tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC June 7, 2015 7:00pm-7:32pm EDT
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>> announcer: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live game night". tonight steve harvey. michael jordan. and jimmy versus jimmy butler in the dunk tank presented by juicy fruit. with cleto and the cletones. and now at the perimeter here's jimmy kimmel! [ applause ] >> jimmy: hi, everybody. thank you for watching and thanks for coming. thank you for sharing your sunday with us. thanks for watching tv instead of going to church. you did the right thing. i'm jimmy kimmel. this is our nba game night special. tonight on abc. game two of the nba finals between the golden state warriors and cleveland cavaliers.
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you know the cavaliers official team colors aren't red and yellow. they're wine and gold. which is confusing for us in l.a. because those are also the team colors of the real housewives of beverly hills. a lot of focus in the series is on the superstars from each team. stephen curry of the warriors who is league mvp this year and four time mvp lebron james. stephen curry has been hitting so far from outside. the only ones that have been bothering to guard him now are the hot dog vendors. but lebron and stephen aren't the only big names on television tonight. the game, the tony awards and the second to the last episodes of "game of thrones" this season are all on at the same time tonight which means you have to decide if you want to see sports, do you want to hear people sing or watch a lady have sex with a dragon? [ cheers ] >> jimmy: there's a thing happening between nba players and the media lately that's causing some controversy that i never expected. you may have noticed some
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players have been bringing their kids to the post game press conferences. that's stephen curry with his daughter riley who is an adorable kid. she stole the show after the western conference finals. blake griffin of the clippers and the bulls derrick gross did the same thing, brought their kids and some reporters are complaining because they need that time to ask important questions like talk about houston's defense. and i had to say these reporters, they're right, children have no place in something as serious as basketball. it's not a game. oh, it is a game. oh, then bring the kids. we should be happy players are acknowledging they even have children. that used to not be the case in the nba. [ applause ] >> jimmy: this is a -- on that subject, maury povich from his award winning paternity test episodes. a woman named sonya signed up to find if a guy named collin was the father of her 4-month-old son. not only did collin say he wasn't the father, he came up
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with a theory about who is. >> [ bleep ]. [ talking over one another ] >> you know who that baby daddy is? >> who? >> charles barkley. charles barkley. let me see it. let me see that. let me see that. [ applause ] >> jimmy: unfortunately for the child, turned out charles barkley was not his father but the kid did just get a job on tnt. congratulations to them. we have a lot of game goodness to get to tonight. steve harvey is here with us tonight. [ cheers and applause ] jimmy: there's steve. some people call him the tanned dr. phil. and this is nice. steve was kind enough to give each one of our cameramen one of his old suits. where are -- there you go. [ cheers and applause ] everybody is looking -- looking very, very sharp.
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thanks to steve for being so generous. then later, it's jimmy versus jimmy. i face off against jimmy butler of the chicago bulls and our new game, "sink it or swim." it's half pop a shot, half dunk tank. whoever makes it drops the other guy into the water. and it's cold water. do you think i have a chance against jimmy butler? his free-throw percentage is like 85%. i guess we'll find out. one more thing. while we're on the subject of the chicago bulls, there's no doubt the greatest one of them all is michael jordan. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: michael jordan has six nba titles but michael faces a game we created specifically for him, it's called can michael jordan palm it? all right. listen how it goes. we will see an item and then together we will guess if michael jordan can pick it up with one hand, if he can palm it. all right. the first item is a mannequin head. can michael jordan palm it?
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well, let's find out. >> yep. >> jimmy: pretty easy. if he worked at macy's, no problem. next up, a disco ball. do we think michael jordan can palm a disco ball. [ audience says yes ] >> jimmy: everyone does. >> no. the glass is too slippery. >> jimmy: the glass is too slippery. this is why he couldn't go on "dancing with the stars," the glass was too slippery. next item, a pumpkin. what do we think? can michael jordan palm a pumpkin? [ audience says no ] >> jimmy: you have lost faith in michael. well let's find out. >> really? i got this. [ applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, michael. tonight on game night, chicago bulls all-star jimmy butler, i go head to head in a dunk tank called sink it or swim. we'll be back with steve harvey.
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so stick around. [ cheers and applause ] wheatgrass milkshake? what are you, a suspender---wearing hipster trying to grow his first beard? sounds so much better on vinyl. don't waste taste. drink pepsi max. give it to me i'm worth it. baby i'm worth it. uh huh i'm worth it. gimme gimme i'm worth it. give it to me i'm worth it.
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baby i'm worth it. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, and welcome back to "jimmy kimmel live game night". steve harvey is on his way in and in just a bit i'll be facing off again jimmy butler of the chicago bulls in a dunk tank challenge. one of us is going to end up sad and wet at the end of the show tonight. hey, i learned something pretty crazy. did you know stephen curry and lebron james were born in the same hospital. true. they were born four fours apart in the same hospital in akron, ohio, akron city hospital and now they're the star players for the opposing teams in the nba finals.
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it just goes to show you can't trust anyone, not even babies. not only were they born in the same hospital, they were delivered by the same doctor who we tracked down and is live with us tonight from akron. please welcome dr. armstrong. hello, doctor. >> hello. >> jimmy: how are you doing? >> just fine. >> jimmy: it really is incredible that you delivered two babies that are playing each in the nba finals. do you remember delivering them?. >> yes, i do. >> jimmy: wow. at that time when they emerged from the womb did you know one day they would be great basketball players. >> well, actually stephen curry's father, dell, played for the cavaliers. so we always thought that was a possibility. >> jimmy: right. i guess that makes sense. have you delivered any other famous athletes or nba players at the hospital. >> no, but the famous actor john lithgow was delivered here at city hospital. >> jimmy: oh. he's a tall guy actually. isn't he? >> so i'm told. >> jimmy: hey, can we see any of
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the babies just in case one of them becomes a star in like 25 or 30 years? >> sure. >> jimmy: okay. great. good. we get to see some newborn babies which is always cute. >> this is priscilla. >> jimmy: boy, that's a big baby. how old is she? >> actually she was born this morning. >> jimmy: really? what time this morning? >> first thing. after change of shift. >> jimmy: did you cut the cord with hedge clippers or how did that go? yeah, right. all right. well that's -- oh, you have another. >> here's another little one. >> jimmy: what's his name? >> this is brian. >> jimmy: oh. and that is another really huge baby. i mean the knees on this kid are flat-out enormous. >> believe it or not, he's six weeks premature but he's doing fine aren't you brian? >> jimmy: he's already fist bumping. i haven't seen anything like this i have to tell you folks. and i had seen a lot of babies in my time. >> a few hours ago i delivered the thompson twins. >> jimmy: what? >> they have already been
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"jimmy kimmel live game night". we're coming to you in prime time for this game two special. in moments i will do battle with chicago bull's jimmy butler in a basketball water war. one man will sink. the other will swim. that other will probably be me. and on tuesday and thursday we're back at prime time with amy poehler and adam sandler. my guest tonight hosts a radio show, a talk show and a game show and on father's day he picks up a much needed fourth job as host of celebrity "family feud" on abc. please welcome steve harvey! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: recognize those? >> i love this look. yeah. for all of cleveland keep it pimping. yeah. excellent, man. >> jimmy: you grew up in cleveland. so are you excited about the cavaliers? still a fan? >> yeah i'm still a fan. >> jimmy: you are. >> we don't win this one we killing somebody. yeah, somebody dies. >> jimmy: it's been a long time for cleveland. >> it's been 51 years man, exactly. >> jimmy: that's too long. >> listen, man, i'm 58. i know you can't believe it. you're going that's just too much. but when i was 7 years old, man, i sat on the floor with my father and watched a cleveland browns play the baltimore colts, that's been it. [ laughter ] >> i watched us die a dog's death every year for some reason. no indians, we got no hockey team. the browns got up and moved one night.
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the damn fumble on the goal line. we can't get in, man. lebron left, he came back. >> jimmy: you must have been happy he came back though. i mean when he left, were you mad at him when he left? >> no not really man, because you're 20 something years old. they give you $26 million. now you can take this $26 million and spend it in cleveland or you can spend your $26 million on south beach. i'm going to the beach with my $26 million [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah, that's what i'm saying. i was happy for him. you know, you got a couple rings and stuff. >> jimmy: then he came back. >> then he came back. i wouldn't have came back. they was throwing rocks at his mama's house and spitting on his kids and all this. i would have never came back. i would have kept going. >> jimmy: what do you think will happen -- how will the city of cleveland react if the cavaliers
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win this? >> okay. two things. first of all, there will be such disbelief that you can film a zombie movie because we're going to be walking around just damn we ain't going to believe it and the rest of it, we're just going to set the damn city on fire. >> jimmy: it does sound like a zombie movie. >> we're going to set a fire in cleveland. it's going to be nice. >> jimmy: have you ever coached a team? i think you would be a good coach. >> i did. i coached a basketball team. rocksboro junior high in cleveland ohio for one season. >> jimmy: one season. how did you happen to do that? >> i got this gig because this guy was a track coach and i was working with these cub scouts which is like against all the rules because of my background. and i'm not supposed to work with kids because i cuss. >> jimmy: oh. >> yeah. >> like nothing else. i know you all was going to some deep and dark place. >> jimmy: what the hell did i
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miss? >> i cuss a lot. i cuss. it's cussing. like nothing else. as i started into that story i went oh, hell. this just took a bad turn. so, you know, i was -- he was a coach and he got really sick. he was a track coach. so they asked me to come over because i could play ball and i just worked with the kids. they lost every game under this guy. so he got really ill. he was gone for eight weeks and they had nobody else and i wasn't a teacher because i don't even have a teaching degree. i don't have any degree. [ laughter ] >> of any kind. >> jimmy: it rules you out. >> you're not supposed to be a teacher with a high school diploma. the graduating class of 695 and you graduate 600. you should not be a teacher. >> jimmy: they did allow you to coach the team which is rare.
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>> we lost one game and won all the rest of the games. >> jimmy: what was your coaching style? [ applause ] >> because, you know, i'm really good with young guys and teaching them how to think, man. winning is an attitude. i taught them about work ethic and how to have a lot of dog in them. my team was tough. we got all the way to the playoffs against some school in maple heights and we lost because i got two technicals. >> jimmy: you got two technicals? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you cost the team the victory? >> i cried, man. i was in the shower crying like a 4-year-old. i was in there so hurt, but i was cussing at the ref because he had made a bad call. >> jimmy: right. >> and it wasn't that bad. it was just like wtf and i wasn't talking right at him. he was running by and i went wtf, just text language which wasn't out there. >> jimmy: right. >> so i had to say it. >> jimmy: right. >> because i couldn't go wtf, i
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couldn't text him. so i said it as he went by. well what the -- he gave me a technical. then he gave me the technical and i asked him again wtf, what's that for. i -- it was just -- [ laughter ] >> and we lost the game by three points, man. >> jimmy: wow. >> it was heartbreaking, man. >> jimmy: that's terrible. i want to talk about this "celebrity family feud." first of all, i think you do a great job on the "family feud." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and you seem to be mortified by a lot of what goes on on this particular show. >> i'm stunned. >> jimmy: has anybody said anything, contestants said anything weird to you on the show? >> i mean, my absolute favorite one is the youtube smash hit. everybody has heard it. the question for this dude that was a rapper, his name was lunatic and he told me to call
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him tic and the question was name a word or phrase that starts with pork. and he said "cupine". [ laughter ] >> you know, and him being black made it really worse for me, you know. [ laughter ] >> now, this is setting the race back 200 years because pork is not the beginning of cupine. it is -- [ bleep ]. i was so mad. >> jimmy: you're going to get another technical foul. >> yeah i got another technical. but what you don't see is, see, they edit the show. we had to stop taping for 15 minutes because i was on the floor. [ laughter ] >> i couldn't breathe, man.
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i could not breathe. i was seriously trying to take my clothes off. because i needed air. >> jimmy: wow. >> and this pork-cupine. >> jimmy: what celebrities will be part of the "celebrity family feud"? >> dr. phil is coming. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah, dr. phil is a good friend of mine. he's coming. >> jimmy: okay. >> he's going to suck. [ laughter ] yeah, yeah. see, see, people don't know. what's going to make this really cool for people is you're going to find out that celebrities know very little about a lot of stuff because we out of touch. somebody puts our belt on for us, gives us our shoes, we out of touch. we don't know how much a half gallon of milk is. i asked have you been to the store and dr. phil is going to say something stupid, mario lopez will say something stupid. i got tony braxton's family coming. holly robinson peete and anthony anderson is going to be --
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>> jimmy: anthony anderson's mother is a classic by the way. >> anthony anderson's mama and i played dominos. this woman, i did you not, cussed me so bad, i was going wtf. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: we're learning a lot. "celebrity family feud" starts on father's day sunday, june 21st at 8:00 on abc. steve harvey everybody! we'll be right back with jimmy butler of the chicago bulls! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> announcer: portions of "jimmy kimmel live game night" are brought to you by juicy fruit. so sweet, can't help but chew. wiyou get the same phones,s same 4g lte networks, for half the cost. of course if that's too straightforward for you, try this. forty-five... where's forty-five?
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wheawhat are you,ake? a suspender---wearing hipster trying to grow his first beard? sounds so much better on vinyl. don't waste taste. drink pepsi max. ah! ♪ i...i...i got bit by a snake. poison? oh god. oh wow. ok, yeah. i feel that. that's definitely poison. apparently i'm immune to venom. immune to venom? immune to venom? immune, steve.
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome back and yes, i am sitting above a custom built dunk tank because it's time to play "sink it or swim". [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: sitting right across from me over in his own tank of fresh h2o. an all-star from the chicago bulls, jimmy butler is here everybody! [ applause ] >> jimmy: how do you feel about this jimmy? >> i'm confident. that's for sure. >> jimmy: it's the first time it has been cold i think in like nine months or something. this water is cold. is your water cold? >> i don't really have to worry about it, you just -- >> jimmy: wow. those are fighting words. guillermo, what are you a life guard? >> that's right jimmy, i'm the life guard. >> jimmy: great. i feel very comfortable.
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here now to explain the rules everyone is cousin sal. cousin sal, please do it. >> jimmy, the rules of this game are very simple. i'm going to blow the whistle. you're both going to start shooting. the first one to make a basket, gets the other one wet. you understand? >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, i understand. >> i got a question. so if i make it he automatically going in there? >> just like that, automatically. >> jimmy: yeah. >> all right. may the better jimmy win! >> jimmy: all right. [ cheers and applause ] >> game! game! no! no! no! no! stop him! stop him! we're going to be here all day! [ cheers and applause ] >> i've been bamboozled. >> jimmy: thank you jimmy butler. thank you for watching.
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the nba finals on abc is next. watch us on our regular time tonight. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i am never getting married. never. psssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful ring. thank you. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. breathe. i love it here. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never getting one of those (minivan). we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go.
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and save without settling. only on verizon. >> announcer: the following is a special presentation of espn on abc. >> we're going to let it fly. we're going to have some fun. >> bogut with the finish! >> we earned this trip and every second of this should be enjoyable. >> scoops inside and throws it down! >> yeah, baby. >> lebron, if you make that shot. he going to get hurt. we see him walk out of the locker room on crutches. a tough blow for our team. >> is the loss of kyrie irving going to be the difference-maker in the nba finals. welcome back to
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