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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  September 9, 2015 11:35pm-12:38am EDT

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight -- josh brolin -- susan sarandon -- and music from darius rucker. with cleto and the cletones. and now, the truth be known, here's jimmy kimmel! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching at home. audience, thank you all for coming. i don't know what i've done to deserve this. well. it's very good to see you too. i appreciate it. we have a lot to get to tonight starting with there was another big announcement from apple today. at 1:00 eastern standard time, apple announced a number of exciting new products for you to lose in a cab on the way to the airport. tell you something, these announcements, these apple announceme announcements, are always interesting to watch primarily because the apple marketing people are so easily amazed. >> your photos will look amazing on it. it's an amazing experience. this is an amazing display. inside it something even more amazing. we get an amazing display. you can see they're amazingly thin. it's amazing. amazing works of art. amazing innovation. keyboards can do many things like being an amazing musical instrument. this apple pencil is absolutely
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amusing. an application that's pretty amazing. can also take amazing videos. this is amazing. guess what this is? it's amazing. >> it's amazing. >> ra mazing. >> amazing. >> amazing. >> jimmy: siri, what are s synonyms for the word amazing? new apple tv voice control, two new iphones, the ipad pro, which is the biggest yet. slightly smaller than a beach blanket. they've also introduced a stylist for the ipad called the apple pencil. it retails for 99 bucks. now they're just screwing with us, right? i know, let's see if we can get them to spend $100 on a pencil. most of the focus was on the new iphones. it will have 3d touch. it's able to tell the difference between a light tap and a long hold. it is said to be the neediest
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iphone yet. it comes with i guess a special camera thing for selfies which apple's vice president of software engineering demonstrated in front of an enthusiastic crowd. >> and sometimes you need to take that emergency selfie and you want to get directly to the selfie camera. well, now you can. and when you want to preview those selfies to make sure you got the right shot, just peek in. oh dear god. >> jimmy: you almost saw his selfie stick there. it's probably the coolest feature on the new iphone is that it can wait in line to buy itself. i've actually been hesitant -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i've been hesitant to reveal this but i have been developing an apple product of my own. the patent is pending right now. i would like to introduce it to you.
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it's called the foyo. it is an iphone and a yo-yo at the same time. this way, you know, if you're like a lot of people, you drop your phone, it comes right back. watch. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: actually, it doesn't. this is called the sleeper. in about a half hour it will come back up. you know, there are so many apple products already on the market. so many new apple products coming out. it's hard to keep track of them all. fortunately apple's latest ad charts their evolution and shows us just how far we've come. >> first the ipod. then a thinner ipod. then a thinner thinner ipod. then a tinii i-pod. then an ipod you can talk on. then a faster i-pot you can talk to. then a thinner faster ipod you can talk on. then a smaller ipod you can talk
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on. then a big ipod you can't talk on. then a bigger version of an ipod you can't talk on but you can take photos with. then a white one. then a smaller version. then a gold one. then a bigger one. then another smaller one. then a lighter one. then one you can put your name on. then one you can talk to. then one you can wear. now one you can sleep on. we're apple. you're out of money. this is your bed now. ipad pro. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: apple, by the way, they're supposedly hiring artificial intelligence experts to help predict what their customers might want. which i don't think they -- i will tell them what we want. we want to not have to buy a new phone every four months is what we want. it's a little thing but we want about you to understand, no person has ever wanted to text the word ducking. it just hasn't happened. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: if you thought the iphone was expensive there's a star wars themed watch on sale
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for $28,500. this is a real thing. the founder of the company, you can see he's stylish. it's a limited edition. they're making 500 of them. a watch like that relevant when you look at it, hammers home the fact that you're home alone at 9:00 on a saturday night. it's not a watch so much as it is a very expensive virgin i.d. bracelet. this is good. we're always on the lookout for hall of fame-level mugshots at our show, and thanks to the folks at the local nbc affiliate in miami i think this one might make the top five. >> one man is behind bars after police say he was exposing himself at a fast food restaurant. west palm beach police police are saying they arrested 33-year-old -- >>. >> jimmy: oh, come on. the man has obviously been hypno tised. he's not responsible. let's go to the street to put pedestrians -- well, contestants to the test.
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it's time to play a game we call "generation gap." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hello, cousin sal. >> sal: how's it going? >> jimmy: can we hear sal? >> sal: everything's good. hot out here. >> jimmy: it is really hot. nothing i can do about that. let's meet our contestants the. i'd like to introduce our reigning champion, she's undefeated, three wins, no losses, back for victory number four say hello to katy daly. hello, katy. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: remind us, if you, would of your age and where you're from. >> i am 93 1/2 years old. and i live in victorville. >> jimmy: very good, 93 1/2. are you a competitive person, katy? >> i've been told i am. >> jimmy: katy is like the serena williams of this game.
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she has her hands full tonight with this young lady. her challenger is ella copakin. ella, how old are you? >> i'm 16. >> jimmy: ella is 15, there's a gap of 77 -- there's a whole kenny rogers between the days you were born. i'm going to ask each of you questions from each other's generations or as close as we can get. whoever gets the most pors correct wins. you have that? >> got it. >> jimmy: katy, you know how this game is played. our first question is for you. katy, what is kylie and kendall's last name? >> kyrie and kendall? >> jimmy: kylie and kendall, famous tv sisters. >> randle? >> jimmy: no. it is not randle. >> sal: they might have gotten married in the last couple of hours. >> jimmy: do you know kylie and kendall's last name? >> jenner. >> jimmy: jenner is correct.
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ella's up. 10 pints, ella. your question is, what is lucy and ricky's last name? or was. >> ricky -- oh my god. "i love lucy." >> jimmy: yes, that's the show. >>. >> ricardez. >> jimmy: oh, so close. >> ricardo. >> jimmy: katy, do you know what it is? >> ricardo. >> jimmy: ricardo is right. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we've got a tie game. looks like our studio audience -- oh, don't cut away from him, come on, guys. all right. yeah. all right. well. >> sal: he's not going to leave, i don't think. >> jimmy: he's our backup contestant just in case. all right. the next question, we'll begin with ella. ella, name a song by james taylor. james taylor. >> "baby i love you." i don't know. >> jimmy: "baby i love you" is not one of james taylor's songs.
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katy, do you know a james taylor song? >> uh, hm. something -- >> jimmy: there is one that starts with "something." >> something. i'm stuck. >> jimmy: all right. neither one of you got that. i tricked you. name all of them? no, i will not. next question, katy, name a song by taylor swift. >> oh, taylor swift. >> jimmy: yes, taylor swift. >> that's a new one. >> sal: she got some game. >> i see her on tv. >> jimmy: look who's back. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> next time -- something about next time. >> jimmy: something about next time? >> yeah. >> jimmy: no, i don't think -- we can't really accept that. you know what we're going to do, this is a pretty hot game. we're going to take a break. and when we come back, the
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thrilling conclusion to "generation gap." we will be right back with that! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ everybody dance now. ♪ come on, yeah. ♪ everybody dance now. ♪ come on let's sweat, baby. ♪ let the music take control.
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♪ let the rhythm move you. ♪ everybody dance now. ♪ more data means more freedom to do..whatever. that's why at&t is giving you 50% more data. that's 15 gigs of data for the price of 10. because the more data you have, the better. and right now at at&t get $300 credit for every line you switch when you trade in a smartphone and buy any smartphone on at&t next. oh. yes, hi. want to survive... ...a crazy busy day? start with a positive attitude... great. thanks. ...and positively radiant skin. aveeno® positively radiant moisturizer... ...with active naturals® soy. to help reduce the look of brown spots
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in just four weeks. i gotta go. and for gentle makeup removal... try our nourishing wipes to brighten skin. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results®. you've nevergenuineburger made like applebee's handcrafted freshly ground seared flavor bombed piled high original one-of-a-kind all-in burgers with free refills of fries and a surprisingly low bill. only at applebee's. we'raxe daily fragrances.his, but what you wouldn't have seen is this, axe dry spray antiperspirant. why are you touching your armpit? i was just checking to see if it's dry. don't, that's weird. the first ever dry spray antiperspirant from axe. i tried and then...breakfast made the bed/ had a swim/ scared the pants off of tim/ bought some tech off a blog/ met a bongo playing dog/ crunchy belvita breakfast biscuits are made with delicious ingredients and carefully baked to release 4 hours of nutritious steady energy morning win
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♪ let the music take control. ♪ everybody dance now. ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. josh brolin, susan sarandon, and music from darius rucker is on the way. "generation gap." 92-year-old katy is defending her title against 15-year-old ella. let's go on the street. it is 10-10. our next question, katy, what disney channel sitcom was about teenagers who had to pretend they weren't wizards? >> sal: oh, come on. >> oh!
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>> rainbow -- >> jimmy: i'm sorry, rainbow is not what we were looking for. ella, do you know the answer? >> "wizards of waverly place." >> jimmy: that's right, ella. 20-10. >> i'm going down today. >> sal: no, don't think like that. >> jimmy: what network television sitcom was about a woman who had to pretend she wasn't a witch? >> "bewitched." >> jimmy: "bewitched" is right, ella. >> sal: you might be right. >> jimmy: katy, you're jumping out to a lead here. >> i'll just keep fighting. >> jimmy: keep fighting. >> sal: maybe they should really fight. >> jimmy: ella, what was black tuesday? what was black tuesday? >> um -- i guess -- another day for shopping? i'm not really sure. >> jimmy: no, that's black
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friday you're thinking of. katy, what was black tuesday? >> i think it was when the stock market plunged. >> jimmy: that is right, absolutely right. >> oh! >> jimmy: you're within 10 points. the next question for you, katy. what is throwback thursday? what is throwback thursday? >> the day before friday. [ laughter ] >> sal: that's not wrong. technically. technically true. >> jimmy: ella, what is throwback thursday? >> it's a day when you remember your childhood and you post pictures of you as a baby. >> jimmy: that's right. exactly right. ella's up 40-20. the next question goes to katy. which famous singer is the daughter of billy ray cyrus? >> oh. the little girl that sticks out her tongue, yes. [ laughter ] >> right? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: ella. next question is for you, ella.
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which famous singer is the daughter of frank sinatra? >> nancy sinatra. >> jimmy: wow. >> she's good. >> jimmy: have you been rummaging around in your parents' memory box? >> i love the 20th century. >> jimmy: all right. maybe you two will be friends at the end of this. ella, what tv show is this family from? >> oh my god. i -- i don't know. i'm going to say the williams or something. >> jimmy: not the williams, no, no. but a very generic guess. katy, do you know? look at that video screen. which tv show -- >> oh! >> jimmy: -- is that family from? do you remember that show? >> yes, i remember it. >> jimmy: what was the name of that show? >> sal: come on katy. >> it's rolling around back
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there but it's not coming. i watched it continuously. >> jimmy: you did, do you remember the name of the lead character? >> yes. he was -- but the name isn't coming it's ever. >> jimmy: it was "all in the family." that's archie bunker we were looking for. >> bunker. >> jimmy: next question is for katy. what tv show is this family from? >> oh, "modern family." >> jimmy: wow, yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> okay. >> sal: very nice. >> jimmy: there's really no rhyme or reason to this at all. this is a close game. katy. this question is for you. >> again? >> jimmy: who is this person? put the picture up on the screen. who is this woman? >> she's a singer. >> jimmy: she is. >> from -- a mexican song -- >> jimmy: well, no. no, she's an american. >> oh, she's american, but she sings -- >> jimmy: look at this god is giving you more points right now.
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this is amazing. the elements are rising up to support you, katy. >> sal: she got it. >> jimmy: oh my god, you're running away with it! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what is going on? all right. we're going to have to go to ella. who is that woman? >> mariah carey. >> jimmy: that is right, ella. next question for you. who is this person? >> that's carey grant. >> jimmy: oh, wow. that is cary grant. katy, did you know that one? >> yes, dird. >> jimmy: i feel i should stay here till the wind makes you the winner. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: oh my goodness. >> the wind, the wind. >> jimmy: ella, you're gone with the wind, it looks like. all right. cousin sal, please. you're supposed to remain impartial. >> sal: all right, all right. >> jimmy: why don't we wait till we have a tie game? >> sal: that's right. >> jimmy: should we do one more question?
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one more question. this is for ella. in what city is the library of congress? >> washington, d.c. >> jimmy: that is absolutely right. ella, congratulations, you are the winner! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and this is what you're getting. we're going to give one of you a mini segway hoverboard. and the other one gets one of these bicycles with a big wheel. congratulations. thanks, ella. thanks, katy. thanks for playing. we have a good show tonight. music from darius rucker, susan sarandon is here. we'll be right back with josh brolin! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live" are brought to you by game stop. "destiny" at game stop.
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there are no limits on the amount of carbon pollution power plants can... release. and our senator, pat toomey, led the fight to keep it that way. carbon pollution, a major cause of climate change, leads to more asthma attacks in children. over a million pennsylvanians now suffer from asthma. and senator toomey took over a million dollars from polluters. tell senator toomey: it's time to clear the air. vote for the clean power plan.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to our show. tonight from the new movie "about ray," which opens a week from friday, susan sarandon is here. she is delightful. his album is called "southern style." darius rucker from the samsung outdoor stage. tomorrow night on the show, johnny depp will be with us. as will kathryn hahn and music from a great band mutemath. friday mindy detailing and music from ricky martin. the week of october 19th we're
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taking our show to brooklyn, new york, for five shows at the brooklyn academy of xhutsic. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: if you want to come to see us, go to this website. for tickets. tickets are free but you have to sign up to get them. very are very, very strict about that. very good. except for the fact that our first guest tonight wears makeup to work he is a man's man whom you know from many films of note. his latest is called "everest." >> nice and easy. you're tied in mate. >> i can't feel my hands! >> looking good. >> help me! >> stay right where you are, mate. >> i can't pull myself up! >> i gotcha. >> you okay? >> there's no guarantees at the summit, i get it! if you get killed because i'm waiting in line ike i'm at
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frickin' walmart! >> jimmy: please welcome josh brolin! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. i have to say -- [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's very nice. most of our guests don't know to the audience. >> i do. >> jimmy: i think they appreciate that. [ cheers and applause ] >> without them i could not work. >> jimmy: i'm glad to see you. >> you look healthy. you look fit. i look fat, you look amazing. i look big. i've been eating. you have not. >> jimmy: i'm glad to see you alive. because this movie -- as i was watching it i was getting mad at
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you. >> because i'm so manly in it? >> jimmy: well, you are really manly it in. >> i know. >> jimmy: but on top of that it seemed like you were actually in danger throughout the movie. >> it seemed that way because it was more about the acting than anything, you know? hold my hand! grab it! >> jimmy: i believe those. >> when we're on the ladder. you'd be really into it, you're irritated and there's this snow and there's the cold. and then you'll see a 5-year-old kid ski by. >> jimmy: so there wasn't real danger? >> there was a lot of danger. it wasn't even the danger, like that scene we just watched, i think i did it 150 times. >> jimmy: come on. >> because there's all these different angles. at least that one was partially outside and it was partially cgi. so all the different angles you have to fall and fall and fall. >> jimmy: the director made you do that 150 times? >> yeah. we could have -- it was like fincher. we could have done it in three -- >> jimmy: i would have killed him and buried him on that mountain, swear to god. >> when the movie turns out good
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you go, thank you so much for making me do it 150 times, you're amazing! can we work together again? >> jimmy: i would force them to release that as an entire dvd, every one of those 150 takes. oh my god. 150 times. that's terrible. >> i'm bruised here to here. >> jimmy: is this the picture? this is from that scene? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i mean, basically, what i had done, because we had to hold on to the ladder when i fell. i had -- i did something i shouldn't have done. i went skiing on a day off. and there was nobody on the mountain except for -- i don't know why there was a german in day-glo who started chasing me for no reason. when a german in day-glo is chasing you down a mountain, you don't want to stop and talk and say, why are you chasing me? >> you know. yeah. >> so i fell trying to get away from him. i hurt my shoulder. >> jimmy: is it my imagination or are you shaving your legs?
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[ cheers and applause ] >> i'm just going to pretend you didn't ask me that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you're hairy. >> short lived. the cheers. yeah! ew! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you look like a little dutch boy now. >> so i was skiing with the german in day-glo. >> jimmy: that high altitude -- >> everybody fired me. my agent just left me. >> jimmy: your legs are very white, really white. >> i know. it's not okay. >> jimmy: have you ever thought of maybe a spray-on tanner? >> yeah, i was thinking about it, yeah. you just keep going. i don't know what's happening. i lifted it up, now it's swollen and i can't get it down. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: do you want me to cut the sooeeam? >> i'm literally panicking now. [ bleep ]. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. you really are more man than i'll ever consider being. so when you're in the snow in this movie -- >> why do you keep trying to make this serious? >> jimmy: i'm not making it serious. >> okay, no, no, no. >> jimmy: this is another thing that i'm watching and i go -- and this isn't something i get hung up but there's just snow blasting in your face the whole time. >> no, the whole time -- yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: is that real? >> no, it is. because you're simulating weather and you're doing all this. we were up there four months. there were times when it was 20 below zero, 25 below zero. times you couldn't feel you feet for 12, 13 hours. but then when we were in nepal, then we went to the dough low mights which was amazing. you're still like having this communal experience. you're with your fellow actors and hating them and loving them. you get to have this whole experience that do you actually
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see in the film. then we ended up in london. where everybody wanted to stay in their own respective nice five-star hotels. then you ended up on stage where it's like 80 degrees but you're wearing the sub-zero suits that you've been wearing in 10 below. so you get there and then they go, we can't use snow because it's 80 degrees, so we have to have something to simulate snow so they use salt. they literally have a guy with bags of salt. she's shoveling it and throwing it into a 100 mile an hour fan. we're sitting here like this. like that. tears are literally streaming down. after you've had like a 12-hour exfoliation -- [ laughter ] you want to quit acting. you think this is stupid. it's like this movie will never work. you suck as a director. you know, then you see the movie and again you're like, thank you! if we could ever work together again, it would be great! >> jimmy: you need one of those
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movies with adam sandler in hawaii. >> totally? you deserve it. josh brolin. "everest" is the movie. be right back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ and now a special extended look at the motion picture event "the martian"? theaters october 2nd. >> i guarantee you that at some point, everything's going to go south on you. >> ready? >> you're going to say, this is it. >> this is how i end. >> commander, mark is dead. >> we have to go, no! >> now, you can either accept that -- or you can get to work. >> this will come as quite a shock to my crewmates. and to nasa. but i'm alive. surprise!
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>> here's the problem. it's going to be four years for another mission to reach me. and i'm going to have a lab designed to last 30 days. >> he's 50 million miles from home. what the hell is he thinking right now? >> i am the greatest botanist on this planet. ♪ there must be some kind of way out of here ♪ >> i know how to save mark. >> we need the "hermes" crew. >> i'm not going to risk their lives. it's bigger than one crew. >> no, it's not. ♪ all along the watchtower >> nasa rejected the mission. >> if we do this we're talking mutiny. anything goes wrong, we die. ♪ all along the watchtower >> no matter what happens -- tell the world, tell my family, that i will never stop fighting to make it home.
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>> "the martian." rated pg-13. october 2nd. and the behind the scenes crew, to the fashion bloggers, ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah and the skaters true, be yourself. kohl's you've nevergenuineburger made like applebee's handcrafted freshly ground seared flavor bombed piled high original one-of-a-kind all-in burgers with free refills of fries and a surprisingly low bill. only at applebee's.
12:12 am
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axe dry spray antiperspirant. why are you touching your armpit? i was just checking to see if it's dry. don't, that's weird. the first ever dry spray antiperspirant from axe.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hi, there. we're back with josh brolin who has a movie called "everest" coming out on september 18th and another movie coming out on
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september 18th. two movies. which should people go see? >> no -- i can't say that. >> jimmy: do you have one in mind? >> they're sitting right there with a dart. you had emily blunt on. >> jimmy: last night. >> the most incredible human being ever. >> jimmy: she told me -- she's the glaels. she told me that you had a pool party. and you invited the cast to come. >> the whole thing, i rented a house, i wanted to make sure it hat a cool. in albuquerque you can't do anything but meth. you know? [ laughter ] >> so i wanted there to be an extra thing you could do when you weren't doing meth, swim in a pool. and it was really hot out. and the pool was really cold. so then we got benicio over there. he didn't bring a bathing suit. we were like, look. now it's totally exploited. she was talking about it, i was talking about it, so obviously it wasn't a private moment. >> jimmy: no.
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>> that's why he took off his pants and went in the pool with underwear, because he trusted us. >> jimmy: he did and you violated that trust. >> it's over. >> jimmy: the pool was cold as emily told us. >> i don't know what that suggested. because his penis was still fine. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: was it really? >> it was. the joke was that he was in his underwear, not the size of his penis. >> jimmy: he was saying that it was cold so he was offering an excuse -- >> he didn't say that, she said that. >> jimmy: oh, she said that. >> maybe she's used to a bigger penis. >> jimmy: well. my compliment toth her husband, john kaczynski. every time you're here you do an impression of somebody, your costar sometimes. >> right. >> jimmy: various people in your life. do you have -- first of all, have you been doing this since you were a kid? is this something you've been doing a long time? >> no, it's my escape route. when you were a kid you found the one place that was comfortable.
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and it was always humor for me. so, you know. the humor -- there's always consequence to humor. i spent a lot of time in the principal's office. >> jimmy: you did. >> yeah, i'd see the teacher and the way the teacher was. ja-ja-ja-ja -- he had a stutter, it was weird. when you're a kid if you have a penchant for acting, everybody's weird. everybody's a possibility. which you know, it's what you do every night. you're like, what is the possibility here? >> jimmy: i had a band director i used to imitate. but when i would -- like he would say things to me like, kimmel, i'm going to put my foot up your ass! then i would feed it back to him. then he would throw his keys at me is what would happen. i feel like the things that went on when we were in school, now if they went on these people would be on cnn. there would be video of it. >> no, no, that's what was great about that. you could get away with a lot of stuff and go to the principal's office instead. >> jimmy: you can't make crank
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calls anymore. >> do you remember crank calls? >> jimmy: i still make them. >> do you remember when the jerky boys came out? we were in san francisco in a hotel room. we found a -- like a phone booth down lie a construction site. we'd do that. now you could never do that. it would be the most dangerous thing you could do. but we'd wait until people walked by and have it ring and they'd answer or they wouldn't. we'd say "run!" people running down the street. that was fun at one point. >> jimmy: every time -- >> now it's like, fbi, cia! get on the ground! >> jimmy: yeah, you're right. the good times are gone. >> they are. >> jimmy: as is the hair on your legs. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's all a memory. well, it's very good to see you. by the way, both of these movies are intense and excellent and if you can, go see them both or pay for one, sneak into the other one. "everest" september 18th.
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>> jimmy: still to come, music from darius rucker. our next guest is an oscar-winning actor, social activist, maybe most impressively, co-owner of a ping-pong club. her new movie is called "about ray." >> i spent my whole life working as a woman, now i have to call my granddaughter he. why can't you just be a lesbian? >> she's not a lesbian, mom, she's a boy. >> she's a person who likes girls. that could be a girl or a let's bean and she's still getting her period. so i vote let's bean. >> jimmy: "about ray" opens september 18th. please welcome susan sarandon! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: thank you for coming. i heard you're not feeling that well. >> i -- i spent too much time at burning man. i spent double the time i spent last time. so i have half of the desert in my lung sghts i can't believe you go to burning man. >> i can't at this point either. >> jimmy: for those who have not been to burning man, i'm one of those people -- >> you should try it sometime. in an rv, not in a tent, that was my mistake. >> jimmy: it was. >> a lot of sand. burning man is a celebration in the desert of all different kinds of people. it's about self-reliance, it's about acceptance. it seems to be about drugs and nudity that too. >> jimmy: yeah. >> a lot of art. all over the place. and this year i had a mission. which was to take timothy leery's ashes which i had some of and take them to a chapel where they were -- >> jimmy: you smoked them? >> we did drink a little.
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>> jimmy: you did. you drank some of timothy leary's -- >> we diluted them for a toast at the end of the day. most of them went into a chapel and i helped build it. michael darlington built this beautiful -- >> jimmy: you brought some pictures. you are really are coughing up dirt. okay. so first of all, there's -- looks like fun. anything where you have to wear a face mask, i'm out. >> yeah. yeah. >> jimmy: so that's the -- what is that? >> that was just -- there's all kinds of tents and there's rvs and, you know. there were a lot of high winds. some of my tent fell down. a few times. ripped. i sewed it. i know how to sew tents now. >> jimmy: really. >> there we're finishing our day at work and that happened. >> jimmy: what planet is this? >> yeah. it's kind of fabulous. because you'll be there, you know, and everything's like sunny, then all of a sudden it gets white. then there's like a half-naked
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woman with a red umbrella walking out of nowhere. >> jimmy: all right. it is sounding better. all right, this is -- >> that's the temple. i have a nail gun, i put lots of stuff on that temple. >> jimmy: you built that? >> not all five stories. it was very layered. it was very beautiful. and everyone's jaws are open. i used a nail gun. and it was fun. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i'm not against nail guns. just other kinds of guns. and yeah, that was that. so they went in there. that was the dress i wore when i took the ashes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: and then there is an actual ceremony. >> this was our march taking the ashes in the chest. you wear a -- you have to wear that. then as you see --
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>> jimmy: it's sounding better and better with each passing moment. >> i burned my dress. there it is before the chapel was burned. >> jimmy: what were you wearing when you burned the dress? >> ha ha. i hat clothes. it was a mixed day. the ashes stayed there so people could visit with tell though and leave messages and trip their brains out or whatever. >> jimmy: that's probably primarily what they were doing. >> i think it was great. some people that are using lsd didn't even know about timothy. >> jimmy: come on. >> it was like a generation thing. i had to inform them. >> jimmy: yeah, really. >> you should be shot if you're doing that drug and you don't know who he sgls next time we play "generation gap" we're going to have the contestants play lsd beforehand. >> it's so funny. i feel like we're in a national geographic special with the arc ti arctic, now the desert. >> jimmy: the christmas special with the heat miser and the snow
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miser. >> i am the heat miser. >> jimmy: hairy legs or not? [ cheers and applause ] >> i'll never have really hairy legs. not really. >> jimmy: this movie "about ray," it's about a subject that's touchy, people are sensitive about joking around but you made it with a lot of humor. and this character that you play -- >> who by the way is a lesbian. that's why she says, can't you be a normal let's bean? i speak from a lesbian point of view. >> jimmy: so do i, yes, we all do. tell us about this. >> it's a movie about a family that is trying to understand and support their child, naomi watts plays the mom, i'm the grandmother, elle fanning and -- >> jimmy: elle fanning and is is a really great actress. >> you're going to die. she makes it so real and so positive and so invested. and so i ask a lot of questions that people maybe would ask if their neighbors or child or
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someone is going through this. naomi has hesitations as the mom. so we talk about it. but it's not a document stare. it's not every single thing you want to know. it's a story of this family and how important it is for families to support their kids in any kind of transition to become who they are. and this particular one i think was important to just begin the conversation. it doesn't talk in depth about everything. but it's also funny because when you're trying to figure these things out there's nothing funnier than desperation. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so i wanted to be part of it. i hadn't played a lesbian in a long time. >> jimmy: too long. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's very good to see you. the movie is "about ray." it opens september 18th. susan sarandon! be right back with darius rucker! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series was presented by samsung. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank josh brolin, susan sarandon and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next but first, this is his album "southern style." here with the title track darius rucker! ♪ ♪ sun kissed hair and not much makeup high-heeled boots that lace up ♪ ♪ two first names that came from her grandmas on both sides ♪ ♪ she ain't ever read much faulkner but she could've been his daughter ♪
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♪ she grew up on muddy water southern style ♪ ♪ southern style free and easy southern style warm and breezy ♪ ♪ if you met her man believe me you'd want her to stay a while ♪ ♪ says she don't believe in strangers only sinners with a savior ♪ ♪ cause her mom and daddy raised her southern style ♪ ♪ she's a friday night light lover a billy graham fan like her mother ♪ ♪ wants her daddy and both brothers to walk her down the aisle ♪ ♪ she likes oysters raw for dinner lil wayne and lynyrd skynyrd ♪ ♪ keeps her tan lines in the winter southern style ♪ ♪ southern style free and easy
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southern style warm and breezy ♪ ♪ if you met her man believe me you'd want her to stay a while ♪ ♪ says she don't believe in strangers only sinners with a savior ♪ ♪ cause her mom and daddy raised her southern style ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ southern style free and easy southern style warm and breezy ♪ ♪ if you met her man believe me you'd want her to stay a while ♪ ♪ says she don't believe in strangers only sinners with a savior ♪
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♪ cause her mom and daddy raised her southern style ♪ ♪ you can love her you can hate her but you're never going to change her ♪ ♪ if you want her then you'll take her southern style ♪ southern style ♪ yeah yeah yeah southern style ♪ ♪
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this is "nightline." >> tonight, sir cuss act rescue. the husband and wife team on a dangerous global mission to outlaw the use of wild animals in circuses. owners still feature them as star attractions even though here in peru it's now illegal. we are there for the standoff. as a confrontation with one of the last hold utes quickly escalates into a battle of wills. can riot police help pull off this rescue just in the nick of time? with freedom so close the sanctuary still so far away. a race against the clock to get these majestic animals to safety. but first the "nightline 5." >> it's macy's


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