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tv   World News Now  ABC  January 15, 2016 2:10am-4:01am EST

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>> ♪
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g-mail, beer me! (whispers) shh. (lowered voice) mnh. we're trying to get my daughter to nap. (mouths word) andy, stop that toast! (gasps) (clink) (lowered voice) ohh. ow. close your eyes. ♪ twinkle, twinkle, little star ♪ (all, lowered voices) ♪ how i wonder what you are ♪ up above the world so high ♪ like a diamond in the sky ♪ twinkle, twinkle, little star ♪
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♪ how i wonder what you are (gasps, lowered voice) we did it. (cheering) face! (tampa cries) (chuckles) we're dumb. ♪ captioned by closed captioning services, inc. (whispers indistinctly) (door closes) hey, dime eyes. your baby mama just pulled up. why is dummy late this time? maybe holly forgot she had a baby. (coos) she's not that ridiculous. (door closes) hey, you guys. i'm sorry i'm late, but i was driving in to the boob doctor, 'cause, um, i'm thinking about going a little bigger. actually, maybe a little bit smaller. (chuckles) i don't really care. i just need a change... (laughs) and i forgot i have this baby. grayson-- in your face! i was gonna say "in your face." you just stole my thunder! you're a thunder stealer! that's my indian name. you do it again, and we're going to therapy. please don't make me. you take your friends to therapy? yeah, if they annoy me. so if tampa ever had a little break from reality...
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(chuckles) like her mama did that one time, you guys could help? we would do anything, whether she needed our time or our money or... whoa. did you just say... (chuckles) "omoney"? (chuckles) yeah. why? (chuckling) oh. oh, no. please. please don't-- don't make me go there. why should i pay for his mistake? ooh. don't you think it's a skosh hurtful to refer to his child as a "mistake"? what if i called her a "whoopsie"? (chuckles) i'll allow it. okay, thanks. (chuckles) good. you are setting aside egoism to resolve a source of dissonance. don't big-word me, lynn. no, it was a compliment. i don't care. i-i don't either. we're getting married. i thought we'd combine our finances. so you want to help pay for travis's college? (chuckles) sure. yeah, even if he goes to med school. wow. so you think bobby and i could produce a doctor, huh? (both laughing) bobby's literally never read a book, and yesterday i got my hand stuck in the bottom of a honey-roasted peanut jar. the salt and the sugar at the bottom is like heroin. look, money is a huge source of conflict in any marriage.
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i mean, even with my reggie, may he rest in peace, uh, most of our arguments were about money... and his prostitute problems, but... (sighs) any good relationship requires sharing everything... (coughs) even s.t.d.s, but also money. grayson's right. (laughs) oh, yes! (laughs) if you weren't my therapist, we would so be going to therapy. (both yawn) where's the coffee grinder? under the sink. do you know where stan is? no, but i think it's good that neither of us knows. oh, i remember where i put him. boo! aah! (both laugh) stan the man! (grunts) bam! boom! give me some, buddy. (strained voice) ohh! (coughs) ohh. classic. why do you always mess with people? that's how i show love. but you never screw with bobby, and i know you two love each other, because his hand is in your back pocket. just grabbing some gum. oh. why do you leave him alone? (gasps) oh. it's because you think he can't take it.
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oh, is that true, buddy? uh... (sighs) happy? mm-hmm. (chuckles) i am coming for you. here is your double chocolate fudge cake, cindy. have a great party. (mouths word) there is no party. she's single, and it's friday. cindy makes me sad. who cares? my cake business is on... (high-pitched voice) fire! i'm picking my classes for next semester. should i go with all photography courses or throw in a class in some profession that actually makes money, in case i ever want to, you know, eat? do you remember my life philosophy? don't get hammered at brunch? the one after that. you gotta shake it till you make it? it turns out, that one is only really good for dance-offs or cocktails. okay, new life philosophy-- nothing ever works out unless you are in... (deep voice) 100%. (cell phone alert chimes) (sighs) oh, my god. i'm late for my real job. okay, excuse me! uhh!
2:17 am
aah! (purse thuds) (grunts) (panting) well, good-bye to you, sir, and thank you for calling with your very important real estate question. why are you so winded? i was just putting on my lipstick. i have to hold my breath to do it. (inhales deeply) mm. that's a pretty shade. is that so people on the moon know you're tacky? ugh. uh, i just can't wrap my head around this whole "our money" thing. the day i found out andy and i were sharing money, i quit my job, got a big tv, and bought myself ten pairs of sweatpants. never looked back. but you weren't married to a financial black hole. i mean, it took me forever to get out of debt, and now i have a very successful business. oh, by the wayans brothers, my paycheck bounced. oh, well, just give it a week. it'll clear. (chuckles) or... you could pay her now. wait. did you just realize something that i should have realized? okay, don't tell me! um, lead me there. okay. what's your problem? i have a urinary tract infection.
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no, the one we just talked about. i can't pay laurie. so now why are you mad at grayson? because he gave me the u.t.i. no! uh, because he wants to combine finances. you got it! let's go! oh, this is exciting. where are we going? no clue. shh. (lowered voice) ellie's just jealous. she thinks i care about you more than her. do you? yes. it's not even close. that's why i never mess with you. oh, thanks, man. i feel much better. ooh, what's that? it's my self-generating water bottle. you just leave it in the sun, and the tiny motor fuses oxygen and hydrogen. it basically pulls water out of the air and fills itself up. you wanna try it out? could i? ooh, check it! andy lent me his self-generatin' water bottle. fantastic. ah. i don't feel good about this. you've never been sexier.
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(whispers) shirts off tonight. oh. oh. (sighs) why are you robbing me? well, i owe laurie money for work, so i thought i would pay her with our money. thank you... (chuckles) and i... would like to buy this burger. oh, my god. now i understand how the economy works. proud of yourself? you're the one who wanted to pool our money... (chuckles) so-- in your face! thunder stealer. (sighs) i warned you. no, please don't. so, ellie, how long have you been a thunder stealer? it all started about... 15 years ago. oh... (scoffs) brother. spending the day with my niece. that make me smile. i don't use super poligrip for hold, because my dentures fit well. before those little pieces would get in between my dentures and my gum and it was uncomfortable. even well fitting dentures let in food particles. just a few dabs of super poligrip free is clinically proven to seal out more food particles so you're more comfortable and confident while you eat.
2:20 am
so it's not about keeping my dentures in, it's about keeping the food particles out. try super poligrip free. want to survive a crazy busy day? sfx: cell phone chimes start with a positive attitude... and positively radiant skin. aveeno® positively radiant moisturizer... with active naturals® soy. aveeno® naturally beautiful results®. when emergency room doctors choose an otc pain reliever for their patients muscle, back and joint pain.
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the medicine in advil is their #1 choice. nothing is stronger on tough pain than advil. relief doesn't get any better than this. advil.
2:22 am
okay. you know, it's smart that you guys are taking a look at your finances. grayson, your bar is breaking even, but you're not putting any money away. nope. 4-day workweeks, free drinks-- livin' the dream. what's up? no, thanks. (chuckles) it happened again, didn't it? (sighs) well, i just shouldn't keep honey-roasted peanuts here. okay, pressing on. jules, you're doing actually okay. the rent on this place is so high. do you have to stay in the plaza? yemy business is all about foot traffic. really? no, but in the afternoon, when the sun hits my desk just right, all my neck issues disappear. (clicks tongue and pops lips) this next cut is a bit painful, but ellie said i have to tell you. you probably don't need an assistant. laurie, andy wants to fire you! seriously, andy?! ellie said! i'm not saying when,
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but you're getting a dead arm. now i have to... (cell phone alert chimes) go do some work thing. i don't want a dead arm. look, all this financial stress disappears once you guys get married. obviously, you're gonna sell one of your houses and live together. live together? like, all the time together? good luck with your future. (cell phone alert chimes) i have cake orders coming in, but i have to go back to my real job. ugh. i wish there was more than one of me, and not just for the sex stuff. i wonder if any of these randos would want to help me out. well, you know, if there is one thing people love... (sighs) it's working for free. i don't know. happy people get their coffee to go. (lowered voice) the ones that actually sit down are the lost souls. they're just waiting, trying to get up enough courage to pull a tab off the "drummer wanted" sign. (normal voice) no, dude. you're not what they're looking for. (taps beats) i bet they're all just kinda dying for something to do. (scoffs) you really think you're gonna get help from a failed screenwriter, a failed screenwriter,
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and a failed screenwriter? hey, tom. would you go deliver this cake for me? you want me to drop everything and drive a cake across town? i do. i'm on it. boom! water! we got water! no way! whoo! water! hoo-hoo-hoo! yogi, how's that self-generating water bottle treating ya? it's amazing, but this regulator sucks. this thing flooded my boat. that'll happen. tell him why, andy. i don't wanna. tell him why. the amount of water generated depends
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on the heat-to-wind ratio. mm. duh. i get the "whys" of it. i just wish it had a better regulator. (laughing) don't you laugh at him! don't you do it! he's a beautiful person! so, look, jules and i are having a hard time deciding which house to keep, so we need your help. just be honest and speak from your heart. i'll always loved jules's house. mm. shut up, andy. hey, hey, hey, hey. wow. yeah. hey, guys. give him a break. this is really hard. we both have strong emotional ties to our houses. i mean, i raised my only son in my beautiful mediterranean home, and while grayson's house doesn't seem to get any natural light, he did go through a nasty divorce here, which led to a yearlong skank parade. now i'm not trying to sway you either way, but when you get up from that ottoman, i'd go get a pregnancy test. ew. it is a cushiony platform with wheels. it was utilized.(chuckles) (andy and bobby chuckle) would you guys mind if i made this about me? we'd be surprised if you didn't.
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jules's house is right next to mine. ours. (chuckles) anyway, grayson's house is an extra 30 steps... every day... forever. can't do it. i told you to come up with an emotional, heartfelt reason to pick mine. you know, i'm partial to the layout of this house. you know, the open floor plan has a very logical flow. "logical flow"? hmm. that's how you talk now? fine. grayson bribed me with beer. (whispers) oh, god. (clicks tongue) you aren't mad, are you, jules? well, doc, i guess i've been lettin' jules down for years. he really has. uh-huh. hey, steve, did those eggs manage to order themselves? get on it! is this for real? as real as the easter bunny, except real. (cell phone rings) oh! it's showtime. here you go, betsy. krazy kakes. hold for ms. keller. (whispers indistinctly) (clears throat) this is laurie keller. sure. done. (clatters) attention, staff.
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we just sold... our 20th cake today! congratulations, you guys. wow. so drunk on power. trav, go fetch me a latte. no. thank you for keeping me grounded. what's wrong with you people? she's not paying you. uh, we're part of something here, man. i'm taking this bad boy hikin'. but it's crazy hot out. and all you're taking is that empty bottle. and these pretzels. there's still a sip in there. that thing works best if it's completely empty. on it. i have to tell him. but if you do, it's like saying he can't handle it. (door closes) dry as a bone. you know, i used to get magic and science mixed up... (chuckles) but now i realize they're just one and the same. (laughs) (strained voice) have a good hike. you betcha. (bag crackles) jules, you have a set session every week. no more showing up whenever you want. it's okay. uh, baxter will still be dead tomorrow.
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oh, i'm so sorry about your dog. brother. nice meeting you. we just need some help with this house decision. you know the drill. (sighs) let me hear your "what i wants." what i want is for him to stop being unreasonable. i want her to think about my needs. and i want to know where you got this lip balm. i want to know-- what are you doing here? just trying to fill the day. can we get back to my session? this isn't your session. that's for another session. okay, i just don't think we're gonna agree on which house to sell, so what do we do, flip a coin? (pursed lips) deal. by the way, this stuff really is great. all right. heads--we stay at my place. tails--we live in grayson's crap shack. (coin clinks) jules, i don't think you're gonna want to make such a big decision on a coin flip. well, i-i want to. that's it. i make the all the compromises in this relationship. i eat gluten-free pasta, which tastes like farts. i stopped wearing blazers with hoodies. (laughs) (laughing) oh, my god. i'm--i'm sorry. pfft. (chuckles) i'm supposed to be impartial, but come on.
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i'm keeping my house. (pursed lips) fine! (normal voice) then i'm keeping my house! so... what are we doing with the rest of my session? this isn't your session. oh, would you stop it? (chuckles) mike? janet? cough if you can hear me. don't even think about it. i took mucinex dm for my phlegmy cough. yeah...but what about mike? he has that dry scratchy thing going on. guess what? it works on his cough too. cough! guess what? it works on his cough too. what? stop! don't pull me! spoiler alert! she doesn't make it! only mucinex dm relieves both wet and dry coughs for 12 hours with two medicines in one pill. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. does your makeup remover every kiss-proof,ff? cry-proof, stay-proof look? neutrogena® makeup remover does. it erases 99% of your most stubborn makeup with one towelette. need any more proof than that? neutrogena.
2:30 am
recently we've noticed some ads created by these two birds, inviting you to stay away from the streak free shine of windex. well dear windex users these ads are false. sfx: squeaks from window cleaning clean glass is better than dirty glass. don't stand for dirty. use windex.
2:31 am
hey. hey. you gonna stay over there tonight? it is saturday. i mean, we used to always stay here on the weekends. i know. i really miss that. you were there last night. stop being weird. just talk. dead arm! ohh! he's totally right, you guys. (andy groaning) your house or mine? come here. we'll have sex first. you headed in? sure am. ohh. it's brutal. make sure you've got a lot of water. i've got an extra bottle if you want it. i'm all set. but... you... um...
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(whistles) (chuckles) okay. i bought a demon mask so i can get revenge on stan. i just don't know if i should wait till he falls asleep and jump on his bed orjust throw him over my shoulder and run off into the woods with him. he's your child. well, he needs to learn. i can't deal with this right now. he's hiking in the devil's hole. that's, like, 20 miles without shade. you let your friend hike devil's hole without any water? i mean, i thought you cared about him. you're kidding, right? he's fine. don't you think he's fine? (grunts in singsong voice) why won't you work?! (panting) ha! whew. i'm back. i can't drop this off. there's an emergency at the hospital. well, it's practically on your way. i'm sorry. ohh. well, with that attitude, he's never gonna be anything more than a delivery boy. he's a neurosurgeon. meh. i'll just get karen to do it. karen? well, wait. what-- where did everybody go? travis! you were supposed to keep them here.
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what i am supposed to threaten them with? "you'll never work in the volunteer cake-selling business again"? (chuckles) oh, this sucks. i felt like this was becoming something real. well, it still can be. look at all these orders you got. i mean, if you really want this cake business so badly, why don't you actually go for it? what, and quit working for your mom? travis, i could never let her down like that. well, then you're betraying your own life's philosophy. never fight short-haired bitches? what? i changed it again. something went down earlier in the ladies' room. laurie, you said it, okay? nothing you really want in life works out unless you're in 100%. i know. (gasps) she's back. (lowered voice) don't look. don't look. don't look. don't look over there. look away. uh-huh. (pants) jules, is--is everything okay? hey, lynn. you want a glass of wine? you said it was an emergency. you--you said grayson hit you. no. (chuckles) i meant, hit on me. (chuckles) i just wasn't feeling sexual, and you know that's a hot-button issue for me.
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looks like you... just had sex. oh, we did. (chuckles) well, look, now you're here. let's just get into it. (chuckles) the house issue. okay, i'm--i'm sorry, but this is not okay with me. i am a professional... (whiny voice) and that's my lip balm! i'm your craziest patient. you can retire off me. you have a point. i did just buy a catamaran... (chuckles) and i don't even know how to sail. all right. (sighs) what do you need? we need a quick fix. you want, like, uh, you want, like, an easy-out kinda thing, right? yeah, yeah, okay. uh, how about this? you guys aren't getting married for a few more months. you know, maybe you guys can get lucky and it could all fall apart before then, so why sell a hounow, you know what i mean? take all those hard decisions that, by the way, every couple has to make and just let 'em festinside, you know what i mean? just--just put 'em off until the last possible moment, huh? ooh, let's do that. yeah. mm. i-i was being, uh-- mm. hmm. you're good, lynn... mm. but in the short term, what do we do about your business?
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(joe gil) ♪ i spent.. i know what i should do. (sighs) ♪ in yesterday ♪ i glanced inside laurie. (sighs) i need to talk to you. i need to talk to you, too. i can't believe you had the park ranger check on bobby. he's lost in the devil's hole with a water bottle full of lies. so he gets a little thirsty. what's the worst that can happen? (siren wailing in distance) they're bringing him out now. bobby! (high-pitched voice) bobby! (gurney rattles) make it quick. he's severely dehydrated. (weakly) that's just a normal water bottle, isn't it? yeah. then thanks for messin' with me, buddy. anytime. you married to one of those guys? no, they're lovers. ♪ i packed... wanna have dinner? nope. ♪ past wow, this is hard. it's so hard. all these years you've been there for me. i'm so lucky to have had that.
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before i met you, i had nothing. i was as lost as someone who hangs out in coffee shops, but you hired me, and you taught me how to be responsible and how to take control of my life. i didn't do that. yes, you did. all right. i did, but you listened. (sighs) come here. mm. (sniffles) go ahead. say it.'re gonna have to do this. i can't do it. mnh-mnh. okay, let's say it at the same time. okay. go! you're fired. i quit. ♪ nothing stays the same i can't believe you fired me. i can't believe you quit. bitch. ♪ we lived i can't believe we're not gonna see each other every day. i know. hey. are you still gonna keep this expensive office? ♪ ...back ♪ we lived our chance hi. would you like to see some beachfront condos? no, i just want cupcakes.
2:37 am
♪ i packed crap. ♪ our past it's easy for me cause look at as it is her.him... aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel. >> i'm alex trebek. if you're age 50 to 85, i have an important message about security. write down the number on your screen, so you can call when i finish. the lock i want to talk to you about
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isn't the one on your door. this is a lock for your life insurance, a rate lock, that guarantees your rate can never go up at any time, for any reason. but be careful. many policies you see do not have one, but you can get a lifetime rate lock through the colonial penn program. call this number to learn more. this plan was designed with a rate lock for people on a fixed income who want affordable life insurance that's simple to get. coverage options for just $9.95 a month, less than 35 cents a day. act now and your rate will be locked in for life. it will never increase, guaranteed. this is lifelong coverage that can never be cancelled as long as you pay your premiums, guaranteed. and your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. you cannot be turned down because of your health. call for your information kit and read about this rate lock for yourself. you'll also get a free gift with great information
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both are free, with no obligation, so don't miss out. call for information, then decide. read about the 30 day, 100 percent money back guarantee. don't wait, call this number now. ♪
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rawr! what's wrong? mommy looks weird without her makeup. (laughs) attaboy, stan. beat it.
2:41 am
2:42 am
for all day or all night relief, try delsym®-the #1 doctor recommended 12 hour cough liquid. this has been medifacts for delsym®. try delsym®-the #1 doctor recommended 12 hour cough liquid. moisture so i can get into it ao enhance mbit quicker. ral and when i know she's into it, i get into it and... feel the difference with k-y ultragel. (ugh.) ♪ ♪
2:43 am
does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, try resolve pet expert. the federal government wants to see more self-driving carson the road. asap. so the obama administration is moving to fast track policies and safety standards. he had need to spend nearly $4 billion over the next ten years. the hope is they could wipe out
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94% of fatal accidents caused by human error. it's a big issue for moms and dads who have to do drop off for kids all the time. >> if you have chrysler denying allegations it encourages dealer to to talsly report sales. one of the deal recent which operates in florida and illinois, nepalton says fiat chrysler used strong arm tactics on dealers to make its sales seem better than they are actually are. automaker reported sales increases for 69 consecutive months. now even vegans can drive cutting edge trendy automobiles. the tes las says the interior of its crossover is synthetic leather. the all black choice used to be the only choice for strict vegetarians. >> whew. >> i'm going to sleep better tonight. >> sounds like something straight out of a science fiction movie.
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patients growing your skin, muscles and even bones. >> kind of interesting. thanks to innovations in stem cell research an athlete in south florida used pig cells to get back into the game. christie kruger from our miami station with the story. >> reporter: 22-year-old caila ogle has been playing softball as long as she can remember. but the university senior thought her days as a center fielder were over after her middle finger on her throwing hand got caught in a door. >> there was just blood going down my hand. blood was just all over my shirt. i looked down, there was blood all over the floor and my finger was on the floor. >> reporter: she can smile about it now. instead of losing part of her finger, dr. david helped her grow a new one. the amazing medical break through all begins with pigs. >> as you can see, it's very thin. >> yeah, it's like paper. >> reporter: this is a cell therapy made from a pig's
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bladder. he attached the material to caila's finger where it acted as a sort of scaffolding stimulating human cells to reproduce. >> whether that tissue is an abdominal wound, a fingertip, bone, muscle, this allows us and the patient to regrow their own tissue. >> reporter: it took her three months to grow a brand-new finger and now with rehab, she's actually back to normal. not only did she grow a new finger, she grew a brand-new nail, as well. this powder also made from pig cells was applied every day. >> we would just hope to get some length on the fingertip because she's an athlete just so she can grip the ball and actually bat. i told her that she should expect she won't have any nail growth and to our surprised, she even had her complete nail grow back. >> today, kayla is back in the game, thankful for this amazing medical miracle.
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>> i just thought it was going to be this whole life changing thing where i would look different and be sun conscious about it all the time. now with i have a nail and i look normal and it's not this bad. >> this therapy is also used to hepburn patients, diabetic wounds and even cancer patients. for abc news, i'm christie kruger. >> enjoy your breakfast. back in a moment.
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♪ my heart will go on and on it really was a modern day fairy tale story. the mentor who transformed a teenage celine dion into a music legend and eventually married her. >> deion mourning the death of her husband and love of her life. singer and manager renee angel little. we're up "up all nightline" with abc's juju chang. >> millions of people in the world who don't have time to say good-bye and you know what, i'm amazed how fortunate we are. >> reporter: her voice providing the sound track to love, my heart will go on from the "titanic." ♪ my heart will go on about. >> but he was celine dion's real life epic romance. he passed away at the age of 73
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after a long bout with throat cancer. they met she was just 12 years old, he a music manager plucking her from poverty. together they built her career and eventually a relationship. they married in 1994 and had three children together. >> i went backstage in vegas with the family back income 2011. then rene had already dealt with his first bout of throat cancer. as she told deborah roberts, the disease would soon return. >> he sat down and said i have cancer again. my heart started to beat faster about you my body shut off. it took a toll on me. >> reporter: that toll and her willingness to bear it a true testament to their incredible love. >> he's got a feeding tube. i have to feed him three times a day. unfortunately i had to say listen i can't be half here and half over there, please allow me to stay home. but she says rene himself
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encouraged her to go back to the stage. >> sometimes and i think i'm used to it, downtown feel what you need to feel. just do it. >> go on stage. >> i did because i love him. and i did, and it was very hard. we complete each other. we're one. and now those iconic ballads like "because you love me" will undoubtedly take on new meaning for the singer, poignant and bittersweet laced with the memory of the love that inspired them juju chang nbc news, new york. ♪ >> what an incredible love story. you think about their three children, too. i loved how she started the interview saying they've had time to prepare for this and say good-bye which is something she admitted a lot of people don't really get. >> no doubt this is still a really, really tough morning in her household. it was a controversial relationship when it started out, but ended up beautifully.
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>> sure did. we'll be right back. it's not always as easy for me as it is for him... it's easy for me cause look at her. aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel.
2:53 am
(ugh.) ♪ ♪ does your carpet ever feel rough and dirty? don't avoid it, resolve it. our formula with a special conditioning ingredient, softens your carpet with every use. it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, try resolve pet expert. wheall i can think abouthit, is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i'll need relief.
2:54 am
that's why i only choose nicorette mini. human hepati-irus... >>c virus. there are a lot of different kinds of yucky germs. but not all disinfecting wipes... are approved to kill the same number of them. lysol wipes are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. don't pick just any wipe. try that one! this cold and flu season lysol that. where do you think you're going? to work, with you. it's taco tuesday. you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. oh, right then i'll swing by in like 4 hours. forget the tacos! one pill lasts 12 hours. i'm good all day. wait! your loss. i was going to wear a sombrero. only mucinex has a bi-layer tablet that starts fast, and keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours.
2:55 am
start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. it is time for "insomniac theater." two new movies opening today. >> we start with the 13 hours". the secret soldiers of benghazi. it's based on the account of the surviving members of that special forces operation. it stars a bucked up john krazynski helping to defend a pair of american installations from overnight attacks on september 11th, 2012. >> the u.s. ambassador at risk. >> the ambassador is in his safe haven. you're not the first responders. you're the last resort. you will wait. >> none of you have to go. we are the only help they have. >> 13 hours getting a splat on
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rotten tomatoes, just a 57% approval rating. minnow la darche ez of "the new york times" writes the movie is 45 minutes of setup and eternity of relentless combat. writes this frib beauty to the defenders of the u.s. outpost shows michael bey can make a film about human beings. >> next up a much, much lighter offer from director tim story. ride along 2," kevin hart, ice cube back lead the sequel to the blockbuster in which ben heads to miami with his soon to be brother-in-law james played by ice cube to bring down a drug lord as ben's wedding day approaches. senator what you got for me? >> i tried to get into this and it fried my computer. it's like it's got acid for blood. >> aliens. >> uh-huh. >> i've never seen a device lock this tight. someone encrypt this had to a level we can't crack.
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>> hackers. >> freelance hackers. we should make a hacker a fraccer. >> do you ever listen to the [ expletive ] that fly out your mouth? >> no. >> so the critics overwhelmingly hate what they're hearing and seeing giving it a major splat ride along 2 getting only 15% right now on rotten tomatoes. joshua wa rothkopf writes eddie murphy please come back and show these clowns how it's done. the a.p.'s sandy cohen writing if you thought the first one was fun, take another spin. it won't disappoint you. >> so "13 hours"? >> maybe with the volume down so you can look at john kra skin zin can i and the guns. >> remember to follow us on facebook at have a great weekend. ♪
2:58 am
2:59 am
everyone loves the way dark clothes make them feel. and no one wants that feeling to fade. that's why there's woolite darks. it's free of harsh ingredients, keeping dark clothes looking like new for 30 washes so your love for dark clothes will never fade. woolite darks.
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this morning on "world news now," political punches on the republican stage. >> last night's republican debate and the nasty smackdowns between donald trump and ted cruz. the intensity on stage just weeks before the iowa caucuses. stay tuned for our extensive coverage. jackpot drama. the mysteries and hoax after the record powerball drawing. who is splitting the $1.6 billion prize. health alert. the frightening disease spread by mosquitos. the warnings going out to pregnant travelers from the cdc. >> and oscar outrage. the nominations and the controversy over who was left off the list. does hollywood face a diversity issue? it's friday, january 15th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now".
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good morning, everyone on then busy friday. i'm reena ninan. >> i'm kendis gibson. yes, we have made it to friday. wow, what a fantastic thursday night it was watching the republicans go at it. >> i can't believe we're not too far off from iowa and new hampshire. >> just a little more than two weeks from the caucuses and then the primaries in new hampshire and you can get that sense last night with the six republican debate that thing are narrowing down. >> and seven candidates now making the primetime is taken in south carolina. ted cruz now jumping to second in the polls which means he's getting a lot of fire from front-runner donald trump. >> our coverage gets started right now with abc's bazi kanani. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, kendis and reena. even with fewer candidates on the stage, the debate was just as heated. donald trump even admitting he is going harder after ted cruz because cruz is doing better in the polls. the first gop debate of this election year began with across the board attacks on president obama. >> this guy is a petulant child.
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>> any nation that captures our fighting men and women will feel the full force and furrey of the united states of america. >> reporter: just seven candidates made the cut for the primetime showdown. ted cruz defending himself on two fronts from a new report that he didn't tell the federal election commission about a million dollar loan from wall street banks for his senate campaign. >> and yes, i made a paperwork error disclosing it on one piece of paper instead of the other but if that's the best hit "the new york times" has got, they'd better go back to the well. >> reporter: then a sparring match with donald trump about his accusations that the canadian-born cruz might not legally be allowed to be as president. >> i mean you have great constitutional lawyers that say you can't run. >> i'm not going to be taking legal advice from donald trump. >> you don't have to. >> i hate to interrupt this episode of court tv, but the real -- >> reporter: trump claiming governor nikki haley actually paid him a compliment this week. >> i'm very angry because our country is being run horribly
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and i will gladly accept the mantle offing ander. >> cruz not backing down. >> not a lot of conservatives come out of manhattan. >> when the world trade center came down, i saw thing that no place on earth could have handled more beautifully more humanely than new york. >> besides those personal attacks, the debate focused on terrorism, immigration and the economy. the democrats are headed to south carolina next for their debated this sunday. >> thank you. let's bringing in abc deputy political director show shawna walsh to talk about all of this. >> good morning. >> a few big moments we saw in bazi's report including questions about ted cruz's birthplace. >> back in september, my friend donald said he had had his lawyers look at this from every which way. there was no issue there. there was nothing to this birther issue. >> the fact is there's a big overhang. there's a big question mark on
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your head. and you can't do that to the party. you really can't and you know -- >> this really was the showdown of the night. we were waiting for it because we haven't really seen ted cruz and donald trump go at it face to face before. because you know, really ted cruz has had this kind of bear hug strategy and they haven't really gone head to head. tonight, of course, that was over. you saw this lengthy back and forth over this birther argument. and ted cruz essentially saying that that donald trump was just playing politics that before he said it wasn't a problem, now that he's closing in on the polls, now it's a problem. >> who would have known the bromance would have ended over the birthers. >> the mere fak it was a topic means trump has made april packet there. the other moment that was trending ought night long, the #new york values. take a look. >> but everyone understands that
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the values in new york city are socially liberal or pro abortion or pro gay marriage. not a lot of conservatives come out of manhattan. i'm just saying. >> new york is a great place. it's got great people. it's got loving people. wonderful people. when the world trade center came down, i saw something that no place on earth could have handled more beautifully, we rebuilt downtown manhattan and everybody in the world watched and everybody in the world loved new york and loved new yorkers. >> so really, i mean, this new york values as you said was trending. but inside this argument, ted cruz really had a bit of a kind of an elbow to donald trump when he said that not a lot of conservatives come out of manhattan because on the campaign trail, donald trump has been saying that there's not a lot of evangelicals that come out of cuba. of course, that's a reference to ted cruz's lineage.
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oh it was kind of almost like a two jabs in one. but in the end when donald trump said that he was very uninsulted by that statement, he seemed to have the upper hand. what's what you've seen with it trending. > cruz also we were waiting for this moment in many instances him to talk about that million dollar loan. >> we knew that was coming. he knew it was going to come. this is the big story going in today. and he essentially just blamed the media which, of course is a tried and true blast. mostly from republican candidates, but of course, this cycle we're seeing it on both sides of the aisle. that's how he deflected by hitting "the new york times" and also hitting the moderator for even asking about it. of course, this was the big story today. of course, they were going to ask about it. >> this was a long but really good debate. trump and cruz weren't the only candidates at it. at one point, rubio and christie also went at it. take a look. >> i like chris christie but we cannot afford to have a
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president of the united states that supports common core. we cannot afford to have a president of the united states that supports gun control. >> i like marco too and two years ago, called me a conservative reformer that new jersey needed. that was before he was running against me. now that he is, he's changed his tune. >> you know, it was interesting to see this because chris christie really kind of tried to turn marco rubio on his head by saying in anoth ing iing in deb bush not to attack you because we were all on the same team. marco rubio didn't have a good response to that. christie was right. in a lighter moment the christie campaign took advantage of this and tweeted out a graphic that said hello marco, like the adele song. >> there's a part of me that would rather have six more months of college football and put the elections on hold. is that doable? >> no, i'm enjoying this. >> and now we're 17 days away.
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right? >> fun from the iowa caucuses. >> abc's deputy political editor shushannah walshe, thank you so much. stay with abc news as we get more reaction in from the gop debate. we'll have much more later in our next half hour and on "america this morning." let's move on right now. so far we do not know who has the three winning powerball jackpot tickets but we do know it isn't a worker at this california nursing home. her co-workers celebrating her good fortune but it was actually a hoax. the nurse's son sent her a text message after the drawing she had a winning ticket but her family has been overwhelmed by the media attention that resulted in. what we know so far about the winning sixth where they were sold at a 7-eleven. suburban los angeles, on florida's east coast and a rural tennessee store, as well. the stores that sold the tickets get bonuses, $1 million in california, $100,000 in florida and just $25,000 in tennessee.
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there were also eight $2 million winners and more than 70 who won $1 million. including a group of preschool teachers in kentucky. congratulations. >> i like hearing that. goldman sachs agreed to pay more than $5 billion to settle charges over sales of shoddy mortgages that led to the financial crisis of 2008. the penalty is the largest in the bank's history, but far less than what some of its wall street counterparts paid for during their role in the meltdown. the settlement will take a toll of fourth quarter earnings by $1.5 billion which sent shares down. after hours trading. three members i've gang who pulled off the biggest burglary in british history last easter were convicted. their haul included $20 million in gems and cash taken from dozens of safe deposit boxes belonging to london jewelerses. the case garnered a lot of attention partially because six of the seven thieves were older than 55. happening overseas, new developments in that terror
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attack at a starbucks. polices in jakarta arrested three in connection with the attack that left seven dead. two of the dead, a canadian and indonesian were the actual victims. of the rest of the dead were terrorists. police found a black sifs flag with one of the attackers. a health alert now. the cdc will soon warn pregnant women will to travel to corinthian countries because the zika vius has been linked to brain daniel in babies whose mothers got sick. it's carried by mosquitos. the national institutes of health is working on a vaccine. >> the oscar nominations now. for the second year in a row, nos african-americans are nominated in the four main acting categories and that really has sparked outrage on social media. here's abc's linsey davis. >> reporter: the top three most oscar nominated films, all vying for best picture, are all about survival.
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"the martian." >> but i'm still alive. surprise! >> reporter: "mad max: fury road." >> survive. >> i'm not afraid of dying. i've done it already. >> reporter: and the academy showering "the revenant" with 12 nominations. among them, leonardo dicaprio for best actor. this marks his fifth acting nomination, but he's never taken a statue home. but the president of the academy says she is, quote, disappointed about the omission of african-american driven films. stars including will smith and idris elba were not nominated. jennifer lawrence, at just 25 years old, got her fourth oscar nomination for "joy." a record for an actor that young. >> that's who i am. >> reporter: and we all know who he is. 39 years after we first met rocky balboa -- >> show me something. >> reporter: sylvester stallone
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nominated for "creed," after just winning a golden globe. >> i want to thank my imaginary friend rocky balboa for being the best friend i ever had. >> reporter: he could soon have another friend named oscar. linsey davis, abc news, new york. the oscar does have a tint of goad. so there will be some minority some color in there on the stage. >> i think jimmy kimmel had the best line. he said you know it's bad when more black people are running for president on the republican ticket than were nominated. >> true indeed. coming up "the mix," the vip at a wedding that's stealing the attention from the bride and groom and it's a dog. also ahead, the search for a certain new york cop who helped a man running late for a job interview. the mystery and incredible act of kindness. >> from diehard" to harry potter the tributes are coming in for beloved actor alan rickman. >> look for us on facebook
3:13 am and twitter @abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." mucinex fast max. it's the same difference. these are multi-symptom. well so are these. this one is max strength and fights mucus. that one doesn't. uh...think fast! you dropped something. oh...i'll put it back on the shelf... new from mucinex fast max. the only cold and flu liquid gel that's max-strength and fights mucus. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. take one of and take a big smell. they smell really fresh what if we told you we washed these sheets 7 days ago. really? no way downy? downy fabric conditioner give us a week, and we'll change your bed forever. want more freshness? add new downy fresh protect.
3:14 am
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michigan's governor asking president obama to issue a disaster declaration for the city of flint. he wants federal help because flint's water is contaminated. there's been toxic levels of lead after the city started drawing water from a river. but what you saw there was about 150 people who demonstrated in the michigan state capitol
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saying the state has not done enough. >> we hear a lot of stories about police on the hunt for suspects. here in new york, an ex-con is on the hunt for a certain police officer. >> yeah, so he wants to thank that officer for going way beyond the call of duty. wabc's darla miles has the story. >> i'm stuck. april the no cop doing that for james robinson. not james. the cops chased me for 11 years. >> reporter: a ride in the front seat of a police cruiser was a first for james roberts. >> i love this guy wherever he's at. i love this guy. >> reporter: the 5-year-old ex-con wants to break bread with the officer who gave him a lift to a job interview last month and helping him end a ten-year unemployment drought since he was released from prison. do you have any idea what his name might be? >> i said -- for sure his tag his name got an a and d in it. >> reporter: he was so excited
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about the shot at an airport job, that he thought his interview was here at laguardia. but it wasn't. >> so i get off the bus and i walk to the corner. and i'm like, where can i find this place? >> reporter: he used the free round trip bus pass he was given by his social worker but the staffing agency was a few miles away. >> he said you're not going to walk there and make it there. i said i got to be there at 1:00. he said get in the car. >> reporter: he got the job working for airport rental car companies. now the agency that helped him find that job is also helping him find his mystery officer. >> i want this man thanked and i want the public to know that this is the kind of good people that work for the city of new york. >> reporter: at laguardia airport, darla miles, channel 7, eyewitness news. >> i fell for that ruse before. get in the car. we're going to take you. no, it's okay, i'll walk. >> i love that story. that's why i love nypd folks. >> yeah, i'll walk.
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>> big heart. coming up in our next half hour, the lip balm, the celebrity endorsed product known as the evolution of smooth. for one user it, turned her lips into a burning blistering nightmare. >> remembering a mainstay. who thrilled audiences from "die hard"ing to harry pot ter"
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>> alan rickman died of cancer barely a month shy of his 70th birthday. here now is abc's david wright >> do you really think you have a chance against us, mr. cowboy? >> reporter: whether he was the bad guy in "die hard." or in "robin hood: prince of thieves." >> no more merciful beheadings. and call off christmas. >> reporter: nobody could do irritation quite like alan rickman.
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he won our hearts and broke them in "love actually," as the cheating husband caught. >> a classic fool. >> yes, but you've also made a fool out of me. >> i can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. >> reporter: as severus snape, in the "harry potter" saga -- >> mr. potter. >> reporter: -- he could kill with a glance. >> clearly, fame isn't everything, is it, mr. potter? >> reporter: it was the acting challenge of a lifetime, he told "the new york times." >> holding a wand is not the most threatening thing you can do. and pointing it at dame maggie smith. >> reporter: j.k. rowling called him a magnificent actor and a wonderful man." alan rickman, a master of the dark arts, second to none. david wright, abc news, new york. excellent actor indeed. coming up, the service dog in a tutu. >> and a follow up to that
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vikings visit to an elementary school. the mix up next. do you think yo? to work, with you. it's taco tuesday. you're not coming. i took mucinex to help get rid of my mucusy congestion. oh, right then i'll swing by in like 4 hours. forget the tacos! one pill lasts 12 hours. i'm good all day. wait! your loss. i was going to wear a sombrero. only mucinex has a bi-layer tablet that starts fast, and keeps working. not 4, not 6, but 12 full hours. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. a skin transformation olaythat rivals the leading department store moisturizer. revives skin to fight 7 signs of aging. with olay, you age less, so you can be ageless.
3:23 am
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time for "the mix." brides never want to be upstaged at their wedding. there's a dog that may have done that. take a look at this beautiful video. valerie and andrew got married. the beautiful dog is bella, a service dog. she helps valerie calm down. so she helps her when her heart rate gets elevated trying to distract her in order to calm her. she wantedler to be part. you see henry the other dog. they wanted them to be part of their wedding. these photos taking off because she helps a great deal for valerie and they had her walk down the aisle in a tutu. >> it's very nice. you know the story about the vikings kicker blair walsh who blew it for the team this past weekend in the playoff bid. he got some love from some elementary school first graders
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where they sent him some wonderful cards with support and blair actually paid them back with a visit to the school. look at him there, just greeting the first graders. they were very happy to see him. he said thank you for your support. and the first graders were very happy. you know, he still missed that kick. >> but i bet the kids won't forget this moment. polka ♪ >> monday's talking politics leah and her movie picks ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka business news from london town night line pieces ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka it's late at night you're wide awake and you're not wearing pants ♪ ♪ so grab your "world news now" mug and everybody dance have some fun be a pal every anchor guy and gal ♪ ♪ do the world news polka ♪ football baseball tennis courts we stand up to bring you
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sports ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka gizmos from are the gizmo guy counting buses passing by ♪ ♪ that's the world news polka ♪ who cares what the bosses think they're a goofy crew and if your neighbors call the cops here's all you have to do ♪ ♪ when they yell it's half past 3:00 tell them hey it's news to me, that's the world news polka ♪ ♪ when barry mitchell sings our song it makes our eardrums bleed so why not hire us instead our name is yes indeed yes indeed ♪ ♪ work off all those late night snacks come on you insomniacs ♪ ♪ do the world news polka do the world news -- baba baba, polka ♪
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this morning on "world news now," the nasty tone during last night's republican debate. the rivalry between trump and cruz and which candidates seemed to make the audience laugh the most. powerball mystery. so who are the three winners splitting $1.6 billion? the anticipation grows as a lottery hoax emerges. >> and new this half hour, the all-out search for the hipster bank robber. >> he's known for his crisp wardrobe, good looks and predictability. the latest clues from the fbi. >> later in "the skinny," the oddsmakers weigh in on the oscars and the criticism over lack of diversity in the nominations. it is friday, january 15th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." we do say good morning. we've made it to friday. everybody, i'm kendis gibson.
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>> i'm reena ninan. we're going to begin with those clashes on stage at the republican debate. >> yeah, ted cruz taking heat from donald trump especially over those new york values. >> the seven candidates taking aim at president obama and hillary clinton. abc's bazi kanani is joining us with the details. good morning, bazi. >> good morning, reena. morning, kendis. even with fewer candidates on the stage, the debate was just as heated. donald trump even admitting at one point he is going harder after ted cruz on that birther issue because cruz is doing better in the polls. >> there's a big question mark on your head. and you can't do that to the party. you really can't. >> the constitution hasn't changed. but the poll numbers have. >> reporter: just seven candidates made the cut for the primetime showdown which largely focused on terrorism, immigration and the economy. the two front-runners donald trump and ted cruz, dominated much of the debate as they defended themselves from each other's personal attacks.
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cruz not backing down from his criticism of trump for having new york values. >> not a lot of conservatives come out of manhattan. >> when the world trade center came down, i saw something that no place on earth could have handled more beautifully, more humanly than new york. >> the debate comes two days after president obama delivered his last state of the union address. across the board, the republican candidates slammed the president. chris christie even calling him a petulant child. there were some lighter moments, as well. ben carson drew laugher when he unexpectedly forced himself into a crowded discussion. >> neil, i was mentioned to -- >> you were? >> yeah, he said everybody. >> marco rubio also tangled in this debate with both chris christie and ted cruz. the democrats are headed to south carolina next for their debate this sunday. kendis, reena? >> bazi, thank you so much. we will, of course, have more highlights and analysis from the
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gop debate in our next half hour and all morning long. >> let's get to another debate. who won the big powerball? reaction to this week's powerball drawing took all forms from people celebrating outside a store that sold a winning ticket to co-workers celebrating with a nursing home nurse. her son had just texted to say she had the winning ticket. but it was a joke. the family is now hiding overwhelmed by the attention. we're going to bet someone's allowance is now severely restricted. >> allowance is the least of the worries. geez, wow. the fact is, we don't know much about who actually won or the winners and where they were purchased is what -- that's the only thing we know. while we're wondering who share the stage with the $1.5 billion jackpot, we're overlooking other winners. with more here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: in suburban los angeles, on the eastern coast of florida and in small-town western tennessee, the rumors are flying. >> i think it would be someone
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local. >> can you imagine? >> reporter: no. >> a world record jackpot! >> reporter: not one of the three winners has come forward to claim their share of the largest u.s. jackpot ever. but that didn't stop thousands of neighbors from crowding this 7-eleven in chino, california, just in case the new multimillionaire showed up. >> i'm envious of the winner. i love it. >> reporter: instead, they found the store's owner who received a million of his own for selling a winning ticket. >> it's the land of opportunity. so, anybody come, you will achieve your dreams. >> reporter: each of those hot little pieces of paper is worth $528,800,000. most winners take the cash payout, which is now $327,835,000 before taxes. this week's winners are especially lucky. all three tickets were sold in states that don't tax lottery winnings or have no state income tax. north of memphis, the winning ticket was sold in a small town with one stoplight and fewer than 6,000 people.
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dana naifeh owns the mom and pop grocery store that sold it. >> my gut tells me it's a local person, because most of our lottery customers are local people. >> reporter: in melbourne, florida, this is the chaos outside the home of a family who swears they didn't win. but word on the street is that they did. for most of the day, they couldn't even get out of the house. in at least 26 states, there were plenty of consolation prizes. million dollar and $2 million winners who matched five out of six numbers, including a group of preschool teachers in kentucky, who rushed to collect their check. some who still owe student loans. more than 80 tickets were million dollar winners, or second place, as you might say. all of the big winners live in states where they have to be identified. steve osunsami, abc news, mumford, tennessee. >> the government may soon warn pregnant women about travel to certain caribbean and latin american countries because of an outbreak of the zika virus which has been linked to brain daniel in babies whose mothers
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got sick. the virus is carried by mosquitos. there's currently no vaccine, but the national institutes of health is working on one. and at least 14 people died when this tour bus crashed in central japan. the bus was on an overnight route to a ski area when it suddenly veered off the road and went down the mountainside. the two drivers who were taking turns behind the wheel were both killed in that crash. the city of chicago has reversed itself and released surveillance video of the fatal shooting of a black teen. the video from several sources is dark and blurry. lawyers for the cops say the video justifies the officer's actions. attorneys for the teen's family and community leaders say it shows abuse by the police. >> we've had enough, our voices are going to be heard. our young people are going to be on the street and we want justice and we want it now. >> cedrick chatman was suspected of a carjacking. officers say they thought he was pulling a gun on them but no weapon was found.
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no charges have been filed against the officers. two people are dead following accidents involving amtrak trains. a truck driver was killed in this collision near dallas. his truck burst into flames after being struck by the chicago bound train. then there's this. in jacksonville, florida, the driver of a chevy tahoe died after being hit by an amtrak train, as well. no passengers or crew were hurt in either accident. >> david bowie's family says funeral services for the late artist will be private. they posted a message on his website saying thank you for the overwleming love and support from around the world adding, "just as each and every one of us found something unique in david's music, we welcome everyone's celebration of his life." >> no word yet on funeral services for aker alan rickman who died yesterday after a bat with cancer. he was perhaps best known for his roles like the psychopath in "die hard," but he won over a generation of young people playing the antagonistic
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professor in the "harry potter" saga. even close friends were shocked that he had been ill. rickman was 69 years old. there's now a new miss washington usa. pageant winner stormy keffeler has resigned because she didn't disclose a dui conviction before the contest. police say that she was drunk and driving on two flat tires when stopped. she reportedly served her two days in jail after she was crowned. keffeler is also involved in another police investigation into the stabbing of a soccer star. okay. the national park service is celebrating a blessed event in southern california. two mountain lion kittens were discovered recently in a well hidden den. they were born early last month and already have tracking implants. >> those eyes are incredible. >> park service biologists are wondering who the kittens' father is. there's not enough genetic diversity in that population. because they're cut off by nearby freeways.
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the biologies have been tracking the mountain lions struggle to survive in an urbanized area. who you baby daddy? >> they're going to go amare to figure it out. coming up in "the skinny," from prison to the red carpet, a real housewife back in the spotlight. >> also ahead, a consumer alert about a celebrity endorsed lip balm. that one woman says gave her severe reaction. now there's a legal action pending. >> and the so-called hipster bandit known for his apparel and trendy appearances. bank holdups and the clues from the nba after today's forecast map. it is bitter cold in the midwest. you're watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather, brought to you by lysol wipes. human coronavirus... hepati- disinfecting wipes... are approved to kill the same number of them.
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lysol wipes are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. don't pick just any wipe. try that one! this cold and flu season lysol that. it's easy for me cause look at as it is her.him... aw... so we use k-y ultragel. it enhances my body's natural moisture so i can get into the swing of it a bit quicker. and when i know she's feeling like that, it makes me feel like we're both... when she enjoys it, we enjoy it even more. and i enjoy it. feel the difference with k-y ultragel.
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it's resolve, so you know it cleans and freshens. but it also softens. resolve. a carpet that welcomes you. and to clean pet messes, try resolve pet expert. but did you know there's a product that lasts for twelve hours? try delsym® twelve hour cough liquid. its advanced formula works by immediately releasing powerful medicine that acts fast while its extended release medicine lasts for 12 hours. in fact, delsym® lasts three times longer than the leading cough liquid. for all day or all night relief, try delsym®-the #1 doctor recommended 12 hour cough liquid. this has been medifacts for delsym®.
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the fbi is looking for that man right there. he's called the hipster bandit accused of robbing banks across southern california. he's become noteworthy for his clothing and sporting dark sunglasses while handing a threatening note to the teller demanding money. now investigators say he's changing things up a little bit, showing up for his last robbery in, well, that "star wars" t-shirt. >> in his previous robberies, he always seemed to be more tailored in his appearance. he was wearing a necktie, he was wearing college shirts. now he seems to be slipping. > well, the robberies started in july and repeated every two months. almost like clockwork. agents say they're closing in on his identity, but they welcome any help from the public. real fashionista there while robbing banks. >> the maker of a popular lip balm among celebrities that bills itself as the evolution of smooth is now facing a class
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action lawsuit. >> it comes after one woman claims that she had to seek medical attention after the lip balm turned her lips into this cracking burning bleeding nightmare. here's abc's linzie janis. >> reporter: it's the egg shaped lip balm touted and pouted by celebrities from miley cyrus to kim kardashian and britney spears proclaiming their love for the product eos, evolution of smooth. but a proposed class action lawsuit by a woman alleging the product has caused consumers' lips to crack, bleed, itch, burn, flake and generate severe boiling and blistering. the lawsuit brought by rachel cronin who claims after using the product for the first time, she had a negative reaction. >> within 48 hours, my lips became extremely dry and irritated. they were flaking all around the outside. >> reporter: according to the lawsuit, she contacted eos who she says told her to seek medical attention.
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>> i couldn't fully open my mouth to eat because it would crack. i couldn't smile fully because it would crack and bleed. >> reporter: in the suit she claims after posting pictures of her lips on facebook, there was a frenzy of responses from individuals with similar experiences. >> the next step will be to collate all the people who have got the similar complaints similarly situated. we're assembly that as we speak. >> reporter: eos telling abc news we firmly believe this lawsuit is without merit. our products meet or exceed all safety and quality standards validated by rigorous testing. the health and well-being of our customers is our top priority, adding that they sold several million lip balms last month in the u.s. and received 40 consumer complaints, a complaint rate of .001%. the suit also alleges that there are no warnings about the
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ingredients in the lip baurnlgs ingredients the suit claims may cause potential side effects. but a dermatologist and medical experts we spoke with say the ingredients in this lip balm are not unusual. >> you can't be certain that the reactions are coming from the lip balm without further investigation. >> reporter: linzie janis, abc news, new york. we should tell you that eos also tells abc news that all their ingredients are safe and approved for use by the fda and the cosmetic ingredient review board without warning labels and they are in full compliance with all standards and guidelines regarding ingredient use and labelling. > that didn't sound very lawyered up at all. >> that was not from our -- >> legal standards on that. all right. when we come back, celebrity reaction to the oscar nominations. >> and the back street boy who is back in trouble with the law. "the skinny" up next. trouble with the law. "the skinny" up next.
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♪ ♪ skinny, so skinny and topping our headlines for "the skinny" this morning, the race for the oscars. >> las vegas bookies already taking on bets and the odds-on favorite to win best picture is the "spotlight." "spotlight" has won the best picture award in most festivals and shows but many of those were before the wide release of ""the
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revenant" which many bookers say is turning the betting into a two-movie race. >> yeah, but "the revenant" may get leonardo dicaprio his best shot at that elusive best actor oscar. right now, he's the odds-on favorite but generating a lot of buzz is matt damon in "the martian" which has decent odds for best picture, as well. >> brie larson is the odds-on favorite for best actress. she's won nearly every statue in this category this season including the golden globe, of course, for her role in "room." > clearly not pleased with this year's nominations is academy president sherrill boone isaacs responding to what she says is the glaring lack of diversity in this year's class. for the second year in a row, all 20 acting nominees were white. look at that. there was only one nonwhite nominee for director. and no women. i was talking to peter traverse from rolling stone yesterday about it and he was also saying he was surprised that johnny depp did not get a nomination for the movie "black mass." i reacted saying that problems
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if you have black in it, you're not going to get a nomination from the academy at all this year, two years in a row. >> two years in a row. big issue there. next to a jersey girl hitting the red carpet. >> less than a month out of federal prison, this is apparently what home confinement looks like. if you're a privileged reality tv star. "real housewives of new jersey"" teresa giudice attended the opening of melissa gorga's store in new jersey looking every inch the jersey girl from head to toe. >> a lot of us could use home confinement this month. >> giudice served a nearly year-long sentence for tax evasion and supposed to be serving out the remainder in home confinement. her husband joe will start his sentence this spring. >> another celebrity in trouble with the law once again. >> former back street boy nick carter arrested in key west, florida, allegedly for punching a bouncer at a bar. it's carter on the ground. police say he appeared highly
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intoxicated. both he and the bouncer face one charge of misdemeanor battery. >> before trying to clean up his image by nearly winning on "dancing with the stars," he was arrested for resisting an officer at a tampa nightclub in 2002 and got busted in 2005 for a dui in southern california. so he still has his ways. >> how about we talk about dietary news. >> okay, sure. actor chris pratt has announced on instagram for the next year, he's going to eat only wild game. he calls it his game plan. get it? >> that's clever. >> pratt says the only meat he will eat this year will be from animals killed, either himself or his friends killed. he'll be getting fiber, too. he'll also be eating veggies and fruit and other stuff, too. the ultimate paleo diet. >> yeah, it is a weird little diet. but if it works, coming up, the week in review. >> the stories that made the cut in our weekly "friday rewind." thank you for watching us.
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your clever moves won't stop the but disinfecting with lysol can. because lysol wipes and spray are approved to kill more types of germs than clorox. including those that can make you sick. for a healthy home this cold and flu season... lysol that. dayquil liquid gels and go. hey buddy, let's get these but these liquid gels are new. mucinex fast max. it's the same difference. these are multi-symptom. well so are these. this one is max strength and fights mucus. that one doesn't. uh...think fast! you dropped something. oh...i'll put it back on the shelf... new from mucinex fast max. the only cold and flu liquid gel that's max-strength
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and fights mucus. start the relief. ditch the misery. let's end this. ♪ time ♪ time is on my side, yes it is ♪ it has been a busy week from a mexican drug lord to the loss, of course, of two beloved british talents. it's been another week chalk full of newsmaker headlines. >> plus the historic address by the president and more heated words exchanged among those who hope to replace him. here now, our "friday rewind." [ speaking foreign language ] >> we'll let somebody else sort out what sean penn did and didn't do. el chapo is where he should be. >> if one of these american actors want to go fawn all over a criminal and drug trafficker in their interviews, they have a constitutional right to do it. i find it grotesque. >> we need to reject any politics, any politics that targets people because of race
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or religion. this is not a matter of political correctness. >> it can be tempting to follow the siren call of the angriest voices. we must resist that temptation. >> we're getting into that period before the caucus that i kind of call the let's get real period. >> it could be that the inevitable candidate for the democratic nomination may not be so inevitable today. >> oh, would i love to run against bernie. i tell you, i would love -- oh, i mean, can you imagine fbi, please, go after hillary. i want to run against bernie. >> i'm so glad the rams are coming back, and it's been a long time, and trying to see where i'm going to be sitting here now. >> there weren't very many people early in the season that thought this team could do it and this team made a tremendous commitment to one another and did it together. >> today we're mourning the loss of an immense british talent. i mean, genius is an overused
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word but i think musically, creatively, artistically, david bowie was a genius. >> eva longoria and america ferrara aren't just beautiful talented actresses. they're also two people who your future president, donald trump, can't wait to deport. >> i want to thank my imaginary friend rocky balboa for being the best friend i ever had. >> he sure was a good friend, huh? >> a good friend, absolutely. in the coming week, we have the nfl playoffs this weekend. mlk day is on monday. and the democratic debate this sunday. >> anything exciting in great falls? >> i was checking. i think the -- there might be another council meeting in great falls. >> don't miss our updates. facebook. >> we'll find out. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. c's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. hi, anne.
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making news in america this morning, the first republican debate of the year, just weeks before the iowa caucuses and the feistiest one yet. >> there is a big question mark on your head and you can't do that. >> the candidates slamming each other and the democrats. we're live with reaction and analysis. extreme weather from coast to coast. rain and snow sweeping off the pacific, the nor'easter moving up the atlantic and the rare hurricane, the first in january since the 1930s. caught on camera. a rail driver slumped over asleep on the job. and growing mystery. powerball jackpot winners waiting to come forward as winners of smaller amounts emerge including the preschool teachers cashing in.


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