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tv   Action News 11pm  ABC  October 23, 2015 1:35am-2:11am EDT

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i had the whitest smile. now i'm going to show up to in school! the reunion with this whole situation. oh please. just whiten them. i'm not spending $500 to whiten them. do what i'm doing. use crest whitestrips. they whiten just as well. wow crest 3d white whitestrips whiten your smile by safely working below the enamel surface to remove 14 years of stains. karen? i knew i recognized that smile. crest 3d white whitestrips the way to whiten.
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>> it is thursday night aunt big story on "action news" tonight is breaking news in
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west philadelphia. two police officers have been injured. their vehicle collided with a cadillac of a traffic stop wasn't rye. "action news" reporter dann cuellar is live at 59 and master, dann, what happened there. >> reporter: jim, investigators are on the scene 56 and master. we have de stekt activities are south west and aid out here processing the scene. a police suv occupied by two 19th district officers is jammed up there against a row home. this after it was struck by a cadillac. investigators say it was driven by a man pleaing police. chief inspector school small says officers tried to stop the car during a routine traffic stop for tinted windows 58 and masters when it sped off. >> it struck a police vehicle a chevy tahoe suv, two-person
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police vehicle that happened to be going north on 59 at master. >> the crash caused damage to a row home occupied by two sisters and 60 and 61 years old. the traffic light was ripped off the corner and sent flying into the women's front steps. they were not injured. the driver of the cadillac and woman passenger suffered minor injuries. the two ninth district officers suffered cuts and bruises to the face. >> one had a bloody nose and the other officer had a cut to his head. both of the officers were conscious. both were talking. both were walking. so they appeared to be in stable condition with nothing life-threatening. >> the bottom shrine it appears that everyone is going to be all right. l & sixt sent out to check out the damage to the row home to make sure it is safe. now, why the driver tried to flee police they do not know
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but they found what appeared to be marijuana in the front seat. "channel 6 action news." >> thank you, dann. hillary clinton made long anticipated appearance before the house benghazi committee today. >> i have lost more sleep than all of you put together. and i have been racking my brain about what more could have been done and should have been done. >> the former secretary of state showed the emotion all toll of 2012 attacks to benghazi that claimed the lives of for americans the hearing went on 11 hours. she had to balance keeping her record clean while not affec affecting her campaign. >> this is the second time they have been interrogated by the house. they aus kood her of several things not having enough security at the benghazi location and listening to long time confident for information
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instead of official sources and not firing any staff after the attack. >> he said everybody else is responsible for everything els else. i was responsible for sending him to benghazi and temporary mission we were evaluating. >> hillary clinton said she did her fwoingt protect all foreign service workers and repeatedly denied telling defense secretary leon panetta to step down on lessen security at benghazi site. a year ago house committee agreed with that and denied ignoring -- >> i don't care if you sent by morse code, car your pigeons -- you need to make sure entire record is correct. >> that's what i wanted to do. >> here's what happened to their requests they were torn
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up. > that's just not true congress sglap later representative tre galdy said she did not intentionally tell american people terrorists for responsible for astook it would not harm president obama reelection campaign just 56 days later and other committee members criticize clinton that none of her staff was fired after benghazi incident only three officers were reassigned and one resigned. >> the personnel rules and laws that govern those decisions were followed. >> i'm not asked what arb did but what you did. >> i follow the law. >> she stayed on point saying it was a planned attack it was the first time a u.s. ambassador was killed since 19 1979. >> secretary afterwards appealed to panel to hopefully let statesmanship feel over part sonship any action is said to fall along party lines.
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>> killed in iraq against the fight against isis. dozens of operation troops along with iraqi forces raided a come bound in iraq after getting world on imtent execution by isis militants and authority have not identified american service member that died in range. president obama signed his fifth veto at the white house and invited media in to do it he knicks 612 billion defense funding bill because he said it rereports to gimmics to not let the pentagon to do what needs to be done. he up siingtd republicans and congress accepted him a better bill to address modern security threats. >> violence continues to rack city of wilmington with fourth time in a row it failed. police are investigating a triple shooting on 800 plaque
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of -- avenue. the gunfire erupted 8:00. they're still trying to figure out what prompt today all. the three gunshot victims are expected to survive. >> neighbors in whitehall township are digesting grizzly murder of 26-year-old victimch the victim's estranged husband is in custody tonight. "action news" reporter khatd is live at whitehall township police. chad. >> reporter: jim, authorities say the victim was strangled with an electrical cord and say she was murdered sometime after 8 a.m. yesterday and 24 hours later they had alleged confession. police say joni rohr baw was found with electrical tape and sock in her mouth. her mother found the body yesterday. >> it's chilling. it's right across the street. >> the lehigh country district attorney office said the victi
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victim's estranged husband gordon rahrbauhg cop fesed to the murder. jillian moved into the apartment with her motherch the mother left yesterday morning around 8 a.m. her daughter was alive. when she returned later she was dead. gordon rohrbauhg told investigators he killed his wife during an argument. >> when i saw all the detectives over there besides police cars, i knew something was up. >> last year jillian rohrbaugh was sentenced to 7 to 23 months behind bars for arson and endangering welfare of a child after she set a house on fire in lehigh township after her exboyfriend told her to pick up belongings or she would burn them. she did it for him with her 5-month-old baby a few feet away. neighbors near the murder scene are relieved. police caught their man. >> then if not we'll just bring
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more fear to the neighborhood thinking there's someone out there that may be killing people. >> right. >> not knowing why or if it robbery or whatever the motive was. >> and rohrbaugh remains behind bars charged with murder. live in whitehall, khd, "channel 6 action news" jim. >> thank you chad visitation was held tonight for a young boy whose mysterious death has shaken haddon township community. all around town blue ribbons are tied to homes and businesses to pay tribute to the life of brendan creato. his dad reported him missing and they found himself hours later in a wooded area a mile away. we he will be laid to rest tomorrow. >> they're calling on the city taken to stall a plaque in his honor. tonight they gatheredty scene aft tack to rally support.
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thomas coting ham was stabbed to death while protecting a woman and child from a man with a knife. his friends say the mayor promised to install that plaque in rodney square and they state process is moving too slowly. >> well, temple university won a football game tonight and in so doing, has gone 7-0 for the first time in school history. "action news" reporter annie mccormick is liver on the temple campus and annie he's are heady days for the team and fans. >> jim, it's a feeling that fans are not used to feeling. that feeling of winning. now at the are getting used to it as temple continues to win these games. they're now undefeated 7-0. >> temple is still undefeated and elated fans rejoiced inside the drown horse on campus. >> it's exciting to see the hard work payoff. we're so happy our senior year
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we get tote have this much fun winning all these games. >> tonight the entire campus was glued to tv screens for tonight's game at east carolina from inside the bars to inside the liacora center watching on the jumbotron. >> everybody has been hyped like the whole campus has been exciting. >> even the annual cherry and white night which introduces university the basketball teams later switch to a watch party for football. >> everybody's team is rooting for football team and what they do and i lie like to think roo rooting for whus we play. >> temple football the first time they have been ranked in nearly four decades. >> it's good after such a long time we're finally ranged. a good time and well respected in the area. >> fans said win or lose they're happy for the national recognition and how far the owl have come. upper class xhen not remember being this excite the for the team. >> i think it's shocking the
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entire university. given last year i don't think anyone expect today and but it's been an awesome experience so far. >> it's the first time i've really seen collective group of student body come out support the team. we have not been that good in the fwooingt years but you can feel the electricity around campus. >> and the chance we heard as leaving that bar, jim, were beat the irish. up next temple will play note are damon halloween. live on temple campus, annie mccormick, "channel 6 action news." jim. >> the 24th film festival is underway. the directors of anolisa was there. over the next 11 days more than 100 films will be shop adds venues throughout the city. 6abc is a proud sponsor of this year's festival. >> coming up on "action news"
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the attorney general of pennsylvania no longer has a license to practice law tonight and she still called an objection against a former supreme court judge. plus, why it literally pays to vote on election day in philadelphia. cecily. >> say good-bye to temperatures in 70s for a while. details on the cool down and plus category five hurricane approaching southwest mexico. details in the accuweather forecast. >> jamie apody has postgame reaction to that historic temple win tonight. "action news" continues in just temple win tonight. "action news" continues in just a moment
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blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale is 1! woo-hoo! right now buy one get one at half price throughout the entire store. blinds. shades. sunscreens. the entire store! hey, any excuse for a party. and big savings. blinds to go. blinds for life. party on, people. blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale is 1! celebrate when you buy one get one at half price off the entire store. blinds. shades. sunscreens. the entire store!
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'cause the older we get, the more you save. that's just how we roll. blinds to go. blinds for life.
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>> kathleen kane today showed up with a us is spended law license and said she can do 9% of her duties. today was the day the suspension of her life took
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license took effect. at the same time kane released three dozen emails received by supreme court justice michael eakin. tin included rhawnchy videos of women and i will humor. >> the bill requires are are perspective gun buyers to notify law enforcement if they seek to expunge medical health records. three republicans joined democrats 50 times from the senate tried to override a christie veto and failed. >> trenton mayor says the city revival has gun. mayor eric jackson delivered state of the city address this evening and his key themes economic development and public saferty. on both fronts the mayor says the city has made progress. and he cited new housing and retail development set for construction within the next two years. and he said the city's crime
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rate is nearing an all time low. jackson said the city should now reach out to young people and artists as well as capitalize on renewed interest in urban living. >> would a cash prize be enough to motivate to you vote. today the editor of philadelphia citizen web site put up 10,000 for lottery picked among people that go to polls. larry was joined by former mayor john street encourage foam do their civic duty and reverse a trend of abysmal turnout. only two in ten voters cast a ballot in the last mayoral rac race. election day is november 3. >> and 6 answer is hosting next mayoral debate between jim ke kenny and alyssa murray kelly we'll be bearing the hour long broadcast commercial free this sunday morning at 11 here on channel 6. >> on "healthcheck" at 11 the controversial hpv vaccine is only being administered to a
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minority of teenagers and a new study point the pinger in surprising direction. researchers at harvard say a quarter of pediatricians surveyed are not strongly endorsing the vaccine during office visits and many doctors say there's overwhelming medical evidence it's safe an effective at preventing hpv infexz which can cause certain cancers. >> national guidelines are routine administration. only one in three teenage girls and one in 7 boys teenage boys get the shot. some parents argue that abstinence is the way to protect their dmrirn sexually tranmited disease rather than vaccine. >> do you remember the jersey shore house swept into the bay during that powerful storm earlier this month. state officials say salvaging vevrts finally gun in grassy snound middle township cape may county. the instruction tour was vacant and neighbors had explained saying this was bound to happen.
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it did. state officials estimate that cleanup will cost up to 200,000 which the homeowner may well be responsible for. >> let's get that weekend preview from accuweather. it's going to get a little chilly. >> reality check on the way. saying good-bye to temperatures in the 70s for a while. a cold front is moving in now. stormtracker 6 live double scan showing light showers associated with it. a lot of this is not reaching the ground. and so, the precipitation is not a big deal. what a big deal is, is the winds of change behind the system. what i want to do now is focus on what is going on in the pacific. i don't usually talk about storms in the pacific because they don't affect us. this is hurricane patricia. this became a hurricane from tropical storm to hurricane in 24 hours. if you look at this it's small hurricane and compact. these winds could cause a lot
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of problems headed northwest and making a turn to northeast. we'll be making land fall tomorrow night and this has potential forecast strovic flooding for mudslides, for very heavy rain and some of that rain lookly will head to texas over the weekend and that could cause flash flooding and back at home we're talking about temperatures. temperatures will be taking a nosedive tomorrow. 66 degrees in philadelphia. currently today reached a high of 77 degrees. that's twelve above normal. allentown 63. millville 64. sea hooil city 62 and reading 64. temperatures tomorrow will not reach current temperatures than is why. satellite 6 and action radar showing here's the front. it's just beginning to move into our region and what this will do is bring winds out of the north west tomorrow. so the morning rush hour grab sun glasses and sun glare could be a problem especially if you drive east and it will be chilly and north wind at 6:00,
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50, and 7:00, 51, by 8:00, 5 and afternoon high upper 70s only in the low 60s. 6 degrees in philadelphia. lehigh valley won't make it out of 50s. it will feel cooler with winds out of north, northwest of 1 miles an hour heading to saturday. again it will be cool. 62 before that front bring us a possibility of early showers on sunday. and another cool down for early next week. so the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast bright sunshine tomorrow. breezy and cool. feeling like fall again. with a high of 63. on saturday, sun mixing with clouds. 6 and sunday morning a few showers. future tracker showing a lot of this early in the morning around 5:30 some areas won't get anything less than tenth of inch of rain and clouds during the day. 67. cooler air filters in monday behind that system. mostly sunny, 63. on tuesday, also 63 degrees and temperatures climb one degree
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by wednesday. 64 degrees. ahead of system that will bring us a potentially heavy rain on thursday with a high of 65 degrees. grab the jackets and sunglasses tomorrow you'll need them. david murphy will have the latest on hurricane patricia "action news" beginning at 4:30. >> all right. cecily. if you saw unusual glow from fairmont park tonight there was good reason this is called flow in the park. hundreds showed up got smith memorial launch for a night of dancing and food and this is the fourth year for the event and benefits fairmont park conserve answery♪ and it was a arm any of generations tonight at the fox chase united methodist church in northeast philadelphia. music students ranging in age from 6 to 74 had a chance to step into the spotlight. the highlight of the evening a performance by steven traviani who at the age of 23 is concert
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master for curtis school of music and camden
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[woman] hey, amy! [amy] hey, guys! [woman] hey, what's this? [man] oh, it's the new 50 times the money game from the pennsylvania lottery, with top prizes of $300,000. [woman] we could get 2 jet skis. [man] with a private dock! [amy] beautiful! [woman] and a house on the lake! [amy] the house looks great, you two! [in unison] thanks! the pennsylvania lottery. bring your dreams to life.
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>> congratulations to the temple owls and coach matt rhule they did something tonight they had never done before. >> it's unbelievable what he did with the program. it's exciting. certain excited about halloween night are with note other damon abc and it was easy to overlook key conference game with ecu. they trailed 14-10 a h a top ever penalties woke up with 5:30 to play on second and 34 pj walker to robby anderson a 51 yard gain and with 3:31 to go sanders on fin whaishd he started with 23 yard touchdown grab. tem p.m. in the lead. they have more reason to jump around after blocked punt employed jahad thomas touchdown run. second of the game to sale the deal. 14 minutes 73 seconds. gives temple a 24-14 win. the 22 ranged owls 7-0 for the
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tivrt time in school history. >> our defensive kids kept saying what's next? and i thought even going down there and blocking two punts in second half by defensive kids we over came shooting ourselves in the foot. we had great offense and our kids pushed hard. for us to fight and we showed good character and vice president top gets better at things. >> temple the team in town. these guys have been a while to travel by plane. plague the undefeated panthers. nelson agoular and cooper and demeco rinz missed practice today. it's about time bradford gets up on things. the quarterback has been wildly inconsistent 9 interceptions in six games and 900 yards of offense in the past two weeks. here's his assessment of the past two weeks of play. >> i'm not sure where i thought i would be six games in. and i think you have expectations you want to come out and play well and play to the bet of your abilities and as far as trying to predict how
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the season will go and where you're going to be especially coming off injuries i think it's harded to do. >> and the panthers beat the seahawks last week and seattle and san francisco in a game that would be a map-up two years ago. 2nd quarter russel wilson and tyler lock had a 42 yard touchdown and off 20-3
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blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale is 1! woo-hoo! right now buy one get one at half price throughout the entire store. blinds. shades. sunscreens. the entire store! hey, any excuse for a party. and big savings. blinds to go. blinds for life. party on, people. blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale is 1! celebrate when you buy one get one at half price off the entire store. blinds. shades. sunscreens. the entire store! 'cause the older we get, the more you save. that's just how we roll. blinds to go. blinds for life.
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coming off big over time
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win flyers don't come back to action. goalie someday to day with upper body injury and former katulea taken out by his form are teammate zach ronaldo and he will not be suspended because nhl said head was not point of contact. i'm not sure what was. back to eagles for a second we received a challenge from our afill flat charlotte so see whoa has the most passionate fans it's called a like patle on facebook and we know eagles fans are the best and we see people in charlotte seem to know how to click the like button better than us. head to the "action news" facebook page, show carolina that no one is more fashion at than we are in philly and please share so your friends can help out too. ow on earth can they be beating us now. >> they are. >> you know what that is. >> no. >> you know what that is, cecily?
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>> unacceptable. >> final think was celebration of diversity in grand fashion tonight. the international spring festival celebrated its 25 anniversary with a gala and the event took place normandy farms in gayville and consumer reporter nydia han was there to see the event and it promotes multi-culturalism for children and dults all yearlong. "jimmy kimmel live" on channel 6 followed by "nightline". jimmy's guests bradley cooper, joy bahar paul cooper and music from spalding. "action news" continues at 4:30 a.m. now for the entire "action news" team, i'm jim gardner. now for the entire "action news" team, i'm jim gardner. good
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