tv Action News 11pm ABC October 25, 2016 1:35am-2:10am EDT
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when families gather, things get messy. ours can help. sc johnson. because aunts will do anything for a laugh. [sfx: squeaking on glass] when families gather, things get messy. ours can help. sc johnson. >> hey, everybody. on today's show, we've got some great contestants, great questions, and a great deal of money on the line, and it all starts right now. this is "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ hey, everybody, welcome to the show. you guys ready to play "millionaire" today? [cheers and applause] here we go. today's contestant--well,
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his rent's going to triple next month, so winning the million dollars will definitely help him stay in his home. from new york, new york, please welcome brian roland. [cheers and applause] brian, how you doing, man? >> i'm so good, thanks. >> good to see you. you're welcome. [dramatic music] ♪ >> all right, first of all, we won't out your landlord, but really, tripling your rent? >> give me one second. just got to take this in real quick. [laughter] >> don't do it, don't do it. >> ooh, okay. >> take the high road. take the high road. >> okay, okay, okay, i just had to do it, so yes. >> so you need this money. >> oh, absolutely, yes. um, definitely in jeopardy of losing my home that i love. it's a great home. it's been such a great home for a while, and it happens in new york too much, so it's not an uncommon story... >> right. >> but it's my story. >> not a cheap place to live. >> not at all, so. >> what do you do for a living, if i could ask? >> um, lots? at the moment what keeps me busy is i'm a private server for a wealthy family on 5th avenue, so... >> you see the good life. you haven't tasted that life. >> oh, that's right. >> we need to get you a taste.
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>> i would love a feast. >> all right. here's--here's how i will spoon-feed you today. >> okay, great, silver spoon? >> fourteen questions. yes, one question at a time, from $500 to the main course... >> all right. >> $1 million. [cheers and applause] >> [laughs] >> every question you answer correctly moves you one step closer to that top prize. remember, any time, you can walk away with the money you've earned up to that point. if you give me an incorrect answer, you'll walk away with nothing... >> okay. >> until you get to those thresholds. there's one at $5,000 and then again at $50,000. >> great. >> and you also have those three lifelines. audience can help you out with a question. >> great. >> "50/50." i'll take away two incorrect answers, and your "plus one." who'd you bring with you today? >> my bff, rhett calman. >> hey, rhett, how you doing? good to have you here. good to have you here as well. >> thank you, chris. >> let's get you some money, keep you in that house. >> i'm ready, sounds good. >> let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] [dramatic musical flourish] all right, brian, $500 question. >> all right, let's do this. >> it's just the appetizer. >> okay, great. >> originally inspired by a classic magazine, what sketch
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comedy series that ran from 1995 to 2009 on fox was revived by the cw in 2016? [percussive music] ♪ >> just watched it. made me laugh as hard as ever. a, madtv, final answer. >> boom. we're already off and running. >> yes. >> there you go. >> yes. >> one down, 13 to go. >> done, all right. >> $1,000 question. >> great. >> because there are a couple of different places you can put it, home depot's website separates which product into "countertop" and "built-in"? >> hmm. [percussive music] ♪ >> while it'd be intriguing to see a garden shed there, it is b, microwave oven, final answer. >> and now you have $1,000. >> yes! so surreal. [laughs] >> it's surreal? >> so surreal. >> being here? the lights, the stadium, the whole thing, it's good. >> yes, sir, yes, sir. >> well, $2,000 question's
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right here. >> well, all right. >> in 2017, "weird al" yankovic plans to release a career retrospective box set called "squeeze box," in packaging shaped like his signature instrument, a what? >> ah. [percussive music] ♪ for some reason, when you started the question, i got all nervous that i had no idea, but it is absolutely b, accordion, final answer. >> it absolutely is. that's right! $2,000. >> wow, wow. >> and now here's your $3,000 question. >> all right. >> a fictional location that embodies the spirit of its cheesy biscuits, red lobster warns that "you will have a difficult time finding" what "on the map"? [percussive music] ♪ >> again, for some reason, when it starts, i'm like "oh, my gosh," but it's absolutely--my mom has the recipe, if anyone ever needs it--b, cheddar bay. final answer. >> i do. they're addictive.
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>> but you don't want to make them at home. it's dangerous. >> right. $3,000. >> wow. >> $3,000 and have your mom call me. >> [laughs] >> next step is your first threshold at $5,000. >> i bet she'd like that. all right. all right. >> including simba, nala, and rafiki, many characters in "the lion king" have names taken from what local language? [percussive music] ♪ >> okay. well, i know it's not tagalog, because i actually grew up in the philippines, so i know that's where that is. hindi, for me, obviously i know where that is as well. um, so i'm definitely getting just a little bit torn. i know "the lion king" is africa, so with a little prayer and hope i am going to say b, final answer, chris. >> you trusted your gut and it worked. >> phew. >> well done, you got it! [cheers and applause] [dramatic musical flourish] $5,000!
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you had me worried for a second, brian. i was a little bit worried, man. don't do that. >> you were worried? you were worried? >> but now you're in the game and you have all your lifelines. we're coming back. brian's playing more "millionaire" right after this. [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ fame sets the scene at planet hollywood resort and casino, home to headliners like britney spears and jennifer lopez, as well as the fashionable miracle mile shops and dining hot spots by celebrity chefs like gordon ramsay. it's all at your front door when you book a bright new modern room at planet hollywood in las vegas.
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[dramatic music] ♪ >> welcome back to "who wants to be a millionaire." brian roland, got a little dicey there for a second, but you got to $5,000. >> wow! >> so you reached that threshold. that money is safe and you still have all three lifelines. >> wow. >> settling in? >> all i got is "wow." >> this is crazy, right? >> beyond. >> this is fun. >> yeah, it's fantastic. >> even better, $7,000, and that's where we're headed next. >> okay. >> so let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." >> all right, let's do it.
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>> here's your $7,000 question. if you were afflicted with hyperhidrosis, you'd most likely be given a prescription for a pharmacy-grade what? [percussive music] ♪ >> hyper, um, means "extreme." >> okay. >> um, so, it means it's too much. it means it's a problem, like hypertension is extreme, you know, things like that. "hidrosis," i mean, i have to go to "hydro." that's my instinct, is hydro, so that's wet, it's water. so i think i can rule one of them out because i've never in my life heard of a prescription for; the other three, i think i have abso--think. [laughs] "i think i have absolutely," that's a fun sentence. i think i've absolutely heard of a prescription for. although something just dawned on me, actually... that i know, i know the
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affliction for one of them and what it's called. that just dawned on me. so i can just rule two of them out, which is pretty cool. >> okay. [laughter] >> i did my own "50/50." >> there's like nine voices in your head. this is great. >> i mean, now, yes. well, no, actually probably always, but yeah, no, um... >> instead of "ask the audience," let's just ask everyone in your head. >> i think that's what i'm doing. but thank you for bearing with me, 'cause it is taking a minute, i know. i know, i know, but... >> we should tell them, just lock in your votes. >> just lock in my votes? >> yeah. >> okay, yeah, right. let's--i'll let 'em all push their little buttons. b, antiperspirant, final answer, chris. >> 86% of the voices in your head got it right. >> [laughs] >> that's right, excessive sweating! >> this is crazy. [cheers and applause] this is insane. >> okay, you're at $7,000. >> great, great. >> now a look at $10,000 with this question. >> whoa.
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[dramatic musical flourish] >> kicked off usc's football team after a surfing injury, marion morrison dropped out of college to enter show business, soon changing his name to what? >> wow, that's a lot of information there. [dramatic music] ♪ >> so...sports is my weakest. >> okay. >> however sports is a very-- >> you have three lifelines. >> well, and sports is a very small part of this question. it's not even really a sports question. show business i know well. marion morrison... i've never heard that name. oh, this is for 10 grand. [laughter] ♪ that's a lot. >> you are... >> you know what? >> you are the host, the player, and the audience. [laughter] i'm just gonna--you got this. you got this. [laughter] [cheers and applause]
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you are good. >> oh, man, i'm not tr--i love-- you're doing such a great job. >> no, i'm having a blast. >> no way am i trying to take your job. >> i'm just hanging on for dear life. >> it's been fun watching. i definitely don't know this. um...i mean, i have a strong guess, but i don't know if i would ever in my life guess for 10 grand. this seems like a really good "ask the audience" question, final answer. >> okay. audience, brian could certainly use some help here. if you would, pick up those keypads and enter your vote now. [dramatic music] ♪ okay, brian, hopefully this clears all of this up for you. >> hopefully. >> here's the results. 59%--decent majority there--say it's c, john wayne. >> wow. wow, you know what, that's absolutely not who i was leaning towards, but i wasn't really leaning towards anyone for much good reason. um... man, i am not wasting two lifelines on one answer. i just don't feel a need to.
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60% is pretty good. and i feel like we've got a lot of people who know john wayne a lot better than i do. we're gonna go with them and say c, final answer, chris. >> the duke went to usc. that's right. [cheers and applause] that's right. you're at $10,000, brian. $10,000. >> oh, my gosh. >> when we come back, we're gonna see how far brian can go on this dream ride. stay tuned. [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪
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[dramatic music] ♪ >> welcome back to "who wants to be a millionaire." brian roland is on a ride, a $10,000 ride so far. [cheers and applause] >> wow, wow. >> used one lifeline, you still have two lifelines. >> okay, great. >> and you thought $10,000 was good. >> yeah. >> i'm about to give you an opportunity to double your money right away. >> wow. >> you ready? >> i sure am, i sure am. >> let's play. we got him speechless finally. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] [dramatic musical flourish] all right, brian. >> all right. >> here we go, $20,000. >> great. >> with fines starting at 35 euro, what smog-ridden city
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recently took steps to fight the problem by banning pre-1997 cars from its streets on weekdays? [percussive music] ♪ >> okay, i know london does not use the euro. they use the pound, so i can rule that out. so then the question becomes what city has a lot of pre-'97 cars on its street? banning on weekdays would probably just be because of the rush hour going to work, so when they're banning them i don't think matters much in this decision. >> you still have two lifelines. >> i sure do. >> "50/50" and the "plus one." >> you know, and i don't know, and we are getting to amounts that for someone like me are pretty life-changing, so... i think i'm gonna call up my bff and get a little help on this one. >> okay, is that your final? >> that is my final answer. >> all right, rhett, come on down here. [applause] how are you doing? >> hey, chris, nice to meet you. >> hey. [laughs] >> doing great. >> oh, my gosh, we're on television. >> we need some of that prescription strength
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antiperspirant, i think he... >> that's a fact, that's all right. >> okay, rhett, what do you think? >> paris. >> you think paris is the answer? >> i think paris is the answer. >> no, i ruled it out, 'cause i don't think they have a lot of pre-'97 cars on their streets. i thought they'd have a lot of-- >> we're gonna arm wrestle over it, chris. >> this is great. >> i feel like they'd have a lot of newer cars on the street. >> so i think if you have a gut instinct--and we have seen, at least today--i've seen it often before today--your gut instincts are correct and you allow a lot of things, especially the nerves today, to take over. >> it would be silly to go out with a lifeline. >> that's true. >> that would be silly. >> and you don't feel right now that you can count out two-- >> well, now for some reason, paris is pulling on me. well, i mean, 'cause you said it, but also you think about a big metropolis where everyone driving to work every day, i mean... >> your call. i-i think that it-- that was my gut. >> okay, that's your gut? >> yeah. >> do you think i should? okay, here we go, let's jump together. d, paris, final answer. oh, my goodness. >> i hate when people walk away
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with a lifeline. >> me more. >> you got another shot. you got it! [laughter] [cheers and applause] you got it! brian, you got $20,000. >> brian! he's gonna cry. >> thank you. >> $20,000, but you're not done. we're playing more "millionaire" when we come back. [dramatic music] ♪ help prevent discomfort from gas, with beano. taken right before meals, it makes healthy gas causing foods easier to digest. take beano before and there'll be no gas. say hi to xiidra, lifitegrast ophthalmic solution. the first eye drop approved for the signs and symptoms of dry eye. one drop in each eye, twice a day. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and an unusual taste sensation. do not touch the container tip to your eye or any surface.
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>> here's your question of the day. nicolas cage, lindsay lohan, leonardo dicaprio, and jean-claude van damme have all played which of the following in a movie? british royalty, fbi agents, identical twins, or paraplegics. stay tuned for the answer. when you're close to the people you love, does psoriasis ever get in the way of a touching moment? if you have moderate to severe psoriasis, you can embrace the chance of completely clear skin with taltz. taltz is proven to give you a chance at completely clear skin. with taltz, up to 90% of patients had a significant improvement of their psoriasis plaques. in fact, 4 out of 10 even achieved completely clear skin. do not use if you are allergic to taltz. before starting you should be checked for tuberculosis.
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taltz may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you are being treated for an infection or have symptoms. or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. inflammatory bowel disease can happen with taltz. including worsening of symptoms. serious allergic reactions can occur. now's your chance at completely clear skin. just ask your doctor about taltz. >> the answer to that question was "identical twins." [cheers and applause]
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[dramatic music] welcome back to "who wants to be a millionaire." brian roland just got to $20,000. $20,000! >> that's a lot of money. >> you said that's life-changing money. >> for me, it absolutely is. >> yeah, this next question alone is worth $30,000. >> wow. >> that's where you are in this game. >> great. >> are you ready? >> yes. >> you still have one lifeline. you still have that "50/50." >> all right. >> here we go. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." >> all right. [cheers and applause] [dramatic musical flourish] >> all right, $30,000 question. using all of its letters, which of these phrases can be rearranged to spell out the name of the game show you're appearing on right now? >> this could take a minute.
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>> using all of its letters, which of these phrases can be rearranged to spell out the name of the game show you're appearing on now? so let me think about things that repeat. um, "who wants to be a millionaire." oh, hey, that might be something right there. "who wants..." so two ws. so let's see if any of them i can rule out with more than one w. w, w, w, w. wow, this is gonna be a minute. nope. so i think--w--oh, okay, there we go. there we go, i just ruled one out. "i am onion oil bawl sweetheart." "who wants." i need two ws, so "i am onion oil" b-a-w-l sweet--ooh. i'm glad i looked at it again. okay, so that's still there. all right, all right, so "who wants to be a millionaire." okay, i just gotta put my head around this, 'cause it's not that hard. it's all right there. oh, oh, wait, "who wants"-- "who wants to be a millionaire." there is no j in the title of
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this show. "i howl into an answerable jet." who--w-h-o w-a-n-t-s t-o b-e a m-i-l-l-i-o-n-a-i-r-e. there is no j in that. it is not d. great, we did that. three more to go, all right. "homeowners await a lint boil." okay, let's take out ts real quick, 'cause they all repeat. t is--oh, we got "throw," there's two there. "who wants to be a millionaire." "who wants to be." that's two ts. "throw a snowmobile at a mill." "i am onion oil bawl sweetheart." i think i got another one. "i am onion oil bawl sweetheart." i see one t there. "who wants to," that's two ts. "i am onion oil bawl"--i want to make sure i'm seeing it right. >> you'll get it. >> "sweetheart." "who wants to..." "sweetheart," there are two ts. "who wants to be a millionaire." okay. "who wants to be a millionaire."
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that's one m. so i think i can do another one. i got the j out there. let me do it one more time. i think a i can eliminate 'cause of two ms. "who wants"--i'm sure it looks so weird i'm doing this so much, but, man, in your head, it's like, you gotta be real clear. >> don't worry about it. >> okay. >> just concentrate on the game. >> great, thank you, all right. "who...wants..." what was i looking at? i already forgot. uh...uh...okay. "throw a snowmobile at a mill." oh, my goodness. okay, so i got rid of that. "at a mill," "who wants to be a millionaire." oh, i think i got it, es! "who wants to be"--no es. "who wants to be"--one. a m-i-l-l-i-o-n-a-i-r-e. that's two. e. e.
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oh, dear lord, b, final answer. oh. >> there's two es in "sweetheart." >> no, i know, but there's only two es in "millionaire," and there's three in that one. >> you got it right. [cheers and applause] you got it right, brian. [cheers and applause] you got it right. $30,000. >> [laughing] [horn sounds] [cheers and applause] >> believe it or not, that took up all the time we have today. >> wow. >> but you're coming back. you're gonna play more "millionaire." when we come back, you're gonna get a look at a $50,000 question. >> oh, my gosh. >> thank you so much for watching. for everyone who's been a part of this one, i'm chris harrison. we'll see you next time. >> wow, wow. [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ closed captioning sponsored by:
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a judge having sentenced her to 10-23 months in jail. that was the punishment for leaking secrete grand jury information and then lying about it. it is monday night and the big story on action news tonight is the day of destiny for the one time number one rising star of pennsylvania politics now if her appeal fails she will be known for a different kind of number and she will wear it on her prison garb and action news reporter christine lleto was at the courthouse in norristown, christie. >> reporter: well jim the judge called kane a political neofite and the children were collateral damage of her actions and not of the courts and she was processed and held in jail and didn't take long for her family including her twin sister to get 75,000 to bail her out. >> do you think she will spend the night there. >> we hope not. >> reporter: at the correctional
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facility when kathleen kane once a star in the democrat party released on ball after being sentenced 10-23 years behind bars with judge giving time to raise the cash. >> time is of the essence to raise the money. >> reporter: the 50-year-old elected as state prosecutor in 1912 and one time attorney general came to embarrassing end when she was convicted of leaking grand jury information and lying about it under oath. >> nobody is above the law. >> reporter: kevin steele called it no slap on the wrist and the judge had a range of options for jail time. >> significant sentence and we argued throughout the day on this and she concluded that the right sentence is incarceration. >> reporter: kane had requested house arrest or probation so she could be home with her teenage
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son, her oldest son chris told the judge she is his rock. the lawyers argued the loss of her career and reputation was punishment enough. >> she is doing as well as could be expected under the circumstances. >> reporter: testimony from kane's friends and family was eclipsed by witnesses called upon by prosecutors who once worked with kane. many of them said she created a toxic nixonian work environment. >> we love her and want to get her on bail quickly. >> reporter: now again kane is out on bail pending appeal and if the state superior and supreme court deny that request for appeal that is when she will begin serving her sentence live in norristown christie lleto, jim. >> reporter: a mother and young son reunited after an heroing deal in philadelphia and the woman stopped to use an atm at
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elbowerman and frankfort when a man jumped in her car and sped off with her six-year-old in the back seat and shaun mccartney saw it happened and gave chase until the thief pulled over after a few blocks. >> i'm sure he looked in the rearview and saw a kid and said oh, my god i got a kid and he bailed out and leaving the kid crying and shaking and got the kid out and let him go and figured the cops would get him and ran the kid to monday and she is still hysterical but ended well. surveillance on charles street captured clear video of the man who fled on foot and man foot continues at this hour. tufts officer says they will step up patrol on the weekend from now on to prevent chaotic and violent scenes from happening again a huge group of young people roamed on oxford beating and robbing temple
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