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tv   2020  ABC  November 11, 2016 10:01pm-11:00pm EST

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>> reporter: tonight on "20/20" -- is the story behind the bombshell election. the surprise candidate, who brought us to this historic divide. >> not my president! >> but should people be afraid that revenge is one of his motivators? >> exclusive secrets, from his war room to his fiercest defender on the front lines.
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all-new revelations from his inner circle. his daughter-in-law. was he serious about running? >> we're all taking bets. >> and why some critics claim he wanted to run. >> some claim it's to make trump great again. >> tonight, like never been. >> reporter: i'm abc reporter tom llamas. i've followed donald trump for the past 500 days. the good, the bad on camera and off-script. and sometimes even pointing right at me. >> like this sleazy guy right here from abc. >> why am i a sleaze? >> so tonight, from the penthouse to the white house, donald trump, the making of a
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president. good evening. i'm elizabeth vargas. >> and i'm david muir. millions of americans are still talking about the election. it's a triumph for millions who feel they have finally been heard. and others asking how this could have happened. >> and late this week, that moment. the president and the president-elect. the first step on a long road toward healing. we're in unchartered political territory. tens of thousands taking to the streets to protest, after one of the most divisive campaigns. how will this shape american history? here's tom llamas. >> reporter: in 70 days donald trump will have a new job and a new home.
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trading three floors of his glittering versailles-inspired penthouse for the slightly more staid corridors of the white house. >> i'm looking around this room. the white house might be a step down. >> the white house is the white house. it's is just a spectacular place, and it's something very special. >> reporter: lara trump is married to donald's son eric. will they totally redecorate the white house to look like trump tower? >> they'll make things how they like them, comfortable but nice and well done and tasteful. they're not gonna be knocking down any walls. >> reporter: so how did he get there? >> we're going to get to work immediately for the american people. >> reporter: even his close friends like billionaire real estate tycoon richard lefrak never saw it coming. >> i'm not surprised. i'm astonished. i'm more than surprised. but he gets the ball down the field. he's gonna put it in the end zone and score a touchdown.
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that's the way he is. >> i love this country. thank you. thank you very much. >> reporter: it's a story that begins about 15 miles away from his victory party, 70 years ago in jamaica estates, a wealthy neighborhood in queens, new york. >> you can't understand donald without looking at his childhood. >> reporter: donald j. trump lived in this ornate home, the fourth of five children. >> he did not grow up as a middle-class kid. the family had chauffeurs. he was taken to school in a limousine. he never had to work regular jobs. >> reporter: he described his mother mary, a scottish immigrant, as the perfect housewife. his father fred was a millionaire real estate developer. the trump patriarch has been described as a human machine. driven. >> his father was, you know, he was a demanding guy, and he did very much push donald. donald is some ways was the chosen son. >> reporter: that ambition was was unmistakably prevalent in young donald's dna.
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>> donald, i think, was more than a troublemaker. he was a profound brat. he has said that he punched his teachers when he didn't like what he was being told to do. >> reporter: in need of discipline young donald was shipped off to new york military academy. >> once he came under the control of the staff at the school, he wanted to excel. he had to be first at everything, even if it was just first inline in the cafeteria. >> reporter: just last year trump told abc's barbara walters about his dreams at that time in his life. >> what was your fantasy when you were very young? >> to be a baseball player. i was a great baseball player. >> what position? >> first base. catcher, first base. but in those days you got paid $2, right? >> and that's not for donald trump? >> i mean, no. but i wanted to be a movie maker. >> reporter: do you think his father had any role in him not pursuing that career in show business? >> i think there was no way donald wasn't inevitably going to become a real estate developer. he's still fascinated by stardom.
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i think that was one of things that stood out for me was this cinematic sense he has of himself. he identifies strongly with orson wells in "citizen kane." but at the end of the day, his father exerted a pretty inescapable pull on him to come back to the family business. >> reporter: he accompanied his father to sites all over new york's outer boroughs where fred trump was building middle and low-income housing. >> and i started off making little deals in brooklyn and queens with my father and they seemed to work out. >> reporter: and then with a loan from dad, donald trump struck out on his own. >> i think the rules that fred trump taught his son donald began with, you must be a winner. he plays hard and wants to win. and if that means setting the rules himself, he'll set the rules himself and then try to get everyone else to play by them.
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>> reporter: those rules would have devastating consequences for donald's brother fred jr. he drank heavily and died of heart failure at the age of 43. >> i think fred would have been very happy if he didn't have to compete. he had to compete because of the environment, he had to compete and it ultimately ended up destroying him and it was very sad, very sad. and ultimately it was alcohol that just decimated him. and i'm glad i'm not a drinker. i've never has a drink in my life. >> reporter: younger brother robert who worked for donald later in life learned what older brother donald was like at an early age. >> robert had a set of blocks and i had a set of blocks and i asked robert if i could have his blocks and i built a beautiful tall block building and then i said i like it so much that i glued it together and then robert couldn't have his blocks. so i don't know, somehow that story is a story that a lot of people have asked me about, i don't know. >> what do you think it says? >> well, it says i think that just even at a young age i wasn't so much different than i am now, i don't know. >> you had to get what you wanted even if it was somebody else's blocks. >> well, that's the old story, isn't it, huh?
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>> reporter: richard lefrak has been friends with donald trump for nearly half a century. he says the man he knows is not that different from the boy gluing his brother's confiscated blocks. >> the drive, the determination, this kind of boundless energy that he has. that's always been donald. he loves to accomplish things. and he loves to be complimented for his achievements. >> reporter: his longtime staffer lynne patton says the serial twitter user is quite old-fashioned, at least when it comes to technology. >> it took us a while to wean him from a flip phone to smart phone. trump runs things his way and it works for him. don't fix it if it ain't broke. >> there is no such thing as an e-mail from donald trump. that does not exist. but he does take the time to write very nice handwritten notes. donald never wants to curl up with a book. donald likes activity. he likes people.
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>> what words would you use to describe donald trump? >> i've always had great imagination. i've had great success with money. i've actually gotten along well with people over the years. >> you have said that one of the most important aspects in your personality is winning. why winning? what about the, "it's not whether you win or lose, it's how you play the game?" >> i like winning better. look, we have to win. >> reporter: trump says another part of the formula for success is not revealing your weaknesses. >> what is your greatest fear? >> well, i don't want to reveal fears because if i reveal fears, i'm giving up something. we all have certain fears and everybody has fears. but i don't like revealing my fears. >> my name is donald trump, and i'm the largest real estate developer in new york.
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>> reporter: next after extending his footprint on land, he conquered the air. television. >> you wanna be in the presence of donald j. trump, you cannot be weak. >> you're fired. you're all fired. >> reporter: stay with us. more "earning something you love" per roll bounty is more absorbent, so the roll can last 50% longer than the leading ordinary brand. so you get more "life" per roll. bounty, the quicker picker upper patti labelle?!? yep! patti pie!!! mmm-mmm! girl, that's $3.48! patti labelle sweet potato pie, only at walmart. $3.48 on rollback. save money. live better. walmart. (pop) campbell's tomato soup and grilled cheese. (more popping) go together like being late
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and being grounded. made for real, real life.™ okay.hese on. ♪ alright, here goes nothing. um, oh. oh, whoa. oh that is amazing. (crying) ♪ your own backyard (yelling with excitement) whoa, what the... (laughing) ♪ (sigh) (laughing) ♪ so we know how to cover almost almoanything.hing, even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don't forget anything! [kid] i won't, dad... [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here.
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it's pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ maybe... the skate park today? you can make it gr-r-reat! ♪ kellogg's frosted flakes gives you the sweet spark to go all in and let your great out. they're gr-r-reat!
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>> reporter: before he was
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president-elect, donald trump was the king of the big apple. >> my name is donald trump, and i'm the largest real estate developer in new york. >> reporter: and 30 years ago, he bypassed the city's signature yellow taxis for this $10 million french aire le especial helicopter. he took barbara walters for a ride. >> what do you feel like when you look at that wonderful skyline? >> well, i look at that skyline, barbara, and i really say it's the greatest in the world. i'd really like to buy everything if that were possible. >> reporter: a real estate tycoon overlooking his empire. salivating at the possiblities. nothing seemed too sacred, almost. >> what about central park? >> no, i think donald trump should not be allowed to touch central park. >> reporter: he's a man with few limits, never following the real estate rules. he shocked many when he negotiated a 40-year tax abatement for this hotel. >> people say, "how did you get 40 years?" i said because i didn't ask for 50. it was so easy. >> reporter: but then he erected what's now become a monument of
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sorts, the first building to bear his name, trump tower. many call it his greatest triumph. trump calls it home, for now. a 30,000-square-foot penthouse. three levels of over-the-top decor, dripping in gold, a fountain in the living room and ceilings painted with scenes from greek mythology. >> the tile in the bathroom floor he said had come from a mine somewhere in deepest, darkest africa. >> reporter: soon those signature buildings began popping up all over the big apple and later across the country. now there's even one in istanbul. all brandishing his name, trump. though now, because of the things he said during his campaign, some residents of buildings that bear his name want out. >> that man does not represent our values. >> reporter: some, like
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broadcaster keith olbermann, sold and moved out. >> i couldn't go under the sign anymore that says trump palace anymore without spitting. and i ran out of spit. >> reporter: what do you think the trump brand stands for now? >> the epitome of luxury. >> reporter: if i asked you to name another condo builder, you couldn't do it. >> reporter: donald trump went all in on atlantic city, opening several casinos. a huge gamble. >> did you know anything about the gaming industry? >> i knew the numbers. i knew the economics. >> reporter: and the numbers were staggering. by late '80s he says his three casinos were making $15 million a week. trump hit the jackpot by luring celebrities to the gambling mecca. chief among them, michael jackson, mike tyson and hulk hogan. >> thank god donald trump is a hulkamaniac. >> reporter: that relentless desire to win made his name a modern synonym for success, and a celebrity in his own right, authoring best-selling books and making cameos in movies. >> excuse me, where's the lobby? >> down the hall and to the left. >> reporter: on television.
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>> go another 50 grand and i'll cut the lawn for you every saturday. >> reporter: even commercials. >> crust first. >> reporter: if flaunting it was the game, trump was the name. >> my new game is "trump, the game." >> because it's not whether you win or lose, it's whether you win. >> reporter: he continued to win, not by only by being a businessman, but as being a business himself. the name "trump" is such a brand for success that it has been licensed on an astonishing range of products. >> trump model management. >> what does this guy not have his name on? >> they know if i put the name trump on it it's going to be the best. >> reporter: but in the '90s, his fiery mix of hubris and vision caused him to win and lose fortunes. when a casino analyst made this prediction about the trump taj mahal -- >> when december and january roll around, you could see business drop off 30% or 40%. >> reporter: -- he learned firsthand what kind of trouble challenging trump's numbers can get you.
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trump threatened to sue, and the analyst was fired. >> you're going to fight it to the bitter end? >> i always fight to the bitter end, don't i? >> reporter: in the end, he was forced to fold the trump taj mahal casino, resulting in job losses and his commercial airline, trump shuttle, grounded. >> i was at the highest of all pedestals, the hottest in the country. everything i touched turned to gold. and then one day, the pedestal was knocked out from under me. >> reporter: midas had lost his touch. donald trump's businesses filed for bankruptcy twice. he explained his financial woes to us in 1994. >> i had billions of dollars of debt, in excess of $5 billion. i had $975 million worth of personal debt. >> reporter: despite the losses and two more corporate bankruptcies, trump continued to promote a picture of profits and power. >> i fought back and won. now my company is bigger than it ever was, stronger than it ever was. >> reporter: tim o'brien, who wrote a biography on trump, says his speciality wasn't building but branding.
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>> what he essentially has been is a robust branding and marketing operation, and an incredible self-promoter. he's essentially a human shingle. >> what are you worth? >> well, that's always a question i hate to answer because it's like, who cares? >> i care. i really care. >> "forbes" magazine says i'm worth a lot. would i say that i'm worth $5 billion? >> $5 billion? >> i would say i'm worth more than $5 billion. but it's irrelevant. >> reporter: that year, "forbes" estimated his worth at only $2.5 billion. but the actual number, the american public has no idea. remember, he refused to release his tax returns. >> so you've got to ask yourself, why won't he release his tax returns? maybe he's not as rich as he says he is. >> reporter: but back in 2004, donald trump took another risk, something few celebrities of his caliber had ever tried. a reality tv show about himself and the cutthroat business world, the search for his
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apprentice. >> i'm here to see donald trump. >> reporter: the risk paid huge dividends. 20 million people watched him grill young trump wannabes in the board room every week. >> i didn't come here to make friends. >> reporter: omarosa manigault, now a senior advisor to the donald trump campaign, was a contestant on the show. what was your first impression the first time you saw him up close? >> so the first time donald walked into the boardroom he took one of those infamous donald trump breaths like, "okay, folks." and i literally almost laughed, because it was like a caricature of the person. >> reporter: then you realized that's the way he is? >> he goes, "you, what's your story?" he doesn't ease into it. he was just -- immediately. >> reporter: yeah, don't waste time. and if you did or screwed up, you heard that infamous phrase. >> you're fired. >> reporter: when we come back, we go from the boardroom to the bedroom. donald trump's private life. the father, the husband, the playboy. playboy. next. [ bells jingling ]
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whoa. the holidays areing. [ barks ] you're right. we need to get ready for the big show. what's up dudes? lots to do. hey iron man can you run up for the lights? you got it. oh, hey. what do you think? tall enough? definitely taller. it's starting to click guys. woo-hoo. yes. [ instrumental music ] we're gonna make this... [ barks ] yeah, spectacular. [ music continues ]
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>> reporter: in the early '90s, donald trump is on the hunt for three things. power, money, and women. >> an easy way to understand donald trump is that his appetites are whetted and heightened by the chase. >> he is certainly drawn to very beautiful women, and many of them are very intelligent. >> reporter: wife ivana trump is
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one of those beautiful and intelligent women. she's just not the only one. the couple's 14-year marriage is on the rocks after whispers of an affair with marla maples. a woman the tabloids have dubbed the georgia peach. wife ivana, who has three kids with donald, tells abc's "primetime," she never saw it coming. >> did you see warning signs? >> i really didn't. i really didn't. >> are you following the trump thing? you can't miss it. >> the front-page fiasco of lovers, lawyers, and large settlements. >> reporter: in the end, ivana gets more than $20 million in a divorce settlement in 1992. a year later, donald weds maples, a former beauty queen. but for donald trump, one beauty queen simply won't do. so in 1996, he buys them all. >> can you stand it? >> reporter: purchasing the miss universe pageant and putting marla front and center as the new co-host. >> if for any reason miss universe cannot complete her
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reign, the first runner-up will become miss universe. >> reporter: but soon, it is marla maples' universe that's about to change. her marriage to the donald is now in trouble. >> i give it four months. >> reporter: actually, the relationship lasts just under four years. here's marla, leaving divorce court. a little wealthier and a lot wiser. >> he's always got to win. >> reporter: playboy donald is back playing the field. and wants everyone to know about it. he even has a publicist named jon miller, who sounds like donald trump. in the world of trump, any news is good news. in 1998 donald finally meets his match at a party in nyc. a model from slovenia named melania, who told barbara walters she played hard to get.
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>> what was your first impression of donald trump? >> well, he was very charming, and he -- we had the great sparkle. he came with a date. so he asked me for the number and i said, i will not give you my number. so if you give me your numbers i will -- i will call you. he was known as kind of a ladies' man. and, but we had -- >> oh? >> reporter: the two marry in 2005. donald is a generation older than his model bride. >> your husband has been married twice before. did you have any concerns that it might not work out? >> no, i didn't have any concerns. we have a great chemistry. and to be with a man as my husband is, you need to know who you are. you need to have a very independent life as well. and supporting him. you need to be very smart and quick. and be there for him when he needs you. >> that's the big difference in
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this marriage. i think that she appears to be very focused on his needs, on being mrs. donald trump, and she's not focused on getting anything for herself. >> reporter: after a year, they have a son, barron, who melania refers to as little donald. now ten years old. father and son share a love of golf. that's barron taking a practice swing inside the family's marble living room. >> when he comes home, we spend time together, two of us, or two of us and barron. just be at home. because that's a really quality time together. >> reporter: quality time for trump's older kids, donald jr., ivanka, eric and tiffany, was not always at home. >> your father has said that he was not, i'm using his words, very present when you were growing up. >> i would challenge him on that. he was very available to us and accessible to us. >> if we called, he took the phone. i mean, from -- >> always. >> when we were 6 years old, i'd call.
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he'd be negotiating with a ceo of a major bank or whatever it may be. and he would make them wait. he'd take the call from us. >> our times together were learning, you know, playing in his office. he would always sneak me down to get a candy bar, you know, in the lobby. >> reporter: does it take time for him to kind of mold into that, into that role or is it just different? he's more old-fashioned? how would you describe it? >> and so instead of going out in the backyard and throwing around a football with them, they would come down to his office and be playing with legos and, you know, toys there in his office while he's doing business deals. >> he found a way that was true to him to connect with us that maybe is a little less traditional. you know, his work is his passion. and he found a way to share it with us. >> reporter: they say their father also taught them to respect the value of a dollar. >> to say we weren't spoiled would be laughable. but we were spoiled with great education, great experiences. but we weren't the kids showing up to college with, you know, a ferrari. we always had to sort of earn whatever it is that we wanted. >> reporter: and it seems the donald trump work ethic is genetic. >> i think we all have a very competitive spirit. and i think that can be harnessed in one of two ways.
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to our detriment, meaning that we're competitive in spite of ourselves, or for the positive, which means we push each other. >> reporter: ivanka is, perhaps, the most well-known of the group. and quite possibly daddy's favorite. >> you better do a good job or you're fired. >> who is his favorite? >> i'm going with ivanka. i'm going with ivanka. >> reporter: today, three trump children work as executive vice presidents at the family business, trying to keep pace with their dad. >> sometimes i'll tell him, like, "oh, you have to, you know, slow down." but it's the only speed he knows. and i, and i kind of love that about him. >> reporter: tiffany, trump's daughter by his second wife marla maples, recently graduated from her father's alma mater, the university of pennsylvania. >> i think that it's all i know. i'm so happy to be tiffany trump. so happy to be, you know, in the family i'm in with my siblings and my father, and my mother.
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>> hello, grandpa. >> reporter: trump's eight grandchildren are also being groomed for the family business. >> look at this, huh? what a troop. >> what is your father like as a grandfather? >> he's been great. >> everyone having a good time? >> i can see my kids running up to him and giving a hug and just respect him a lot. >> reporter: those grandchildren have an unlikely uncle in 10-year-old barron. >> the boss right here. look at him with all these -- how did you keep all these kids in line, barron? >> i don't know. >> we joke, you have to really respect your uncle, even though there's a one-year difference. so that, that drives my kids crazy. >> bye, everybody. bye. >> reporter: but will this family become the first family? how a simple joke may have pushed donald trump towards the presidency. >> and we were all taking bets, like, "who actually thinks he's gonna go out and do this?" >> reporter: when we return. with directv and at&t you can stream your favorite shows without using your data. that makes you more powerful than being stuck in an elevator
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>> anybody with my ego would like to become president of the united states. >> is he running for something? >> i have zero political aspiration. >> reporter: donald trump spends decades in the public eye professing his ambition is aimed at wealth, not the commonwealth.
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high office buildings, not high office. >> i love what i do and i really believe i do it better than anyone else, but if i can point out the deficiencies in the way our system is going, if i can point out certain stupidities i've done a great service to the country. >> reporter: that "service" included perpetuating a false, race-baiting conspiracy theory that the nation's first black president wasn't born in america -- and therefore not entitled to hold the office. >> if he wasn't born in this country, which is a real possibility then he has pulled one of the great cons in the history of politics. >> reporter: which in turn triggers what some say is the trump u-turn, from park avenue to pennsylvania avenue -- and a path to the white house. it comes five years ago. citizen trump, birther and billionaire, sitting in the audience of the white house correspondents' dinner. >> donald trump is here tonight. >> reporter: the future president-elect is just a
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punchline. >> no one is prouder to put this birth certificate matter to rest than the donald. and that's because he can finally get back to focusing on the issues that matter -- like, did we fake the moon landing? >> reporter: he wasn't laughing. >> no, i mean, he was like a couple tables over from me and i kept looking to check and he didn't crack a smile. >> reporter: do you think that he was so thin-skinned, he could be motivated to seek the highest office in this country just because he was the butt of a bunch of jokes? >> absolutely. i think he's also so unaware of his own limitations as a person, that he didn't find the prospect of doing that daunting. >> what's your greatest weakness? >> well, i don't love criticism. i don't love unfair criticism. >> he certainly would bring some change to the white house. >> reporter: did that moment of public ridicule ignite an age old instinct for personal payback?
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no, trump told barbara walters, it wasn't personal, it was strictly business. >> you look at what's going on with our trade deals, which are so horrendous and so one-sided. you look at what's going on with jobs. >> reporter: it begins with this moment. june 16th, 2015. a showman's grand entrance descending as if from the clouds, down the escalator at trump tower in new york. >> and we were all taking bets, like, "who actually thinks he's going to go out and do this?" >> reporter: daughter ivanka launching a campaign that was to become very much a family affair. >> today i have the honor of introducing a man who needs no introduction. >> i am officially running for president of the united states. >> there were so many people, especially at the beginning of his campaign that didn't take him seriously. didn't think he had a shot to win, but that didn't stop him. >> reporter: the maverick
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outsider, true to form, breaking all the rules -- of civil discourse, for one thing. >> 'cause our leaders are stupid! stupid! stupid people! bing bing bong and dat! >> reporter: the primary colors run red as trump unleashes a stone cold style of smackdown, backyard, no-rules wrestling, somebody say uncle debate. >> so we can get the hell out of here. >> reporter: applying his businessman's branding genius to label his opponents indelibly with those now-famous nicknames. >> don't worry about it, little marco. lyin' ted. jeb bush is a low-energy person. crooked hillary clinton. >> reporter: badmouthing politicians was one thing, but trump has that one-step-beyond quality that led him to badmouth entire swaths of the population as well. >> when mexico sends its people, they're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists. donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of
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muslims entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. oh, i don't know what i said, i don't remember. >> reporter: omarosa manigault, is a senior advisor, who worked on african-american outreach during the campaign. has being so close to donald trump affected any of your personal relationships with friends or family? >> there are people have stopped talking to me. and i will never forget the people who turned their backs on me when all i was trying to do was help the black community. its been so incredibly hard. >> has your father ever said anything on the campaign trail that made you cringe? >> truthfully, no. >> he's not a big believer in p.c. culture where every statement you make you have to vet very carefully through thousands of people. >> he speaks in a way that the average person can understand. i think that's refreshing for
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everyone. >> reporter: the billionaire, in his tailored suits and private aircraft, resonating with the working class. >> you know, he's not a snob, donald. even though he's a successful, super-wealthy guy, he's more of a man of the people than most people think. >> reporter: this picture says it all. on his plane, enjoying a bucket of kfc chicken. >> although he's extremely wealthy, he likes very simple things. this entire campaign i've had more fast food than i've ever consumed in my entire life. >> reporter: while the clinton campaign tested 85 different slogans, trump's was a crystal clear distillation of both anger and aspiration. >> what i wanna do is make america great again. very simple. >> reporter: as the campaign wore on, it became clear that trump's renegade style wasn't just an act. it was a strategy. lack of political experience? that's a plus, not a minus.
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>> politicians, they're all talk, no action. >> reporter: 30-second ads? who needs them when you can use twitter. good press? fine. bad press? better. just attack the media. >> like this sleazy guy right over here from abc. he's a sleaze, in my book. >> why am i a sleaze? >> you're a sleaze because, you know the facts and you know the facts well. >> because i ask fair questions? >> reporter: primary season becomes a traveling circus for trump, and a death march for his rivals. >> tonight, donald trump, the republican left standing. >> reporter: when we come back, a coronation in cleveland. but the trump campaign is about to get hit by a bus. marvel studios. we are very much hands on producers. if my office becomes a plane or an airport the surface pro is perfect, fast and portable but also light. you don't do 14 hours a day 7 days a week for decades if you don't feel it in your heart.
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>> reporter: you were expecting understated, maybe? forget about it. this is the donald, after all, making his grand appearance at the republican national convention. >> he once told me that when he was in front of all these crowds, he felt like a rock star without a guitar. >> reporter: the conventions highlighted a curious
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contradiction for trump. despite his lifelong cultivation of his celebrity status, his convention was notably bereft of hollywood high-wattage. scott baio is what passed for star power. >> he basically said, i don't need "a"-list stars. i'm the "a"-list star. and that's good enough. >> reporter: ironically while the democratic convention did have an endless parade of stars, it was a complete unknown who made the most impact -- the muslim father of a slain u.s. serviceman. >> you have sacrificed nothing. >> reporter: that criticism brought into play that key trump trait. no slight is too small. no one is above or below attack. even a gold star father. >> well, who wrote that? did hillary's scriptwriters write it? >> reporter: he counterpunches twice as hard. why does he do that? >> he has this darwinian sense of himself, that only the hungriest and the fiercest animal survives. >> reporter: on the eve of the first presidential debate, trump was bucking orthodoxy again.
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compared to the days clinton spent studying and practicing, he preferred to spend much of his time on the campaign trail, where he had often been bombastic. >> like punch him in the face. >> listen. he ran a completely unconventional campaign. he didn't follow any of the norms. he did it his way. >> reporter: the improvisational style, with its pluses and perils, on full display at the first presidential debate. for the first 30 minutes, trump is on his best behavior. sticking to his talking points. >> we have to renegotiate our trade deals. >> reporter: but as hillary's constant barbs sink in -- >> a man who can be provoked by a tweet should not have his fingers anywhere near the nuclear codes. >> reporter: trump reverts to form before our very eyes. >> donald supported the invasion of iraq. >> wrong. >> that is absolutely -- wrong. >> reporter: then came that huge october surprise. the "access hollywood" footage of trump with correspondent billy bush. >> grab them by the [ bleep ].
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i can do anything. >> reporter: trump's seemingly cavalier attitude about forcing himself on women ignited a firestorm of outrage. less than a week later, there are new accusations. >> campaign under siege. a new allegation of sexual misconduct against donald trump. >> reporter: the man whose children laud him as a family man, suddenly under the microscope for allegations of sexual misconduct. >> it wasn't the father-in-law that i knew. it wasn't the man that i knew. >> reporter: and once again, the winner take all. trump hangs tough, even while fellow republicans are calling for him to quit. >> you just have to hunker down and focus and know that what you're doing, you're doing right by the people. >> reporter: a scandal that might derail any other campaign instead prompts trump to charge forward. >> every woman lied. total fabrication. all of these liars will be sued after the election is over. i never, ever quit. i never give up. and in one way, that can be a little aggravating. and in another way, i think it's
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a good trait. >> reporter: but despite trump's "my way or the highway" reputation, there are signs during his campaign that he is willing to adapt and change. >> i was actually pleasantly surprised by how many times he did ask me for my opinion. how many times he asked his other senior staff for their opinion. >> reporter: trump's advisors fight to keep him on-message. reportedly preventing him from tweeting. and finally making sure he stays disciplined at his campaign rallies. just listen to what sounds like an inner monologue. >> we've got to be nice and cool, nice and cool. no sidetracks, donald. nice and easy. >> reporter: with days to go until the election, trump is exuding confidence on the stump. >> we're going to win the white house. we will make america great again. >> reporter: but privately, his longtime friend says he had a more realistic view of the outcome. >> you know, he didn't say to me, "no, this is not gonna happen for me." he just said, "look, i'm competing everyplace.
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and i'm hopeful for the best." >> reporter: the morning of the election, trump is booed at his polling place. and the internet has a good laugh when he sneaks a peek at melania's ballot. with polls and pundits uniformly predicting a trump defeat, the clinton campaign is sipping champagne on their plane. their candidate even signing a "newsweek" magazine "madam president" cover. but then, state after state starts falling -- to trump. i heard there was a moment where people started coming up to him and saying president trump, and he was like, "hold on, not till we know for sure." >> he's confident, but he's not an arrogant person. and he's, becoming the president of the united states is a very humbling experience for anyone. >> he is now going to be the 45th president of the united states. >> reporter: trump had seen something none of the politicians and pundits had seen. and at last, stunning victory in hand, he showed a side he'd rarely shown -- a capacity for graciousness. >> we can work together and unify our great country.
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>> reporter: coming up, mr. trump goes to washington. he may now be president- ec i just see a black screen. ec what are you looking at? crazy stuff, man. you've gotta see this. what--what is this? it's like some 3d virtual world. can i see? oh yai yai yai yai yai yai. look at the moon. whoot.
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but thousands of others have taken to the streets across the country in protest for three days in a row this week. >> you are under arrest. >> reporter: as a nation struggles to heal, how will the persona of donald trump the candidate transition to donald trump the president? do you think he's gonna move forward with any of his plans? i mean, he's got a lot of big, bold ideas. >> but remember, this is a guy who doesn't come with any kind of a sense of policy making. so i think what you'll see, i think he'll hand off a lot of the domestic policy to the hill, and a lot of the foreign policy making to his advisors. >> reporter: yesterday, trump himself listed his priorities on capitol hill. >> we're going to look very strongly at immigration, the border. health care. and we're looking at jobs. big-league jobs. >> i know he's going to do such an incredible job. and i actually think the people who were against him the entire
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time, who probably are still upset that he's president, are going to be the ones that come around and see what a great job he does. and i actually think a lot of those people are going to vote for him for a second term. >> reporter: but what will a trump white house really look like? so much is still unknown and the clock is ticking. >> he's got a great transition effort and now, governor, vice president-elect mike pence is the chairman of that effort. >> reporter: kellyanne conway revealed to me that mike pence has taken over the transition from chris christie. but as for other clues to the inner workings, she wouldn't reveal much. you're fired up tonight, right? this man, whom i've followed more than 500 days on the campaign trail, prides himself on his big ideas. but often leaves the small details to others, and trusting only a small group of his proven allies. people who know trump well predict exciting times ahead. so, a donald trump presidency will be -- >> unprecedented and incredible. >> very, very unpredictable.
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>> selling the air rights over the white house. >> people should get to know the man behind the movement. >> reporter: it's only week one. and what a week. ♪ ♪ you can't always get what you want ♪ ♪ but if you try sometimes ♪ you might find ♪ you get what you need >> the countdown is on. 70 days until inauguration. >> we're sure you have many thoughts after tonight's program. keep the conversation going, use #abc2020. test. test.
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test. announcer: "action news," delaware valley's leading news program with jim gardner. this is the way it looked tonight as hundreds of students at the university of pennsylvania arrived to attend a town hall meeting. this came at the end of a traumatic day


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