that first summer after hurricane sandy. christie also visited point pleasant beach today. christie's appearance comes a week after the unofficial start of summer because he was out of the state engaging in some presidential politics last weekend. visitors to wildwood will notice something new this summer. police added signs along the boardwalk with this message for parents: please stop telling your children we will haul them off to jail if they're bad. we want them to run to us if they are scared, not be scared of us. well police say they overhear hundreds of parents threatening their kids with jail every season. they hope that these new signs will serve as a reminder that officers are there to help. coming up on "action news" tonight 42 arrests after police recovered 10,000 bags of heroin. we'll tell you about the alleged ringleader in this delaware drug operation. and you may have noticed
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something strange along the ben franklin parkway. we'll explain this unusual display on eakins oval. cecily. >> well, it was a dry and very warm day but i'm tracking finally some much needed showers and thunderstorms on the way. i'll have details on when they arrive and what it means for your weekend in the accuweather forecast. >> phillies rockies begin a weekend series. ducis rodgers with that story when "action news" continues tonight.
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>> 10,000 bags of heroin are among the evidence seized during operation smackdown in delaware. new castle county police and the fbi just announced the results of a nine-month
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investigation into drug trafficking. the alleged leader adrienne smack and yes that's his name and 41 other people are facing charges. most were captured yesterday but seven are still at large. you can see their photos at dozens of volunteers gathered in wildwood today to help out earthquake victims overseas. these men and women spent the afternoon packing 30,000 meals for the stop hunger now initiative. the goal is to send 1.2 million meals to nepal. stop hunger now operates meal packing locations in 19 cities throughout the u.s. and four international locations. a team of cyclists joined a man biking across the country as he rode into town this morning. dean crawford and his road to discovery tour cycled through king of prussia. crawford is on this trek to raise awareness and money for research into a number of rare diseases including something called neiman pick type c.
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this is crawford's fifth cross country journey for this cause. a french company has been in business for about 350 years but it's showing off a very modern flare on the ben franklin parkway in philadelphia. "action news" reporter david henry has that story. >> reporter: these large odd shaped structures have been under construction on eakins oval for the past 10 days. they've caused a lot of head scratching. >> i haven't even figured out what they built over there yet so. >> reporter: you've been wondering. >> yeah, i was cure russ. i walked by it a couple times a day. now it can be revealed. this is what the future looks like and we got a sneak peek today. >> it's the future. >> it kind of looks like it. looks like it's a throw back from the 70's and at the same time the future. >> reporter: your house is going the look like that some day. >> i lope not. >> reporter: actually they're not houses they're a collection of exhibits called future sensations. >> it's supposed to give us a sense for inspiration and give us reasons to believe for why there should be such a
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fantastic future. >> reporter: the exhibits are designed to spark the imagination through sensory overload. they commemorate the founding of san goban. the company was formed 350 years ago to create the hall of mirrors for louis the 14th at versailles. its u.s. operations are based in valley forge. philadelphia is one of the few cities worldwide to get this free exhibit. >> it started in china went to brazil now here in philadelphia and the last stop will be in paris. >> reporter: you'll get to see the future firsthand when the exhibit opens at noon tomorrow. we found at least one eager visitor who is hoping the future is sweet. >> i have nothing. >> reporter: you have no idea. >> i have no idea. >> reporter: you think it might be an ice cream parlor. >> yeah. >> reporter: that would be the best part, right. >> it would. >> reporter: i've seen the future and it is here on the parkway until june 6th, but not all of it. for that, you'll have to go to tomorrow land. david henry, channel6 "action
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>> so we saw tim tebow yesterday. he says he feels better. is he better? >> who knows. who knows. i'll have to see him on the field. sam bradford that's the other question, what is he going to look like. it's impossible to go into an nfl season without at least a few question marks. the eagles have a big one at the most important position on the field, quarterback. jeff skversky examines what they think they have in sam bradford. >> can you predict the future? >> reporter: the eagles are off and running getting ready for the 2015 season but even coach chip kelly admits he's not 100 percent sure his gamble on quarterback sam bradford will pay off. bradford is trying to come back after tearing his left acl twice in less than a year. and the qb knows fans are questioning his durability. >> there's reasons for it. i don't pay attention to anything that's out of my control. all i'm worried about is coming back strong, being
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ready. >> we think sam's got a great skill seven. the research our doctors have given us in terms of their recovery rate is 90 percent. we feel real confident. >> reporter: kelly is not ready to crown bradford the starter. it's an open competition. for now mark sanchez is taking the first team reps. >> all of us come in that quarterback room walk in the huddle you act like you're the starter and that's the only way i know how to play and as soon as you start thinking or countering reps or i wonder if this guy is going to be healthy then you're already beat. >> reporter: whether it's sanchez or bradford under center when the season rolls around remains to be seen. after all of the changes the eagles have made this off season everyone wants to know are the eagles better today than they were this time last year. >> on paper individually we're better than we were last year. i think obviously we have some new pieces and we're still getting the cohesion down and i fully expect us to be better than last year once the season starts. >> the eagles have less than four months to get the new guys caught up to speed.
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jeff skversky "action news." >> phillies are back in town so are the rockies. they begin a three game set tonight. cole hamels is on the mound. he's won his last four starts. cody asche has returned and he'll start in left field tonight. ben revere moves to right. asche was sent to the minors earlier this month to learn the new position. he'll bat sixth and ryne sandberg says he expects asche will be his everyday left fielder. that's a much different position than third base. >> i felt like i was as comfortable as could be without ever playing in a big league. big league hitters are different. minors are different. as far as game experience i feel comfortable. >> no collateral damage for seth blatter. fifa reelected the embattled president. blatter will begin an unprecedented fifth term. there had been calls for him to stepdown in the wake of wednesday's arrests and indictment of nine fifa executives. they're accused of taking kick backs and corruption. blatter has not been indicted. nascar fans this is your
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time. series hits dover this weekend. next week it will be in the poconos. qualifying for the fed ex 400 wrapped up a couple hours ago. hamlin captured the pole. local product martin truitt jr. qualified second. he has six top five finishes this season but no wins. he's due. >> i sure hope so. it's been a great track for me and i love coming up here, lot of friends and family in the area. a lot of them come to the race in the stands. i can smell the salt water from here. it's good to be closer to home. >> big race coming up on sunday. that's sports. >> thank you ducis. philly beer week got under way today. our cameras were there as the symbol for the event the hammer of glory made a stop at johnny brendan's in fishtown. the hammer of glory tradition always draws a crowd. philly beer week is the largest beer celebration of its kind in the country. it features hundreds of festivals, dinners and meet
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the brewers.
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>> last i saw it was going to be one of those 50-50 weekends. is that still the case? >> not exactly. >> of course not. >> yeah, looks like it's going to be more like an 80-20 weekend. >> good thing. >> yeah. it's moving slower. it's trending slower so that means most of the weekend will be rain free. sunday night is when we'll get the showers and thunderstorms. it's going to be hot though. >> that's all right. >> well, good. glad you approve. storm tracker six live double scan showing that yet again we have a dry day out there. and a lot of sunshine we're live on sky six. take a look. the beach in cape may and plenty of sunshine.
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the waves are breaking and the winds definitely up, about 20 degrees cooler on the beaches than inland. currently in philadelphia 86 degrees. down from a high of 87. allentown the same. reading 85. you can see though, that sea breeze really cooling things down down the shore 69 degrees in sea isle city. even millville has dropped down to 79 degrees and wilmington has dropped town dropped down to 77 degrees. this may will likely go down as the second warmest in philadelphia's history temperatures running nearly 6 degrees above normal and it's sent been dry only 1.19-inches of rain in philadelphia. that's more than 2-inches below normal but i'm finally tracking some rain on sunday night. satellite6 along with action radar showing the actual front that i'm tracking is just beginning to pull into the northern great lakes. so, it has a lot of real estate to cover and it's not going to be a very fast moving system so that means most of the weekend will be rain free. tonight your friday night looking really nice.
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patchy clouds, 63 degrees in the suburbs 67 degrees for center city. and the humidity will be on the moderate side. it begins to get a lot more muggy, though, tomorrow with winds out of the south. it will be a little bit warmer 88 degrees. but noticeably more humid and with this front getting a little bit closer could have a pop-up shower or thunderstorm primarily well off to the north across the poconos or the northern lehigh valley. on sunday is when this front will move through or move in i should say during the evening hours. so, ahead of it, sun. then increasing clouds and another warm and humid day 88 degrees. if that front is slower i wouldn't rule out the fact that we could hit 90 degrees for the first time this year. showers and thunderstorms rolling through and they will linger into monday. the good news is with the slower trend it looks dry for ways weekend in dover. tomorrow for the qualifiers it will be sunny muggy and warm 85 degrees on sunday almost
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repeat performance 85 degrees. those storms not rolling in until sunday night. so, they should -- they should get the races in no problem at all. down the shore 67 degrees the water temperature. on the beaches really nice, plenty of sunshine, 74 degrees. on sunday maybe a little bit more hazy, 77 degrees. those storms will be rolling in by sunday evening. so the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast, breezy, more humid tomorrow, partly sunny 88 degrees. sunday increasing clouds with strong storms by the evening 88 degrees. then monday periods of rain. at this point i'm calling for a high of 70 degrees but it depends on where the front sets up. north of the front temperatures only in the 60's right along the front in the 70's but south temperatures will be in the 80's. so that's something we may have to change as we head for the weekend. on tuesday the showers linger, 70 degrees and wednesday is looking beautiful sunny comfortable, seasonable,
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76 degrees. on thursday we bump it up to 80 and friday is when the heat returns for the high of 87 degrees so a warm and humid weekend. we're going from steamy to stormy by sunday night. >> thank you, cecily. >> uh-huh. >> finally tonight a group of elementary school students used their talents to entertain some appreciative seniors today. these fifth and sixth graders from doyle elementary school performed at wesley enhanced living in doylestown. the spring concert included the school's string ensemble band and chorus. the band took current hits and transformed them into instrumental performances. some really nice music at the assisted living center today. abc's world news tonight with david muir is next on channel six. "action news" continues at 10:00 on phl17 with brian taff adam joseph and ducis rodgers and then please join us for "action news" at 11:00 here on channel six. for cecily tynan, ducis rodgers and the entire "action news" team, i'm jim gardner.
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we hope you'll join us at 11:00.
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tonight, the rescue playing out on live tv. the officer hoisted into the air. the sex scandal. the $1.5 million secret. allegations from his time as a teacher and coach. >> and a driver shot in the neck and a bicyclist too. and a plane almost


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