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tv   Action News 11pm  ABC  December 6, 2015 11:00pm-11:31pm EST

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nimah, stop this. "stop this." he's a war criminal. no, a soldier isn't a criminal just because you don't believe in their war, nimah. are you defending your own kind? no, i'm not. i'm standing up for a man who's gonna make a great special agent someday. probably a better one than i am. don't you mean a better special agent than you're gonna be? no, he doesn't. just tell them. [ sighs ] you know, simon and vasquez aren't the only ones in here with a secret. i'm not a trainee. i'm a special agent who was assigned to quantico to work undercover. and i can tell you that vasquez and simon deserve to be here because of their secrets, because of their rage. vasquez, what you've done for your daughter -- it's that fight that is gonna drive you to be a great agent. and, simon, when you threw me against a wall, i mean, we were eye to eye,
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and i saw the soldier inside of you, i saw that pain, and i get it. you know, we've all made mistakes. we all have secrets. but everybody here -- every single one of you -- has earned the right to serve. thank you, special agent booth. you can take your seats. everyone in this room volunteered to put their duty ahead of their conscience. what we do when we follow orders may not always be fair, and it may not always be right. but it is what is asked of us, and it is what we have to live with. natalie vasquez, will you please step forward? natalie, the board has decided that you are fit to continue your time here at quantico, given a two-week supervisory probation.
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you are all dismissed. you can continue vetting the new nats in the morning. [ indistinct conversations ] mr. asher, a moment please? so, you're not undercover, too? no? okay. that's good. i'm just checking, because special agent booth and everything. i am not. are you? look, i'm sorry. i guess we both know that you can be so close to someone and still have no idea who they really are. they can smile but be a monster on the inside. they can say they care for you and betray you. i wasn't trying to betray you. you thought you were taking care of something i would have never noticed myself. i am taking care of something -- no, you didn't. you made me doubt my sister. and now you're gonna help me get rid of those doubts
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once and for all. so, is everyone freaking out about the agent in their midst? i did always think it was weird how good you were at everything. [ chuckles ] almost as good as you. so, jump street... [ both laugh ] really think i'm gonna make one hell of an agent? i think these clowns are lucky to have you. [ chuckles ] am i interrupting? just sending ryan off. i owe you. no. maybe one day, i can save your life. hey. hey, hey. you asked me this morning why i hadn't left yet. yeah, well, it's hard to go back to the real world. i can see that. this is my real world. i could've kept this undercover thing going for forever. i didn't want to leave you. i've spent a lot of time trying to figure out who the real ryan booth is.
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what you did back there? i think i saw him. ♪ i'll be high above the earth ♪ so, what's next? [ chuckles ] um... you go back to your job. los angeles. mm-hmm. i graduate, maybe go to new york. well, that's the best office. we e-mail. we text. oh, like each other's posts, of course. [ laughs ] and maybe, just maybe, get really hot for each other when we're in the same city... mm. ...until one of us loses interest and gets married. [ chuckles ] again. making us just another memory that keeps us up at night. oh, come on. i think we can do better than that. i hope so. ♪ let go of you i've never said "i love you"
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when i really wanted to. i've never said it at all. ♪ i will not let go of you over the course of your time here at quantico, you've proven yourself to be one of the finest trainees we've ever had. and so i am sorry to say that that time is over. because of nimah? she is totally distorting my service in the i.d.f. your military service was never a problem for the fbi. your assault of a fellow trainee is. did you or did you not attack ryan booth your third week here? yes. an unreported assault of a fellow trainee is automatic grounds for dismissal. it's beyond even my discretion. where was your discretion when you locked me in a bathroom for 24 hours?
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how do you justify this? understanding and respecting the proper use of force lies at the core of everything we do here. if you cannot control your anger, you cannot serve. i'm sorry, simon. this wasn't supposed to happen. obama talks terrorism in wake of california attacks and holiday drive pays tribute to a marine after his death and i'm sarah bloomquist "action news" marine after his death and i'm sarah bloomquist "action news" is you're ready. ♪
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get ready to experience a cup above. is that coffee? nespresso. what else? first i wash... then i apply it to my wet skin. it moisturizes with no sticky feel. i quickly rinse off. and i'm ready to go. nivea in-shower body lotion -- in the body lotion aisle. ♪ ♪ but a gift from kay jewelers... makes it unforgettable.
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save up to 30% on diamond fashions at kay, the number-one memory-maker in america. every kiss begins with kay. acidity was in my diet...much that it was damaging the enamel. i wanted to fix it right away. my dentist recommended pronamel. he said pronamel can make my teeth stronger. pronamel is helping me lead the life that i want to live.
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speaks native language ] who are you? that's not important. i know who you really are. i'm sorry. my -- my english is not very good. cut the crap. let me in, or i'll tell your sister everything. where's shelby? does she -- i have been watching your every move for months. august 6th -- $100,000. september 9th -- $100,000. october 12th -- $1 million. all funneled through tyrell credit. the con that you're running ends now unless you cut me in on 10%.
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5%. [ gasps ] it's a deal. i-i'll be in touch. [ crying ] ♪ i'm gonna miss you [ gasps ] so it's true. doesn't matter. i live with the choices i've made, come to terms with them. i live with the consequences. simon. you ever feel like people can't really see you? like if you stopped moving, you'd just...fade away? you are not invisible. and yet... ♪ i do not love you me disappear. ♪ because i'm bored ♪ no, i was just saying them things ♪ ♪ when i was feeling a little unsure about myself ♪
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♪ and i'm sorry, baby ♪ that wasn't right ♪ then you got me thinkin' [ sobbing ] ♪ yeah, thinkin' of you ♪ thinkin' for the last time ♪ yeah, the last time ♪ now that i know you're really gonna leave me ♪ ♪ maybe the stars aligned ♪ or maybe i've just changed my mind ♪ ♪ maybe i'm yours ♪ i'm yours ♪ i'm yours, i'm yours ♪ i'm yours, i'm yours ♪ i'm yours ♪ yes, sir hey. thank you for warning me. say something. there's nothing left to say.
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caleb, i am so sorry. i didn't think that it would end like this. are you just gonna ignore me? caleb? what? i didn't choose this, okay? yeah, you did, when you slept with my dad. you did choose this. well, if whatever i had with your dad was on the record, then me ending it is, too. god, i just can't imagine how your mom's gonna feel when she finds out. well, you don't have to worry about that, 'cause she already knows. yeah, i told her, because she's gonna get the nomination, and i have to protect her. because that's what you do when you love somebody. you protect them. liam: hey. you should get some rest. why? so i can sleep before my sentencing tomorrow? we're back at zero, and i just lost everyone that i trust the most. we'll keep looking. i'll keep looking. you haven't lost everything, alex.
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yes, i have. simon. tailing me yourself now? i sent them home. no one's here. just us. so... you need my help. i need you to believe in me like i believed in you when no one else did. when everyone looked right through you, i saw you, simon. alex -- no, you walked through fire for me, and i'm asking you to walk right back in. not because it's fair or because you owe me anything or because by tomorrow, i might be in jail for the rest of my life, but we save lives.
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we can catch this terrorist, simon. but i can't do it alone. i need you. i've always needed you. i need us to go back to what we were at quantico. please. i wish we could. simon -- i wish we could wipe away this whole year -- everything we've done, everything we have lost. i wish we could go back to being the optimistic people who signed up to save the world. but we can't, because we never were those people to begin with. and we can never go back to quantico. [ sniffles ] ♪
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[ muffled grunting ] >> the eagles snap their losing streak with a huge win in new
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england. streak with a huge win in new england. "action news" is next. it has the fastest internet and wifi available. with speeds from 50 to 500 megs. and right now, you'll get 50 meg fios internet, tv and phone for 79.99 a month online for your first year. and with a 2 year agreement, we'll give you all the premium movie channels for a year. plus, 400 dollars back. so go online or call now. get out of the past. get fios. isil does not speak for islam they are thugs and killers and part a consult of death.
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>> strong words from president obama tonight as he addressed the nation of the threat of terrorism on the heels of the mass shooting in california and coordinated attacks in paris and stressed americans cannot give into fear. >> sunday night and the big story on "action news" is the message the please delivered from the oval office. >> he spoke about our nation's mission to destroy isis in the middle eeing and call on congress to act at home. jeff chirico joins us live with details. jeff. >> walter, president obama tried to reassure americans the government is doing all it can to keep them safe and he says he cannot do it alone and called on congress to do four things. >> president obama proptioned to continue air strikes and special operations to hunt down terror leers and disrupt plots and train and equip opponents and seeking a cease-fire to syrian civil war and challenged congress to take agency. pass laejlation banning those on no fly list to buy guns and
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have stronger screening for those coming to united states without a veez aand finally authorized continued military force against isis something congress has not done. and he wrapped up calling on muslim lead others to reject hateful ideology that leads to extremism and asked americans not to muslimize the community for terrorism. >> with we travel down that road, we lose. that kind of divisionness and be trail of values plays into the happened of groups like isil. muslim americans are our friends and neighbors our coworks he and sports heroes and yes, they are our men and women in uniform who are willing to die in defense of our country. >> and the president has ruled out a ground war saying special
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ops and air strikes will be more successful. republican candidates for president responded quickly and overwhelmingly they say the president speech did not go far enough. live in the satellite center jeff he h jeff chirico, "channel 6 action news." >> for more on the speech and reaction from presidential candidates head to we are constantly updating articles with the latest information as it comes in. >> and switching gears now eagles pull up a win that seems unlikely to say the least. >> exactly they put down the patriots in new england. jamie apody joins us with the highlights. something we have not had in week. >> no. >> who called this. >> not me, nobody, really, last time eagle he's beaten almighty 35eu9 receipt in fox row row 1 1987. nobody thought this would be the keer the streak was broken. how about that? first night of hanukah and it's a hanukkah miracle. half time, patriots punt into
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their own tear tore i whyen chris blocks it and tied game at 14. tom brady had never thrown an interception to eagles. today he threw two. third it quarter malcolm jenkins takes it off at the goal line and takes it back all the way. 99 yards. there he goes. gives the birds a lead. now key to the game. chip kelly benched demarco murry and started darren sproles instead. knoll only was he effective in the run game he took a punt back 38 yards. eagles stored a bit of a scare at the end and came off unthinkable. last night at the hotel chip kelly showed a video of every single guy on the roster making a positive play and clearly something quick. >> i think our players did what i told them. i told them when i saw them last tuesday i know we have a good football team and when we put everything together as a group and everybody plays hard and gives everything and plays with an edge we can be a good
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football team. >> i'm not sure anyone outside the locker room gave is a chance to win tonight but we believed in ourselves. >> we showed we can do that and put that tipt of effort again and team win like special teams and all that we can go as far as we want to go. >> birds are down 5-7 doesn't sound so good however the giants lost today and so we can start talking playoffs again guys i mean it. >> it's unbelievable. that's a good thing for us i guess. >> crazy night, thanks, jamie. >> tonight's win gave eagles fans 134-g to cheer about and welcome back the birds for home game next weekend. christie ileto joins us liver outside lincoln financial field with that part of our coverage, christie. >> hey there, sarah, that game had many fans on edge of seats and some say they had to doubt the eagles would be able to pull off that upset. >> this is what whipping sounds
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like. >> i love my eagles, woo. >> birds are back ! >> how exciting was this game? >> exciting. don't stop believing that's what i have to say. >> eagles showed up and shutout against the patriots in their own house. >> it's the whole season is preseason. >> that with a 100 yard return. >> i have no voice left you can tell that's why i have not gotten over that yet. >> big plays and sudden lead over power house was no shock to some plans. >> eagles beat the patriots i called it and said it at work and they said you're delusiona delusional. >> pate raets came back closing eagles 21 point lead to 7. >> they were starting to lose in the beginning. >> even it looks like miracles are happening. >> i believe in miracles. >> when we were up 35 to 14 i
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knew it was curtains baby. eagles ! >> e-a-g-l-e-s, eagles! >> we won today. hopefully next week we can beat buffalo and we'll go from there and hopefully get the playoffs. >> well, fans say this win couldn't come at a better time especially as soon as the next three games are right here at home. reporting liver at the linc christie ileto. thank you. >> in other news tonight a maybe and woman are recovering from stab wounds tonight. they were both injured at motel in atlantic city and police duld roads way in 1300 block of pacific avenue. the victims were rushed to the hospital with non life-threatening injuries. investigators are trying to determine who stabbed them and why and right now they're not sure how many people were involved. no one was arrested. >> and a pedestrian was badly injured this morning during a crash in camden county and it happened sicklerville road cam
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even owe court sicklerville and they were taken to cooper university hospital in critical condition. so far no word of any charges filed. >> police in montgomery country are hoping you can help them off a man wanted for armed robbery. they say he walked into the wawa in lower gwynedd and handed cash here a note di mappeding money from the register. cashier told investigators the man motioned as if he had a gun in the jacket she gave him all the cash from the drawer and he said off in an suvle. call police if you recognize limb. >> businesses robbed at gun point. delaware state police tell us one of the robberies happened saturday morning pat's pizza wilmington than a man confront aid female clerk with a knife and took cash from the register. yesterday afternoon a man robbed a store inside the wilmington flea market at gun point and other robberies happened dunken donut and wawa it's unclear if they're connectd more to come on "action news"
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tonight fire rips through a church leaving only the cross out front. coming up devastated outpouring of support. >> president jmy carter updates the world on his battle with cancer. next it. melissa. >> sarah, beautiful places across the delaware and lehigh valley. for the mild threats starred of the workweek i have the answer coming up in the accuweather forecast. >> plus jamie apody back more forecast. >> plus jamie apody back more on the eagles surprising win ♪
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catch holiday-cookie cheer on the tip of your tongue with dunkin' donuts' holiday- cookie-flavored coffees. from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m., enjoy any medium latte or macchiato for $1.99.
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from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m., enjoy any medium latte dunkin' donuts' unbelievable selection of breakfast sandwiches, freshly made all day, so you can enjoy them any type of way, any time of day. that's breakfast whenevs. america runs on dunkin'. former president jim a carter says his most recent brain scan shows no signs of cancer. the 91-year-old will could be tin to receive doses of auto immune drug. cart area announced in august he was diagnosed with melanoma and it sfreed his brain. doctor removed part of his liver and four small tumors on
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his brain. >> early morning fire destroyed a church in elk ton maryland near the delaware state line. crime scene tape surrounds the baldwin united methodist churc church. flames tore through the roof when they arrived. remarkably the cross in front is still standing and congregation and pastor, though r. devastated. >> we've lost something that cannot be replaced. and that's hard. we can come together as fellowship and members of god's family and enjoy what we have. >> ol fire department offered up they are hall for church serviced today. no word how the fire startd abington township montgomery countsy spent the day working to improve their skills. first responders practiced rescuing a vick that that became seriously ill while working utility hole under street and they used try pods and ropes to slowly lower the
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rescue team. and today's training incorporated new q, that can be adjusted to simulates different real life circumstances. we get a check of the accuweather forecast coming up on "action news." taking a live look at penns landsing from sky6 in high definition. meteorologist melissa magee has a beautiful day on tap for tomorrow. your exclusive a beautiful day on tap for tomorrow. your exclusive accuweather forecast is next.


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