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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  April 4, 2016 11:35pm-12:38am EDT

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one single star like buddy hield. >> and i think jay wright would say that perhaps the most outstanding quality of this team was their chemistry and their ability to play together. and their lack of ego. and you almost got a sense that well i think it's true, that ryan arcidiacono took more pleasure in making the good assist than he did in making the good shot. and he became the quarterback of this team, and most people, most basketball fans in the philadelphia area probably new not a great deal about the individuals on this team before this championship tournament. and some of these players have really become celebrities, if you will. ryan arcidiacono and jenkins and josh hart. ochefu, of course, who now played his last game along with
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ryan arcidiacono for villanova. it has been a good team over four years that got better each year. and this class of seniors have left their imprint on the villanova basketball legacy and lore and will never be forgotten. and these students will never forget it because they were here when it happened. they were at villanova whether it happened and i think jay wright would also say that they deserve a lot of the credit. that a lot of -- they this championship, the students themselves. and i guess they are pretty happy about it, look at it. are we now in kelly's tap room? we are looking outside from kelly's tap room. and is dann cuellar there? i saw the microphone and the hand holding the microphone.
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i think that is dann cuellar's hand. can we go to him? [indiscernible] >> we have some technical audio problems with dann's mic, or maybe it is just the crowd drowning out dann's mic. because that is the scene on lancaster avenue right outside of kelly's, which is actually in bryn mawr just down the road a piece from the villanova campus. and this is perhaps the most popular strip for villanovians looking for watering holes on thursday, friday, saturday night this is now under the jurisdiction of the lower merion police. and the police are joining
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forces tonight to make sure that everybody is ok. go nova. absolutely. and these students are just having probably the experience of their young lives from the standpoint of being a part of a college community. there's no question that sports brings together college communities. it makes it fun, fills students with pride and that is what is happening at villanova university and the entire country watched this team come of age. and just continue to get better and better. >> and the monkey got off of jay wright's back. we were talking about this leading up, all the disappointments they had. not getting past the opening weekend since 2009. once they got past iowa, to reach the sweet 16 -- i am glad we don't have to talk about that anymore. >> let's have some fun. >> and they did. and the goal to get to the final four. and they got to the final four
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and he told us that he treated every segment of the ncaa tournament as a two-game tournament. they won in brooklyn, they won in louisville, and they win in houston defeating both oklahoma and the number 1-seed in north carolina. >> i think most of the country felt that north carolina was if not an easy favorite tonight, a favorite tonight. north carolina has had the extraordinary basketball pedigree if you will. in 10 national championship games. winning five national championships and it is tobacco road, the acc. it is the tar heels, north carolina. villanova stared down the giant tonight. they have done it consistently throughout the tournament with kansas and oklahoma and north carolina. and they were not awed by nor intimidated by any of these teams with perhaps a pedigree that on a national stage spoke a
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little louder than villanova. >> one thing that worried me coming in, north carolina is such a good rebounding basketball team. and villanova, outside of daniel ochefu is not a very big team. and north carolina won the rebounding battle 36-23. but villanova shoots the ball so well. and it was a little scary there. at half time villanova down 39-34. >> i thought it was getting away from them. >> they had not trailed at half time throughout this ncaa tournament and they come out like gang-busters in the second half and north carolina had another run in them. but it comes down to one shot from kris jenkins, a guy who had foul trouble early in the game, had to sit for most of the first half of the game. and here is the side story that we talked about last couple of days. kris jenkins, his brother, he was adopted by another family, his brother, nate britt, plays for north carolina. this is things they have been talking about since they were 12, 13, 14 years old, playing in
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a final four. one goes to north carolina, one goes to villanova. once they got to the final four they stopped talking to each other and it is going to be dragging rights for the end of time, unless they meet in an nba finals down the line somewhere. but kris jenkins got the better of his brother and the game-winning shot, 14 points. and none bigger than that at the end. >> they showed such poise and it comes down to two things, senior leadership and one jay wright. not a bad coach. >> not a bad coach. >> we want you to hear something that really will be fun. the villanova radio station. the student radio station that was broadcasting the game. and here is the call as the game was won. >> three seconds to go across the timeline. two seconds to go. jenkins three to win it, he made it! he made the three at the buzzer! cats win it all!
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30 years later they are the king of basketball once again. >> i think we will pull that up again that couple of minutes, i have to hear it again, absolutely. as the crowd beats a speedy exit from the pavilion to get out on lancaster avenue and join the celebration. this is the way it looks just as villanova won the game and now everybody is hugging everybody. everybody loves everybody tonight. and when you're a national champion, why not. dann cuellar is now available and live from kelly's tap room overlooking lancaster avenue. hi, dann. >> how are you doing, jim. it is absolutely a lovefest out here. a sea of humanity on lancaster ave. and you see this nova nation flag waved backwards, forwards, every direction. the loud -- i mean this crowd is just so euphoric. many of them will not be able to speak tomorrow because they
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probable won't have a voice left from all the yelling and screaming. not just during the game, but now on lancaster ave. it might be cold outside, but these fans are not feeling it. they're not feeling the cold temperatures that we're experiencing here tonight. just listen. listen to this, jim. >> they are just absolutely euphoric. they have not left. a cold chill is in the air, a wind is blowing, but they are not feeling it. some took shirts off and throwing them up in the air, dancing up and down. somebody fell and everybody grabbed them and picked them back up. it is so wonderful to see villanova fans just really enjoying this moment and this championship, jim. >> and one would hope, ducis
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rodgers, that the rivalries are so intense and sometimes they get really bitter, which frankly makes the big five what it is and what it has been for so many years. we only hope that students from all the big five schools who can't wait to play villanova during the course of the year, and all that they want to do is beat them and to see villanova lose to other big five schools. one would hope that every big five fan is it sharing in this joy that villanova is experiencing tonight. because it only does good things for the big five, and it only does good things for villanova basketball. >> that is that request that st. joe's head coach phil martelli had. interviewed at the airport he said i am a st. joe's guy but i am pulling for jay wright and villanova. and he hoped that others from
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that community would do the same. and fran was on and ecoed the same sentiments, pulling for jay wright because he is his friend but it is big five basketball. and with basketball in this town you see one school supporting another when they get this far to win a championship. >> the st. joe's-villanova game is called the holy war. and tonight maybe the holy adventure as villanova takes on the university of north carolina and comes out on top. villanova wins. the wildcats win. the wildcats win. chopper 6 now over, i believe, the scene on lancaster avenue in the area just at the intersection of -- well it cuts right through the villanova campus. the freshman dorms, and then the
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main part of campus on the other side of lancaster avenue. and some on the ground and checking to see what is going on. so far it looks peaceful. dancing around a camp fire on lancaster avenue. can we confirm it is lancaster avenue? i believe it is. >> it is outside of the pavilion on lancaster avenue. actually it is outside of the old arena which fronts on lancaster avenue, which is where villanova played its home games in 1985, the last year they won the national championship. there was no pavilion in 1985. big night nor the wildcats. >> calling the 1985 team, that game against georgetown as the
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perfect game. and the collection of the six games they played in the ncaa tournament, it was a perfect run. they were never really in trouble. mentioned it was just the kansas game and they won by 5 or 6 points, but they totally dominated every team put in front of them. there's not a team out there that may have got knocked out from the sweet 16 or elite 8 that would make a run with this team. the way that villanova played basketball, and i talked about the three-point shooting. their defense was stifling from the first game with unc-asheville. >> and arcidiacono said within the last couple of days that they really worked hard to learn from their losses. the last time they lost was against seton hall in the big east final. and he said we've learned a lot from that game. and early on in this tournament, they would remind each other about what happened in that game. certain things that occurred in
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the seton hall game that they did not want to see happen again. and even if they played the early games in this tournament, they referred back to that seton hall game, their last loss, to see them through some of the tough moments in the early games of the tournament. >> it certainly was a wake-up call. one thing jay wright mentioned during the week leading up to the last two games here, the national semi final and tonight's championship game is that his seniors, guys like daniel ochefu and ryan arcidiacono, they were still coachable. he could still pull those guys aside even though they played 120 games in their college careers, he would pull them aside and say that shot you took there, this is what you need to do. and jay wright, and obviously they can coach freshmen, sophomores and juniors, and as they get harder they can be harder to coach, but they are
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sponges. >> and talking about daniel ochefu, a lot of kids, and you know this better than i who are middle school going into high school who look like they have a certain level of talent. they start moving around from different schools. they go to different prep schools, places where they think that they are going to have a recruiting advantage to get into a certain kind of college or university to play at the level that they think they can. ryan arcidiacono stayed at one public high school, neshaminy, right? and he wanted that public high school experience. didn't think about all of these other issues and just stayed there, had a good career. from the time he was 8 years old he wanted to go to villanova because his father went to villanova. and i think his mother did, too. >> they met there. >> and they were a villanova family and there was no question. and tonight is the climax of all those years of dreaming about playing at this school.
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>> on his 22nd birthday a week or so ago he led the team to victory to get into the final four. and jamie apody points out he used to be a football player. he was a two-sport star. at one point he decided you know what? i want to go basketball. he is such a great athlete i think no matter what he would want to do he would be successful about it. >> we are able to hookup with jeff skversky live at the stadium where the villanova wildcats defeated north carolina 77-74. jeff, take it away. >> guys, what a finish. a finish for the ages. that kris jenkins three at the buzzer with no time left is the first buzzer-beater to win a national championship college basketball game in the ncaa tournament since 1983. that's how rare this was. look, villanova was down here for the final four in the national championship game in 1971. that's when jay wright says that he fell in love with villanova
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basketball. he didn't get that job done back then, but taking the national championship trophy home finally from texas here in 2016. what a turn of events. the legendary former coach leading them to the first and other national championship trophy was not even supposed to be here tonight. he has been tomorrow in florida taking care of his sick wife. when the trustees found out they said they have to get rollie here and sent a private plane to west palm beach and he flew here just in time for the game. talk about a good luck charm behind the villanova bench. villanova winning the second national championship and you have to talk about again kris jenkins unbelievable. if you remember, early on in this game he got into foul trouble. two early fouls. he overcame that to score 14 points, and then you have to talk about phil booth. ice cold veins. off the bench career high 20
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points for a sophomore guard. as much as everyone looks at ryan arcidiacono and daniel ochefu and kris jenkins, the job that phil booth did off the bench, just absolutely remarkable here in the national championship game. a game that philadelphians, villanova and nova nation will remember forever. guys? >> indeed, jeff skversky reporting live from houston. jamie apody joins us here tonight, and jamie, you know jay wright as well as any member of the media in philadelphia. huge deal for him obviously. there will be people, and i want to ask you in a minute, how do you think he is feeling tonight? there will be people who will say what's next for jay wright? does he stay at villanova? does he try to go to the nba? will he go to a school that might have a higher national profile where he might make more
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money? or does jay wright stay where he is, continue this love affair with villanova. he loves it here, we know he loves it here. what is jay wright -- obviously not tonight, but over the next weeks and months, what does jay wright think about all of this? >> i can't see him leaving. he had opportunities before to take an nba job and especially earlier this week when they left for the final four, jim, and you saw him get emotional. he said he was wearing sunglasses because he knew that he was going to cry. he is so in love with his players year in and year out, especially the two seniors this year with ryan arcidiacono and daniel ochefu. and especially now since he won the title which he probably could have and should have won a long time ago. he was a bucks county guy who grew up here and bleeds philadelphia. he gets the big five more than
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anybody else. i can't see it. there were rumors that he would coach the sixers and i can't see it he likes to coach, teach and mentor kids. and college game so different than the pro game, especially nowadays and i think he loves it. and i think he will continue the love affair. you know it is interesting, i covered jay for 10 years and know him very well. there was something about him this week that told me that he knew something. he had a weird smirk on his face. every question i asked him -- i asked him, you know, how does it feel that you guys are playing so loose. he said it is not loose, loose is the wrong word, it is confidence. you never know what is going to happen, but he had a smirk on his face that he knew something we didn't. that maybe it was destiny and his guys had a legitimate shot to do it. i said it all week and look what happened. they went out and hit a game-winning three-pointer in the final game. it was like jay wright knew that was going to happen. >> one thing about jay wright to
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go along with jamie's point, leading up to the final four game against oklahoma, he was asked if he had chances to maybe go to a bigger school or go to the nba. and he was complimenting the head coach -- >> forgive me for interrupting you. that graphic is incorrect the first title since 1995, it is 19 1985, can we correct that. >> and saying that guys like lon kruger and larry brown can take what they do and go to other places and win championships. and jay wright and his coaching staff he said that they learned early on they have it very good. what they do may not work at other places. and being at villanova allows them to teach a certain way that he thought would he not be able to do other places, why is part of the reason why he stayed there so long. and to confirm jamie's point i
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don't any that he would leave this school, unless it was one of those knock-your-socks-off offer even then i think he wouldn't turn it down. >> it would not be a surprise if somebody came after him. i am sure he is a hot property for years. >> i would not be surprised if two or three nba teams try to contact him in the next few days. >> or a college team. >> and i think he would enjoy trying to defend the title. >> doing this again next year. dann cuellar back live overlooking lancaster avenue in bryn mawr. from the balcony of kelly's tap room. dann? >> as you can see, this crowd is not showing any signs of letting up. it seems as if they are going to party all night long much they are just energized, euphoric, jumping up and down and just
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chanting the various nova nation chants. it's just a remarkable scene here in bryn mawr on lancaster avenue. and self hundred people here. it's just -- to see them, it's just really a phenomenal scene here on lancaster ave. something we haven't seen since 1985 here in bryn mawr. it is incredible jim, just a big party. people having a big time and no signs of any trouble, nobody really doing anything terrible, just jumping up and down and hunging each other. and the police standing by on the side just watching it all. police have not had to come and intervene in anything because they haven't been doing anything other than jumping and yelling and screaming and having a good time on lancaster ave.
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>> we are gratified to hear that everything is under control. we had no expectation that it would be otherwise, but of course there is concern why the lower marion police and the police further up the road outside of villanova are standing guard. you can see the police vehicles and police on foot are paying close attention to what is going on here, but staying back as long as everybody is behaving themselves the police are staying out of the fray, that's a good thing. but it is the students' responsibility to keep things under control and make sure that nobody gets hurt and everybody is ok. and so far that's exactly the way it looks.
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we can now go live inside of nrg stadium where history is made tonight and we are looking at ochefu, who is talking to one of the media people. can you hear? i think we can. >> i am glad i can share this moment with my basketball family. >> i think i saw him come for the ball. he shot it and it went in and i didn't know what to do. something you work on every day. and the wide open shot. one of the best shooters. and knocking down the biggest shot of his life. >> and ending your career like this. >> amazing. it is amazing. a dream-come-true.
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as a senior, my fellow students leading the team to the national championship, i couldn't have asked for anything more. >> how would you describe this game? it is the stuff of legends. >> no word for it. no words. i might never watch the game again, i don't know. but that's a lie, i will watch the game. probably. on the plane and when i get back to school. all the hard work we put in and this is something we work on every day in practice. and jenkins put it down. >> [inaudible question] >> in the huddle coach was talking and we knew what the play was. and i looked to him and said shoot it.
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and arc said after the game i had to give it to my teammate, he was wide open. >> it is chaotic inside but we are trying to hear as much of the interviews as we can. we have "action news" personnel in the arena and you can see the "action news" microphone there, the channel 6 microphone listening to what daniel ochefu had to say. and we have the camera and are trying to pick up what we can. and we will stay with it as much as we can. and pick off as much sound as we
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can. as much of the interviews as we can. perhaps you can see -- i am wondering, can they hear us? i don't know that they can. they cannot. we can see some of the coaching staff climbing to cut down portions of the net. which is the iconic ceremony at the end of the game. can you see who that is, jamie? >> we are trying to get ryan arcidiacono to talk to us right now, but he said i have to go cut down the net. he hasn't cut the net yet. i don't know if you notice when ochefu was talking he had a piece of the net tied behind his hat. last week after the final four he had the same and he wouldn't take it off. >> freshman.
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and he is going to be a point guard here for maybe three more years. >> let's hope. >> i think we can hear them. is that jay? there is jay wright cutting down his portion, his morsel of the net. >> he really fashioned this team. it wasn't more than three years ago that villanova was 13-19 and people were wondering has this program seen its best days? has jay wright seen his best day?
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ryan arcidiacono cuts down his part of the net. and obviously jay wright said no, no, villanova will be excellent again. and i'll make sure of that. what a great shot. >> you know arc won a championship in middle school with a club basketball team. he has been a winner his entire basketball life. >> you can understand why. also what is between the ears in addition to his athletic ability. how did jay wright take a program that was down three or four years ago and how did he rebuild it and make it a national championship team? >> starting with good coaches and good players, and he got players that are local guys. and ochefu going to downing town
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east. >> did he go to west town? >> i need to look it up, i am not sure. he is definitely a local guy. and arcidiacono, and obviously from philadelphia, great local high school basketball town. and got those guys to buy in. and you talk about excellent coaching and coaching from one of the players. when brunson was signed, have you a point guard in ryan arcidiacono and how are you going to make these guys work? we will figure out a way. and jay wright said that ryan arcidiacono came to him and said you know what? let brunson bring up the ball and i will play the off-guard position and it worked. >> and more important he said i want him to be my roommate. >> and when they were recruiting him they put him in a hotel, and he didn't stay in the hotel and he hung out with ryan in ryan arcidiacono's room. >> from the very beginning,
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brunson benefitted from all that he was and he started imparting that knowledge and culture from the first day. >> it is definitely a lot for a highly-touted freshman to carry. and ryan arcidiacono did a great job of that. let's show you the game-winning shot we have been talk being for the past 30 minutes or so. the kris jenkins shot at the buzzer. watch, listen and appreciate. >> three seconds to go across the timeline. two seconds to go and jenkins to win it and he made it! he made the three from the right wing at the buzzer! cats win it all! cats win it all! 31 years later villanova the years of college basketball tonight. >> and the villanova kids just
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explode with joy. >> let's show you the full highlight there is. numbers of the '85 championship team. the first half that was daniel ochefu putting nova up by 5. later, justin jackson and getting hot from three-point line and north carolina up by 7. the important play at the end of the first half, coming up with a huge block. at this point north carolina was trying to build a 9-point lead and they go back the other end and phil booth hits that bucket and it pulls the cats within 5. and then in the second half of course like i said, they go off, tieing the game at 44-44. and ryan arcidiacono get income the lane with the pivot foot and nova up by 7. the lead down to 3, 3:00 to go and nova up by 5. and then we told you, marcus
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paige hitting the crazy three-pointer and then kris jenkins at the buzzer. i am getting chills just watching that. it's what every kid who has ever picked up a basketball has ever dreamed about. there will be kids tomorrow -- >> i want to be kris jenkins fl i want to be kris jenkins. >> it will be cold tomorrow. >> there will be kids in the park and in the yard taking that shot, i want to be kris jenkins. there it is. >> that is awesome. >> it truly is. villanova. >> wow. >> the perfect tournament run. >> jay, let's sneak in here. we have jay wright here folks. i was saying they beat some really good teams. like i said, we start off with
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unc-asheville. >> they were supposed to win. >> but the iowa team that beat temple, that looked pretty good. they beat a miami team that maybe people thought was a strong acc team with good guard play and bigs. and they beat kansas, the number one overall seed. then they go down to houston and oklahoma has this kid, buddy hield. if you follow college basketball he literally is the best basketball player in the country. >> he might be on the sixers. >> supposed to be. pretty good averaging 29 points per game. >> and he sure didn't against villanova. >> and held him to 9 points and going up against north carolina and they have bigs well and rebound well and villanova out wills them and certainly out shoots them in the championship game. >> going to christie ileto live on lancaster avenue the scene of the massive crowd.
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>> at the heart of villanova's campus, and just floods of students and just fans really packing this intersection sections after villanova won. we have students who climbed the sign that literally sits on the intersection. and even saw some kids scale the light pole even after the crews earlier today tried to grease these poles to prevent that. really lots of people cheering, partying like it is 1985. very excited their team finally won again decades later. and we also again have police on the other side of this. and i asked commanders at what point do you go across, and he said honestly we want people to be able to celebrate. we will only do it if something gets out of control.
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a lot of people very excited about their team winning, but nothing out of control here jim. back to you. >> thank you, christie. we are hoping that everything, you know, remains within a certain boundary of decorum. this is again in lower merion township i believe, township of lower merion on the side of the police cruisers. and they are keeping things under control down here kelly's. and a number of other taverns in the area. the villanova strip call it, if you will, the popular watering holes for the villanova students. you drive past there thursday and friday and saturday night and there is usually lines going up and down lancaster avenue. as there was tonight earlier, hours and hours before the game. when we were on at 5:00 and 6:00 and 4:00, there were already people waiting in line to get their seats and stake out their claims for good views inside of
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kelly's and the other places down there so they could see the game on the big screens that were erected in these places. on the street sipping -- sing asking dancing and enjoying each other's company. and hopefully no incidents of any kind. >> there have have been
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issues. not recently. the not since jay wright has been here, and, of course, rollie massimino was a larger than life celebrity, personality, but it was villanova who basically took the big five out of the palestra and brought it on to an on campus facility and looking back now it is hard to imagine why they wouldn't want to do that and, you know, colleges and universities across the country, are trying to make some money out the of basketball and villanova is not the university of north carolina with the 20,000 seat stadium and you you know is
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not a program that traditionally has made a fortune, playing basketball and so yes, it was the first in philadelphia to want on bring their bigging five games, on to their on campus arena they built the pavilion they wanted to play games there. a lot of people at other schools got very upset, ruining big five and for a period of time every cool did in the play every other school in the rotation in the big five every year. they reinstituted that a number of years later but villanova took a lot of heat for what other people thought was destroying the big five. well, the big five exists, the big five is very much a part of philadelphia basketball, and villanova tonight is a national champion. >> a wonderful big five stat. >> all right. we've got again another fire now has been set on lancaster
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avenue i guess and police want to make sure this does not develop into something untort. watching from a bar, live coverage. >> you know what, i'm sorry. >> i was just saying i saw beverages flying from a couple peoples hand and police officers are starting to move them off the street the right now. >> a absolutely. >> "action news" reporter walter perez, live in that crowd, walter, what is going on? he will get that cue in just a
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second, to begin his report. as you can easily imagine, you know, this is a a chaotic situation on the ground and if there is a miss cue here and through can certainly understand why that would be. that is a big crowd, isn't it. the easily several thousand people. a reasonably confined space too lancaster avenue is a two-way road in each direction so it the is four lanes, between the entrance to the campus and the parking lot on the the other side of lancaster avenue and so far, as far as we can tell there has been nothing terribly untoward happening in that crowd, and we hope it stays that way. >> in recent years we have seen different sports champion ships, whether it be college basketball or super bowls some fans got a little bit out offhanded but as we mentioned so far it has been good here. >> i remember in columbus after ohio state won the national championship,
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national football championship there was some very difficult video, and that was shown a cross the country and some real rowdy behavior. so far, tonight in bryn mawr and in villanova on the main line, things seem to be owe kay. >> it is a really cool stat, we are talking about the big five lasalle won the ncaa championship in 1954. >> with tom gola. >> yes, and as we await for villanova's players, chris jenkins and ryan arcidiacono and others to come to the podium and hear from them they win in 1954. villanova won in 1985, that was 31 years later and wouldn't you you believe 31 years later in 2016, villanova wins again which means, jim. >> 2047. >> this is the next time good
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who will win it. >> who will win it. >> one of them wins it every 31 years. temple is due. >> i know temple, st. joes or penn, who knows. >> you will be on the anchor desk in 2047. >> my grandson will be playing on that team. >> rollie massimino looking on and what a combination they were 31 years ago. >> as we look at highlights of the game that was daniel ochefu and just continue jackson had a three, put them up by seven in the first half. this is a huge play at the end of the first half, big block by josh hart at other even, phil booth, and that pulls the cats to within five. they were down 39-34 and momentum going back in their favor, back there to miguel bridges out of the game at 44. nine minutes to go ryan arcidiacono puts cats up by
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seven, and then, then booth with the jump shot. he had 20-point career high. nova up by five. big bucket arcidiacono dribbles it up, gives to it chris jenkins at the buzzer, no time left, and is that amazing. that shot will live on forever. >> chris jenkins sat down with two personal fouls earlier in the game. so, what kind of impact will he have on the game or one of those games where he spent, you know, more time on the bench then he did on the floor. >> he had those two fouls. jay sat him for eight minutes. jay brought him back in with five or six minutes to go, he got a couple buckets and at half time on the broadcasting interview i just wanted to give them a little will energy. came back in the second half and then that huge shot right there. >> early the most hard core villanova a fans would know who this is.
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he is not one of the guys who has made such a name for himself over the past season and over the past three or four weeks. >> he is a guy who has seniors graduating arcidiacono will move on he is a senior, ochefu is a senior. josh hartist a junior. he my go pro. you might see booth play more minutes next season. >> we are looking at that small fire right in the middle of lancaster avenue i guess. they are doing some dancing around it but it doesn't seem to be anything police are worried too much about. they don't to have worry too much about. there was another one further down on lancaster avenue but we will keep an eye on this for sure. >> jim, talk about phil booth, 20 points in the nc double a a tournament final game. arcidiacono was the tournament a's most valuable player.
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>> he had a tremendous run. in the just during this tournament but obviously throughout his career. he is a kid as a freshman played a lot of minutes. talking about arcidiacono. >> he was a four year captain, where have you seen that before. >> yes good how does a freshman become captain of the basketball team. >> i hate to use this but his basketball iq and jay wright used him as almost as a coach on the floor. let's listen. >> it was just crazy. >> has it unk is even in yet you are national champions. >> no, it has not. i think it will take a couple more days or in the morning to realize, that we really made it. >> when chris hit that shot, that shot that will be shown, forever. >> legend. he is a legend.
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he was well on his way. but it solidified it. he is a legend. >> he always had that swagger. >> when we had such a remarkable regular season, the unexpected upsets and i mean just great college basketball. >> i don't know who that gentlemen is who is speaking but sitting next to jay wright and we will hear from the villanova. >> executive director representing the board of directors to present to you the nabc coach's trophy that goes to the national champion. congratulations. >> thank you. >> can we hold it together. >> sure. >> so jay, how does it feel.
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>> well, recently he was named the coach of the year, jay wright was, and so an individual honor for him but a great team honor for we will cats. >> i think that crystal ball will look nice in the trophy case in the pavilion somewhere. >> it is a huge beautiful recruiting tool as well. >> i would think. >> coach, we will begin with an opening statement as student a athletes a send to the stage at this time. >> we can listen to this... . i want to thank jim. it is an honor to receive this trophy. i have great respect for jim haney and our national association of basketball coaches, this is our convention this weekend which is what i'm usually doing at the convention doing the final four. it is a great pride in being part of that organization, abe national association of basketball coaches.
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to have jim present this is nice and it means a lot to me personally. i want to start by saying, that was one of the great college basketball games we have ever been apart of and we all have great respect for north carolina, and we didn't just beat a great team which this team is but a great program, classy program and before they determined that shot was good, roy came up to me and said i'm really disappointed for our guys that was a great game but i'm happy for you. i know he means that. he is a coach's coach. he has a great team. some of those seniors, bryce johnson and marcus page, were just great examples of what you want college basketball players to be. they played with class. won with class and lost tonight with class.
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we have great respect and admiration for them. for our guys, i'm just, you know, you are like a parent when you are a coach. i could not be prouder and could not be happier to see them enjoy this and fulfill their dreams and that is what it is all about for coaches, to see their eyes, to see their satisfaction and their enjoyment, there is no better feeling in the world for coach or a parent. >> we're yin by national champions daniel ochefu, chris jenkins and ryan arcidiacono. we would take questions for student a athletes at this time. we will start with nancy. >> nancy, from the u.s.a. today sports. ryan, you guys talked a lot about connection that you have, with the 85 team and often said that they played the perfect game in their title game. you might have had the greatest game ever. what can you put in word what
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those last five seconds were like for you. >> first off coach wright did a great job keeping our former players around the program. they are always around us. even guys, every single team from the early 2,000's. the it is a great honor to be in that class with the 85 team and just to know we will be in the same setting is an honor but last five seconds, i thought it was marcus page shot, danielle went for a loose ball to make a double clutch shot which was unbelievable. great player, great competitor but we drew up a play, we knew what play we were going to at the end of game because we work object it every single day in the practice. if i could get a shotty was going to shoot it. i heard someone screaming in the back of my head, and it was chris and i gave it to him and let it go with confidence. >> we will go up front toward the right side. >> arch, how fitting is it to you how rewarring that the final time you touch the ball as aville know of basketball
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player, was an a cyst to set up a winning shot in the national championship game. >> it happened to be me on that play. it could have been jaylen, phil, and coach just had me in that situation throughout the year and it was just an honor to run that play but i think, i was just maybe it just shows how much confidence we have in each other and, just trying to find the right shot. >> to the third row on the left shot. >> mike field for philadelphia a inquirer for arch, number one how did you get the tie and number two if you can describe what jay said and how you guys, kind of reacted in the huddle before the final play. >> first, we were walking off the floor, team was walking off the floor and jim nantz came up and stopped me and just thank him for i great tournament and everything that he did but he said i took at the end of the tournament i always go to the winning team
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and i senior who has inspired him throughout the tournament and he gives him the tie at the end and he said it was me. i was in awe. i didn't know what to say. it was a great honor from a really nice person. last play, we were just calm in the huddle. we knew what we were going to do and we just executed. >> next question from the front left. >> for chris. >> pat ford from yahoo sports what were you screaming in arch's ear and your coach said you live for those shots, why? >> one moment i was screaming in archie's ear, i don't remember. >> for the ball, at the end. >> all i hear is arch, arch, arch. >> i was able to get in position and i was opened so i was screaming at him. for him to be so unselfish and give up the ball, it shows
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what type of teammate and what type of person he is, and we put a lot of work in. this team and everybody has a confident to catch and shoot so when arch threw me the ball, i went two steps and shoot it up. >> to the second row greg. >> greg logan from news day again for chris, right here in front, your coach said on the court that you said in the huddle will that you were going to be opened. do you recall that and what are you thinking, you know, prior to that play and you know thinking about could you be the one to take that shot. >> well, i always take the ball out so from previous games i realize when i took the ball out and it gets up the court, you know, the defender usually follow the ball so i knew when i gave arch the ball he would be aggressive and they were going to try to take arch away but
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he hit big shots in his career so when they all followed the ball i just knew if i get in his line of rigs he will find me. >> go to the center of the room we have the red microphone. >> this is for chris. they said if you won you wouldn't hear the end of it. i'm sure this um iser it will be a tough one in the house. how do you go home and handle nate. >> i'm not going to say too much to him tonight but tomorrow i'm going to be right at him, that is for sure. i read that comment. i said oh, man. >> let's go to the center of the room zach. >> zach, for chris, in that vein what does it mean not only to hit that shot but he said you you didn't want anything more than to beat your brother but to be the one that actually did it. >> we did it as a team. we for the the whole game.
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fouls called against us, shots not going in. we just, this team, we accept coaching and we listen to coach wright and our coaching staff. we have gotten better all year and the first half we didn't playville know of basketball but to make adjustments that coach toll to us make and for to us just compete, we just played real hard. we gave it all we had and today we were just lucky to hit the shot at the end. >> lets go to the left. >> zach, we will get you the microphone back in a couple minutes. >> this is for ryan, mark bradley from a atlanta. i'm a little confused, you said you ran a play but you also make it sound like it was improvisation of the last play. was it a play, was it improvisation. >> it was a play and it is what we do every day in practice. danielle set the screen and, i
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was going to be a aggressive off the screen and chris did a great job of sprinting in the play and once i heard him i flipped it to him. that was definitely part of the play. >> second row to the right of the aisle. >> right there, good job. >> julie with the new york times. i just have a question, about the last question, so when you were dribbling up toward basket did you think that you were going to take the shot or were going to plan to kick it to chris. >> we work on that play every single will day in practice. i am always the one with the ball. i think coach has confidence in me, and i was trying to be aggressive but not the about me taking the shot but me making the right read and i just did that. >> front left. >> daniel, you mopped the floor yourself. one of your mote owes was to be the best street sweeper you
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could be is that what were you doing. >> definitely, i thought little kid was having a hard time. i knew where i had to it the is the screen. i didn't want to slippery didn't want arch to slip. the kid was go a hard time. i'm the the one that left a big wet spot. i said let me get this and make sure floor is dry. thank god he didn't slip on that. >> next question from the right side toward the front. >> ryan, chris, how frustrating was it to be in early foul trouble and how did it affect your play when you got back in the game. >> i alms want to be out there with my guys. you know, next man up, we have so many faith and confidence in each other, i just knew if we kept the game close when i got back in there we were going to make a rupp for it. >> we will go back to nancy to the right of the aisle. >> nancy cameron u.s.a. today. >> last 52nd, chris's shot,
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the game winner but it was your defense in the second half that really made a difference can you just describe what you did differently in the second half particularly a stretch they shot two of 12 when you got the lead. >> we committed toville know of basketball. i know in the locker room we did something we normally don't do. we asked all of the coach toes leave locker room and it was players only. guys were just getting on each other. excuse me. we came out and coach wright was on us, coaches were on us, we were on each other and just got back toville know of basketball, started defending better and started rebounding the ball better and just got it done good two more questions for student athletes before they return to the athlete and ago sack follow-up and then greg. >> chris, what was it like facing your brother, in a national championship game with millions watching and have you heard from your family, do you expect your mother to be more happy for you or do you think she will be more trying to keep nate's
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spirits up. >> nate's my brother, i love him so to play begins each other in the national championship it was something special for our family, i'm happen that i we won for sure so i don't to have hear him talk smack but our family was neutral the whole game i'm pretty sure and they are going to be there for nate and be there for me at the same time. that is it. >> and back to greg for the final question. >> for daniel, you guys were talking yesterday about the villanova way of playing basketball, the way you took ownership of the locker room at half time and paid attention to detail in those final seconds is that kind of a reflection of everything that you work for for four years. >> definitely. our biggest word we use this this program is the attitude and a lot of guys myself and arch to start with we weren't lock in defensively. we were taking crazy shots
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offensively. we set the tone. that is how team played in the first half. second half i looked at arch and looked at myself and said we have to pick it up. thank god we did, everybody else stepped up to the plate. that is the villanova away. something not going right, you don't hang our heads or feel bad for ourselves, attitude, next play. >> thank you and congratulate daniel, chris ryan and they will head back to the locker room and join their teammates for some more questions and answers. >> we are now live, we go from nrg stadium to lancaster avenue in villanova and yes the police are saying time to go to bed everybody, they are breaking up the party on lancaster avenue, police on horse back making a statement suggesting that villanova students go back to campus and retire for the night, that
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this party should be just about over whether that happens or not remains to be seen but police are trying to clear lancaster avenue and get it back to the public, i guess. >> i don't know, do you think anybody is going to class good they are not on spring break and i don't know. >> they had a decisive plan on campus tomorrow i have a funny feeling class will be canceled but who am i to say. >> let's not put that out there. >> we take no responsibility for what jamie apody just said. >> we will go back to houston for a minute and alycia vitarelli, let's go to that report. >> nova nation is on fire tonight, and you can see all in the stadium they are just starting to come


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