tv Action News 11pm ABC January 6, 2016 1:35am-2:11am EST
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karl, don't you have friends coming over? yeah, so? it stinks in here. you've got to wash this whole room are you kidding? wash it? let's wash it with febreze. for all the things you can't wash, use... ...febreze fabric refresher whoa hey mrs. webber inhales hey, it smells nice in here and try pluggable febreze... continuously eliminate odors for... ...up to 45 days of freshness pluggable febreze and fabric refresher... ...[inhale + exhale mnemonic]... ...two more ways to breathe happy
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nottophe elderly sct that is when fers decided to use dely force. tonight investigators are stillt e scene of e shooting trying to rel it all. tuesday's night j's on signment i'm monica lss. b story is ay end to go a pice cfrontation in laware county. the it happened at the the apartments at 0tonight when nalled officers to say he himself s a danger. christie lleto ve near the scene andicks the store friday there christie. reporter: monica, police say they repeatedly l54 year-old to dp his weapon and he apparently continued to come at fers even after ing sd. he me with em with th knife. >> bishop hill use caution a apparently coming out of the apartment and said he is dangerous. >> reporter: chopper six captured the moments as police shot ape killed a 54 year-old man oefused to drop knife he was carrying after repeat command from poce.
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flashing lights, ily filled parking tf t biop hill apartments. >> kept on comingoward the officers and finally e the other officers, in fear of their life opened up fi. >> shots fired. shots fired. >> bishop hill ots fired shots fired. >> we have gunshots, and we came out, that is when all of this happened. >> reporter: suspect reportedly called policeo ll them he was suicidal a dangerous. >> seems to be the victim has some gficant mentallal health issues. >> reporter: tuesday's incident has a makings of a suicide by co and right now police say it unclearfhe the 54 yr a oldas under y type of iluence. reporting live ompr darby, rtie lleto for channel six a "action news" monica. >> two women are being eed after a g attack in phadelphia's somerton section while senior citizen is al bng questioned the for trying to o e dog.
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you t all pned tonight in the 200 block of lockhart lane. up investigators y 16 year-old woman d her 31 year-old daughter were walking en at least one dog bit em in the back. we dse eed the would the men, police say they saw a 67 ye-old man fi at the do. bullet missed. he claimse had be aaed byhem before. neighbors agree these ds a dangerous. >> these dogs would bark, so loud and they wld shake the gateike they are about to run out or mhing. >> they are ar very scy. >> the the women e in stable condition tonight police took thehoot n to sdy. anwhile, il control tubing the dogs in custody. bone chilling weather is making it another bitterly cold night tonight. temperatures whoever near freezing though, but fortunate thely theind st died down but afr nt it was a night for hs, heavy cts and gloves again. tomorrow tugh, conditions ould improve. meteorologist cecilyie is at the "action news" big board
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with more, cecily. >> tomorrow temperaturesill reboundo more seasonal levels. today ste a abundant sunshine tnoon high struggled to climb in the w 3s and we had wd is in the 20's this afternoon after b zero wind chills this moing. right nowt is certainly chilly out there philadelphia 26 allentown 17. millville2. reading 18. trenton 19. hover, it is nothing like yeerday, because of this, theind speeds show y that the wind he be calming down. th time last night sin wind of 20 miles an hour. wead a wind chl of 19 degrees low zero in the poconos. tonight though sellite six with acon radar showing that arctic high esre has migrated right over us. so that is keepg our skies clear. that is what is kling t wind. tonight will be ao night with oveit lows in the teens in idelphia, ne will digits in the surbs however, without the wind, we won'ta a real wind ill factor toe with. then weill a a wmin
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trd. day'sigh only 32 degrees. tomorrow will be 8 degrees warmer then today. the thursday 12 degrees waer. friday 15 degrees waer then today. even rr over the weekend but will co at a price. we wl talk about tt with theull au weather seven day forecast, na. >> thanks, cecily. six year-old b is safe tonight after a c he had been sleepingn s stolen, andt happened early th morning near the 7leven in oxford and rge. child's spfather left t thear running when he went in the sto. that is en someone jped inside and drove off n surveillance video t r owner is seen nng out of the sre trying cse after them. police fnd that car 2 miles away, the car was running and thehd was still lp. police are lking for the thief. president barack a a's executivections on gun control today are already co under fire fr republican rivals, including the speaker of the house. they are arguing that his byssing of congress is an
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abusef presidential w t the prident says that he bies in t second amendment andhot dow his critics a alleged conspiracy eories. >> this isn the a plot to take away everybody's guns. you pass a background check you you purchase a fearm. >> the the president's ten-point plan call for narrowing the scalled gun show loop hole, it instructs private sellers to run ck gun ccks. natiol riflessociation argued that seemingly in of the psident's steps would have have prevented recent mass shootings but mr. obama said he rejects the nion it is not worth trng and he teared up whenecalling t first gders kied in newtown, connecticut. >> every time i think aut those kids, it gets me mad. andy t y happens on the seets of chicago every
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day. >> "action news" rorterann cuellars in the tlite center to bak do exactly what the president is proposing, dann? >> reporter: monica, a among the k pnts of the president's executive axis that they cleoopoles on whos required to have a license to sl gs. they alsoequire doctors to report people prohibited from having a gun due to mental health iues. >> we wa tonsure that firearms are not vted from theocal market to the a market, and end uin e hand of the criminals or even terrorist. >> reporter: atf and fbi will be charged with pmenting the president's aions under theew dal gun control act. here are answers to key questions: who need a federal license to dln ire ar under the gun control act? enswer is ye in the business ofealing or selling guns. >> those engaged in the business of sling firearms lawfully and properlyre mandated conduct background checksach me a pchase and se is made. >> reporter: under the t act those honlyell firearms
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at flea markets gun shows or over the internet will be required to be licensed and the reason is this. >> unlicensed inviduals' sentencely illegal merchants doot conduct background checks conduct perless sales and ose are firearms that e up on the streets and in the hd of the cminals. >> reporter: on the other hand if you make oasional sales of rrms from your persal collection you do not need to be lensed. another key provision ofhe t is that it wi require doctors to report people, prohibited to process a firearm for mtalealth reasons. >> what that does is prevent and deterndividual who are prohibited under federal law from possessing firrms. if invidualsave have been adjudicated, to have a mtal health issue. >> reporter: act provides funding for 400 new atf fbi ents to pvide a efficient background check st and internet investigation center to track illegal ne firearms. >> we trace and trackllegal fems throughout the e country, particularly here in pennsylvania pennsylvania, philadelphia, illegaluns are ariority, and we want to track the lal source of
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those guns. >> reporter: now the the president's aions are likely to face leg challenges, th cou alsoe lrable to reversal by a republican wte house down t road. we wille live from the sat center, dann cuellar for channel six "action ns our "action news" facebook page has bn uating ts story f you all day. we invite to you jo th conversation right now on your tablet and or smart phone d share your ions on the president's gun msures. if ua not rdy ma sure you get more pos li these by liking a abc "action w. phillies first base man ryan hard is ingljazeera aica tonight over a duntary that linked him to performance enhancing drugs. the reporth aired last week was based on secret cordings ofn employees of then agi institute located in indianapolis, indiana. that pyee lar recanted. hours is aing defamation. in a statement the phillies star says he is tang this action to quote protect name and fight ck against
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the spreading of these e police are searching for suspectnvolved in the home invasion and sexual assault in the philadelphia's brideberg section. officers say around ten last night the man pushed his way into the home med wi a gun, and it hpened in the 2100 block of granite street. police say that the suect then cd two m and a three-year old b in the upstairs bathroom while he sexually assaulted another woman. the the suspect also stole tv's and cell phones before getting away. philadelphia has a n police commissioner tonight ande pdges to both follow in the sps of his mentor, charles ramsey, while also taling hard aenges necessary to irove faith in law eorcement. >> i will discharge thehe duties of my office with fidelity. congratulations. >> thank you. >> with that richard ro was swornn acy a's p cop 30th commissionero lead the philadelphia police department. the west oak lane native has been on the force for 26 years, most recently serving as deputy cmissioner.
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>> let's be honest whene talk about some these issues that we wi c there are mex ises wi no easy fixes. ere iso easy way odt but we haveo confront them. we have to beold aut it. we he to uerstand thatn order to be ccessful, these things needo happen. we need to be more snsive a and more accountable for all of our neighborhoods. >> ross chose central high school asiteor e ceremony which is his alma matter. he graduated there i198 two. it meant a grt deal for the studentsho witnessed an amni achieving his professional dream. new mayor jim kenney says ross was sirst and on choice for that jo one of the commissioner ross's first order of busiss was naming this man s deputy commissioner of patrol operations myron paterson has been with the department fo30 a ldg ranksf ief inspector. he will be srn in tomorrow morning. west goshen le have some new officersworn to protect anderve. tonight kyle m and robert
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story ok ea during ceremony at township building i west cster. four otr piceman also received otions. a young ncer survivor ve a big thank you to a philadelphia hpital, ten year-old emily white head and her family donated hundred thousand dollars to the children's hospital of philadelphia. nearly four years ago thisas emily a patienthere fighting an aggressive form of couple lymphoblastic leukemia. she was the first piatric patient to undergo an experimental treatment back then. ing her own t cells doctors netically engineered her immune system to attacker specific ccer cells. ter ttreatment worked her family created the emily white head foundation. >> try to make a difference for all kid to go me with their parents like we ve emily mgome withs, healthy and happy. >> the hospital says since emily wasreated locally more an 80 children have have ceived th same therapy and 9percent of them a now in remission.
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that is t i can. still to come, late breaking das of a possible north korea nuclear test. plus mine games company claims it can help boost your frame, now owes lons of dollarsor deceptive advertising. short and to the point we will explain why many are uptbout possible longer tweets cecily. if you are upset about the colwe he one rlly cold nighthe tonight the the low of seven in the suburbs, 16 for center city. wind cm. after that i'm tcking wind have of change as well as unsettled end. all of the details inhe accu weather forecast. plus me a local shark tangent pren newer and plus gles interview a pential chip kelly replacement when "action news" continues in a a moment.
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the country has cducted its foth nuclear test, tonight. north korea claims it conduct a successful hydrogen bb test but tre has be no proof. american official did his record a seismic dturbance that registered 5.1 magnitude that pnedear the site of the last underground car test, that was in 2. and the fbi t pleading r fmation involving the terror attack in san bernardino, california that killed 14 people, investigators sayhat is there i a 18 ne stery, srounding the whereabouts of the killers followingastonth a tk. deral officials put gher a ti line of thr move on december 2ndxcept fo18 minutes, d investigators want to kw where syed fouk and ch cashalik d if they contacted anyone in that time. american solderas been killed during an hos lg fire fight in afghanistan as two others were hurt. itappened ne mja in the
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hell manned province which s san a lan i ronens. pentagon reports two helicopters were dispatchedo medivac'd t wounded warriors but eyould not complete the msion. back here, camille cosby will not toave testify tomorrow, in a v suit begins her husband. massachusetts d granted camille cosby's ergency motion to delay her deposition, and bill cosby is being sued by seven wonho claimed that he dgd and sexually a ultimate is ad them. cosby's legal te is repeatedly denied aegations andosby counter sued would the man r famation. twit era peers to be, considering getting rid of fining traits. the those 140 character limits on tweets. removing cap wi allow urs tooseore tt at one time, technology news si pted that the acter u cod increase from 140 to 10,000. whileany users expressed disy gng th will change speed and briefty that theocial
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media platform known for but twitter o ck dorsey says wtever change may come, majority of the tweets will be quoteht and set. velocity will pay two million-dollar fine to sell charges at mislead customers, about the benefits of its bin aing ga. the fcc ss company's advertisements suggested playing these games aew times a week cld boost yr performance at work, in the classroom and even l seriousonditions like dementia. however, the the government says there is no scientific proof of that. two million-dollar will be refunded tohe customers. a south jersey man who made it big after beg on abc's hithow shark tank s featured on a eal episode tonight. eric kut is the the entrepreneur behindhe smallly face scrub ddy. in it e was a watch party r abc episode ofhe yond the tank. rightn fnt ofhe shark tank. the it is based in folcroft is
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the the most successful item featured on the show. it d made more th 75 million-dollar sce 2012 . basically a sponge. >> yes it has a couple of colors. >> why didn't we i that. >> i kw. >> let's talk about the the weather, and ll be cold. >> one more nht and tn we will climb o of the de freeze tomorrow. >> storm tracker six li double scans showing that we have epitation out there. it is dr clear a sky six is taking a look, dn broad street to sky six temple university camerand last nighthe at this time our cam yas really shaking with the wd, but w the wind have calmed dn. so it is a a co nit t we areot dealing withhe wind chills. rit now philadelphia is 26 degrees, down from our hi of 32 which drees below normal. allah en town 17. trenton 19. millville 12. reading currently 18 degrees. satellite
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six with action dar showing we have aric high pssure sitting over us. uan see tt co air creating the the cloud over the e cle skies tonight and we will have low sunshine tomorrow. bute will begin to warm things up in the a tnoon after another cold morning the bus stop forecast, you need toundle up again. we won't have bero wind chills but still will be ld enough. 6:00 o'clock 18 degrees. b 0o'clock 2degrees. load of sunshine will ep sunshine all day lensing a then our wind will shift o of the southwest. that will bring mo seasonal levels byhe afternoon. at :00 o'clock 29egrees. by 1:00, 37. by 4:00 o'clock hitting a high of 40 degrees which is the average high for th time of the year. on thursday we are in between sems. th is a low pressure coastal le that is heading out to sea. eres a warm frt moving throughn iday. between the two we wi see a fewloudsnd temperatures back abe avege. 44 degrees. that warmront will bring some showers on friday g.
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th weave a low pssure that will be moving on sunday and at has some of theest threats for heavy rain depending onhe a it. the exclusive accu weather seven day forecast, tomorrow morning chilly, by afternoon notso with a hi up to 40 degrees. on thursdayostly sunny touch milder, 44nd friday will be day of transition, morning sun, and tn afternoon cloud 47 degrees, some showers ring te on friday night and saturday is ing to be a oy, dary day, not expect ago lot of ganize precipitation just ght showersome drizzle high of 50egrees, and sunday is wild card, a storm st will movg to our west, if it a approachesle enough we could really be getting a soaking rain. f is r oh it would be light rain. i'll keepou posted on the track. either way it will be too warm for snow. 55egrees. this will be a rain ent t a snow e but then back behind this syem itill begin toool off. on monday 44egrees.
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tuesday, back below nmal with the high of on 38 degrees. the temperaturesill nnue to fall next week, and another shot of arctic air and if we can get some iure, moving up from the south, at the same time as arcticir we uld be dealingithome sw later next week. >> all rht cecily. super sized power ba jackpots ju g for tomorrow night's dwg. went from 400 million to 450illion-dollar today bas on strong tket sales. that translates to 275 million-dollar lump sum sh prize if you win it. "action news" fnd many l here iatlantic ci pg totrike it ri but instead of the tng sinos this time theye buying w ball ticket. tune ioaction news" at 11:00 we will ve winning numbers for a right afr thehe ac weather forecast.
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butting, one of the pi ue a oicials after a foul cl. a as a result, he was tossed, the ofcial, g up off the floor and nh the final moments of e game. number three, ducis he with what we believe was third interview for coach of the eagles. >> find out who they will ge hopefullyometime sn. eagles interviewed their third men candidate today a offensive caredate ordam gase. th willave competition. giant, miami dolphins have interest in him as wel he is gase at ntheast philadelphia airport following meeting with eagles brass. the 37 year-old, snt e past sson in chicagorior to that he snt six years with the denver broncos, two as thatea offensive coordinator. former eagles lebacker seth joyner tells jamie apody in gases the hot name. >> you wl have your up and comers. you will have your guys that have gone somewhere and ve hadreat success and is on everyone's radar. when you haveuess ery within will singour ae.
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that is the the way it is. uu a guy like y cutler around everybody makes a big deal bit. but ito further then wharf been ableo do over one or two yearpan. >> good poin to the ice flyers ba home following miserable west coa road trip. tonight they are home, to face canadiens. tied it one in the second, shanehosty peert is two-one ys. still in the secd, fersn the por play, wne simmonds get his tenth goal of e season. three-one lead but r from comfortable. new three-two fersn the third rd, sean cturier find the round off the wal four-two flyers. new four-three. late in is game. michael neuvirth tries to clear the puck. they dodge a bullet right there. yers end a the ga skid, with this four-three victory. >> it was b for . we haveo be a good ho
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team. if we a going to make a run here we have to be a good home team. we wt to make it miserable foreams come in here tonight. i thought we did a gd job here tonight. ryan howard takes a swing in crt plus tple, tries to get fran dunphy his 200 ctory in the school ast hey buddy, let's get these dayquil liquid gels and go. but these liquid gels are new. mucinex fast max. it's the same difference. these are multi-symptom. well so are these. this one is max strength and fights mucus. that one doesn't. uh...think fast! you dropped something. oh...i'll put it back on the shelf... new from mucinex fast max. the only cold and flu liquid gel that's max-strength and fights mucus.
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howard led defamation lawsuit begins aazeera american network. the last month network aired a dumentaryhe dark se, in it former pharmacy intern nked howard to ped's. sly d ranted those claims. things have not been easy for temple's stball te. tonight owls fad their fifth ranked opponent of the sean in just 13 games. temple visiting mr 23 u-conn, fran dunphy looking forin nber 200 game tied at 53. cling moments. josh brown withhe tough ot in the n upset in the mang. huskies gethe ba up court but their final shot is no good. the ow win at u sun 55-53. coach martelli gets a hu night from isaiah miles. he scores 31 ints of 14 shooting. he so grabbed nine round. and fast forward to the end of the game, hawks wn by three, dedre bembry for the tie b it the is off,
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st. joes has -. hawks seven game winning streak is done. that is sports. thanks duci jimmy kimmel live xt here followed by ne le. jimmy'sut are jn favorite, andusic fr paris. "action news"ontinues at 4:30 withamala edward, matt o'donnell, meorologist david murphy and karen rodgers with traffic. fr cecily, duess, jim gardner, and the entire "action news" team, i'm monica malpass, you have a od night, tight. >> ♪♪
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