tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC July 11, 2016 11:35pm-12:37am EDT
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dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live." tonight, zac efron and adam devine -- from "vice principals" walton goggins -- and music from melanie martinez. with cleto and the cletones. and now, simply put -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i'm jimmy, the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks to each and every one of you for coming.
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hey, i don't know if you know. i don't know if you heard outside. this neighborhood is a hotbed of controversy right now. the l.a. city council today voted to start cracking down on the costumed characters who bring so much joy to so many on our street. [ cheers and applause ] the new rules would require anyone hoping to dress up as a superhero to get a daily pass to do that. and the city will only give out 20 passes a day. which is nuts. we have 20 captain americas alone out there. today we went down our block and we visited with these men and women. how do i put this? it's like going to disneyland if disneyland didn't drug test their mascots. there's a captain america. darth vaders, batman, batman being arrested. this is elmo being arrested. poor elmo. this is a skirmish between chewbacca and a couple other friends. for some reason a lot of business owners in the area
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don't like having these guys around, i don't understand it. but now under the new rules the city would hand out 20 passes every morning on a first come, first served basis. i don't know what time they're going to hand them out or where but that line is going to look like the world's saddest "avengers" movie. costume party is over, i guess. fortunately we're probably going to have legalized marijuana soon. so that's -- [ cheers and applause ] should i be worried when our employees are cheering louder than anyone? [ cheers and applause ] no, no. alec, no comment? he doesn't have to put it up his butt anymore. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] so in november, california voters will vote on a measure to legalize marijuana for recreational use. supporters of the amendment turned in the required amount of signatures on time to get on the ballot. whether the measure passes or
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not, turning something in on time is a huge victory for marijuana enthusiasts. medical marijuana is legal here already. but it's hard to get. right now the only way to get marijuana is to tell a guy whose name is dr. 420 your elbow hurts. the measure will almost certainly pass which will bring about $1 billion to the state. but i feel bad for the drug-sniffing dogs. what are they going to do for work? practice sniffing each other's butts, i guess. donald trump and hillary clinton are currently sniffing each other's butts. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] quinnipiac university poll, the new poll has them almost tied, hillary up 42% to 40% over trump. the other 18% said they're going to kill themselves in november. with the margin of error, they're in a virtual tie which is a big deal. this is the first tie for donald trump that wasn't manufactured in china. when you break the numbers down, clinton got the support of 91% of black voters.
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trump took just 1. not 1%. literally 1 black voter. his name is leonard, don't call him leon. leonard. among hispanic voters clinton leads trump 50% to 33% which surprised me. after all the things he said you'd think he'd have more support from african-americans than mexican-americans. but you remember if you cross the border to move to another country there's a good chance one of the reasons you did that was to get away from your family back home. guillermo, how's your mother-in-law? >> guillermo: terrible. >> jimmy: she's terrible? >> guillermo: yeah. >> jimmy: maybe you're hoping there's some more border control based on that, right? >> guillermo: yeah, we'll send her back. >> jimmy: okay, very good. in case you're wondering what jeb bush is up to these days? >> there he is, jeb bush, standing all by himself at miami international airport. no entourage no secret service, no one.
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>> jimmy: poor jeb, he's just a man at a cinnabon now. 165 pages of hillary clinton's e-mails, most if not all unremarkable. we asked people about the e-mails that were released. the specifics which of we made up. but that didn't stop people from pretending to be outraged in "hillary clinton e-mail lie witness news." >> talking to people about the hillary clinton e-mails that have been released. i'm sure you've seen some. >> i've seen a lot. >> were you disappointed how many nigerian princes hillary clinton wrote back to? think someone in that position would fall for something like that? >> i mean, it's not surprising considering it's hillary clinton. >> were you surprised that hillary forwarded bill cosby jokes to vladimir putin? >> am i surprised? nothing she does surprises me. >> you saw those jokes? >> i heard about the jokes. i did not see them. it doesn't surprise me. >> how many bill cosbys does it take to screw in a lightbulb, it depends how [ bleep ] up the lightbulb is? >> yes.
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>> what about the e-mail she sent to putin asking him to send shirtless pec shots? was that presidential? >> no, not at all. my opinion, not. >> are you surprised to see that? >> yes, i did. >> you heard the bombshell hillary once accepted a linkedin request from osama bin laden. what does that say about her? >> honestly, you really want me to be honest? >> please. >> it means she's not a true american. i see her as a traitor to the country. >> because of osama bin laden? >> yes. >> or because of linkedin? >> everything. hillary, you call yourself a christian, you call yourself a believer, but the problem is you don't practice it because you're living this lie. and you need to turn yourself in. >> you should not live a lie? >> you should not live a lie. >> were you surprised hillary sent that e-mail to sugar ray saying, i just want to fly your favorite song?
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>> nothing about her surprises me. she doesn't have any scruples or boundaries. >> you saw that e-mail? >> uh-huh. >> you like that song, i just wanna fly? >> uh-huh. hillary clinton is not trustworthy. >> and you are very trustworthy? >> i'm a trustworthy person. >> you saw those e-mails about sugar ray? >> uh-huh. >> did you think it was sad you found out she had been sending edible arrangements to herself just to make the other girls in the office jealous? >> i do, those cost a lot of money. i mean -- you can't just be sending gifts to yourself. that's ridiculous. i heard about that and it was just -- >> did you feel bad for her? >> not really, no. i could never feel bad for her. >> why is that? >> it's hillary clinton. i mean, all she does is lie. >> she lies? >> yeah. >> but you don't? >> i don't, no, never. >> you saw that e-mail about the edible arrangements? >> yeah, i did. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's all completely clear. so much lying. when i'm vice president, there won't be any e-mails to read because i will communicate exclusively through snapchat.
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that will be the only way. [ cheers and applause ] can i have my podium? bring in my podium. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] i have a major announcement to make tonight. as you may know, i'm making a historic, in fact a first-ever independent run for vice president of the united states. so far i've been endorsed by oprah winfrey, l.a. mayor eric garcetti, the president of cvs drugstores, rob gronkowski of the new england patriots, and courtney love. tonight i am so happy to add the support of another proven winner. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome 15-time world wrestling champion john cena. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ]
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>> thank you. i am honored tonight to stand at this podium with the great candidate and even greater man. you are killing it in the polls, right? >> jimmy: i am ahead in the polls, yes. >> you're not just ahead, man. kimmel has 100% of the vote with no opponents! [ cheers and applause ] it's very kind of you but i don't think this audience or the people at home realize exactly what a big-assed accomplishment this is. >> jimmy: well -- it's not that big a deal -- >> it's a big deal! this man, this man is the product of our country, wasn't manufactured in some factory overseas, he was made in america. [ cheers and applause ] a man who embodies hustle, loyalty, hard work. how many millions of people a day do you entertain? >> jimmy: i don't know, maybe where between 2 million and 30 million, not including india. >> damn right, between 2 million and 30 million people! [ cheers and applause ] wait for it.
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not including india! >> jimmy: thank you. >> do you have any idea how many people that is? >> jimmy: it's between 2 million and 30 million. not including india. >> that is exactly right! this man entertains millions of people, pays his taxes, eats hot dogs, lights off fireworks with his teeth. it doesn't get more american than that! [ cheers and applause ] you're very welcome. you see, this is our man! jimmy jefferson kimmel! the next vice president of the united states of america! [ cheers and applause ] he will fight for america and i will fight alongside him! [ cheers and applause ] and as a matter of fact, if you don't vote for jimmy kimmel for vp i will personally give each and every one of you the attitude adjustment that you deserve! [ cheers and applause ]
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who wants some? >> jimmy: john cena, everyone. john. that seemed unnecessary to me, but -- john by the way is hosting the espys on july 13th here on abc. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you, john. you are an american hero. we'll take a break. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ah the freedom to watch your directv with unlimited data from at&t. the steady stream of entertainment. your favorite shows. streaming on. you can just keep streaming... ...and streaming. hello jim. so much streaming,
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but i'd really like to go home now. my arms are very tired. seize the data! get our best unlimited plan ever so you can stream and surf all you want with unlimited data from at&t. sorry... sorry... regerts? sorry, i was eating a milky way. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the captivating lexus rc, with available 306 horsepower. this is the pursuit of perfection. and who doesn'tb
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then seize the day already. crabfest is back at red lobster with so many kinds of crab and the most crab dishes of the year. so dive into whatever floats your crab-loving boat. like crab lover's dream. crack open tender snow and king crab legs, and twirl creamy crab alfredo. or try the new alaska bairdi crab dinner. sweet and straight from the icy waters of alaska, you've gotta get it... to really get it. but it won't last forever, so hurry in. ♪ flo: [ ghost voice ] oooo! [ laughs ] jaaaaamie, the name your price tool can show you coverage options to fit your budget. tell me something i don't know -- oh-- ohhh! she slimed me. which i probably should've seen coming. [ laughs ]
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zac efron, adam devine, but first summer is here. to make sure it isn't boring we invited our friend and former nasa engineer, very popular, he has his own channel on youtube. he's here to share weird ideas you can try at home for your kids, friends, et cetera. say hello to mark rober, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: so last time you were here, you came up with these great ideas for people that they could do -- most of these things you can do at home. >> that's right. >> jimmy: you have more stuff specifically themed to summer? >> yeah, that's right. so like the fourth of july is right around the corner. so the concept here is that these are just four ideas you could do just without much effort at all. >> jimmy: okay, perfect. >> we have kind of like last time, starting from easy all the way up to expert. we'll start on the easy stuff. >> jimmy: what about these? >> the worst thing that can
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happen at your barbecue, you're going to cook everyone's hot dogs and your barbecue runs out of propane or charcoal. >> jimmy: or a hand blows off. >> maybe that is the worst. don't worry, turns out that doritos are actually super flammable. >> jimmy: you didn't spray these with something to make them flammable? they are naturally genuinely flammable? >> super flammable, yeah. you've got a dorito bonfire here. we'll come back to that. >> jimmy: how do you know this by the way? can you eat theme while on fire? >> that's the flaming hot variety. don't touch that. >> jimmy: the only way to put these out is with cool ranch doritos. i'm going to move this over here. >> good idea, safety first. >> jimmy: we'll come back to the doritos. when the fires gets out of control we'll return to it. >> every good party needs a good beverage. here's an idea for a simple watermelon smoothie with no mess. so what you're going to do is cut a hole in a watermelon. it would be nice if it's chilled. take a coat hanger that's clean and macgyver it and put it in a drill. like this.
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>> jimmy: aren't most coat hangers pretty clean? in general? >> you'd hope so. >> jimmy: so you drill a hole. >> that's right. you put it in here. you go to town for about 30 seconds. >> jimmy: this is like out of a "saw" movies. >> after that you're going to take it. >> jimmy: this is burning out of control over here. >> it's under control. you're going to open it up a little more, put a cup in there maybe draw a little face on here. >> jimmy: okay. that's fun. >> then you've got this super creepy guy -- >> jimmy: you need a cup? >> a cup would be awesome. >> jimmy: i don't think we have a cup. >> all right. >> jimmy: no we don't have it. we'll pour it directly into my mouth. >> chug, chug. and it looks super creepy. >> jimmy: yeah, looks like it's a vomiting watermelon. >> no mess, right? >> jimmy: love that. yeah. >> maybe we should have taken -- >> jimmy: maybe we should get to this, this is scaring me. >> now skew your hot dog and roast it over. just seal in that rich hickory nacho cheese flavor.
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there you go. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: brilliant. it's a good way to light the grill with one of those too. >> very true. now that we've got food and drink taken care of, we'll move on to dessert. what you're going to do is go to your local industrial supply store. for 30 bucks get a couple of gallons of liquid nitrogen. put it into a bowl like this. >> jimmy: do they have stores that have this? >> yeah, google "industrial supply store." there will be one close to you. >> jimmy: shall we wait while people do that? >> and so -- >> jimmy: that's a good way to get the fbi to come to your house. by the way. >> that's right. >> jimmy: liquid nitrogen. >> take ice cream, different flavors. i use neapolitan. you're going to sort of squirt it into the liquid nitrogen. and whatever flavors you use, that's what color you're going to have. when you put it in there, it naturally -- >> jimmy: i don't know if we can see that. >> it naturally sort of forms these balls. whoop, got a little excited.
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now all you do is take that. and you scoop them out. you have homemade dipping dots. >> wow. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: fresh dipping dots. ow! >> very cold, i forgot to mention that. >> jimmy: this is great. or you could just buy dipping dots. >> nice and easy. >> jimmy: they're delicious. by the way, this is, if you never had it, this is the absolute finest quality black dot ice cream, it's the best. what else do we have? you've got something else here. >> now that people are fed and happy what your party needs is a little bit of entertainment. people like nerf wars. that's cool but i feel like we could take it to the next level. all you're going to do for this next idea is first get a job at nasa. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> you learn the skills necessary to make one of these. >> jimmy: you made this? [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: wow.
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that's awesome. >> so this is the world's largest nerf gun. we're going to like test it out here. what i want to do is give you this. >> jimmy: okay. >> i'll take this one. >> jimmy: great. >> we're going to take turns shooting each other. >> jimmy: you're trying to humiliate me. this does not represent anything, by the way. >> i'm overcompensating. we have this dart. the darts are actually like foam. >> jimmy: what is this, a plunger? >> a foam over a toilet plunger. >> jimmy: that seems safe. >> it actually sticks to things. >> jimmy: great. you're going to kill somebody with this. what should i do? >> aim it at that. >> jimmy: now? >> i'm going to charge this up. >> jimmy: we only have three darts in here, what happened? budget cuts, huh? all right. i don't know that it's working. should i shoot it now? >> yeah, give me one sec here. >> jimmy: give me the big gun! right now! i want the big gun! [ cheers and applause ]
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i'm going to shoot this thing just to see what's going on. see? nothing happened. yeah, the gun's not working. it's like the least dangerous -- oh, there we go, all right. look at that. [ cheers and applause ] >> all right, here we go, ready? all right, here we go. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's not safe. that is not safe. >> i was curious if this actually worked in real life. >> jimmy: it does. >> i challenged my niece and nephew to a nerf dart war. and this is how they reacted. >> jimmy: oh, okay. oh, that's your niece and nephew? >> i neglected to tell them i made this. >> jimmy: little did they know. that's great. >> it's also the world's largest super soaker.
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>> jimmy: oh! all right. wow. that's unbelievable. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: mark rober, everybody. look at his youtube channel. we'll be right back. we have music from melanie martinez, zac efron and adam devine when we return! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ahhhhhhhh! ahhhhhhhh! ahhhhhhhh! what are we "ahhhing' about!? my money, it's gone! that's just bad security you know... i know, the new pcs are so secure, you can use your face as your password. and yet here you are, in a truck full of money with no money. you know about it. now do something about it. upgrade to a new pc. you've secured the entire block but not your pc? ♪
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the ford freedom sales event is on! with our best offers of the year! ♪ i'm free to do what i want... and 0% financing is back! on a huge selection of ford cars, trucks and suvs. plus get an extra $1000 smart bonus on specially tagged vehicles. that's freedom from interest... and freedom to choose with ford. america's best selling brand. ♪ i'm free, baby! now get 0% financing plus a $1000 smart bonus cash on specially tagged vehicles. only at the ford freedom sales event. ♪ feel free...
12:03 am
what's with them? oh, those two? they're always fighting for attention. there's more to a legendary city than its legends. plan your legendary stay at >> jimmy: hello, there. tonight, from the forthcoming comedy "vice principals," which premieres next month on hbo, walton goggins is here. then, her album is called "crybaby." melanie martinez from the samsung outdoor stage. tomorrow, christoph waltz will be here. from "orange is the new black," danielle brooks. and we'll have music from maxwell. please join us then.
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our first guests tonight are not really brothers, but they pretend to be for the movies, starting july 8th you can see them in the new comedy "mike and dave need wedding dates." please welcome zac efron and adam devine. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: just switch around. [ cheers and applause ] >> i can't take this guy anywhere. >> what's up, guys? [ cheers and applause ] >> and they started again, man. what's up, guys? >> jimmy: i don't know, is that for adam or zac or the combination? [ cheers and applause ]
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>> what a sweetheart. >> thank you, that's my mom. >> jimmy: yeah. >> she's here. >> jimmy: your mom is here? >> my mom and dad are here. >> jimmy: is that right? [ cheers and applause ] >> it's so embarrassing. look how hard my mom's smiling! she got scared, she got scared. >> jimmy: it's good to see you. your movie's very funny. i'm going to tell you something, i think it's very smart. whenever i see a movie set in hawaii i think, that's the way to do it. why not make it a vacation as well as work? i would do this show in hawaii. >> we shot in atlanta. >> jimmy: oh, wow. it looks amazing! >> yeah, yeah. it was so much fun. we got to do all super hawaii stuff the whole time. we swam with sharks. >> jimmy: oh, really, swam with sharks. >> yeah, it was z-bone's idea. >> i presented him with an opportunity to research sharks. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> that's what we did.
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>> but that was 2:00 in the morning, friday night. >> we do it at like 5:30 a.m. >> jimmy: that's when they're hungry, at that time. >> that's why you have to go -- >> that's when they're randy. >> jimmy: what sharks were these? >> what was the -- >> they were reef sharks. they weren't little. >> galapagos. then out of the depths this like 13-foot tiger shark came out of nowhere. >> jimmy: great. are you in a cage for this? >> no, no. you're swimming. you're out there swimming with sharks. which is pretty gnarly. i kept like -- i had this one shark flex on me a ton. >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> they have like -- they have gills. >> like a hip-check. they were fin-checking you. >> they come up and hip-check you, you're a bitch, you know? >> most sharks will leave you alone in the water. sharks like to sense your life essence. >> jimmy: all you need is one. >> adam failed to warn me on the way out to this trip that you
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had like a big cut on your leg. >> medium-sized cut. a little cut from surfing. >> jimmy: good, you're bleeding at 5:00 a.m. >> it's 5:00 a.m., a tiger shark shows and up adam's on the boat. >> and i'm like getting seasick. i'm just -- so i'm yakking and i'm chumming the water. >> jimmy: great. >> you know? and then she's like, you got to come see this! the ocean, this like beautiful shark whisperer who took us out -- >> jimmy: her name is ocean? >> her name is ocean. it sounds fake but it's so real. so i'm like, i don't want to. but i'm puking so much. i get back in the water. just in time to see zac swim towards the shark. like if they remake or make "aquaman," he's got to be it. >> jimmy: you're the guy. >> he was majestic in the water. meanwhile, i'm like how do you swim! he grabs the shark's fin. >> jimmy: what? >> rides this tiger shark. >> jimmy: no way. >> swear to god. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> it was amazing. in the video there was this video -- >> jimmy: there's video? there's no way this happened. >> i swear to you, i'm not going to lie to you, jimmy. >> jimmy: you rode it? what's wrong with you? you can't put that face in front of a tiger shark, it could be eaten. >> that's why he can do it. >> jimmy: charmed the shark. even sharks find you sexually attractive. >> it was a female. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. and there's video of this. well. >> we were both there. to be honest, adam's very brave. like everyone's scared to see sharks. there's no comfortable moment when somebody says, jump in the water, there's 250 galapagos sharks. you're never comfortable. >> jimmy: why were you comfortable? >> i'd done it before. i kind of go after these things. >> i see, okay. >> in life. chase adrenaline. >> he's riding the shark. in the meanwhile, in the video you see me. i'm wearing bright green swim trunks because i party.
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and i aggressively turn around and you see me swimming back towards the boat. where i continue to puke. >> jimmy: that was the right thing to do, by the way. you did the right thing. zac did the wrong thing, riding the tiger shark. >> yes, i don't condone this behavior. just a heads-up. don't go riding sharks. >> jimmy: how far were you on the shark? >> i don't know. she took me like maybe 30 feet deep. >> jimmy: how do you know it was a she? did you feel around to find out? >> no, it's a -- >> it's a tagged shark. >> jimmy: i see. >> it has a name. i don't know. >> jimmy: all right. seems like the least you could do, learn the shark's name. wow. this is crazy. zac, what's going on with your hair? [ cheers and applause ] >> it's having a moment. i'll say that, it's having a moment. >> jimmy: for sure. a vanilla ice movie being made? what's going on? >> who told you? >> i didn't, i didn't, i didn't let the ice out of the bag.
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>> jimmy: is this for a role? i pray to god this is for a role. >> okay, yes, it is for a role. i did a movie called "baywatch." >> jimmy: oh, it's for "baywatch," okay. [ cheers and applause ] >> i knew we were going to have reshoots, additional photography. i decided to keep my hair blond. it's grown since. it's longer. this is just like the part -- i talked to the producers like two days ago and they said, we're not going to reshoot or do any additional photography for like probably a year. so what are you doing with blond hair? >> jimmy: you don't need that. >> so i didn't need to have this for the past two months. >> let's cut it tonight. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we're going to cut zac's hair, be right back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ let's feed him to the sharks! squuuuack, let's feed him to the sharks! yay!
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and take all of his gold! and take all of his gold! ya! and hide it from the crew! ya...? squuuuack, they're all morons anyway! i never said that. they all smell bad too. no! you all smell wonderful! i smell bad! if you're a parrot, you repeat things. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. squuuuack, it's what you do. and they're off! well, that took a turn. what's the speed limit in here? dad! should we tell them there are more? they'll figure it out, eventually.
12:12 am
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12:16 am
i survived breast cancer. if the doctors hadn't caught it early i might not be sitting here. so i'm outraged that pat toomey voted to defund planned parenthood... ...which thousands of pennsylvania women depend on for cancer screenings. pat toomey was even willing to shut down the federal government to eliminate funding for planned parenthood. shut down the government over planned parenthood? i think we ought to shut down pat toomey. women vote is responsible for the content of this advertising. let's just chill out. focus on jeannie and try not to get [ bleep ] the rest of the weekend, can we do that? >> i can't do that because i saw our little sister, well, let's just say she was making this face. >> what she saw -- she saw a ghost? she really had to pee? what are you doing?
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it looks like you're having an orgasm. >> she was, david. with the masseuse. >> what? >> what's next? i'm going to walk in on mom giving dad a push pop? >> what's a push pop? >> i made it up, dave. it's a sexual term that i just made up. [ cheers and applause ] >> that is "mike and dave need wedding dates." i want to say that's the only clip we could show from the whole movie and even that was dirty. this is an r-rated film -- >> we nasty. >> jimmy: explain the idea for "mike and dave need wedding dates." >> we play brothers, maniac party animals who sort of ruin every family event that we have. we start fires on accident. >> we're fun. >> we're having fun. >> they're good guys and they screw up family events. so they're given an ultimatum by their parents to bring girls worthy of their situation. >> jimmy: nice girls to the wedding with the family, a reasonable request. >> exactly. >> jimmy: then it goes terribly wrong.
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>> actually, like this is based on a true story. >> jimmy: that is the part i don't believe. this is really based on a true story? >> like when i first met with the producers and i was like, i'd love to play this part. they're like, do you have anything you don't like about the script? i'm like, i think -- it's pretty unrealistic they put these ads on craigslist. they're like, that's the real part, that happened. >> jimmy: that really happened? >> it went viral, these two dudes went on all these dates. >> jimmy: it's really mike and dave? have you met mike and dave? >> oh, yeah. >> they're awful. when you meet them you're like, yeah. they're making a movie of you guys. they're super tall, super handsome. when we met them on set, like 11:00 a.m., you know. chugging coffee to wake up. and they're drunk. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> my kind of guys. >> out by the pool, just cruising. >> yeah. and then later that night they
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got kicked out of the jacuzzi, making out with hot swedish girls. >> i didn't know that part. i'm not confirming -- >> jimmy: sounds like they're working on the sequel. >> i'm one of the stars of the movie and i'm not making out with swedish girls. >> jimmy: usually it goes the other way around. yeah, yeah. wow, that's something else. >> i like to say, when i met mike and dave, they came by later. i was like, man, how much of the story is still true? i'm expecting to hear like, you know, 20%. something like that. because we've definitely changed quite a bit. and amplified it. and they're like, probably 80%. 80%, 85%. what, what? >> they're feeding into their own legend. the premiere tonight, it's 110% true, there's extra stuff! extra stuff we did! wait for the sequel! >> you don't even know. >> jimmy: "mike and dave need wedding dates," a true story, opens in theaters on july 8th. zac efron, adam devine, everybody. be right back with walton goggins!
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>> jimmy: you know our next guest from seven seasons of "the shield" and "the hateful 8." see him alongside danny mcbride in "vice principals." it premieres july 17th on hbo. please welcome walton goggins! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> nobody else is here. >> jimmy: you're supposed to come with a friend. >> yeah well -- >> jimmy: you did get a plus-one. you didn't bring anybody. >> i brought seven here the last time, "the hateful 8." >> jimmy: the cast of "the hateful 8." last time you were here. eight, it was the cast and quentin tarantino. >> that's right. i can only do interviews with those guys. they're in my pocket right now. >> jimmy: i don't think you got to speak during that interview. >> no, one little snippet. >> jimmy: quentin tarantino alone is enough for an interview, never mind the whole cast. >> yeah, usually most of the things that come out of quentin's mouth are more interesting than anything that would come out of my mouth or
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the rest of us. for that matter. >> jimmy: we'll see. >> you'll be the judge. america will vote. >> jimmy: your new show is "vice principals." you and danny mcbride play rival vice principals at a high school. is this a real high school? >> it is a real high school. we're egomaniacs with inferiority complexes. trying to be principal of a high school. it's pure mcbride. adolescent meets the sublime. he's a dangerous comedian. he just kind of -- on the edge. >> jimmy: i love it, he's hilarious. >> like the woody allen for "flyover america," man. he's just a special guy. >> jimmy: the principal, the departing principal, played by bill murray. >> yeah. >> jimmy: which is, you know -- >> yeah, yeah. right? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: is that when you work with -- acting in a comedy with bill murray, is that intimidating? >> yeah, for me i just turn the other way. i hid out in my trailer for the longest time when i first saw
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him because i couldn't deal with the fact that that was bill murray. then we were on the set, kind of doing these thing scenes. you're looking at that beautiful bill murray face. and like when it was on him, it was action was called, i just started laughing. that's the gopher, that's meatballs. it's like all of it. >> jimmy: especially when he's serious, it makes you laugh. >> and i was just consumed with laughter. literally two hours into the day i said, hey, man. how do you really do what you do? like is there some secret? he said, by not laughing during another person's take. okay, note to self, don't do that. >> jimmy: did it stop? was that the end of it? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: this is shot in a high school? >> yeah, in south carolina, which is -- it was extremely traumatic for me. >> jimmy: why? >> high school is like a psychological fallujah for people. riddled with post-traumatic stress disorder. >> jimmy: it is. yeah. you haven't figured anything out yet. >> you're so vulnerable,
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susceptible to people saying things about you, you're walking through in a haze, really. it's full of ghosts of all your past. >> jimmy: unlike the workplace where the hierarchy is determined, you have to kind of fight it out amongst yourselves when you're a student in high school. >> yeah. yeah, yeah. i think it's clique-dependant. or not being in a clique. like for me. i was -- kind of fancied myself a friend of everyone, but for my senior superlative i was voted second runner-up for most friendliest. i didn't get most friendliest. you know what happened after i got that title? i became a [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: really? >> really. i became the most horrible person. >> jimmy: angry? >> yeah, because i wasted all of that time asking you about yourself. no, man. no, no, no. >> jimmy: who won most friendliest? what kind of english program was that? >> right, yeah? >> jimmy: who was the most friendly? >> this guy named tracy. >> jimmy: he's the worst. >> he's the worst, yeah, yeah.
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i think he really was the most friendliest. >> jimmy: he was? >> it was just an act for me, really. yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: pretending to be. well, in a way that's your first acting experience, i guess. >> yeah, that's right. >> jimmy: do you keep in touch with the guys from high school? >> i do, yeah. there was a really -- our clique, our group was called the fellas. >> jimmy: you had a name? like a gang. >> the fellas. one particular time, i was in mr. bailey's class. i had a lot of nicknames in college -- in high school. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> walt, willie walt, all these different things. i was in this class. and i'm sitting there, two rows away from this woman that i was madly in love with. i was so in love with this girl. and then i felt a sneeze coming on. my best friend sitting in front of me. one of the fellas. i felt a sneeze coming on. i thought, i'm going to get this out, it's not a problem, i can sneeze in front of 40 people, it's not a problem. so i just did it. i just sneezed. and as i sneezed i also passed
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wind. >> jimmy: oh. >> farted, yeah. i didn't think anybody heard it. like no one heard that. it's fine, this girl didn't hear that, i'm cool, my reputation is intact. and then my best friend, the other fella, edward. turned around and he said, "you did not just do that." and i said, "no, i don't know what you're talking about." he said, "yes, you did." >> jimmy: the fella wasn't honoring -- >> he said, yes, you did, you snooted and tooted, you're a snoot toot! that's what you are! >> jimmy: did he make that up? >> yeah, on the spot. he was on the spot. >> jimmy: wow, genius. >> yes is, yeah. >> jimmy: i hope he's gone on to run a major corporation. >> he has, actually, yeah, yeah. it went belly-up in 2008. no just kidding. >> it's very good to see you. the show's very funny. "vice principals." it premieres july 17th on hbo. walton goggins, everybody. be right back with melanie martinez! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by samsung. ♪ ♪ ♪ what's with them? oh, those two? they're always fighting for attention. there's more to a legendary city than its legends. plan your legendary stay at when you're the parent of a disabled child, you realize that the world can be a harsh place. but you also realize it can be a really loving, wonderful place. when i saw donald trump mock somebody who was disabled,
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i was appalled. you gotta see this guy... ahh, i don't know what i said, ahh, i don't remember! that reporter suffers from a chronic condition that impairs movement of his arms. it told me everything i need to know about his heart and what he believes deep down. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. priorities usa action is responsible (male off-screen announcer) what's it feel like to win the mustang instant game, with top prizes of a hundred grand or a new ford mustang? (woman) oh my goodness. woo! (male off-screen announcer) with instant games from the pennsylvania lottery, the instant you play could be the instant you win. keep on scratchin'. >> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by samsung.
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>> jimmy: thanks to zac efron, adam devine, walton goggins, john cena. apologize to matt damon. we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. but first, her album is called "crybaby." here with the song "pity party," melanie martinez. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ did my invitations disappear why'd i put my heart on every cursive letter ♪ ♪ tell me why the hell no one is here tell me what to do to make it all feel better ♪ ♪ maybe it's a cruel joke on me whatever, whatever ♪ ♪ just means there's way more
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cake for me forever, forever ♪ ♪ it's my party and i cry if i want to cry if i want to cry, cry, cry ♪ ♪ i'll cry until the candles burn down this place ♪ ♪ i'll cry until my pity party's in flames ♪ ♪ it's my party and i cry if i want to cry if i want to cry, cry, cry ♪ ♪ i'll cry until the candles burn down this place ♪ ♪ i'll cry until my pity party's in flames ♪ ♪ maybe if i knew all of them well ♪ ♪ i wouldn't have been trapped inside this hell that holds me ♪ ♪ maybe if i casted out a spell or told them decorations were in pastel ribbons ♪ ♪ maybe it's a cruel joke on me whatever, whatever ♪ ♪ just means there's way more cake for me forever, forever ♪
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♪ it's my party and i cry if i want to cry if i want to cry, cry, cry ♪ ♪ i'll cry until the candles burn down this place ♪ ♪ i'll cry until my pity party's in flames ♪ ♪ it's my party and i cry if i want to cry if i want to cry, cry, cry ♪ ♪ i'll cry until the candles burn down this place ♪ ♪ i'll cry until my pity party's in flames ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm laughing i'm crying it feels like i'm dying ♪ ♪ i'm laughing i'm crying it feels like i'm dying ♪ ♪ i'm laughing i'm crying it feels like i'm dying ♪ ♪ i'm dying i'm dying ♪ it's my party and i cry if i want to it's my party and i cry if i want to ♪ ♪ it's my party and i cry if i want to cry if i want to cry,
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cry, cry ♪ ♪ i'll cry until the candles burn down this place ♪ ♪ i'll cry until my pity party's in flames ♪ ♪ it's my party and i cry if i want to cry if i want to cry, cry, cry ♪ ♪ i'll cry until the candles burn down this place ♪ ♪ i'll cry until my pity party's in flames ♪ ♪ it's my party it's, it's my party ♪ ♪ it's my party it's, it's my party ♪ ♪ it's my party and i'll cry if i want to ♪ ♪ cry if i want to cry, cry, cry ♪
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this is "nightline." tonight, america in black and white. after the controversial back-to-back shootings of two black men by police officers, and then the targeted attack on police in dallas last week, we go on patrol. taking an intimate look at what it means to be a black police officer in a diverse community as america's tensions run high. going for gold. gymnastics superstar simone booils is headed to the olympics after amassing 14 world championship medals. she's favored to win almost all of her competitions. even has a signature move. what does it take to become such a sensation? and the new pokemon smartphone app that's taking america by
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