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tv   Action News 630 AM  ABC  June 29, 2015 6:30am-7:01am EDT

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rotherly love snubbed an online survey shows philadelphia not close to being the number one spot to celebrate the fourth of july. >> chopper 6 is over south jersey, harrison township, monroeville road. we have fire crews on the scene partly of the roof chaps collapsed. they are having a tough time because they don't have a natural water source they are bringing water in from tanker trucks, we're keeping an eye on it, as they try to get control of it. you can he sue the flames combining with the water as they try to get the upper hand. >> let's go outside to dave with weather and karen has traffic. >> reporter: good morning, everybody, we have a beautiful morning sunshine up, we have
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clouds up north that will erode temperatures are comfortable, 64 in philadelphia. 61 in allentown. upper 50s in reading and millville. on the boardwalks ranging between 65 and 67 degrees for the early morning stroll. we start out cool and end up warm today humidity behaves itselfself all the way. -- i felt all the way. noon 71 and high of 79. there's a chance of thunderstorm popping up the rest of the workweek i'll have that in the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. karen, what about the rails. >> reporter: we have problems with mass transit. norristown line seeing 30 minute delays with signal problems. looking outside the schuylkill expressway near university avenue we have a disabled vehicle blocking the left lane, jammed from passyunk to university look for that on the
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schuylkill expressway westbound. looking at i-95 we have an accident blocking the left lane, we have a van on the scene. southbound traffic jamming this is a live look approaching cottman. the as you try to head toward center city you have to stay to the right, you are jammed from academy to cottman. bensalem, bucks county, i-95 approaching street road. we have an accident off to the shoulder flares on the roads. you have to merge left coming north of woodhaven road. i-95 northbound in bensalem bucks county. the flares out there and at least one vehicle. we've been talking about an accident allentown road at reinart road. >> a man is in critical condition after being shot in potter richmond along frankford avenue at 11:30 the 28-year-old victim was shot several times in the abdomin and he ran to a
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takeout beer store where he was found wounded. witnesses say the shooter fled in a tan grand marquis. police tracked down a vehicle matching that description on the 2800 block of tulip street and took two men inside the vehicle in for questioning. authorities say they have another piece of important evidence. >> the entire shooting was captured on private surveillance cameras. those cameras clearly show the victim getting shot and the victim running into the beer take scrowlt store. >> so far -- takeout store. >> so far police have not made any arrests. >> the grueling search for a convict is over, david sweat has been cap youtured alive. katherine scott has the details on what was a dramatic arrest. >> reporter: that's right, tam sweat was captured after being shot twice by a state trooper. a lot of relief this morning now that the search for two
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convicted killers has come to an end. a manhunt is now over in upstate new york escaped convict david sweat was captured yesterday afternoon a mile and a half from the canadian border. two days prior richard matt was shot and killed by a border patrol team. governor andrew cuomo was met with applause on sunday. of. >> the nightmare is over. >> reporter: new york state police say the take down happened on a local roadway. sergeant jay cook was on routine patrol when he spotted sweat. sweat started running concerned he would disappear into the woods, he opened fire hitting the fugitive twice in the torso. police believe sweat and matt had been together until recently, both men were cap you ared in this -- captured in this photo taken by a trail camera wednesday.
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>> we believe that possibly these two males were using pepper to throw the scent off of the dogs who were tracking them. >> reporter: there are still a lot of questions and investigators plan to talk to sweat eventually, but again he remains in critical condition at the hospital. live in the satellite center, katherine scott channel 6 "action news." >> thanks. this is new this morning a similar story going on in north carolina where an inmate who escaped from a prison has been recaptured. tips led to christopher mcneil who escaped on saturday, 33-year-old kendra miller has been charged with helping mcneil break free. she also a prison employee who worked with him in the kitchen. as they had they had a sexual relationship. officials in greece closed the country's banks for the entire week. so many people withdrew many yesterday they had to stop those
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transactions as well. bank customers can use atms this morning but limited to 60 euros. greece could brawlt on billions of -- default on billions of loans tomorrow. u.s. stock futures are down right now indicating debt fears that spread across the atlantic. >> tomorrow is the deadline to pals the pennsylvania state budget. we're looking at the video from wawa welcome america. about the budget lawmakers are debating tax as. governor tom wolf said he will veto any measure that does not meet his priorities. chris christie is expected to make his run for president official tomorrow. campaign website went live over the weekend. the new jersey governor will announce the candidacy in his hometown of livingston. back to wawa welcome america
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the largest free concert this week will conclude with a fireworks display over the philadelphia museum of art. i've seen fireworks in many places, but nothing is as great as ours. >> you're watching the forecast. >> reporter: yeah, storm tracker 6 live double scan shows we're dry this morning we're off to a nice start take a look at sky 6. there's the temple university sky 6 camera looking south along broad street bright blue above and sun glass weather. 63 degrees dewpoint, has crept up to 57 but that's below humid air. we have shower up in new york state, nothing of that sort around here. we have clouds high and thin enough they will evaporate easily, even if they don't, the sun will get through easily.
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it's going fob warm, and humidity on the low side. nobody has to worry about the frizzy hair. 78 by 11:00, high of 81 around 4:00 p.m. probably late in the day before we hit that. 80 by 5:00 p.m. a nice one from start to finish. high temperatures holding in the 70s up north in places like allentown and lancaster low 80s in philadelphia and wilmington. on or about 80 in cape may. 78 on the beach in atlantic city this afternoon. up close and personal we go to the shore surf city, ocean city ocean temperature flip flopping between 69 and 70. 80 on the cape may point and on or about 80 in our delaware beach spots. 78 on the buoy in the mouth of the are delaware bay. phillies, a pleasant night for baseball. tomorrow things change we get a
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frontal boundary heading our in this direction late in the day it starts to pass over us, we get the humidity rising we'll see clouds and sun mix with a chance of shower or thunderstorm late in the day or at night. future tracker 6 has this west of philadelphia, that's up to 6:00 p.m. in the evening we'll see something get closer, i'll allow it to get to philadelphia, but looks like it's suppressed to the west. wednesday, more humid and more warm and better chance of the storms coming in. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, high of 81 less humid beautiful day. tuesday, 85 degrees is the high, a good day for the cup match late chance of thunderstorm. wednesday, warm humid better chance of afternoon and evening thunderstorms. thursday, clouds clouds and sun depending on when the front gets
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out of here, we might have a lingering storm on thursday, friday, saturday and sunday, there's a chance of a pop-up thunderstorm each and everyday. otherwise it's warm and probably a bit humid this holiday weekend. doesn't look like any of those days are a washout in terms of of the washout and concert it's a typical fourth of july where we have to keep an eye on things hopefully everything is okay. >> there's a warning about thieves striking at the height of philadelphia travel season. >> philadelphia falls short of the top spot on the list you would think that it would own karen. >> reporter: how is that possible? i-95 an accident blocking the left lane. problem on i-95, problem on the schuylkill expressway, i'll take you there live coming up. >> and it was not a good week to be diddy. all kinds of stuff, and then he
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falls in public, we'll show it to you when "action news" comes back.
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binge eating disorder, or b.e.d., isn't just overeating. it's a real medical condition. and while the exact cause is unknown, certain chemicals in the brain may play a role. b.e.d. is also the most common eating disorder in u.s. adults. hi, i'm monica seles. when i binged, i wasn't in control. i never felt satisfied no matter what the quantity was. afterwards i felt so upset with myself. to learn more about b.e.d. go to and talk with your doctor.
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>> 6:43 we'll get an update on what's going on with this fire scene in south jersey. chopper 6 has been over this, this broke out an hour and 15 minutes ago at a barn that's used for storage south harrison township. that's route 45 and monroeville road. firefighters a very
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hard time fighting this fire because they have no natural water source. we'll get you an update from the scene and give you the status. >> let's get a traffic update, looks like a parking lot on the schuylkill expressway. >> reporter: we have a fire truck blocking the left lane, westbound near university avenue we're jammed from passyunk to university. watch for that traffic the left lane remaining blocked, we have fire crews on the scene we're seeing people low slow down, westbound near university. i know the camera is shaky but i wanted to show you the shot. problem on the schuylkill expressway problem on i-95. southbound traffic particularly heavy at cottman we've got an accident blocking the left lane, southbound jammed from woodhaven to cottman an early heavy delay on i-95 as well as the one we talked about on the schuylkill expressway. one more issue this is the ramp from vine street expressway eastbound to 8th street.
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we've watched police all morning, the traffic lights are out at the ramp just give a little extra caution as you head there, police on hand trying to direct you around the problem. you've been talking about the fire location in south harrison, you can watch this with chopper 6 live on the scene route 45 at monroeville road. causing restrictions on 45. stick to mullica hill road as they deal with the fire location. staying in gloucester county, the ramp from 295 to harmony road exit 17 closed because of downed wires, they have reopened 15 and 16 matt. >> the summer travel season is in full swing here's why you should keep a close eye on your luggage. surveillance video shows thieves making off with other people's checked bags at the sea tech airport. they walk away with the suitcases at the luggage claim that police say do not belong to them.
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there are reports of similar crimes happening in other u.s. airports. a tragic weekend has investigators busy in missouri a plane crashed as spectators watched at an air show. the small plane was in the middle of aerial acrobatics when it went down. witnesses say they heard the plane's engine go in and out moments before the crash. atlanta police arrested a man who they say stole a hearse with a body inside. it was parked at agreed memorial hospital. it drove it through a fence and kept going for several miles and ditched the hearse. the same man carjacked a ford explorerrer that pulled up -- explorer that pulled up behind him at a traffic light. the funeral home that owns the hearse moved the body to another
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vehicle. >> up next, diddy goes down front and center on stage. >> reporter: humidity behaving itself, we have changes in the seven day we'll talk about that. i'll gifn you the day planner forecast and how we get to 81.
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>> we're about ten minutes away from "good morning america." >> let's go over to amy robach and look at what's they have on this monday morning. goodgood morning amy.
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>> reporter: good morning, tam and matt, great to be with you both. coming up next on "good morning america," the second convicted killer captured by a lone state trooper two mills from the canadian -- two miles from the canadian border. also breaking the fast-moving wildfire in washington state forcing thousand from their homes dozens of homes destroyed and more in jeopardy. we'll have the latest. two more shark encounters over the weekend the 5th and 6th off the coast of north carolina and 18-year-old boy in serious condition after he was badly bitten. we're live on the beach in north carolina at the look at what could be causing the rise in attacks. superstar opening up about her battle with lyme disease on camera. she talked about the struggle to get the badly needed diagnosis and how her fans helped her get through it all. >> we'll be watching, thanks so
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much amy. >> we have a terrible accident winslow township, camden county, route 7 # haze mill road. watch for this accident, a serious one injuries involved 73 at haze mill road. septa regional rails norristown line, 20 minute delays, you have to board from the out bound platform. troubles on the rails. >> reporter: we have temperatures in the 60s this morning humidity is low 67 degrees by 9:00 a.m. 74 by noon. a good morning to get your errands done. this afternoon if you prefer it warmer, do it this afternoon low humidity, fair amount of sunshine 79 degrees by 3:00 p.m. high of 81 around 4:00 p.m. close to 80 at 6:00 p.m. while it's a great day to head to the beach or pool or get yard work done outside use sunscreen.
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>> you would thing -- thing philadelphia would rank high on any list as the best city to celebrate the fourth of july. wallet hub received a survey and it named minneapolis minnesota. here's the shocking part. it ranked philadelphia number 32 behind detroit and texas and boise idaho. it was a embarrassment for sean diddy combs. he fell at the bet awards videos. it's not been a good week, last week he was arrested for assaulting the ucla football
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coach with a kettle bell. we'll be right back.
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>> welcome back here the top stories, firefighters in gloucester county are on the scene of a barn fire in harass ton township. look -- harrison township. look at all the white smoke crews had to truck in water to
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fight the flames. a plane that crashed into a home in massachusetts took off locally from a lancaster airport. people on plane were killed, the people inside the home escaped. police took two men into custody who were suspected in playing a role in a custody -- in the shooting. >> reporter: an accident has cleared on schuylkill expressway, we have delays. i-95 an accident blocking the left lane at cottman southbound extra heavy past woodhaven to cottman. it's a slow go and serious accident winslow township 73 haze mill road. chopper 6 is heading to the scene. we have fire crews on the scene debris on the road way, a horrible accident scene right there, looks like it could be a head-on collision right there dave.
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>> reporter: sunglasses all around, we have bright sunshine overhead it will stay with us today. we start out cool and comfortable. high of 81. >> "g.m.a." is next, for tamala edwards, david murphy, karen rogers, i'm matt o'donnell. have a great monday and great week!
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good morning, america. captured. the three-week-long manhunt for the escaped killers coming to an end. >> the nightmare is finally over. >> david sweat shot twice. take to be the hospital in critical condition. brand-new images showing the takedown. what the killers did to throw help off their scent. and we hear how the hero cop tracked him. erupting overnight. a fast-moving wildfire. forcing thousands to flee in an instant. the fire combining with propane tangs. as triple-difficult temperatures and strong winds fuel the flames. danger in the water. >> caller's saying someone's been bitten by a shark. >> an 18-year-old recovering from li


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