tv Action News 11pm ABC January 9, 2016 1:35am-2:11am EST
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this little guy is non-stop. he's always hanging out with his friends. you've got to be prepared to sit at the edge of your seat and be ready to get up. there's no "deep couch sitting." it's definitely not good for my back. this is the part i really don't like right here. (doorbell) what's that? a package! it's a swiffer wetjet. it almost feels like it's moving itself. this is kind of fun. that comes from my floor? eww! this is deep couch sitting. deep couch sitting! at longhorn steak like this doesn't need anything else. which is why we don't just add, anything else. longhorn steaks that sizzle for $12.99. the new smoky bacon sirloin. the new spicy grilled jalapeno sirloin. and the parmesan crusted sirloin. all with hand chopped salad & unlimited bread for $12.99. tonight only at longhorn steakhouse. you cant fake steak. and for lunch try our new steak and bacon cheddar melt. or any steakhouse lunch combo starting at $7.
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these are t images th are getting now national a attention. they are images of a man ambushing a philadelphia cop and pumping bullets at point blank range. >> shots fed. shots fired. i'mhot. i'm bleeding heavily. >> despite serious wound to his arm officer jesse hartnett erged from his cruiser and fired back. so why has ts bomeead line ne across the country? because the n n to police he t inhe mof islamnd pledged a aegiance to is. friday night the b story on "action news" nht is the big qstion: ds 30
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year-old edward archer, the manho has confessed shooting a pladelphia pice officeraveies to terrorist? the the the fbi is w investigating why archer may have traveled tsaudi arabia in 2011 and egypt in 2012. police say there no indication that anybody el was involved in the ambu. "actionews" reporter je chirico is live penn psterian where fer hartnett is being treated but firstetso to dann wae airt police headquarters. ficials are marveling over t fact that hartnett survived the tk. >> reporter: they sure ar jim. they are marveling indeed. were learningrom ues tonight that the suspect had recently traveled to the middle east, saudi abia 2011 egypt 12 and ha coverted to islam. question le a investigators are trying to swer tonight is whether or not he had been contact with radical muslims. the ten seconds of terror were captured on the police
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surveillance camera. gunman dressed in the whe robe aes toward jesse hartnett a's police ciser must will will flashing as firesff dozen o. he reaches inhe rith the gun andhen runs away. inedibly the oicer who w shot three times in the lt m manager to radio . >> shots fi. the sts fed. i ha been shot. i'm bleeding heavily. >> all carstand by we he an officer shot 60 spruce. >> that is chilling. absolutely chilling when you watch that. >> reporter: policefficials stun images of ehe brazen tk. >> if that dsn't ma hairs on your neckaise when you see that it is st scary. >> reporter: even though he was badly wounded officer hartnett getsut of his patrol car, ued left arm dangling. he fires backnd strikes s a attacker three times. >> officer did strike this male. he is down, and also hit. we will need, rcue un as well. >> the the bravery he demonstrated, was sutely remarkable. s will to live undoubtably sav his life. >> reporter: police say that the suspect
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30 year-old edward archer to tm he aushed hartnett inhe name of ice is because police fd la contrary to the quran. >> he follows allah a th is yes was called upon to do this. >> reporter: police say the gun used was stolen from a police oicer several a ago. fbi and police ecuted two arch warrants cart ago y boxesf ttial ince. tonight poce officials could not say enough about officer hartnett's courage and bravery in the line of r >> he ay just, demonstrated, i mn pagon of excellence when itomes to what it means to be both a police officer in terms of ing a warrior and erything else when he had to be. >> reporter: and tonight officer hartnett is in fair condition, but faces a ng road to cery. investigators nnueo comb through evidence to see if the suspectad any direct ties, to isis. we' live at police headquarters i dan cuellar for channel six a "action news". police raided two
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locations, connected to the suspect today. the as th work together to gather evident and pin do a motive. one w at 61st and pineust blocks aw whe swat officers a and a member of the bomb squad sad and served a search warrant. neighbors say archer spent time at theh ho visiting a a relative who had recently moved out. the fbi searched the house for ver hours and mod at ast four boxes a and a g. investigators also descended on the delaware cntyo whe archer led with his mother south mal avenue in yeadon. theayor of that small boro says archer was known criminal but ports of possible radicalization, came as a o. >> he has a long criminal cordo he has a long rap sheet. so heas been on our rar reen and i believe he was heduled to be in our cnty court next week f other incident. >> indeed that is right.
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archer pleaded guilty to charges in philadelphia from 2013 of assault a ring a firearm without a license in delaware cnty, and he had recently been ncted of forgery, altering a document, careless driving andring on a suspended lense. in ft, archerad been set to be sentenced on those charges, three days from right now. "action news" reporter jeff chirico is live at penn presbyterian hospital in west philadelphia. jeff, you he heard om both the muslim community and from police. >> reporter: jim, both communities arehaken by th ightening ambush, in sponse, the muim leaders held a ws conference this afternoon to condemn the a attack and reaffirm their support for police. >> i would like to say that we're sorry that oer philadelphia police officer wasnjured inhe li of duty. >> reporter: muslim leaders in west pladelphia expressing sorrow and disaowinghe shoots of officer allegedly in the name of l. outside this mosque, ts man
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with 18th district police by his de says e shooting is not consistent with islam. he does not kw at alleged shooter edward archer but admits he may have worshiped here. >> thinks a public mosque. weaveeople from all over the city tt comes here, a he may have attended he. bu you kw, ai h no reflection on on the way we feel and the w we interact withhe the philadelphia police department. >> it was an ssination. >> reporter: images of the shoot's approaching jesse hartnett's cruiser haunts fop president john mcnesby and says aitudeowarden and women in ue need to change. >> we have to look ba to e what we're doing. erybody wants to feel good o everybody and blk ves matter, it is a all lis tr. our pi oicersives matter. we beer stt ping attention to it. >> reporter: at a beef and beer fundraiser f a la officer's my in south philadelphia, many aacks here on tho of their brothers make them a little re nervous but justs dedicated. >> our lives are in danger
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every dayut we do t best we canoelphe the community. >> are officers more on edge because this do you think. >> well, yes, you kw it isn't like these officers are rookies, thisuts in perspective. you know, it approaches oe with more caution and respect also. >> the philadelphia poli department has issued a w order, a new safety measure we're td all officers wi patrol, two to a car at least temporarily. we're live in penn presbyterian, jeff chirico for channel wl six "action news". "action news" spoke with witnesseso the gunireho described the frightening sights and sod of watching an oicer ofhe law come under fire. >> it just went boom, boom, bo. that y everybody was scared. people were standing outside they were running ouof t bars. we hit the floor. >>hen i auallyeard i i heard a cop yelling to the guy
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got the down. so id is what the the the cmion. i go to the wdow. i'm lking. i actually see th apprehend him. >> fortunately despite more than a dozen roundi betweenhe the suspect and e fer, nobody el was hit. pennsylvania governor tom wolf issued this statement tonight, saying qte, we are thankful that officer hartnett is alive d not facing fe threatening iuries, after being ambushed. we wi him and his my the thee during his rovery. thehe governorent on to yh alleged intentional act of violence against an officer seeking to help a fellow cizen is horrifying and has no ple in pennsylvania. the new york police department iued an ofcer saty alert tight in response to the the shooting, for more than a year, the department has bn rng cops that tir uform or an ficial insignia make them a rget. two nd oicers were ambushed with dd result in
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december of 2014. the the obama administration is lnching a new counter terrorism task forceo combat extremist propaganda on line. this an eort to keep people from becoming radicalized. members of the president's national security team traveled toilicone val wl i today seeking e help of t te industry. there will be two counter terrorist cter, one fus domestically, and the t other to be abroad. check with our web site six throughout the weekend for the vy latest developments in the police officer ambush investigation. right now you can vi the surveillance images, ravideo from the sne and our reports on the suspect's background. in other news tonight gunfire prompted a lge police response in the kensington section of philadelphia te th afternoon. police found on patrol and heard spots d spotted a c fleeing 600 block of lheny avenue. they chased the car to f street a hed more shs as e car's cants bailed out. two suspects were pred, one had been
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shot, li are searching for a motive and re evidence of the apparent gun battle. chopper six was over a river rescue tight philadelphia policeulled a mafrom the delaware o columbus blevard. medics we waiting athe peer washington avenue pier. thorities say thean s in good condition a as he was being transported to the spital, officials say he had slipped and fallen in to the river but was oerwise ok. still to come on "action news" tonight a solemn candle light vigil tonight in memory of a pgnant motherho ran back to save her son from fire buter came back o. plus, in the line of tire, we wi he how a a woman's n borrowing her car may have ved her life from this flying axle, ad. our weekendtorm beginning to grab moisture o of e lf mexico. we wlet you kn when it will push through, how cwe will sianni record high temperatures as well in the accu weather forecast. and jeff
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dozens of people turned out to remember the lives of the pregnant wan a her child. th were killed in an early morning house fire inorth philadelphia elabeth pereznd her two-year old son nathanal, died inside the the mon e 2800 block of r fourth street. perez initially madet out b went ba inside to save her little y. neitherade it out a alive. investigators foundt least five portable space ars inside the home. thereere no wking smoke detectors. >> you see these thingsnd you have to make sure that you ha to aice that sety theory. when you put them too close to anything combustible itan art a fire. >> perez was due in fruary. june 5th, 2013, the the day that six people were killed a 13 others were injured in the center city building collapse.
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today, two men were stenced fothe crimes. demolition contractor, griffin campbell wi r ten 15 d0 yrs in jail for involuntary manslaughter. the operator of the excavator heavy ument sean benschop s nnced vennd a half 15 years behind bars. bill cosby will due in front of t judge on february 2nd. at the montgomery county courthouse in norristown. the h lawyers were granted a a ptponement of the preliminary hearing that had been scheduled for xt tuesday. defensettorneys say th they need more te to get ready. prosecutors, will argue that they ve enough inceor the one year-old cby to proceed to trial on the ae of indecent aggravated assault. the philadelphia water tenth wants to rse res beginning this summer. the utility fed a ruest for ke of 11.7 percent, over two years. officials say tt would raise e the typical household bill $8 month. ey say it is need because
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philadelphia has aging inastructure, anduffered more than 900 war main breaks over a e year sn, andh ishe the highest total since 1996. if t hikece provedy city councilnd the independent waterate board will go in fect on l1st. all septa a pice officers are now wring bo cameras. e ogramas uhed, department wide, the start of the new year. septa a shs off the technology at a news coerence today. the officers will be expected to turn em o while responding to rio cls and durg all of e tactions with the publichile theyre on patrol. this solute echoed through the streets of easton today followinguneral services for a local air man. air force start sergeant pet taubb was one of six troops killed in the suicide bombing in afghanistan last mth. he grew up in wyncote montgomery uy.
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it was a heart breaking moment outside saint john's evangelical lutheran church as the the n guard psented an ameran flagohe ree-year old daughter, that u left behind. a neweport shows the american economy is growing at a solid pace. a according to e lar department eloyees added 292,000 b last n. t the unemployment rate stayshe at 5 percent for t third month in a row. last year ell employees created more than 2.6 million jobs. at k 2015 the second st yr f rg, since 1999. this break out six months agoas the the stuff of hollywood movies, but today the capture of notorious mexican drug lord, el chapo was no less dmatic. joachim guzmanas cuffed after a wild shoot-out inhe mexican sea side city th ft five people dead. guzman has eaped mexin prison twice. u.s. officials has qsted
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his eradition but there noordet where he will locked up. the mother of the so-called affluent teen will spend this weekend in a ja cell. tanyaouch c a a tas judge today she expressed displeasure with the condition ofer l theudge reminded her this is not a resort. tanya couch aceues of behindering apprehension of her son ethan couch who avoided jail ti afr killing four people, while driving drunk in 2013 is in a mexican detention center tonight. for the first time n world r two book sellers germany are rling out a new addition of hitler's murder us manifesto, the the py rht protection expiration, enabled the public tore put out this new addition. theublisher ys it is heavily annotated to expose its lies a to help understand mein kpf. health check at t 1:12 recommendations alcohol
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consumption conflict withach other. u.s. iued new guidelines yesterday, saying onerink a dayor woman and two drinks a dayor men are okutow itain's chief dal officer says thathere is no safe level of drinking. that any aohol increasing the ri of nr and lir disease. uk is now rommending that the their citizens drink no more than 6 pints ofeer or four glasses ofine per week. there are close calls during car aidentsnd tn ere is is on wednesday morning, in lkawana county an ax came flying off a trucknd sliced through windshield of an suv i driven wife aoman with her two children iide. theoman says the a le missed her by just ihes. she creditser teenage s for that, he had bn driving the v the g bere and moved the se back. the biggest lottery ckpot in youad histy is up forrands this ekend. right w, e per ball
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prize is 800 mlion-dollar, but wh ticket sales so strong, that number is bound to go up even me. youan see t frenzy here as hundreds waitn li in california. many from necessity vat which does not the take part, and they crossed the border in california f no one ws the jackpot will go upo a billion dollars. youan see the winning power ll numbers, drawn r "action news" at 11:00 tomorrow night, right here a afr e ac weather forecast. speaking of which am joseph with the weekend sry from accu weather. >> we're all dreaming big numbers when we talk about the temperatures, record here on sunday yet again just like this winter season a la of winter. we willake a o >> we will keep it that the way. >> we could. lets look the at double sc live radar not much gog on. the there is a aloft cloud warm o is about to pass through, not a lot of moisture with it but we cld see sprinkle, spritz or pchy drizzle late tonight.
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temperatures are warm, 42 in plelphia, 41 in trenton 41 in wilmington. many numbers are abo our normal his this time of the year. lehigh valley, upper 30's in the poconos. the sitting at 33 degrees. flirting near freezing in the poconos with me precipitation that could pass through later tonight the through 70 o'clock in the morning. the winter weather advisory continues. the could be a couple of slick spots in the higher terrain but overall not a big deal during t overnight hours night. warm front to the sth it will pass through. low pressure nber one south of chicago thatifts our northnd west. pulls in the warm air. and then the sondary ar of w pressure which will be e beast of the two, starting to pull moisture out of the gulf ofexico and th also go tour north and west and it will bring even rmer air during the day sday. so future tracker timinghis at 9:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. again, there could be some of that lightistr a drizzle freezing on contact in the poconos but t the rest of us majority of
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tomorrow rning, already in the 4s. tomorrow aernoon a lot of clo around, again not a lot of rain re on tday, and most of us ang dry from starto nh, with temperatures on eitr si of 50 for yo surday, d then in the we hours of ny morning, this is jt after miight on saturday, at is when the rn starts to arrive from the south and st d will turn heavy steady, y can see pockets of these really intense downpours. 9:00 a a. sunday morning with temperatures already near 60 degrees. we will have a ry strong jet stream off t the atlantic. there could be a thunderstorm with s wind. then in the afternoon some breaks of sun will develop and a secondary area of ors will come in late in the day with the cold front when we reach the the low to mid 60's d r on sunday morning take a look at the wind near 40 plus l an hour at the shore, even upper 30's wind gusts in the northwest suburbs. so this csive ac weather forecast shows it is warm t entire weekend.
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fifty-two tomorrow. mainly cloudy. heavy rain sunday morning. a tnderstorm. thehen record in the afternoon of 63 degrees in phadelphia a some areas even higher then tt, a then the sa storm at brings in t warmth will wi whipped us onond. they will be mu colder. a high of just 37 drees. a bu up temporarily on tuday at 43 beforen arctic frontomes tough wednesday morning and could touch off flurry or a snow or. that introduces some aric air wednesday trsday, friy, wi highs on in the the 30 a' but no big snowstorm in that seven y forecast despite those temperatures dropping. >> thanks, adam. well, "action news" was at a dance party onkates cooper river park tonight. tonight was the oning night of rockhe t ice at camden county wint festce n whe wld cls skaters glided around the ri to great music. it ri every wkd
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>> no. >> will they have a coach next week, they still have guys to interview a one of the candidates may be getting y here. they have interviewed four ys, nothing to sw for it. eagles fired ch key befe their finalame to get a jump start on the coachingech while a week in the interview process, still no coach. chiefs coordinator doug peterson is expected to interview next, on sunday. the philadelphia a day news reported jon gruden was irested in the job but in a atement to six ab gruden's represent are i have tells us that john has no plans to go back to coaching. theonday night football analystas not coached since 2008. if the eagles are serious about hiring bears offensive coordinator am gase, they better move quickly. the the eagles met wi him on tuesday. he then t with the giants today and gase wi reportedly meet with the dolphins for a second interview torrow. so wh nd of coach is the eagles players hoping to he? we cght up with linebacker
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jordan hicks at nty os and framingthe oxford valley mall to find out what he is looking f in a new boss. >> somebody who justice always there, you you know, d a understands the the ge and develop it from ere. somebody gis himself as a coach and as a person at the same time. >> chip kelly still looking for a job. former eagles ss ierviewed wi t e yesterday but there are reportedly eyeing another candidate. meanwhile, desean jkson is still ging chip the evil eye. jackson tells the the the football site mond morning quarterback m a firm believe their badarma cos back on you. when you ru a team like that youo things pps familyou release people, you trade people, y get r of the good players who build something with the community with the fans, withhe kid and to he auy me in and change that team up, i jt believe in karma. so for everyone to go separate ys ando s how it all ended u
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eagles fans, you wanted andy reid out in 2013, and careful what you wish for his replacement chip kelly failed whe hes red h in kansas city. they have won a am record ten straight heading in the playoffs. reid andhie faceexans tomorrow, ledy rr eagle remy maclin. he has been one of the be receivers in the the nfl th year. j mack is what the big difference inig red right now in ns ci. >> hes a lot more laid c and, you know, he is still the
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same person, i think that is what you can respect about him. but you know, y can definitely see he is kind of gotten a new f you know, in sse. >> andy i je maclin andhe chiefsa the texans tomorrow at 4:30, right he on six abc. former eagles st quarterback randall cunningham will be induct in the college fat ball hall of fameut here's the kicker, cunningham will go in as a pter. yeah cuiham played college ball at u.n. lc has one of the best punting erages ofll ti and of course eagles fans will always remember th 91-yard pu return with the gn in 1989. >> they say you are a a lot more laidack then you e to be. >> what, like andy. >> no. >> not cse. >> high strung. >> if youay so. >> jimmy ml live next on channel six followed by night ne. i don't think so. "action w nnues at
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what is up with the cop uniform? aw, this is from when grayson proposed to me but lately, we've been using it for, well, you know how we do. (singsongy) role playas. ohh. (chuckles) you have the right to remain naked. ooh. how would you like it if we talked about our sex life all the time? oh, come on. no. don't. no, no, no. great. they're grossed out by the thought of us naked. not us my friend. (chuckles) ♪ captioned by closed captioning services, inc. (all) newspaper jinx! i win. come on, guys. hand 'em over. ahh. sweet, triple coupons. tom, do you think you could turn that new fountain off every once in a while? why? i sleep with my windows open, and it just makes me have to pee constantly. (laughter)
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