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tv   Action News 11pm  ABC  March 5, 2016 1:35am-2:11am EST

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it happened tonight in a frankford section of phadelphia. at least one man oped fire on a mked police car. t vehicle to a lt right in the grill. tonight, two men are in police custody. it is friday night and the b story o"action news" night is breaking ne from the300 block of hedge street philadelphia pice officers escaped iury despite beinghot at. "actionews" reporter je chicosi at the scene jeff, tell what hpened there. >> reporter: jim, it waa close call, soting happened just behind dpite beg shot at the oicer driving
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e reek will facing us didn't fire bk and tn the e twouspects were a rted, two others on the loose. chopper six over 5300 block of hedge street as officers investigate a shooting at an unmark philadelphia police car. it happened od 70 as officers already in the area conducting a narcotics investigation heard shots fired nearby and drove to check it the out. >> one officer w was operating a solo car soh on 5300 hedgehenaw several males, three to four, th guns, who pointed guns directly athe police r and fired several shots at e police vicle. >> reporter: of the five bulletsired one hit t bumper eing the radiator. officers chasedfter e men on foot qckly nbing two including the suspect gunman. >> extremely brazen f one invidual possibly more than one individual to fi multiple shots at a ca >> reporter: police combed the area for one o oer men and the gun. chief inspector sctall points out none was hu in
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part, becausehe ofc whosear was fed upon kept calm. >> the officer showed a lot of restraint is timey not firing their wpon. officer used his head, to hisi and made two arsts without usg deadly force. >> reporter: initial gunfire that drew the lice attention, happened just yards from here, investigators fnd tenpent shell cings from a large liber nun. that stsired here tonight, and none was hurt. we are live from frankford j chirico r channel six "action news" jim. >> thanks, jeff. wilmington police are on the hunt for a ki shore gunned down man an hour d a half ago. the deadly sotingappened on the 1200 block of west seventhtreet, and t victim was shot multiple m in the chest. he has inhe been intified, nor has a motive. "action news" was on the scene in center city phadelphia thisvening. the as a spected bank rber s caught red-handed, literally.
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police say he held up republic blank near 16th and walnut 5:15fficers spotted him runningway and chased after him, catching him around t block on walnut street. they say he was stained with redpots from e pding dye pa. trafficragedy isouth philadelphia tonight. a man who fred a ire behind the whe lost ctrol of his car and then hit two parked cars and a three two-year old pedestrian. she now in very critical condition, at jefferson hospital. this allappened at eighth and wharton. the driver is okay. a hazing scandal has rock the conestoga high school community and e entire tredyffrin easttownchool district. tonight, three students, stand accused of criminal charges andhe oall coach has been r. "action news" pter dann cuellar has more. >> reporter: authorities say it was a recipeor disaster leaving locker rm unsupervised on thursdays created an aospherehe did what they wanted and authorities say that they did. creating an ugly hazing
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tradition kwn as gay thursdays. >> thinks a simple case aut ignorance, violence, and a shocking la of pvision. >> reporter: chester county authorities painting a shocking pture of a hing culture. a culture that w created by members of the the high school varsityootball team three or four years ago. emiseas on trsdayhen e locker room was supervised anything that theseid csidered normally gay was inhe the g. >> you would have an older kid, come behind a yoger kid, and then t his genitals on ton of t oth kid head. now that was okay on thursday. >> reporter: but authorities say ter 15 of last year thgs reached darker, violent vel. that is en th say three 17 year-old members of the team heldo a 14 year-old freshman and violated him with t broom ne. >> kid pted that the viim was yelling a screaming. but he did not have a id in at locker room th
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afternoon. reporter: authorities say the atmosphere was so bad that some players fed too anywhere nearhe locker room on trsday. some even quit the team. yes, the cchingtaff sai they were a are. >> lack of the supervision here was all ofh happened under the noses of the coaching staff because they were not there to supervise. >> reporter: but like initial disbelief one claimso when getting terrible news it was hard for some students to accept thatny of ts cld ve happened, particularly amonghose who know 39 ple charged. >> i don't knowhat went on inhe locker ro buthese are se of my best friend. they le eh oer. i can't igine them doing things like that to each other. >> reporter: even a member of the team who rarely admits, he was in the the tre on the y of the slt was in sbelief and worries about the team gy. >> that the digses of the team are obliterated. anything thatnybody wanted to y about conestoga football who has a grt tm is blown away by thi
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>> reporter: three students have been charged with aault niracy and related fses. meanwhile the serintendent richard gutthick says the he coachohn logan s been spended nng outcome of e iestigation. at conestoga high in berwyn, i'mann ear for channel six "actionews". the upper r school district is apologizing tonight after a ctroversial classroom photograph, involving t kkk was sred on sialedn last year a student, in an upper darby high scho history css re assigned a project to illustrate the historical impact of the 2s. one skit sntended to highly atrocitiesf the ku klux klan. last mo anld photo of students wearing white hoods started circulating on le, offending many pple. today superintendent doctor richard dunlap snded. he said that the project was in po judgment and a appropriate activity. he went say that the dirict has been meting dirsity training and wi attempt to use th as a
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teachable mt. law men continue to sech forhe killer ilast night's murder afifth d washington inouth idelphia. it happened at lee's ce and bistro. a cook eified as year-old thoung nguyen was found with the throat scratched. police are ygo a down th man e 25nd , 30 and drives a wte s. the double homicide of o.j. simpson's ex-wife ce brown simpson a her friend, ron goldman began whh was dubbed a trial of the century where.j. spson was u not guilty. now decade laternterest over the discovery of a knife potential new edence, a abc's lauren listereports from outside t lapd. >> not guilty of the crime of murder. >> reporter: the o.j. simpson trial w ted decades ago but d a wwt. >> regarding a alleged kfe that may have been cered
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in possible connection to the simpson ce. >> reporter: los angeles police department said the ifeas allegedly u by a construction workern o. simpson's property inhe late 1990's. the estate s demolished in 98. >> this individual wanted to turn over to l enforcement. >> reporter: lapd say this knife is beg carefully scanned forossible dna evidence wchould take weeks, and lapd officer w retired was allegedly given the knife by the nruction woer and hd on to it f years. >> has been acquitted. >> reporter: o.j. simpson was acquitted in the 1994 stabbing deathfhe nicole bwn simpsonnd her fend n goldman. simpson continues to claim his incence. >> wow wow slow down here. >> reporter: many tv ers reliving the whole trial in a new fx mini series. ople vse o.j. spson. now, ron goldman's father talking to the daily news about this knife. i hope they ttednd it turns out to be t weapon. it would be one more nail in
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simpson'soffin. as f wh e new discovery could mean. >> double jeopardy he s triednce, acquitted. you can never y o.j. simpson again. >> reporter: police say they are vetting this story. w enforcement sources say oerhe years investigators have looked at 150nives ne of them found to behe weapon. lauren lister, abc news, los angeles. bipartisan grp of local congressman is concerned about the safety of dnking t near lary bases in willow gro and wminster. they are asking the navy to look in it. decrat brendon boiln republicans pat meehannd ke fitzpatrick believe that foam usedn fire fighting might be t sourcef potentially cancer causing chemicals found in dozens of nearby wells. the nessman say similar gun water ctamination is being investigated hsham air gud station i is sti in etion. time for a first look at theeekend forecast, om accu wther. this morning's flakes, remind
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us all that t swbird a notuite ready to fly back northor t spring, although these poor geese didn't apparently get the mo. we'ren for another dustg over the weekend but will have youleaning off your car windshield. meteorologist cecily tyn is tracking th latest system showing up inhe midwest double scan rar. whatshe stor >> if you areick of winter, this will nobe a winter storm, double scan li is showing is what known as an alberta clipper moving through midwestringing snow to chicago. it originate over alberta a n inadequacies, fast moving, typically does not have a a lt of moisture and this will be moving through very early on sday morning. future tracker is swing as we head toward sundayorning you can see how quickly it movedhrough arod 8:00 o'clockicking up some snow showers xing with rainouth east of philadelphia and then quickly departs. so we are talkingbout a seasonal weekend. tpatures generally in the mid to uer 4s.
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again, sunday morning this is en we got a shot of those snow and in ors, not going to be a big de possible coating in spots again, the grassy surfaces, butf you want a ste of spring, look at these highs building0's aoss eto the southwesthat is ming out our way next week. will ta abt ro warmth in the ac weather seven day forecast, jim. just athe rit time e philadelphia flower show is opening this weekend. it kicked off tonight with bla tie affair the convention nr. doors will open to the public tomorrow. this a theme is explore america, 100 years of the national park service. the sh runs through next sunday, whichs march 13th. "action news" is giving you an exclusive hd the scenes look at t th years flower show, our one ur special, ai tomorrow g at 7:00 o'clock a then gannon suny at midnight. two time oscar winning actor robert deniero w in glen mills today.
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he was there for the grand opening of the brd w fine wine and good spirits store. dozens of people pack in the store at brandywine mills shopping center, and deniero is kg part, in the ribbon cutting cemony d he was there to promote t vodka li at he co created called vodka 6100. still to co on "action news" tonight new numbers on the job front nationally and in pennsylvania, also a rally we will haveewideo of the trump sportersurn on protesters at a cpaign appearance late tonight. plus peanuts for babies used toe a no, no but coming up on health check tonight we will explain how researchers sayt could lp prevent childhood aergies. ducis rodgersith e eagles making moves now a they have signed sam bradford andf course, meorologist cily tynan is bk with the
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full seven day forecast, ac weaer forecast, at and morehen "action news" continuesonight.
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politics now and donald trump rally new oeans was scenef ptests tight more at dozen protesters repeatedly interrupted the e. a number of protesters were from the black lives matter movement. some confrontation was u supporters turned violent. trum was heard to say stupid pple, stid. trum t day reversed hself saying heould t not ord theilling of the family's of terrorist. john kich, marco ruo and tecruz were a migning aheadf this weekend's primary. cruz addressed cpac conservative lical action nference trump nledis
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a appearance there today. n carson did apar before the groupnd ma official what he first vledn facebook after super tuesy. he has suspended his campaign. did heot ma an endorsement today. on the democratic side, hillarylinton was in droit and said there was ma insults at last night's republican debate it s hard keep track. eaking detroit manufacturing systems she said that all presidential candidates need to offer a credible sategy for raising wages. in illinois bernie sanders had a pked ana somebody illinois uversity where he talk o free college edation and decriminalization of mijuana more than 100 degates are for grabs this weekend in primaries d uses. tomorrow rublicans vote the in ksas, kentucky, louisiana andaine. democrats vetn kansas, louisiana and nebraska. and then, maine on sunday. voters in theri-state area will to have it a whe before casting tir ballots.
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the pmaries in both pennsylvania and delaware aren't until tuesday ril 26th. and new jersey vers go to the pos even later than that, n until june 7th. the lor dartment's latest jo report shows another sid moh of hiring in february. u.s. employers add 242,000 jobs. retailers, restaurants alth care oders d csuction companies dve most of theob growth. unemployment raid stayed the same at 9ercent. pennsylvania's umployment rate is even lower it oed a tenth of a percent 4.6 percent and that is its lowest level in eight d a half years. in flint cgan, crew is today srted t long processf digging upld lead pipeshat caused the cities water crisis. work is cing on pipes that connect water mains to individual homes. a report from the ste auditoreneral found state environmental regulators made
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cruci mistakes a ar and a halfgo by not ordering the city toreat its water with an corrosion chemicals. flint switched fromake what the tore mo corrosive river water in 2014, and in b to save mey but that rir watercped lead off of the agingipes. > on health check tonight instead of ung allergies r exposure peans may actually have a long term protective eect for children. researchers track children who had oer high risk factors important fee t aergies such as eczema, allergy eggs. after five yrs of espouse our to peanuthisere put on a high ate to us see if their torance held off. a year later ty developed allergies. that other children their age that had ner be exposed to peanuts before. another study published today suggested that the same early prevention strategy could work with eggs. childhood aergies are
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always a very difficult situation,. >> yes, makes sense. >> it does. >> accu weather forecast. >> funny, friday night and ually you're cntingown to the weekend excited abou the weend. i wanto get through the weekend to get tnext week. that ishen weather wille really ne. >> wait until you hear wt next week has to offer. >> tuesday wednesday thursday we suld all get time off it will be beautiful. storm tracker six live double scan showing weave had dry nditions out there right new. it will be a de wkend. we've little bit of the hu ll get through but we ha a live picture right the now from shawnee ichas ptty happen bye getting a ltle bit of sw this morning. ifou nt to go ig, you my want to get tonight this weekend bause i don't kw howuch sw will be lt, on theollopes, byext weekend, after the rh on the w next e right now though is there a chill in the ai 36 degrees in pladelphia, allentown and eon 32. atlantic city aport 30. wilmington 33. wildwood currently at
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36 degrees. satellite sixlong with action radar showing a deepening, intensifyingtorm system is continuing to pull away us o most areas st a ltleit ofn. philadelphia less than a in butarts ofhe cape may county more than ihes of snow accumulating on the e grass th rng and now this ne system is waiting in the wicksings. it will be moving qckly. that will be press nothing on sunday morning. so tonight really nothing to worry about. mainly clear skies. little bit on the iy se. 22 degrees in the cooler burbs. 23 degrees in center t your sat the day weill start offith nine b cld roll in the afternoon. temperatures will be seonably cool, 1:00 o'clock 42. by 4:00, 44. by 7:00 o'clock 39 degrees. future tracker is swing sunday morning we will t rain and ow showersround the philadelphia ar northwest, little bit a above and at is when we wi get mixing. et moves ou breaks of theunshiney the afternoon but also a few sprinkles.
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a little t unsettled temperatures in the upr 40's andhen a if you want it warmer, just you wait. we he march 7 on's, ted wednesday, and thursday, gh pressure off the eastern seaboard this is typical heat mp ts woulde a heat ve in the summer. lookingikeeco warmth on the way on wednesday. the elusive accu wther seven dayorecast for tomorrow. start off with sunshine, increasing cloud. high of 4degrees. on suay morning rain and snow showers. good amountf cld cover. peaksf nine with a high of 4degrees. monday aiful ptly suy, 60 degrees. theuesday though is when we get the first day of -gree wet they are year. seventys, mostly sunn wednesday's 73, record high. setback in 2,000. we will probably break. that en thursdayore included and a possibility of a or. a high of 70. friday a chancef se showers, not as warm but stl on the mild side with a high
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of 62nd xt saturday we ll spring ahead a begin daylight savings time. >> yes. >> tuesday end up at 69, will be devastating. >> perfectible yes. >> then come to work. >> we want to sh happy birthday tonight to a vy special birthday girl in south jersey. >> happy birthday. >> how are y? lucy woh turned 100 today. ction news" was there is evening as she celebrated with friends, family in mtua township, new jersey. she's one of eight siblings, she dhree cldren of h own and plenty of grandchildren. she tells us the secret to a long lifes rng hard and having fun when you c.
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sixers are shorthanded tonight at the wells r certainty. that is noa good thin >> no, jim no nerlens no no jahlil af. what doou suppose happen. >> sixers and heat will get to know each oth well, toght the they began a frt endf the home and he. joe he will embiid working out before the game, he spent the time in qatar for a rehab
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where do xs rn tight how about elton bnd who ms his debutn s ek sidef 37th birthday. second quarter ish smith, 26 points. sixers go down by ten. and e third quarter imagine come back. jeremy grant. sixers take the ad 71-69. but e ht ha t dwayne wade, 21 pn for m. sixers lose for 11th rght time 112-102. same two teams sdayn miami. > to the eagles with sam bradford locked up eagles still have les to fill. nfl draft ieight wks aw butoug pederson and san can begin signing free agents on wednesday. offensive line and receiver are priorities. bird need to ve money r fletcher cox defensive linemanould like a w deal. >> a lot of our to do st checked off, there is sll more. i thk we ld about etch, that is stl to do list.
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we are not forgetting about that or him. and we will see how it goesn the market. we just want to be sure ' making good decisions as we go forward here. its hard to kn th until we get started. >> phillies bats are alive at spring training. they hope thathey he it the stays that way come gul season. phillies and bves, fanatic yes. never turn yo bk. miguel franco goes deep in e second saight day. three run mo shout inhe second inning. phillies oden runs in the frame. phillies down, 11-nine in e ninth. cedric hunter, a threrun homeun toin t game. phillies take it 12-11. they have 13 hits . still ahead drexel and dware in nrence tonament actionnd steve mason forgotten ma weill hear from
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the flyers were idle tonight, anxiety surrounding the tms still working they are set to host cumbus torrowlyers a five points out ofhe wild card spot. steve masons tryingo ay sharp, goalie has not played in two e lgt stretch of his career and da hakstol has bn gng with michael neuvirth. hakstol has nota who will start tomorrow, mason is tryingo stay positive. >> i'm justrying ep a positive mind set work hard andy your te. that is allou can do is be a good aate along the y and try to find wa light actice schedule, you know, just to sy sharp. >> saying right things. >> college basketball penn lose es dartmouth 72-64.
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drexel and en in t first round of the tournament, ferrell allen scores1 points but none bigger an these two. that gives dragons e lead with 11 seconds to play. drexel ns 67-66. delaware and charlton, delaware do t corry holden blocked. delaware les 66 that is sports. >> thanks, ducis. finally tonight they we ducking andodging a all in the name of charity tonight. it was a livelyot at perkiomen ly school district put xth annual dodgeall tournament, hundreds of youngsters and adults geared up forll of theun the community event raed money to enhance educational opportunities for perk yoel even ly students rgh grantsnd sclarships, and teachers. jimmy kimmel li ne on channel six followed by night line. "action news"ontinues at 5:30. for cily tynan ducis rodgers and the entire "action news" a mim gardner.
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have a good nht and a gat ekend. >> ♪♪
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okay, the sales after thanksgiving this year are going to be insane. we're talking full-on shopping orgy. we are gonna save so much money by spending money. yes, we are! now the key to a successful black friday is the scouting trip where we locate, justify and hide. okay? locate-- this is a very cute t-shirt. justify-- i would wear this because... you could wear it to buy other things. it would be perfect for that. yeah, plus it's got that really cool gun design. that's africa, laurie. so dumb. and finally, we hide it so no one else buys it before the sale starts. i'm on it. oh. so who's coming to thanksgiving this year? well, it's my first one post-divorce so i kinda wanna keep it small-- travis, you and andy. but i love big thanksgivings. you fill up your house with family members you don't like, pump them full of cheap wine


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