tv Action News 11pm ABC May 2, 2016 11:00pm-11:36pm EDT
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the tri-state area it is monday night, and the big story on "action news" tonight, it is the late news from accu weather and it could mean a tough start to the morning rush hour. live at the big board is meteorologist cecily tynan. the cecily. >> storm doppler indicates that the heavy rain arrived right on schedule. we have severe weather in kent and sussex county, delaware. national weather service posted a severe thunderstorm warning essentially from wood side, on to the south and east until 11:15. this cell has a history of producing very intense wind gusts and also, half dollar sized hail and rain is torrential. flash flood warning has been posted until we hours of the morning until will 4:45 for this same area. so this is what we're looking at. if you live in kent county, delaware you can hear that thunder. it is very intense. this whole line has crossed through route one and crossing delaware bay and moving into south jersey. we have had 146 now lightening
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strikes in just the past 15 minutes. on the flip side here, closer to philadelphia, we only have five lightening strikes. these are just some very, heavy batches of rain, continuing to push up to the north east along the i-95 corridor. this will continue overnight. this is what to expect tonight. areas of heavy rain, a few gusty thunderstorms south of philadelphia, some of these storms will be training over the same area and that will produce more flash flooding. this is going to slow down the morning commute. i will have more details in what to expect in the full accu weather forecast, jim. >> thanks, cecily. at accounts news morning team will be tracking the system as it moves through. we ask you to join them from 4:30 through the morning rush hour for live updates of the rain's impact on your morning commute. it started out as a swirl of rumors. now matter of criminal charges. a 39 year-old teacher in upper dublin high school has been charged with having a sexual relationship with a male student. a "action news" reporter jeff chirico has the story.
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>> reporter: district suspended rose limuli today pending outcome of her criminal case. police say she had a sexual relationship with a 18 year-old student that lasted for five months. this is mug shot of the 39 year-old rose limuli of lansdale a married mother who taught english in upper dublin high school for past three years. >> good teacher. very surprised. she was very helpful. look out for kid. so, you know, you hate to sees something like this. >> reporter: according to the criminal complaint, they began talking to through snap chat, phone calls and text messages late last year there was inappropriate touching in the back of the classroom. starting in december the pair allegedly repeatedly engaged in sexual contact at a dog park on camp hill road, and once at the victim's home while the mom was at work. >> i'm absolutely disgusted by it and appalled this is happening. it is an epidemic. >> reporter: affidavit said limuli showered the student with gifts like a dirt bike, sneakers, clothes and a thousand dollars. no one answered the door to
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himly's home in lansdale. when rumors of the relationship began swirling in school administrators contacted the police. upper dublin deputy police chiefly benson says pennsylvania law prohibits this type of of relationship even if the student is technically an adult. >> it is unfortunate that at times these relationships go too far. they cross the line. >> reporter: police say the two exchanged 262 phone calls over five months. she was released on $50,000 unsecured bail, a condition of that bail is she can have no contact with the victim or any students. in upper dublin township, jeff chirico for channel six "action news". philadelphia accident investigators have yet to determine if criminal charges will be filed in yesterday's crash on henry have avenue. it was a crash that claim the life of the 20 year-old man, and a six year-old boy. seven other people were hurt, when wet road played a major factor. police don't believe that speeding, drugs, or alcohol were involved. but they say that the results
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may have been less tragic, and everybody, had been buckled up. fbi and philadelphia police are on the hunt foreign more, center citibank bandits tonight. two republic bank branches were held up today just three blocks apart but by different men. latest was at 5:10 tonight, man in the coat, a hat, and glasses, robbed the branch at 16th near walnut. police recovered the money a block away after dye pack went off. at 9:15 this morning, this man, held up a republic bank at 16th and market. investigators say he is a suspect in at least one other center citibank robbery in recent months. convicted child molester jerry sandusky was back in a center county court today where his lawyer tried to persuade the judge to grant sandusky a new trial. sandusky is serving 30 to 60 years for 45 counts of the sex abuse. sandusky told reporters to quote read what has been
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written. he was referring to this statement that he gave to his lawyer. >> i'm an innocent man, serving what amounts to a life sentence. people have betrayed, attacked, and vilified family, supporters, and me. >> sandusky's lawyer wants to raise questions about the decisions made by sandusky's former defense team, judge john cle licensed did not indicate when he would rule. parents the of the students who graduated from last year from a main line school have finally received a copy of their memories. they have been a long time coming. "action news" reporter dann cuellar explains. >> reporter: there were hugs, handshakes, all around tonight at waldron mercy academy a happy ending to the most unfortunate case of the graduation video of the class of 2015. >> ♪ >> reporter: for the first time tonight parents got to watch their kid commencement exercise which took place a year ago this month.
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the school has paid $1,600 to a company named advanced media to tape, he had it and produce dvd for 60 parents of the students but the school alleged that the company never delivered. >> i tried to get in touch with advanced media. i left several phone messages. i tried to send e-mails, get in touch with them through the web site. i didn't have any success. >> reporter: daughter of the ron ron donna too much i the philadelphia register of will was among those who graduated. he contacted the pennsylvania attorney general bureau of consumer protection who assigned a lawyer to the case. as it turns out the case was handled by an alumni of waldron mercy academy. >> low and behold the man showed up on good friday fittingly enough and he came in with the dvd's in hand. was very apologetic. >> after watching their kid graduation on the big screen tv, each family was finally, given a dvd copy that they had paid for. >> thank you very much. >> my hearties beating a mile a minute. >> we're very, very happy.
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i'm just overwhelmed. >> it is just a nice, wonderful, emotional moment. we really didn't think we would be able to get this dvd. >> reporter: i'm dann cuellar for channel six "action news". atlantic city dug into its pockets and scratched up enough cash to stay in the game. the city made a 1.8 million-dollar bond payment at 10:00 o'clock this morning narrowly avoiding default but mayor don guardian says atlantic city is quote running on fumes and has only six or seven million-dollar in reserve. the next payment is due in june. governor chris christie who advocates a state take over thinks the city will run out of cash within two weeks. a philadelphia police officer shot in the line of duty in 2013 is now back on the job. here is officer edward davies with his young son holding a sign today that reads 993 days later, first day back. davies lost a kidney and suffered of host of other
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medical issues after eric torres shot him in the feltonville corner shop. torres is serving 60 years behind bars. if you love horses and want to help keep a three day old foal alive, then "action news" reporter christie ileto has a poignant tail from thornbury farm in west chester >> reporter: first three day of sky's life has not been easy. >> come here sky. >> with her kicking him in the head, he has had some swelling, and blood. >> reporter: penny parker says foal was attacked by his own mother who was pregnant when she was rescued from the kill pen. >> she neglect him, in the sense where he would try to nurse her and she would kick out at him. >> reporter: thornbury farm volunteers are taking turns bottle feeding sky around the clock. >> they have got to get nutrients and get the anti bod fridays the mom in the first 24 hours and if they don't get that they are not going to survive. >> reporter: nurse surrogate arrived today.
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>> her responsibility is to just, raise the baby and feed the baby. >> reporter: they are hoping lucy will be able to nurse soon but leasing a mare and buying formula are not cheap. >> powder is $75 every three days. >> reporter: how much do you need. >> about 5,000 between all of the medicine, and the surrogate mare. >> reporter: that is not including daily visits from the vet which parker says in total will surpass $10,000. a cost that she says is worth, saving sky's life. now they are hoping that sky will be able to start eating on his own the next five to six days and if that doesn't happen volunteers will be bottle feeding him for months, which will add autopsy. so anyone that would like to help can head to our web site at six reporting from west chester, christie ileto for channel six "action news". still to come on "action news" tonight, the man known as philly jesus is arrested in center city philadelphia. it is last night of the republican campaigning, before tomorrow's do or die indiana
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primary. cecily. heavy rain is here along with storms with the history of golf ball sized hail and it will impact on your morning commute. i will have details and let you know when you will see the sun again in the accu weather seven day forecast. we are joined tonight by health reporter and registered nurse ali gorman. >> it is a message in several new health books, eat more fat to lose weight? i will have more on the eating plan that experts say can help you lose weight, have more energy and even help prevent diseases. ducis rodgers with the phillies, can they keep their hot streak alive? that and more when "action news" continues tonight. black
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narrator: the constitution says the president shall make nominations for the supreme court and the senate votes. no exception for election years why is pat toomey refusing to do the job pennsylvania elected him to do? toomey refuses to consider anyone president obama nominates, even a former prosecutor with more experience than any other nominee with bipartisan support. but toomey is choosing his party's leaders and playing politics with the supreme court. call senator toomey and tell him to put the constitution before his politics. at giant, shoppers low prices by the thousands, plus a thousand more that just dropped. all these low prices! what are you trying to do, get me to feed the whole neighborhood? no. just trying to save you a whole lot of "bread."
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[ laughter ] thousands of blue tags, thousands of low prices. my giant. indiana primary and new poll has donald trum one a commanding lead. trump stopped by a diner in indianapolis today where he appeared to have a lot of supporters, and later in a rally he said what a lot of political pundits believe that if he wins indiana a tomorrow the fight for the nomination
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is over. ted cruz, crisscrossed the state today and at one stop he confronted a group of trump supporters, asked cruz, what do you like about trump, name one thing? one of the protesters said, everything. on the democratic side, hillary clinton faced angry voters in west virginia. she said in a cnn interview in march that she would put a lot have of coal companies out of business. she told an unemployment coal worker that was a misstatement and she will do whatever she can to help. bernie sanders held a rally in evansville, indiana and he vowed to continue his campaign, all the way to the convention in philadelphia. prince's siblings went to court today to begin sorting out what will happen with the laser advertisements multi million-dollar estate. during a brief hearing in minnesota the judge confirmed that the brimmer trust is the
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administrator of prince's assets and the company has not found a will. the cause of the prince's death last month is still under investigation. investigators are trying to figure out what sparked that massive fire that destroyed a historic church last night in new york. flames and heavy smoke could be seen pouring out of the 160 year-old serbian cathedral, it is called cathedral of saint sava. it took fire fighters three hours to extinguish the blaze. five fire fighters suffered minor yours. health check at 11:00 tonight, it is the message in several new health books: eat more fat to lose weight and gain energy. but, doesn't there have to be a catch, here is health reporter and registered nurse ali gorman. >> it depend what you consider a catch, jim. we are definitely moving away from low fat eating plans that include, plans that include more fat, but when it comes to which fats are healthy, there
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is still some controversy. olive oil, avocado, nuts and salmon, by now word is out these food are loaded with healthy fats. better good fats good for us. new book smart fat takes the message much farther. the plan adds most fat back in. even saturated fat, which was perceived to be unhealthy. >> we have been terribly mislead about the health risk of saturated fat. >> reporter: i spoke with the co author, johnny bod even by skype. he says taking fat out led to a path of people eating more high carbohydrates and sugary foods. >> i believe it to be largely responsible for the obesity epidemic we are seeing today. >> reporter: but he says smart fat solution isn't the license to chow down on burgers and fries. the plan is broken up into four components, fat fat, fiber, flavor, and clean protein.
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registered dietition althea san cow ski likes that it encourages people to eat fewer processed foods and she says in many cases, choosing the higher fat food is better. if you look at this fat free pudding, it is only 70 calories. but it has 16 grams have of sugar. you're better off having more the fat, less sugar. she also likes putting people to eat more vegetables and those well men heart healthy foods. but, she cautions. >> so we have to be careful because any fat, still has calories. >> reporter: for nuts she suggest the 100-calorie packs. >> you are not going over board. >> reporter: for dark chocolate keep it to one to 2-ounces i day. as for argument on saturated fat new research has shown it may not be as harmful as once thought but not all experts agree. the american heart association still says that people should limit saturated fat, but boden says it is not the fat that is the problem, he believes it is
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the hormones, pesticides and antibiotics used on grain fed animals. >> all of that wind up in their fat. that is what makes animal fat toxic, not the fat that it comes from animals. >> reporter: erect mend people eat grass fed animal products whenever possible. many main stream experts disagree. >> there is no good science to show that grass fed is better than conventional. >> reporter: boden says over all the smart fat solution will boost omega three's and that can help prevent inflammation and possibly disease. he says it is not a quick fix, for weight loss but. >> when you get toxins out and sugar out and starch out you start eating food that your body recognizes as energetic and nourishing, your entire life will change. your entire energy will change. >> reporter: nutrition is still in emerging science, as a nurse, i suggest looking at all of the information out there and find what works best
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for you, long term. cutting down on processed and sugary food is good advice for everyone, as is eating more vegetables and healthy fats. now when it comes to that saturated fat, you should talk tour health care provider about what is best for you. >> just one question. >> yes. >> chocolates ice cream is that now a good thing. >> i wouldn't consider that a smart fat but according to this doctor you are better off going with the higher fat, then going with something that has more sugar like a frozen yogurt: so go ahead. >> a lot of sugar. >> you are better off having more fat. >> then sugar. >> moderation still. >> everything in moderation. i have been hearing that for a long time. thanks, ali. a man known as philly jesus was arrested tonight, inside of the center city apple store. "action news" viewer jen miller took this photograph as the man was taken into custody at 6:30. police say he is facing
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charges of defiant trespassing and disorderly conduct for making a scene and refusing to leave at the request of both store management and police officers. this is not the first time he has had a run in with the law. he was also rested for disorderly conduct in 2014 at what was then dilworth plaza. lets get that accu weather forecast. we can hear, and it doesn't often happen, but we can hear thunder inside the studio. >> exactly about three minutes ago we had a rumble of thunder. there is a lot out there storm tracker six live double scan showing that heavy rain arriving really right on schedule and in addition to the thunder, the lightening, and the hail, this cell i have been tracking moving through kent county has been dropping a lot of rain, up to 2 inches of rain. so a flash flood warning has been posted there until 4:45 in the morning. if you you are doing driving in kent county late tonight, you will want to be very careful. turn around, don't drawn. this whole line is moving into
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south jersey. it is really targeting cape may county. you can see the lightening. 167 lightening strikes with this in the past 15 minutes, lifting up to the north east at 35 miles an hour. so cape may, forteskew, rio grande all in the path of the storm. it is weakening a bit but still a lot of lightening and thunder. we do have a lot of areas of lightening north of philadelphia mainly north of the pennsylvania turnpike, 15 lightening strikes, and also a lot of heavy rain and unfortunately this will be lingering, right into your morning commute. temperature wise, temperatures almost steady right now. philadelphia 60 degrees. allentown 57. millville 56. wilmington 59. temperatures tomorrow most of the take will be stuck in the 50's. not a pretty day. satellite six with action radar showing the system really streaming in. but it will take a while heading out. that means we will have some heavy rain overnight tonight, thunder and lightening.
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future tracker showing at 7:00 y good steady soaking. so that will cause definite delays for your morning commute. the latest runs are slowing down progression of the rain. by 11:00 o'clock heavy rain east of philadelphia but as we head in the afternoon we will get rid of the steady rain but still plenty of clouds with a little bit of drizzle and a few more showers across lehigh valley and poconos in the evening. i don't think evening commute will be a big issue but the morning commute, will. a steady rain, ponding on the roadways. you definitely need to allow extra time. it will slow down. the exclusive accu weather seven day forecast tomorrow we will get that rain through the morning, in the afternoon, the cloud, they are staying pretty tough with a little bit of drizzle. afternoon high only 60. most of the day temperatures in the 50's. and then on wednesday, the cloud, thicken up again with the possibility of some showers, upper level low, moves in, and 62 degrees and that low is cut off. it will meander on thursday
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and friday bringing us more cloud, additional on and off showers, not a wash out, temperatures only in the lower 60's. finally we will break out of gloomy weather pattern in time for the weekend. saturday pretty news is day partly sun which a high of 74. mothers day looking decent as well, some sunshine a cold front could bring a spotty shower, 72. monday sun and cloud with a high of 74 degrees. tomorrow morning you may want to sleep in late with the rain but get you have early and watch "action news" at 4:30 because it will have a big impact on the morning commute. after school music program in philadelphia celebrated a milestone tonight with the celebration concert. >> ♪ >> tonight marks play on philly's fifth anniversary. to mark the occasion, students played alongside world renowned violin player ray chen. it happened at the college of physicians in center city. beautiful music tonight in philadelphia.
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streaking? they are in st. louis tonight. >> it is a problem, tonight. they are near the bottom in many offensive categories but with smoke, mirrors, grit and luck the phillies entered the night as hottest team in baseball. phillies and card. phils on a six game winning streak. third inning no score bases loaded for freddie galvis. off freddie galvis a two run single. phillies lead three to nothing at the end of three. then the fourth inning happened. this here unacceptable. jeremy hellickson surrenders a three run home run to the pitcher. adam waynewright. game tied at 36789 it gets worse in the sixth. hellickson gives up two more
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home runs, this one to matt adams. winning streak is snapped, phillies lose, ten-three. the sam bradford situation has not gotten any better. espn is reporting bradford is still not returning phone calls and text messages from team personnel. good news for villanova's basketball program, chris jenkins who hit that shot to give cats the title, he is coming back. junior forward has withdrawn his name from the nba draft, he averaged 13.6 points per game this past season. still to come, flyers rookie shane gostisbehere is up for a high honor. plus tennis becomes a contact sport for this poor racket.
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flyers news, shane gostisbehere amazing season has not gone unnoticed. the ghost is one of the three finalist for caldor trophy, that is given to the nhl's rookie of the year. defenseman had 17 goals and 29 assists for 46-point in the past season. he called nomination a hum blink honor and caldor trophy will be announced june 22nd. the soul visiting l.a. kiss, dj stevens is kissed by james lamaine there. the quarterback is slinging the football tonight. he tossed, six touchdowns passes, got to love a real football. soul win 66-33. finally tonight, what is all is that racket? tennis, is tan bull final, dimitri taking on diego schwartzman an his own equipment. dimitri destroys three rackets. he is warned, penalize aid point twice, final point,
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penalty, gives his opponent the victory. he has since, apologized. >> shaking hand. >> yes. >> technology in philadelphia, was the topic of discussion in center city. mayor jim kenney served as panel list at a town hall forum at free library of philadelphia group of experts discussed the state of the cities technology, and how it ties in with entrepreneur ship, tonight's town hall hall all part of the philadelphia tech week. jimmy kimmel live next up followed by night line. jimmy's guest tonight doctor oz, emily dush until, music mash ups of the monster and men at work. "action news" continue at 4:30 with tamala edward, matt o'donnell, meteorologist david murphy and karen rodgers with traffic. for cecily tynan, ducis rodgers and the entire "action news" team, i'm jim gardner, good night. >> ♪
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"jimmy kimmel live." tonight -- dr. mehmet oz. from "bones" emily deschanel. and it's mash-up monday with music from of monsters and men at work. with cleto and the cletones. and now, here's jimmy kimmel. >> jimmy: thank you. hi, everybody. i'm jimmy. i'm your host. thank you for watching. thank you for
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