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tv   PA Senate Debate  ABC  October 24, 2016 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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programming, jeopardy and wheel of fortune will not be seen at regular times so six abc can bring you the following special. this is vote 2016. the pennsylvania senate debate. the final match up before election day. the candidates are, republican pat toomey, and democrat katie mcginty. today's debate is brought to you by six abc and philadelphia. and the league of women voters of pennsylvania. and now, live from the temple performing arts center in philadelphia, your moderator six abc anchor jim gardner. good evening, and welcome to the final debate between the republican and democratic candidates for the u.s. senate from pennsylvania. over the next hour the candidates will be answering questions, posed by me, as well as questions sent to us via social media and from some members of our audience. speaking of the audience we
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have asked everybody here to refrain from applause or any other interruptions, except for right now, as we welcome republican path the path toomey and democrat katie mcginty. >> applause. >> we are so glad thaw are here to look forward to a terrific debate here tonight. now, before we begin, a quick note on some of the ground rules. each candidate will have one minute to answer the question posed to them, followed by a one minute response, or rebuttal. and, to the candidate the
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personal message from me i hope to cover a lot of ground here tonight, and so, i hope you won't think that i'm disrespectful if i really try to hold you to your time limits, and i will need your help and would appreciate your help with that. candidates will also have 90 seconds at the end of the debate for a closing statement. by random draw the first question knittings to katie mcginty. miss mcginty few issues aren't pennsylvania stirs passions more than the issues have of guns and gun violence and the second amendment. you support background checks and assault weapons ban, and a ban on high capacity ammunitions clips and no flying no guns list. one of the country's most visible advocates of gun control former arizona congress woman gabby giffords has endorsed your opponent. if giffords were in this this room, what would you say to
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her. >> well, would i say to her, first, jim, thank you for having us and thanks to all of you fortuning in and being here with us tonight. first thing would i say to gabby giffords is to thank her for her server, witness and leadership. you you are right issue have of gun violence is a critical issue, some 300,000 people killed over the last decade, through gun violence. i would take a leadership role and proud to be endorsed by organizations like seized fire pennsylvania. because, i think that there is common drawn to be haddon this issue. you know, i come from a family where my brothers were hunters. sports hen. i don't think that is the issue. but coming together on common sense issues like not letting terrorist buy guns in this country i think we can get it done. but to get it done you have to stick with it and that is difference i have with senator toomey. he gave his name to the bill but then said when bill only failed by a couple of votes, the senate has spoken, let's move on.
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let democrats take the lead. i'm ready to take the lead on this critical issue. >> mr. toomey. >> thanks, jim. it is good to see you back in the seat. glad you are doing well. thanks to temple for hosting this and i want to thank high many family and friend who came down from the the lehigh valley and greater philadelphia to be here. jim, i approached this issue as somebody who is a strong believer in the second amendment. i think that is a very important, personal right that we have, and it is properly in the constitution. it just never occurred to me that a three minute background check to try to prevent somebody who has no legal right to a firearm, that this anyway infringes on second amendment rights. so i got together with joe mansion after had was probably the most painful heating i ever had when i sat down with the families of sandy hook, the parents whose little babies were massacred. those families, they weren't asking us to ban all categories of guns or do
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anything, unreasonable. help said can't we make progress on a background check. joe hangs and i put together a bill. we had three votes on that bill. i still support that. i intend to reintroduce that. we ought to keep firearms out of the hand of the people hoff no legal right to it. but katie mcginty just the point of politicizing everything and hyper politics, and drives people apart and prevents us from finding common ground. >> mr. toomey, perhaps a woman is running for president has a long standing issue of profound importance to be a visible issue of this campaign and that is equal pain for women. according to wallet pennsylvania is now the fourth worst state in the country when it comes to gender pay equity and world economic forum places the united states 28th in the world. there is something called a paycheck fairness act. it would require businesses to explain why wage gaps exist between their male and female employees and impose tougher penalties against employers
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for wage discrimination. five times you have voted to reject the paycheck fairness act. are we to think that accurately describes how you feel about a woman's right to make as much money as a man. >> so jim, the fact is i have grown up, and then blessed to have a family with strong women i admire a lot. starting with my mom, my three sisters, all of whom have worked very successfully. my wife, who had a wonderful career, before we got harried. i have a 16 year-old daughter. you better believe i want her to have every opportunity and to be compensated as well as my sons, might be some day. the fact is though, the legislation that you alluded to was ruled by even the washington post editorial page no conservative editorial page that one as a boone dog will for trial lawyers and in the something that would make progress. i have supported legislation, that makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of the gender of a worker. i have voted for legislation,
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that makes it illegal for employers to retaliate against workers who share information about their pay. and i feel very strongly that women ought to get every opportunity and same level of compensation as men. but i will tell you also -- >> thank you, we have to move on. >> i'm sorry, miss mcginty. >> thanks, jim. this country was founded on a bargain you work hard, you get ahead. the truth, that families and women, women in families are working as hard as they necessity how. two jobs, three jobs. but they are not keeping up with the cost of child care. the cost of college. and, just basic needs that every family has. i believe that we need to honor hard work and so yes, i'm for increasing the minimum wage and enabling families to provide for themselves. i am for insuring that a women doing the same job as a man is able to bring home that same paycheck. the these are critical issues. i do disagree with senator toomey. you know, it is not enough to have platt dudes or to say i
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think highly of women. family need income to support themselves. the senator has voted against equal pay. he voted against increasing minimum wage. he agrees with donald trump that the problem in this country that people are making too much. that is not the what i see. voted many times against college affordability as well. this has helped family needs and family needs and i will fight for those families. >> miss mcginty your opponents claim that you were hand picked to run for the senate by the democratic machine in washington and will be a rubber stamp for the democratic leadership, and hillary clinton should she be elect president. i think we all agree voters like an independent voice. can you tell us about one issue where you disagree with your party or your potential president. >> well, thanks jim. i do stand with secretary clinton because she is focused on standing up for families and rebuilding the middle class. i think it would be helpful
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this late date in this election if senator toomey would similarly let voters know help is voting for donald trump or not. >> we will get to that miss mcginty but i'm asking you about where you disagree. >> i have one test, in serving the people of this commonwealth. any issue, any idea does it serve our interests as a state and families working hard in this state. i'll tell you there are some issues i disagree with secretary clinton on. for example, i agree that it was wrong to set up, guantanamo bay. we know that has been a tool that has been used against us by terrorist as general petraeus and others have said. but i cannot today say that we should close guantanamo bay because i'm concerned that we have those who would return to the battle field against us. but i know this, secretary clinton will fight working families, and that is what i'm going to do as well. >> mr. toomey, you have been taking a little heat for refusing to say if you will
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vote for donald trump for president. i know you have been waiting for this debate, in fact, i know you have been waiting for this moment, to say whether or not you will vote for the nominee of your party. so is it yes or no. >> so jim, unlike katie mcginty, i'm not a hyper partisan, who thinks he has to give blind obedience to his parties nominee. katie mcginty does that, i don't. there are things that concern me a great deal about donald trump. i have criticized him repeat thely, publicly, because i think he said terrible things. i think he has taken some very badly flawed positions. i acknowledge that nominee of my party is flawed. katie mcginty is just blindly obedient to hillary clinton. she can't acknowledge a inning will flaw in what is on the democratic side the most badly flawed candidate in decades. she can't even acknowledge dishonesty that we see on a
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regular basis. maybe that is because katie mcginty began her own campaign a lie about her own background. first in her family to go to college when she knew her older brother had already gone to college, graduated and come back here to temple for a graduate degree before she ever even graduated from high school. so maybe, it is katie mcginty's problem with the truth that allows her to overlook hillary clinton's chronic lies. >> so, i get that means you have not been waiting for this debate. >> that is exactly right, jim. >> in one second, i will let you. >> thank you. >> now, senator toomey, you know that there are detractors of yours who will say that you are not the complete liz disa vowing trump because you need his supporters to win this election. what do you say to that accusation. >> i have refused to endorse donald trump, katie mcginty says that is supporting donald trump. that doesn't make any sense. the dilemma is this, jim:
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donald trump is a badly flawed candidate but if he were president, he would probably sign a bill repealing obama care which we need. wow sign a bill that would restore sanctions on iran which we badly need. so there is this dilemma. if hillary clinton is the president, we will have a doubling down on all of the failed policies that have endangered us around the world, weakened our economy and katie mcginty supports. i'm like a lot of pennsylvanians i know because i talk to them on a regular basis who feel stuck. who feel like i can't believe in a country of 300 million people we have got these two choices, and katie mcginty cannot acknowledge a inning will flaw in the nominee of her party. >> so look i'm not going to badger you to say something that you will not say. but don't you think your constituents, people of pennsylvania deserve to know if you are going to support the nominee of your party. >> i don't think my constituents care how much how one person will vote. they will make their own
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decision across the commonwealth about whom they will support and whom they will not support. i think they care much more about whether i've got policies that will help grow this economy. i have got policies that will help keep us safe. that is the contrast on which they will make their decision. >> you wanted to say something. >> i do, jim. senator is in a class of his own on this issue. he is only person running for united states senate in the entire country who has not leveled with his constituents. here's what i want to share with people here. in philadelphia the senator will say he has differences and disagreements with donald trump but in other parts of the state, jim, what we hear from the senator is how excited he will be to confirm president trump supreme court nominees. in other parts of the state, is the senator saying that he thinks donald trump has put forward incredibly constructive ideas. senator, in politics the definition of courage, character is doing what is right even if it cost you votes. >> someone needs to tell katie
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this is televised statewide, katie, sorry, if you didn't know that. >> let's move on. >> mr. toomey, the first american has been killed in the campaign to recapture mosul from isis. last february you appeared to object to president obama's guarantee that the war against isis would never require american boots on the ground, beyond our current advisory role. you said this quote: we have to recognize that u.s. military has capabilities that in one else on the planet has, and if we're going to be successful in this it will take american presence. in your estimation, sir, will it be necessary to send ground forces to fight isis and if a vote were to come up in the senate to that effect, would you vote yes. >> jim, i don't think it will take and i don't think it would be a good idea to launch a large scale invasionry force. we do need men and women hoff capabilities that the iraqi's don't have.
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frankly they never should have been pulled out of iraq and we would never be in this situation. we need people to help were looking sticks, traffic control, medical evacuation, technology that the the iraqis simply don't have. we must absolutely defeat isis. but i have to tell you i think an even bigger medium term threat for us in that region is rise of iran and middle east which is a direct result of the president obama's very mistaken policy. this iran nuclear deal which endangering all of us and that katie mcginty fully supports, what iran posts now is a very, very serious nuclear armed, ballistic missle capable, regional threat that runs from afghanistan to the mediterranean. isis is -- >> we will talk about that. >> i hope we will, jim. >> we will. what i want to know is do you believe that americans should be deployed to the front lines to fight isis at some point in time. >> as i said, jim, i think it is the american contributions
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on the ground should be that of special ops, sophisticated. >> only. >> yeah, i think it is leadership. bulk of the the ground forces need to come from the kurdish fighters, sunni arab states that are necessary to secure peace afterward. america can provide logistics, leadership, and technologically sophisticated capabilities. >> miss mcginty. >> jim, it is imperative that we defeat and destroy isis. i believe that means one hour air strikes supporting local troops, not our combat troops. it means second that we have to cut off financial life blood of ice is, including their access to oil assets and third, that we have to take them on in cyberspace, as well. what is very troubling to me about senator toomey's record is that he hasn't shown up for many of the key hearings and meetings. in fact, the senator has missed some 90 percent of the key committee hearings and heatings on our critical national security issues.
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when the senator has shown up, his votes have been in the direction that takes down our security instead oven hanses our security. for example, the senator voting against legislation that would will move forward enclosing -- close something loop holes in the visa waiver program, critical waiver legislation. senator voted against not the once but twice that would close a loop hole that will allow terrorist to buy guns in our country. >> thank you. question for you on the the economy. there is a frightening prospect for something called a new normal in the economy. a federal reserve economist by the name of john, just a week ago, said that the long term economic growth in this country could actually settle at 1.5 percent for years to come. a new normal. that would mean slower economic growth, fewer jobs, workers wages and living standards would increase more
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slowly, or even fall in absolute terms. should you be elected what would your specific blueprint be for fighting the new normal. >> well, jim, i think we need to ensure that people have training and job training and apprenticeship programs so we have skills develop many. we can put people back to work in jobs like rebuilding our infrastructure. it is part of the reason that we do need to pay people a decent wage and enable people to fully engage in the work force by helping them, with the cost of child care for example. that is why senator toomey's proposal to hold back economic growth. but we know small businesses are the engine of economic growth and job creation. that is why learning that senator toomey had launched a bank, his bank has foreclosed in such a predatory behavior against small businesses right here in pennsylvania. it is killing jobs, hurting those businesses, that senator
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toomey's own bank practices are literally considered illegal, and predatory in 30 plus states. that is a track record of yes, the senator's working for himself and his own profitability but he has hurt those small business that is were creating good jobs. >> mr. toomey. >> yes, jimmy want to talk about my small business background i have with my family and how it gets this economy going but i cannot let pass, not to respond because she raised this jim and said something of shocking hypocrisy. she was referring to a legal device called a confession of judgment. she has scripted ads that have gone on tv attacking he because of a bank using this. those ads were taken down because they are so blatantly dishonest. they are off the era cross the state because of the lies. but it is worse. it is worse because the fact is, when katie mcginty was secretary of the dep, she through the dep, used the exact same device, on their
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own credit extension. so she has the nerve to attack me for what a bank did, a bank that i was an investor in when she was an exact same device her early is. jim, this is what people are disgusted about with politics. when people like katie mcginty would be so hipocrit california and just won't tell the truth. let me get back to the economic issue. >> well, you have run out of time now, sir. >> well... >> applause. >> maybe katie will respond as to why she was using the very same. >> here's the problem, i want to ask a question, about your role as a member of the banking committee and your equity in the bank and i wanted to ask a question about your experience with an nrc energy and some of the charges leveled against you. but you have taken time away from an opportunity to answer that question and now you don't have time to answer the question about the the economy. so maybe you'll figure out a
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way to put that in later in the debate. >> mr. toomey, in june of this year the pennsylvania house approved a bill to ban abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy instead of the current 24. proponents say it is necessary to prevent fetuses from feeling pain, during abortion. opponents said it is relentless effort by a republican controlled legislative body that is 82 percent male to limit a women's legal right to an abortion. what do you say? >> yeah, here's what i say. this is a really tough issue and there are good people on both side of this issue. good people that i'm very close to on both side of this issue. the reason it is tough, because it pits two competing values. on the one hand there is value of personal autonomy that is very important to all of us. on the other hand, there is an importance of the innocent human life. when those two clash, for me,
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i come down on the side of life. so i'm pro life. now i accept under particularly excruciating circumstances like a rape, insist, or life of the mother i would accept exceptions because they are so, so tough. but what i think we ought to do as a society is where can we find common ground on a really tough issue. there has long been a consensus on a couple of things. one, you don't perform a abortion on the baby about to be delivered, someone very farrah long a 7-pound baby girl kick nothing her mother's womb. katie mcginty is fine with that. there is no point an abortion is unacceptable to her. other point we have agreed for decade we don't use taxpayer funding to pay for these abortions because of the difficulty of these issues but katie mcginty disagreed with that. >> miss mcginty, your response. >> do i stand for the right of would hen to make incredibly difficult decisions, that are medically complex, privately with her family, with her
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doctor and in conversation with her god. but the senator paints gruesome pictures. let me just say that i got the a call, just a couple weeks ago, from a gentlemen from southwest pennsylvania, that gentlemen shared a story that under scores for me. this is a decision for parents, families, not for politicians. the room was painted, the baby furniture was purchased. the teddy bears were purchased. and it was very late in his wife's pregnant when a terrible condition with the baby was understood. they had to make an excruciating decision to terminate that pregnancy. this should not be about politics. your position on this has been decidedly out of the main stream, joining with donald trump in saying that women or their doctors should be, jailed for having to make
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these excruciating decisions, that is not right. >> thank you very much. we will take a one minute break. we will take a one minute break and we will be back live from temple university in 60 seconds.
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it is the debate, i don't know if you heard me, welcome everybody back but we are back live at temple university, the debate between toomey and mcginty, one of the highest profile senate races in the country. we have invited our candidates to come off the podium, one has, one has decided to stay. >> i will join you, jim. >> okay, thank you, sir.
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>> we will start with a question that was sent to us by twitter. we can start with miss mcginty. this is from matt lacks and it should be on the screen here. here we go. how will you proceed with the future stalemate over filling a supreme court seat like we are facing right now, first his gun i. >> welcome back everyone. i will start by doing my job. constitution says clearly that it is the job of the united states senators to consider to advise and consent on, judicial nominees. unfortunately senator toomey has joined the kabul that has now made a historical milestone that is not a proud one. the longest, extent of time, that a nominee has been hanging out, without an appropriate hearing. this is not the the first time that senator toomey has been harshly and determined
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partisan about a position that needs to be above politics. not long ago he single handily held up, for some 400 days, judge lewis resstepo and put president obama on note us about another nominee rebecca hey wood from allegheny county that the senator will not even meet with her or allow her to proceed towards hearing. i will do my job. let's get to work. let's have hearings, review these nominees that we are supposed to do. >> mr. toomey, thank you. >> this is another one she was first in her college to go to college stories. i supported the judge all the way through the the process. here's the thing, the supreme court prior to the passing of justice scalia was roughly balanced. there were decisions that conservatives like me like the heller decisions. there were decisions like the obama care decisions. with his passing, the question arises, will the court be in
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balance or will it swing to the left or to the right, and in the heat of an election with a new president coming in and just a few months this is an opportunity to let the next president decide. and so, that is my judgment. that is exactly what we should do. but i will take a back seat to no one for work that i have done in confirming judges to the federal bench. senator casey and i working together in the six years i have been in the senate, we have confirmed, 16 federal judges, 16. those are mostly democrats. because that is the nature of the arrangement, when there is a democrat in the white house. i work with senator casey to retreat, vet, confirm 16 judges to the federal bench. >> thank you, senator. >> more than any other state in the union except for california and new york. >> we have questions from students here at temple university. they are video questions. first one comes from morgan lepray from boyer town and mr. t first. the let's look at the screen. >> college debt is a very big concern among college students across the nation.
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how would you plan to reduce the student debt for all students. >> yes, so college debt is a big problem. you know, i grew up in a blue collar working class family. we could not afford tuition for college so what we did was what a lot of families do, it was a combination of pel grants, student loans and working my way through school. that is how my brothers and sisters and i were able to go to college. that combination is what makes sense. i have supported pel grants and increasing the grants and i have voted for legislation that would put a cap on student loans. it has to be a shared responsibility. i think students need to bear some of the burden for education that will help them to earn more over the course of their lives. but the most important thing we can do is make sure that a graduating student has great job opportunities. katie mcginty is doubling down on the failed policies of the obama administration don't create the kind of opportunities that allow students to have the income, to pay off the student debt.
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that is something we have to change. >> miss mcginty. >> well, it is an interesting store friday senator toomey, however, record is quite different. there are things we can do today to present i down cost of college. we have got low interest rates. let's let families refinance their outstanding college loans, senator toomey voted no. i'm glad senator toomey you benefited from pel grants but you voted to cut $90 billion out of that program. >> that is not the true. >> even though 300,000 of your own constituents depend on that program, and look middle class families are struggling, out there. bipartisan legislation that enabled an extended middle class tax cuts so that families could afford college and so senator you voted against that critical legislation. look, college is an important piece of enabling families to have the skills, and the opportunities that they need. we can get this done. i was proud working with
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governor wolf, by the way, to restore funding for public colleges and universities and we made a deal with the president of those universities, to get more state money, you have to put a lid on the cost of college. >> thank you. >> our next question comes from secran from eagleville, pennsylvania, we're talking about a freshman majoring in bio engineering. the let's look at that question. you will be the first to answer miss mcginty. >> my question for the candidates is the big question that we have in this election is how do we make sure that hard working americans who do their hard work and their fair share will have a job in the future and how can we make sure our economy is doing well and that it continues to do well for future generations. >> well, thanks, for that question. look, i think we have huge opportunities out there. i meet with ceo's of small businesses and big businesses and they say that they need skilled workers today. but we've gotten away from
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things like job training and apprenticeship programs and i would step up and i could support that. senator, yes, i proudly stand with secretary clinton in saying that the community college ought to be part of the high school extended certification and job training, experience. i support making community college available. it is a way kids and families can afford college. but you know when we have those skills i'm proud when i was secretary of the environmental protection to put those skills to work. we have brought 3,000 jobs in renewable energy, manufacturing here to pennsylvania. unfortunately, senator toomey, if it is not fossil fuel dirty energy he is not for it. he worked to kill the tax credit that kept those 3,000 jobs here, follow the money, one of the single biggest recipients of big oil money in the united states congress. >> mr. toomey. >> yeah, follow money, 3,000 jobs katie mcginty brags about came because she funneled pennsylvania tax dollars, your
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money, to a foreign company to come here, set up a subsidiary, they they rewarded her very handsomely. she became a multi millionaire for serving on the board of the company for rewarding her for going to them. they bolted up shop. every pennsylvania worker lost their jobs. pennsylvania taxpayers lost their money. it work out okay for katie. she became a multi millionaire. that is not how you grow an economy. other way you don't grow an economy is by repeatedly raising taxes on the middle class. katie mcginty has raised taxes on the middle class in every job she has held for government. whether he she was chief of staff for tom wolf they proposed a massive tax income, income tax, sales tax, biggest tax increase since the creation of the income tax. the fact is we need lower taxes, that is what i have been working on since i got the in public life. we need to push back, on the crazy over regulations that is holding our economy back. that will help us to create the jobs and get the prosperity we have been waiting for. john harris from nazareth,
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pennsylvania is a freshman, here at temple, and he is majoring in secondary education. he has this question and mr. toomey, you will be first to answer. >> rather then focusing mainly on fossil fuel energy. >> unaudible. >> the question was about green energy. >> yes. >> my view on energy is whatever makes economic sense is what we out to have. if it makes economic sense to have windmills and some parts of the country it actually does, then that is what we ought to do. but katie mcginty's strategy is use massive taxpayer subsidies to sub dies in efficient sources of energy that make no economic sense. that makes us poor as a country. by the way, even up front cash is not enough to keep them going. she wants you to have to continue an ongoing subsidy to these companies, that is called the wind production tax credit that forces your tax dollars to go to people who cannot the produce energy efficiently. look, taxpayers lose, the
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economy loses, everyone in pennsylvania has a higher electric bills thanks to katie mcginty because she forced companies when she was dep secretary to buy in efficient expensive sources of energy that just doesn't make sense. as technology advances, we will have the ability to generate ever more electricity from the sun, from the wind, and as that happens, it will be available and we will buy it. but in the meantime we should stick with low cost energy because that is what helps the economy grow. >> well, i think it is interesting that the senator should say these energy companies need to make it on their own when he is one of the biggest defenders of billions of dollars every year of tax breaks to big oil. i don't know about you but i think exxon mobile can afford to pay a few bucks in taxes. let's talk about taxes. the as this whole campaign has been, it is based on things that independent fact checkers have repeat thely chastised the senator because his ads have been untrue, false, misleading. here's the real tax record for
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senator toomey. so far out of the main stream, senator toomey has said repeatedly that his view is that the answer is that we eliminate all corporate taxes. 473 billion-dollar a year give away to his buddies in big business. again, rewarded him handsomely as he is one of the single largest recipients of cash from them. but who pays the bill. the senator's bills would increase taxes on middle class families by $3,000 a year. >> thank you miss mcginty. >> as he voted against tax cuts for middle class families for college. >> we will have an opportunity to talk about taxes, when we come right back. >> applause. >> we want to thank our students, who have supplied their questions, and also on social media and we will take a quick break and then we will be right back.
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we are back live on the campus of temple university, we are having a good discussion, i think. we hope that you feel that as well. as for the candidates, has this been good for you. >> sure. >> i wouldn't have missed it for the world. >> i want to ask a quick question of both of you, and i'm just looking for quick impressions. you don't to have take the full minute. close to $100 million has been raised for this campaign and most of that money has gone to television ads across the state. it seems that most of those ads have been harsh, bitter attacks against your opponent. here's my question, when voters hear this bad stuff about each of you for months, on even, every time they turn on the television, doesn't
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that contribute to the general sense of distrust in and distaste for politics, and government that we have been hearing so much about recently? mr. toomey, you first. >> jim, there is no question there has been a staggering amount of money spent and staggering number of ads. katie mcginty will decry citizens united but they have been spending outside groups have spent far more on her then they have against me. i suggested that as a way to fight back against this we have five debate is a cross the commonwealth, five debates so we could get into more in depth discussions rather than these 30 seconds sound by the. she insisted on only two. i don't think it is fair to paint everybody with the same broad brush. the fact is there is only one person in this campaign whose ads had to be taken down because they were so dishonest. that is katie mcginty's ads. that makes a difference. frankly, katie tend to deny, many of the things that she
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has done, go to toomey for and you can see we have documented the facts that the dep under her leadership used confession of judgment. we have documented the fact that she scripted ad that had to be taken down. we have documented the dishonesty that has been a problem in this campaign. >> miss mcginty. >> jim, what is dishonest is what the the senator just said. there is only one, candidate on this stage who had to take his ad down, and that was senator toomey. my campaign has had to take no ads down. is there only one person standing on this stage who repeatedly independent fact checkers have said that senator toomey's ads are false, misleading, and no wonder, the senator doesn't want to us look the at his record. a record of holding a bank, foreclosing on his own constituents. lets talk about money and politics though. i'm proud to have endorsement of the organization called citizens united that has, been dedicated to getting this dark secret unaccountable money out
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of our politics. senator toomey had a chance to vote on just that and voted against overturning citizens united. no wonder. senator toomey has more money coming in from organizations like the coke brothers then just about any other candidate in the country and he has 100 percent voting record doing the bidding of organizations like the coke brothers. >> thank you, i'm not sure your respective answers have done much to eliminate this distrust and distaste but let's go on. miss mcginty, the washington post and this is serious business, the washington post did a study of all police involved shootings in 2015, and found that black men who represent 6 percent of the population accounted for 40 percent of the unarmed men shot to death by police. now i think we have all agreed that the vast majority of the police officers are extraordinarily brave and noble men and women.
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but do you think that these numbers show that there is institutional bias in america's police departments. >> you know jim, we have made a lot of progress in our country in terms of taking on racism and discrimination but we have by no means fully succeeded in eradicating racism and discrimination from our society. let me say my tradition, i'm happy to say black lives matter, because from where i stand, when we recognize the dignity of any person we're all lifted up and when any person is denied dignity we are taking down. i say that also as a daughter of a policeman, who reveered the work of law enforcement. our family, say good bye to dad in the morning didn't know after he walked in his beat would be coming back home. that is why i have moved forward to say let's give our police force the equipment they need, double the community policing program and make sure they've quip. and resources to be active in
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the community. and senator toomey has pushed a punish the police bill that would strip law enforcement of chris will calorie sources, and i know that, works from a tea party point of view, take any government program away, but it hurts our safety, security and our community. >> forgive me, do you think that there is institutional bias in some of our police departments. >> i think we still have work to do. i agree with your assessment. i think we have good men and women but we have to look into our own hearts, we have the not eradicated racism, discrimination, sexism, we have work to do in this society. >> thank you very much. mr. toomey. >> jim, there is no question, that there are bad apples in any walk of life, any profession has some. i have seen some videos of young black men being shot under circumstances that have been very, very disturbing. immediately called for a thorough investigation in holding people accountable when for any wrongdoing. but i'm absolutely convinced that the vast majority of
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policeman and women across this commonwealth and our country are not racist. they are just trying to dot very best they can to protect us. the problem with the black lives matter movement and katie mcginty prop gating this is just that phrase itself is meant to impune the integrity of the police by implying that they don't think that black lives do matter. and, in fact, and in fact, it is my view that all lives matter and i think police get that. i think police get that. >> ladies and gentlemen, please, please. so, i will simply finish by observing that i respect, and honor the years that katie mcginty spent on the philadelphia police force but the philadelphia police have endorsed me in this campaign as has every other major police organization the in the commonwealth. >> mr. toomey, let's talk about obama care. >> come on guys, please, you
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have been great, until right now. come on. >> millions of americans are irate that their premiums and deductibles have gone up under the affordable care act. proponents explain, proponents of obama care explain that much of the hike in premiums is due to the fact that insurance companies can no longer deny americans the preexisting conditions, and cannot charge higher rates based on health status or gender. my question is do you dispute that and how do you bring costs down while still insuring high risk americans who could not get insurance before obama care. >> jim, first of all, that is not what is causing problem with obama care. it is fund. ly flawed in the design. remember we were sold a whole bill of goods about that bill from day one. we were told if you wanted to keep your insurance plan you could keep it. when they knew they were systematically forbidding whole the categories of insurance plans. we were told if you like your doctor, you can keep your
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doctor. no, you can't. the new insurance plans were designed to exclude doctors that people were very satisfied with. we were told average family would save $2,500. it is exact opposite. cost have gone through the roof. today, it is in a death spiral. it its collapsing. 40 percent of pennsylvanians in the individual market have only one choice. you cannot fix this by tweaking it around the edging because it is based on a fun. ly flawed design which puts government in control of something that ought to be determined by mom and dad sitting around the kitchen table, not a federal bureaucracy. so what i think we ought to do is repeal obama care completely, we will have to have a transition for people receiving sun sideties and you shouldn't pull rug out from under them but move in the direction where individuals and patients control their health care. >> miss mcginty. >> my question is where has senator been. he has been in washington for 18 years. this has been obviously a critically important issue. where is your legislation, senator to make sure we're bringing down the cost of
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prescription drugs for example. where is your legislation to make sure that people will have full choice in the doctors that they get to see. look i would take action. i think it is important that people not lose their health insurance because of preexisting conditions. it is important that we not kick people off of health insurance because they have a chronic disease and they hit a cap. we have to bring costs down. there are things we and i can do that the senator won't. first and foremost we have to take on big pharmaceutical companies. where the only country in the world, where federal law prohibits us from negotiating down the cost of prescription drugs. the consequence that we pay sometimes ten times as much for the very same drug. i will take that on. but the senator is a little bit too close to big pharma, big insurance, et cetera, will explain but done nothing to fix this urgent problem. >> let's talk about iran. you have expressed your complete support for the
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nuclear deal with iran. since that deal was signed iran has fired four nuclear capable ballistic missiles, two of the words israel must be wiped out written on a them in hebrew. u.n. secretary general moon say missle launches were not consistent with the constructive spirit of the nuclear arms deal. iran has also held ten american sailors hostage at gunpoint. has any of this ever given you pause that maybe the iran nuclear deal wasn't such a good idea. >> i think your citation under scores the fact that the the east rap is not a friend of the united states. that is why it was absolutely unacceptable that iran would be allowed to gain nuclear capability. in my analysis, yes, the agreement on the table was the best way to assure that iran would not have nuclear capability. however, i have also been very, very clear, that we cannot tolerate any violation
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of either of the nuclear deal itself, or other u.n. resolutions, including with respect to ballistic missle tests and i have been very public in calling on the administration for tough sanctions there. what we can't do, however is, what senator toomey has done. he missed 90 percent of the key commit thee meetings and hearings on this issue. number one. number two when he did show up, he voted in directions that make us less safe. voting against closing loop holes in our visa waiver program, and voting against closing loop holes that allow terrorist to bring guns in the country. >> i appreciate your response, mr. toomey, you now have the full-time. >> unfortunately we know katie mcginty was dishonest about her family story. she was dishonest about the ads coming down. now she's being dishonest about my record in congress. it was a terrible, terrible failure of judgment to give $150 billion to the world's number one state sponsor of
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terrorism. by the way, as we gather here this evening the iranian parliament the has not ratified that agreement. no iranian government has signed that agreement. they don't consider themselves bound by that agreement. katie mcginty thinks this is all fine. it is not fine. they are launching ballistic missiles designed to carry nuclear war heads. now ask yourself if their attention was to abandon pursuit of nuclear weapons why would they send millions of dollars developing the ability to develop nuclear weapons. as i said before this is part of the very, very disturbing pattern by the administration, to essentially grant it to this iranian access that extend from afghanistan to the mediterranean is incredibly whose style to the united states. they will have nuclear weapons soon. that will probably trigger a arm race with the sunni arab country. this was a very bad agreement. >> i need a response about 35 or 40 seconds here because we are coming to an even. mr. toomey, i want a interview
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did you in the year 2007 when you called for thee limb nation of all corporate taxes. you said, the let's not tax corporations let's let them compete on the global economy. if you had your opinion would you get rid of corporate income taxes. >> no, i wouldn't, jim. that was an in art full way i was trying to convey a simple message. message was this you can raise taxes on business if you'd like. who end up paying that? they don't have a printing press in the basement. if you raise taxes, then it end up being paid by the customers who buy the products at higher prices. my point is we should have a simpler tax code. this is terribly unfair. loaded with corporate welfare, kind that katie likes to reward her preferred companies and industries. i don't think that is right. i hate corporate welfare. i have been tip of the sphere in the senate trying to end it. so much runs through tax code. when we certainly should not do is all of the middle class tax increases that katie mcginty has advocated including income and sales
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tax. >> that is my next question, thank you, sir. miss mcginty you have called for raising ceiling on income for social security taxes from 118,000, to $250,000 and supporting a democratic bill that calls for a .2 percent payroll tax increase to fund extra personal family leave. you say that you would not support any middle class increase in middle class taxes. aren't they just that an increase in middle class taxes. >> no, i have been very clear that i don't support any increase in middle class taxes, in fact, my whole campaign has been about putting forward tax cuts, for middle class family. >> but aren't they increase in middle class taxes. >> let me describe my proposal with respect to social security. i very much disagree with senator toomey who wants to hand social security over to wall street. >> we have got 30 seconds. >> for fees for his friends on wall street. but would ruin the retirement security of seniors. i said that millionaires and
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billion airs should pay their fair share to sure up social security. look, the senator just tried to change history in his own record. he is on record repeat thely saying he would eliminate all corporate taxes. he is on record pushing legislation that would cut taxes for millionaires by $300,000, while increasing taxes on middle class families by $3,000. >> thank you, miss mcginty. we have to move on. >> unaudible. >> that is all that time we have right now, for questions, and answers, and the candidates from each of 90 seconds for closing statements. i think they have got some things that they want to say, by random drawing, katie mcginty goes first. >> well jim, thanks to you and everybody for joining us and tuning in. this country, was based on a basic idea and bargain. if you work hard you can get ahead. that was certainly the story in the mcginty family.
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a total no complaint zone. you picked yourself up by your own boot straps all ten of us kids. when we were being raised if you worked hard you could pursue your dreams. now with what i see out there and every part of the this commonwealth is that people are giving it their all with pride, dignity, and trying their best. but those bills, they are tough to pay. now you have heard some spirited debate, here. i will go to bat for working families and for the middle class, but frankly it is those very same families that senator toomey has left behind. foreclosing on them in a predatory fashion while he made money in his own bank, trying to take away hard earned social security, and handing out that over to wall street. refusing to stand up to china which china doesn't play by rules and takes our manufacturing jobs away. this i know. we have a very great bright
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future if we give people tools to succeed, no hand out. decent schools. college that is affordable. job training and apprenticeship programs. when we do that no one can compete with the american worker. we will compete and win. i'm katie mcginty. thank you you for having me here tonight and i ask you for honor of your vote and support in this election. >> pat toomey. >> thanks very much, jim. thank you, jim. first, let me say it has been a extraordinary honor to have the privilege to be the united states senator from pennsylvania for these last six years. you have heard tonight there is very substantial differences. if you want someone who will be a rubber stamp for a hillary clinton administration, katie mcginty is your candidate. if you want a interest, criticize a president who is wrong from whichever party i will be your candidate. katie and i differ very strongly on security issues. you heard her defend iran nuclear deal which i'm quite
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certain is very, very bad deal for the united states. she's also been a supporter of sanctuary cities when inn danger us. but our differences are as different as anything on economic issues. you know, i have met with families all across this commonwealth. i have met with people who wonder why this economy isn't working for them. why is it some people are doing fine? multi millionaire like katie and they have got a lot of financial assets, those assets have gone up in value. but hard working family and delaware county, cambria county and all across this commonwealth, they have been falling behind. it is because of failed policies in washington. too much taxes, over spending, massive deficits, doubling of the nation's debts and way too much regulation. is it the any wonder we are not getting prosperity we need. katie mcgiant boy double down on those failed policies. i want to move in different direction that freeze up our economy to begin creating the jobs and elevating the standard of living that we have been waiting for. i would be very grateful for your vote november 8th.
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>> wow. >> and that concludes tonight's debate, we would like to thank the candidates for appearing tonight, we would also like to thank our host, temple university. and we would like to thank you, for watching tonight. i'm jim gardner news and we will leave you there these fig words. >> i'm susan carty president of the league of women voters of pennsylvania. on behalf of our league members and voters of pennsylvania, i extend our sincere thank you to the candidates, to six abc, and to our moderator jim gardner for providing this opportunity for pennsylvania voters, to see the candidates for u.s. senate, and to hear their stance on the most important issues facing our commonwealth, and our country. and now, it is your turn to have your voice heard. election day is tuesday, november 8th, and make sure you go to the polls and vote, it is your right and your civic duty.
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oted to change the l to benefit wall street and banks like his. voting to gut consumer protections that crack down... on predatory lending and fraud. to take money from you and... line the pockets of wall street millionaires like... himself. pat toomey: out for himself, all in for wall street. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. republican party bosses looked to find brian fitzpatrick. nearly three thousand miles - that's how far away they "hand-picked" him to run for his brother's seat. but all mike and brian fitzpatrick share is a name. brian fitzpatrick supports a radical republican agenda, including defunding planned parenthood, just like donald trump. a hundred and sixty miles down the road in dc, brian fitzpatrick will put his party first,
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not pennsylvania families. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. she can work with people to solve problems. i want to be able to tell my kids that i did the right thing when it really mattered. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. pat toomey: he was a founder of this pennsylvania bank and owned stock worth as much as a million dollars. under toomey's leadership, the bank used a controversial foreclosure practice called "confession of judgement" to take away homes from people across pennsylvania. the practice is banned in 35 states because it's considered predatory, but pat toomey didn't care.
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pat toomey the banker: he's really not for you. senate majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> announcer: live from hollywood, it's eras night on "dancing with the stars." [ cheers and applause ] >> tom: hey, welcome to "dancing with the stars." it's eras night. i'm tom bergeron. >> erin: and i'm erin andrews. tonight, our stars will dance through different eras. >> tom: so let's enter the era of right now and welcome our stars. maru -- marilu henner and derek. >> erin: terra jole and sasha.


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