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tv   Action News Papal Visit  ABC  September 27, 2015 3:00pm-8:01pm EDT

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>> they have sung in individual groups but never has the 125 group ever been all together and we have a beautiful done photo essay, lets take a look now. >> lets start with this eight notes. ♪ ♪ lets start from there -- one, two, three -- ♪ ♪ >> i'm surprised how amazing the choir sounds, you cast a wide net, you think what are we going to get and they sound wonderful. >> my older brother sang fort last pope in washington, d.c. when he was here, and now i get my chance i'm really excited. ♪ ♪ it was all an audition process,
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each church was allowed to nominate four members of their church to come and audition and they had several days of audition and it was intense, but an honor, how often does the pope come to your backyard? ♪ ♪ the match diocese has a choir in place already we thought we would expand that choir so there would be representation from all the different parishes as well. . >> when catholics celebrate the eucharist, the primary way to celebrate it is by singing it, we want to sing this mass as joyfully and refer entally as we can.
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>> thank you. in my way to express your faith in music is one of them. welcome to the studio along the ben franklin parkway, lets check in with sara bloomquist farther town to the art museum, the tickets area where the throngs of people are waiting for the start of the papal mass. hi again sara. hi again rick and monica, they are awaiting the pope he will be arriving in the motorcade and transferring to the popemobile and coming to eakins oval and he will be celebrating mass. people are excited, they want something to happen, they were just cheering for the trash guys, they want something and somebody to cheer for, it was really pretty cute. one nun told us today, that the whole city feels leak a
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cathedral, people are refer ent and they have traveled far for this mass today and people behind me received special tickets from their parishes and organizers of the world meeting of families in these seats and we expect a few other dignitaries, it's wall to call as this point as people take their seats, the orchestra is in place as well. this is a choir who has been seated as well. they will be performing here. last year i covered the cantonization of john paul and pope francis and no matter your religious sentiments this is a beautiful sight. the colors on the stage, the yellow and that deep purple,
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that white and black, it's just beautiful and to see the art museum just behind where the pope will be celebrating mass today, the screen was up there last night for the concert and now we see our iconic art museum there, back behind the stage, it's a beautiful setting, there will be 1500 celebrating this mass today. bishops and cardinals and they were sitting in an elevated section one to the left and one to the right. many are wearing the miter, the pointed hat, they wanted to sit above the audience because they knew people would not be able to see over their miters. so they are up here so people
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could see. the priests are prepared to offer communion to 250,000 people, that alone will be a sight to see. 250,000 people, priests are prepared to offer mass. one thing of note, many, many people brought their children to be part of this mass today and even very, very small children, their entire families, really the excitement is building here, the pope is on the way. we are not sure he will be coming on to the parkway or where he'll get on to the popemobile, we are watching and waiting. >> thank you sara bloomquist. lets talk to monica and rick and brian taff and sharrie williams, you know there was some issue yesterday about the size of the crowd, my suspicion is this crowd today is large, and getting larger and has a special
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feeling to it. rick and monica, would you agree? >> we saw it the moment we came in this morning, that at the security check points it's quadruple the number of people even at that hour. and there was extra security and barricades and fencing and the people could wait longer because of the setup changing and it's an immediate impact to me that lots more people are coming to feel the connection of pope francis, someone that is international stature. >> i ran into people from my church and they said after watching all the events on tv especially the papal parade in the twilight of the city and the excitement that ensued they decided hey what the heck, lets go on in and give it a shot and lets be a part of all the excitement that is unfolding on the parkway since yesterday
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morning. >> it helps we are having beautiful weather, when it was thought it could be rainy and that cleared out. his access, his ability to reach out and touch people has moved extra people to make the effort to walk across the ben franklin bridge or come here on the trains and planes and buss to be part of this. >> with over an hour to go, just about an hour, the parkway is filling up beautifully, and the pictures we are going to see as the mass begins and during the course of the mass, you know those pictures will be extraordinary, i can't wait to see those. brian taff, sharrie williams, you are up in the front row. >> i don't know what we did to deserve this, we have remarkable seats and we got here early this morning to get here, with respect to the crowds, it's absolutely true, i stopped by reading terminal market, and
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huge crowds there and yesterday not the case, i think it's exactly what rick was saying, people planned their trip to begin today but were home watching yesterday and got wrapped up in the excitement, lets go down, let do it and. >> you are this close and people took advantage of it today and we are excited to have pope francis here, but not the first time a pope came to philadelphia, 36 years old, october 1979 and we were invited by a pope at that time, matt o'donnell has more. >> the moment has arrived for than a million delaware valans, the papal mass on logan circle just minutes away. >> the words of our jim gardner on wednesday october 23rd, 1979, pope john paul ii, just elected the year before, instead of riding chose to walk among the
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crowd before celebrating mass, earlier this the day, there was massive xim, people jostling to gain a better position but this pope, 58 years old at the time made his appearance at lowing app scare, our reporter noted how quiet and calm the crowd became. >> denise and michael were there standing only yards away from pope john paul, he is right here and michael is on the scaffolding platform for them it was a religious and spiritual experience. >> it was amazing and i can remember the feeling of such joy and just happiness. >> turned around and all i could see was a sea of people back to the art museum. it was unbelievable that many people. very overwhelming, we know where the stage was constructed for
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pope francis, the city of philadelphia erected the stage on squan found an. it required 4,000 pieces of wood and 450 gallons of paint and a half ton of nails and they built it in 17 days, some scoffed at the twice tag it cost $17,000. and the late "action news" broadcaster james o'brien said this. >> i must say that on my years on earth, i have not seen anything more touching or impressive. there is only one pop, that is not the case today. pope benedict became pope emeritus, making way for jor
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jorge -- >> i think pope francis is really the people's pope, i think he gets it and i think he gets what the world is truly all about. at least a trillion people came to celebrate mass why john paul and some put thee esest number closer to 2 million, will pope francis match the numbers, but when he arrives here a jolt of electricity comes through everybody nearby this will be special like it was 36 years ago. matt o'donnell, channel 6 "action news." >> it was an extraordinary experience in 1979 but here we
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see the beginning of the parade, the papal parade. it's easy to reflect back to october 1979 and one person in the story was making a comparison between the two popes and there he is! pope francis. i think it stands to reason that pope francis does make a more personal and intimate connection with his flock than john paul ii, he created this tremendous reaction because he was young when he became pope and pope paul vi was an older man and one of the first non-italian popes in centuries and he helped with the down fall of communism and this mans makes the intimate
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connection, he wants to smell of his sheep, he wants to be close to them, spiritually and physically. >> makes eye contact and gives you a warm smile, he lives modestly and humility is what it's all about. and compassion over judgment. and he is trying to guide the church in that direction. and people catholic and non-catholic feel this, appreciate this, and understand it and they are responding to him in ways that a pope has not seen in our recent memory. brian taff and sharrie williams, you can see the pope with your own eyes, we have eyes on the pope jim, he just turned the
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corner here at eakins oval, crowds spring from their chairs and went to the fence, pope francis lifted the baby from the crowd and kissed the child amongst the joy and tears of the parents. >> people are gathered here on eakins oval, they are doing their best to keep an eye on the pope as he makes his way for his parade this afternoon for this papal mass, the cell phones are raised and the cameras are out and everybody has their back to the stage because they are looking out up the parkway, still trying to keep the pope in view jim. >> we should note that the pope is making his way up to logan circle, he will go around logan circle and back down to eakins oval but there are still very
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many people waiting in security lines, hoping to get inside for the papal parade, many had been there before noon and some of them are now three or four hours long, one at 21st and 20th, they are just hoping to get inside for the start of the mass, for those folks they have missed the papal parade, it's their hope and prayer they get inside for the mass. might i bring in our guest monsignor charles hegan, featured in matt o'donnell's story. back on the day in 1979, happy tom have you back here today, monsignor, could you talk to us about your experience then compared to now as you watch pope francis make his way up the parkway. >> i'm delighted to be here again and i was reminding of
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1979 because the same sense of enthusiasm and expectancy is present in this crowd as that crowd and brought wonderful memories of past, two popes with different styles but appreciated by their flock and people that are not of they are flock. what i remember most of all was the enthusiasm e see the best
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in our peoplep the welcome they have, so many people worked on security and so many on the parkway to transform it and give it a setting, it's ao our city and the people. >> there are a couple of differences between 2015 and 1979, there was no magn magnet-ometers. things that are necessary today were not necessary in 1979 and there were no cell phones, the only people taking pictures was us, the newspaper reporters and
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the vatican itself and now everybody is taking pictures and it seems that this pope, talking about security again, it pope has a way of piercing the image of this immense security operation, he it so connected and he makes such contact with the pilgrims that are there that this whole sense that this has become just such an immense security requirement, it disappear a little bit. he penetrates them. he sees through that, it become a more inmate formal environment when he is there, when he passes by. the security issues. it seems to fade a bit when he passes by. i believe nora muchanic is in
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that crowd. nora can you hear me? >> reporter: i can jim, the holy father is passing in front of us as we speak, he is pulling up to the knotted grotto, sister ann's project. he is going by there, and the popemobile is coming to a stop. there have been priests, everyone here at the crowd is cheering him on, there is a huge crowd over in logan square and log logan circle that is trying to get a good look at him, the holy father is coming down the block, the crowds rush to wherever he is, people are returning and right now we are taking a look
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at this, they are trying to figure this all out as he perhaps disembarks there is a chance he may go to visit the grotto, the knotted grotto, a popular attraction here during the world meeting of families. over 100,000 trips, it looks like he is moving. the holy father and archbishop is coming down the steps and the pope's interpreter. exiting the popemobile and moving through with security over toward that grotto. >> nora this is what mary skullan was hoping for. >> this is not on the schedule, a last minute edition to the schedule.
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>> we learned in argentina, that one of his favorite paintings -- >> she was hoping for this in the worst way, she was hoping for this, this is a huge project for her, project home, we learned that one of his favorite paintings is mary the untier of knots and sister scully and the pope this has meant so much to her. people sending in their knots. their ribbons, signifying their troubles in the way they resolve them. and now the pope. seeing it all. a big moment for a woman who has meant so much to this community.
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she works with project home and now she gets to show her work to the pope. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> at least for this trip, this will be the last trip to saints peter and paul, he climbs back
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into his popemobile along with archbishop charles chaput and this parade continues back up the parkway. ♪ ♪ i want to say hi to cathy gandolfo. and cathy we were talking about 1979 and pope john paul ii and you and i share memories of that day. how would you compare october 79 to 2015? >> well jim, certainly an enormous number of people then as now. perhaps we'll wind up with more this time. i was stationed on broad street that day and for hours i was out along broad street with thousands and thousands of people who anxiously awaited the papal motorcade to come up broad
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street having come from the airport and unfortunately, i don't know if you recall, that motorcade traveled quickly along broad street, there was rumor of a security problem or something, so he went up broad street rather quickly, people that were out there for many, many hours were a little bit disappointed as he went by, and people were happy to have been there, but it was not the nice slow parade that we are seeing right now. of course once he got to the parkway and took part in the mass, it was a magnificent event and you mentioned how young he was at that time. and he really changed the papalsy in many way, in that he really travel, he was the traveling pope and he got out there, what we are seeing now with pope francis and the
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numerous stops he makes and the numerous people he connects with and encounters, pope john paul ii really started that. and that trip to philadelphia that was coupled as i recall with boston and washington, that was the beginning of his papalsy, it was only a year in his papalsy, we would see much, much more of that from john paul, and this pope only two years into his papalsy, is already on the road traveling to so many places of course this is his first time in the united states, he is connecting with tem, the way john paul did in the early days especially but this man is really beloved and it's really exciting to see
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this, his coming around logan square, that is the sight of the 1979 mass, but the people, the roar of the crowd is just incredible, it's really almost deafening and we are 28 floors up, and i know it was like that too in 1979. >> i think when mayor michael nutter and archbishop charles chaput envisioned what it would be like to have the pope in philadelphia, this was the picture that they envisioned right now. >> oh absolutely. and this is what the people of the world are seeing. >> i'm sorry, let me talk to sara bloomquist the pope is just about to pass your position sara. >> >> reporter: that is right we
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are at the media outpost at eakins oval, we saw the front of the motorcade go by, this first part goes by with the motorcycles and the pope is a distance behind but you can see the people pressed up by the barricade with their cameras ready to go, i'm with the media and people put down their microphones and they too are pressed again the gates here to press a glimpse as you said this is the moment we have waited years for at this point. i talked to a world meeting of family folks today and they started to have conversations, a year ago we found out that the pope was coming and now today is the day, it's very, very quiet ahead of where the pope is, as he passed through its this wave
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of energy, this wave of cheers, people just so loud as he passed by the crowd and people stand up and cheer and wave their flags and he waves and blesses each and everyone, and looks into the eyes of people as he passed down the parkway approaching eakins oval and the choir has gun begun to sing and the mass is about to begin here but ahead of that the pope is approaching eakins oval and we don't see him here yet and the crowd is absolutely silent, even though they are watching on the jumbotron and they saw him get out of the popemobile and go to the grotto, they know the significance of that and they were clapping and cheering and many tied their wishes and
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problems and their hopes to that grotto and i think they were so touched and so thrilled to see the pope get out of the popemobile and go over to the grotto and take a moment because it means a lot to the people here in philadelphia. he is continuing to come down the parkway, it seems maybe at a slower pace than last night, this is his final popemobile parade here on the parkway in philadelphia and i think that people will appreciate that he is taking it slowly and moving toward eakins oval where the stage is set for this mass scheduled to begin at 4:00, so in a half hour, i'm not sure if he is ahead of schedule or they will take their time and slowly come down the parkway as people cheer as he passes by and blessed each and everyone in the crowd, as he looks them in the
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eye and archbishop on charles chaput, right there with him and what a moments for him and the philadelphia archdiocese, finally here this day and this mass and now we see the pope. gem, i think can you see better than i a small child he kissed and blessed. >> yes the second in the last few minutes, now a third. the one charged with taking babies out of the crowds from the arms of they are mothers and fathers and bringing them to the pope. we see that repeated again and again and again. since the pope arrived in washington. >> i wonder if the college of cardinals had any idea when they elected jorge bergoglio that
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this is the picture they had encouraged and elected an ambassador of the church that would have this effect on the catholic church and the world. my hunch is they didn't know what they were getting into and now most of them must be grateful with the choice they made.
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it's an interesting contrast to me to see the secret service and other personnel looking so alert and looking in every direction and following the protocol and they know and are trained to do and the pope in the popemobile completely relaxed gazing from side to side and trying to make eye can't with members of flock and the security people are as diligent as they are, he can appear to be as relaxed as he does. two more babies blessed by the pope. and another. can you imagine the parents of
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these babies tell them at some point in their lives you were kissed by the pope. they will look at their parents and say, are you kidding. no, no kidding. ♪ ♪
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>> there has been so much talk about the stamina of this 78-year-old man and how he endures these incredible long and demanding days not just from the standpoint of ours but all the major events.the stakes are that he performs well. i have the secret, sleep, naps, prayer and meditation.
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sounds like a plan. ♪ ♪
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parents offering up their children to the pope. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ brian taff, sharrie williams -- >> no matter how many babies that come up it's an image that never gets old and it touches your heart to see the care and time that pope francis takes with each and everyone of them. >> we see it happening again, these are parents hoisting their babies over crowds of strangers and lifting them and trusting the babies into the hands of those strangers, this is something incredibly spiritual happening on the parkway, it makes me think of the moment that jorge bergoglio was elected and i was fortunate to be in st. peters square that night and i described it as a beautiful kind of chaos, there were people there of every faith as there
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are here today and we should remember there are people here today of no faith, brought here by something both spiritual and spectacle. when this story is written, we remember this is a gift that we should unwrap slowly and spend time giving back to the world, this is an incredible gift for philadelphia, for these few moments yesterday and today to forget about the problems of world and celebrate what we have in common, human beings standing with each other and for each other in solidarity for something good, this is truly a special moment jim. >> words beautifully spoken brian. the pope keeps looking at his watch, i wonder if he is in charge of making sure that this thing happens on time.
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he turns to his vatican detail head and says we are running 45 seconds late. >> we observed we got here earlier than we expected to be here, and in this time, that is extra time before the mass starts we see his papal parade take its time making its way around to what is turned into an alter, this is one of the busiest thoroughfares in our city and it has been turn nood a place of worship has we now see ourselves that the papal parade the popemobile is reaching in view of where we are, and oh my goodness with the philadelphia orchestra reaches the part of the song, he makes his way
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behind the alter where he will be escorted on to the stage. >> and might i add the sun is coming out, we have the sun peeking through the clouds here for the first time this afternoon. i mean it really is a magical moment of what we are observing with our own eyes, 36 years since the pope has been here in our city. it doesn't happen every day so it is a moment to really relish. >> can i just say amid that huge crowd of priests i see no shortage of cell phones, the priests also capturing this moment for posterity. >> well, this last leg of the parade looks more like a sprint rather than a marathon.
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they will be able to think of these scenes when they walk or drive in the city. we drive past the steps of art museum all the time and either we think nothing. or i see the rocky steps or whatever, but this is now something we can add to our bank of visuals, our visual memories and there are people you know that will retrieve these images when they are in this part of the city dozens of times in the future. this part of the city has been
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transformed even if all of these effects come down in the next day or two. the city, this part of the city is transformed in people's visual capacity and their memory. it's likely you will never see this again. ♪ ♪
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leave us better than we were. 6 abc messages we get dozens of messages of heartfelt gratitude, awe and excitement. ♪ ♪ >> that by the way is the argentina flag, maybe the
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vatican flag but i think the argentina flag. i'm not sure. >> however many hundreds of thousands of people have turned out for this, the entirety of the ben franklin parkway is quiet.
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rick and monica must be quite a celebration where you are. >> yes, they transformed it from last night's concert now the backdrop is the philadelphia museum of art, it's a wondrous sight. it has been transforming, watching the past few moments and listening to the orchestra hearing hundreds of members coming together to sing, we are anxious to see how this mass up folds on the final day in philadelphia for pope francis. >> you saw him stop at the grotto of knot and sister mary is an amazing figure and she had
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little regret, that he did not stop by and then 20 minutes later she got a text that said yes she was coming, she was invited to the white house when we were doing our coverage in washington, d.c. a few days ago and she got to go to the white house but from her vantage point she was too far back to see the pope, she could hear what he and president obama said, so she never met pope francis until a few moments ago, she got the text, she dashed out so excited her decades of work honored by pope francis, like a catholic school girl running out to meet pope francis like everyone else. >> lets go to nora muchanic with the person we are talking about is it mary. >> reporter: speak of the devil, i have her here now, a bad
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analysis for today. what was it like >> reporter: it was a profound overwhelming experience of joy and gratitude, when we saw some many people come here with their knots and struggles and prayers and god hears all of our prayers and that is a beautiful thing but to see that pope francis is now praying and blessed all of our prayers and struggles and knots and it was touching and an incredible moment. >> what did you say to you, you did speak to him. >> he asks us to pray for him and we asked him to pray for us and bless the knots and we were grateful that pope francis with his incredible schedule, and we thank archbishop chaput for asking on our behalf and to
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philadelphia, the great of the city in the world. >> this was totally a last minute, the archbishop texted me and i was like oh my god, and i texted back oh my god no way, we are afrns shusly awaiting your arrival. >> with the pope blessing all of these knots, with all the problems in the world, this could be a skyscraper, what does it mean to have them blessed by the pope. >> look at all of us here today with our rosaries and medals hoping pope francis will bless all that, it makes you feel special that the pope is making an insession on our behalf. >> are you surprised, this is one of the big attractions for
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the world meeting of families and hundreds of thousands of people came through and left messages here, what does that say about what is going on in the world today? >> it's a great experience, when you write down your knots of others and reading other people's knots and praying for them, it's a moving experience and when we share our knots and struggles, that automatically lifts a bit of the a burden to be able to share that with another. >> sister, the parkway is lined today, hundreds of thousands of people here, just wishing for a quick sight of the pope, you were up close to him today, is this the moment of a lifetime, what is this for you? >> it's just very, very overwhelming for meg the artist and will and laurie and all of us to be able to be that close to our holy father and to have
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him ask for our prayers and just to see him bless everybody's knots and struggles and the other thing we were able to do was to give him the knotted stole, a stole that laurie made with everybody's knots on it, so when people tied their knots we were able to tie them on yarn and they would have that into a stole for the holy father with all of our knots on it. >> i am glad that pope francis got here to see the work you have done. >> i'm just so grateful to be a part of it and grateful to the archbishop and pope francis and the world meeting of families for this amazing experience in our city. >> jim, sister mary, a big day tore her and for all of us here in philadelphia. >> and shame on me, that was the
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flag of philadelphia along with the flag of the united states on the art museum steps. we will almost ready to begin the mass, i'll hand it over to brian taff, sharrie williams and monsignor hagen. >> thanks jim, we'll be joined short shortly this afternoon from monsignor hagen giving us great perspective on this weekend, father dennis guild the director of the basilica of saints peter and paul and has formerly welcomed all of these pilgrims that filled these seats and the tens upon tens of thousand more still on the parkway, it should be noted that i am still hearing from people on twitter, there are still thoughts of people waiting in the security lines hoping to get to the other side of the security lines by the time this mass starts
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unfortunately it doesn't look like that will happen. >> difficulties faced due to the security in place, and those waiting have been waiting for hours and now they are not in position, we hope that they will be able to make it in, we look at the alter with the crucifix being the center of the stage and the golden white being used on vatican colors to outfit the stage today, we are minutes away from pope francis beginning the celebration of mass this sunday. >> and i'll draw your attention to the piece of art below the logo there as jim mentioned before, an incredible piece there and a local artist by the name of neilson carlin, it's on the cover of the guide for today's mass, it's a hot
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commodity, it's a keep sake from this momentous occasion and i trust it will be in a lot of people's homes. mr. it is sealed up and laminated as people remember the moment not just on their cell phones but right here something to hold on it. detailing the readings and songs of this most incredible day, and that picture from neilson carlin. >> we heard pope francis talk about love and inclusion it's a big part of his message, we are anticipating to hear what he will talk about today. of course there is anticipation of what he will talk about and what his message will be. he has not shied away from expressing his thoughts and concerns and beliefs without a doubt, leader of the church, he has not shied away at all from
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putting his message out there. and the quietness. >> for all the roar of the crowd, the tremendous number of people lining the ben franklin parkway you could hear a pin drop up and down the parkway, it's quiet as people anticipate the arrival of pope francis any moment from now. he say punctual pontiff and will likely arrive in six minutes time but this is that moment where by the pope has passed and people are delving into their own personal reflection and we see this little girl bowing her head like so many others, people in our vantage point not forgetting this is a mass. something very spiritual and very personal and many have come here today with their own knots and own lives we see represented through the sculpture, today
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mary undoer of knots. >> i was thinking as far as these minutes leading up to the start of the mass, that pope francis is likely in prayer himself. reflecting over what he shall say today knowing the world is listening in to philadelphia today as they have all over the weekend waiting to hear what the holy father would say, i would imagine he too is in meditation now. >> i would imagine the same and to that point to being an international destination and international broadcast today, i am monitoring our twitter feeds, one gentlemen saying he is watching in belfast, england, our feed from, we are tremendousously hoppered, that those are watching out outside of our city around the world. that drives home the momentousness of this occasion, what happened in new york city
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amazing and washington unforgettable, look at this images tens if not hundreds of thousands of people lining the ben franklin parkway in the city of brotherly love and today philadelphia is not just a city where by business is done and lives are lived, it's the backdrop for the alter for a mass, the incredible moment where people gather in silence and prayer and song and share something we all have in common which is tremendous hope for our lives moving forward and what a tremendous privilege it is for our city of philadelphia, to see this calmness at a massive gathering
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>> they left these chairs and pressed against the barricade as the pope passed by and now they have returned to their seats and are awaiting the start of mass, if we can look up on an elevated
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stage just to the right and left those are the bishops and cardinals and archbishop , ther are 1500 sell brants but they too were up pressed against the barricades with their cell phones taking video of the pope as he passed by, even the archbishop ops and cardinals, this is a moment they want to record, as we look at the alter, it's a beautiful site this afternoon, it's interesting to note that the time of this mass at 4:00 in the afternoon is very purposeful, that is because the holy father wanted these priests and bishops to be able to celebrate mass with their home parishes first and to be able to go to the neighborhoods in philadelphia and the surrounding
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region to celebrate mass with their own congregations before coming here to celebrate mass with him. this is going to be quite something, expected to run just over two hours, there is an orchestra playing and a large choir singing as well. through this all we see the security here. tight security here at eakins oval and we have military aircraft passing by but not on trucive at all. very much in the background. we await the start of the mass and the orchestra strikes up now, it's just a beautiful, beautiful setting. people are standing as we await the pope to come on to the alter.>> sara we can see that ts
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is beginning, we will be here listening in to every moment of the mass, but out of respect we'll let you know to our viewers those of you at home not able to be here, we know this is a moment you want to enjoy, and share in and we will of course show that respect throughout this mass as it is celebrated on this sunday afternoon.
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>> in the name of the father, and of the son, and of the holy spirit. >> amen. >> peace be with you. >> and peace be with you. >> brothers and sisters, let us acknowledge our sins.and propel celebrate the sacred mysteries.
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i confess [ prayers ] >> may all mighty god have mercy on us. forgive us our sins and bring us to everlasting life.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> let us pray.oh god manifest
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power by pardoning and showing mercy. to the treasures of heaven through our lord jesus christ, your son who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the holy spirit. one god forever and ever. >> amen. >> translator: the lord came
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down in the cloud and spoke to most us and taking some of the spirit that was on moses, the lord bestowed it on the 70 elders and as the spirit came to rest on them they prayed and the two men one named eldad and the other medad were not in the gathering but had been left in the camp. they too had been on the list, but had not gone out to the tent; yet the spirit came to rest on them also, and they prophesied in the camp. so, when a young man quickly told moses, "eldad and medad are prophesying in the camp, " joshua, son of nun, who from his
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youth had been moses'aide, said, "moses, my lord, stop them." but moses answered him, "are you jealous for my sake? would that all the people of the lord were prophets! would that the lord might bestow his spirit on them all!" ♪ ♪ the precepts of the lord give joy to the heart.
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the precepts of the lord give joy to the heart. ♪ ♪ the law of the lord is perfect, refreshing the soul; the decree of the lord is trustworthy, giving wisdom to the simple. the precepts of the lord give joy to the heart. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ the precepts of the lord give joy to the heart. ♪ ♪ the precepts of the lord give joy to the heart. from wanton sin especially,
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restrain your servant; let it not rule over me. then shall i be blameless and innocent of serious sin. ♪ ♪ the precepts of the lord give joy to the heart. come now, you rich, weep and
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wail over your impending miseries. your wealth has rotted away, your clothes have become moth-eaten, your gold and silver have corroded, and that corrosion will be a testimony against you; it will devour your flesh like a fire. you have stored up treasure for the last days. behold, the wages you withheld from the workers who harvested your fields are crying aloud; and the cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the lord of hosts. you have lived on earth in
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luxury and pleasure; you have fattened your hearts for the day of slaughter. you have condemned; you have murdered the righteous one; he offers you no resistance. ♪ ♪ alleluia alleluia alleluia
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alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia ♪ ♪ alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia ♪ alleluia!
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♪ ♪ at that time, john said to jesus, "teacher, we saw someone
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driving out demons in your name, and we tried to prevent him because he does not follow us." jesus replied, "do not prevent him. there is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me. for whoever is not against us is for us. anyone who gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to christ, amen, i say to you, will surely not lose his reward. "whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him if a great millstone were put around his neck and he were
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thrown into the sea. if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off. it is better for you to enter into life maimed than with two hands to go into gehenna, into the unquenchable fire. and if your foot causes you to sin, cut if off. it is better for you to enter into life crippled than with two feet to be thrown into gehenna.
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and if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out. better for you to enter into the kingdom of god with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into gehenna, where 'their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.'" ♪ ♪
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>> today the word of god surprises us with a powerful and thought provoking image, an image that challenges us but stirs us with enthusiasm. in the first reading joshua tells moses that two members of
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people are prophetizing speaking god's word without a mandate. in the gospel john tells jesus that the disciples had stopped someone from casting out evil spirits in the name of jesus. and here is a surprise. moses and jesus both rebuke those closest to them for being so narrow in their thinking. would that all could be prophets of god's word who that everyone work miracles in the lord's name.
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jesus instead encountered hostility from people who did not accept what he said and did. for them, jesus' openness to the honest and sincere final of many women and women that were not god's chosen people was intolerable. the disciples for their part acted in good faith but the temptation to be scandalized by the freedom of god who sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous alike by passing bureaucracy, officialdomand inner circles threatens the authenticity of faith.
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hence, it must be vigorous ly rejected. once we realize this we can understand why jesus' words about causing scandals are so harsh. for jesus the truly intolerable consists in everything that breaks down and destroys our trust in the working of the spirit. our father will not be out done in generosity and continues to
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scatter seeds he scatters the seeds of his presence in our world for love consists of this, not that we have loved god but that he loved us first. that love gives us a love of profound certainty, we are sought by god, god waits for us, it is this conference that makes disciples, encouraged, support and nurture, the good things happening all around them. god desires for all of his children to take part in the feast of the gospel. do not hold back anything that is good instead help it grow jesus says.
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to raise doubts about the working of the spirit or to give the impression that it cannot take place in those who are not part of our group or who not like us, is a dangerous temptation. not only does block conversion to the faith but it is a perversion of faith. faith opens a window to the presence and working of the spirit. and it shows us that like happiness, holiness is always tied to little gestures.
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whoever gives you a cup of water in my name jesus says a small gesture will not go unrewarded, these are little gestures that we learn at home. gestures that we learn in the family and that get lost amid all the other things that we do daily but they make each day different. these are the little gestures done by mothers and grandmothers and fathers and grandfathers and children and siblings, they are little signs of tenderness and affection and compassion. these are the little gestures of a warm supper we look forward to at night, of an early lunch or breakfast awaiting someone that gets up early to go to work and
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they are the gestures of home. like a blessing before we go to bed or the hug after we return from a hard day's work. love is shown by little things, by attention to those small daily finds which make our life always feel like we are at home. faith grows when it is practiced and it is shaped by love. that is why our families, our homes, our true domestic churches, that is why they become life and for life to grow, for faith to grow in life.
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jesus invites us to not hold back these little miracles instead, he wants us to encourage them, to make them grow, he asks us to go through life as our life presents itself encouraging all of these little signs of love as signs of his own living and active presence in our world. this actions that we are invited to participate in leaves us to ask ourselves how are we trying to live this way in our homes and societies? what are we doing to live this
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way in our homes, in our societies? what kind of world do we want to leave to our children? this is a question that we cannot answer alone. it is the spirit who challenges us to respond as part of the great human family. our common house can no longer tolerate sterile divisions, the urgent challenge of protecting our homes includes the concern of bringing all of the human family together in the pursuit of sustainable and integral
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development for we know things can change. may our children find in us models of communion and not of division. may our children find in us men and women capable of joining others in bringing to full flower all the good seeds which the father as sewn. pointedly yet affectionally jesus said, if you then who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will the heavenly father give the holy spirit to those that ask him. how much wisdom there is in
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these few words, it is true that as far as goodness and purity of heart are concerns we human beings don't have much to show but jesus knows that where children are concerned we are capable of boundless generosity and that is why he reassures us, if only we have faith the father will give us his spirit. we, we christians, the lord's disciples ask the families of the world to help us. many of us are here participating at this celebration and this is in
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itself something prophetic, a miracle in today's world. this world tired of inventing new divisions, new forms of brokenness, disasters, would that we could all be prophets. would that all of us could be open to miracles to love at the sake of your own family and all the families of the world. and i'm talking here about the miracle of love. and in this way, overcome the scandal of a narrow petty love,
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mistrustful, closed in on itself and impatient of others. and i leave you with a question, a question for each of you to answer, because i said impatient. in my own home do we shout? or do we speak to each other in love and tenderness? that's a good way of measuring our love. how beautiful it would be if everywhere and even beyond our
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own boarders we could appreciate and encourage this prophecy and this miracle. let us renew our final in the word of the lord which invites our families to this openness. it invites all those that want to share it's prophecy of this covenant of man and woman that generates life and reveals god. that he helped us to participate in this prophecy of peace of tenderness, and of family kindness. that he helped us to participate in the prophetic gesture of
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caring, tenderly and patiently and lovingly to care for our children and our grandparents. anyone that wants to bring into this world a family that teaches children to be excited by every gesture which is aimed at overcoming evil. a family which shows that the spirit is alive and at work, will encounter and find our gratitude and appreciation. regardless of what people, religion or region, to which they belong. may god grant all of us to be
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prophets to the joy of the gospel, of the gospel of family and of the love of family. to be prophets as the lord's disciples and may god grant us the grace to be worthy of this purity of heart which is not scandalized by the gospel. may it be so. [ applause ] >> everyone is asked to observe sacred silence after the homily and meditate on the mysteries of the word of god.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> my brothers and sisters the -- and advises us in alwayses, let us to our father in heaven and ask him to have our prayers and all all of the
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many prayers. ♪ ♪ for all the members of the church in philadelphia and throughout the world and philadelphia, that the law of the lord refreshes the soul. we pray to the lord. ♪ ♪ lord hear our prayer. sfoet
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♪ ♪ we pray to the lord ♪ ♪ lord hear our prayer. ♪ ♪ we pray to the lord.
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>> lord hear our prayer. >> all mighty father we come to you as your children, your only begotten son, we ask for your compassion and give joy to our hearts through christ our lord. >> amen. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> pray brothers and sisters
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that on my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to the all mighty father. >> may the lord accept the sacrifice at your hands in the praise and glory of his name for
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our good and the good of his holy church. >> grant us merciful god that this, our offering may find us through you a well spring that a blessing may be laid open before us through christ our lord. >> amen. the lord be with you. >> and with your spirit. >> lift up your hearts. >> we lift them up to the lord. >> let us give thanks to the lord our god.
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♪ through him, and with him, and in him, o god, almighty father, in the unity of the holy spirit, all glory and honor is yours, for ever and ever. ♪ amen amen amen at the savior's command and formed by divine teaching, we dare to say: our father, who art in heaven,
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hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. >> deliver us, lord, we pray, from every evil, graciously
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grant peace in our days, that, by the help of your mercy, we may be always free from sin and safe from all distress, as we await the blessed hope and the coming of our savior, jesus christ >> for the kingdom, the power and glory are yours now and forever. >> lord jesus christ, who said to your apostles; peace i leave you, my peace i give you; look not on our sins, but on the
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faith of your church, and graciously grant her peace and unity in accordance with your will. who live and reign for ever and ever. >> amen. >> the peace of the lord be with you always. >> and with your spirit. >> let us offer each other the sign of peace. ♪
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♪ >> we have come to that point in the catholic mass giving the sign of peace and that could take some time, the pope exchanging peace with many of those on the alter today. monsignor hagen joining us this afternoon. >> i think this is a marvelous show of joy and the opening prayer said that god is a god of mercy when he pardons, and we see this in the sign of peace and the homily and the sign of peace is a sign of christians being reconciled with one another, keeping in mind the mandate of the scripture, if you
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have something against your brother or is it go and first be reconciled with them. lamb of god, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. lamb of god, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. lamb of god, you take away the sins of the world, grant us peace. behold the lamb of god, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. blessed are those called to the supper of the lamb. >> lord, i am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ and then receiving the holy communion with this amount of people, there definitely is a plan in place. so that everyone who would like to be served and receive the holy communion can do so. what you are looking at now the people holding the umbrellas, they are administering holy communion and they are chosen to take part in this portion of the mass to help with the large crowds that are here. we are talking tens of thousands of people. hundreds of thousands would be our guess, so there has been
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planning and thought put into this portion of the program for people that are not close to the stage will still be edge to receive the holy communion, for those that are believers of the faith, this is the part of the mass that they wanted to be sure they could be a part of regardless of where they were today. and listening to the homily that was delivered today. ♪ ♪
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>> monsignor hagen give us your thoughts and perspective as people flock to the white and yellow umbrellas as the priests give out communion right now. >> i notice how calm and peaceful they are as they accept the eucharist, they are coming from distances and receiving the eucharist is not only a signal with jesus it brings back the long tradition of the church that celebrated the tradition of the eucharist for 2,000 years or more. he asks his followers the people that believe and the people that don't believe to work for the common good and don't put obstacles with the way of the good and go forth and work good.
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>> monsignor i was struck by the words of pope francis, he said anyone that wants to bring into the world a family that teaches children to be excited over anybody overcoming evil, to whatever family they belong. what an inclusive message. >> it is, it emphasizes the role of family in the community. and that is sometimes forgotten in our society and we don't get enough reminders of that. >> so many people are represented here today all ages and all walks of life, many believers and so many here not necessarily believers and not
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necessarily part of the catholic faith but wanting to be here for the message of inclusion. >> we saw that out here today and last night during the world meeting of families, it's a celebration of love and the power of love to overcome difficulties and divisions. >> i found myself smiling this morning when we encountered a priest on the parkway that said he was treated like a rock star today by those of the catholic faith, and cheering when priests walked by. >> in this day and age when priests express the difficulty of their jobs and the suspicion that comes with it, what a refreshing moment for you. >> to celebrate with so many priests that represent the same
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ministry we represent is a powerful peace of the witness that is taking place today. not only the holy father but the people gathered here and the people energize him to bring his message to others as well. >> now, an hour and 22 minutes into the mass this afternoon, with pope francis looking on. people taking a moment of prayer and reflection. >> this beautiful setting has been transformed into a cathedral with a community of worshippers that is not seen throughout the world. the closest approximation we could come to it was when pope francis visited the philippines, this is certainly equal to that if not more. >> we are certainly not in a cathedral, not in the
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traditional setting, this massive outdoor celebration that is happening. but you still it resonating as such. >> yes. >> senator casey and governor wolf among those in attendance among those you just saw receiving communion as well. >> the priests have the task of ministering holy community
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throughout the crowd, all the those down the ben franklin parkway ands oval. and i see bernie prazenica of 6 abc, who we owe a debt of gratitude for his work bringing this event to philadelphia. >> the song was written for the 1976 philadelphia eucharist congress. and he sounded the bell of holy freedom. written by a philadelphia nate of and a priest. there are deep connections here with the city of philadelphia.
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>> you know it leaves you in awe what is happening here and the way it is being carried out. the scene. the phases. the moment. we are reminded by this scene that the holy father is a deep man and spends hours a day in meditation and a lot of his strength comes from his prayer. ♪
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♪ >> this beautiful selection, called the finest wheat is being performed by the philadelphia orchestra as pope francis bows his head in quiet prayer.
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♪ ♪ >> gift of finest wheat a reference to the communion
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waifers. these are prepared by nuns, sisters that live in the region and they want to take part in the mass and this is their contribution. and now the orchestra is about to perform "taste and see." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> everyone is to often a moment of silence after this period of holy communion so to praise god
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in your hearts and pray to him.
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>> let us pray. may bestow us in mind and body that we may live in glory and those who are suffering, we unite whenever we proclaim his death. who lives and reigns forever and ever. >> amen. >> your holiness and friends and
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family on the parkway, this is a week of fellowship and blessing and the papal visit dedicated to the beauty of the family, none of us will ever forget these days for the rest of our lives, there aren't enough words to thank all of you for being here, to share in god's love and give god the glory for the success of the meeting of families, but i need to try. philadelphia has a very big heart and it's full today with gratitude, with confidence in each other as children of a loving god and with hope that today will begin a new spirit in our city and in our church.
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we owe a huge debt to mayor nutter, governor wolf and former governor corbett. and all of the generous city, state, and federal workers who helped us to make this event even possible. a special thanks to all of the wonderful donors, sponsors and world meeting costaff, and volunteers that worked tirelessly to bring this to fruition [ applause [ applause ] -- thanks to all of my brother priests and bishops, religious, and all that sacrificed and traveled to be here and thanks to all of you here tonight a million or more families that
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light this parkway and the world with your love. most of all holy father thank you for leading us in worship and in the life of the church, thank you for bringing your spirit to our city and to the world, may god bless all of us and may god lift you up in your ministry for the years to come. thank you holy father. [ applause ] >> most holy father thank you
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for being here with us to conclude the world meeting of families in philadelphia. for all of us those here that are present and all of those around the world who have followed us, this beautiful boulevard, ben franklin, has become like the road to -- and you spoke to us of the beauty of family, the hearts of our families very truly burgeonning within us. and have broken the bread of life at the mass just like the
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disciples, we recognize that jesus is truly present among us. he has opened our hearts, our eyes and pushed us to go along the world to light the fire of love in all the families of the world. here in philadelphia families from more than 100 countries have shared six days, that learned that truly the church is an extraordinary people of families. real and beautiful, terrific people. that must be -- [ applause ]
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-- these people, that must be family love for a more family world. god's dream from the first moment of creation has been to make all peoples into one family, families reaching diversity like the coat of many colors that jacob gave to his son joes joseph a garment made beautiful because of its different tones and hues. from our meeting here in philadelphia, we have learned that we must make our own, this dream of god, yes, god gives us
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an our families the gifts participating in his dream. after the seen of bishops in october the year of mercy will begin and next december 27, during the feast of all families of naz -- the jubilee of families will be celebrated throughout the world and the doors will be opened but at the same time we must open the doors of or homes and our hearts, all the doors to welcome our brothers and sisters who in need of love and mercy.
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this is the prophecy, let all families that are called upon to fulfill and in this way, each family will become a sanctuary of mercy. from philadelphia, the city of brotherly love, and sisterly affection, the city that is home to the liberty bell, the family bell is calling out to families to welcome the stranger, help the conflicted and accompany our sisters and brothers in their difficulties and their joys. holy father, all families here present, pledge now to answer that call. [ applause ]
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and now, dear families it is a great joy to me to announce, the holy father has decided that the next world meeting of families will be held in 2018 in dublin, ireland [ applause ]
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. >> holy father, their acceptance is the first step on our journey to dublin, ireland. we give it to you in spirit. we pray for you. and all of the fathers share with them the joy and dream of
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these people of families, yes in these days we are witnesses of family. and families to bring the gospel of love. as a sign of the five families from five continents, we each receive from you 100,000 copies of the gospel. that we will distribute to the poor of their home cities. marseilles for europe. and sydney for australia.
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in addition one more family came here from philadelphia from damascus in syria, this family will go back home next week but they don't want to go back empty handed, they too will have the gospel to give to families who live in fear of bombardment, but we also want to give them, what we have collected at this mass, from the thousands of generous families, you see in front of you, that money will be used to buy heating oil, for their houses during the confinements
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of winter cold. this is our gift to the people and for the city that we said the first moment of the -- may peace come soon to syria and the world, that is why holy father, we thank you very, very much for your presence. thank you holy father [ applause ]
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>> pope francis now greeting a family from syria, so much a global touch point and the focus on the refugee crisis unfolding across europe about which pope francis is out spoken including the united states urging to take in these refugees.
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we also learned that the next city has that our great fortune to host the world meeting of families and that will be dublin, ireland, the archbishop on of ireland was on hand. >> they will be challenged to equal what happened in philadelphia. >> it has certainly been an extraordinary display to philadelphia so far. >> ireland well known as a country of catholicism, perhaps more so than any other country on the planet. maybe with the exception of italy. but it should be noted monsignor that ireland is not without its struggles of late, we saw this morning pope francis discussing the sexual abuse crisis with the
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church in the united states and it has been perhaps more devastating in ireland and that had to no doubt to enter into the pope's mind. >> i'm sure it did and the lack of practice of younger people is a reason as well and the strengthening of the family, it has suffered there because of the economic situation both good economic and not so good economic news. >> the gentlemen on the left wearing the archbishop's cap, his face is obscure there is the archbishop for the pontiff council of family. a man of great joy as you smiling, always enthusiastic and
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today thoughtatic as as he meets the pope and his fellow priests. >> bow down for the blessing. >> may god bless you with every -- and make you always holy and pure in his sight. for you the righteous and teach
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you -- may and ever endure you with -- through christ our lord. >> amen. >> may the blessing, the father, the son and the holy spirit come down and remain with you forever. >> amen. >> go fourth the mass is ended. >> thanks be to god. >> god bless you, thank you very much for your participation and for your love for the family, and i ask you pray for me.
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don't forget. [ applause ] >> a phrase we have come to hear from the pope regularly, a reminder to pray for him as he has asked on every public speech he has given. and that public thank you from the pontiff. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ [ applause ] >> an exclamation point on a moment that anybody watching whether at home or on the ben franklin parkway here in philadelphia. we bring to a conclusion, the papal mass and world meeting of
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families in philadelphia. >> a difference there in the end we heard applause at the end of the mass today, because it's a celebration, people standing on their feet clapping. >> notably applause in three places where archbishop chaput asked for thanks for all the volunteers that helped to put this together. and secondly where we just saw there, and thirdly right there and more poignantly, when pope francis asked people to pray for him and don't forget with a smile. perhaps when a history of pope francis is written, it will be called pray for him. it's so reflective of the
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humility that people fine refreshing of this man. >> it's one thing he has said, pray for him. what we have witnessed over these last two days is the master of the u. kidding the child, and his desire to reach out and touch people and do it in a humble way. he comes off not as a prince but a pastor. >> he is comfortable with deviating from what is set before him because he sees the needs of others. >> and last night, he jettisoned his official speech and gave an impassioned speech about the families and he loves the family very much and that comes from
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his own experience of family. philadelphia has every right to be proud of what we witnessed today, a mass many months in the planning and an event years in the planning and many months any of us knew this was unfolding and we had our headaches and struggles as we put this together, could be pull this off? what kind of crowd would show up? and what effect would it have on the city? and we hope to hold the spectacle and now we can say we pulld this off with great success and great joy. >> we did a great job and credit is to be given to the citizens of philadelphia and the workers and security people and the mayor and his helpers and the archbishop on and archdiocese that worked so hard to make this challenge a doable one and it came very well into fruition.
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that was in 1968. and i think our city really shined this weekend. >> the world-class distinction. not just beauty and pageantry, the philadelphia citizens really showing this is a beautiful place with quality people who love their lives and pope francis and their religion. a beautiful day. >> he said the key to happiness and holiness was the small gestures that can be done by
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parents and grandparents and children. and perhaps the small gestures when he stochd a-- stopped and visits a child. and certainly they brought happiness and holiness to the parkway on this historic weekend. >> i was really touched by some of the messages that we were getting from our viewers. from the 6abc viewers watching at home and saying that they were weeping during the event. and thanking us for showing the mass in its entirety. and this morning, pope francis talked about facebook saying they are not your real friends, this is how we keep in touch with viewers. i think whether you were here on the parkway, whether you were watching it from the jumbotron or watching from home, i think all of us feel a little changed this weekend. >> absolutely. an incredible day and something that people who were here in person and watching, telling
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their children and grandchildren they were part of this historic and spiritually-moving day. and annie mccormick live along the parkway and her perspective. >> rick and mron -- monica, the mass ended in there but out here still a celebration. and broken out, people are singing and holding up flags from all over, across the world. all of these people coming together just for this veen eve. the world meeting of families all week and the meetings yesterday, but it is today that people came out and came down here and one woman came from the dominican republic just for pass today and leaving is going back after this. you can see how back we are. at 20th and vine. this is how far we were. there was a clearance here, but that was not the case during the mass. people were pressed up here just
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to get a glimpse of the jim -- jumbo trons back here. and giving communion, it even went back to here. and one woman said she was shocked that the priest would have enough to make people feel included. this is not a ticketed area and many of the people that came through were those stuck in the long security lines. it took up to about four hours at 19th and wood. there are special stories out here making me think there are no coincidences. several people were frustrated when they came through and got a glimpse of the holy father himself. and says he came through on the pope-mobile they would not have gotten the chance if they got through the lines quickly. and as people are filing out and leaving the areas, they are still continuing to sing and
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dance. and at the free library of philadelphia you see the kids on the pillars and that was a great vantage point for many people who couldn't get a ticket, able to get a better idea and better feel. even though they are so far back they felt included and that they were part of the entire ceremony, entire mass rather. an absolutely amazing people. people are so pumped, so wonderful and polite to each other. and we see people carrying seats and chairs and for others who came and didn't know what to bring. and helping out some elderly people as well. and we have seen people also from bus trips. a lot of the bus trips are coming here today specifically for the mass. many feel elated now, only coming in and going to the mass going home saying they have truly witnessed something that is once in a lifetime. the party looks like it will continue on for awhile. we will be out here and touch base with you again. now live at 20th and vine, annie mccormick backs to you.
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>> thank you, annie. and certainly our thoughts go out to the thousands of people who probably missed the mass because they were stuck at the checkpoints. the longer the day came the longer the lines. and there were thousands just waiting to come in as the hours passed. unfortunately, they probably missed a wonderful event. going to nora muchanic along the parkway near the cathedral basilica and what they experienced on the parkway this afternoon. nora? >>l >> hey there rick, here at the rally where eebl have been jammed up trying to get a glimpse of the pope and to receive communion. it was a couple of minutes ago and i think we have pictures. over 400 deacons were out here walking the streets with their yellow and gold umbrellas to let everyone know who they were. giving communion to all the people pressed up against the railing. really nice moment. i mean it was -- i guess it is
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as rev rant as you can be outdoors. it felt like church and people treated it like church and were solemn as the deacons fanned out all over to offer anything who wanted to take communion. it was a really nice moment. among those taking communion a couple of minutes ago and you may have seen video is the kelly family. bill, bonnie and shamus. and talk about why you decided to be here for the christmmass today and what you thought. >> i thought it was an amazing day. it was in our backyard, we had to come. i thought all of us were here for one purpose and it united us together for pope francis, an credible day. >> you saw the pope go by is this >> we did. very choose, to. >> what was that like? >> to see him on tv, but to have him within touching distance was
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incredible. >> and bill, talk about you are here with hundreds of thousands of people in the middle of the street and steving communion, what was that like? >> it was a first for me having communion outside and outside mass. really cool. >> and your decision to come, you just came for the one day, the mass. >> yeah, we give up the eagles to come down here and maybe it helps them win. >> and any blessing from the pope and the eagles is good. >> and shamus, what was it like for to you do this today? >> it was fun. i really enjoyed it. >> you took communion and you saw the pope go by. what was that like. >> it was really cool. i never saw the pope in real life before. >> do you want to talk to me a quick second? where are you from?
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>> from connecticut. >> what was it like to see the pope and hear the mass today? >> it was so amazing. i have been to italy but i have never actually seen the pope and it was just great. >> did it feel like a church out here in the middle of the street? >> it did. >> how so? >> there are so many people say responses anding with reverant. >> and hearing the pope's message, how does it touch you as a kid? >> it helps me remember i have to be kind to my siblings and those around me. and even though i am young i can be a light to the world. >> and his message of how important family is, it strikes a cord with you? >> it is nice. >> are you mom? talk about why you did it. >> i did it cause the kids wanted to come. it was incredible. >> what was it like to see him in person? the spiritual leader? >> it makes me shake. it is incredible.
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it was just amazing. >> do you feel like you make a connection with the holy father even though you are surrounded? >> so much more. i love being catholic and our faith, and he comes here and he wants to be with us and all of these people, it is incredible. >> do you feel like you will do your family differently? >> little acts of love around our house, yes. they will definitely be said reminder, right? the pope told us in person. >> that's right. that's from up above, right? thanks so much for talking with us and enjoy your trip back. be careful. >> that's what is going on on the parkway right now. people are still standing here. they don't seem to want to leave even though i think a lot of folks were hoping the pope would make another loop around the circle but that is not going to happen. so right now there's people just standing around waiting and, you know, they don't seem to want to
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leave. but now the big mass exodus has gun. people are walking on the outer limits of the street there. so everybody is pretty excited. it was a lovely mass. an reverant mass even though it is outdoors and people are standing shoulder-to-shoulder with folks they don't note. and the kiss of peace at the part of mass where you shank hands with the people next to you and wish them peace, it is really interesting here. there are people from all over the world, different countries. don't speak the same language, and people are turning and offering fees everyone. i guess that's what the entire week is all about. live on the parkway, nora muchanic back to you guys. >> absolutely, thank you, nora. and we talk a little about moving all of these folks back to their homes. many from other cities in the u.s. and other countries as well and somehow they have to get back from this place to where they came from.
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and john rawlins is talking about the exodus of the masses. >> hi, monica. the next big challenge for transit is the return. and you see it behind me, it is starting out here. simply put, all the people who piled into the city in an eight-hour period want to head hope asap. there are back-ups and large staging areas. and video from earlier today, actually before the mass was mid-way through and thousands of people were lining up. interesting division, you mentioned it earlier, some upset about going through security. in line for hours and still could not get in but they were upset. and other folks said they got in very quickly this morning, they saw the pope and have cell phone video to prove it. >> we waited in line for four hours and change. we had tickets to the mass. yeah, took an 8:00 train.
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>> you do all that were you supposed to do, got in early. >> yeah. and still couldn't get in. yeah, it's just been a really disappointing day overall. >> about 25 minutes. 25 minutes and we were inside. >> not too bad. >> once inside you were able to get to a place where you could see things? >> went to get a hot dog first and then we look and we look and we look and we find the spot to stand there. >> it was the perfect spot. >> twice i saw the pope. >> twice? >> yeah. >> saw him twice and had the video-tape to prove it. back to the return, you are seeing people at the chestnut hill rest train starting to line. the people moving quickly are boarding a paoli train. and expecting a surge the next 25 to 40 minutes as people return to the trains. and septa has to return all the
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folks back to their station and that will take many, many hours. they started running trains at 5:30 and expect to be running the trains close to midnight. and live at the 30th street station, john rawlins channel 6 akdz, back to you all. >> thank you. and our colleague, kathy is joining us. you have been a part of many masses as a reporter and as a catholic. what were your impressions of this papal mass on the parkway today? >> in one word "wow". you probably want more words than that. the mass was spectacular, a spectacular event and a the highlight those those who came. the music, the orchestra, the choir. and nora hit on it, seeing the
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people as we see the motorcade leaving. as we see these people united as a community of faith, and even those that don't believe, a community of people of goodwill. all united here in this beautiful setting. just a really, really uplifting experience, i think. and you mentioned this was my -- about my 17th papal mass. and i have covered them in italy, i have covered them in the united states. they're all beautiful. but to say, but to call me prejudice or bias, but to witness this in my town, the beautiful setting of the ben franklin parkway was a beautiful experience and i was thrilled to be here. >> so historic as we continue to watch the exodus of people leaving. it is hard to believe this is the first time this pope has been in the united states ever at 78 years old. to come to washington and new
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york and philadelphia, and leaving behind such a legacy of hope and mercy and forgiveness. it has just been a wonderful weekend. and what a way to say hello to the united states. >> i was especially touched kathy, and tell me how you feel, they were able to make it an individual experience. we don't have exact numbers on how many people did come to the parkway area, but throngs of people. maybe a half million, but later in the week we might know the actual count. but it seemed to me that people individually were moved and touched. if -- it wasn't the concert series that you experience. >> it is intimate and personal, and it is such a respected and respectful experience for these people. they so much want to be here.
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they so much want to -- whether they see the holy father in person or see him on the jumbotron. just to be part of the event it does become personal, it really does. and i think we witnessed that i had the opportunity, i went downstairs and went out the door of the hotel and there was a priest there and i received communion, and it was just like that. i just walked over, he walked over to a police officer and i signaled to him and he came over to me and i was able to steve communion. it was very special. not the first time for me at a papal mass but it is always a wonderful and beautiful experience. but it was personal for me. in my observation, the short time i was down there watching everyone, they were thrilled to be able to see it now on the screen. people receiving holy communion. very, very special. and very personal for all of those people. >> and such a thing, to
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administer communion to a quarter million people. and the special which they pointed out where the priests and deacons are. to have it so smooth and easy it is awe-inspiring. >> it really is. they have it down to a science. i have seen it before and they keep it going. there is not a glitch in the distribution of communion, which of course is the very special part of the mass. >> absolutely. >> why the mass is celebrated. >> it is wonderful to watch. a beautiful ceremony, the way they transformed this alter from last night's conference. our coverage will continue. we will be back with more, stay with us. hi i'm clint black... have you heard of rett syndrome? i hadn't until my niece courtney was diagnosed.
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joo pope francis is scheduled to leave philadelphia at 8:00 tonight. going to the philadelphia airport so we are can show you the american airlines plane that will take him back to rome. again wheels up scheduled at 8:00 tonight. this will be shepard one going back to rome. but he has some things to do before he leaves. he's going to have a meeting with about 400 volunteers from the world meeting of families where will he express his gratitude and appreciation. he's also scheduled to meet with vice-president joe biden and members much biden's family at the airport, also, before he leaves tonight. let's go back to "action news" reporter sarah bloomquist. sarah? >> jim, so deeply moving here this afternoon. everybody in complete silence during the mass. and the good feelings continue. this choir that performed during the papal mass today composed of
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different parish choirs and those who auditions from across the city of philadelphia. also professional singers as well. a second ago they broke intos n ston -- spontaneous songs. and they are moving them out, quickly clearing the area of the people in front of the alter for the papal mass. and this was the culmination of the world meeting of families and the pope's homily focuses on family and love in the home. i think one of the most beautiful moments was when the priest offered communion. it was amazing as hundreds much priests stepped down from the side of this stage. they were he is courted by the world meeting of families volunteers and nuns, carrying umbrellas in yellow and white. and they walked down the park y parkway, hundreds of them, and
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lined the parkway and really i think it speaks to this crowd here today. that people were so gracious. they had stood for hours waiting to see the pope through most of the mass and graciously let each person step up and receive holy communion today. it was really nice to hear as well archbishop chaput thanking the world meeting of families organizers and it got a big round of applause. glad for them, pulling off what many thought impossible. and really a deeply-moving mass here today. you see they are clearing the area. and even it looks like some volunteers to come in to help clean things. even taking down the stage already. i'm sarah bloomquist, channel 6 "action news." jim, back to you. >> thank you, sarah.
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going love to the station, wendy, it is a long ride back home for some of these notion but carrying with them a lot of good memories. >> you know it has been very interesting. you guys are saying it is like a mass exodus and in a way it is. it is interesting, not a lot of these people are staying in philadelphia. they are lining up in lines here at septa in order to get home. now what we're going to do is chat with jeffery, the deputy general manager forcep -- for septa. and what are you doing. >> a great event, now the big job is to get people home. and we carried people in over a couple of hours over the railroad, and now trying to do it in a much shorter timeframe. and people can expect an hour
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late, some will be longer. it will take a little time and patience. >> how many people do you think we brought into the city tonight? >> we brought in around 40,000 people today. but again we brought them in over several hours. so ichts' going to take us some time to get them home. you see them cueing up. a lot of time preparing for this. there are trains sitting in the yard and ready to come in and swoop people off the platforms. this is what we all at septa have been planning for. >> one of the things i am seeing is the lines building here, but also underground. tell me about that. >> not too many underground. it is really above ground and the people waiting on the railroad are here at jefferson, at 30th street and university city. those are the three stations. >> and we have seen awesome volunteers and tell me about
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what all your people are trying to o do. >> we had 700 ambassadors out and the energy was so fantastic. a lot of interaction. a great event. i never experienced anything like this. >> thanks so much. we appreciate you stopping by to talk to us. and septa is doing their job to make sure that everybody smoothly gets out of the city of philadelphia. we watched the lines around as people are lining up and they dwindle down as they are taking people underneath in order to get them on the trains. so far so good we'll are glad to report from the jefferson station. >> thank you. and a look live at the motorcade on the way to the philadelphia international airport. the same escort we have been eeg all weekend. lots of vehicles ex-courting the
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little fiat to philadelphia international airport. matt pellman is keeping track of the activities on the roads and street. >> there has been a lot of activity but not vehicles traveling on the highways because they are closed and remain closed. look live at the vine street expressway. and now flooding the other center city streets. and,000 all these people have to find their way back home or to models. and as we said our most person visitor is headed to the airport and could have street closures on roads, even though not closed. as he heads to the airport. this 95 sunday the ben frankli.
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and it is part of our pope-torie. and some pilgrims are making that i way back from says into camden. er there thought, it's going to be a long time until we see a situation like this on the ben franklin bridge. it does remain closed. they are saying the ben will reopen before nooner to -- before noon tomorrow. and at the airport there is joe biden and his wife. they are devout catholics and will meet privately with the pope before he leaves philadelphia tonight. once again, let's take a look at shepherd one. the american airlines plane. well we have the early arrivals
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from the papal group. we will be back with the pope's day in a moment. eye the whole world...
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...until we helped him find his voice. my daughter was depressed... our family was drifting apart... ...until we found a connection.
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you have the power to change your child's life. the boys town national hotline can help. call 800-448-3000 (tdd# 1-800-448-1433) or visit going live to the philadelphia international airport, archbishop chaput almost talking as the pope is meeting with the volunteers in the world meeting of families. this is his good-bye and his express of gratitude. let's listen to the archbishop. >> you should save the applause for the holy father, ok. your holiness, archbishop palia, mr. vice-president, governor and mrs. wolf, mayor and mrs. nutter and friends. on the parkway a few minutes ago, i mentioned that this has been an extraordinary week for the people of philadelphia.
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but it's been equally important for those of you gathered here this evening from around the world and from the united states. none of this could have happened without the truly heroic efforts of bishop john mcintyre, mr. bob truffleys president of the world meeting of families, mrs. donna farrell, the leadership of the co-chairs and the commune communities. asche archbishop palia and the work of others. please keep them and everyone else in their prayers. and holy father we ask you to bless those people who made this happen. and we hate to see you leave.
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we are so happy that you came to our home, philadelphia. [cheers and applause] >> distinguished authorities, dear friends - a big day of
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great, great for me and i pray for you, too. please now that as i prepare to leave, i go so with a heart full of gratitude and hope. and grateful to all of you and the many others who worked so hard to make my visit possible and to prepare for the world meeting of families. and the archdiocese. and this feeling of focus. and all the many volunteers and
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benefactor benefactors. [applause] >> i will thank the families who shared their witness. it is so to easy to speak ope y openly, but their honesty and humility before the lord, and each of us, showed the beauty of family life in all its richness and diversity. i pray that our days of prayer and reflection on the families
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for the society will inspire families to continue to strive for holiness and to see the church has a constant companion, but may have challenges that that he may face. and then much my visit i would loose like to thank all those who prepared from the archdiocese of washington and new york. because me cononize, and i
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was also very moved to stand with my brothers and sisters of other religions. at ground zero. that place which speaks so powerfully of the misery of evil. yet we knowt it never has the last word. [cheers and applause] >> in god's plan, love and peace. mr. vice-president, i ask you to renew my gratitude to president
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obama, and to the members of congress, assurance of my prayers for american people. this land has been blessed with tremendous gifts and opportunities. i pray that you may all be moved and removed of the human and material resource to you. and i say to you to witness the faith of god's people in this country as manifested in our moments of prayer and evidenced in so many works of charity.
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jesus says in the scriptures truly i say to you, to one of the least of my brother, you did it to me. a sign of your love for jesus for your faithfulness. so, too, you should care for the poor, the sick, the homeless, and the immigrant. the defense of life and your concern for family life. [applause]
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in honor of this, you recognize that jesus in your midst and that you care for one another, instead of just care for yourself. as i leave, i ask all of you, especially the benefactor whose assisted with the world meeting of families, do not let your enthusiasm for jesus discharge our familiy, may our days they are fit, that will last, generosity and care for others,
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that we endure, just as we have received so much from gifts that are given to us, enough for our making, so let us give gifts to others in return. dear friends, i embrace all of you in the lord. and i entrust you to the maternal carry of maryay go and i pray for your family and i ask you to pray for me. and may god bless you all. god bless america. [cheers and applause]
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>> jim gardner: those may be the last publicly-delivered words we hear from pope francis on american soil before he departs. telling his volunteers one last blessing for a young person. saying thank you to some individuals. telling the volunteers, i will pray for you and your families. and as he always says, pray for
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me and then god bless america. he expressed heart-felt gratitude and hope, when you talk about pope francis and what he desires for mankind. he also talked about the benefactors, and they were indeed important in making this whole event a reality. the archdiocese had to raise a lot of money for this to take place, and indeed it did. the pope paid tribute to families that he met along the way in philadelphia and acknowledged that it was difficult for some of them to talk personally and intimately
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with them about their successes and their troubles. he wants families to see the church as their constant companion. a supported church. a compassionate church, and he would say a forgiving church. and he made special mention of the ceremony in which he took part at ground zero with brothers and sisters of other religions as he put it. and he said evil will never have the last word. and he asked vice-president joe biden to renew his gratitude to president barack obama.
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and when you look at this man, you see the smile. you see the smile that americans and people all over the world have come to adore. if, in fact, this man has become the predominant moral authority on this planet, that smile of kindness and engagement probably has a lot to do with that.
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i wonder if he is going to have a word or two with every volunteer in the hanger. i wouldn't be surprised. sharrie williams and brian taff, we are probably seeing our last images of pope francis on american soil tonight. he will be leaving here in not too long a time. and one thing that strikes me, is that we didn't know, we had
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little confidence of how he would feel about this country before he arrived. there was all kind of speculation that he had an ambiguous feeling about the united states, about this country's economic dominance, and at the same time a certain resentment of this country's cultural and economic dominance. and that may still be the case, but it does seem that he has warmed to the american people. and from where we sit, that's not too bad. >> yeah. >> it does seem that way, jim. i think one of the reasons that this man has engaged so many people is because he likes to view the church as a mother. and in reaching out to divorced catholics in recent months he said we should wrap our arms around those who need us with the arms of a mother.
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it's part of the reason so many people are drawn to him. but i think that as we reflect on this moment for the city of philadelphia, it can be said that we wrapped our collective arms around him, as sisters and brothers and as he said so many time, the city of brotherly love and sisterly affection, i think we nailed that part of it this weekend. i think, jim, philadelphia did more than its part in perhaps changing the pope's perception of the united states by welcoming with him warm and grander here. >> he certainly took moments to say thank you and recognize the again -- generosity extended to him during his trip here in the united states. and in the end, saying god bless america. no matter what reservation he may have had or maybe still holds about the united states,
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it did not stop him from still extending love. the same messages asking people to wrap their hard and mind around. he is leading by example. if he has stayed away from 78 years on purpose from the united states, i would say for sure, jim and brian, when he leaves here will he have more to2 think about to add to his thoughts through the experience. the love, generosity encompassing that he showed when he was here. >> byway, i think this has been a heck of a weekend for archbishop charles chaput. he has taken a lot of heat for a number of different reasons over the last number of months. and he looks more relaxed and more delighted in the pictures that we are seeing of him even right now than we have seen in a
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long time. he looks very content and very proud. and he is probably saying to himself, gosh darn, we did it. we pulled it off. >> no one has felt the weight of this more than archbishop chaput. the reservations that maybe he had along time coming that we talked about earlier. his reservations of saying is this really coming to philadelphia? and will this become my responsibility? to make sure that this goes off the way that it needs to. it is a big undertaking. >> he was very concerned about raising the kind of money that was needed to make this thing go. so when the pope paid tribute to both the volunteers and the benefactors, the benefactors played a key role in bringing the world meeting of families
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and the pope to philadelphia. >> i do wander to your point about archbishop chaput, largely staying behind the scenes since arriving in philadelphia. for reasons, number one the rack of turning around the fortunes of the archdiocese and crisises in the church. and i wonder if this will be a new coming out for him. if he will seek perhaps a new role and higher profile in carrying out the message that we saw on this alter this weekend in a more public faction. >> and we see pope francis speaking with mayor nutter, as well as chief inspector sullivan also there. someone we know well. >> and he is in charge of homeland security for the philadelphia police and had a tremendous task this weekend. traveled back and forth to vatican city and to rome a couple of times. in fact, met with his roman
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counterpart there, someone well versed at dealing with the travels of the pope. chief inspector sullivan pulled this off really well and we should comment the police officer and the first responders who lined the streets of the city this weekend. and sharing our own anecdotal experience, always with a smile. proceeding all of the people who came down here not for resentment for their long hours, but with a smile and welcome and in some cases a hand shake. a real wonderful performance by them as well. >> i'm not sure who was talking about it, one of our "action news" reporters doing such an outstanding job over the course of the last two days, but philadelphia's reputation across this country is inconsistent, let's put it that way. and i think over the last couple of days for anyone who watched the event unfold on television
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in philadelphia over the course of this weekend, one had to be utterly impressed. not only with philadelphia and those who came to philadelphia from the tri-state area, but the way the city looked, the way city managed the situation. it was big-time and i think all of us should be proud that the city itself showed its face the way it did. mayor nutter saying good-bye to pope francis. thanking him for his generosity of shirt, for coming to philadelphia. and if there is anyone in that room who has to feel terrific at this moment and time, it would be michael nutter, clearly a triumphant weekend for him. [applause] >> taking the politics out of it, it is a personal triumph for
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michael nutter. >> experiencing this moment as so many have this weekend, they are replayed through a cell phone. and we saw so many raised this weekend, cell phones and ipads capturing this. >> pope francis leaving the room with a smile on his face, also the applause that came there as they knew this would be our last moments seeing him here in our city. >> rick williams and monica malpass, you are watching this along with us. what thoughts come to you? >> i wish you could see what's happening along the parkway, jim. really, there must be still tens of thousands of people gathered around every one of the 12
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jumbotrons. not only seeing the pope and the mayor, but they don't want to leave. as they egress from the city, the hour or two home, they will miss the last hours of the pope in philadelphia. they tonight want to miss it. captiva captivated. and they are in groups and applauding regularly. >> and how they were touched this weekend. one last look at the alter and now we're looking at the exodus of the pope as he gets ready to head back to rome. and i am reminded of people in the delaware valley. people preparing for the pope's visit from students, to those who created the mural that the pope signed last night and to the nuns at st. clare putting in
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extra hours to bake more than 100,000 communion hosts for today's mass. a quarter of a million received communion. and even the inmates who built a special chair for the pontiff as he arrived there. collective effort to bring the pope here. as we look and say good-bye, there is the fiat as it heads to the airplane. how many times have we seen this fiat throughout the weekend. it's a visit that will continue to reverberate throughout philadelphia and in our hearts as well. >> of course, the sea of blues, the men and women of the philadelphia police department and secret service, the levels of security. a beautiful scene as they get to stay good-bye in a way to the pope as well having done an a-plus job with security despite the nay-sayers who say it was too much and may have fright ed people away. and i think philadelphia showed
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it was a world hospital class city able to handle huge events and most reversed person on the planet as you said, jim. and watching him as he heads over to the plane. a sigh of relief for security people for sure that they pulled it off so beautifully, but also they get a moment with the pope and the new motorcycles lined up and one last good-bye as they take him to shepherd one. >> i do want to go to david henry who is outside. david, what does this look like from your perspective? >> in front of shepherd one this is the boeing 777 that will fly the pope back to rome. there are flags flying from the cockpit right now, an american flag and vatican flag. if we look in this direction, you'll see behind atlantic aviation is where the motorcade is. dozens and dozens of officer,
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and other vehicles that are moving out. it is a short distance between that location and where the plane is parked now waiting for the pope. as we can back to the right you might see the cardinal o'hara band this is not the same kids, but the same band that send pope john paul ii back when i visited philadelphia in 1979. and that band presented the pope with a bouquet of flowers. and this band is hoping to keep the tradition alive, hoping to get close enough to give him a bouquet of flowers as he board shepard one as he head back towards home. and a group of cardinalses gathered by the red carpet and they are gathering at the carpet, ready to say good-bye to the pope and wish him on his way. it is wheels up in a short
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order, but first the pope will say good-bye to vice-president biden and the governor tom wolf and his wife, francis. and mayor michael nutter and his wife, lisa. and they are along here with the organizers and the driving forces behind the world meeting of families. that helped organize this thing, they are the last to say good-bye to the pope as he head towards rome, then wheels up. and the overcast sky, it looks like the pope will have a bumpy ride going through the cloud, before he clears them and gets clear skies. the night sky above. but there's a lot of excitement out here. some folks gathered from vary outs parishes in a holding pen and they are waiting to see the pope as well. we've lost sight of the caravan and are not sure whether he is going to come directly across. there is a driveway that
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connects thconnec connects that connection the areas, but it appears they have taken a loop. and we are told the pope should be here any moment. and i guess you can call this his victory lap as he leaves the united states. quite an outpouring of love and affection for this pope. and he certainly had the hearts and minds of most of america while he was here. and he was very grateful for the reception that he got. as you recall, when he was in the hanger he asked vice-president biden to extend his thanks to president obama saying this land is blessed with gifts and opportunities and i pray you will be good stewards of the human resources intrusted to you. parting words from the pope. and he also said once again "god
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bless america" a phrase that drew thunderous applause when he addressed congress on his first day here in the united states. hard to believe it was five days ago. well actually tuesday evening around 4:00 when he arrived from cuba. and now five days later and this whirlwind tour is coming to an end as shepard one waits on the tarmac of philadelphia international airport. still waiting the appearance of the pope. no sign of him yet. but it's been quite a scene out here. a lot of folks are very proud of the job that the city of philadelphia has done. talking to the individual police officers assigned to this detail, they couldn't be happier. one i met when he was a rookie in 1993, and he said this is the highlight of his entire career as a police officer. so a very, very important day for the city of philadelphia and kind of, you know, a bitter
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sweet time to see this pope go. it was a great visit. >> well maybe he will come back some day. "action news" reporter dann cuellar was inside the hanger when the pope said thank you to the volunteers. dann, what was that like for snu >> it was really something, jim. it was incredible to see. the pope's final farewell to the united states here at this event that was build as expressing attitude. the pope wanted to show his gratitude to a group of 500 organize icers of the world meeting of families and those who provided financial support to make this week-long event possible. millions of dollars that needed to raised. here is joe biden and his wife. and the vice-president of the country and michael nutter and bob brady anders ochl the pop introduced to archbishop chaput
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to tears and applause. and the pope expressed gratitude. as i leave i ask all of you, not let your enthusiasm for jesus run dry. may it bear fruit that will last. and he made his way across the entire front row thanking everybody and blessing some. at the end of the line a girl with pink ribbons in her hair that he blessed. and another wanted to play with his skull cap and he took it off and play fully put it on his head and it put the explanation point at this expression of gratitude event. in the end he asked people to pray for him. what a humble man, jim. you are hispanic, what does
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it mean that this pope is his t -- hispanic and talk about his community. >> and it is emotional to see a hispanic pope and i can't tell you how moved i am. at times it brought tears to my eyes. and how many people he touched asking with here. and the catholic church has been in trouble and they needed to hear from the leader who is the people's pope. and it is a very proud moment for me, jim, and many other hispanics in this country. >> thank you, dann. >> you're welcome. rick williams and monica malpass, we are going through the final moments of this journey for this pope to this country. and you know a lot of people are looking at it from different points of views. catholics, saying good-bye to a
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man who means so much -- he is so important to them spiritually. philadelphians who look at this man as someone who made the sciy look terrific and were proud how the city handled this historically large event. and who may have developed an enormous affection for this man and how he reacted to us. different views and perspectives, a lot of people feeling very positive will pope francis. >> absolutely. i think no matter what level you bring to this event, no matter what your background or sort of stake in the game what is impressive so almost everyone is watch him touch the heads of the children, the elderly, the infirmed.
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and seeing he is looking in their eyes with complete love and compassion. and i think his grandmother would be proud, as you said earlier he taught him compassion before judgment and if she could see what he has done to transfix, philadelphia and the world, i don't think she would do anything but beam. >> and kathy is with us through the weekend and we are happy to have her because of her experience. and you made an interesting point about archbishop chaput. >> i am been thinking about 90 years the archdiocese of philadelphia was headed by a cardinal. archbishop chaput has been in philadelphia for four years now. and i wonder in light of this phenomenal event, that archbishop chaput was so much involved with, i just wonder if
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the pope might interest elevating him cardinal the next time he chooses one. just a thought. >> and on the tarmac waiting for the pontiff to arrive and to board the plane toward home. the mayor and his wife, surrounded by all of the dignitary whose j just a couple of days ago, actually was it yesterday morning it is hard to believe, they were there wait for the pontiff to arrive and now they are there to see him off. and kind of an interesting note as the world meeting of families organizers said tonight that the next venue will be dublin in 2018. and they certainly will have a hard act to follow. ireland is ground zero for the priest sex scandal and for gay
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marriage. and that may be why it was the choice for the next world meeting of families in three years from now. >> the mayor, of course, is excited to be able to see the red carpet exit of the pope when he comes in just a few minutes. so everyone is lined up again, being respectful and waiting as the pontiff arrivals for his last few minutes in the city of brotherly love. again, it is hard to describe to people that washington, d.c. and new york city certainly played host to dignitaries on a more regular basis than philadelphia is it on this level, but what an incredible amount of respect that i believe our city engendered nationwide. if anyone is watching, we are at the same level and pulled off an incredible 36 hours, two days in general with the same ability to draw even bigger crowds and keep them safe and to let them have an individual experience that is special that is hard-felt and certainly one they will never ever forget.
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and yet kept faith doing it. >> and we talked about the pontiff's visit here. and kathy, i will ask you, i suspect there will be a lot of people who will want to visit rome and the vatican now because of the global popularity of pope francis. what would you think? >> well, i think rome never has short handling of tourists. and maybe you have a better chance of see him there than here getting through the checkpoint. studies have been done, and surveys done. even among younger people there has been more interest in the church. he really has reached out. he is trying to make the church more welcoming and i hate to use
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use the word "poll" but he seems to have young people showing more interest in wanting to go back to church if you will. >> perhaps that will be his legacy, bringing people back to mass. >> i wanted to mention one thing in my opportunity this weekend. and i talked about pope john paul and pope benedict, if i can mention him for a moment. eight years between the two hopes, but it is benedict that chose philadelphia for the world meeting of families. so it was benedict that picked philadelphia. and also, it was benedict who took the unprecedented move of resigning the papacy. the first person to do that. and in doing so, he cleared wait for pope francis. >> talking briefly about the difference between cultural
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catholics if you will who attend services at easter and christmas and the ritual for holidays and big events, but the pope is trying to get more active catholics who are regularly going to church and think of the church as a family member and someone to be relied on. and that is a big part of this message. and david henry on the tarmac. >> you can see shepard one sitting here on the tarmac in the private atlantic aviation area of the philadelphia international airport. a crowd of dignitaries have signed up waiting to say their last good-byes to pope francis. among them, a number of united states cardinal and vice-president will be here, and tom wolf and mayor nutter and his wife saying good-bye. and as he departs the united states heading back to rome, this is an american airlines
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boeing 777. and we saw an interesting little note a little earlier. the entire flight crew gathered on the steps leading up to the door that the pope will soon be ascending and posing for a giant picture. holding the "time" magazine cover with pope francis on it. and a lot of folks are excited to be part of this, no matter how small or large their involvement was. and those who experienced time with the pope, who brought smiles to all of our face no, sir matter who you are. and here you have the red carpet rolled out. this will be his last good-bye. we have seen him waiving good-bye to new york, to washington, to the crowd out on the parkway earlier this evening. and tonight he will ascend these steps and stand at the top and wave good-bye to the united states of america. his first-ever advice to it this
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country in all of his 78 years. we are starting to see lights behind atlantic aviation, some police lights, and i believe that will be t them bringing th pope over for the plane and it will be a little while until wheels are up and the pope is in the air. he has hand shaking to to, last greetings, and some private time with vice-president biden. and now you can see the caravan of police vehicles. quite an impressive sight headed over here to shepard one to deposit the pope from his vehicle, and for the last time he will stand on american soil, say good-bye and then he is in the air. jim? >> he has a busy couple of months coming up by the way. in early october, i think a week, week and a half from now the synod of family for 2015. if you recall, and i know you
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know all about this, david, the synod of family last october was an raucus affair, between the wings of the church. and a lot of people were upset and it was a rather meladramatic event in the church. and the next chapter of that story is going be written in a week or two. and he will be in the middle of it, of course, and itly, archbishop chaput was not a delegate to the synod last october, but he will be this october. he'll be in rome for that. and then in november the pope goes to africa. in r in what will be another arduous trip and he is in places where there are civil wars, but that does not defer this 78 year
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old bishop of rome. and they have pulled to the plane and vice-president biden, dr. jill biden, nutter, lisa nutter, governor tom wolf. representing the united states and representing the state of pennsylvania and the city of philadelphia to say good-bye to this man. the cardinal o'hara high school band is playing in the background. we can barely hear them. i wonder if there is a mic over there where we can hear the brilliance of this musical group from cardinal o'hara. oh, there's the fiat.
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there we go. ♪ >> the good-bye is impressive and in a way more poignant when he arrived here. it seems much longer than two days ago, it just does. but knowing the friends that he has made in the city, and the impressions that he has made in the city it -- the smiles he has. and the tears he has evoked and provoked. and his farewell has a good deal more emotion in a sense than his arrival. that was one of excitement and anticipation, some nervousness.
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there is more quiet poignancy as he leaves. we have come to know him a little bit. perhaps just as importantly, he has come to know his flock in this area. in the united states, in washington, in new york and philadelphia. ♪
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>> you can see the pope has got out of his fiat and standing on the red carpet, ready to make his way up the red carpet and say good-bye. greeting some of the cardinals from the catholic church kwho gathered here to wish him well on his way back to rome. and he is kind of the fellow lost in the crowd a little bit, but i think you can see the top of his head there. a lot of pictures being taken. a lot of hand shaking. vice-president biden is in there in the middle of it right now. cardinal o'hara band playing in the background, all 45 members excited to be here along with their director. and they were hoping to be able to hand the pope a bouquet of
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flowers as he walked up to the plane, but that is not going to happen. they are kept in a corral area off to the side. it is quite a sight out here. this airport is under such extraordinary security. dozens and dozens of police vehicles are ringing this airport right now. it is hard to believe there are police left in the state to do anything, so many of them out here. and this event under extraordinary security under the direction of the secret service. and center city was clamped down, the airport is now clamped down, and this is the pope taking his final steps on american soil before heading off to rome, jim.
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>> he has some good-byes to make. obviously some people he wants to see before climbing the steps of the plane. it is almost a symbol of pope francis. it is as recognizable as any dress that i can think of. there is congressman body -- bob brady because he is being perhaps a little sheepish, taking his water glass after addressing the congress. and is he saying your holiness, i am your guy who has your glass of water? maybe not.
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i think he is telling him the story. [laughter] t looks like the pope got a kick out of hearing about the congressman's pursuit of a souvenir. >> we never like a good thing to come to an end, and i think that's how we all feel seeing pope francis leaving our area. >> the saying breaking up is hard to do, and fortunately i don't any we will break up, it is a memory of this moment. and lingering long past the
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papal departure tonight. >> the farewells continue now on the red carpet that has been laid out for pope francis. a grand entrance for him, and now a grand exit for him as well. >> kathy, you have experienced pope benedict, pope john paul ii, pope paul vi i would imagine. how would you compare this man to them? from the standpoint not as a bishop of rome, of a policymaker, but as an ambassador to the church.
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the man who says the church is what he wants it to be to rank-and-file catholics, to what he would call his flock. >> i would probably compare him most closely to john paul ii. because i think they were both extremely approachable type of leaders. let's go back a little further -- >> you know what, kathy, forgive me. i will interrupt for a second. the pope is climbing the stairs into the american airlines planes, and of course one last wave good-bye. and one last blessing. philadelphia says farewell, pope
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francis, thanks for coming. you gave us a wonderful weekend and we hope you enjoyed our hospitality and our city. have safe travels pope francis. >> we talked a good deal about the "francis effect" whether it is short-lived on long-lasting. we can say this with certainty, he certainly has made a lot of friends this weekend in philadelphia. and we're obviously glad that we can help you share the special details. it has been our pleasure. it has been our privilege. it's what we do. it has been a great weekend for
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us, both professionally and personally. we have enjoyed it immensely. we hope you have as well. it will take a moment for this american airlines, shepard one to move off the tarmac and really get going. they say wheels up at about 8:00. i suspect it will be sooner than that. but they still have a good deal to do. are we controlling to camera? can we go back to archbishop chaput? no, we can't. put that gaze of him, i think it paints the picture of how good he feels about what has transpired over the weekend. he will see the pope next month
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when he goes to rome, the synod of the family. and it will be a very different atmosphere from for that than it has been here. this has been a triumph. it is unco complicatcomplicated everyone is wishing everyone good feelings. and hearing about issues, and even apologizing to victims of sex abuse, wondering if that was something he would do. and met with students at st. joe's. he talked to members of congress. he said mass twice in philadelphia. it was a complete weekend and we appreciate his time. for "action news" i'm jim gardner.
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"action news" at 11:00 coming up later tonight. we hope you will join us.
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whether it's knowing that you will one day find your true love or holding onto that ray of hope that things will get better, fairytales have an amazing way of brightening anybody's day. i love the heroic gestures that we don't see very often in our modern times. hope makes us believe that anything is possible. so long as you believe hard enough, you'll be able to achieve your dreams. think it's the hope and the magic, and with hope, anything's possible. ♪
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you have to do this. i can't. the moment where they share the heart in 319 is a huge moment for snow and charming. you can't be more connected than sharing a heart. i can't lose you. you will never lose me. the show started with their true love waking her up, and we felt like this was the natural evolution of everything they've ever come to. think of our baby. think of being a mother. all i could think about when watching that was that i was super pregnant. it'll only grow stronger when you look at that baby's face. i recall that there was a genuine tears problem. i kept losing it. i've loved you since the first moment i saw you. and i'll love you until my last. horowitz: that's why personally, i think we responded to it, and i think fans responded to it, as well. if you split my heart in half, we can both survive. seeing the romance of this great love come together. goodwin: it doesn't surprise me at all
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that snow and charming share a physical heart. [ gasps ] you're okay. it actually made a lot of their story fall into place. ♪ i think that's a lovely thing, actually. it's one of the nicest things about the show. i love that the show is about hope and belief. i think that it's something that's pretty rare nowadays on tv. looks like fairytales to me. and what exactly do you think fairytales are? morrison: just to see people's reaction, that it does bring some hope to people's lives and it does brighten their day a little bit. they are a reminder that our lives will get better if we just hold on to hope. it's nice to be a part of a show that translates that way to an audience. i gave the book to him because i wanted henry to have the most important thing anyone can have. that's one of the main reasons why the show is so successful... believing in even the possibility of a happy ending
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is a very powerful thing. ...and why it strikes a chord with so many people. we've always worked out. you know why? because we have hope. i don't know the last time i saw a television show based on such a beautiful, magical, and attainable value. that's what everyone needs in the world, is having a bit of faith in something. our show is a great representation of that. sooner or later, your heart will find its way to happiness. that doesn't feel possible. there's a moral lesson to learn at the end of every episode. i've seen a lot of our fans respond to that. you feel things with your whole soul.
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don't le i feel responsible... ...because the effect that this character has on so many makes me responsible. no! enough. so, now you're a hero? today i am. mader: playing a strong female character is a way more important role model for young women than playing someone weak. that's what's so great about is sho is they really know how to write for women. out of my way, munchkin. i'm a dwarf. that's even worse. it's about being powerful and strong and being authentically you, whether you're a hero or a villain. relax. and there's strength in that. that pointy little hook of yours can scscratch a mere mortal, but me? [ scoffs ] you're out of your depth, pirate. it's usually a nice platform to be able to portray some awesome messages for especially our younger female audience. there aren't a lot ofpportu for women in this land to be heroes.
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that's why, you know, characters like elsa and anna from "frozen" fit so well into the canon of "once upon a time." the only way to ever truly be in control of your powers is to embrace them. strong female characters coming in to mix with l our characters. it's time to stop being afraid. morrison: and i like that the way strong women on this show are written is in a way that's very real, you know? just because you're strong doesn't mean you're never vulnerable. i think there's a real depth of dimension to what's going on. [ chuckles ] [ laughs ] good question. we would probably be all going out of storybrooke on vacation to, i don't know, bahamas, south of mexico. they would go insane because, i mean,
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that's not something that they're used to. i think a nice picnic in the park with everybody in storybrooke, then going bowling with the seven dwarfs, and then ending up in the pub... love the ambiance. ...with the charmings, emma and hook, and me and regina. maybe read. go for a little walk. a quick little smooch, maybe, and dinner. and maybe finally get to see "back to the future." i think her perfect day would involve a bath. i don't think these people ever bathe. i took a bath this morning, i swear. they certainly don't seem to eat. i cannot tell you the relief of cooking something that i didn't have to kill first. don't i know it. meatloaf back home -- what a bitch. maybe they go out on a boat? i mean, we're by the water all the time. maybe we go out on hook's boat. [ laughs ] i don't know. i think storybrooke needs a crisis to stay interesting. [ cheers and applause ] gilmore: it's really great to have those moments in the finale or something where the crisis has been averted and you have a few hours just to sit back and relax in granny's. this is granny's. she makes a mean lasagna and runs an inn.
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kitsis: friday-night granny's is usually the best time because lasagna's half-off. i never though granny's lasagna could taste so good. [ chuckles ] we actually very often wind up shooting granny's scenes on friday nights. yeah. and it's always fun. you have all your favorite characters just hanging out, and the lasagna may be fake, but the fun's real. (background walking and talking) verizon's coverage is as constant and reliable as wesgrove high school's most popular couple. (sigh) corey and samantha. ♪ their goal is constant and unwavering connection. as smooth as samantha's hair and as strong as corey's jawline. i've never even seen them blink. the most 4g lte coverage means more to love. (school bell ringing) you forgot the milk! that's lactaid. right. 100% real milk, just without the lactose.
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my favorite character is regina mills. she's becoming a little bit more lighter,
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which i think every one of us, we're secretly rooting for. but you can't deny the fact that she played the evil queen really well. her outfits are amazing, her makeup is amazing, and her hair. she is such an inspiration for me in that department. not in, like, the evil department. ♪ it's here! the curse! it's here! prince charming: it's not too late. we can still stop it, right? regina? i have to say goodbye to the thing i love most. henry? kitsis: we saw in the pilot that snow white gave up emma so that she would have her best chance. and we saw emma tell henry she gave him up to give him his best chance, and here now we see regina letting henry go so that he would have his best chance. you will take him because you're the savior. i think the fans like it for the same reason the writers like it, which was it was the very first time
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we saw regina and emma really becoming friends. horowitz: it really taps into the message of hope we try to do with the show. you can get to a new place and a better place, and seeing these two characters find friendship with each other is a powerful message. when the curse washes over us, nothing will be left behind. i love being this new hero... ...and sharing that with the audience... ...and giving that to regina 'cause she deserves it. lana... i will have my vengeance. i absolutely loved her arc from the beginning. i will find a way to have everything. it was fun being evil for those first three years. aah! but really digging down deep and seeing her struggles on how to be a good person, and the rewards that come with doing the right thing.
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she's won everyone's heart over, and they really want her to have her happy ending. you still owe me that drink. and now she has a bit of that. yes, i suppose i do. when people forgive you for what you've done wrong and say, "let's move on," then you can kind of change and evolve, and regina reflects that thing that you can make that journey from the darkness into the light. the best example i can set to my son is to live truthfully, to follow my heart. parilla: i think that regina never thought she would ever have love in her life, so the fact that she has that now -- it's changed her, and it's genuinely made her happy. this makes me wonder why we didn't do this a few decades ago. maguire: somebody wandered into her life and immediately connected with her, and she's turning from somebody somebwho had no salvationr life to somebody who can be a hero.
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yes and no. what are you waiting for? i love lana and i love her character, but it's so much fun to fight with her, though. i need your heart. i'm really torn! #torn. i am also hopeful that zelena and regina will sort of come to some resolve, although that's probably not as f fun to watch. our mother taught me one thing. never bring your heart to a witch fight -- something you'd know if she hadn't abandoned you. i will get your heart! not today. rebecca... i don't know. red apples are so sickly sweet, don't you think? people tend to like something a little sharper. and green apples are just...bitter. even from the beginning, there was depth and a reasoning
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behind her motives and her anger and her jealousy. i can see why our mother was so disappointed in you. [ laughs ] [ grunts ] whether it's me and lana or me and bobby, it's just so delicious. zelena? how is this possible? when they told me that, they were like, "oh, by the way, you've been maid marian this whole time," i'm like, "shut up." hello, dear husband. no. so, for the whole first half of season four, i was there really all along as maid marian. like, what a twist. do you want to tell her? or should i? tell me what? and then the guys said, "and you're pregnant." i'm like, "no!" is it going to be green? [ laughs ] it's the perfect temporary home.
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yes. this home is temporary. but me being in your life is not, because this... means forever. mader: there are so many different ways that this pregnancy can change the dynamic between zelena and regina. what happens with zelena and robin's baby -- that's exciting. you underestimate me, zelena. mader: is it gonna give her everything that she's always wanted? enjoy your new home. but i'm very excited to find out. the human foot has always been good at... it's unleashing great power. the is performance line just got a power boost. introducing the lexus is 200 turbo and is 300 awd v6.
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my favorite character is emma. it's very rare that i find a character that i identify with so much. i love to see, like, what she's able to do, what she's able to overcome. seeing her character develop and grow throughout the course of these past four seasons
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has been amazing. at her very core, she's retained this incredible ability to love, and that's just -- i find that really inspiring. regina? i know you're in there. i can see the lights on. kitsis: emma and regina have been against each other. they have teamed up, usually just about henry, but this was the first time where emma wanted to be friends with regina. i know this is all complicated. but you can have happiness. you just have to fight. horowitz: we love the idea that in season two, we saw emma and regina at a doorwaynaay having the biggest fight they've yet had. you can pretend all you want, but we know how you are... and who you will always be. [ grunts ] and then in season four, to see another encounter at a doorway, only t only this time it was about one of them, emma, proclaiming that she was going to get regina's happy ending at last.
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henry brought me to storybrooke to bring back the happy endings. my job's not done until i do that for everyone, including you. morrison: eddy and adam have done this beautiful job of redeeming a villain in regina, and in that process, emma and regina were able to find a true friendship. characters that they can relate to and see themselves in and learn how to overcome things. villains don't get happy endings. you're not a villain. you're my mom. gilmore: regina, for instance -- she was evil, but even if she has this dark side, everyone has this light side and can always be good. hey! [ tires screech ] if you stick together and you don't give up, tomorrow can be better than today was. particularly for kids that are watching this that are maybe even about 13, 14, that age,
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i think this is the kind of show that will probably live with them forever. who could ever love me? i knew what i was getting, rumple. kitsis: we wanted to write a show about people struggling with problems, and we wanted to inspire people, and what's happened has succeeded more than we ever hoped for. to have an audience that has stuck with us as long as they have is amazing, and to give us the opportunity to bring these characters to life and tell a new story with them, it's just so incredibly gratifying. [ chuckles ] let me think for a second. misleading. camelot. regal. uh, glamorous. adventurous. ooh. adventurous. adventure. it will be -- oh, that's four words. unity. masculine. unexpected. wicked always wins.
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dark. twisted. epic. it'll be epic. awesome. awesome. still figuring it out. [ chuckles ] i don't know. that sounds really suspicious, but... [ laughs ] well, we have "brave" coming, which is really cool. my aim is true. don't test me. well, it's always exciting to go somewhere else. why, camelot, of course. horowitz: we've always loved camelot and that world and that mythology, and we're excited to put our "once upon a time" spin on it. camelot's really cool, visually, characters, everything. episodes one and two feel like a movie. we have all of the characters all involved. i think it's gonna blow people's mind when they see the dark swan. it's snuffing out the light. snow white: emma! now that emma has taken on this darkness, what's that going to do to this extended family,
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and how are they all going to handle it? there's a lot going on in season five for emma. we're going to see her in so many different states. the darkness being a part of her makes her instincts totally different, so someone who's always been very selfless is now very selfish. where's she gone? since season one, emma has sort of become the glue in our show, and now that she's not there, what's that going to do to everyone? with this dagger, i command thee, return! o'donoghue: it's gonna be difficult for hook with emma now being the dark one because he loves her, and he wants to do whatever he can to protect that love. i can summon the dark one from any corner of the world. well, there's your answer. she's not in this world. emma, once she's taken on the darkness and she's sort of reborn into it, but then she's struggling with it, and there's times where the darkness is more powerful than the light in her, and there's times where the light is more powerful than the dark.
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kitsis: you have a lot of headstrong people who want to save emma, but each one of them has a different opinion on how to do it, and for us, that's what's so much fun about season five. here's your supper. we love these characters. they started as a part of us, but now it's something else. they've become their own thing, and we're just trying to do them justice and do the audience justice. [ grunts ] who are you? my name is... ...emma.
8:00 pm
♪ woman: okay, fine. everybody stick together. [ indistinct conversations ] arthur: archimedes, look. [ cash register beeping ] merlin, look, i'm a squire! ha! archimedes: oh, uh, very nice, boy. yes, indeed. a fine monkey suit for polishing boots. a stooge for that big lug kay. it's what all the squires wear. and i thought you were going to amount to something. i thought you had a few brains. man: don't. ♪ what?


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