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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  December 13, 2016 2:10am-2:40am EST

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it's an all new show today, "right this minute." some off roaders are out for a day of playing in the snow. but what happens when the fun goes south in a hurry? >> oh! get out! a guy is puzzled by a strange surprise from his family. see if you can guess what's behind the gift that made a grown man cry. the ladies are in fine form. >> all of their snowboarding gear. >> how they are shredding the powder. and pranksters fill an entire house with a truck load of packing peanuts. what happens when the people who live there come home to a sea of trouble.
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>> it's like a tidal wave. sing it with me now, kids. ♪ >> stupid videos, love them. guy driving an suv out with other dudes. four wheelers, right? looks like they are out for a day of playing in the snow. >> everyone is being relatively unstupid. >> for this weather. >> three, two, one. the guy starts to go out on what's a frozen lake or a pond. >> stupid. >> no. it's the guy in the suv who decides to go out and play, as well. that's a very large toyota land cruiser. begins drifting around on the frozen lake and pond, kicking snow up as he goes. this is in moscow, russia. >> it does get really, really, really cold in russia. >> wow, you're absolutely right. apparently -- >> oh! oh! get out!
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>> i think they speak morse code in russia. you start to see the suv sink and sink and sink. >> that is a total loss. it's not going to get that thing back. >> after about a minute or so in the ice you see the driver is able to get out. he stumbles to his feet. the guy drags him, continuing to curse. >> stupid as these people may be, you have to give them credit. in the case of this disaster, they put the camera down, pointing exactly where the action was. >> and when to help. >> yes, they get a large excavator, strap ropes to the roof rack of this thing, and begin to drag it back towards shore. the video cuts before they get the suv out of the ice, but doesn't look like they waited long to retrieve it. >> what this video does get to show you -- >> obvious this dog is in a world of hurt. >> look at that. >> ouch!
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>> camera with a porcupine. >> did get tangled up with a porcupine. look where the quill went. >> right up the nose. >> yes, it is. poor creature. somebody holds the dog by the neck and body and somebody else comes -- >> oh! >> that dog did great, though. that dog knew they were there to help. get it out. >> exactly. now this porcupine is in the care of animal wonder of montana. she was not in good shape. she's about three weeks old. >> normally they'd be eating on their own by this age, but she was kind of sick when she came to us, so we're just kind of nursing her back to health. >> that is adorable. so sweet. >> then after they bottle feed her, they have to give her some meds. nobody likes taking medicine, but they have to give her antibiotics. then after meds, more milk, then her favorite part. >> she's going to eventually wean off this milk probably in
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the next couple weeks, and i want her eating lots of good, healthy produce. >> little treat and vegetable puree. got pears and carrots, sometimes it's yams, sweet potatoes. they hope to make her an animal ambassador, so there you see them putting a harness on her, do it in the middle of feeding time, put her down on the floor and say she's very vicious. >> when she came to us, she was very wobbly and couldn't hold up her own weight. little bit sick, so this is really great to see her walking around really stable. that is the sound of get up and go snowboarding for these girls. >> sound of hit the snooze button and go back to sleep to me. >> wake up, wake up, let's go. >> these burton girls, they are hitting the slopes, showing us
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what they can do in all of their snowboarding gear. this two-episode series follows the girls as they are not just snowboarding on the slopes, but also hanging out, being girls in town, walking down the street. just being goofy. >> where are they snowboarding? >> sounds like they hit several slopes in british columbia, and that's why it's so beautiful. >> huge air and there's, like, nobody else at the resort. looks like they have the whole place to themselves. >> how lucky is that? powder, too, as you're hitting it, sending it off into the sky. >> i guess if you're a sponsored snowboarder, pretty much get the right ticket, right? >> this is it.
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there are two episodes. if you want to check them out, head over to, click on tv show, or see it on our mobile app. once again, we delve into the world of bucket lists. real or imaginary, all the things you want to do before you die. this one is going to make this guy's bucket list. it's a big one. nondescript cardboard box in front of him. looks a little confused. you can understand why when he pulls it out. >> flowers. >> red roses. >> that's right. they ask him again. what is it? >> i don't know. >> as soon as he says it. watch the emotion. >> you see great sound. >> we're going to the rose bowl? >> wow! >> goose bumps. he's reacting, just loses it when his wife says we're going
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to the rose bowl. >> we're going to the rose bowl? >> he has always, always, always wanted to go to the rose bowl to see his team. they are going to the rose bowl to take on usc. everything's come together for him. they've got the tickets. he keeps questioning his mrs. >> we're going to the rose bowl! >> we're going to the rose bowl! >> even as he's hugging her, you can hear him. >> she's like, yeah, you work so hard, it's a beautiful present, such a beautiful video. >> what day is it? >> this was a dream came true. it's a calm evening in st. petersburg, russia. >> walking down the street smoking cigarettes. >> see what happens next. plus, she's out for a walk
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on the beach when -- >> lady here finds a message in a bottle. >> find out what the message reads. >> hey! adcan make this... feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol® when you have a cold, pain from chest congestion can make this... feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol® you can pick up cold & flu viruses from things in your home for up to 48 hours? it's like having a sick family member that you didn't even know was there. and we all know what happens when one family member gets sick. but lysol spray and lysol wipes kill 99.9% of germs including 8 common cold & flu viruses to help protect your home. this cold and flu season
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help keep your home happy and healthy and lysol that.
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closed captioning provided closed captioning provided by -- closed captioning provided by -- gold bond dark spot minimizing cream for body. targeted treatment: results begin in 4 weeks. gold bond. quiet, calm evening in st. petersburg, russia. minding his own business, walking down the street, smoking cigarettes. turns out that first walk was to confirm that car is the right car. goes back with his bags. dumps that bag into the engine department. strikes a match and -- >> who was this person that they fired it in? >> that car was owned by a guy that owns a number of local businesses. that's all we know so far.
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police are now trying to appeal for help to anybody to help identify the people involved. >> that's almost impossible. there are no real identifiers you can point to. guys dressed in black. >> as strange as that was, this is video from amsterdam. not a lot going on, but you see right in front of this apartment building, looks like they are trying to see if they can find something or someone. eventually, those same two people end up on the other side of the street, right in front of an elementary school. >> video speeds up, you can see parents lining up to drop children off at school. see them decide this is the time to move. reason they are deciding that is because this gentleman right here is walking out. >> oh, i'm nervous. is this a hit? >> this guy, whoever he is, knows something's wrong. as soon as that guy gets off the scooter, he legs it. it's a silenced pistol. this is an attempted hit on this guy. he goes running down the street.
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guy with the gun is following along, shooting after him. you can see the guy chattering while this guy is running. the guy who ran off was hit in the arm, but that is it. >> i had no idea assassins were there. >> interesting thing about that, very rare, especially in the netherlands. they were hoping anybody might be able to recognize it before. definitely not after, because he was later found burning, completely destroyed. you can see it as they are loading it on to the back of the truck. all they have to go on is descriptions. for the other guy, he was wearing a helmet. crazy, i told you. this is the kind of gender reveal you do if you want there to be no doubts about the gender of your child. >> so you're saying it's a boy? >> it's definitely a girl.
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this is an exclamation mark of gender reveals if there was one. there's silly string, there's confetti. everybody was involved. everybody was holding a can of silly string. now the couple is covered in it as they are hugging, celebrating their upcoming baby girl. >> so it's a girl. >> yes. just in case you guys were wondering, it is a girl. in this next one we have a couple just walking down this beach on the east coast. beautiful day. >> blue, blue, blue. >> that's an interesting theory, yes. now as you walk down the beach, lady here finds a message in a bottle. could it possibly be? >> message in a bottle. >> seen this on the show before. sometimes it's a marriage proposal. not today. >> it's a girl. >> as fate would have it, based on the message in the bottle, they, too, would have a girl. >> how exciting is that?
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>> nice little way of doing it. >> i like that. >> congratulations to both couples. time to play. >> it's real or fake with mac dreidel! starting with insane weight lifting. >> looks really bad for your back. >> i think it's probably good for your back actually, nick. when you hit the weight room once in a while you'd know that. then a bicyclist gets extremely lucky. >> oh, oh, are you kidding me? >> no. >> and dancing on the streets goes wrong. >> i'm going to say i'm real glad this wasn't me, because this is the kind of thing that would happen to me. >> watch and decide. ebaum's world is next.
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amopé pedi perfect... a new level of hard skin removal. it reveals smoothness that lasts, and lasts, and lasts. pedi perfect from amopé. and thanks to target, i got to the after party - this nice little outfit just in time using order pickup. stay fresh! get last minute gifts with order pickup at target. cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this. promotional considerations provided by -- if you can't shut down at bedtime... you're not alone. get non-habit forming unisom
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to fall asleep fast. unisom a stressful day deserves a restful night. it's time to play the game everyone should be playing on their facebook feed, it's real or fake with mac dreidel! >> that's right, that's right, the one and only real or fake, the original on "right this minute." let's give it to them, let's roll the clip. >> your number one. >> i'm going to go with real. >> looking fake to me until the weight smacked the ground. >> looks heavy when it drops. i'm going real, as well. >> what do you say, mac? >> i didn't see any trickery going on. i think the weight looks legit when it falls and bounces, looks like there's weight to it.
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also when you're doing the front squat in the gym, basically this same motion only you have your hands on here. this is real. >> looks really bad for your back. >> probably good for your back, actually, nick, when you hit the weight room once in a while you'd know that. >> wow. >> you ain't going to do that today. >> video number two. >> are you kidding me? >> i believe it's real if he was actually planning this. >> looks very real to me. >> i think it's real and i think you're right. just playing chicken with a bus. crossing lines literally and figuratively. what say you, mac? >> i'm not sure why that person would be filming right there. looks authentic to me and they are calling this the luckiest bicycle wheelie. i'm going with them, this is real. >> video number three.
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>> the way she pulled, almost at the last second. to me i'm going real. >> i'm going real. the reason, the guy grabbed her hand and pulled her back, but lost her. >> i'm going to say i'm real glad this wasn't me, because this is the kind of thing that would happen to me. >> i'm a little suspicious because she does seem to fall head first until that last second. >> that last twirl is real. and the vertical video leads me to believe it's real. >> i'll go reluctantly real. >> four solid reals. nick just heading his best. >> when i look at this clip, it has the makings of a fake video, you know, they are dancing in the street, but i can't imagine that somebody comes up with the idea to fall in the one little spot in the gutter with water in it. this is a full-on false straight in the water, so i'm with you guys, i think this is real, they just caught this miraculous moment on camera. >> fakest looking real we've had ever.
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>> dream of having kids, they dream of having self prodigy, someone who is super smart at math, someone who can invent a billion dollar website. >> motorcycle racer. >> that's who, or this. >> she's back. >> she's been on the show before. if i was ronda rousey, you know what, this girl, 9 years old and this tough. >> she could face rhonda now. >> maybe. she already took on the world. if you notice, the world didn't make it. >> boom! she takes out the door to her bedroom and her parents are okay with that. >> punching through a tree. >> seriously, honey, honey, i told you you could stop at the door. i told you to stop at the door. >> you're grounded. >> well, her parents have a really interesting philosophy. they said when they let her do
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this and when they let her tackle her room, she does better at school. >> how do you discipline the kids? >> you don't. you don't. >> how do you stand up to her? huh? >> the thing is, you don't need to. the amount of discipline necessary for something like this, honestly, no problem. >> grabbed the pony tail and lifts her up. >> if you want to see how small she is in comparison to a male boxer, this is her on a tv show and they show her punching a box 221 times. >> 30 seconds. >> that's crazy. try and do that like 50 times in 30 seconds, your arms would be exhausted. they are about to pull off one of the most epic pranks we've seen yet. >> plan to fill every room of the house, but with peanuts.
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>> watch what happens when the home owner shows up. >> go in. >> oh, my gosh. >> oh, my god.
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invites. >> this is it. what happens when you get too many youtubers together with too much time, money, and not enough sense? honestly, a really, really, really brilliant prank. three large moving trucks are pulling up to zane's house. inside those moving trucks -- well, take a look.
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>> oh, my god! >> oh, no. oh, no. >> a truck load of packing peanuts. that's the first truck. there are two more trucks. all these kids start unloading bag by bag. they plan to fill every room of the house, but with peanuts. >> this is crazy. >> the house begins to honestly fill up. it looks like a ton of fun. so let's do a little math here. >> apparently there's 2,500 packing peanuts per square foot. >> he's the master mind behind the prank. >> there's 10 million, 68,000 packing peanuts right now. >> cool. >> everybody is taking dives into the peanuts. they even bring the dog over. the dog is completely like, what is this? it's like snow but not cold. watch what happens when this guy


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