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tv   World News Now  ABC  August 14, 2015 2:40am-4:01am EDT

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♪ sex with your ex, it's really great ♪ ♪ yeah, but sex with your ex is a big mistake ♪ ♪ no, no, no ♪ no, no, no ♪ sex with your ex ♪ sex with your... ♪ sex with your... ♪ ex ♪ ex ♪ sex with your ex ♪ sex with your ex ♪ it's the best ♪ but you'll regret ♪ sex with your ex (falsetto voice) ♪ ex (normal voice) very earth, wind & fire. or not.
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so we found a plan that can travel with us. anywhere in the country. [ male announcer ] join the millions of people who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. remember, all medicare supplement insurance plans help cover what medicare doesn't pay. and could save you in out-of-pocket medical costs. call now to request your free decision guide. and learn more about the kinds of plans that will be here for you now -- and down the road. i have a lifetime of experience. so i know how important that is. supersize your lashes. advertise your eyes! supersize your lashes. hypnotize the guys! covergirl's super sizer mascara with the amazing lash styler brush. it loads on. combs through. for dramatic volume.
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corner to corner. volumize. mesmerize. supersize your lashes. advertise your eyes! the super sizer. new from easy, breezy, beautiful. covergirl and try new intensify me! liner for even bigger drama. whoa! what are you guys doing? -that's it. we're making sure nothing sticks. otherwise we gotta scrub all this stuff off. dish issues? cascade platinum powers through your toughest, starchy messes as if your dishes were non-stick. cascade. now that's clean. park. a roller coaster rider who lost his phone and other personal belongings is dead. investigators say james young jumped a security fence to look
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for his lost items when he was struck by the can thrill ride. theme park managers say that at cedar point say that area next to the 57--mile-an-hour raptor ride where he was found was off-limits. surveillance cameras were ruling when this school bus tore through an intersection. it hit an suv and slammed into a store. 11 children and two adults were on board the bus. most of them suffered some injuries. the driver told police her brakes failed and she couldn't stop. they are investigating that claim. less than 30 miles from where that crash took place, it was the scene of a fiery highway accident along a busy stretch of the new jersey turnpike. >> two trucks col colliding created an explosive scene mostly because of the cargo they were carrying. abc's mara schiavocampo with the details. >> reporter: commute collision. a massive fireball erupting on the new jersey turnpike. two tractor-trailers slamming into one another. drivers and onlookers horrified.
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>> oh, my god. that's -- oh! look at the -- see the explosion. >> reporter: then more horror. a driver emerging from a truck with his clothes on fire. a couple visiting the u.s. running to his aid. tourists from australia. >> i think he was in shock. so we tried to get his jeans off and get the fire out and tried to get him away from the truck. >> reporter: thanks to their actions the driver miraculously suffering only eb minor injuries. a day later the charred stels of the instruction still smoldering. the state police revealing one of the trucks involved in the accident was carry caing pape, the other medical gas. an explosive combination. mara schiavocampo, abc news, new york. >> scary stuff. >> my goodness. i mean, that was incredible, that video. >> the explosion, the fact you're driving on that interstate and all of a sudden, it explodes.
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>> his leg's on fire. >> and people rushing to leave the scene. you never know what else is inside and what further explosions could happen. >> that's a good point. coming up, a totally new age way to get fired up for your workout. it's actually not about getting fired up at all. >> we'll take some deep breaths and talk hypnosis straight ahead. you're watching "world news
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how about that relatching music there. >> just what anyone about to do some hypnosis might want to be listening to. no, that's not the time for jack jams or anything. >> no, i would not try that. it just so happens more and more would be jocks are using hypnosis as a way of getting ready to exercise. abc's deborah roberts tells us more. >> beginning to feel your eyelids getting heavy. >> reporter: we've seen it in the movies to get you doing what you don't want to do. >> just zong me out so like i don't know that i'm at work. >> reporter: hypnosis is used for all kinds of things but to
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jamb start your workout? lots of people, including oliviaia munn swear by it as the key to their motivation. she even hosted her kick butt workout videos on her instagram. >> exhale all and any tension. >> elena belloff says she's changed many lives through hypnosis, right now trying to help 21-year-old maggie reach her goal of running a half marathon. can it really help get you to the gym. >> yes, absolutely. you are in a dreamy like state. you can see yourself exercising and you can see yourself getting the benefits. so your mind is excited by it. >> reporter: one of her clients, kevin johnson, says he went from chain smoking to pumping iron. >> every day after work instead of getting a snack or having a cigarette, i now go straight to the gym. >> reporter: now 15 pounds lighter, kevin feels great. >> hypnosis has put a positive spin on my life.
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so i look forward to living a healthier life. >> reporter: even the american psychiatric association gives it a thumbs up but some are quick to caution it's not a magic pill. >> hypnosis is not a magic bullet to get somebody to get healthier, eat better, work out. >> reporter: belloff acknowledges real results come from discipline and hard work but says hypnosis may help you get there. >> so when will you go exercise? >> tomorrow morning at 5:30. >> 5:30, wonderful. >> deborah roberts, abc news, new york. that's very interesting. a lot of people say the power of visuallization, you don't need to be hypnotized. you can kind of close your eyes and visualize something and it comes to fruition. >> meditation i guess. hypnosis -- >> and you get bicep curls too. >> look at you in your little short shorts. >> i did so many. look how many i did. >> you're ripped. look at those. >> i'm impressing myself obviously with how many i did. >> he's got guns underneath that
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suit. who knew. >> and a farmer's tan. >> coming up an east coast west coast version of "insomniac theater." is no match for that. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner eliminates mineral build-up effortlessly and kills 99.9% of germs. to get your toilet truly clean, why choose anything other than the power of lysol? and to keep it that way for up to 4 weeks try lysol automatic toilet bowl cleaner. it's from daddy. sfx: dad's voice i love you baby girl. duracell quantum lasts longer in 99% of devices so you can always be there. ♪
2:53 am
everyone's raving! age defy from clairol the secret? superior gray coverage that leaves hair looking 10 years younger age defy from clairol well, things in the bedroom have alwaysyeah, no complaints. we've always had a lot of fun, but i wanted to try something new. and i'm into that. so we're using k-y love. it's a pleasure gel that magnifies both of our sensations. right, i mean, for both of us, just... yeah, it just takes all those awesome feelings you usually feel and it just makes them... rawr... dare to feel more with new k-y love. whoa! what are you guys doing? -that's it. we're making sure nothing sticks. otherwise we gotta scrub all this stuff off. dish issues? cascade platinum powers through your toughest, starchy messes as if your dishes were non-stick.
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cascade. now that's clean. matt's gotten used to the funk yup, he's gone noseblind. he thinks it smells fine, but his wife smells this... luckily for all your hard-to-wash fabrics there's febreze fabric refresher febreze doesn't just mask, it eliminates odors you've gone noseblind to break out the febreze, and
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breathe happy ♪ it's time to welcome phillip into "insomniac theater" where we check out two new movie openings today. >> let's start with the much anticipated and much hyped "straight outta compton" that chronicles the rise and fall of gangster rap pioneers n.w.a. produced by the group's most famous surviving members ice cube and dr. dre and tells the story of how they changed the world through their an honest music. >> you got a snapshot how americans really feel. >> we gave the people a voice. we gave the people truth. >> yeah, but your songs. they glam rise the lifestyle of gangs, guns, drugs. >> our art is a reflection of our reality.
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>> what you say when you go outside your door? i know what i see. >> it ain't glamorous. >> you get aks from russia and cocaine from columbia. >> none of us got a passport. so -- >> reviews for this film have been really good so far. matt doe nat tote says "straight outta compton" is more a statement movie been a linear bye pic and entertainment weekly says you'll fib it's more mellow dramatic cliches and surrender to its raw brass knuckle force. >> i want to see this weekend. >> n.w.a., i grew up with them. i want to see it. >> what's your favorite song? >> straig"straight outta compt." i was a kid. from the west coast to the east coast with the latest film written and directed by noah bottomback, mistress america" could written by the film's star gretta gerwid who plays brook. brook befriends a lonely college freshman in new york and pulls
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into a much more exciting world incloo including going after brook's former friend. that former friend stole her fiance, got rich and moved to the suburbs. >> she's my nemesis but she does owe me. >> this has been heavy on you. and sometimes you have to go back in order to go front. >> i'm going to greenwich. >> we're going. >> you ready for this, squirt? it's going to get ugly. >> i'm ready. >> great had how do we get there? >> reviews for mistress america have been generally good but with some criticism. emma simmons says it flounders as it descends into farce just like brook, not quite sure where it wants to go. sarah stewart writes of the film's central relationships it never falters in its case study of a complicated female friend hadship. i'd go see that one too. >> tot >> important message
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for women and men ages 50 to 85. please write down this toll-free number now. right now, in areas like yours, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you're on a fixed income or concerned about rising prices, learn about affordable whole life insurance with a lifetime rate lock that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. if you did not receive your information, or if you misplaced it, call this number now and we'll rush it to you. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. please stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek and the announcement you just heard is for a popular and affordable life insurance plan with a rate lock guarantee. that means your rate is locked in for life and can never increase. did you get your free information kit in the mail? if not, please call
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this toll-free number now. in the last month alone, thousands have called about this plan with the rate lock guarantee through the colonial penn program, and here's why. this plan is affordable, with coverage options for just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate is locked in and can never go up, and your acceptance is guaranteed. you cannot be turned down because of your health. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now for your free information kit. don't wait, call today. ♪
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this morning on "world news now," the racace for president gets even more unpredictable. >> could al gore be challenging hillary clinton, the new dynamic for the democrats as donald trump uses a terrorist to get attention from voters. widespread destruction. the jaw-dropping pictures i've city levelled in china after deadly blasts rip apart a seaport. latest video as experts rush in to investigate. out of control. the school bus with 11 children on board slamming into a liquor store. what happened and how are the children? and later, a viral sensation. the pet grooming salon called the crazy dog haas. its cuteness and weirdness you have to see on this friday, august 14th. from abc news, this is
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"world news now." good morning, everyone. i'm reena ninan. >> i'm phillip mena. >> this is a big moment. i've always talked about presidential politics. is there going to be someone who breaks the mold and suddenly the race gets unpredictable and interesting. >> we've absolutely have that. people who normally wouldn't be interested in the race so far ahead of the election nouz are. >> and we are talking about a shake-up for the race for the white house. >> abc news has confirmed that al gore supporters are talking about the possibility of the former vp challenging hillary clinton. abc's stephanie ramos is tracking the new developments. >> reporter: we're learning democratic presidential candidate lkt could get new competition on the campaign trail from someone in her own party. former vice president al gore. some of his advisors have started holding meetings to discuss his possible run for the white house. >> ladies and gentlemen,
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president of the united states. donald j. trump! >> reporter: gop presidential contender donald trump plans to slide right into the iowa this weekend. he's already stacked his campaign, hiring ten staffers in iowa, more in new hampshire and south carolina. he may possibly add some staff support in nevada, as well. the billionaire business mogul continues to lead in the polls and is now drawing even more criticism from his rivals for a controversial new ad featuring one of the most vicious killers, jihad john from the isis videos. and here's the latest. republican presidential candidate rand paul using trump's own past statements to suggest he's not really a republican. >> i probably identify more as a democrat. >> and it just seems that the committee does better under the democrats. >> reporter: trump isn't at all fazed. >> i said rand, i've had you up to here. >> reporter: despite the battles, concern from the gop and rival candidates, donald
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trump is marching on with his campaign with iowa in his sights. stephanie ramos, abc news, washington. more about al gore's possible entry into the race. his spokesperson tells politico there's no truth to the reports. she says he's "laser focused on solving the climate crisis." instead. >> there's credible new evidence this morning that isis fighters in iraq have used chemical weapons. officials says isis used mustard gas in an attack against fighters earlier this week. the gas can cause blisters, blindness and breathing problems. it's believed it came from either left over shame stockpiles or brought over from syria. isis claimed responsibility for a deadly truck bomb attack in baghdad and the group is threatening more such attacks. at least 67 people were killed in the sadr city neighborhood shortly after dawn. hundreds of people were injured. dozens of people missing it this morning after the deadly explosions rocked northern
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china. industrial area in the port city of it tianjin looks like a war zone. twisted debris and brand-new cars that were waiting to be shipped you'll of them reduced to burnt out shells. the blast at a warehouse filled with hazardous chemicals killed at least 50 people and injured more than 700. martinez i gonzales reports. >> reporter: hundreds of people hospitalized recovering after these massive explosions. >> whoa. whoa! >> holy [ expletive ]. >> reporter: dozens of people killed including firefighters who were called to the scene a half hour earlier for a fire in a warehouse storing hazardous material. they along with everyone living nearby caught off guard. the force and the flames ripping through neighboring homes where migrant workers were asleep, devastating damage throughout the major port city, even a mile away, windows left shattered.
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>> we're getting a shock wave. it rattled all the doors and seemed like big wind and stuff and then the big one that hit was the one that really felt like an earthquake. >> reporter: and people living in the surrounding area have been evacuated because of concerns about toxic fumes. china's president has promised a thorough and transparent investigation. reena and phillip. thank you. new details how legionnaires disease is spread after one of the largest ever deadlyout breaks in new york city. outdoor cooling towers are the focus of the new york cases but a new report from the centers for disease control most deaths are linked to hospital and nursing home showers where exposure to the bacteria spreads into the lungs from spray from faucets and hour sheds. >> police may have a break in the case of baby doe. the body of an unidentified
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little girl was found on a near logan airport in june. police circulated the computer generated foyts you see there. now they say pol been and clothing is from trees common to boston leading them to believe she likely lived in the area. the justice department looking into the fatal police shooting of a teenager in south carolina killed during a drug bust. the officer saying he felt threatened. this time both the officer and teen are white. the heart broken family is demanding answers. more now from abc's steve osunsami. >> he murdered our son. >> he murdered our son. >> reporter: this time the grieving family of an unarmed teen gunned down in a controversial police shooting are these white parents. >> i mean, this is over a little bit of marijuana. you don't kill people over marijuana. >> reporter: paul and angie hammond's 19-year-old son zachary was shot to death in his car in a hardees parking lot in south carolina where police were running a drug sting. >> our kids are getting killed. sure, you know, they make
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mistakes, but you can't just kill them for it. >> reporter: the u.s. department of justice is investigating. >> i would like to see the officer charged with murder. >> reporter: lawyers for officer mark tiller say he felt threatened when they claim that hammond tried to crash into the officer with his car. if not for his quick reflexes and his ability to push off the car, they write, lieutenant tiller would have easily been run over by mr. hammond. but an autopsy commissioned by the family shows that the 19-year-old's gunshot wounds entered the back of his shoulder and his side, and they ask police to explain that. they tell us they break down when they see news reports of young people killed by police like christian taylor in texas. >> we cried when we saw it on the news. our trust is shaken right now. >> these shootings have got to stop. >> reporter: in south carolina authorities report they're up to 31 police shootings this year. a newspaper investigation finds that police fire their guns at someone every ten days. police in this case aren't commenting. the family believes they have
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dashcam video and if so, they'd like them to release it. steve osunsami, atlanta. >> the parents of kevin ward are speaking out about their son's death. ward was killed a year ago when he walked onto the track and struck by nascar driver tony stewart. his parents have filed a wrongful death suit. last september, a grand jury decided not to charge stewart in criminal court but a civil court standard of proof is much lower. the grief-stricken mom and dad spoke to abc's paula faris. >> we feel tony acted recklessly. there was six other cars that passed my son while he was on the track. but yet, we have the best nascar driver in the world sliding his car sideways. i feel he tried to intimidate kevin and throw dirt at him and ended up hitting and killing my son. >> paula's entire interview an abc news exclusive later on "good morning america." tom brady was back on the field last night playing in the patriots first pre-season game
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despite his looming suspension and the fight over it. his performance was subdued. he threw four passes, completed one for ten yards and that was it. talks between attorneys for the nfl and the players union over a possible settlement in the deflategate case continue. a big opportunity for elvis fans to get their hands on something once owned by the king himself. >> more than 150 items that belonged to elvis hit the auction block at graceland will in memphis last night. a suit he wore in the film "it happened at the world's fair sold for $20,000. a diamond and gold pendant he gave to sammy davis junior went for $40,000. >> someone bought one of the king's handguns for nearly $100,000. it coincides with the anniversary of elvis' death 38 years ago this sunday. >> he died on august 16th, 1977. and apparently the jacket that he wore in the 1964 film "viva las vegas" only got as much as
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$26,000. >> his estate still bricks in a lot of money all those these auctions aren't as successful as they once were. but you know, we can understand. >> they actually pulled that jacket, the $26,000, didn't think the bid was high enough. it's still out there. >> $26,000. >> i got to save up. >> coming up "the mix," those boring preflight safety instructions and how a flight attendant is making sure you pay attention. >> also ahead, weird doggie hairdos going viral. a trip inside the crazy dog haas where the stylists have a certain flair. >> first a safety alert about lifeguards before your weekend swim. who's cracking down on distracted lifeguards and who is supposed to keep you safe. >> find us on facebook and on twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so please,
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write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait,
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call this number now. ♪ well, things in the bedroom have always been pretty good. yeah, no complaints. we've always had a lot of fun, but i wanted to try something new. and i'm into that. so we're using k-y love. it's a pleasure gel that magnifies both of our sensations. right, i mean, for both of us, just... yeah, it just takes all those awesome feelings you usually feel and it just makes them... rawr... dare to feel more with new k-y love. yyou think it smells fine, butur your guests smell this... febreze fabric refresher eliminates all the odors you've gone noseblind to
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break out the febreze and breathe happy. it collects leaving gross germ-ridden stains. clorox toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is no match for that. but lysol power toilet bowl cleaner eliminates mineral build-up effortlessly and kills 99.9% of germs. to get your toilet truly clean, why choose anything other than the power of lysol? and to keep it that way for up to 4 weeks try lysol automatic toilet bowl cleaner.
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this horrifying accident was caught on surveillance video. a school bus racing through an intersection hitting an suv, then smashing into a store. the bus was carrying 11 children and two adults. moat most of them suffering injuries, some with bumps and bruises and others with broken bones. >> they couldn't walk. they had to carry the kids out of the bus. and they put them on the sidewalk. >> new jersey state records show the bus involved pass the its most recent inspection three months ago. driver told police her brakes failed, a claim they are still
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investigating before lots and lots more kids get on school buses they're likely to take a dip in a pool or lake or the ocean and the hope is life guards will be on duty. >> sometimes they're not looking after swimmer.s. paula faris reports. >> watch as this on duty lifeguard takes his eyes off the water to pour a bucket of it over beach growers. the confrontation escalating to this physical fight. experts say it happens too often. lifeguards distracted. >> are you a lifeguard in. >> this guard was fired after being found lounging in the shade while on duty, even bringing her infant seen in this car seat with her to work. >> aren't you supposed to be watching the water. >> in the same you wouldn't expect a health care provider to go ahead and be fooling around, you wouldn't expect a lifeguard to be doing that either. >> reporter: now adding to that distraction, social media. dozens of pictures and videos of what appear to be on duty lifeguards posting selfies and
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videos of their pools. this caption reading "sneaking my phone while guarding." >> everyone is accountable for their actions. >> larry florida ewell is with ellis and associates a company that conducts undercover safety audits like this one catching lifeguards listening to music. even on their phone while guarding. >> that second or two seconds that they're distracted from the water could mean somebody's life. >> reporter: almost one in five children who drown in pools do so with a lifeguard present. children like 13-year-old ricky harris seen here on surveillance footage getting into a pool at camp and never making it out. while one lifeguard is in the stand, another appears to be on a computer. ricky going unnoticed at the bottom of that pool for more than ten minutes. paramedics rushing in are too late. his family is now suing transylvania why university which is the camp operator and the two lifeguards saying they were grossly negligent. all defendants say their thoughts and prayers remain with
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the family but deny any wrongdoing and have told the court the lifeguard computer was on break. >> many lifeguards are 15, 16 years old. they make mistakes. we know they're going to make mistakes. >> that's why he says even if a lifeguard is on duty, parents need to keep an eye on their kids. >> we try to explain to everybody that lifeguards aren't baby-sitters. >> reporter: if you catch a distracted lifeguard, speak up. paula faris, abc news, new york. >> you know, i went undercover with these ellis and associates folks for "20/20" last year. it was frightening the stuff they're able to catch. they do the operations to make sure lifeguards are paying attention. one of the biggest fears or threats is what they call kaw pool wall huggers or young kids, many of them under 7 and they hug the edges of the pools and then when they let go, it's that split second and they don't scream, they don't have time to shout. and it's just they're done down at the bottom of the pool. it's so important if you're there with your kids not to depend on just the lifeguards.
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>> absolutely frightening for not just children but i can't swim that well. what do you call it a wall ugh hug erg? >> they hug the edges of the pool, yeah. >> i didn't know there was a name for what i did. i guess it turns out that's what i do when i'm in there. they made a good point in the story. social media is changing this now. we see everybody gets a split second alone or you think someone's not watching you go straight to your phone and you're on that. again, a lot of them teenagers doing this, not always the most responsible. >> coming up, some real block heads if you thought the pooches you see everyday at the westminster kennel club show are unique, just wait till you see these. >> ahead in our next half hour, the raging debate over the megapopular app tinder is is it just a way to find a quick hookup or are those really using it really looking for love? we'll be right back.
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every february here in new york is the westminster kennel club dog show. it's a super bowl for competitive breeders and their dogs. >> that's a good way of putting it. the hair adequates are legendary. we'll wait to see if the style being done in a studio in tau wan makes it there next year. we're up all night with neal karlinks karlinksky. >> reporter: it's called the crazy dog haas but it doesn't seem so out of the ordinary at first. yet this dog grooming salon is ground zero for a furry viral sensation as weird as it is, well, adorablebly weird. square headed dogs. >> crazy for dog. >> you are crazy for dog. >> reporter: dog groomer ming fang mo is the dog loving genius behind this strange trend.
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>> are you surprised by the attention has gotten? >> we were quite sacrificed because it was one of our styles. he shows us how he does it on a poodle saying little boo. >> i'm not sure if he's saying please help me or i like this. >> it took roughly an hour to wash him, comb him out and carefully stlupt him into a walking wagging box headed hound. >> this is my dog sophie. >> i showed mo my dog so if i and he said there was nothing he could do shoo she's beautiful. >> yeah, yeah. whoever said don't be a square clearly knew nothing about canine hairstyles. for "nightline," i'm neal karlinksky in taipei, taiwan. >> i like the trend. >> i don't know. i don't know. i feel like the dogs are embarrassed about it. it's weird when you put clothes on a dog. >> this dog, look at that. that was after the westminster kennel club win. that dog won. nobody knew it.
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>> coming up on the mix," featuring a flight attendant with its own unique take on safety. s in your bathroom. you think it smells fine but your guests smell this. ding! febreze air effects heavy duty has up to two times... ...the odor eliminating power... remove bathroom orders you've gone noseblind to. use febreze air effects, till it's fresh. and try febreze small spaces... continuously eliminate up to two times... ...the odors for 30 days. febreze small spaces and air effects, two more ways to breathe happy. to take care of my heart.s that's why i take meta. meta is clinically proven to help lower cholesterol. try meta today. and for a tasty heart healthy snack, try a meta health bar. well, things in the bedroom have alwaysyeah, no complaints. we've always had a lot of fun, but i wanted to try something new. and i'm into that.
3:23 am
so we're using k-y love. it's a pleasure gel that magnifies both of our sensations. right, i mean, for both of us, just... yeah, it just takes all those awesome feelings you usually feel and it just makes them... rawr... dare to feel more with new k-y love. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, this is an important message. so please, write down the number on your screen. the lock i want to talk to you about isn't the one on your door. it's a rate lock for your life insurance that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one,
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but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase. your coverage can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and gift. both are free, with no obligation. don't wait, call this number now. ♪
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it is time for "the mix." and i'm not going to lie, when you get on an airplane and they give you the safety instructions, a lot of people have their headphones in, not paying attention. just going through the motions and want to hurry and get out of there. we have this guy we want to show you. he keeps your eye on lim. because of all of his hijinks. he works for west jet, a plan airline. it was posted by a vetnaire clinic base fwld saskatchewan. their employees were on there and found it to be entertaining as you can see. he's -- like parred magician, part entertainer. all flight attendant to keep things safe and interesting. there video has gone viral 5 million views checking that guy out. we're all safer after for it
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too. >> curious what he would do next. right? >> absolutely. >> take a look at this guy created for the iphone inserting pop culture an characters with his iphone. you see marge simpson there. the next one minions. how about one more. time now for your first ever polka. polka time. >> can't wait. ♪ politics and foreign wars -- all the weather all the scores ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ that roll in way too slow that's the world news polka ♪ ♪ it's late at night you're wide awake you're not wearing pants so grab your "world news now" mug and everybody dance ♪ ♪ have some fun be a pal every anchor every gal ♪ ♪ do the world news polka
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♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ they make us work the graveyard shift that's why we go for broke so why don't you tune into abc and play a little joke ♪ ♪ five whole days every week we are here tongue and check ♪ ♪ and the world news polka ♪ do the world news polka ♪ i said now do the world news polka ♪ thank you, thank you very much.
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this morning on "world news now," search for survivors. the destructive explosion in a chinese city that looks more like a war zone. the human toll, the crowded hospitals, and the search for a cause. campaign shake-up. could al gore be launching another democratic run? and can donald trump impress iowa republicans this weekend with free helicopter rides? and new this half hour, the man who stood up to a 200-pound bear. >> and he has lived to tell about it. his injuries and what he did to save his own life. and later, the big movie from sesame street, elmo, big bird and their friends are turning a new corner, making history in children's television. that's in "the skinny" on this friday, august 14th. from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning. i'm phillip mena.
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>> i'm reena ninan. we begin with the apocalyptic scene in northern china after two fiery explosions in one of the world's largest ports. >> a glimmer of hope amidst the utter devastation. rescuers pulled a survivor from the rubble more than 30 hours after the blast but dozens are still missing. at least 50 people are dead and more than 700 injured. abc's bob woodruff has the latest from tianjin. >> reporter: new video showing the massive blast lighting up the night sky, shot by an american, dan van duran, running for his life. >> let's go. >> reporter: and the view from above shows fire still burning, row upon row of burned-out cars, piles of crumpled shipping containers. >> there's still smoke. it's still burning. there's flames in there. >> reporter: whole buildings reduced to twisted metal. these are people's homes. this is where they live. look at this, here's the fan, their room. we passed exhausted
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firefighters, 1,000 descending on the scene, searching for the dozens of people still missing. more than 50 are dead and 700 wounded. the blast sending neighbors into the streets in just nightgowns. american michael doherty watching from his window. >> the big one hit and thought the whole building was coming down. >> reporter: the force as strong as 21 tons of tnt. patients pack hospital hallways. long lines of people wait for clothes and battered cars drive empty highways. at the hazardous chemical storage facility where the fire began, teams in hazmat suits are testing the air. many people on the streets wear face masks. students light candles for all who were lost. now the sun is just rising in tianjin. you can see that the smoke is still coming from the site. of those 50 that were killed, 17 of them were firefighters and among them, the youngest of all, were just 17 years old.
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bob woodruff, tianjin. >> forecasters say there's a good chance the weather pattern of el nino will bring record heat and more strong storms with drenching rain. there's no guarantee it will ease drought stricken areas especially california. firefighters battling a fire in northern california are getting a break from the weather. they took advantage of cooler temperatures to clear brush and widen containment lines but the fire is sti spreading. it's already burned 38 square miles of thick brush in lake and napa counties and it's now 50% contained. >> it's a wind driven topography and fuel driven fire. we're going to maintain our effort in fighting this fire as aggressively as possible. >> about 50 homes are still in danger and 2,000 firefighters are on the ground. it's just one of 14 wildfires currently burning out of control in california. >> 11 men who have been on death row in connecticut have been spared after the state supreme court ruled that their executions would be unconstitutional. among those faying an the death
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penalty two men who tortured and murdered the wife and two daughters of dr. william petit. they beat him severely but he managed to escape before they actually set the house on fire. he says that he doesn't support the high court's ruling. >> i think forgiving the essence of evil is not appropriate. >> this is a solemn day in connecticut. >> reporter: governor malloy is also promising all the inmates who have been on death row will never have any chance of freedom. 31 states still allow the death penalty. a historic day ahead in havana, cuba. secretary of state john kerry is expected to raise the stars and stripes over the restored u.s. embassy there. three marines who lowered the flag back in 1961 will beback back to raise it once again. kerry is not expected to meet with fidel or raul castro but will visit with dissidents at the u.s. ambassador's residence and he's also likely to see
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american tourists. hotels there are booked until spring. >> the race to 2016, there's talk of a possible shake-up on the democratic side. friends of al gore eyeing a spot for him in the race. a gore advisor tells abc news that friends and former aides are having a conversation about the possibility of gore challenging hillary clinton for the nomination. no moves by gore himself but he has not ruled anything out. another spokesperson tells the tennessean newspaper those reports are untrue. and it looks like vice president joe biden is getting closer to a decision whether he'll run on the republican side, donald trump beefing up his political staff. abc's jonathan carl has the details. >> reporter: donald trump plans to take iowa by storm this weekend, taking the trump helicopter right to the state fair, even promising free helicopter rides for kids. >> ladies and gentlemen, president of the united states, donald j. trump! >> reporter: abc news has learned trump is beefing up his campaign, hiring ten
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staffers in iowa, several more in new hampshire and south carolina and more coming in nevada. he's also facing new attacks from his rivals, the latest, rand paul, using trump's own past statements to suggest he's not really a republican. >> i probably identify more as a democrat. and it just seems that the economy does better under the democrats. liberal on healthcare. we have to take care of people that are sick. >> universal health coverage? >> i love universal healthcare. hillary clinton is a terrific woman. i'm a little biassed because i've known her for years. >> reporter: paul is even rolling out his own donald trump impression. >> my favorite is, yeah, the reason i tell women they're ugly is because i'm so good looking. everybody knows i'm good looking, right? >> reporter: trump is shrugging it all off. >> i said, rand, i've had you up to here. i've had you up to here. >> there's a new development on the democratic side. aides to former vice president al gore have begun informal discussions about the possibility of a gore presidential campaign.
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i am told that these are very preliminary discussions and that gore is taking no concrete steps towards running but he is not ruling it out either. jonathan carl, abc news, traveling with the president in martha's vineyard. >> an ohio man is dead after he was knocked down by a roller coaster car. investigators say he jumped the fence into a restricted area at cedar point amusement park looking for a cell phone he dropped earlier. while he rode on the roller coaster. paramedics performed cpr at the scene and unable to save him. a man in central california is recovering from a vicious bear attack. a black bear bounced on larry yepes as he stepped outside on to his front porch. he managed to fight off the bear but not before it ripped into his face and arms. he said the bear kept coming after him but he kept fighting back. >> he jumped on me and then he started biting me. i punched him and then put my feet neath his belly and kicked him. the bear like flipped backwards
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like this but then he jumped back up and then he started coming at me again. >> yepez said the bear only turned away when it was distracted by his little dog there finally giving him a chance to escape. wildlife officials plan to euthanize the bear if found. >> hearing more and more about these bear attacks. >> wild way to support animal rights in london. hundreds stripping down to birthday suits for a good cause. >> runners streaked through the london zoo yesterday to raise money for tiger conservation projects some of them wearing just body paint, others wearing absolutely nothing. it's the third year of the run aimed at helping those big cats. >> would you do that? >> never. never. >> it's at a zoo, right? the animals walk around naked all the time. about time they had some company. you know? >> that's one way of looking at it. >> i don't know. maybe. well, coming up in "the skinny," rumblings from will smith about a possible comeback of "the fresh prince of bel air."
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could it be true? >> i hope so. also ahead, smartphone wars and the battle for the bigger more vivid screen. could this phone outperform the iphone? >> exposing secrets about the dating app tinder. is it destroying the art of romance? but first the forecast. you're watching "world news now." >> "world news now" weather, brought to you by belsomra. guys listen up!
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jake, put that down
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point it at the ground til your ready that's not the ground leo put that down when your day goes on and on, you need 48 hour odor protection that goes on clear for no white marks. secret outlast clear gel. ♪balance transferot to othat's my game♪ ♪bank you never heard of, that's my name♪ haa! thank you. uh, next. watch me make your interest rate... disappear. there's gotta be a better way to find the right card. whatever kind you're searching for,
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lets you compare hundreds of cards to find the one that's right for you. just search, compare, and apply at ♪a one, a two, a three percent cash back♪ whoa! what are you guys doing? -that's it. we're making sure nothing sticks. otherwise we gotta scrub all this stuff off. dish issues? cascade platinum powers through your toughest, starchy messes as if your dishes were non-stick. cascade. now that's clean. you're looking at the latest smartphones promising to go after apple's share of the market. samsung unveiled two galaxy phones in new york, the s6 edge
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and note 5. they have screens that measure nearly 6 inches diagonally. they're thinner and lighter than previous models. samsung's sales have slipped after new iphones went on the market last year. the phones go on sale next friday. >> i just want the old flip phone back. it didn't do internet. >> we were talking about that. i don't know. i'm iphone. i'm hooked. can't go the other way. anyone getting one of those phones will have a nice big new screen on which to check out people they might be interested in via the app known as tinder. >> the question right now, what are all those people really using it for? what are they interested in? it's a question that sparked a red hot debate as abc's dan harris reports. >> reporter: it's the wildly popular dating app where users can choose who they like with often brutal speeds. swipe right for yea, left for nay. now "vanity fair" magazine is taking tinder to task arguing in a new article that tinder and similar apps are destroying the
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rituals of courtship and promoting a hookup culture where users say racking up one-night stands is king. after the article came out, the author nancy joe sales went even further tweeting 30% of all tinder users who are supposed to be single are married, per a new report from global web index. tinder reacted with a tweet storm of epic proportions. 30 tweets in less than four hours writing that the survey is preposterous and that the vast majority of tinder users are looking for meaningful connections. they even attacked the integrity of the "vanity fair" article calling it disappointing and one-sided journalism. >> what tinder really did here is they wanted to take this piece and they wanted to defend themselves. but what they did is they put a huge spotlight on this piece and now everyone is reading it. >> reporter: tinder later apologized "our intention was to highlight the amazing stories that are sometimes left
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unpublished and in doing so, we overreacted," but that has not stopped the debate. "new york" magazine is now weighing in accusing the "vanity fair" reporter of exclusively interviewing young single people who are active, sometimes overactive tinder users and almost entirely from men who are constantly looking for casual sex. tinder is defending its success in starting real relationships telling abc news their data show the number one reason people use tinder is for dating. meanwhile "vanity fair" couldn't be reached for comment, but the reporter is defending her work tweeting "journalists are often called unfair for doing their job." raging debate notwithstanding, it's all unlikely to put much of a damper on the swiping and whatever happens next. dan harris, abc news, new york. be.
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>> i know people who have started meaningful relationships not just on tinder but facebook, twitter, all these social media sites. absolutely. they, what it's done, all these sites are starring to remove some of the stigma that online dating had for so many years. it used to be an embarrassing thing. i think it's kind of swiping it away. >> sometimes i feel like i missed out on that online thing. >> i think you're doing fine. >> you think i'm doing okay? >> i think you're doing just fine. you want to part of what's going on out there. it's for the best, promise. senator "the skinny" is up next, including a new address for sesame address. >> and the guy who has done the firing on the "celebrity apprentice" now in officially fired himself. "the skinny" is next. "world news now" continues after
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♪ skinny, so skinny "skinny" time on a friday. we start once again this morning with sesame street. >> the group behind the classic children's tv show that's aired on pbs for the last 45 years signed a five-year deal with
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hbo. it means there will be 35 new "sesame street" episodes per year. they will start airing this fall. after nine had months of appearing only on hbo, those episodes will then air for free on pbs. >> if you hold out long enough, you'll get to see them for free. the announcement started the production of some creative memes. there's super grover flying right next to the dragon from "game of thrones." we couldn't leave out el mo, of course, in a bulletproof vest with the cast from "true detective." >> they really missed out there. where is the trueblood count? that was like -- that lends itself. >> two, three. that's my count. >> enttour ran, the whole posse. next up, flood of '90s sit-com revivals. rumors about a possible reboot of the "fresh prince of bel air." >> do you know the theme song? >> who doesn't?
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in west philadelphia, born and raised. we took the song a little further in there. this is the show that aired from 1990 to '96 and launched the acting career of that guy right there, not the cop, the other guy, will smith. >> looks so young there. reports now are that smith's production company is in the early stages of developing a narrative and characters for a possible new series. you like that? you're laughing over there. floor director. like the carlton. it's believed the new version would be a modern day version of the original series as opposed to a remake. you're not going to see the same characters necessarily. so it will be, yeah, i wonder who is going to do the carlton. >> they got to have some cameos. bring back deejay jazzy jeff. he could play jeffrey, remember the butler? >> i love jeffrey the butler. >> yeah. well, that's one of my favorite shows. you like that show? >> i loved it. >> if you were a child of the '80s and '90s you know all the words. >> we don't know when that will air but it's fun to talk about. >> earlier in the show, we mentioned republican presidential front-runner donald trump and the measures he's
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taking in some of the early voting states. what we didn't mention that trump is hearing word he's told so many other people, those words of course, you're fired. >> that's basically what trump was officially told yesterday by nbc, the network making it clear trump will not be back in the boardroom of the "celebrity apprentice." >> nbc cut ties with trump in june after his comments about mexican immigrants. the "celebrity apprentice" will return though in the future with a new host. >> finally in the "skinny," "downton abby." you're a big fan. >> i love my "downton abbey"." >> this final season it won't start airing on pbs here in america till january but it does begin in britain next month. oh, those brits. the final episode set for christmas day. that means the promotional push is under way including new publicity photos. here's the final group shot. the downstairs staff on the left and the crawly family on the right. the sunsetting on the abbey for the final time.
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one noticeable absence, former driver now family member tom branson who decided to move on to boston last season. >> catch me up during the break. >> i love the show. you'll love it, too. me up during the break. >> i love the show. because now, i've got pantene. pantene shampoos and conditioners have the pro-v formula that locks moisture inside my hair and makes it stronger. the damage from 100 blowdries is gone. i love it. now my hair is so strong i can always take the heat. strong is beautiful.™ pantene.
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rawr... dare to feel more with new k-y love. finally this half hour, our "friday rewind." >> this week we've gone from a sober anniversary in ferguson to an absolutely unbelievable altercation in an nfl locker room. check it out. >> give all my love to my family, my friends, my people, my new friends. >> do you know why you're here? >> yes. >> why? >> because police officers they killed our people. >> if the police did their job, we wouldn't have to be there to begin with. >> i am ago and look at this. it doesn't take very much to kick up these toxic heavy metals, things like lead and dangerously high levels of
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arsenic. >> no apologies to megyn kelly? >> not at all. i said look, she asked meed a very nasty question. i have nothing against megyn kelly. >> mr. trump thought the question i asked was unfair and felt i was attacking him. i felt he was asked a tough but fair question. we agree to disagree. >> i've had to live my whole life with this terrible secret about bill cosby and what he did to me. >> i knew i had been sexually harassed. i knew that i should say something. yet, i had tried to get help while working on the show. if i got no help there, it felt hopeless to get it outside the show. bill cosby was untouchable. >> he gloated over my humiliation. he planned it. even to this day, i am still ashamed that i went into shock. >> i trusted their father that he would live up to his agreement that it would be temporary and three years has not been temporary. >> i think when you look at the totality of this case, it's a total miscarriage of justice. >> ik went up to him. i guess some words were
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exchanged and he fired off a punch. i thought it was childish and it was stupid but you know, we've got to live with the results. >> a football fan, a giants fan and you remember him for all the great things he did on the field and you remember him from things you may have seen him do on tv, then that's great, too. i just hope people remember that we lost a very, very good man and a good person. >> people who knew him just absolutely loved and adored him. >> grew up watching him. >> uh-huh. what's coming up this weekend? >> apparently some food traditions, some food days. today is national cream sickle day. >> who knew? >> tomorrow is lem is meringue pie. >> what else? >> sunday is bratwurst day. >> that's not bad. we forget to give love to left-handers day yesterday yeah, among them. >> okay. wave with your left hand then. >> this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. news now,"
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making news in "america this morning" -- dramatic comeback? he won the popular vote 15 years ago. so, could al gore be making run in 2016? and this's only possible shake-up in the democratic field. weather warning. experts already sounding the alarm. this year's el nino expected to be historic bringing bitter cold and flooding rains. caught on camera. a fire truck and an ambulance racing to separate scenes on a collision course. and ambushed. a man in the fight of his life with a bear. >> again, i punched him and then i went to try to hit him again and he latched on to my arm. >> how he fended off the massive animal and the tiny dog that came to the rescue.


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