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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  December 21, 2016 2:10am-2:41am EST

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it's an all new show today "right this minute". restless rhinos eye some tourists on a walking trip. the scary moment that even has the guides on the run. two guys count on the kindness of strangers for a trip to europe with basically no money and one little catch -- >> we have to meet every single stranger on tinder. >> see how far swiping right can take them. >> sounds like a really lame excuse to use tinder. >> sounds like i wish i was young again. a man tries to rob a store.
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what happens when the brave clerk pulls a weapon of her own. and what looks like an ordinary hand, but -- >> you guys ready to be freaked out? >> the video that will have you trying to do it. >> oh. weird. a troupe of gorillas, these are collective nouns used to describe a group of animals. that's why i think a crash of rhinos is very fitting. here they are in the kruger national park and these people are on a walking safari, meaning they don't have the protection of, say, a 3,000-pound truck. >> i did this exact thing at this exact park. yeah, when you go out, you have the guide and he has a rifle. that's it. the rifle is not to shoot the animals, it's to shoot in the air to scare them off. you have to trust him. i tell you what, we came across a rhino, as well, and it was awesome. >> the head rhino in charge, larry, lionel, time to put on a
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show. >> when i see the guides going uh-oh -- i'm gone. >> the important thing is, you listen and do what your guide says. >> oh. wow! >> these rhinos pass within four feet of these people. >> they all start laughing. then one says -- >> that's what you're spending your life for, go on the safari for the authentic experience. you have a close call with rhinos, you got your money's worth. >> he thinks it's funny. >> they said it felt like an earthquake. they said they could feel the whole ground shake when they came. south africa has some beautiful beaches and we've got some drone footage of one of the beaches right off cape town. >> safe up here. nice shot. >> look a little closer, though. what you might notice, two guys
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have been caught in a rip current and swept out a little further than they were comfortable swimming. they started shouting and shouting for help. that's when three surfers noticed what was up, paddled out to these guys, and started their own rescue mission. >> no way! >> look how close. that's the thing. look how close they are to the beach. look how close to the rocks. they are striking, they are pulling, literally going nowhere. >> the pilot, known as cape town guide, just happened to have his drone up in the air, lying around, had pretty shots when he realized what was going on, he zeroed in on it. you can see the three guys in wet suits helping out the other two guys, bringing out their surf boards and paddling them close to shore so they are able to stand up and walk out on their own. those were good samaritan surfers. these guys also good samaritans, volunteers at the national life boat institute had been searching for a woman that went
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missing 17 hours ago. watch where they eventually find her. she's clinging to some rocks near a sea cave. >> what were they doing, caught up by the tide, did she fall, do you know? >> she fell. she was on a hike by herself walking on a path above this cliffside when she lost her footing, fell about ten feet. when they did get to her, she was suffering from hypothermia, but rescuers believe because of her heavy jacket she was wearing, it prevented her from slipping deep into a hypothermic state. >> lucky, lucky lady. these female shopkeepers in china are not to be toyed with. the first video starts in a store. you see a man come in wielding a meat cleaver. >> she's meetly retaliated. >> sure does, flashlight, hold on there. you see her punch numbers into the cash register. it pops open and she gives him about $115 u.s. dollars. takes the money, she urges him
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to leave. closes the register, takes the money, shoves it in his bag. >> come on, that's your chance to knock him out. >> he takes off, that was her goal. he didn't completely rob the store, took what she gave him, she was safe. >> meat cleaver, serious damage. get in, out. >> in this next video you see a guy in a helmet standing outside of a jewelry store. >> shifty, look at him. >> he walks in, and this you see he's got an ax in one hand and gun in the other and he starts smashing into the glass. >> how much does he destroy, charity? >> no word on how much he destroyed, but here comes this woman. she reaches out and tries to stop him. here's the thing, the gun, though, is plastic. she's not taking chances, she reaches and grabs a mirror and hits him with it. >> give him seven years of bad luck. >> then you see she throws the bag at him. reports say he took off with about $17,000. she stayed on her side of the counter, but several times does
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climb up on top to defend herself. >> lunging over the broken glass on the counter. how injured was she? >> takes him out, look at that. >> they caught up with him later, got the bracelets back. his reasoning was he fell on hard times. the guys from yes theory are known shenaniganizers. they've swum in pools of strangers. >> this is by far the most ambitious. our first time in europe we decided to go to three different cities, amsterdam, paris, and barcelona. here's the catch, we didn't have a budget to do anything, so we have to get food, accommodation, and crazy local experience by relying solely on the kindness of strangers, but not just any. we have to meet every single stranger on tinder. >> oh, goodness. >> yes. >> this sounds like a really lame excuse to use tinder. >> aren't all reasons to use
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tinder pretty lame? >> 2,000 or 3,000 girls. i've got 10,000. so embarrassing. >> eventually we have a bite. >> you can stay at our place, i have a fold-out couch, pretty comfy. you don't need to stay on the floor. >> that's right, amsterdam worked out well. on to paris. same sort of thing. swipe, swipe, swipe, until -- >> first match from paris. here we go. >> hey! >> they meet up, get shown around, see stuff, then tinder session happens. >> wonder if anyone has taken their tinder date to meet another tinder date. >> hi. >> yeah, that's funny. >> i would recommend doing that, because it works very well. >> there you go. hate the player, hate the game. >> fun continues, as does the good luck. no problem, camp on the floor, no problem, but -- >> 3,000 girls in three different countries.
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done, what, 30? less than 1%. >> start getting desperate. that's when they change the game a bit, but stick within the different rules. >> we've been in barcelona three hours, have no matches. we're going to use tinder social to meet up with another group. >> buddies are in town. you can use tinder social to create a group and find other groups that just want to hang out. they got themselves a match. from that point on, drinks, happiness, socializing. >> i like it. >> so tinder, if you have no money and a little game and you can be rejected many times, this is a good way to travel. for four months -- >> this woman has been going down to the great and feeding cat food. >> hear the story behind this act of kindness. plus, she's about to try out an armpit bregner. >> i really hope it does whiten up my underarm.
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>> find out if it works next. >> this could have the reverse effect. okay everybody... that's a wrap! wrap?! i forgot to wrap my presents! i forgot to get presents! what? no, no, no! what do we do? don't worry guys! hey siri, is target the place to get last minute deals? siri: bullseye! yeah! radical! woohoo! let's go! race ya! hey, bullseye... i didn't forget. [ bark ] pain from a headache whecan make this...d, feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand. tylenol® when you have a cold, pain from chest congestion can make this... feel like this. all-in-one cold symptom relief from tylenol®, the #1 doctor recommended pain relief brand.
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closed captioning provided by -- g lotion. now with 2x the shea butter. skin is soft, smooth, silky. gold bond. you know, it's really easy to go about your day and not really pay attention to the world around you. it's busy, you've got meetings, but this woman heard something, she heard crying. she went to check it out and notice what she found stuck in the storm drain behind that grate. >> kitty, no! >> next she discovered this kitty back in august, so for four months, this woman -- >> what? >> yeah. for four months she wasn't able to get the grate off, so she went down there every day to feed it. >> hey, why don't you feed that cat for four months, but hey, maybe tell someone the cat's there and get it rescued. >> even if she did tell
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somebody, which i'd like to think she did, i have a feeling her city workers this is not a top priority. >> this woman is being called cat hero on china in social media because of her selflessness going to feed this kitten. well, city officials finally got word because other people were seeing what she was doing. let them know, so they came down and got the kitten out. there she is holding the kitten and you can see how precious and cute this thing is. >> so cute. does she get to keep it, though? >> she is fostering the kitten, but says she already has a cat. she'll keep it until hopefully someone else adopts it. tina young has a series online. she tries, obviously, a bunch of different products. in this case, she's trying something i didn't even know existed. it's an armpit brightener. >> most people do it the natural way, though. lemon juice or vinegar. >> this is a korean product and
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comes in the form of a thick, pasty cream. you put it on and it does have a number of ingredients. one is a lemon extract. >> you get a lot of products out in asia. culture thing if you have whiter skin, you're rich enough to stay inside. back in the day it meant more wealth. >> it's like bleaching cream for your underarms. >> basically, yeah. you put it on, let it dry. once it dries, you basically rub it off and she thinks it's really working. >> maybe armpits are supposed to look like that, you know? >> honestly, this could have the reverse effect and irritate the skin and make it darker. >> honestly, i think this is the pits. >> instances where some pregnancy or perhaps changes your skin does pigment a bit and people use it to fix those problems. she did show us a before and after.
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you guys ready to be freaked out? >> cool. >> viral video uk is about to do it. >> oh, no. >> did your brain just glitch, nick? >> yeah, that person has no joints. >> watch it again? >> yeah. >> there it is. drumming his fingers away. >> how are you doing this? rotates it like that. off camera? >> yeah, we can't see the rest of the body, right? >> why aren't we considering that fake?
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could we consider it could be some sort of fake arm? >> does it look like a fake arm? watch it again. >> i was wondering if the hand was fake, like the tiny hand you all have, but that's a real hand. >> essentially what i'm thinking is, it was set up before the video starts rolling, right? so the dude can basically get the hand to rotate. >> this is great. look at nick's face. not often we get to see nick's face like that. let's put this on our facebook page, let us know what you think in the comments. >> i can roll it over. watch. he's pulled out all the stops. >> they share a moment. he looks deep into her eyes and drops to one knee. >> but the surprise doesn't end there. >> oh, my god! and a unique mashup. roller coaster's christmas dinner. >> oh, no. >> ta-da! see how it all comes together. . quite the attraction. i wonder what the reservation
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looks like. when you take care of them. and at amopé we love it too. but that annoying hard skin just keeps coming back. and always way, way, way too soon. no matter what you do. amopé presents pedi perfect... a new level of hard skin removal. it removes hard skin thoroughly yet effortlessly and reveals the silkiest smoothness you can rely on. because it lasts, and lasts, and lasts. this holiday season give the gift of long lasting smoothness. amopé. love every step.
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windex that you don't even know it's there? so clear by sfx: slide show smudge it! with the new smudge stick even clear glass gets visibly smudged in a snap. sfx: smudge sounds against glass get it now and say no to spotless clear windex glass.
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promotional considerations provided by -- >> time to cheer up the holidays. chia pets. the pet that grows, featuring your new chia pet. most of us don't associate romantic feelings with the airport. it's more like hustle and bustle. >> headache. >> there's that moment where your significant other gets off the plane, you've been waiting for them. you get to sweep them up in a big hug. >> that's only in the movies. >> i know. that's a true story, ask my wife. >> wow. >> not just in the movies. it's real life for these two. here you see michael and his lady stepping out of the elevator at tampa international airport. ♪
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as she steps out of the elevator she heard their song by eric church "carolina" playing and instantly putting her hand over her mouth and is crying. they've been in a long distance relationship, so they fly in and out of there often. except this time she thinks he's there to meet his business men tor. the top of the parking garage is sentimental to them, they love the sunset. when they have extra time on their hands, it's natural for them to head upstairs. what she doesn't know, they have friends and family waiting for them. >> so bizarre, but meaningful to them. doesn't matter what the rest of them think. >> they walk down this aisle of their friends and family, she is elated and overwhelmed. they share a moment, he drops to one knee. >> will you -- >> and, of course, she says yes.
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that's not the end of the surprises. he tells her to close her eyes. >> don't open them. >> in comes a golden doodle. >> so cute! >> oh, my god! >> breaks down. this little puppy happens to share the same bloodline of the dog he owns. they are one big happy family. they had an engagement party later that night and it was posted later online. huge fan of mash ups. this is a unique mash up. roller coaster christmas dinner. >> oh, no. >> ta-da! check it out. head over to the resort in stoke on trent, england. fancy restaurant, fancy resort. see the chefs plating delicious
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meals in crocks and bungeeing the lids on them. watch where they put that dish. >> wh? >> yeah, we've seen something like this. it's cool. they deliver it straight to your table. >> 13 tables inside this restaurant have roller coaster rails that come directly to the table. the chefs prepare the meal and then zing them on their way. they come riding down the rails, right to your table. stops 1,312 feet of roller coaster rails inside the restaurant, 26-foot drops, reaching speeds of about 12 1/2 miles per hour. >> not like you could have it plated up. by the time it gets to people -- blah, all over the place. >> that and the chefs were initially concerned about the gravy. what's going to happen to the gravy. they've found ways to make this all work. and that just looks like one of the most unique and fun dining experiences that i've ever seen. >> it's quite the attraction. i wonder what the reservation list is like.
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>> that's cool. >> soup is cool, except you can't get it. there are two loops in the restaurant, as well. food has never had so much fun. his entertaining video has taken the internet by storm. ♪ find out how he convinced his mother to partake in this hit sensation.
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(coughs) cough doesn't sound so good. take mucinex dm. i'll text you in 4 hours when your cough returns. one pill lasts 12 hours, so... looks like i'm good all night! some cough medicines only last 4 hours. but just one mucinex lasts 12 hours. let's end this.
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has a knack for viral videos and folks are always asking him how he does it. well, he recently posted a christmas video with him and his mama that's gone viral. he decided to show everybody how. >> hey, mom? >> hi. >> hey, do you think i could maybe come home? the other one did really well and, you know, i'm running low on money, so maybe we could make a new one. >> maybe. >> so he heads home. >> hey. >> what's up? >> what's up? >> good to see you. >> good to see you. >> mom is all excited to see him, but not excited about shooting another video. >> mom, i was thinking we need to make some more car ride videos. >> why? >> mom, i know you want to be in this video. come on. >> already he's got the video he needs right there. chasing mom around the house. >> i've got you now.


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