tv Action News 11pm ABC February 23, 2016 1:35am-2:11am EST
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we're like goth, goth.we're like so goth. (knocking on door) honey? i'm dying my hair mom. hair dye? no, not in my bathroom. relax mom. honey, just let me in. no! tiffany! no! tiffany!!! it's just purple. teenage daughter? get scrubbing bubbles. kill 99.9% of germs and destroy dirt and grime. you only need scrubbing bubbles disinfectant cleaners for 100% problem solved. we work hard so you don't have to. sc johnson a family company. ♪ "action news," delaware valley's ldingews program with jim gardner. it isonday night and the big story on "action news" tonight is the start of tee
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da of uettled and often w weathe and it begins in the morning. le at the big board is meteolist cecily tyn. >> we have not one, but two weather systems i am tracking. t first area of the rn that ll be sding to our south morrow, general light rain. however,he is a secondtorm and this ia much me powful and that will be cutting up to ourest on wednesday. and that could bring us heavy rai even some thunderorms and gus winds. futuretracker showing the timing ofhe first wave of rain, it will begin to cep up from e south around 8:00 tomorw morning of the morning rush dependsn wre you are. south of philadelphia there wil be some rain, so allow a ltle tra time. it will be gh dry to the nort temperatures in the m to upper 30's, it's not going tbe snow here. there could be a touch of snow in the lehigh valley. this ithe appetizer to th main course. tomorrow light rain, rainfall loing at about a quarter to
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half in. the main course wedsday afternoon, wednesday night. this could be a soaker, up to an ih and a half of rain a gsty thunderstorms. talking more about that in the full accuwther forecast. and the morning team will be starting at 4:30 with live updates on the accuwther focast and the in's impact on the morning commute. a woman jped from the ird for of a homen the late tonht to escape fire.a rushed to the hospital, and a cond woman in her mid 50's suffered smoke inhalaon. the blaze broke out at 9: a fire started. deteidow the cden county a murder mystery on their hand. a man shot along rsell anue, and he was prounced dead and no motiver suspects. >> on the political front, a
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shake upn the ted cz caaign today. > and short piece of video taken from the stude newsper at the university of pennsyln is right in the middle of the ntroversy. liven t satellite center is and you have got the details? >> jim, it stems from a misquote in the story posted in t pennsylvanian" and tweeted by a member of the cruz campaign. that offial resigd his po. it started with sffers from e "daily pennsylvanian" shot this past weekd.h carola you s marco rub wking past ted cruz's father and the cruz campaign worker whos reportedly holng a bible. the controvsy ste fm the comment rubio makes after seeing that bible. >> the "daily pennsylvanian" at first reported that rubio referencing the ble said, "not many ansrs in there"nd ted cruz's communication director
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rick tyler sprdhe sry on social media but it was a misquote. >> i know exactly wt i said. i said t sr to every question is in that book. >>nd tyl apologized but it cost him his job. >and this morning asked for ri tyler's resignation. i made clear in this campaign that we will conduct this caaign with the hhest stanrds of integrity. >> the officials from the "daily psylvanian" declined our offer to speak with usn camera about the situation othe website since removed the captions saying that rubio bad-mouthed the good book. theideo online along with a rreioof the previs and rubio sa he accepted the ology om the cruz camp but said iis par for the course. >> every single day something comes out of the cruz campaign that is not true. >> a aer others have estioned his campaignactics
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since he won the iowa causes. reporting live wter perez for channel "action news." >> thank you. sat rubio collects rubio in nevada ahead of the caucuses tomorrow. forr senate lear bobole today announced his support for and friday rubio acquid 12 endorsen from congresspeople and governors. the democratic side, bere sande vowede will contie to fight for the nominationll the way to t conntion in and sanders told it is aut an slog,tate by state by state. hillary clinton witho campaign appeances tay but picked up another delegate from neda and leads sders by a single desigted delegate. t suspe in the kalazoo he did it, but e question is t why.
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45-year-old jon dalton denied bond in his appearance before a judge today. heas no previous criminal record. dalton stands aused of murdeng six people and trying to kill two others. tell the court at this time? >> wld prefer just to rain silen >> dalton started dring for uber just a mth ago and cleared a backgrou eck. he reportedlyicked up fares between the shootings. uber says it recved several complaints about him saturday, the night of the shootings. tonight theity kalamazoo came tether for another remembnce service and ndlelight vigil. a 19-yr-old man bted for thibank rbery at:00 p.m. the police got the stolen cash bk. theold happed on the 1400 block of bruce road in monory unty. the pice say that the susct lives behind the bank. investitors alleged that the
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knifeielding banditlso reateneto bl the bank up, t no explosives were ever found. the atlanc city mor gog to confrontation today claiming a bill before the new jersey legislatorould amount to a state takeover of atlantic city and strip residents of the bill is suprted by ght governor christie. and it would give t state the power to cancel union contracts, sell cy assets and cy land, and declare bankruptcy. guardn uttered what sound li fighting words. >> the final pce legislatiothat this state esented to usas far fm a partnership. it was much worse, it was absolutely a fasst dictatorship. this is an insult to democracy and to american citizens living in atltic city. >> christie responded saying the
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can no long be asked to bail out atlantic city. > a former missew jery who hd therown in 2013 died this morning fr injuries suffered in a car crash. police say 24-yeaold cara mcclum driving ane last spun off route 55 d hit a tee and they say that mccollum was not wri a stbelt at th time ofer crash. her family said she decided to donate her organs shortly bore s ed. the federal psecurs ha gone to court toorce apple to helphe f.b.i. break into the sabernardino trorist farooq's iphone. apple c.e.o. tim cook continues to say nothing doing. we are appareny talkingbout that point where national suty and the security of iphone urs erywhere meet face--face.
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and christie is live. >>t the hea of the debate, does privacy trump security? it does that and that's why the are plaing to do a demonstration here tomorrow evening. millions of people own them, but the f.b.i. only needs to uock one iphone belongi to gman farq, o of the two responslforhe massacre of people in s bernardino. >> it is oious tse two people had assistance. >> why the fs are eing h pne, drel professor ss only useful if unlocked. >>f they can't find some mechanism to bypass this security system they will never get into the phone because the data a going to be wed can. >> the giant cites privacy concerns saying it will not build a backdr to bypass seci feures. the f.b.i. says they need to be able to guess the pass ce
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without itlf-destructi. >> when the suspected terrorist is deceased and given what they did, i think the is definitely less of an eectation of privacy and like i say not one i hope apple does t rht thing. >> a pew reseah thingshat more than half think that apple should lp uock the phone. >> where does it op? >> some a torn. >> peoplere not recognizing that is personal propty. you have a right f that and for it to be protected. >> you always wonder t wrong happened could that be us for oth pposes much and of our for the secure >> apple supporters are out he tomorrow evening and t demonsttion starts around 5:30. >> thank you. this is the last night f love in love park. at0:00 in the morning the
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iconic sculpture will be uprooted from h home since 1976 and transported aoss the street f tempora display. ocourse it will be back once l rort undergoes the renovaon over the coming year. till to come, bill cosby's and the most dangerous texti not the woe.e whl, and what is more dangerous than being tired. andtar stck, crie underwoodurprise as loc military family befeer concert tonight in philadelphia. nd tracking seral days ever unsettled weathern the way. once the rain moves out, it is going to be awhile before we dry out completely. the details in the accuweather forecast. and "action news" trouble shooter nydia h with a special report. and cracking codes, medical
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attorneys deposed bl cosby's we today inside of a hotel in maachuses. camille cosby ansred queions under oath in a defamation lawsuitiled in massachusetts by seven womenho accused her sband of sexual assault. the lawyer for the women say cosby spend about 2 1/2 hours answerguesons and theest of t time back and forth on what she could or should aner. camil cosbsext deposition in the case scheduled for next month. the cost of healthcare coming an every-bier burn on csumers, we all know that. many socked with the expensive
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medical bills they nev antipated. and in tonight's speal report, showing youays to figure out pricing and how to shop arod forhe medical svice you need. "action news" troubleshooter nydia han cracked the mical code and joins us with the importt information. >> there are 10,000 medical pcureodes and that is not ev countg anesthesia or thgs for things like dural medical treatme. andhis dtates what patients have to pay. and tonight a free service crack this is code, arming consume with vuable infoation. wendy ericson needed physical therapy to relieve backain and went to a p.t. clinic. $75 f 45 minutes of phycal thapy and hot pack. buthen ecson realized her insuran mpany ruireder to do her p.t. at a lal hospital. >> abiton lanale charges $185 for 15 minute >and psore than $100 for just a hot pack.
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>> i think that's insan i thinkt's ridicuus. >> and her hostal bills were 60 sessions totalg over $1100 going against her insurance >> i was angry and not expecting a bl of that size. no one to me what e fees we. >> you can battle bills but you must be arm with informatn. to that end,he "tionews" troubleshooters found powerful free to. fair help. >> a consumer website finally allowing conmers to pull back t curta on healthcare pricing >> every procede, deve and service has its own code. on fair heah, a few clicks and you find the codes and get the bapark pce you shld expecto pa >>he resul pageill show you wts the typical charge for that produre in your specific geographic area. >> as examples a few codes for
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our station zip co. medical ce 7372 an m.r.i. the estimated charge for an inred patient $431. code 77056, a mammogram, and an xray $71. fairealth alsohows theest ma -- estimated rmbursement and medical cos. >> there are some in the doctor's officehat went to their app and used to negotiate a price for the >> you can g the medicare rates thais paid for that procedure. another helpful website is heahcare blue book. >> f eric son it would be cheaper to stick with the p.t. her network.ugh it w out of and the troubleshooters say she ya been able to find a ple that charges less than a >> it is important that consumers use this tool to check.
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when you g a $1200 bill and not expecting it is,t is a unk of in. >>nd the fair health prices do not include t fility fees, the fees talked on by a hospital or surgery center. the fility centers are to be add within couple of months. this could reduce her bill and the bought -- boom line ansr is no. it is coetitive. and there are those that are importantoegotiate and it is important you shop ound. >> tha you so much. "healthcheck" at 11:00, rearchs are qntifyi what is the most dangerous distractisor drivers are. the study found distractions are responsible for two out of three crash,nd cell phos are the bigge culprit that is probably no surprise. texti while driving raised the risk of a csh the-fold. dialing a number was far worse.
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en 12 times more dangers. b there were surpris. emotions he a major impact. feeng sad, angry or agitad while you drive raises the risk of a crash nearly 10 times over and that is even riser of being tired or eating behdhe wheel. and dcing to music or talking to a passenger or a cld in t rear did not cau ha. so there are some surprises the. butou know don't talk ton -- on a cl phone or text, but hands free. >> but you c danc >> not here, not no well you definitelyant to pay atttion as you dve the next several days, rain on the way. radar swing rig now we have dry conditis o there. just enough cirrus clouds to make the full moon look
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spectacular. this shot was posd on my facebook page my francis from thorale, pennsylvan. it is kind of an iconic winter shot. you see the tre which are bare, no leaves on the tree. a youee the cirrus clouds. and t full moon in febary knns the fl snow moon. and allentown 37, millville 33, atntic ty airport 34 and wilmington 37 deees. and sellite 6 alo with acti radar showing the first wave of rain is getting clos. it's moving into southern viia. what this low pressure will do, it will really track to our south. so we'll get brushed with generayight rain. futuretraer showing around 7:30 in the morng is whene begin to see lig rain breaking out in the far southn zones. it tcksohe north and you can see a little bit of snow is posb in the lehh valley and the poconos. maybe a grassy coating before it chang over to rain therend a
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qck hit of rn tt is o of here by tomorrow night. then getting a liteit of a breather overnight. and then wedsday moing, light rain genally west of pladelphi but wednesday afternoon and wednesday night is when a powerful storm system will track what that does,t pulls up warm air. were in the wm sector of the storm, but there is a lot of looking heavy rain, an inch ton inch a a halff rain. also the potential for gusty thunderorm, win gusts up to out 60 miles per hour and could cau lalized street and the cold fnt on thursy uld bring us additiol showers. basically three days of settled weatherut not raing the entire three days. just the waves of rain. it will be chilly, yesterd and saturday in the 60's, and tod 53, a tomrow only 42 deges. wednesday afternoon and evening hey rn, perhaps a thunderstorms. we will likely hit that late
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wednesday night close to and thursday breezy and mild a possibilyf shors as t cold front rolls through. 57 degree behind the cold front we see the r of sunshine. finally on friday. but it's chilly, 42. and it's very windy. wind gusts up to 40, 45 miles per hour. but just in time for the weekend our weather settl down. satury looking beaif and ls of sunshine, 43. milder and mony costly cloudy and possility of a shor and gh of 54 deees. and david murphyracking the ra ast starts to move in on "actionews" binning at 4: tomoow morning. > carrie underwood surised a localilitary family tonight befo her concertt the wls fargo center. partnering with operation homront to tha the martin familyor their service. they didn'txpt her toalk t and were thankful of the >> it is tough and it is nice to hear the appreciation. >> it is ne to be able to say
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eagles continueo make long-term plans withhe heart of the roster. >> giving them credit, identity turnpike the players they want on t roster. jenkins, the longine of players getting n deals. signing a 5-yr dl reported $40 million. and he les n destroying the rter. >>hat philosophy changed more than anything this off-season, that is probably the tng that spoke the most volume and guys the lockeroom paid attention to. to baseball, the phillies first full-sad wo out in the mning. ryan ward got on the field a day early and jeffkrsky was there in clearwat. >> good. baseball is among us.
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>> baseball is among us, so is an howar but for how much longer? t longest-tenured phill cod walk on these the last time and cou wk away from the contract at the end othe >> let's say ryan howard is probably not in the ture, whether iis a year or two or three from w. >> to play a big rolen this team he nee to hit left-handed if not, shang are ruf at fst base. >> if he plays well and hits >> it is up to m?ry day. >> it is upo him. that happens.mine whether or not >> howd is here, third basan franco is not. iis a little unusual, most position players heret least a full day bore the fir full-uad workout. the plliesay they e not upset th him and he is not late as lo as his on the field time in the morning. with the phillies in clearwater
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giroux did not make the trip. took a shoto the head in fridas loss in montal. they are calling an uer-body injury. they say that he is dealing wi a concussion. >> and last week's trade nlified. one of the players iolved failed his physic. high school baskball, boy's catholic leae title on the line. doi work down tre in the lane. roman cathoc powering with the victo and taking the crow e girl title game, second half ke connolly, a pure jumper helped to lead the vikings to the tit winning 40-36. go craz >> tha you. > fol gathered at the tabernle bapst church in west oak lane. andhe nati,ill was the guest speaker ande spo of
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current issues affecting african-aricans. ll is the host of bck educational television news, bet news, black entertament television, a a polital contributor for cnn, and he will speak at the church again "jimmy kimmelive" nextn channel 6 followed by night line. his guests tonight a aaron pa, rachel bloom and mashup nday from kcee-lo & the sunshine band. "action news" continues at 4:30 with tamala edwards, matt o'donne, david murphy and karen rogers with traffic. team i'm jimardner, good ws" night. ♪
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