tv Action News 11pm ABC March 1, 2016 1:35am-2:11am EST
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introducing longhorn's big, bold, steaks. the only way to make em' better was to make em' bigger. our new center cut 10 ounce filet. our perfectly seasoned 16 ounce t-bone. and our fire grilled 18 ounce outlaw ribeye. big, bold, steaks. only at longhorn steakhouse. you can't fake steak. for lunch, try our steakhouse burger or any steakhouse lunch combo starting at $7.
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cathy's gotten used to the her kitchen rbage... yup, she's gone noseblind. she thinks it smells fine, but her guests smell this. ding, flies, meow febreze air effects heavy duty has up to... ...two times the odor-eliminating power to... ...remove odors you've done noseblind to [inhales] mmm. use febreze air effects, till it's fresh and try febreze small spaces... continuously eliminate up to two times the odors... ...for 30 days febreze small spaces and air effects, two more ways... [inhale + exhale mnemonic] to breathe happy. "action news," delawa valley's ldg news program with jim gardner. ty came togetronig in the grays ferry stion of
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philadpa. a community scarred by and fed up with gun violence. ming just one nht after a drive-by shooti, ey are sisting we mustake a stand. it is monday night, and the big story on "tion new tonht neighborhood committing itsf to stopping the violence. le at south detective headquartsnd "action news" reporter dann cuellar. what happed at the recreation center tonight? >> inhe wake of violence across the city, the praice has been to call meetings where e police vow to beef up patrols and get to theottom of the meetin tonightheoliceereot ked to attend and the mayor callingor a new strategyo em the violence. >and my friend was murdered. >> it was gut-wrening as ty talked abo person after person lost to violee in grays ferry. >> we lost a son a couple of
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weeks ago that s shot 26, 27 times >> and mayor kenney seems deeply moved. >>he violence and death of these children mes me heart-sick and i am sorryor your sses, i truly am. >> lasnight two teens were critical wounded in a drive-by andhe violence capred by surveillance cameras and that is just part of the ongoing turf war. tonight he was urging people to step in and t to intervene. >> there is a war going on and everybody sitting bk n sang anhg oosed to tryi to figurout, at least trying to reach out and call. >> emotions got heat. >> we going to get there. canou let me get there? can you let me get there? can you let me get there? >> opposed to the prior administration that wld beef up patrols andee whathe police can do, mayor kenney's plan is to raise hundreds of
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llions to refbish par a rec center >> a they won't was us to raise e money, they don't want to give up prots to put back into our communities. >> in the days and weeks to come you can expect mayorenney to be speaking mo about his proposals regarding raising new money to address social issues. theeal question is whether his strategies will work. dann cuear chael 6 "acti fefighters were able to extinguish this row house blaze before anything was hurt. it broke out on west tioga at 6:15 and out a half-hour lar. first responders had to reue two serisly-inred people from a wre in egg
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rbor city, new jersey. a pk up drir ltontr near moss mill road, went off into the woods a slaed into trees. and the investitors he not deteined what csed the crash. and upper darby police arrest add -- arrested a mother and son for allegedly selling drugs out of their home. they say that mallm peck sold heroito an uercover officer and thatnd other tips led him to h home a what left neighbors stned. >> said good morning as we broke both doors home. >>hey found malcolmeck and his moth, tionne, with over 400 bs of hein, pacges materia, cash and a gun. >> we found heroin in the
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hundreds in the dead room.ple >> and he is t masternd. >> there is no way she didn't know wtas going on and that's why she was locked up. >> this wom did not want her face on camaut lives nt door. and she witnessed moments of the weekend raid. >> i saw a lot of cops or there and ty had bats. i knew what it was. >> they say the pec receny moved to the block. >>ll the drugs in the house? i ashocked. i have four ki. >>nd weapo and drugs charges dating back to 2011 and his mother nothing until now. the drug bust is a spshot of e growing heroin epidemic. >the quicker we lock them up, the quick somebody else takes is so significant.e the demd
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>>oth mother and s are bend bars and police say in the last few weeks they removed almost 1,000 bs of hernrom upp darby streets. reporng le from upper darby for channel 6 "action news." iwasn't hern but pot brownies that ty say a sdent w sling to midd hoolers. arresng jacob francisco f ssession ofarijna within tdoeler and corruption of mirs. investigators first leardf this wn a group of 7th graders ate the drug-laced brownies last weeknd classtes notified teaers. and a deadly fire in was set byhe woman who set the fire. brendmcceet fires iner home and her husband was critically injured trying to save her. a moti.tors haveot released
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nd a philadehia woman recovering fromhe zika virus, the city's first case. the woman is over 60 and recely returned from a trip from the caribbean. and t c.d.c. confirmed the second travel-rated zika case in new jersey. thenfection is typically mild in adults, but a dger to pregna women because it may lead to seriousirth fects. ♪ on t eve of super tsday, theivotal point in the race that c make or break campaig on both sides. tomorrow voters in 12 states make their chces. alabama, arkansas, georgia, massachusetts, minnesa, oklaha, teessee, texas, vermont a virniall hold contests tomoow. and alas only republicans caucu and the democrats caucus in corado and american samoa. and the candidates for the
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reblic candidates made final pitches today and the ont-runner donald trump looking forwa to a huge nig if the polls are right, he will win most of e sup tuesday and ted cruz ahead in his he state of texas, but he warned todayhat he called the "trump tin" could become unstoppable if trump wins most of the states tomorrow. marco rio continues to bst trp for not disavowing duke and the kk the secret servi in aew controversy, an ant of a trump rally reported putting a "time" magazine photograpr in ahoke hold and slamming him to the ground. the physical confrontation aer a verbal confrontaon after he stepped outside of the media area to take a picturef the and constant the secret service is investigang thexact clinton will try to extinish y
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bern sanders campaign with a ccessful super tuesday tomorrow. today she already starting turnrepublican rhetoric away from sanders and towds trump. and he raised me than $40 million in febrry. >> it'sood thave you ba. new jersey governor chris chstie told radio audnce todaye wi not avoid running for president again sayg that trump ithe best chance to bt hillary clinton. and chrtie refusedo say whethere would consider ruing ricerident or servinin a trump mp. still to come on "acti news" tonight, erin andrs' stai case. >> am so embarssed. >> we hear more from her emotiol tesmony tod as she takes the stand about being secretly rorded nake
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> a federaludge rulesn vor of apple abo breaking into iphones. ard to beliet is t last day of februa. reaching a high of 64 deees. 7 to the south. but i amracking cooler a on the way, as well as a chae of sno details the accuweaer seveday focast. if you are saving your loose cnge, y want to catch the investigion before you cash it i jim, we decided to test coin-coui machis afterne family told us they were short-chaed more tn $40. butti the kiosks to the test and which are the most accura. plus the machines that are to otect your dollars are not regulated. >> and can thelyers catch fire ainst the flames. >> and a south jersey woman turning 100 on ts weeky. 100 or 25? "action news" continues in just a moment.
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>> a -year-oldtunt has been charged wi attempted two cssmates inside after high sool in ohio this morng. police in madison towhip north of cincinnati say the t udents were shot in the cafeteria. they are expectedo make a full recovery. investigators say the suspect initial ran from the scene, but s later caught. they have not ideified a motiv hundreds of officers in woodbridge, virginiaaid tribute to a policofficer tonight killed her first day on the job. in a large profession, ty he is courted the by of t offir to the chapel for her neral services tomorr. s was shot and kill satday aer respondg to a domestic violce call. erin anews ge emotional testony in crt about the grief she continu to feel after a man sretly sh nude
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vide of her and posted them on the internet in 2008. >> iwas everywhe and it s publicity unt you know, my naked body waon e front page of the "new york post" and they had put bsver my body pts. and my girriend called me and she was throwing coffee on a ears feeling so bad. >> and filed a lawsuit against the nashvle mriott hotels for makg it easy for mike the rrett to record her. > a federal judge siding with apple tonht agn the f.b.i., ruling thathe governnt cnot oigate apple to help break into an iphone is is a separe ce from the rrost phone in san bernardo, california this is not that case, this involves a drug suspe in brklyn. is disappointed in the ruling and plans to appeal. oscar wningharacter
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actor george kennedy di. he won the best supporting actor ard in 1967 f his role in "cool hd luke." and hwas ao a staple in the "airport" and the "ned gun" mies. he appearedn more th 180 vies and tevision shows. h grandson said tay he died yesterd mning of old age. kennedy was 91. supreme court justice clarence thomas stunned t urtroomoy my asking a question and thus ended 10 years of silence by thomas dung oral arguments. in fact he dn't ask one question, he asked nine of them in a case about gun rights. wness say you cou hear gasps the courtroom when tmas' voice was hed. the last time he ask a esti court was februy 2 2006. this was the secd court ssion sie the dea of thomas' good friend, antoine scalia.
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and they heard also arguments on a philadelphia case death penalt it was reinstated in 2014 by the philalphia state supreme crt but wilams argues that the been recused himse because he w iladelia's d.a. in 1986 during the oginal trial a conviction. resident barack obama award the medal of honor today to the edwd byers of rescuing an american civiln held host among by tiban in 2012. hiswn body to shld t he used hostage. and he is the first living active-duty navy seal to recee this award in 40 years. it is supposed to make counting yr loose change both convenient and easy. in ft some peoe even have fun doing it. b tonigh an "acti news" investigation is calling it into questiothe accuracy of some
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cn-counng kios. invesgative reporter has ckedut machines in the area and y he result who wouldn't love a big pay-o cashing in loose coins. b we were alerted to a potential proem that some of theseachines may possibly be short-changing cuomers. and ly one was accurate.ines >> haven't had a family vacation in several yea. >> they were saving every penny to bring the magic of disney woetoheir four kids. >>e have a big jug that has a buildn couer on it and our enre family has been collecting . >> they changed y have chge, $240 by their count they hoped to use for souvenir when they jumped it in the >> when we finishedt was $204. >> $44 diffence. >> thoug about it and stard thking well often does tt macne get checked? >> we also wanteto know how
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accurate e cn ksks were so we took $100 in rolled coin across the delaware valley. andome choi in grory and biguck stores. the rests out of the 17 machines "action news" tested only one ge us back the correct amount of money. coin star where the machine was right on the mark. but at this wal-mart on rooseveltoulevard in iladelphia we were shorted 17 cents and lost 10 cen after dumping the change into t kiosk at a wal-mart in maple shade. inse here, it was ce aga off this time by a qrter. at t.d. bank penny arcade on waington up $2.43 short and abington the couer off 21 cents. and the cy avee brie in philadelia actually paid us 3 cents extra.
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final at pnc bank on city avenue it returned an extra 9 andhe camden county department of weights and measures, the agency responsible for testing the coin kiosks. >> athing off by a single pey we would fail it. >>n all threef thr tests theachis wereight on the money. consumers can look for this sticker to be sure t coin counter they are using passed theew jeey insptn >> it means it h been tested by the state and is accurate. >>he new jersey inspectors a only eected to test those in stores and accessible to the public, not then banks. and no oversight on kiosks. maybe it is flying under the >> after they were sht-changed we had good news to the family. following our call refded $44. >> it is nickels, pennies and dimes but it adds up. >> and there are also large fee ace attaed to t coenience.
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coin star is 10.9% if you don't beng to t.d. bank you pay an 8% fee. and they say they have their own inexpects w regular test they have been shted.o leave >> if youre in the bank, the tellersill alwayso this for you if you want, right? >> well they wouldn't kw necessarily, because you put your money in the machine. >> but you can get it chaed by the tellers, by the human touch. >> absolutely. >if it is your desire, thank you so much. once every four years people born on leap y get to lebrateheir birthyn the all day. and today "acon news" caught up with a nejersey wan celebratinher 100th birthday. katherine marshall a resident at fountains at car park. and today frids and family shower her with flowe and
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candy for her in actual 25th birth day. insteadf throwing a party she donated $1 -- she is 25 -- so the food bank. we wish you a hpy birthday. and the accuweather fecast. >> and mch begins tomorrow. typicly coming in like a lion, but more like a lamb. and some chaes on the w and ormtcker doublecan showing that we have a dry, prey comfortable nit. 40sight now in phadelia. 47 degrees downrom the high of 64. which is 17 degrees above normal. allentown 40. aantic city airport 48 deges. and wilmington currently 43. and good amounof sunine this afternoon afre h showers and satellite along with ning. tions radar showing the stalled front bouary to the
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north. it is keep the really cold air at bay at let the nextouple of days. tomorroweight pressure build in and it will bring us a round ever ra really the middle of the night. enjoy tomorrow the first day of march. loads of nshine. itilbe mild. not quite as warms today, b a high of 60 in philadelphia. a little cooler in the northwest suburbs. 53 in allentown. with wind ouof the souea othe ocean ang the shore points about 10 degrees cooler th philadelphia. afternoon high of 50 degrees. futurracker swing arod this time tomorrow night, this is when the clouds are thickenina we see some showers devoping in the far most ofhese really will be falling wn most us are is when we can get a squall line of heavier rain and perha a rumb of thunde then it moves out movg offshorey about 9:00 in the morning. looking at about a quarter to a half inch of ra.
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what this will do is open the door for a very windy day. with the low pressure to the northea d hi essure building from the west, we get the wind tunnel effect. wds gusng up to aut 40 miles hour. a we hit the high early and thursday and fday stuck in the 30's. and friday an opportunity for snow. and the accuweaer forect tomorrow in like a lamb, it is supposed toe a lion. 60 degrees and lots of suhine. and wednesday early-morninrain and windy,9 degree andhuraye cloud up and a gh of 39 degrees. and friday again only 39. chance of morning sw shors at ts point doesn't look to be a big system, either auisance coati of an inch. and saturday increasing clouds and high of 45 degrees. and sunday anoth opportunity for snow showers with a high of and monday turns milder high of
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>> flyers a fmes if he we go -- wells fargo center. into and e fers had a chance to upgrade their roster and chose not to. and they are goi aheadith the team ey ve. before you criticize maybe the g.m. knsomething we don't know. a byden henn, a career ght. midway throhhe first period getting the fers on the ard. eame tied at 1-1. a now 2-1 flys in the second schenn again, his 20th goal o the season. that matches his career high. 3:00 later, goal number three for brayden schenn! his fst carr hat trk. the flyers hg on win 5-3. and pittsrgh wins as well and thes fers remain 3 points bac of the final wild card sp.
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you heard the saying winning isn't anythg it everythg in. andeep anye on nerlens noel. and thetreak might be or a in the third, schmt. andhe sixers out score the wizards 34-19 in the quarter and aga thetreak mig be over, but "mig "requesti" "not a stro. andhe sixers lose for t ninth strghtime 116-109. still ahead the phillies wi a former numr one orall pick onhe rter lking to regainis form. a hearing from ♪
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in the latest college basketba poll relead today. nova wrapsp the regular sean with me games against depaul and grge town. reigned thr weeks at number one. >> i think o guys had great hulity and handled it wh great humility. we learned just how ha pple come at you a how much stractions there are around i thought the guysandledt after you are throu it once you aralways bter the second time. and young as in camp for the phillies, and acquid from uston in the giles deal, he
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has been stuck in the minors wi an e.r.a. of 5. and t pllies can contend sooner thanou thin >>nd we he an understding of wenowhere we are going to be right w, but we know where we needo be and the work we need to do to get there. after bng with e astros a couplef yea and kind of are gone through the system and seeing the tu-around and how qui was, i thi the future is bright and a lot sooner than a lot people exct. >>nd the first game tomrow at 10:00 against ton toronto. nd "jimmy kimmel live" next and andy samberg and giifer goodwin and music by the and for "acon new" i'm
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