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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  October 26, 2016 2:10am-2:40am EDT

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hey, don't shoot the messenger, but that other messenger? he's been lying to you about katie mcginty. the truth is, in government and business katie mcginty's been a leader in clean energy. she's never done anything illegal or improper. turns out, the smears against mcginty are paid for by special interests and wall street billionaires who've spent 20 million dollars to keep their guy, pat toomey, in washington. that's the real message. majority forward is responsible for the content of this advertising.
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it's an all new show today "right this minute." three ladies are terrorized by a man with a loaded gun. >> but these women are fighting back. >> see the miracle turn of events that saved their lives. the sonogram showed a baby's heart in the wrong place. >> but luckily, doctors were able to put her heart back into her chest. >> how a baby who's defied the odds since birth has become one happy birthday girl. >> a colt gets in the halloween spirit with a costume that's -- >> pretty stinking cool. >> now meet the entertaining lady that once dressed her horse as a poodle.
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>> took him into petco, they let me take him in there. >> plus the shot to win the ipad mini and you know it's halloween time -- >> when a ghost goes through the drive through. >> the amazing prank that goes spoof. >> that is a great effect. i'm watching going -- >> if this doesn't make you believe in the power of prayer, i don't know what will. this is in sao paulo. those three women have just come home from a church service right there. that's the door to the house. it has a security gate and as they were opening it, this man came in. he was intent on robbing the house and these women, as you can see, these women are fighting back. but notice right here, he has something in his hand. >> what is it? >> it's a gun. he points it at these women and according to reports, these women, as you can see, don't back off. instead, they start praying. they are praying and standing up to this guy. he fires at them. >> oh, my gosh. >> then does it again and again. he tried to fire three shots,
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but the gun jams. >> do i see cars driving by? i see lights and stuff. >> it does appear to be next to a street. after this happens, you think the guy would run away, but instead he tries to strong arm his way into the home where they were going. >> never mind the guy running away, i'm surprised the women haven't run away after he tries to shoot three times. that's about as much luck as you're going to get today. run. >> i think they were motivated by the fact they were praying and the gun jammed and they did not get shot, so they kept going. >> in the name of jesus! >> he's like -- okay. how about in the name of -- start punching him, there's three of you and he's a little guy. >> what they are trying to do is protect the door and not let the man in. >> i have never seen anything like this. >> eventually, the gate comes open and he goes inside. >> what do they have in there? >> he goes inside, comes out. still got the gun in his hand,
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but eventually he does get away with nothing. he didn't find anything of value inside the house, although i think the ladies probably would have been okay if he took the bible. having a baby is exciting, so imagine how katelyn and brian feel when they went in for their routine 20-week ultrasound and found out things weren't what they were expecting. >> he showed us the silhouette of the lungs and where the heart would normally sit, he pointed three inches to the left and showed us where her heart had grown, and that's when i said it out loud, her heart is outside of her chest. >> wow. >> how does that happen and how do you fix that? >> they turned to experts at the mayo clinic. big day came and karen gave birth via c-section. there were 60 doctors on hand ready to receive her. >> i had agreed not to hold her so that she could go straight into surgery. i got a glimpse of her as they walked by.
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it took every part of me not to call out, wait, i change my mind. >> oh, my gosh. >> luckily, doctors were able to put her heart back into her chest. >> how? it's incredible that we've been able to figure this kind of stuff out. >> after about a week katelyn was able to hold her baby. >> i think i held her maybe 20 minutes before she got irritated and had to go back to her bassinet. >> five months later she's able to go home. the heart disease also affected her lungs, so she eats through a tube. if she continues progressing, the tube could come out in three to six months. >> be a normal kid, live a regular life. >> get dirty, ride her bike, get her driver's license. >> and her family, they are hopeful. they've created a go fund me page and are not only hoping to raise funds for her, but awareness for other children and families going through the exact same thing. >> kisses.
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yeah, kisses. >> it's late at night and he's setting off on a 13-mile adventure. he's not doing it for charity. he's not doing it for money. he's doing it because he's got no lift home and figures i'm just going to walk it. >> conditions are treacherous. very, very dark. >> the first few videos are mostly blackness. like he's david or something like this on his little mission, but after a while, quite clearly, he's getting bored. >> any chance the alcohol played into the decision to walk 13 miles? >> all kinds of things played into this decision. >> shorten the journey, take it up a notch. >> as you know, it does have the thing to measure the speed you're going at. now it's a competition against himself. >> i'm not one to give up. >> it's a marathon, not a sprint, my friend.
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>> right. >> nothing like a bit of 50 cent. >> little 50 helps you get home. ♪ >> call out to anyone in between these two villages if they want to hang out, he wants to get it on. >> that's the way to respond. >> what happens? >> he's in a car with his mom. she saw his snapchats, decides to go get him. he continues the dance party with mom. to begin with, she's not so into it, but all it takes is a classic to get mom to loosen up. we all love hanson. ♪ >> see, gets everybody going! >> obviously, his mom is a fan, too. she came out of her shell. >> snapchat story caught fire. people were so amused by it, everybody started sharing it, ended up on the news in ireland and that's how we found it. >> nice. ♪
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it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> to enter you're going to need tuesday's buzz word, be at least 21 years old, and a legal resident of the u.s. or canada. >> the "rtm" buzz word coming up in just a bit. >> stand by, everyone, for the "rtm" ipad mini giveaway. regular old candlelit jack lanterns are so yesterday. let's spice them up with this diy idea. >> hello, ladies and gentlemen, time to make jack-o-lanterns. the next question after you make the face is, of course, how do you illuminate it? >> you're going to use this clever little idea. >> how about we use the solar light. >> couple of those in my front yard already. >> once you got your pumpkin cut up into the shape you want, you take three of those lights, take
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the stake off, throw it, throw it out of the way. and then -- once you have your hole the side of the light in your pumpkin, put them in, place them, secure them on there. let it charge up throughout the day. >> there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, a solar powered pumpkin. >> at night, voila. >> that's cool. i like that. it's environmentally friendly, too. i like that. also, you don't burn the inside. i like that. basically, i like that. >> i think you like it and i think you're going to be doing this with your kids. >> solared powered pumpkin. >> baby ella is not a fan of affection. >> mom and dad love you. >> when jealousy kicks in. >> no! no! i don't like it. >> green-eyed envy right there. or she realizes if they keep this up, i'm going to get it
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sizzling. >> and a jaw dropping video. see what it is that has him blown away. >> communicating many different emotions with the same words. uss from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that. htake care of what makes you,e. you. right down to your skin. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results®
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like me, she has pennsylvania working class roots, biden: this is what i know about katie mcginty - and she's never abandoned them. hard work. family. playing it straight. that's katie. and the ads attacking her? they're a bunch of malarkey. katie's career is about looking out for families like yours. creating jobs, keeping our environment safe.
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she's a wife, a mom, a basketball fan, a homework supervisor. she's like you and she'll fight for you in the united states senate. i'm katie mcginty and i approve this message.
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but pat toomey actually owned a bank. most people owe the bank. and when he went to washington, he voted to change the laws... to benefit wall street and banks like his. voting to gut consumer protections that crack down... on predatory lending and fraud. to take money from you and... line the pockets of wall street millionaires like...
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himself. pat toomey: out for himself, all in for wall street. dscc is responsible for the content of this advertising. closed captioning provided by -- s relief. salicylic acid controls recurrence of psoriasis symptoms. plus intensive moisturizers. new gold bond psoriasis relief. in the lotion aisle. there's a really great group in washington, d.c., called the friends of the national museum of the american latino. they set out to ask congress through a petition to pass the smithsonian american latino act. that would designate the arts and industry building in washington, d.c., as a future home of the national museum of the american latino group. >> the museum is for a lot of people that have come here and made a better life for themselves.
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>> an effort that's been in the works for many, many years. in fact, the smithsonian institute themselves have admitted they haven't really told the american latino experience in their museums, so that means that 60 million americans are being left out of this story, this great american story. >> something about that story that is not only universal, but definitely part of so many stories. >> american latino museum is important for that reason. i think it celebrates people who have put us where we are now. >> so they realize it was an opportunity to create a museum that focused on the wonderful contributions of the american latino in the united states. so what they are asking is people go and sign this petition that asks congress to pass this act, which would then open the way for there to actually be a museum in the snenear future. >> they are going to have the
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christian vera wing? >> no, but i'll be snapchating from it. >> i was invited to host the influencer awards in los angeles and was honored to present gisele hernandez with the vision award. i have so much respect for her, so for me it was an honor to stand on the stage and not only talk about the importance of the american latino museum, but also give her the award. >> how many signatures do they need, how far away are they from it? >> so close. they are less than 500 signatures away from their goal. there is a deadline of october 26th. if you need to sign, you don't need to be latino to do it. head over to, click on tv show, or you can check it out on our mobile app. the ping-pong champ. ♪
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>> jealousy, that's a word. ugly emotion. >> it's so cute when babies have it. baby ella is going to let you know. this has blown up, 14 million on facebook, 300,000 on youtube. you'll see why, funny every time. watch ella's face. >> little hater. >> i don't like it! >> green-eyed envy right there. or she realizes that if they keep this up, i'm going to get a sibling. >> exactly. i don't think it's jealousy. no kid likes to see their parents get all mushy. it's weird. >> if it was just one time, i would agree, but keep watching the video. okay, i like that.
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>> please, no. >> this video is just so insane. people are loving it, sharing it like crazy online. not the only one we've got here, though. this little one doesn't like anyone laying hands on mommy. not even the tiniest little touch. >> let me hold mom's hand. okay? >> whoa! >> my favorite part is he's wearing an ironic shirt, i love my dad. >> that's the part you don't see under the buckle. >> in this case, it's jealousy. even horses are joining in on the halloween fun. >> wow. i love it! >> that's cool. >> i love it. does it glow in the dark? >> a look at the cutest skeleton in town. >> check me out, everybody. i'm looking good. >> plus, time to play.
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don't miss your shot to win an ipad mini. the buzz word is next. ♪
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promotional considerations provided by -- how strong is allegra-d®? my congestion's out of my way strong. allegra-d®. a fast non-drowsy antihistamine plus a powerful decongestant. breathing free for 24 hours strong. allegra-d®. no. in this case it's so scary cute. >> i love it! >> that's cool. >> does it glow in the dark? >> i don't believe it glows in the dark, but it is pretty stinking cool. this is a 1-month-old cat is the
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name. and to celebrate its first halloween, its owner decided this would be a really cool thing to do, which i agree with. they did use nontoxic paint, just in case you're wondering, so it's all cool and it took roughly 45 minutes to an hour to accomplish this diy look. >> check me out, everybody. i'm looking good. >> undernourished. >> to tell us more about this great halloween idea, we actually have tara via skype "right this minute." welcome to the show. >> hello! >> whose idea was this? >> i actually googled some ideas, shared it on facebook last week, in my case it's private so no one could see it. i made it public and it escalated from there. >> did he squirm at all or let you do it? >> he wiggled a little bit, but for only being a month old, he
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was patient and tolerant. >> any other things horsing around the farm? >> a couple years ago i dressed my other horse up as a poodle and took him in petco, they let me take him in there. >> how long is this going to stay on? >> until it wears off. started to wear off a little bit. it's stormy today, but probably, i would guess, two weeks until it's completely gone. >> do you do anything for the other holidays? >> i have christmas pictures of him with antlers and the santa claus hat and stuff like that. >> that's great! >> what about the other animals in the household, do they get dressed up, too? >> i dressed the dogs up before for halloween and christmas. >> i just look eager to see what you do on easter. >> that's something i need to consider, i guess. i never did think of that. easter bunny or something. >> oh, yeah. >> oh. >> wow. >> oh. >> oh.
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>> oh, we do that all the time. every single time. without fail. guaranteed. >> i know, this is a true jaw dropper video. a whoa video. i hope i'm pronouncing his name right. he's traveling around the island of crete in greece. it's great. this is the kind of travel video you're going to watch over and over. >> oh. oh. >> not because of the scenery. just because of him. >> oh. >> he's communicating many different emotions with the same word. >> oh. oh. >> from food -- >> oh. >> to views. >> oh. >> to statues. >> oh. >> to dirt. >> oh. >> he's caught it all and really -- whoa. >> what was his final review of crete? >> whoa.
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it's time to give away another ipad mini. >> to enter you'll need the buzz word, be at least 21 years old and a legal resident of the u.s. or canada. >> get over to, click win ipad. >> enter the buzz word on facebook, twitter, or both. you can enter on each every day. >> let's reveal tuesday's buzz word. it's apple. >> get over to, click on the win ipad button, and enter the buzz word, apple. apple. >> later this week we'll have a bonus give away, where one winner will receive an ipad mini and the other will receive a flat screen tv. so good luck, everybody. a ghost is going through a drive-thru. >> pulled up through the drive-thru and then -- poof. >> see how the employees feel about this. >> i'm out!
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docking with the international space station, you know, in your front room. >> drive-thru employees. >> oh, no. what the! >> look at her face. >> oh, my god. >> oh, my gosh, yeah, at first it was a really dumb, very convincing costume. >> yeah, he dressed in a sheet, pulled up through the drive-thru. then -- poof. >> wait a minute -- >> that is a great effect. every time it happens you're like tha


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