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tv   Action News at 4PM  ABC  February 23, 2016 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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the north and as we close in closer on double scan live radar and some yellow there on the new jersey turnpike and parts of burlington county and monmouth county, route 70 seeing heavier rain in burlington county there, and center city philadelphia and the schuylkill expressway and 95 all very wet at this time with steady light showers passing through but it is rain everywhere in the immediate viewing area and once you leave north of the lehigh tunnel we are dealing with sleet and freezing rain and it was snow much of the day in the poconos and harmony valley. but now warm is coming in aloft first to support it as liquid but cold air is still at the surface and that is why winter weather advisory is in effect for carbon to easton and the poconos for the flipover from snow to freezing dizzle in the
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overnight hours, if you are expected to travel north watch that late tonight. stormtracker 6 live double scan shows the send system developing in eastern texas, this one as severe weather with tornado watches with it. we'll watch this as it progresses to the north and east. we'll have more coming up in the full accuweather forecast. >> as the rain pushes through today and tonight keep open on all of your devices. rely on stormtracker 6 live double scan to get updates from the weather team on facebook, twitter and other social media platforms. >> police in drexel hill is looking for the man behind a series of smash and grab robberies and he could be tied to crimes in other neighborhoods as well. john rawlins where some of these crimes happened.
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>> reporter: that is right police here are looking for a man they believe is responsible for five commercial burglaries in a ten day period and one in springfield township. the car at the time is usually cash kept overnight in a special establishment and the manner of entry is brute force. >> this is a burglary in progress, not so sophisticated but a rock thrown at a door of an upper darby shop, the suspect walks off and returns and goes to the rock again and once there say hole he tries to kick in the glass and walks off a second time only to return to enter through the broken glass, lapsed time 1:24, police say that this white male in his 20s, returned to do this three times in this stretch of the drexel line
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shopping center. paul's pizza shop was one of the targets. >> it was the glass that was the main damage done. >> the man ignored the laptop and tablet to get the cash. >> just the cash, he took the dimes and nickels and pennies. >> he was desperate? >> yes, desperate. >> reporter: the thinking is the cash is needed to feed a habit. >> we believe that this guy needs money to buy drugs. that is the pattern. my guestimate is based on my experience, has to be a heroin addict. has to be a heroin addict. >> if you recognize the man with a mustache and he may be local and walked here to the drexel line center, you are asked to call the upper darby police live in upper darby, channel 6
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"action news." >> thank you. bethlehem police have identified a man suspected of throwing a bodily fluid on a woman in a grocery store and now "action news" has confirmed that he struck before. michael kevin morris is on the loose. this picture shows him after the most recent alleged incident at valley farm market. police say he carried out a similar act in 2003 and has a history of lewd acts dating back to the 1970s. lesean mccoy was expected to talk to investigators about a nighttime brawl, and that was suppose to happen at the prosecutors office and we learned it has been moved. now a case developing against the former eagle. >> reporter: this was a meeting with lesean mccoy and the
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district attorney set to meet at the prosecutors office now. this was a meeting scheduled by mccoy's defense team. he was no no way compelled to meet with the da, but it was moved to another location in center city because of the large number of media assembled here to see the former eagle go into the building and mccoy's defense team wants to present their defense to the da. it's unclear what evidence macon direct the multiple cell phone videos that appears to show the melee inside of the recess lounge. the former eagle running back and three friends got into an argument with three off duty officer over some champagne. that mccoy and his friends punched and kicked and stomped two of the officers injuring
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them badly. we asked one lawyer what he made of the scheduled meeting? >> the fact that someone may want to wander themselves into the district attorney's office and deny responsibility is of no moment to me. i'm confident that the district attorneys office will fairly review the evidence and charge whoever is responsible for this violent beat that occurred and resulted in serious permanent injuries to two off duty philadelphia police officers. >> at this point no charges have been filed and lesean mccoy and his attorney were scheduled to meet here at the d.a.'s office, we understand there is a meeting happening now. it's unclear if mccoy is attending, but it's between prosecutors and mccoy's defense team. wanting to lay out they are version of events before charges
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are filed. i'm sara bloomquist, channel 6 "action news." >> thanks very much. republican voters in nevada are caucuses to pick their nominee for president. donald trump is expected to win that contest, polls show him winning by double didn'ts with ted cruz and marco rubio fighting for second. and now a group called our principles is targeting to stop him from winning the nomination. philadelphia mayor, jim kenney is endorsing hillary clinton for president. kenney issued a written statement that she has the health, strength and knowledge for the office. meanwhile, bernie sanders also picked up high-profile support. director spike lee released an ad for that senator today.
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microsoft bill gates is siding with the fbi in its battle against apple. the issue is should apple help the fbi break into a cell phone that belonged to one of the san bernardino shooters. they say they should comply, because this is just one case, but apple says it would have an arranger impact on privacy, the supporters are planning to rally this evening at apple stores nationwide including the one in center city. "action news" reporter, christie aleto will be there starting at 5:00 with live reports. love is on the morer today in philadelphia, the iconic city sculpture was uprooted and moved across the street, it's temporarily relocated to dillworth park as its home, love park, undergoes a multimillion-dollar makeover. the sculpture came to what was
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known as jfk plaza on loan for the die centennial, the piece so iconic the park is known as love park. it weighs more than 1,000 pounds and "action news" was there as it made the slow and careful commute across the street. >> there is about six months of planning to make sure everything is done properly. the white pieces of foam protects the paint and the forklift has a dampening system and it allow its to move on a cushion of air and we handle it slowly and carefully. >> the man you just heard from, george young, his family business has moved hundreds of important pieces of art and artifacts in the city including the liberty bell. and as the love statue gets spruced up, the statue will live
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at dillworth for about a year. no shortage of pictures being taken today but it will be back in some form for you to take pictures with. >> handle it with care we don't want to see love fall apart. it's time now for the "action news" traffic report. lets go to matt pellman in the traffic center. >> we are not loving the traffic situation or the weather, and there is parked traffic on some of these highways, like this the schuylkill expressway, the heavy volume in both directions by south street as the rain continues to fall and the road surface is wet and westbound this is our normal delay kicking in and eastbound we had problems made day along 26th street. it has reopened but left us with extra heavy delays on eastbound 76. and a pedestrian hit at washington street at high street and one in middletown township,
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bucks county and crossing into burlington county, the ramp from the northbound side of 295 to florence, columbus is shut down right now because of an accidents there. stafford township, ocean county, what's a doozy of an accident, an overturned truck leaking fuel that brought down a poll. and that is shutting down route at bay avenue. lighthouse drive is your alternate in this case. lets do the commuter report on this tuesday afternoon, a pothole in the road near vince's golf station near hermit street and the schuylkill, just 9 and 17 miles per hour at the moment. we'll check it again coming up in the next half hour. still ahead president obama announces a plan to close the prison at guantanamo bay, we have details on what he wants to do. >> and a mass of explosion break a house to pieces and the
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devastation is jaw dropping, what we know about the blast there. and a candy recall effecting 55 countries around the world and affects a company in new jersey. ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪
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♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪
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two people were killed in an early morning house explosion in washington state. it ripped the home to pieces 15 miles west of seattle. the blast was so powerful it blew out the windows at a nearby elementary school and could be felt by people that lived up to 8 miles away and crews found the remains of two victims in the wreckage and they have not been identified. the cause is still under investigation. president barack obama is making one final push to shut down the detention center at guantanamo bay in cuba. he unveiled the long awaited proposal to congress this morning. it called for up to $175 million to pay for construction to take it down but the president argues it will be offset by the $180 million a year not spent in operating costs. realizing he is facing
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significant political hurdles in congress, and the president says he is giving it one last try while in office, he believes that keeping it open is undermining our national security. >> keeping this facility open is contrary to our values and undermines our standing in the world, it's viewed as a stain on our broader record of upholding the higher standards of the rule of law. >> as for detainees, he does need the permission to move about 60 of them to a facility in the united states, details unclear on just how that would work out. in the past congress blocked any effort to transfer the prisoners and already on the campaign trail today. republican candidates blasting the plan calling the detention a key weapon in the fight against terrorism. >> yet another political conversation there. pennsylvania governor, tom wolf has endorsed dwight evans
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for congress. he appeared in west philadelphia to boost his bid to represent pennsylvania's second congressional district, he is running against long time incumbent chaka fattah, he is facing corruption charges and expected to go on trial later this year. now to a look at the closing numbers on wall street, red arrows across the board and the dow down 189 points and the nasdaq down 67 points. mars chocolate is recalling candy bars and other items in 55 countries because plastic was found inside of those products, the new jersey based company did not provide details as of yet. they reported that the recall is voluntary and the plastic found could be a choking hazard, mars bars and milky ways and celebration and mini mix is all
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affected. we have a special treat for you tonight, and it's not candy. this is a new nightclub trend sweeping the delaware valley, this is one of those stories i had to experience myself to fully understand it. i attended one of these trendy events and you can't help but get caught up with it when in the door, there is no overhead music but you have access to three times the amount of songs, it's called a silent party and it's something to check out and we have details on that coming up tonight only on "action news" at 11:00. >> looks like fun. >> it was fun, very interesting. if you wonder how it all works we'll explain it tonight at 11:00. >> sounds good. it is time now for a check of the accuweather forecast. lets head over to meteorologist, adam joseph.
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adam you to can come to the party. >> reporter: not silent is mother nature. ringing out moisture and tomorrow they will roar with strong winds and heavy rain, but for today stormtracker 6 live double scan shows light showers in the area breaking apart south of wilmington and dover as expected. some of those steadier showers moving over to more drizzle during the evening and overnight hours. we are still dealing with moderate pops of rain moving north of oceanville on the garden state parkway but north parts of burlington and ocean county and one to the south and east of millville. it's a steady light rain here in and around philadelphia 95 towards trenton and montgomery county and chester county and buck county into the lehigh valley. a solid area of green begins to break apart over the next few hours. rainfall totals we expect a
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quarter to half inch of rain than is pretty much what we got s philadelphia .20 and allentown .10 or so and .25 for millville and same for atlantic city, coming in with .42 inches. some of numbers, a raw, chilly winter like rain, 36 in allentown un36 in reading, philadelphia 46 degrees and higher than that in southern parts of new jersey and delaware. it's the winds funnel in from the northeast and speeds sustained 15 to 18 miles per hour and 20 at the shore that drives through your body especially with the damp feeling. this is system number one, there is a break and system number two has a little more juice to it and energy, you see spinning down to the southeast of dallas, from the gulf of mexico and there is a lot of wind energy with it and a lot of tornado watch boxes up in the deep
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south, future tracker 6 at 9:00 tonight, just some light drizzle and patchy freezing rain in the poconos only. early tomorrow morning for your rush hour, very light and on and off drizzle and showers and nothing heavy for the morning rush. it's really the evening rush hour, south and east. you start to see the heavier downpours arrive as temperatures really spike and gusty thunderstorms between the evening hours up until 11:00 tomorrow night before it kick ofz to the north and east. so morning drizzle and light rain tomorrow for wednesday and not until late in the afternoon and evening a good inch of rain or so. and temperatures soar to the 60s, that is where some of those possible wind gusts could clock in at. 62 tomorrow with the heaviest rain in the late afternoon and evening hours, windy and left over shower on thursday and better at 55, and blustery cold
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and windy, 40 on friday and back to 45, on saturday. and as we begin march, wait until you see the numbers, it comes in like a lamb. >> thank you adam. we are always getting new models that could tweak the forecast as the storm moves in, be sure to tune in to "action news" tomorrow morning, matt, david and cam will have the latest weather starting at 4:30 a.m. and philadelphia leader asnounce a crack down on eye sores across the city
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. leaders say they are finally cracking down on an eye sore that has frustrated philadelphia neighborhoods. they began to remove the illegal and unsightly clothing bins from the streets. they gathered around to see the first one go, many of the bins are a dumping ground for trash and hiding drugs. the idea is to break them down
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and recycle the metal. families will be able to put food on the table thanks to a successful fundraiser. acme donated 118,000 pounds of food. derek olely the vice president of sales here at 6 abc helped to present the check at the philabundance warehouse in philadelphia today. meanwhile preparations are underway for the flyers annual carnival. the wives filled 5,000 mystery bags and the bags are stuffed with flyers apparel and autographed items. they will sold on march 17th. >> coming up next on a tuesday afternoon, a crash victim is left for dead on the side of the road on a lehigh county road and now the search is on for the
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driver responsible, we have a live report just minutes away. and then this local war veteran and his gleaming smile is grabbing the attention of millions online. you can probably see why. the picture is taking the internet by storm all thanks to his grandson, but who is this strapping young soldier, we'll fill you in.
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showing the life saving actions of upper darby police officers and with his house completely torched a fire victim talks to "action news," he says it's clear to him someone wanted him dead. and it's a simple idea getting attention. we'll explain the wine workout in big talkers. we have tips on how to get the most money back from uncle sam. but first search is on for a driver that hit and killed a man in lehigh valley county and took off. it took place in upper milford township, walter perez talked to the victim's family and talks live with us now with the very latest on this story. >> reporter: the victim is
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described by family and friends as a man with a passion for rock and motorcycles. and he was killed by a hit and run driver and tonight they are asking for public's help. 48-year-old alvin ruth was driving a bike west when a jeep cherokee like this one was coming in the opposite direction and the driver of the jeep started to turn left on the macungie mountain road when he was hit. >> two individuals got out and then they got back in and took off. >> medics arrived a short time later and pronounced him dead on the scene. because of pieces of the jeep that broke off on impact they
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have a pretty good idea what it looks like. >> the jeep is possibly a 91 to 93 and missing the light and head lamp from the driver's side and we spoke with tara who will is married to the victim's cousin, she says the person responsible needs to do the right thing. >> the best thing they can do is come forward and say i did it, and be done with it and let us know. >> reporter: investigators say that older models jeep cherokees are not common, if you know anything call state police here in foglesvilles. walter perez, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. upper darby police released dramatic new video showing officers using narcan to revive a her ohin overdose.
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in edited portions, you can see 25-year-old michael meany shooting heroin right into his arm, he becomes unconscious and falls on to the floor, passengers initially tried to help but police ended up injected meany with narcan that reverses overdoses and he stands up and manages to walk off the bus. >> someone has this kind of addiction to actually shoot up on a crowded bus at 1:00 in the afternoon is like unbelievable. and you can really see how sick these individuals are. >> well, that day meany was taken to the hop and released and officers got a warrant after they found four bags of heroin in his pockets. he was arrested at his home in middletown early this morning. this shows what his officers ep counter every day and there needs to be more facilities to treat people that are struggling
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this much with addiction. police in philadelphia are looking for the person that assaulted a coffee shop worker at oak lane. this incident happened february 12th at the dunkin' donuts at 16th and washington avenue. the video shows the woman getting upset after getting her order and picks up a ceramic mug and throw its at the manager and tosses several items off the counter. another pan was taken to the hospital for an injury to his wrist. meanwhile, "action news" learned of an arrest of a violent attack that happened in southwest philadelphia back in october. police say they caught up with malcolm pollard in york yesterday. he is accused of stabbing the owner of southwest auto tags dozens of times. pollard is charged with robbery and aggravated assault among other things. a delaware rapper and community activists says he
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never received any threats before someone set his house on fire. investigators say the flames were started with an accelerant thrown at richard ross home. he and his wife were rescued from the roof. and today ross says he cannot think of anyone wants to hurt him but believes he was the target. >> that was intended for me not to make it out but the good thing is, i made it out and i survived. their house is destroyed and investigator dz not name a suspect in this arson. switching to the weather and it's a wet day today. and you are looking at more rain. >> catching a break overnight and drizzly at times and the second round, heavy round comes in late tomorrow afternoon, about 24 hours from now. as we look at this dreary picture live on sky 6 hd penn's
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landing and drizzle and 41 degrees and dew point 38 degrees and the raw wind out of the northeast at 15 miles per hour creating a windchill of 33 degrees and here is the second system with a lot of moisture with it. and tornado watches from new orleans to jackson, mississippi and parts of not only the gulf coast states but the panhandle of florida and all of this will move to the north and east and we are looking at a severe weather risk for this afternoon and tonight. areas of florida from montgomery, alabama and there is a moderate risk of tornados that could create destruction. we'll have the timing of that and how much rain to expect and then a really warm seven-day forecast with a little brief dip down. coming up in the seven-day forecast. >> thank you.
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as rain pushes through the region keep open on all of your devices, you can rely on stormtracker 6 live double scan to keep ahead of the storms. police in south jersey are asking the public for help when it comes to stopping crime and solving cases, rick williams is live in the newsroom with more this afternoon. >> that is right. authorities are looking for anyone and everyone that may have a surveillance camera outside of their home or business. coming up tonight at 5:00. the voluntary sign-ups police are asking for and some are concerned it could be a breach of privacy, and warnings about a dangerous chemical in your home after a major red flag from the cdc. ali gorman breaks down what you have to watch out for. >> all right rick we'll see you at 5:00.
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today more than 100 philadelphia seventh graders got to see what it would be like to have a career in the arts thanks to a local nonprofit called fresh artists thanks to an expo in east falls, they heard from artists that turned their passion in good jobs, the message is if you work hard you don't have to starve to be an artist still ahead. firefighters dodged bullets as they try to save people trapped inside of a burning home. the latest information on the chaotic scene next. plus this soldier's charming smile is seen thousands of times on social media, the now 86-year-old and his family are from the delaware valley. what they think of all of this new found viral fame ahead in big talkers. and meteorologist, adam joseph, is back with the full accuweather forecast.
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firefighters and police officers had to dodge bullets as they responded to a house fire in phoenix arizona early this morning. police say that a gunman shot and killed his family before he was killed by police. investigators are still sorting out the details but they say that the shooter was the brother or son of the four victims. the family of a 14-year-old girl shot during the shooting spree in kalamazoo, michigan, says she is still fighting for her life. abigail cough is one of eight people shot saturday night. at first doctors thought she was brain dead and she started to plan to donate her organs and abgal squeezed her mother's hand. she is showing signs of improvement. her father released a statement, and that the family empathized with the suspected shooter's family and jason dal tan is in jail faces with six counts of
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murder. it's the photo of the bright eyed dimpled soldier with the perfect pearly white soldier breaking hearts all over social media. this vintage picture of a soldier in 1950 before he deployed in korea is going wildly viral. people call him a babe and a hunk. more than 4 million people have viewed the handsome head shot, so who is he? you find out that the man's grandson derek posted the picture. he lives near newark, delaware and gave us the scoop. that is grandpa today on the right. his name is thomas and he is 86 years young and lives in oxford, p.a. and is happy married to his high school sweetheart, fleecy. they think this is a hoot with grandma laughing she got him first 65 years ago. >> she knew and he didn't.
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she met him bowling and they were bowling one night and met. and she decided to snap him up. so she didn't give him much of a chance. >> he didn't know he was that cute. when flossie asked him just this week if he would have lived his life differently if he knew he was this attractive to other women. he said nah. true love. and the words that have people celebrating a new slim down idea. wine workout. california mom, april story's video showcasing how it works is going viral, and the mom shows us how to do home exercises using wine bottles. the bottle itself works well with weight substitutes and don't forget the glass you can sip and pushup. this has 25 million views and
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shares including celebrities and anyone with a dream. and speaking of toddlers, you know what they say one someone is in the house. a messy and adorable video is going wildly viral, mom walking into this, big sister 3-year-old sovereign got her hand on a sharpy and turned little sister into this. >> what is this? a zebra. >> obviously. the 18-month-old there doesn't mind one little bit. we don't want to know how long it took them to get it off but we spoke to the family a few minutes ago and they told us a very long bubble bath with shampoo mixed in. that gets the sharpy off. >> this could be us. >> it will be. messy but cute.
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lets get another check of the roads now, matt pellman is always cute with this update. what will you tell us? >> messy out here with the wet conditions and drivers are showing their stripes and not driving as carefully as they should. this is the schuylkill expressway here is a broken down vehicle in the eastbound lanes approaching belmont and it caused an extra heavy go to the blue route, 31 minutes in both directions now on the travel time on the schuylkill. on the big picture a crash on the kelly drive, if you think of using that instead of the schuylkill, i'm not sure i would, it's in the outbound direction at sethly and fountain green. and a wreck in camden blocking the ramp from 676 northbound traffic can barely see by. in bensalem watch out for the accident at by berry road and
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knights road and within close to the national tire and battery it just cleared out. and crossing into delaware along silver side road, a crash there by the talliville shopping center and pitman an accident at pitman avenue. and burlington 295 to columbus is still closed for an accident. we'll check it again brian and sharrie coming up in the next half hour. still ahead, meteorologist, adam joseph, has the exclusive accuweather forecast. since 1961, pearle vision has provided the neighborhood with expert eye care. that was dr. stanley pearle's vision and we still proudly carry on his legacy. today, doctors like lisa hamilton perform
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eye exams that can help detect diabetes. because we care for you... and your eyes. this is genuine eye care, in your neighborhood. this is pearle vision. ♪ i've been a turkey farmer my whole life... and i raise turkey for shady brook farms®. we don't use growth-promoting antibiotics, that's just the way things should be done. that's important to me. my name is glenn, and i'm an independent turkey farmer. (female announcer) shady brook farms®. no growth-promoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey.
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meteorologist, adam joseph, joining us again. we had the wet today and a bit of clearing happening. >> yes, the steadiest rain is
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pushing away but then a second round comes in this time tomorrow. as we look at double scan live radar we see the wall of green and slight showers across much of the area. and west of philadelphia, chester and montgomery county, most of delaware and southern new jersey, we are starting to break apart the solid area of green as the steadier showers continue to lift away from the north. and not picking up much in the way of yellow colors but still wet roads and a slow go and miserable here in morning. things slowly improve into the evening and overnight hours. windchills though with the rain, it feels like 26 in allentown and 28 in reading and at freezing in philadelphia, and 40s down to the south and better in southern new jersey and this is a real raw type of rain, as we look at satellite and radar, low pressure is to the south and cold air in southern new england where they bump into the colder
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air, there you do, you see the break there in parts of virginia and west virginia and have you to head all the way down to east texas where the second low is developing. and it's spinning a lot of wind energy kind of wrapping around this low from the gulf of mexico and a lot of tornado watches and a moderate risk for severe weather, and large destructive tornadoes from the deep south and overnight tonight. back at home, lingering light showers and patchy drizzle through 10:00 tonight, not much happening for the morning rush at 8:00 a.m., a few sprinkles here and there as we get into the afternoon a warm front is passing through into the early afternoon, that is when we could spark a downpour or two around and turns steadier and heavier tomorrow for the evening rush hour, definitely allow extra time for the morning rush tomorrow and an inch to inch and a half of rain and even through
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10:30 tomorrow night a line developing as the system continues to pass through and within this line torrential rain and even a few thunderstorms. the problem we have going on here about 5,000 feet up into the atmosphere. winds will be howling, this is called a low level jet of 60 miles per hour with this system. so when you get a thunderstorm that is stacked through the atmosphere. it can pull the strong winds down and we could see some wind gusts as high as 60 miles per hour this evening. as the heavy rain or thunderstorm passes through, the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, we'll watch for the rain heaviest in the afternoon and evening ain balmy high tomorrow at 62 degrees. the windy and a lingering shower and pops of sun thursday afternoon but far better at 55 and blustery and cold and northwesterly wind comes in friday at 40 degrees and less wind saturday 45 and a big jump in temperature the second half of the weekend and near 60 on
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sunday and sunny. and 60 on monday and back into normal as march comes in quiet at 54 degrees. >> thanks adam. coming up tax season is upon us, we have tips to help you get the most money back from uncle sam. and abc prime time is all new, fresh off the boat kicks things off followed by the muppets at 8:30 and a special agent carter. and tune in to "action news" at 11:00.
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for many americans struggling to make ends meet.
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tax time could be stressful. but nydia han has a way you can make money. >> we have advice for you that haven't filed your tax returns. there is a credit that goes unclaimed. yvonne was able to get a tax credit by taking advantage of the earn tax credit. >> i work hard but don't make that much money. it was a big deal for me. >> toby standinger says that many americans qualify on their yearly tax returns. >> if you are a lower or moderate income worker, this could give you back all or some of the money you paid toward taxes, or maybe more. >> depending on your income and marital status and how many ching you have. a single person making almost
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$15,000 a year can get $500, a married couple with three children making $50,000 a year could get over $6,000 back. few people know about it and take advance of it. >> one of five that are eligible for it in the united states, does not claim it. >> it is actually the money we deserve to get back. something available for them and they should actually claim it. you can find out if you qualify for the earned tax credit on the irs website. to file for the earned tax credit you'll need a social security number for you and all of your children. can you get help filing at any tax service but if you want free inperson help, you can find an irs location from a link we posted at and if you live in new jersey or
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delaware, more good news, they have their own to supplement the federal credit. we have more on that at as well. >> and finally at 4:00 today. it seems that rocket scientists need to have old fashioned fun from time to time. video posted to twitter shows astronaut scott kelly dressed as a gorilla, he jumped out surprising those on the international space station. his brother mark posted saying i thought he had things under control there. he has a year left for his mission in space. >> 365 days is his goal and it looks like he will make it. >> that will do it for "action news" at 4:00. for brian taff and alicia vitarelli and adam joseph i'm sharrie williams. join us tonight and every night for a full hour of "action news"
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at phl 17. now rick williams and monica malpass with a look ahead to 5:00. >> thank you, coming up next at 5:00 we follow new developments in the case lesean mccoy and an alleged beating at a nightclub, the last minute move for his meeting with investigators today. and bill gates takes a stand with the fbi for their efforts to hack into an iphone of a suspected terrorist. and have a surveillance camera at your home or business police would like to know and says it could help to solve a crime. >> when "action news" continues next.
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"action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with jaime apody, meteorologist, cecily tynan, rick williams and monica malpass. looking live outside after a mild, pleasant weekend, sunshine and above average temperatures have given way now to a dreary day around the delaware valley. the wet weather is just beginning and another system is stirring over the south that will pack a much stronger punch in the tri-state area, the big story is the stretch of rain we
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are tracking in the forecast again. cecily tynan is watching double scan radar and is at the big board with more. >> reporter: this is round one of the rain we are dealing with generally a light to moderate rain, stormtracker 6 live double scan shows we are beginning to see breaks in the rain and drier air moving in south of wilmington but i-95 and route 1 and the schuylkill expressway we have the steady light rain and the evening commute is wet so do be careful on the roads. and fortunately temperatures are above freezing and that is not the case when you get north of the lehigh valley tunnel and lake harmony and the poconos, and that is freezing rain. some kids were let out early at jim thorpe. and that is good news because there is a winter weather advisory


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