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tv   Action News at 4PM  ABC  July 28, 2015 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT

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lasts for 24 hours it doesn't matter what time you register so they hope people don't all register at the same time and crash the site again. it's tuesday afternoon i'm nydia han. >> i'm brian taff, back to the scene that had had people glued to their computer screens and mobile devices as this nearly two hour police chase played out live on they chased the suspect through philadelphia south jersey and down i-95. it all started over a pair of underwear. john rawlins live now with more. just when we think we have seen and heard it all. >> reporter: well, that is the most recent incident involving $10.60 worth of undergarmens that went mising in a shop.
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but they are saying there is a long list of violations. including violating a protection order. >> the white van refused to pull over and he stuck close to what his department called moderate speeds and there in philadelphia the city assisted in providing a helicopter that spotlighted the chase in areas near old city, at one point two police officers were struck by the fleeing van that then returned to new jersey. at the depford mall, they shadowed that van, philadelphia units joined in using a rolling road block that slowed and forced the van off the exit. finally in a lightly traveled stretch of pavement, a pennsylvania state trooper was
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authorized to use a pit maneuver where the front of a police car is used to -- >> it allows the fleeing vehicle to rotate and eventually stall. and when it does that you can apprehend the driver and last night as everybody saw last night on tv it was done successful. arrested was robert ritter of blackwood with an extensive violence history and two arrest warrants. did police ever consider breaking it off. the department is not taking questions, the philadelphia police stress they were only assisting, and under the new pursuit policy would they have broken off the chase. >> we know the male and his residence and vehicle, typically we would have terminated the pursuit especially running
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through the city, one thing you have to keep in mind is neighborhood. >>s the philadelphia police are saying that they did not initiate the chase but the call to break it off would have been oakland's call. live in oakland new jersey john rawlins, channel 6 "action news." >> it was incredible stuff thank you. chopper 6 hd covered the chase in the air our viewers were giving us a different perspective from the ground, look at this, cv bernardo got it from camden and bernie clark got this video from earlier in the evening, they both joined the action and you can to send your photos and videos to using the #~ 6 abc action. meantime, one person was hospitalized after a different police pursuit that ended in a crash. this one happened today at noon in the port richmond section on
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the 3200 block of tulip street they will not say what started this chase but no trooper as peered to be injured . a nurse is arrested accused of stealing morphine and other drugs from the nursing home where she worked and police say she was adding to a prevalent problem. >> reporter: this began after the nursing home contacted authorities concerned that they believe that morphine and other drugs were missing from their facility. toegd a nurse that used to work at the facility was arrested and police say their big concern now was if any of the patients did suffer because these drugs were stolen. >> the chester county district attorney, says this woman carolyn howlit stole drugs from
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the facility where she worked and then she abruptly quit, they found the drugs in her home during a separate investigation into her livein boyfriend arthur dillard. they initiated a search warrant in coatesville in early june. >> that bottle of morphine was listed by this defendant as being destroyed by her when the patient died. so we can trace that vial of morphine directly back to her and boom it's showing up at her house during a drug search warrant. dillard was arrested following a search and police say this is an ongoing investigation and it's unclear how many could be involved. >> we are still and this is on ongoing investigation, putting together whether the morphine was being sold out of that house. >> and hogan says that the
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nursing home is cooperating fully howlit began working into a new nursing home but remains in jail on $50,000 bond tonight. yesterday "action news" tells you about this dog that ran out a car in the juniata section of philadelphia. she is a special needs dog. and police found the dog and returned it home safe and sound and police are still looking for the driver of the other car involved in that crash that claimed the life of 42-year-old francis arroyo. now a check of the accuweather forecast. >> lets go outside to adam joseph. >> it's a little warm out here, the thermostat at least out here is cranking up.
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in philadelphia 91 degrees, the same for allentown and 90 in reading and upper 80s for lancaster and millville and at the shore the sea breeze kicked in 82 in beach haven and 85 in atlantic city. you factor in the humidity and it feels like the 90s wherever you are. 92 in trenton and 94 in lancaster and the exception again the shore at beach haven 89 and the poconos feeling like 82 degrees. as we get into the day tomorrow the heat index climb a few more degrees and along i-95 the urbanized areas around philadelphia and trenton could hit the 100 degree mark and the outside region of the corridor to the northwest and southeast will feel like 95 to 100 degrees, not as intense as a week ago or so. but still hot enough you want to remember to limit your exposure to the sun and stay hydrated and take breaks if you have to work
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outdoors and wear light weight loose clothing. we'll talk about when the humidity breaks in the accuweather forecast. >> thank you. >> tom brady's four game suspension for his role in the deflate-gate scandal was upheld he upheld it because he directed his assistant to destroy a cell phone containing key evidence an investigation found he was generally aware that he was using deflated footballs during the championship. the state is now putting body cameras on new jersey state troopers they will spend $1.5 million to quip the officers with the technology to promote trance parentsy and accountable. >> body cameras will ac as an objective witness so that truth rules the day. not emotions not agendas and
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not personal bias. >> every trooper will have a body camera in the next nine months and they will be required to activate them during protests and all arrests and traffic stops. lets go to matt pellman in the traffic center. >> one accident here if delco watching a crash on the northbound side of 95 to 420, wanamaker avenue the ramp is closed and we hear from penndot that a vehicle came through and plowed through the barrier and down into the shrubbery and fire crews and ambulances and police remain on the scene and the ramp is blocked. coming north on 95 you normally exit here from 420, ridley park for stewart avenue or up to 291 elsewhere on 95 speeds in the 20s coming north past the betsy
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ross bridge traveling north there is a crash on the inner drive on f street and farther north past cotman they are working on the break north of cotman avenue on the boulevard in buck county watch for a crash involving a pedestrian on bridge pike at henry avenue in trenton look for a wreck at warren street taking out the left lane. lets grab the ipad and look at the commuter report a pot hall along broomall road that is 320. >> thank you there is more ahead on "action news" at 4:00, a police officer in florida is off the job after this confrontation was caught on camera what officials say he threw at the man who was handcuffed and waiting to be
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tossed in jail. up next "action news" is giving you an exclusive look at a special inactive exhibit part of philadelphia's tallest attract. music: etta james "at last" (plays throughout) ♪♪ sometimes, at last doesn't happen at first. ♪♪ ♪♪ your dad just kissed my mom. ♪♪ turning two worlds into one takes love. ♪♪ helping protect that world takes state farm. oh my gosh, it's the guy from last night. what?! can i jump on your wi-fi?
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yeah, you can try it. hey! i had a really good time last night. yeah, me too. the only thing is that... the only thing is what? what's the only thing? oh my gosh he's married. he's a kleptomaniac. he's a pyromaniac. he's a total maniac. hey! hey! go back to your wife you sociopath! leave slow internet behind. get the wi-fi you need for better streaming. the 100% fiber optic network, is here. tea? get out of the past. get fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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a police officer in florida is suspended after this incident was caught on camera it appeared to show that officer throwing food at a handcuffed man waiting to be booked into jail, he was disappointed in the video and put the officer on paid administrative leave penning full investigation, and a woman has now plead guilty to allowing two men escape from prison. mitchell, a tailer at the prison gave them the tools to break
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out. she was to be their get away driver but never showed up. >> president obama wrapped up his historic trip to africa today, this morning he was the first american lead toward address the african union he urged them to uphold democratic rights. many say the government of ethiopia is oppressive and does not support democracy. and police gave a surveillance video of the theft today, it happened last tuesday on 16th and ritner streets, you can see him taking the phone as he walks up the steps of a home. how is this for a view? chopper 6 hd was there as a unique and fearless kind of
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photographer with an incredible lens captured our city from a never before seen angle only 6 abc got a sneak peek of one observation deck in philadelphia come full it will be the city's tallest attraction. by up there he means more than 1,000 feet up on the spire that stands on top of one liberty. chopper 6 hd catching all the action. >> you climbed to the top of this building to the spire. >> that is correct. >> to get the shots? >> yes yes. the long of the ladder i ever climbed. >> darryl is the coowner of mash up of photographers. >> we do specialized niche of panoramic photography. >> like super duper pixels. >> did you take any selfies while you were up there. >> i shot a little video selfie.
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>> he says it's like google earth but rather from satellite, you capture a human vantage point, can you look out over and lean in any direction and see each compass point of philadelphia. >> the shots are used in six zoomable kiosks as the one liberty observation deck. giving people an up close look at spots around town. >> as you look out over at the ben franklin bridge there is a pin drop there and you can zoom in. >> they have done similar work for one world trade and the seattle needle. >> the photogs come to us today from portland oregon and their work is not done yet they are going back to get more shots at
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sun down. the one observation deck or philly from the top opens in november and nydia it will be an incredible experience with a thrill experience i'll tell you about at 5:30. owning a home in delaware is more affordable. the first option is the home purchase rehabilitation program, it provides families a chance to buy and if i am up the home of their dreams with low interest rates and the second makes mortgage insurance available at a lower cost. the dow was up today 189 and change almost 190 and the nasdaq up 40 and the s&p up 25.5 points. you heard the saying you get what you pay for? people are willing to pay more for perks a company that tracks airline trends tracked 123
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travelers and they would pay for wifi, to watch netflix midair and some would pay for a mid seat plug to pay for their electronics and some would fork over extra money to get off that plane first. >> sounds good to me. >> me too. time for a check of the accuweather forecast. >> a hot day out there. >> day one of a possibly long heat wave? >> we'll have the 90 degrees, hit the thermometer for some areas for the next six or seven days we are all dealing with the heat and some humidity but a few of us seeing downpours popping around the region and a lot of them are concentrated near center city philadelphia there is one lonely thunderstorm near lower bank and a decent amount of lightning with this now and south of washington and south of egg harbor are you hearing the thunder at this point and it's kind of just
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drifting, not a lot to steer but lightning and rain is released in a short amount of time. as we head towards philadelphia if you are anywhere from the walt whitman to 676, you are uninundated one near the commodore barry bridge and one in marlboro andgibbsboro and it's drier to the north and allentown and reading with the dew points in the lower 60s this afternoon and that is where the heat index is a little lower reading and allentown 91 and 94 in wilmington and 94 in philadelphia and 93 in millville and better at the shore in beach haven, feeling like 89 with the sea breeze.
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most of the thunderstorms are firing up over the vnls and the carolinas and they will remain there this evening and throughout the next few days, as we look at the forecast tonight and it's warm and feeling tropical and upper 60s in allentown un76 in philadelphia and 74 for cape may. as we look at the numbers for tomorrow, hot and humid and feeling like 95 to 100 with air temperatures in the low 90s and 80s at the shore with the sea breeze there is not a heat advisory because we'll remain bow low the kroit ear yeah tomorrow, but there is an air quality alert unhealthy for sensitive groups that means the ground level ozone is unhealthy you have to fill up your car do it early in the morning or late in the afternoon. your four day at 4:00, hot and humid and 94 degrees, a few clouds and soupy on thursday and the front comes in during the afternoon and that could bring gusty storms at 92 degrees, as you get into friday, the human
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drops off and the temperature kicks back to 90 and we are back up to 92 just a few clouds on saturday with low humidity so even though we don't have a heat advisory or warning for tomorrow, take it slow outside you know the drill we had heat indexes near 105. a dr. seuss book hit bookshelves today, what pet should i get. his widow made the discovery after his death but set the manuscript aside until putting it out two years ago. >> we are big dr. seuss fans in our family what is exciting. coming up at 4:00, mayor michael nutter's plan to keep children reading all summer long and jimmy kimmel takes caitlyn the
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bachelorette shopping but she was not the own one to get in on the fun. the latest ad for this bugaboo stroller has some mothers bugged.
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at longhorn... steak like this doesn't need anything else. which is why we don't just add, anything else. longhorn steaks that sizzle for $12.99. the new smoky bacon sirloin. the new spicy grilled jalapeño sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin.
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all with hand chopped salad & unlimited bread for $12.99. tonight, only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. for lunch try our steakhouse burger. or any steakhouse lunch combo starting at $7.
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a new pilot program is helping kids keep up their reading skills during the summer called the play street book club it gives five free boks to participating children it's for the kids that receive the usda summer heels. the bachelorette wrapped up in dramatic fashion and we are not about to spoil who won in case you missed it. jimmy kimmel took caitlyn shopping for the wedding dress in honor of the big occasion. she liked several styles before finding one she liked.
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they tried on some bridesmaid dresses in the hopes of scoring a spot in caitlyn's wedding. >> blue is their color they lock good. >> they look all right. they don't look bad. i'll give them that. >> i have been a bridesmaid seven times and i would never wear those dresses again. >> a company asks three generations of one family, one question whark did you do for fun as a kid. it opened up a complicated conversation. >> plus, does this bugaboo ad bug you some moms say yes well break down the range of reactions this at campaign is generating.
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iran keeps their nuclear facilities. military sites can go uninspected. restrictions end after 10 years. then iran could build a nuclear weapon in two months. iran has violated 20 international agreements and is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. ♪♪ i am never getting married. never. psssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful ring. thank you. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm.
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breathe. i love it here. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never getting one of those (minivan). we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go. for all the nevers in life state farm is there. hello again. 4:30 now. "action news" has a way to try before you bid on high end designs on ebay and the best part is you don't have to leave the delaware valley. >> now a story about every day heroes, a war hero that lost his way in south jersey we answered the question you had on the elderly veteran's home. >> plus, how much is a human egg
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worth? that is the question at the sent of a lawsuit. it could impact people looking to start a family. now the public is getting a real look at what that jane doe may look like and vernon odom is live at state police headquarters with more. >> reporter: hello nydia police cold case units like this one never give up they will never throw in the towel. this teen from lancaster has a case file that goes back to the 40s, this case goes back to the mid-90s. look at these three women carefully, do you recognize any of them from 20 years ago in
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fact they were never real people. the two black and whites are computer generated conceptions of what the murder victim may look like. this was created by the legendry sketch artist frank bender. >> either a hispanic or white female between 18 and 40. >> they found the head and torso of the victim sitting in shallow water. along with this light blue shirt it damaged any possible fingerprints and it yielded nothing. >> this is one of things we talked about in the case and maybe that is why we tracked down the missing person and could be a transient from the other side of the country. in fact, her legs were found
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months later. in buck county some 75 miles away from cowen township. >> someone may say this could be my loved one and give us a call and we go from there. >> anything that could jog people's memories of that looks like so and so brings us more information. >> brian our viewers should know if they have any information on this case can't pennsylvania state police here in chester county. within secs they said they launched them over a plexiglass wall landing over the counter. back to the 63-year-old
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employee, and cleaned out the register, the suspect got away with cash and septa tokens and this worker was not hurt. >> detectives were looking for two men that robbed a southwest philadelphia woman on her front steps, it happened outside of her home on the 1100 block of south 35th street. the other demands her cell phone and pass code, they ran off after she complied and the victim was not hurt, if you have information on either of the robberies please call philadelphia police. >> it led to a big drug bust in wilmington. they recovered $15,000 worth of heroin and a gun and cash and arrested three people the patrolman says he smelled marijuana to come from the car and asked everyone to get out. they found the heroin and other items after getting a search
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warrant, the suspects were booked on drugs and weapons charges. officials in gloucester county says that this home -- after it was gutted by fire, sparked by the 200 block of buckingham court, the flames spread eventually bringing part of the roof down, monroe township officials say that they may have been on vacation at the time. >> now to meteorologist, adam joseph, looking at the corner of the screen, 89 degrees have we made it over the 90 mark yet? our first day of 90 degrees and many to come in the next seven days, as we look live at center city, a few breaks in the cloud cover there 91 now at the philadelphia international airport, 67 is your dew point and the heat index now 3 degrees higher than the air temperature we are seeing sun in the vantage part of the city and near the
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walt whitman bridge and west oregon avenue getting hit by a heavy downpour that is slowly drifting to the north and south. and wetten part of the city and the other part of the city it's sunny and dry, as we look at double scan radar down to west virginia, it will remain there throughout the day tomorrow. and things could turn active as we get into thursday. we'll talk about all the numbers and the possible of those storms when most of them can see them. >> of course high heat and humidity stages a bit of a come back check back with our live stormtracker 6 live double scan keeps you up on what is happening out there. a boy who lost his limbs to infection made history in philadelphia today he became the youngest patient to receive a double hand transplant.
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a great story rick. >> thank you, that is right, the 8-year-old from baltimore money received the hand earlier this month and the doctor says the surgery was a big success, his name is zion harvey leg prosthetics allows him to be active throughout the years he can write and eat and play video games but his new hans allow him to do so much more, coming up at 5:00 tonight, ali gorman will be live at chop to introduce us to zion and what is ahead for him now post surgery it's a great story and we'll meet him on "action news" tonight. well see you in just a little bit. back to you in the studio and alicia. speaking of good stories, this is kindness humanity and helping a war hero, you saw it
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here first yesterday, a story filled with so much love and hope that you our viewers are sharing it at record speed on social media these four police officers are offering to put up the world war 2 veteran when he got lost and a family offered him a spare room and the robbinsville inn and suites picked up the tab. my facebook post has been viewed 4.5 million time now, sharing this positive news with others. many of you asked how is the vet, oscar earhardt doing? his local meeting 200 miles away from home, he got lost and today one of officers that helped to escort him to the hotel, sergeant thomas eagan he
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spoke with oscar on sunday and is safe and sound and will never forget the kindness from the officers and hotel team it and all of you have been sharing the love and spreading the good news we brought you here. >> glad he is doing well. thank you. >> a little embarrassed he says. >> happy you share that story thanks alicia. >> the philadelphia zoo took the show on the road, it brought the zoo on wheels program to visit with preschoolers in the northeast, some animals dropped by the nhs facility a nonprofit that helps people with learning delays and the children could play and learn with everything from rabbits to turtles and even a hedgehog on campus today. >> i bet they loved that. still ahead try before you bid not a concept that applies to ebay until you are lucky enough to live in our area. and a federal lawsuit that could have deadly consequences for anyone trying to start a
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family, dispute over egg donor price limits. >> and is this bugaboo ad a mistake. and adam joseph has your accuweather forecast.
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ava and i needed a little vacay. but we needed to watch our spending. meaning i needed to watch nikki. she's the spender. i'm the saver. so, mobile banking from td bank helps me keep track... for both of us. she was just browsing... we gotta go. i'm ava. i'm nikki. and we bank human at td bank. what?
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then that car takes off and when it's employee realize what happened an ambulance had to be called for him and now the
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police officer and the employee are hope that whoever took the bag will do the right thing and return it. >> that is a whole lot of cash right there i florida judge is redefining the phrase it's a small world again having something in common with the suspect appearing in the courtroom. >> yes that was judge mindy glazier after recognizing allen glen from the cruise the previous weekend, now you might remember that this is the same judge that just a few weeks ago made national headlines for recognizing the suspect from her middle school, as for glen, he was not a flight risk, he could have fled during any of the stops during the cruise they enjoyed but they didn't. >> here at the big board is the big talkers and the big question, how much is a human
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head worth? it's being debated in a federal lawsuit, with two women fighting for what they call naked illegal price fixing they say that clinics nationwide have capped the eggs valuable and stripped them from free and open competition, millions of women donating eggs and making thousands of dollars through this process that is grueling and exhausted. >> by me becoming an egg donor and allowing the parents to achieve their dream they need to help me achieve my dream of setting up the life i always wanted. >> they say anything more than $10,000 isn't probe. >> this is the latest ad forever dutch high end stroller designer, bugaboo called the
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runner runner, and it has a bikini clad mom at the wheel. it has people bugging out. she is pushing her own 2-year-old daughter in the ad bugaboo is saying she looks aamazing and healthy and great for active parents. some say good for you others are bugged saying this is an unrealistic representation of motherhood, who jogs in a bikini, and the fact what she doesn't have a diaper bag. in case you like the stroller it's $800 and bikini not included . and finally three generations of a family one simple question, what did you like to do for fun as a kid. >> blueberry picking for instance. >> get up with the kids and play lots of games and playing hide and seek and playing baseball.
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>> we built these massive forts the kind you can sit in and then they tap into today and their fixation with technology. >> video games. definitely. >> i like to go on my phone. >> i would die if i didn't have my tablet. >> grab your kids and go rediscover the joy of nature and get them to step away from the controllers or the tablet they might die without. >> it's kind of sad but -- >> thank you alicia. lets get another check of the roads right now. now an update not rediscovering traffic -- >> but they could play nay puddle aafter a rain shower we had some of them and puddles to boot on the schuylkill expressway this is the scene by south street near heavy westbound traffic, and on the shoulder especially, you can see the big puddles were were left
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with on the schuylkill expressway, and left with this crash in delco along 95 and it continues to block the ramp from the northbound lanes to 420, and a vehicle lost control and ran down into the shrubbery the off ramp is closed and up at 291, and the northbound off ramp to 420, on the big picture a couple of issues traveling northbound this afternoon, at f street there is a crash on the inner drive and the outer drive north of cotman, the water main break. a crash as well on horsham along dresher rod and fitz watertown road, the fire and police are helping you around that and the water main break south of media south at glen riddle road by the sunoco and another crash to avoid this afternoon. we'll check it again coming up at 5:00. busy out there matt thank you. meteorologist, adam joseph has
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your exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast. how long will the heat wave last. your answer is next.
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meteorologist, adam joseph we are talking about the weekend saying it's only tuesday, but we have quite a bit to do. with the heat and humidity it's dragging out through the rest of week here and sluggish feeling out here and we have it hotter this summer season so far. we'll get through it. as we take a look right now at action cam looking up earlier today a combination of the blue and white in the sky looking at puffy cumulous clouds and a few of those cumulous clouds developed into nimbus clouds, your thunder clouds. it's a cluster of thunderstorms in parts of southern new jersey? >>
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in parts of center city. south of lower bank, it's slowly drifting towards egg harbor and route 30 and almost towards the atlantic city expressway. right around the toll booth there, that has come down quite a bit and heavy rain with it. and a little downpour near berlin and that is fading off the radar here in south philadelphia, this vantage point no lightning strikes with any of the rain and also near berlin 91 in philadelphia the same for the lehigh sally 88 in wilmington and the sea breeze kicked in at the shore and 85 in atlantic city, and you factor in the humidity and it feels like 94 in the city and low 90s for wildwood and low 90s in the lee lie valley. some thunderstorms are
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developing in the deep south with the heat and humidity but no big weather makers the low pressure is moving through central canada along a jet stream that ride as long the canadian border well to the north and that creates a large high from the south bringing much of the lower third of the country, and in fact we are set to sweat here in philadelphia over the next few days, 94 yesterday and 92 with the heat index, upper 90s to near 100 degrees take it slow outdoors and you can hydrate if you have to work outside. thursday is the day you watch for thunderstorms, and that is it in the afternoon and it's widespread, when they drop the humidity by the end of the week. it's hot and humid and quiet around here 94 degrees, soupy on thursday at 92 with gusty thunderstorms developing in the afternoon, but in the wake of
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that front the humidity will drop on friday and it's hot but a decent day at 90 degrees, and the humidity stays low on saturday up to 92 still hot and sunday and 90 degrees and the broken record really continues here on monday and 91 and an afternoon thunderstorm and back to normal on tuesday. and the 90s are here to stay and take it easy outside. >> we will. what is the deal is next, we talk about designer duds guys. oh my gosh, it's the guy from last night. what?!
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can i jump on your wi-fi? yeah, you can try it. hey! i had a really good time last night. yeah, me too. the only thing is that... the only thing is what? what's the only thing? oh my gosh he's married. he's a kleptomaniac. he's a pyromaniac. he's a total maniac. hey! hey! go back to your wife you sociopath! leave slow internet behind. get the wi-fi you need for better streaming. the 100% fiber optic network, is here. tea? get out of the past. get fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v iran keeps their nuclear facilities.
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military sites can go uninspected. restrictions end after 10 years. then iran could build a nuclear weapon in two months. iran has violated 20 international agreements and is the leading state sponsor of terrorism. if you have ever gone on eastbound for designer clothes and handbags have you probably found clothes on line but the problem you can't try it online but this online consignment boutique can fine a solution for
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that, it combines it way personal shopping experience. >> ysl jimmy choo and prada and louie vaton. if you love labels you'll love rv ad. rv used to be a personal shopper at sacks fifth avenue, my clients asked me to sell their things and it mushroomed and it got so big i had to leave my job. >> she now has a booming business on ebay. >> these feny shoes are gorgeous how much are they? >> $260 in our store. >> and these louboutins? 230 there's. >> i know that is still pricey for a pair of shoes but consider these shoes generally retail for
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$1,000 or more. how about this channel bag that is half off the original price and this dress new with tags $160 that is 65% off this black chanel dress is almost 85% off retail and the prada bag is $180 and recently she started something new aside from her online boutique you can make an appointment to shop at her brick and mortar location we asked you to go on the website if you see something we'll pull it and have a whole rolling rack ready for you, ask some questions as far as what they would like to see first quarter they are interested in work attire or casual attire we'll pull things in that size and she'll sell things on ebay for you and pick up items at your house. >> the consigner will receive
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60% of what it is sold for. >> that is a good consigning rate, we put rosanne's contact information at >> that will do it for "action news" at 4:00, for nydia han alicia vitarelli, and adam joseph i'm brian taff. we hope you'll join us tonight and every night for a full hour of "action news" at 10:00.
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since 1961, pearle vision has been providing expert eye care. today, we make caring for your eyes even easier. right now, buy one pair of glasses, and get another pair free. this is genuine eye care in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision.
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"action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody, meteorologist, cecily tynan, rick williams and monica malpass. if you want to take septa regional rails to see pope francis you'll have to win the lottery. they will now be sold in a drawing online. it is tuesday night and the big story on "action news" is the announcement from septa that they decided to give out the passes by lottery, this comes after the first attempt to sell the tickets and actually crashed the website, walter perez is out outside tonight with the details. >> you know septa officials knew they had to come up with a plan
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b after last week's fiasco and hope that this new approach is the fairest one possible considering the demands, only 201 of the 350,000 regional rail papal passes sold before the site crashed last week. now they say lessons learned. >> when have you a high demand but limited quantity of passes a real time ecommerce site is not a viable solution. >> the solution is a lottery system. you will have 24 hours to submit your question for a one day regional rail pass for the weekend of september 26th when pope francis is scheduled to be in philadelphia once the lottery ends at 11:59 fraudulent or duplicate entries will be


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