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tv   Action News Papal Visit  ABC  September 26, 2015 6:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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the crush of human was so great there was a danger of filling the entire street between the checkpoint and city hall. people were starting to pile up and back up at city hall. they had nowhere to go, there's a danger with another couple thousand people waiting outside the checkpoint that they would back up and cause a difficult situation here. so everything quiet right now, but for hours, people waiting for three hours or more and then they were shut down at the checkpoint and turned away to go to another less congested area. despite that, despite all the travails they have been through today. everybody kept a positive attitude. >> just to be in the presence of the pope and all these other catholics, it helps you realize you are not alone. there are other people who believe the same things you believe, and you can meet incredible people, too, being down here. >> a lot of people down here making friends. you can see down here this is
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the area around city hall. the pope is supposed to drive by in 20 minutes we are told. people are singing having a good time. they are watching the festivities on the parkway on the giant jumbotron. this shows the difficult what could have been if the checkpoint remained open. that area is congested. the sidewalks are crammed. there's no place to go, no outlet for what could have been a difficult pressure cooker situation. things went smoothly there was one man detained according to philadelphia police, he was released quickly. things have quited down. they were processing 1500 people an hour, 20,000 people over a ten hour period. this is one of 22 checkpoints throughout the city. you can imagine how big the crowd is. the sad part there was no e-z
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pass lane. live at broad and chestnut, david henry. >> no express lane on chestnut street or south broad street. thank you, david. here's a question have there been any medical emergencies can crowds of this size. health reporter and registered nurse is ali gorman is live at 16th and cal callowhill at one f the medical stations. the ali what's the story there. >> reporter: jim we're a few blocks off that, we want to show you there are a lot of roads blocked off like the one behind me. several hospitals are within the secure zone. those hospitals have been planning for months making sure they have enough staff and supplies. they've talking about city officials and with police and today we got an example of that collaboration working. thousands of people lining the
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streets in philadelphia catching a glimpse of the pope did feel like a blessing but for one women in south jersey, the papal visit may have brought a miracle. a woman in new jersey got the call she was waiting for a kidney became available at jefferson hospital. new jersey state police posted it on their facebook page him they got the call for a police escort for an began donor re-- organ donor recipient. they provided an escort over the closed ben franklin bridge. hundreds posted thank you messages for helping make this gift of life possible on this extraordinary weekend. we do know that she made it safely to the hospital in time for the the transport operation and you got to give a lot of credit to the police and the hospital workers many of the staff at the hospitals nrvel
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secures zones -- in those secure zones are sleeping at the hospital and around the clock making sure everybody is getting the same quality care that they always do. that's the latest reporting live from from callowhill street, ali gorman channel 6 "action news." >> thank you, ali. we're going back live to the parkway where comedian jim gaffin who talks about his catholicism and food. >> let's say philadelphia was not too nice to santa claus. are they booing me or santa claus? there's still problems with santa claus, it is amazing, we
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have amazing weather tonight, what a beautiful night. you know, a beautiful fall day, i hope everybody had a good summer, because there's pressure, there was pressure to have fun during summer. it's like go outside go out there, wirnts is coming to -- winter is coming to kill us, go ahead and have fun. summer is presented at a vacation. it's like a 3 month vacation for nobody but your children. who doesn't deserve a couple of months off after the rigors of kindergarten. i'm around young children they act like they were just around isis. >> thank you, jim. as pope francis made his way to independence mall, his motorcade
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passed by the 6abc studios. you could say some of our employees were excited. >> there he is! and our team was not alone in documenting the pope's first day in philadelphia. let's go to eva pilgrim at the "action news" big board with some of your photographs and your videos. >> jim people have been flooding social media of the picture of the pope and showing their view of the scene of the festival of the families. speaking with our fellow employees with our shot from bob was watts, he ran outside and captured this picture of pope francis waving to our fellow employees lining up to see him. as many people are enamored with the pope. so awesome to see pope francis with my own eyes on independence
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mall. many have climbed, look at this guy, he shimmied up a light pole taking his pope experience to completely new heights. these nuns from minneapolis enjoying themes on -- themselves on the parkway, completely enamored. bobby sent us this clip of a priest singing as they walked along second street. >> i love jesus ♪ ♪ i love pope francis pope ♪ i love pope francis >> reporter: you can hear them saying i love pope francis. people getting into the spirit of the fun of the this papal visit. joe smith said his aunt has too
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much time on hands she made benny's costume of pope francis. you can see the dog has his paw up. check out kenny all decked out in his papal finery. keep the photos coming to us using the #6abc action. >> jim. adam joseph is live along pennsylvania avenue talking to the folks at the festival in only the way he can. a coupleadam, how are you? >> reporter: excellent, jim. i'm along pennsylvania avenue spring garden section of philadelphia. i'm so close, yet so far behind the stage. we've been hearing the sownt checks -- sound checks going on as he this gear up for the
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concert this evening. we rented a house here and where the art museum is, they are displaying different colors on the front of the art museum. i'm curious to see how it will play out during the festival of families. we're in the neighborhood, this neighborhood has been transformed into somewhat of a block party so to speak atmosphere. it's been really energic and infectious and contagious. you lived around the corner. up the street. you lived here how long? >> 64 years. >> reporter: i thought you were 29. you were here when pope john came through in 79. tell me how different it is or is the is it the same from the last go around. >> the streets were not blocked off we were down logan circle we were up there to see the mass, it was nothing like this at all.
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how does it make you feel it is in your front yard? >> great, this is fantastic. this is a once in a lifetime thing i've never seen anything like this before. the. >> it's a monumental day for everybody. i'm glad it's in your neighborhood. walked -- walk around and enjoy the streets since they are blocked off. >> you too, come up and enjoy the neighborhood. >> reporter: you just invited me. not only for us humans, take a look at the size of this cat how much does he weigh? >> a little over 20 pounds. >> reporter: a 20-pound cat. >> how much he is enjoying it. >> reporter: it's watching it from the windows. he wanted to come down and meet you. >> reporter: this is your neighborhood, as well. it's awesome to see you embrace everybody coming. >> we are enjoying walking down the the street and not getting
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hit by anything. it's great. >> reporter: it is a family atmosphere around here, what it's been like for you guise walking around the neighborhood? >> it's been great, it's like a block party, we were dropped off quite a ways away. everybody has been so nice. >> reporter: how washow was it g through the area. >> did you get good pictures? >> yes i did of you. >> reporter: do you want to do a selfie. jim you get the idea that there's a tremendous mood around here, the concert has not started him we'll enjoy this evening, and the papal mass to come. this is how you do the selfie. down the bottom. see right there and then we do this, ready big smile. jim you can be a part of this, too if you want. there you go!
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perfect! that's awesome. we'll have much more from the spring garden section coming up, look at this little kid. i love your hat. >> say thank you. thank you very much. we'll see you in a little bit, jim. >> let's go to sarah bloomquist for her take on the situation on the parkway. aiken also oval. hi, sarah. >> reporter: hi, jim, the sun is setting and the show is underway on aiken oval tonight. we listened to the sound check all afternoon long now we're listening to jimmies getting big -- jim gaffin who is getting big laughs from this crowd. he is even telling catholic jokes he is brave. the pope will arrive on the parkway. at the top of the hour he will parade down the parkway in the
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popemobile. there are rows and rows of white chairs lined up. these are special ticketed seats. they were rewarded to people for their dedication to their parishes. i think only the bishop up front has a better view. this crowd, as i said is very, very excited. earlier as they were moving the popemobile into place, the pope was not in it, but the crowds were cheering enthusiastically. you can see the rows of cameras and all the production going on, as well. that's what's being broadcast to all the jumbotrons. tonight, andre' bocelli, aretha franklin on the show this evening. there's a fireworks and light show. the pope will be watching it all. he'll be taking in the show like all the people in the seats. this is in contrast to the mass that will be happening tomorrow when we expect more people on
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the parkway. again tonight the focus is very much on the family and throughout the program this evening, we will be hearing the stories and be introduced to families at all different stages in their lives from a couple who is newly engaged and couples who have been married for many, many years. it was a sunny and warm day on the parkway. the sun has set. it is getting chilly tonight, hopefully the pope is dressed for the weather. live in aiken oval, sarah bloomquist channel 6 "action news." >> question, sarah, from the vantage point that we see on television looks like the crowd is cannedly disappointing in its size is that a fair assessment? >> reporter: you know i don't know if people are just waiting for the show to start they are line up, my producer is telling me they are lined up on the sides here.
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they are putting more security measures into place as the evening has gone on and the impending pope arrival is happening at the top of the hour. they have closed more security gates and it is becoming difficult for people who actually have tickets up here to get access to the seats up here, these, again were very special tickets, people on the parkway had one, the people up here had a different kind of ticket. a lot of them got stuck on the parkway. a lot of these people got here early today to make sure they were in the extra security zone that they and the media and other dignitaries will be sitting in tonight. the folks who are here are in for quite a show. they've on their feet dancing and listening to jim gaffigan now. we'll go to st. joe's and trish hartman looks like we may have
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another motorcade going by, trish? >> reporter: that's right, jim we are near the corner of city avenue and north 54th street. heavy police presence in what looks like a motorcade a number of motorcycles going by. a number of people waiting to possibly see pope francis as he leaves saint charles borromeo seminary on his way back to the festival of families. a number of police cars going by on the campus of st. joe's university. city avenue has been closed periodically throughout the day as we wait for pope francis to come back and forth. university has been abuzz with the pope staying just a few minutes from campus at the seminary. students took advance of that waiting all day long for a glimpse of the pontiff as many people are doing right now.
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[screams] [. >> never in their wildest dreams did these college students think the pope himself would drive by and wave to them and he did twice. >> it was awesome, even just seeing him through the window the second time there was not as many people it was cool. cheers and selfies and screams of joys were everywhere as the pontiff drove past st. joe's university smiling and waiting for hundreds of people waiting for him on city avenue as he drove to saint charles after mass and back way down to independence mall. many say it was emotional watch the pope drive through. >> it was surreal to see an influential and spectacular
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pope. >> reporter: st. joe's was a jesuit university. >> he wanted a connection with him. we were hoping he would stop here, i think because he is a jesuit we have a special connection with them. >> again we're waiting or not campus of st. joe's university at the corner of city avenue and 54th we have local police state police, secret service, national guard all here keeping things secure and directing traffic. you can see the activity at city and 54th. looks like a motorcade go by, we did not here cheers for pope francis as we heard obviously earlier in the day when we saw many students camping out all day long, but many people lined up at the intersection hoping to see pope francis go bias he
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makes his way -- go by, as he makes his way back to the festival. many thought he was going to make his way to the campus, that was a rumor going around, are that did not happen. many students are hoping for a visit tomorrow because he is staying up the street at saint charles borromeo seminary. we're live st. joe's campus trish hartman. >> the world meeting of families vas wrapped up with a news conference from vatican officials which was attended by vernon odem. any surprises there? >> reporter: none, jim it is very low keyed at the convention center which is doubling as the media center. the official vatican spokesman said everything is going smoothly it is a-okay and not to
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worry about his health and resilliance. gloon days like these he is very engage i engaging, there's a lot of work and fatigue we can understand that's a little tired physically in these days. >> reporter: but the holy father feeds off the energy of the crowds that turn out to cheer him. >> he appreciate very much the joy of the people that receives him. he is happy to bring joy to the people and always he is always encouraged by the presence of as many people. >> reporter: what about the pontiff's message of helping the poor, income inquality and cooperation. how long will the spirit of the remarks survive in the political war zone in washington, d.c. >> there's a line or one
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sentence encapsulated it all. cooperate for the common good those five words it's a direct challenge to us to solve problems. >> reporter: the next day the speaker of the house john boehner resign in frustration retiring. hopefully the pope is generating hope and mercy away from the nation's capitol. vernon odem channel 6 "action news." >> let's check out the vibes at 30th street station and "action news" reporter, john rawlins. >> reporter: around 5:30 a few people are beginning to drift back. ridership the numbers are off. amtrak said they had 8500 people come in. patco had relatively low demand, 15,000 people took patco.
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they can handle 75 to 100,000. septa trains were modified to take massive numbers of people. 175,000 people today. only 25 to 27,000 people traveled by septa. tomorrow will be a different day, of course, some thinking today is something of a dress rehearsal, much bigger numbers expected because of the papal mass, we shall see it could put a strain on a very smooth running today. john rawlins. >> wendy saltzman has been keeping track of the security situation and he checkpoints at independence mall. looks like a quiet night right now, we we wendy. it is, jim an hour and a half ago we had people pouring out of
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independence mall. the checkpoint is up keeping people from going into the security area. one thing that made the event move so well. we have people from the national guard we have thousand of soldiers, do we have any idea when this work back up? >> we get our information from law enforce. with that information we move soldiers. >> reporter: how do you feel it has gone in terms of security. >> the pennsylvania national guard are parading security and comfort to the citizens and the visitors of philadelphia. >> reporter: jim it has been amazing to see how many people we see on the streets and every single corner we have members of the national guard working with the fbi and local agencies to make sure everyone is safe. so far we have not heard many
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complaints, people say it's been a smooth event they feel secure that makes us feel good. we're waiting to hear when the roads open up. wendy saltzman channel 6 "action news." >> we're going to take a quick, live look at the popemobile which is parked and ready to go just to the right of eakens oval to the right as you look at the philadelphia museum of art. the motorcade has passed st. joe's university. it is on its way down and with all the highways and byways cleared of traffic it should be there in not at all. that will mark the beginning of the papal parade tonight on the benjamin franklin parkway and really the beginning of tonight's festival of families. brian taff and sharrie williams are listening in and are poised at the eakens oval station and it is going to be a spectacular night or we are told it's going to be a spectacular night with
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great entertainment andre' bocelli. i'm interested to see what the philadelphia orchestra will play for pope francis. how does it look from your vacantage points? >> reporter: jim, it looks like a night that will be spectacular. >> we've been treated to a sneak peek each approaching the microphone getting mike checks and treating us to special songs. don't want you to think for a moment the empty chairs are indicative of a lack of crowd. all the people who will be seated in the chairs and on the parkway right now have for crying out flooded to the gates and the fences on the side as they await the arrival of pope francis. they know that the pope is on the way, they couldn't be more excited to see him. >> of course that is the vantage point they feel is the best being on the outskirts
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closer to the actual edges where we expect the popemobile to make the parade route. that's why people are not sitting in their chairs, they are standings up and dancing and listening to the performers and keeping a close eye to the popemobile when it comes and gets in motion. >> listen in the backgrounds recognize that? >> sister sledge formed in 1971 four sisters down to three, but they are rocking the stage right now. we've been talking about a lot of people seated behind us throughout the day, asking them who they are excited to hear, you better believe sister sledge on top of the list, here they come, i don't know if you want to listen to it live. boy, this crowd who is waiting for the pope is rising to their feet for sister sledge.♪
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>> brian and sharrie one of the anthems of the 1970s, we are family, sister sledge from philadelphia. let's listen. ♪ ♪ we are family
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♪ i have my sisters and me ♪ got all my sisters and me ♪ ♪ we are family ♪ get up everybody and sing ♪ everyone can see we're together ♪ ♪ as we walk on by ♪ hey ♪ and we fly just like birds of a father ♪
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♪ i won't tell no lie ♪ all of the people around us they say ♪ ♪ can they be that close ♪ just we state for the record ♪ we're going to love in a family dose ♪ ♪ we are family ♪ i got all my sisters and me ♪ we are family ♪ get up everybody and sing ♪ we are family ♪ i got all my sisters and me ♪ we are family ♪ get up everybody and sing ♪ living live is fun and we've just begun ♪ ♪ to get our share of the
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world's delights ♪ ♪ high hopes we have for the future ♪ ♪ and our goal's in sight ♪ we no we don't get depressed ♪ cause here's are family i got all my sisters and me ♪ ♪ we are family ♪ get up everybody and sing ♪ we are family ♪ i got all my sisters with me ♪ we are family ♪ get up everybody and sing ♪ yeah yeah get up
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♪ get up and sing ♪ yeah you know it feels so good in here joany ♪ ♪ is the light he is the truth ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ he is the way the truth the light ♪ ♪ he is the way the truth the light ♪ ♪ he is the way the truth the light ♪ ♪ he is the way the truth the light ♪ ♪ he is the way the truth the light ♪ ♪ he is way the truth the light ♪ ♪ he is the way the truth the light ♪ ♪ he is the way the truth the
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light ♪ ♪ right now we want you to know it feels so good, this is a very special moment in time. look at the neighbor right next to you we want you to take your hand and in the name of jesus and give honor to his holiness pope francis. we want you to know we are one big one united global family. want you to raise your hands high in the air like this. everybody. reach up reach up reach up ♪ ♪ reach up reach up ♪ reach up reach up reach up ♪ one two one two one two
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♪ we are family i have my sisters and brothers and me ♪ ♪er family i happen got my sisters and brothers and me ♪ ♪ we are family ♪ i got my sisters and brothers and me ♪ ♪ we are family ♪ i got my sisters, my brothers and me ♪ ♪ we are family ♪ i got all my sisters and me ♪ we are family ♪ get up everybody and sing ♪ we are family ♪ i got my sisters with me ♪ we are family ♪ we are family
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♪ we are family ♪ we are family ♪ we are family ♪ we are family ♪ we are family ♪ yeah ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ yeah yeah yeah [cheers and applause] >> sister sledge has been singing this song for about 45 years, but for an event like tonight it doesn't get old, they sing it with the same enthusiasm they did in the 19 we have it on good authority the pope is in the house. the fiat should arrive behind the stage very soon.
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♪ >> a lot of folks on the scene pressed up against the fence so they can get the best look possible of popemobile of pope francis as he begins his parade down the parkway. and it should happen very, very soon, momentarily, we believe. let's go to brian taff and sharrie williams. >> reporter: of course, we enjoyed joyed that wonderful performance by sister sledge we were dancing and rocking in eakens oval. it might be on camera. i can't help but think built fact that sister sledge it was formed in 1971. this pope was ordained a priest in 1969. it is entirely possible he is
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familiar with that song and may be listening in the fiat. >> he has to like the words of that song. this is the festival of families. one of the great themes of this event is the family fully alive. some would say why a concert why not a mass. we'll have. the family is fully alive in love and laughter live in the levity of music it makes us feel light and happy. >> it's about encompassing family, music plays a big part in the church. it's no doubt having it be part of a sell briggs -- of a celebration. it makes more sense. >> there will be songs that feel like rock and roll. can i point out, over our
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shoulder there's a row of nuns, can you see that, if you move my hand out a little bit, these nuns have been making my night. they are absolutely rocking out to all the songs. they are right behind you, there they are, the nuns that are making our night tonight. sister sledge they were dancing like a scene out of sister act. >> they were leading the crowd and clapping their hands and getting up on their feet. they are up on their feet waiting for the next act saying bring it on. the next act is the pope. as many people are participating. >> we'll get to hear from anthony kearns one of the youngest tenors that took american audiences by storm in 199. we'll be hearing from them later
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on. they are the next scheduled act. waiting on the pope as jim gardner has pointed out, he has arrived, the fiat is positioned behind the stage the transfer is taking place where he'll get from the famous black fiat to the open popemobile. >> from what we can see we'll describe some of the things that are happening. you can see, of course, the philadelphia police and law enforcement getting in place preparing now to lead the pope for for his parade and of course, the detail of security will be behind him is he makes his away along the route here. >> we've talked so much at different points about the coverage, the tremendous level of security. we should give a lot of credit where credit is due that's to the philadelphia police, the fbi the secret service who carried on this event without a hitch. do you hear that? the tremendous roar is the
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motorcycles that are about to lead the papal delegation, forgive me if you see my back, we're trying to see. >> the popemobile has emerge. we have eyes on pope francis and you hear the roar from the crowd, because they see him, he is now in view on the parkway. the popemobile is in motion. we are taking a look now, of course pope francisny -- in this open vehicle built for him. he is using the jeep wrangler. the crowds reacting the clapping jumping up and down it excites the crowd and brings them to their feet. they are looking for the best vantage point they can get. i see him myself. we can see him for our severals. we don't have to use the monitor for the view. we got a quick glimpse of him.
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that's what everybody has been here for, they have waited all day some just to be for this moment to see him themselves. >> if all these people hold up their cell phone cameras to capture this moment whether it be by picture or video to save this moment so they can some day tell their children they were there when pope francis made his way down the benjamin franklin parkway and they were there when pope francis looked them in the eyes and waved to them. pretty extraordinary stuff. the you know there's been a lot of conversation today and in recent days as the pope has been traveling to the united states about his health and about his tiredness his apparent fatigue. i'm struck by the opposite by the energy this man exudes and gives up. keep in mind not only his age which we talked about at great length, 78 years old. he is jet lagged he has come from cuba to washington to new york. he is known to get up very early in the morning, and yet here he
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is hour after hour standing in the pope mobile or walking by its side beaming smiling with his eyes looking at the crowd engaging them. i see no signs of of fatigue whn francis is with the people. >> that's what energizes him. he is to schmidted to the -- committed to the people. that's what we see it lightens his mood. we can see the change for him when he is so close to the people. that's why they call him the people's pope. he is so accessible. we heard about our catholics the way they defined the pope. he was somebody who lived far away in a mansion at the vatican. that's not what people say about pope francis. >> the pope is 22nd and the parkway the outer perimeter of
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the ticketed zone. nobody who doesn't have tickets tomorrow or tonight will be allowed closer to the papal stage than that point. the pope is going beyond that border tonight and look at the crowds, everybody we have seen it from this vantage point high above where you get a sense of -- hi everybody. where you get a sense of the crowds standings on the sidewalks. when we see it on the ground, you can really get a good idea of the enormity of the crowds. they are standings 6, 7, 8, 9, ten deep. along the sidewalks and among the fences, that's unbelievable. when the concert gets underway many people will be allowed to leave the sidewalks and get into the streets so they can see the concert which is a straight shot down the parkway. the pope is eating up this moment as are all the people who are waiting hours to see it. we traveled this route ourselves to get here today. we saw the people, this was
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hours ago, the people were already there along the sides getting as close as they could along the parkway waiting for this moment. this is what people waited for all day and we hope it is paying off for them to see this, to have this image of pope francis now. >> now the pope making his way by the about basilica by saintsr and paul where he started the day with a moving mass and prayer service inside. they were crowds outside waiting for the pope, but nothing like this who have come here tonight to watch him parade through waving on this opened door jeep that you've heard so much about. this pope is known to shun the limelight in some ways and technology in other ways. it is no secret, no surprise, perhaps, that he drives that small black fiat. all the others cars in the entourage are enormous
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escelades. with a tip of of the hat toward technology we are streaming this live to the entire world. the popemobile is lit up inside so no one misses him when he passes by to see the compression on his supression on his face expression on his face and the expressions on their faces. >> seeing his expression, the glimpse of him, he continues to greet the crowd and wave at the masses. his motorcade slowing down a bit here, we're not sure if he will engaged the crowd as we have seen him do time and time again. if he died so, they will follow suit. >> he is the guy who makes that call, he will decide if he happens. as is tradition, anywhere the
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pope goes, the host cardinal or archbishop is by his side. over the pope's left shoulder you see philadelphia's archbishop archbishop chaput. it is his birthday i could thing of no more appropriate or better way to spend it for him. sitting in the back seat of the popemobile with his view on history that nobody if you're seeing it on television or on the parkway will ever forget. >> brian and sharri i'm looking at the picture in the studio, the picture at night with the light shining on him from within the popemobile, all the colors, the reds and the blues, the police vehicles, it is a stun ning, stunning sight.
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we've seen a lot of papal parades in the united states since he came here, there's something haunting about the view of the papal parade at night around the parkway. >> i'm so glad you said that, be when he first emerged, the word that came to my mind i hesitated to use it on the air is angelic. the pope is back lit in the popemobile with the red and blue police lights inan incredible scene. else stands out, he stands out regardless this man dressed in white so well-known around the world. arguably probably the most famous face in the world despite the fact he held the job for two years. he is going around love park and getting a lot of love in the process. >> something about the cool of the evening seeing pope francis in his parade. we of course saw him in new york and washington, d.c., but this is the philadelphia and this is the dinners that we are getting
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to see him in the evening this way. it is completely different view and feel. it just is different, it's a different visual, a different vantage point and having him lit up this way, as you say there's no way you can miss pope francis in the first place, but this without a doubt, it just speaks to his presence. >> let me say a word about our archbishop joaquin "el chapo" a. he was concerned about security and raising the requisite amount of money, but to look at him in that vehicle tonight sitting back with a smile on his face, one gets the impression brian and sharrie all has turned out okay for the archbishop on this his 71st birthday. >> reporter: there has to be a
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lot of anxiety preparing for the weekend and so much planning has gone into this. the big part of the planning was security and making sure that pope francis was kept safe, that is a priority and it has been treated as so. to see this tonight, the hard work is paying off. i'm sure it's some relief for the bishop and other city leaves and mayor nutter and charles ramsey. a lot of has gone into the planning and safety, you're right, jim leading up to this evening, and weekend. >> we have the rest of the night to get through and tomorrow i had the good fortune to for travel to rome with aften afternoon -- archbishop chaput. a man of tremendous confidence and faith. he was openly nervous and did
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not want to host it. in fact when the conversation turned to whether or not philadelphia would host the next world meeting of families. he said no, let's not have it here. >> it's a big responsibility. >> it's a huge responsibility. he thought the archdiocese was in too much disarray with the clergy section abuse scandal and declining numbers. he was a new man to take the helm of the archdiocese. he said i would rather not. the choice was not his, pope benedict decided it would be here and pope francis decided to continue that and make sure it would happen. archbishop chaput told me rather profoundly there was beauty in the decision all the negative things all the things that made me say no at first, i realized how much this visit can change all that, how much it can be a
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reinviggation of the -- reinvigoration of the spirit so far i think it's becoming just that. >> pope francis continuing his parade with the people. of course we are at eakens oval where this will be at at some point his final stop for the evening. he just wrapped around city hall and heading up this way as we continue to take the view of pope francis in his popemobile this evening, in philadelphia. >> perhaps it's just me, i don't hear the audio of the crowds up there, i can here it in the ambient noise. it is rather silent behind me in much the same way walter perez said it was quiet when they waited for pope francis to arrive. it's quiet in aiken oval. they are waiting. it's almost a baited breath type of scenario. he is getting closer, sharrrie
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mentioned he is making his way back toward eakens oval. he'll take the stage and become the audience of one. there are tens of thousands on the parkway all these performers are trying to get a smile out of this guy. >> we'll send it back over to the studio, jim. >> he'll be center stage interestingly during the performance tonight. from what i can searn he should be soon -- ascertain he should soon passing right below our parkway studio where monica malpass and rick williams are staked out and we'll have a great view of this papal parade right beneath them. >> it really is, jim we're watching a sea of people react in a way. they are beyond, thrill and going wild. you can see the serenity and the joy on his face.
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we're looking at him as he beams and watches of them and blesses them and leans out getting a feelingful being close to them. >> he is just about ready to pass in the shadow of the basilica where he led mass this morning. it is a dramatic moment as the city of philadelphia sparkles in the evening and the pope travels his journey along the parkway. so many thousands of people been here all day waiting for this moment for the pontiff here he comes. i don't know if you can hear from our mics. he is passing below us, you can see cecily, she's like a school girl with her phone. don't drop it. >> it is amazing, a simple man who leads a simple life and urges us to leave simpler lives being treated in rock star status. he is the human physical
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embodiment of jesus on earth. there's something so special about the spirit of this human being that you can not help but be held in a magnetic field by him. >> when we were in washington the pope passed in front of the basilica there, that was a magic moment, too, this is more so maybe because this is home. let's go to sarah bloomquist who is farther along the parkway closer to the art museum where the pope will be passing by i suspect sarah in just a few moments. you got it now. >> reporter: rick, i can't wait for you to come for me, he is right here, he is right to the right of us, he'll be coming around the media platform right now around eakens oval. there are masses of people who are pressed against the barricades. they've waiting here all day, he is about to come around the buildings, i think i can see him under the scaffolding.
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he is right here, come on! people have been waiting for hours and hours, these are the especially ticket the seats people who have done a lot for their parishes and the archdiocese. they got special tickets in a special security zone very close to the stage here. the pope will be coming around the corner, maybe he is not coming around the corner, maybe they have taken him out behind where i am standing right now. you can see the people against the barricades right now with all their cell phones out snapping photos and trying to get a closer glimpse of the pope. he is still coming, we see him traveling now down the parkway toward eakens oval. once he gets here he'll get out of the popemobile he'll go on to the stage. there's a special thrown or -- throne or seat for him he will watch the concert with fireworks and light show and andre'
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bocelli and aretha franklin will be performing. this crowd has been waiting for hours, they lined up against the barricades. theythey are draping flags overe barricades many from south american and central american nations, many, many people here tonight. the heat of the sun has gone down it might be bedtime, many people are out here with small children. they can't wait to see the pope. he is about to pass us, i promise at any moment now. brian and sharrie we'll go back to you. >> i want to bring coverage monsignor charles hagen joined us 1979 when the last pope was here. as you watch this, what did you make of the tremendous excitement. >> this is a transformative moment for the the church in philadelphia and the city of
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philadelphia. it shows us the power of one, the power of one person in moral leadership to change people's mindsets and attitudes particularly in relationship to the family the family is under stress from individualism and abuses and addictions this is an opportunity to celebrate the beauty of the family and the commitment of one person to another in family. the holy father has made this possible and he has blessed this opportunity and been example i think for so many people in our life. >> extraordinary as we watch the popemobile make its approach eakens oval. the crowd going wild screaming at the top of their lungs. they are watching on the monitor, for the first time he comes back into there sights. they have eyes on pope francis. he is being wisked around to the back of the stage.
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if you thought this was applause, wait until he appears before this group. monsignor you were ordained a priest by pope paul 6th. you've seen several popes in your lifetime. the i'm struck how long it took this pope to achieve rock star status, it was two years ago he was elected pope in that historic conclave, what is it, how does that happen so fast? >> i think what people remember the man is sincere and has lived out the commitment to the poor the prisoners the people who are disenfranchise all of his life. he is a bigger stage that he was in argentina this is a rubberingable transformation --
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remarkable transformation we are witnessing. >> do you think it is the way he expresses himself. he doesn't shy away from sharing his thoughts. >> he does by word an example. when he touches a child he touches so many other people. they feel his touch although they can't physically receive his touch they see it on television. >> on television, you mentioned the stage, the national, the international stage has occupied. he is about to take to the stage tonight. the philadelphia orchestra welcoming pope francis on the stage let's listen live. ♪
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>> that's the first of many
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musical selections from the philadelphia orchestra the music director is a catholic. one things he promised there will be mozart on the play list, he is one of pope francis favorite composers. during the performance we heard a thunderous applause because pope francis came on to stage. he is preparing to take a seat momentarily. he is in the seat the chair made for him. let's listen to as archbishop charles chaput gives a warm welcome. >> we're here to celebrate the family with pope francis and obviously quite a few of his friends showed up, thank you. [cheers and applause] >> all of you have traveled and
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sacrificed to be here, your love to the holy father shows to the whole world the joy at the heart of the gospel. we call the pope holy father for a reason. it is because the church a family of families from every corner of the world and like a good father, the pope leads us with wisdom and mercy most of us all he teaches us the gratitude and happiness of being fully alive as children of a loving father. we have a lot of wonderful things ahead of us tonight. god bless you for being here, god bless you for your witness to the importance of families, and god bless pope francis for many years to come! [cheers and applause] >> in the name of the father
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and the son and the holy spirit. >> amen. >> peace be with you. >> and with your spirit. let us pray. you see the family life as a sinful nation look with
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compassion on all your sons and follow the example of holy family of your only bee gotten son in the virtues of family life and society we may see the joys of your house, the light one day realized through our lord jesus christ your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the hole -- holy spirit one lord forever and ever. >> amen. viva poppa!
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[cheers and applause]>> good e. and welcome to the festival of families! [cheers and applause]e is mark walhberg and i am so proud to be apart of this awe-inspiring event. holy father, we are blessed and graced to be in your presence. father welcome to philadelphia. this is the city of brotherly love one of my favorite cities in the world. father isn't this a great crowd? [cheers and applause]. so listen i've been very fortunate i haven't not done too bad for myself coming from the street
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and being an actor and producer, i feel blessed today being on stage with the holy father and all my fellow christians, i contribute all my success to my catholic faith. [cheers and applause]. my faift -- faith has given me the possibility of ability to be a -- give me the ability to be a good father and good husband and good person. faith gives me my life and my life brings me closer to my faith. tonight we come together to celebrate faith, family and communities. the following ceremony will feature musicals and visual arts and stories of joy and challenge from 6 families who have traveled here from different continents. let's start this off with a beautiful collaboration with christian chart topper, maria
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miller and the dancerses of the pennsylvania -- dancers of the pennsylvania ballet. ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> thank you! thank you. ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> next ws with the interrogation of a miracle of saint katherine drexel, this led to the canonization of mother drexel a
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saint here in philadelphia. [applause]. >> a reading from the book of the prophet of isaiah. when israel was a child i loved him. the more i called him, sacrifice prevails and bring in idle, they do not know i care for them.feen from the land of egypt. the sword shall raise in the cities. it will destroy the devied dividers.
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how can i give you up israel or treat you, my heart is overwhelmed my pity is stirred. i will not give in to the anchor, for i am god, not a man. the hole one present among you, i will not come in wrath. [applause] >> economy will a and kelly are -- camille and kelly are from large families if australia. they are about to be married two months away, welcome them.
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we are very happy to have traveled here from australia to deliver this message to you. we grew up in outback australia in small agriculture communities. we were friend for 14 years before eventually deciding to become man and wife.[cheers and] >> during our courtship and
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engagement we have struggled to live the vow of chastity as we believe the surest path to a happy marriage and the best way to get to know each other. we want the relationship to be a true friendshippenned -- friendship strengthening by a pure love for each other and greater love to our lord. we have prayed the rossry and attended mass together and received the sacrament of penance, regularly, like any couple we have some fears about getting married. in our county there's a high rate of divorce and we often wonder how can we be sure this will not happen to us, if you remember, we are concerned about the -- if you are -- further
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more we are concerned about the increased risk to change the definition of marriage and what that would mean for our children and our society. >> we are thinking about how to provide for our family should our circumstances change. we hope to be able to to do so, but we are worried about this in rural australia where we are about to live out our marriage. we are filled with hope. hope that we are able to, hope that we'll be able to come home to each other, to love each other and respect each other. >> if our marriage is blessed with children, we hope to raise them to know, love and serve god, we hope to help them to be
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good citizens who can contribute to the greater society. we will strive to always love each other and to keep a sense of humor and to have lots of fun together. we will spend quality time together as a family and pray together each day. we also hope to be a support for our family and friends to help them nonhow much god loves them. holy father, we are praying to you, we thank you for your guidance as the successor of peter. we ask you to please pray for us in these last about to months before we get married and for all couples who are engaged and already married. thank you.[applause] plause] four grammy nominationi
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really cut your moment there, as we heard from a couple engaged to be married in australia talking about the difficulties they face as a young couple as they head toward marriage. we'll be hearing from different couples as they begin their journey. we're going to hear from defray four time nominated grammy, you may have heard of them how to save a life over my head and you found me. >> they were active in church, though they are more mainstream than christian rock, faith is a major influence on their lyrics as we are learning about the band that is preparing to take the stage tonight. in thinking about the couple who was on stage sharing their testimony. that is the message of the
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festival of families. it carries the message of what the festival is about. >> loved how worried he was and his wife coming in to help him as she will in their marriage. >> absolutely unbelievable i don't think i've ever seen a industry transfixed by such an event. philadelphia is moved by the day and evening. the magical quality of watching this on stage. of course more of it to come. live nation having staged this for days and weeks and getting everything just right. as you can see it's been spectacular. the parkway is no stranger to concerts. but the diversity of the people who are in attendance who want to set their sights on the pontiff. it's been an evening of
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entertainment and perhaps spirit at that everyone i think would be safer to say to be leaving different than when they arrived this time tonight certainly tomorrow evening. >> trying to to have a mix of people who are performing to show the beauty of the culture of the city, as well as as we said people of all walks of life newly formed families, engaged couples as you saw, people who have been married for decades, still together, a strong family unit. the world meeting of families is trying to show families are still alive and well, they are not perfect and certainly many countries as that couple alluded to has a high rate of divorce, as does the united states, many people are trying to form new families and believe in the family unit as pope francis said this is the only way to be certain that young children can have a stable background. as far as the concert we are
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awaiting to hear from aretha franklin and andre' bocelli. speaking of him, he had an article in time magazine he said it was his honor to perform for the pontiff. he is from italy. he knows of pope francis. he said in the article he wrote in time magazine, he realized france was a good man the moment he heard him speak as a pope. that's when he said it was his honor to be here tonight. that is just one of the things we are waiting for. again, a whole diversity of talent this evening, to reflect the diversity of the crowd, the diversity of the moment and the meaningfulness of this papal weekend here in philadelphia. bowe bergdahl has performed for the pope a number of times, i can't imagine it ever gets old. such a spectacular backdrop, the philadelphia museum of arts and all the other cultural institutions, the swan fountain, the jumbotrons, sea of cell
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phones as people try to capture it on personal phones a moment in history and in time. you can tell everyone you know you were there watching pope francis come to philadelphia and bless us each and every one. no matter what your walk in life you can say you were a part of it. pause in captioning.
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>> there is so much beauty in
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this moment. some people will disagree with various aspects of the catholic faith. but the beauty of this moment should not be lost on any of us. all these people standing here, various faiths, various religions and degrees of faith in them and standing side by side. in many cases hand in hand, listening to this music and being here present in this moment. it's extraordinary and humbling to be seated here. >> the leader of the church, pope francis, has given off that demeanor. this is not only about catholicses, and welcoming people to partake. >> mark wahlberg is doing the same onstage, speaking of beauty, something beautiful will happen behind them for the hearing challenged community and
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extraordinary display, take a look at what you will see here as a huge group gathers to sign a song as they sing it.♪ ♪
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♪ >> i want you to sing with me one more time. i don't know if you are here or home, we are family. we stand up one time, sing this out. ♪ where did i go wrong, i'm longing, i would have stayed up with you all night, had i known how to save a life ♪ [cheers and
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[cheers and applause] >> of course, that was the fray, four time grammy nominated rock band performing for pope francis, performing their hit "how to save a life," asking the crowd to get involved and stand to their feet, brian. to join in on the song and the selcelebration mood tonight. >> and they did. we welcome one more performer to the stage. ♪ >> we are now hearing the voice
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of a young member of the keystone state boy choir, having the opportunity to perform for pope francis this evening. ♪ ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> what an extraordinary moment for that young man, performing for pope francis and tens of thousands here tonight, and getting a chance to greet him personally. it looks like an exchange. looks as if the pope handed him a gift, a small red box. look at this now, a hug from tonight's host, producer and
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actor, mark wahlberg. a note about, of course, the host tonight. mark wahlberg, he is a devout catholic, a person of many talents. he has, of course, said it is the church that helped turn his life around. he succeeded as an actor and producer and businessman. a model, a rapper, a singer we all know. he says it hasn't always been easy. as a youth he said he was really troubled, having numerous run-ins with the law, culminating in his arrest for attempted murder at the age of 16. but it was his background that he now credits the change that he was able to make because of the church, his local priest helped him turn his life around.
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he's here playing host for this outdoor massive concert that is happening for pope francis. >> mark wahlberg has been in philadelphia for the last week. many have run into him on the street. he's posed for pictures, taken selfies. philadelphia, one of his favorite cities in the world. what a distance he's come. now coming to the stage, a name, a man many of you recognize, former philadelphia eagles herb less, reading from the gospel. >> my brothers and sisters in the lord, listen to the holy gospel according to st. john. he said a man had two sons. the younger son said to his father, father, give me my share of your estate.
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that it should come to me. so the father divided the property between them. after a few days the younger son collected all his belongings and set off for a distant country where he squandered his inheritance on a life of dissipation. when he had freely spent everything, a severe famine struck the country. he found himself in dire need. he went to a local citizen who sent him to his farm to tend the swine. he longed to eat his stool from
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the pods on which the swine did feed. and no one gave him a thing. coming to his senses, he thought how many of my father's workers have more than enough food to eat, but here am i dieing for hunger. i will get up and go to my father, and i will say to my father, i have sinned against heaven and against you. i no longer deserve to be called your son. but the father ordered his servants quickly, bring the finest robe and put it on him, put a ring on his finger and
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sandals on his feet, take the fatted calf and slaughter it. then let us celebrate for the feast because this son of mine was dead and has come to life again. he was lost and has been found. then the celebration began. [applause]>> our second family,e from ukraine. they have a lot to somewhere the
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joys and struggles of raising children in various contexts and differing ability levels. please welcome them. >> translator: i'm so happy to introduce my family today. my name is lesia and i have two sons. we originally came from the city in ukraine, but we now live here in the united states. we do not have much, but we are indeed blessed by god's graces and the protection of the mother of the god, the virgin mary. we enjoy being together.
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i'm happy to have my two boys in my life. i received so many blessings and joys through my son, especially boris who is afflicted with cerebral palsy. i'm not sure where to begin. but boris is, indeed, a blessing. he helps others see that rather than being sick, he is happy with the challenges he faces. his joy fills us with happiness. let me give you an example when he was receiving botox injections to alleviate painful muscle contractions, he acted as a translator between me and his medical team. they were amazed at his energy and happiness to help those who were in turn helping him. boris tried so hard to work and be independent, he is an inspiration for all of us. another source of my inspiration
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and help in raising and understanding boris comes from my mother. my father died when i was four years old. so it was through my mother this a learned how to be strong by placing my faith in god. she would always take me to church with her, to learn to trust in our lord and savior and it was her faith that inspired me in my own life and to be an active participant in the faith of the ukrainian catholic church. in ukraine, life was not easy, especially having a handicapped son. in spite of this, i prayed for
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the grace to persevere and to be strong. we look forward to our sunday worship in childre church. and late we are the transition to a new government when ukraine became independent, then when we came to america with great hopes, my husband left the family. it was a struggle every day for us. emotionally and financially. so often feelings of hopelessness weighed on me. i remembered that god has a plan for us. every sunday i prayed in church and every day i prayed i read the bible, especially the psalm and played to the blessed virgin mary and the blessing to care for my family. then my mother came to america. that was a big help. i can be thankful to god for her. god has really blessed us in many ways. my oldest boy graduated from college.
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he plans to be a priest. boris is 17 years old and is determined not to be limited by his disability. he strongly desired to create computer programs for children like in two years boris will finish high school, he's working hard, applying to college to learn computer coding so he can live an independent life. it brings me happiness and hope to help them realize their dream and see the blessings that god has given them. why some people my consider boris a burden, i certainly do not. seeing him work so hard in school and in everything he does inspires me and watching him
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pray to god and be filled with the faith that my mother passed on to me fills me with joy and hope. i have already seen many people ask boris to pray for them. this continues to uplift me. i can only say i have nothing but positive hope for boris' future knowing that the holy spirit will guide him just as he has guided us as a family. holy father, thank you for being with us today. pray for us and all parents who discover their child will be in the world's view disabled may see the joy and love ahead of them. [applause] a hug there from the holy
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father to the young boy who is struggling with the disability and this mother and father sharing their story of trying to raise him and speaking honestly about the struggles they are facing. >> you have seen so many of these visits. pope francis this morning stopping the popemobile to bless a ten-year-old boy here in philadelphia dealing with a disability of his own. mark wahlberg once again here. >> up next, aretha franklin.
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>> she's nick named the queen of soul, she reigned over section decades. her legacy is root in christianity. her father was a minister. she got her start as a teenager singing gospel. rolling stone ranked her as the number one greatest singer of all time. >> here she comes onstage. musical royalty already getting an applause here tonight before she's even opened her mouth. one song we know she will sing, and one that's a surprise. what will it be? we'll find out momentarily.
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♪ ♪ ♪ amazing grace, how sweet it is
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that saved ♪ ♪ that , like me ♪ ♪ i, lord, i once was, you know
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i was lost ♪ ♪ but now, hallelujah, lord, i ♪now i have been found ♪ ♪ now, lord, i, i see ♪ through, through ♪
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♪ do you know that i am, oo, oo,
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already, i'm already, eady ♪ ♪ was grace, it was grace,
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that amazing grace ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] aretha frf
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soul, continues to sing. we should mention that she has performed for many dignitaries and world leaders as we listen more. ♪ ♪
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♪ [cheers and applause] >> please one more time for the great aretha franklin. our third family, they are here to share their experience as
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jordanian christian family ministering to others amidverty. please welcome.>> again, we areo families very background as they talk to the pope about their own experiences, challenges and ask for his love and blessings. >> we have come today representing the continent ofas. >> this is all part. world meeting of festival of families. he went to washington d.c. to talk to congress and political
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leaders. arriving in new york to talk to the united nations, coming to philadelphia for the world meeting of families where he wants to address the common catholic, the families, the people who he wants to get in touch with them, wants to bring closer to get through his love, mercy and his presence here this weekend in philadelphia. >> as you heard from mark wahlberg, he's are jordanian americans, a part of the world that has seen strive for decades. the pope is well aware of the challenges in the middle east. he has asked toes countries to reach out in love so they can build a bridge to peace after years of strife and failure to come together. so even america has had its channels for them and the struggles they had. i didn't get to hear everything they said, but some o of the
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racial overtones. >> this program is full of symbolism. but it also has the celebration as well. and the sovereigness of families coming to the pope asking for him to bless them. >> it's representative of the background of philadelphia, the residents who live here, not just one look or background, but people of every walk of life and every socioeconomic level, different religious backgrounds
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and different struggles. and how all of them are trying for acceptance in a new land. that was the core of what he believes in is acceptance and welcoming everyone into the fold of humanity and reaching out in a new way, not judging because someone may look different or have a different religious belief or wear different clothing than the normal american. but someone who brings a new color commentary to life. >> here on the parkway, the energy and enthusiasm and so does our coverage. we'll be back here with more.
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>> we welcome you back to our coverage at the festival of families. back on the stage we have been listening to the third family to give thefgivegive testimony abor experience. >> we are being treated to this concert. but we, of course, are reminded this is about expressing what families around the world are
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going through and things that they want to present and talk about while they are in the presence of pope francis as we watch now. pope francis greeting this family that shared their personal story. >> as he has done with the two prior families, the pope presented them in many cases with a blessing, in some cases with a gift as well. there are six families total who will give this kind of testimony tonight. we have also been hearing at times from mark wahlberg, he will dip in and out throughout the program. up next and still onstage, still to perform tonight, is someone you probably had not heard before. if you have, you might be in the minority in the united states. but in the rest of the world, he's a rock star. he's to come tonight. as soon as he does, we'll tell you about him. in the meantime, mark wahlberg speaking again.
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>> last to be she will read a personal letter written by her mother. >> when i think of our great reciprocal love, i can do nothing but thank the lord. it's true that love is the most beautiful sentiment that god has given to us. and we always love each other as we doow.
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my dearest, thank you for everything. i want to tell you all that i feel, all that is in my heart. but i can't. but you already know what my feelings are. so you must know how to understand me. i am sure that you will always make me as happy as i am now and we listen to your prayers coming from a heart that has always loved him and served him in a saintly way. how much i love to learn from
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you. you are such a fine example for me. and i thank you for it. we have the blessing, we will do all we can to make our new family where jesus will reign, all our affections, desires and actions. our wedding is just a few days away now. and i feel very moved to be so near receiving the sacrament of love. we will be working with god and his creation. in this way we can give him
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children who will love and serve him. will i be the wife and mother you have always wanted. i hope so. because you deserve it and i love you so much. i kiss you and embrace you with all my love.
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>> another touching moment there. for those unfamiliar with the shrine, that was reading a portion of a letter written to her fiancée. no microphones in those private moments. but a touching moment. >> about to celebrate her 24th wedding anniversary. she and her son jeffrey are here from nigeria, to talk about injury, healing and forgiveness.
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>> i am happy to talk about my marriage and my family. this is my son, jeffrey. my husband and our three other children are home in nigeria. holy father, my husband and i have a happy family. and we see those around us. but we often struggle. at the beginning of our marriage we waited for fruits of the union. we prayed for fruits of the
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union. for two reasons. one, people, there was so much pressure from extended family for us to have children. secondly, we found out that our differences are quite, we have issues with differences in our personality and the way it is. because of this, there was tension. so while the others pray for children in the marriage, i was not content with my happiness and fulfillment in the relationship. i attended daily mass, saying my rosary every day. asking god for a way out. my parents are also very supportive, especially my mom.
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she encouraged me with advice. most marriages survive the struggle, i need to work on my own marriage. i'm also the example of my parents that have a good marriage. give me the fortitude and optimism to work on my marriage. three years into the marriage we were blessed. holy father, we adored her. two weeks, she suddenly took ill one evening. and by the second day she was gone. we were heartken.
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we were distraught, we were confused. but god, in his faithfulness and love, brought out so much goodness from this situation. give us life. my husband and i went in search of our faith. we see god for who he is. then gradually we learn to integrate our faith into our daily life. then in this way we have a better understanding of one another. and happiness gradually came into the relationship. today we have four children. though along the lines we had
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one that was a stillborn, a second daughter. our last two children came amidst ridicule from family and friends. but we felt it's because of the new culture in which relatives of marriage have the point of view. behold, these children are a demonstration of god's love in our life. and so far as a family we pray together, we attend mass together, we take advantage of every moment to find out what the children have gained from the mass and their perception of
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everything about life according to their age. we also make sure that we engage them in spiritual formation to give them the strength needed to go through. holy father, we ask for happiness. given this opportunity to speak with you, we pray for vocation, different vocations according to god's will in our family. we pray for openness, life in society. we pray for better community relations. if it's god's will, it is our wish that our children will have vocations, married, thank you, holy father. you are forever in our prayers.]
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>> six families that will go before the pontiff tonight. we just heard from one of them. six different families from the united states, australia, ukraine, jordan, nigeria and, of course, the pope's homeland of argentina. such touching moments throughout the evening interspersed with musical performances. this is what the festival of families is all about. we listen to mark wahlberg. >> grandparents of 12 children. they are here from new york in north america to discuss the importance and need for extended family. please welcome them.
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>> we are the gonzalez family. i am leona, my husband rudy. two of our five children are here. francesca, carmelita and two of our grandchildren representing our grandchildren and great
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grandchildren. raising our children and now spending time with the young ones has been a great responsibility as well as a wonderful joy. rudy and i grew up in a period of time of trying times, wort, d war ii. rudy was raised a city boy while i was raised on an indian nation. as children, we did not know that we were financially poor. we both had a roof over our heads and the constant love and encouragement of terrific parents. and between the two of us, we only knew one grandparents. and i wonder in what ways would
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life have been different if we had the older generation to help us grow p. rudy and i were blessed to become parents, to have the opportunity to guide our children and now our grandchildren. even when it is challenging as parents and grandparents, we acquire a great many responsibilities, most welcome, some not. but one aspect we feel very strongly about is as grandparents, we can help support parents by countering some of the destructive influences out in society. we can help teach the next generation what truly matters. our children were raised or near
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native american reservations in arizona. which is a very different way and form in the way rudy and i grew up. among many native peoples, the wordther is often used in starting prayers. grandfather used in an exalted manner, chief, hallowed, supreme, that places him in a position of extreme importance in the minds of his people who seek his wisdom so that they may live in peace and harmony with all who live on mother earth.
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the wisdom of grandparents can help to minimize in the lives of the young the many struggles that they had experienced, parents and grandparents must continuously work hard to instill faith in their young family members. we try to be a good role model and teach about the importance of faith and how to help cultivate belief in our lord, jesus christ. guiding family members towards the great love of god and how to grow in relationships with him. we try to help bring peace and harmony within our family. it is not as easy as it may sound, but augmenting our attempts with prayer can ease the responsibilities we have.
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our belief in the existence of our create error, our god has pd us through many difficult times together. through the love of god and of god's church, our faith and determination becomes stronger each and every day. we are far from the an ideal family, but by the grace of god through the sacraments, we continue to care for our family and pass on the wisdom of grandparents. holy father, we thank you for this blessed opportunity and we ask that you pray for all of us so that we can give our families plenty of love until the end of our time on earth.
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help our society to trust that love will help sustain those we care about and that this love will be passed on to their children, grandchildren and their families beyond. thank you. [applause]>> again, you have ben listening to the gonzalez family of new york, grand parents and gradand -- great grandparents. now they try to help their children raise this group of young people, how there is a struggle involved. but they feel it is their joy and obligation and that they would love the pope's blessing as they continue their
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intergenerational support. >> their faith never waiverring despite hardships and challenges. this has to be a special night for the family. we should also mention that all of these families, as they ask for the blessings from the pontiff, the culmination will be the pontiff speaking to them collectively, the message he will give to them of peace, mercy and love. >> quite an impressive way of having the world meeting of families here tonight. we have another family from arizona, th -- argentina. >> mario and rosa from argentina, just celebrated their 16th wedding anniversary. they are here to talk from their
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experience about the need for families and extended families to trust in god's province in the face of any challenge. please welcome. [applause] >> translator: my namo and i'm pleased to introduce you to my wife of 60 years, rosa. rosa and i were married on september 17, 1955 in argentina. as we exchanged our vows inside a catholic church, the world we knew outside the church's walls was being destroyed in a
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military coup. during the ceremony we could hear chaos in the streets and immediately following the ceremony my new wife and i and our terrified guests fled to our homes on that day as we have done every day in the 60 years since we placed our trust in god. and somehow we knew then as we know now that god would guide us to safety. five years later we, along with our young children, maria and alberto left the community we loved so much and immigrated to montreal, quebec, in canada in search of a better life. the move presented many challenges. my wife and i did not speak english or french. we struggled financially.
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and work was scarce. adapting to a new culture and a new way of life often seemed like an overwhelming endeavor. but once again, we turned to our faith, oururch welcomed us. serving as a source of comfort through many difficult times, and as a place of celebration. eventually with lots of patience, love and god's mercy, we built the better life that we sought. in 1968 our family, which now included our youngest child,
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sylvia, once again immigrated, this time to the united states. we immediately enrolled our children in catholic schools to reinforce the guiding principles we tried to teach at home. and it is those guiding principles began with an unwaivers faith in god that helped our family to cope with life's challenges and tragedies. health scares, addiction to gambling, and the untimely loss of our son in 2013 are just a few of the crisis that we have survived as a family in recent years. many days and sleepless nights have been spent praying to god for guidance.
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however, we have also been fortunate to experience many joys such as the birth of our beautiful granddaughter. we thank god every day for the wonder that she brings to our lives. as my wife and i celebrate our 60 years of marriage, we often think about our long life journey together. we have traveled many rocky roads and the obstacles sometimes seem insurmountable. however, we always tried to meet whatever tests of faith were presented to us and are proud to say that our greatest accomplishment is to have raised a strong loving catholic family and today, as in every day
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passed and in theuture, we look to god for guidance and we are firm in our belief that he will bring us to safety. thank you, holy father, please pray for those who are alone, unsupported by family and especially those who do not an understanding of god's love and continuous care forhem.
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>> and we just heard from the final sixth family that would share their struggles and concerns and asking for prayers from the pope tonight, mario and rosa. a couple celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. i'm sure they have a special place in pope francis' heart. they share his home town. >> as soon as they said that, a huge smile came over his face. a moment where the pope was able to speak in his native spanish. there's been rearranging of the schedule tonight. they wanted the pope to speak to this crowd which is he is about to do right now. this crowd rising to its feet on ben franklin parkway. >> translator: dear brothers and
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sisters, dears, thank you, thank you to those who are willing to give their testimony, thank you to those who gladdened us with your art, with the beauty which is the path to
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reach god. >> beau did >> beauty leads us to god. takes us to god. because god also is true. beauty and and a witness given in order to serve is thoroughly good. it makes us good persons. because god is goodness. he takes us to god.
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all that is beautiful leads us to god. because god is good, god is beautiful. god is true. thank you all. those that offered their witness, and for the presence of all of you, there is also a great witness, a real witness that it's worth being a family! [cheers and applause]
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as a society, it's strong, it's solid if it's edified on beauty, goodness and truth. once a childw that kids ask simple questions. he asked me, father, what did god do before creating the world. i assure you, i found real
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difficulty to answer the question. so i said what i'm now going to say to you. before creating the world, god loved. because god is love. [cheers and applause] so much love, father, son and holy spirit, it was so overflowing know if it's logical, but you will
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understand. it was so big, this love, that god could not be egoistic. it had to be poured out of him. so as to share that love with those out of himself. and then god created the world. god made this marvelous world in which we live. and sometimes we are a bit confused, we are destroying it. the most beautiful thing that god did, said the bible, was the family. [cheers and applause]
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he created man and he created woman. and he gave them everything. he gave them the world. so they may grow, multiply, cultivate the land, multiply and grow. all that love he made in creation he gave it and shared it and bestowed it upon a family. let us go back further. all the love god -- all the love that god has in himself, all the beauty he has in himself, he gave it to the family.
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families, really family, when it is able to open its arms and receive all that love. [cheers and applause] ofe, of course, not quite earthly paradise, there are still problems. men and women through the astuteness of the devil have learned, unfortunately, how to divide themselves.
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all that love that god gave, almost was a little pere first crime, the first instance of fatricide. a brother killed another brother, and war. not beauty and truth of god, and destruction and war. and between we walk ahead. it's up to us to choose.
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it's up to us to decide which parpath we want to take forward. let's go when a man and his wife made mistakes, god did not abandon them. so great was his love that he began to walk with humanity, with his people until the right moment came and he made highest expression of love, his own son.
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and when he sent his son to city to country, no, to family. god sent him and made a family in a and he could do this because it was a family that had a truly open heart. their heart was opened. mary, she couldn't believe it. how can this happen.
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but when they explained it to her, the angel ined, he finds himself in a surprising situation, he doesn't understand. and he accepts. he obeys. and in obedience, he loved this woman, he loved this man, joseph. mary and joseph. there is a family which jesus is born. god planned that our hearts be opened. he likes to bring his love to open hearts. it comes out from him. do you know what he likes most?
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to knock on the doors of families and to find families who love each other. families who bring up their children to grow and help move forward, he creates develops a society, a true goodness and beauty. we are celebrating the feast of theily.
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families have a citizenship which is devine. the identity card that they have is given to them by god. so that within the heart of thed beauty can truly grow. some of you ight say, of course, father, you speak like that but you are not married. families haveifficulties.
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families, we quarrel. and sometimes plates can fly. and children bring headaches. i won't talk about mother-in-laws but in families there is always light. because the love of god, the son of god opened also that part. t s
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in families, we have to remember that there is the light of the resurrection afterwards. because the son of god raises that part.but i have to say thae family is like a factory of hope. it's a factory of resurrection. god opened this part, this possibility. and children, yes, they bring their challenges. and we also are the cause of
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work and worry. sometimes at home, i see some of my helpers, they come to work and they look tired. they have a one--month-old child, baby, and i ask them, they say i couldn't sleep, holiness, because they were crying all night. in the family there are, indeed, difficulties. but those difficulties are overcome with love. hatred is not capable of dealing
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with any difficulty and overcoming anyy. division of hearts cannot overcome any difficulty. only love. only love is able to overcome. love is about celebration, love is joy, love is moving forward. i don't speak too but i would like to just offer two points about the family.
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to take special care not to disappoint, some things that we really do have to take care of are children and grandparents. children, young, and older, they are the future, strength that moves us forward. we place our hope in them. grandparents are the living memory of the family.
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they pass on the faith, they transmitted the faith to us. look after grandparents and look after children, the expression ofe. it promises the future that doesn't know how to look after their children and the people that knows not how to look after grandparents is a people that has no future. it doesn't have strength, all
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the memory, to go forward. family is beautiful. but there are problems. in families there are animical relationships. husbands and wives quarrel, it can end up badly, separated. never let the day end without making peace. [applause] a family you can't fe
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day off not being in peace. may god bless you. may god give you hope. god give you the strength to look forward. let us look after the family, let's protect the family because it is a family that our future is at play. thank you god bless you all. [cheers and applause] >> delivering a speech tonight, rooted deeply in a message of love and the importance of the family, brian. >> clearly energized, clearly inspired by what he saw here today and tonight in fill delve yeah, he veered off script.
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in fact, he abandoned the script as he spoke off the cuff, from his heart tonight, prompting his translator to give real time translation of what the pope said. and now the archbishop has taken to the podium. >> your holiness, for everyone here this evening and for everyone watching or listening to this festival from a distance, tonight has been a special moment in time. we'll never forget it. and we'll never duplicate it because each of us on this parkway is unique and unrepeatable. every one of the persons here among us is a miracle of god's love made from the glory of heaven. so each of us are as wonderful as our families. we have a final present before you leave us this evening. philadelphia is a city of murals and we couldn't imagine a better
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way to commemorate your visit than with a mural. we have been working on it all summer. days have taken place across the region, at children's hospitals, high schools and nursing homes. the mural entitled "the sacred now, faith and family in the 21st century" was created in the mural arts program. this fall it will be mounted on the side of a special school in north philadelphia. our hope is that you will put the final brush stroke on the mural and sign it. [cheers and applause]
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>> and this is that moment where the holy father signs his name, a final brush stroke to the mural created by the philadelphia mural group who has been putting this together as a copstone on the world meeting of families. this will hang in the city for a long time. if not forever. just a touching way to remember this moment on this stage
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tonight. >> this section that he is signing is actually a part of a much bigger mural. our understanding it is more than 4200 square feet large, this mural. this portion here will be what everyone will look for when they go to see this mural once it is placed. >> this will be a lasting testament from the world meeting of families and your visit. from all of us here tonight, we thank you. we say together, god bless pope francis! [cheers and applause]
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>> look at that, the signature from pope francis officially a part of thisll be forever in philadelphia marking the pontiff's trip and his visit here. they want to be sure they gave a comemorative way to remember pope francis being here. >> he attributes this and other great blessings in his life to the catholic faith, his charity, the bo celli ation, now
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please welcome the phenomenal andre bocellir here to perform the lord's prayer with the philadelphia orchestra. ♪ our father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name ♪ ♪ our father, which art in heaven ♪ hallowed thy name♪ ♪ thy kingdom come, thy will be.
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heaven ♪ ♪ give us this day our daily bread ♪ ♪ and forgive us our debts as we
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forgive our debtors ♪ and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil ♪ ♪ for thine is the kingdom and the power and the lory. forever ♪ ♪ thine is the kingdom and the
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power and the glory forever ♪ amen ♪ [cheers and applause] thank you. ]
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[speaking spanish] >> we are now waiting for the pope to speak again as he closes out the program.
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>> translator: and we'll see each other at mass tomorrow. what time is mass tomorrow,chbi? >> at 4:00. >> translator: before the final blessing, let's pray a prayer of maria, to mary. and also an invocation to joseph. so that they can protect ourfamo
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believe that it's worth the struggle and the fight for the good of the family. hail mary, full of grace, the lord is with me. blessed are you amongst woman. holy mary, pray for our sinners now in the our of our death. amen. st. joseph, pray for us. st. joseph, pray fors.
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amen. thank you and see you tomorrow. [cheers and applause] >> love that. thank you and see you tomorrow. so many kids asked so many of their parents, what time is church tomorrow he asked, 4:00. ben franklin parkway, same stage. we have been blessed to join by monsignor charles hagen. your thoughts on the words from the pope. >> it's rich and powerful, we don't want it to end. the focus shifted to family. holy father identified family as the place where love is learned and faith is transmitted. the more we learn to love, the more we image god.
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>> he didn't step away from also talking about, as we understand, there are struggles and difficulties in the family. >> each family had to identify for themselves where there is struggle, there is a lining of silver at the end. that's the faith we have. >> at the end he said how would i know this, i'm not married? people laughed. sometimes i realize, families' plates fly. he is a realist in these regards w. >regards. >> he learned from his familiar live origin, in their struggles when they came from argentina. they had struggles of employment, keeping the family together. so he has learned a lot to his own family, i think. >> how about the connection he made tonight?
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he was sure to say the family, you hear tonight, you are the real witness, that it is worth being a family. he is sure to draw in the crowd as he speaks. >> he's learned from counseling people throughout his priesthood and life as a bishop and their struggles in family, not only do they struggle, but they give witness and hope that, good families can help families to be better. >> pope francis is preparing to leave. >> they did make changes to the program, he would like to get some sleep. they did move some things up and rearrange the musical programs which we anticipate we'll still hear tonight, including from columbian grammy win, another
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performance from aretha franklin. there is much more to come here tonight. but a one of the things struck me, we have seen this pope speak, many times reading from a script. tonight he was off script, energic and filled with graciousness and smiles and quick to laugh. >> he has a great sense of humor. he was shown, he said 300 people could live here. >> we want to sneak in a quick commercial break recognizing there is much more to come. this concert on the parkway, a spectacular night. we'll take a break. we'll be right back.
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>> good evening again. we are back live from our studio on the parkway.
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so much has happened on the parkway from this morning's payal mass to the wonderful concert. it's a message of family. we are continuing to hear music. let's go back to mark wahlberg. >> this lovely cool evening in beautiful philadelphia. our next performer, columbia musician, his albums sold more than 16 million copies, he's a two time grammy award winner. his charity works with colombian youth. in 2013 his social activism and humanitarian work was recognized by the united states council. tonight we'll witness a special
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performance. please give it up for juaness. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪
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♪ ♪
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>> you are listening to juanes. he was born in column bee y he couldn't wait to get here to perform for the pontiff. he believes in global activism. perhaps this is what he's talking about right now. >> he does have a foundation that has contributed widely all over south america. it means my blood and he has done multiple intercontinental events all over. he celebrates the pope. he considers pope francis not just a hero but a revolutionary. he continues to talk about challenges for the family. he was singing a song that means together. >> he said he was sitting at
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home in miami when he got an e-mail from his manager he was invited to sing for the pontiff at the world meeting of families, and he didn't believe him. once he got the confirmation that it was true, he said his life has changed. we are happy to listen to him tonight. >> colombian born and superstar. a believer in the message. what i was touched by in the pope's speech, he admitted, families are hard. families don't always agree. families have travesty in them like the cain and able story. but to choose to be in a family is to choose n his words, the loving symbol of god's creation. you are building among god's dream. it would be an hon tore have a familiarly, god would bless you with children and it would be a
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commitment even though it's hard to see the long term, the far-away vision, not just the daily struggle. >> through it all, there is love. god is love, families are love. if you have that foundation of love, families can survive anything. that is going to do it. our coverage continues. but let's take a break and we'll check in later. >> goodnight.
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>> the band played the rocky theme. he was greeted by the archbishop. the pope was driving off when he saw a ten-year-old boy with cerebral palsiment he jumped out of his fiat, put his hands on the boy's head and kissed him. next, the pope traveled to the cathedral of st. peter and paul to celebrate mass. afterwards, he traveled to st. charles seminary for a musical welcome and a break. this is where he's spending the night. thousands packed on to independence mall to hear him speak about immigration and religious freedom. the day also included a parade through the streets where he kissed a number of babies, the
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night ended with the festival of families concert. tonight we have had extensive coverage of this event today, rick williams and monica malpass are in our studio above the parkway, we are at aekens oval. wendi is covering security tonight. jeff did i are among the crowds and we have the medical staff and eva pilgrim has been following the visit on social media we'll hear from all of them over the next hour. let's begin with rick and monica. rick, monica, how would you assess tonight's concert, really spectacular event. >> truly a roaring success, the city in general. it's impossible, not to have been moved by all of those special moments that we were a witness to, not only the thrill
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of the crowd as the popemobile went by and he was leaning in to reach out and touch people as close as he could get. but when he signed the mural, part of the mural arts program, it will be part of our city's history. every time he said stay with it if you are in a family even though there are troubles. it was very touching. >> you think about the crowds who arrived so early going to the checkpoints, we are just waiting on the parkway for the pontiff to show up to get a glimpse of the pontiff because all the jumbotrons. that's how they saw him. when he was at independence mall. when he arrived on the parkway in person, that is when this moment became electric and the anticipation reached a crecendo. >> absolutely magical and
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surreal to see him with the interior lighting of the popemobile. he looked like a living angel. he has the spirit of someone so giving. he joked some people say how can you say these things when you are not married. he's from a family. his parents struggled in their own ways, his mother was a stay at home mom, his father worked. immigrants. he knows families have hardships and struggles. that's how he has the perspective that he does. he shows him that families need support. >> we saw plenty tonight. he traveled along the parkway in the evening hours here in center city, traveling past the basilica and so many people and their camera phones. he enjoyed every moment of it, as did we this is his first full day. there is much more to come
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tomorrow and we look forward to it. until then, jim, we'll go back to you. >> let's go live to brian and sharrie. they are in the front row. it seemed like the 78-year-old pope after a very long pope became more energized as this evening wednesday on. >> you said it right. we are remarking the same thing. for this talk about how tired he must be, he showed no signs, tossing the script, offering comments about the family. people came for the pope, they were treated to musical performances. not a spill-over crowd, but there were a lot of people came to a great show. >> the people did turn out in the thousands. maybe not every seat filled. for those here it was the moment they had been planning for.
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they made sure to be here tonight. one is wrapping up on the stage as we speak. of course, he is the colombian pop star. joining him on the stage, the keystone state boy choir and pennsylvania girl choir helping close out the evening. a lot of performers, including andrea bocelli. and how about sister sledge tonight. ♪ we are family >> their hit, the well known hit, "we are family." what makes this group so wonderful and touches the hearts of those here, they are home grown, right here from fill delve y they have been singing since the '70s. >> formed in 1971, they kicked the night off with high energy.
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we saw several moments throughout the evening where things became more subdued and people instead of standing up and clapping found themselves wowed. and one young man stepped on to the stage and electrified everyone. ♪ after he took this crowd by storm, literally taking its breath away, he went over to the pope s who is clearly impressed. they pulled him back because the pope had a gift, he had given his gift, his talent to all of us. and then he got a hug from mark wahlberg. >> a great night. they announced that aretha franklin is coming back to the stage to perform another song of hers. we want to talk about what the pope's message was.
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the pope talking about the family and the importance of the family and the connection between love and the family and the importance of it. so we want to listen to ms. aretha franklin, the queen of soul, back on the stage tonight. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ the one and only aretha franklin, bringing the house
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down. so many have left because pope francis has left. for those still here, yet another wonderful song. >> more iconic song from a more iconic voice. sarah bloomquist talked to a family who is enjoying this with the rest of us. >> i'm waving to you guys. you see me over here? we spent this evening in a secure area within the secure area of the parkway. i think you are right. when the pope left, people thought the program was all over and they have been filing out leaving those here in this area and on the parkway up ahead of me. but they left to those gorgeous strains of aretha franklin singing to them. these people got to sit up close to see the pontiff and listen to tonight's concert.
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they cheered. they loved the performance from the boy that sang tonight. when the pope spoke off the cuff, what time is mass tomorrow? then he told everybody that he will see them at 4:00 tomorrow. we talked to christian, she was here with her family from bucks county. she was exhilarated by the performance. they did everything they could to get these tickets. >> it's a once in a lifetime thing. growing up in a strong faith family, this was the epitome of having my family together and experiencing, i mean, it's been love and faith and everybody here has been so good to each other. all the frustration people talking about there was going to be, it was the opposite. everyone wants to be part of everything that the pope is talking about, love and family and being together.
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it's magnificent. >> what was the highlight of the concert for you? hearing from the pope? seeing the pope? >> there is something about this pope, something about this man. he believes what he's saying. he has a message of love and true faith and family. and see him and hearing him and we were at the other event earlier. when he blessed the entire crowd, you feel like he's talking right to you and giving you that blessing. for whatever it is you need in your life. it was great. >> she put that so well, didn't she? it was a little surprising in this area up here, the special ticketed venue, there were quite a few seats.
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a different scene on the other side of the parkway, people pressed against those barricades, excited to set pope when he arrived in the popemobile earlier this evening. it will be a different tone and tenor when the pope returns to celebrate mass. he did ask, and it's at 4:00. >> and we'll be there. we'll have more on the pope's first day in philadelphia when we continue in just a moment.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides.
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♪ >> andre bocelli with an an performance tonight on the parkway. ♪ >> let's go live to andy mccormick. i know you spent the evening with a family who had tickets for tonight's concert. >> the end of the program, how important family is.
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we went around the parkway. you saw grandparents, children, a lot of young people. people excited to be in the seminary, sisters and fathers and priests, families all together. another wonderful thing, take a look here. how many people are just drawn back out here after they were leaving thinking the concert was over, having a special treat, having andre yeah bocelli again on the stage. earlier it was completely packed. we expect the same amount of people to be back out here tomorrow. many of the highlights, you heard the highlights about the young man with that voice. also the comments from pope francis it, drew a lot of laughs from the crowd. it had people waiting, the anticipation of waiting for him that really had people waiting for him, excited to see
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one family i watched the performance with had this to say. >> everything has been amazing. we went down to independence hall. it was wonderful. he blessed everybody who was out there. even if you couldn't see him up close, you were there being blessed by him. it was wonderful. >> general experience throughout the city, everyone was on their best behavior for the poem. everyone was being as nice as possible to each other. it was great. >> calm and peaceful and friendly. everybody has been wonderful out here tonight. take a look over here. i want you to see this. these are a group of sisters saying bravo to andre there were a lot of people concerned about heading out here, if they were older, maybe in a wheelchair, a number of
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volunteers the world meeting of families here. we saw a lot of young people, people had disabilities making sure they could get in and out comfortably. it's an absolutely magnificent evening. hoping to have a magnificent mass tomorrow as well. reporting live along the parkway. >> thank you. we'll have more coverage of the pope in p
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>> this was the scene a few moments ago as the pope's motorcade moved past st. joe's university, students on the streets to say hello and goodnight. he's going to the seminary where he will spend the night. he was asked about at 78. he said sleep, naps, medication and prayer and i feel terrific.i
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the pope today gave an important speech about immigration. and about religious freedom. >> that's right. it was a speech with overtones as he spoke in front of the birth place of america and he spoke about immigration, religious freedom and tolerance. his arrival was the way you would expect from this pope. as he mades had way toward independence hall during the parade, he made stops to kiss babies and toddlers. he blessed a five foot wooden cross symbol icing the past, present and future of the hispanic church community. he took to the stage with fanfare for the common man. during his speech, it was the common person he focused on, especially those not born here in the u.s.
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>> translator: many of you immigrated to this country at great personal cost. but in the hope of building a new life. >> his commentings stem from the pope's overall message about the importance of protecting and defending the weakest and poorest among us. the pontiff's message seems to resonate with all people, not just catholics. >> he speaks to all people. it's nice to see the crowds that have come out, all faiths from all over the world, it's exciting. >> he discussed how globalization can be a dangerous thing when it strips people of their culture, heritage and history. but his most impassioned comments revolved around the power of religions around the world. >> it's imperative that the followers of various religions
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call for peace, tolerance and respect for the dignity and rights of others. >> at the end, once again, fostering his image as a simplem humble man, he asked the crowd to pray for him a little bit. >> when action news continues, we'll talk to meteorologist adam joseph. he will tell us what kind of weather we can expect
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♪ >> if you plan on going to the papal mass tomorrow or coming into the philadelphia, i know you want to know what the weather is going to be like. adam joseph is live from the ben franklin parkway. you have been talking about the possibility of light rain over the last couple of days. what does it look like tonight, adam? >> i have good news. the indications are the rain is going to stay away. today the weather was absolutely perfect for all of the festivities. the crowds have parted and we have an almost full moon now
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shining. it's a little chill y take a look at the temperatures which is a good thing. 62 in fill delve yeah, same for allantown. atlantic city 64°. the winds have calmed down. they are 9 miles per hour in philadelphia. coastal flooding during the times of high tide. high pressure in maine, low pressure in the southern carolinas. kind of in a holding pattern. that's where it's going to stay tomorrow. future tracker tomorrow, clouds with sunshine around the region. not bad and by 4:00 clouds will be thicker with a few breaks of sun to the north. 68° at the in the morning. going into the mid 70s for mass at 4:00 and low 70s 7:00. so perfect weather. we got a very excited lady right
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here. and the kids. we got to get the kids. we are going to have a great day here tomorrow, right, kids? awesome. [cheering] >> we love you! >> adam, you always attract very nice people. >> thanks. >> tonight, and this is a serious story, police are questioning a man who jumped a security fence on the parkway. he had a military style backpack and hopped the fence near the stage. the man is from texas and told them he wanted to talk to the pope about becoming a priest. he was taken down by guards and people nearby alerted police. >> we started yelling, say something. we started screaming. and then the police ran that way and got him. >> there is no word yet if the man will be charged. earlier in the day the pope spoke to thousands of people on
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independence mall. but not everybody had tickets and even those who did have tickets, not everybody made it through the security gates. we have that story. >> well, jim, we are here at one of 24 checkpoints that been set up across the parkway. this closed moments ago marking the end of the pope's first successful and secure day in philadelphia. about 10,000 people piled on to independence mall to hear the pope's address. strict security measures blocked people without tickets from getting on to the mall. but that didn't stop these visitors from coming from houston and new orleans. >> we decided at the last minute to come see the pope. we are so thrilled and happy that we are here. >> nine-year-old mitchell, his brother and family made the trip down from buck's county. >> it was a hassle for a lot of people. once you got down here, it was
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weird. no cars on the road. philadelphia was totally different. >> most left with smiles. >> it was all worth it. everyone was in awe. we were happy to be in the presence of the holy father. >> others were turned away, holding tickets but not able to get inside to the event. >> this is the ticket, but it didn't work. >> he had no way of knowing the security checkpoints were closed at 4:00. >> it seemed a little overly cautious. >> but the national guard says tightened security has done its job to make sure all the visitors are safe. >> we haven't had no threats. positive feedback from people coming through here. they are happy to see soldiers on the ground. yeah, overall, it's good with
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security. >> and some of the lines were last staying an hour where people had to wait in the line to get in a secure area. one of the checkpoint shut down, they couldn't take any more people. all of this will be starting all over again. tomorrow there is an expectation that the secret service will open the area that were closed up today at independence mall where people will have access. >> of course, the crowds probably should be substantial larger tomorrow than they were today. thank you so much. our coverage of pope francis will continue in just a
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get 50 meg fios internet, tv & phone starting at $79.99 a month. plus get $300 back with a two year agreement. get out of the past. get fios. >> we want to go live to sarah bloomquist. she has the story of bobby hill who played a starring role in this concert tonight. sarah? >> that's right. 14-year-old bobby hill from andora, brought down the house with his singing. what's more remarkable. tell everybody how long in advances you found out that you were performing for the pope tonight. >> about five minutes. >> how is that possible? >> they had a set change and they needed someone to fill. so they told my choir director, he said i could do it.
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>> you have a lovely voice. it brought tears to everybody's eyes. is this a song you performed before? >> yes, i have. i performed it with the choir a lot. >> how long have you been with the choir? >> seven years. >> you must love singing. >> i do. >> tell me how it came about that you had the interaction with the pope? >> our choir in 2009 went to antarctica, we brought back a rock we were saving to give to someone special like the pope or president. we gave it to the pope tonight. we do have a second rock. if the president wants to invite us to the white house to sing. >> i think that might happen. >> when you were up there with the holy father, did he talk to you? did he reach out? you gave you something? >> i said what the rock was, i handed it to him. he said thank you and then he
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blessed me and gave me a me a bless rosary and a velvet box. >> what was it like for you? >> amazing. >> what was going through your head and heart? >> it was so surreal, it was amazing. >> wow, bob y and again, five minutes before, you found out? >> yes. and i also found out i had to sing a cappella, too. >> you play accompanied? >> yes. the producer said if you could do it a cappella, that would be great. >> bobby, it was incredible. your story even more so thank you for talking to us. i think a recording contract might be in your future. >> thank you so much. >> an incredible story from bobby. we talked about the pope's smile, there is another fantastic smile on that young man.
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thank you. jeff, you are on television. you are on market street. doesn't seem like the crowd are there in force tonight. >> there are some folks walking home. this area has been slower. so has business throughout the city. i have spoken to a number of restaurants and store owners who tell me that they just haven't seen the customers that they expected. the city, as you may remember, predicted in excess of a million people. they don't believe that many has come. the security measures that have gone in place actually have scared some of the locals away and hurt their bottom line. throngs of pilgrims here aren't doing much to lift local businesses' bottom line. business was steady, but the italian restaurant didn't even need to open an entire dining room. >> usually on saturday night we have an hour, two hours wait.
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tonight no wait, just getting people to come in. >> the general manager planned for huge crowds, but believes the million plus visitors the city predicted didn't show. >> i think we are doing better than other restaurants around here. because of the location. but we are not getting the business that we were supposed to get. >> some businesses like the melting pot didn't bother to open. elsewhere, empty tables were a common site. a clerk at a jewelery store on 13th street said business was very slow. while across the street this art gallery had a decent day in large part thanks to the pope art it stocked up. >> we definitely benefited enormously from creating artwork that showed people pilgrammages would love. >> they stocked up on the food.
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now the food is being thrown away. a major restaurant tour has has this is worse than hurricane sandy for his business. >> thank you. we'll continue with our pope coverage when
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>> as pope francis made his way to independence mall, his motorcade passed right by channel 6. it would be an understatement to say that some of our employees were a bit excited. [cheering] >> our team was not alone in documenting the pope's first day if philadelphia. let's go to eva with some of your photographs and videos. >> so many people are sharing on social media with friends, family and us what they are seeing tonight. take a look at this picture right here. isn't this incredible? snapped this shot of the crowd, city hall shines on. this is an incredible picture. the holy father received countless gifts during his trip and countless more people have gifts they hope to give to him. allan hopes to give this drawing that says thanks for being an
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instrument. people waited hours hours in see pope francis. check out this viewer video. [cheering] everyone is getting excited about the police chief met nuns from vietnam. he told the nuns, yes, sister. they decided to enjoy the festivities with watch parties. there is a group celebrating the pope in philly in mayfair. and julia bond said it wasn't just people who dressed up to the pope. say hello pope-cat. keep sending your pictures.
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a lot of fun pictures to look at tonight. >> you got that right. the medical community did a good job in setting up installations and facilities in the event that someone needed medical attention. let's go to registered nurse and health reporter ali gorman. what was the story there? >> we are outside one of the smaller first aid tents. this is as you said just off of broad and spring garden. you can see volunteers still behind me. they are here for the night. we'll get definitive numbers in the morning. right now i can tell you out of the ten medical tents, they did see at least one serious illness and dozens of minor injuries. as for the crowd, a lot of people spent long days on their feet, some have health problems to begin with. so that can contribute to some of those minor issues.
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overall, things went well. >> tens of thousands of pilgrims turned out to celebrate pope francis and the world meeting of families. for many it was a long day on their feet. ten medical tents were set up across the city in case of an emergency or if someone needs care. most say the long day was worth it to catch a glimpse of the pontiff. >> goose bumps. incredible. >> it was cool. you knew it was special. there was a rainbow over the church the whole time he was there. and it wasn't even raining. is that amazing? >> just being in the pope's presence felt like a blessing. for one woman, the papal visit may have brought a miracle. a woman got the call she's been hoping for. a kidney became available at jefferson university hospital. the police met her at her house
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and provided a police escort over the closed ben franklin bridge. we know she made it safely to the hospital and in time for that transplant surgery. again, i have to give credit to all the medical staff, people manning the tents and inside the hospitals. many out here are volunteers, volunteering their time. many that work in the hospitals in the secure zone are spending their entire weekend sleeping there and working out most around the clock just to make sure that people stay safe here in philadelphia. that's the latest here, we are live in spring garden, channel 6 action news. >> we respect philadelphia's doctors. our continuing coverage will be back i
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>> tomorrow a momentous day in philadelphia. the forecast will be more than relevant. let's go live to the parkway and meteorologist adam joseph. adam, what does accuweather say? >> it's going to be dry. it's perfect for that papal mass
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and everyone coming back down along the parkway. look at the numbers. it's a little chilly, temperatures in the 60s. even 50s, places like trent. so we have chilled it off. you look at the winds, 9 miles per hour in philadelphia, 13 at the coast, 5 in allantown. tomorrow is breezy but dry at 76°. monday, tuesday mostly cloudy. 80, turning more humid. wednesday not as warm, 75°, sun and cloud. cooler thursday and friday with the fall chill in the air but dry at the full moon tomorrow night. we'll deal with a supermoon combo, total lunar eclipse. check that out.
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h >> we want to say goodbye to our phl 17 viewers. action news at 11 continues
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>> translator: something that we really do have to take care of. with children and ♪ >> day one of the visit of pope francis ends on a high note after nearly a year of planning, the first day of the visit of pope francis to philadelphia is now history. it is saturday night and the big
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story on action news tonight is a truly memorable day in the history of philadelphia. the visit of pope francis brought together the young and hold, healthy and sick, rich and poor. no matter what religion or creed, they stood side by side in the streets around jumbotrons and inside the many venues to catch a glimpse or hear the words of the holy father. we knew this was going to be an extraordinary day. within moments of stepping off the plane, pope francis took time to bless a young disabled man. from there it was on to mass at the basilica of st. peter and paul to take time to recharge the spirit for the day ahead. the pontiff received a welcome. his motorcade left for independence mall, we were able to capture a quick glimpse and


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