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tv   Nightline  ABC  January 3, 2017 1:07am-1:38am EST

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first contestant has been collecting fun facts and making a trivia spreadsheet to help prepare for this exact moment. from corona, california, please welcome to the show j.d. lape. [cheers and applause] what's up, jd? >> chris. >> hey, brother. >> good to see you, buddy. >> welcome. >> thank you. it's great to be here. >> the spreadsheet. >> yes. >> yeah? >> yeah, i have spreadsheets for all occasions, including "millionaire" today. >> i-i mean, i know what a spreadsheet is, but how does that prepare you for this? how does that work? >> well, what i did was i made a bunch of categories, put 'em across the top, especially the ones that i don't really know much about. >> okay. >> and as long as i come up with facts, i put 'em in the spreadsheet, and four years later, here i'm at 400 or 500 different facts. so, hopefully it's all up here today and gonna win me a million dollars. >> hopefully so. >> yeah. >> all right, let me tell you what you're up against. 14 questions. money values growing from $500 all the way up to that $1 million. [cheers and applause] >> yes. >> every question you answer correctly moves you one step
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closer to that top prize. remember, you can walk away at any time with the money you've earned up to that point. if you give me an incorrect answer, you walk away with nothing, until those two thresholds of $5,000, then again at $50,000. you also have your three lifelines: "ask the audience," "50/50"--i take away two incorrect answers--and your "plus one." who's with you today? >> it's my buddy jeff. he's my trivia partner over there. >> oh, that seems like a good one to have. >> i would think so. >> is he good? >> i hope so. >> yeah, we'll find out. i like the color scheme going on, if nothing else. all right, well, welcome to the show. >> all right. >> you ready to do this? >> let's play. >> all right, good luck to you. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] all right, j.d., $500 question. >> all right. >> urging people to follow their dreams, motivational speakers have been known to say "shoot for the moon; even if you miss, you'll land" where? >> well, i hope i don't end up
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in a vast, endless void today, chris, so i'm gonna say b. final answer. >> i'm with ya. among the stars. that's where we're going. [cheers and applause] $500 in the book. $1,000. according to "the new yorker," though it's also a status symbol, aretha franklin wears what on stage mainly to stay warm and keep her voice from closing up? >> well, the only thing up there that i think would keep her warm is a fur coat, so i'm gonna say d, final answer. >> that's exactly right. that's the excuse she gives. a fur coat. there you, $1,000. a chance to double it. $2,000 question. "i [heart] my maltipoo" reads a popular t-shirt that displays affection for a what?
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>> b, hybrid dog breed, final. >> that's right. you knew it, you got it. $2,000, three questions in. >> all right. >> fourth question is worth $3,000. while it didn't take a stand as to whether chobani or fage is the tastier choice, in 2014 new york declared what to be its official state snack? >> it's one of my favorites, as well. that'd be yogurt, final answer. >> who knew that states had official snacks? >> not me. >> really? you're right. i mean... >> every day's a school day, chris. >> right? all right, next up is $5,000. it's also the first threshold you can get to. >> awesome. >> here we go. with over 50 different versions worldwide, guinness world records says what show featuring nick cannon has the most successful reality tv format ever?
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>> nick cannon is the host of "america's got talent." c, final answer. >> you just reached the threshold of $5,000. there you go, j.d. >> awesome. >> those spreadsheets are working. >> they really are. >> we'll be back. playing more "millionaire" right after this. [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ at paris las vegas, you'll find world-class entertainment, exciting nightlife, and dining from celebrity chefs like gordon ramsay and steve martorano. enjoy the romantic side of the strip at paris las vegas. my belly pain and constipation? they keep telling me "drink more water." "exercise more." i know that. "try laxatives..." i know. believe me. it's like i've. tried. everything! my chronic constipation keeps coming back. i know that.
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tell me something i don't know. (vo) linzess works differently from laxatives. linzess treats adults with ibs with constipation, or chronic constipation. it can help relieve your belly pain, and lets you have more frequent and complete bowel movements that are easier to pass. do not give linzess to children under 6 and it should not be given to children 6 to 17. it may harm them. don't take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach-area pain and swelling. talk to your doctor about managing your symptoms proactively with linzess.
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hey, it's dinner. a lot happens on your wooden surfaces. luckily, no one cleans and kills germs better than clorox disinfecting wipes. [cheers and applause] >> welcome back to "who wants to be a millionaire." j.d. lape is up to $5,000. and really... [cheers and applause] you just cruised. >> let's hope i can cruise through the next nine. >> yeah, those first five were a blur. you're just like, "let's go."
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>> yeah, exactly. >> you also have lifelines, not that you'll need them. but they're there, just in case, right? >> i hope not, exactly. >> all right, well, you've reached that threshold, but i have a feeling you're gonna do bigger and better. so let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] we are back with a $7,000 question. if you're planning on visiting the scottish capitol, you should know in advance that which of these is the standard way to pronounce it? >> well, i do have a little scottish in me, as you can see from the red beard. we might say "ed-in-berg," but the standard way to pronounce it is "ed-in-burr-ah." d, "ed-in-burr-ah." final answer. >> you can be sure. it's right. [cheers and applause] well done. >> thank you.
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>> $7,000. >> oh. [exhales] >> $10,000 question's next. here it is. [dramatic music] ♪ though the amount often falls to around 55% by the time they're adults, npr says the bodies of newborn babies are about 75% what? >> wow, okay. well, i know that our bodies are mostly made of water. >> okay. >> and...i feel like that's a higher percentage any time i've come across it than 55%. but 55% is still a majority. and so...if the majority of our body is water, then it would stand to reason that it would be 55%. 'cause i don't--i don't think it's--i'm 55% skin. i don't think i'm 55% bone.
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i might be 55% fat, but... [laughter] uh... all right, just like a band-aid, i'm gonna rip it off. b, water, final answer. >> well, then i'll make this fast. you just won. [cheers and applause] you got it right. >> thank you for not making me suffer. >> $10,000. [cheers and applause] looking good. >> oh, man. >> you're making it look easy. >> oh, i wish it were as easy as it seems. >> i hope it will continue, because now you have a chance to double your money, with a $20,000 question that's right here. [dramatic music] ♪ along with a massive sum of money, winners of the world series of poker's prestigious main event don't receive a conventional trophy, but rather a what?
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>> [sighs] i actually started watching the world series of poker back in high school. i've watched it almost every year since. i know that it's a bracelet. final answer. >> of course that's what we're looking for. you got it. that's right, world series of poker bracelets. that was right in the wheelhouse there. >> it was, it really was. >> you didn't need a spreadsheet for that, no. >> i don't need spreadsheets for that question. >> $20,000. 20,000, you're two away from that next threshold of $50,000. >> yeah. >> but first, you've got to get by the $30,000 question, and that's where we are. [dramatic music] ♪ which of the following pairs of notes are identical, and thus played with the same key on a piano? >> oh, man. >> are you a pianist? >> [laughs] >> hoping so. >> and it's not in my spreadsheet, unfortunately. >> this is not in
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the spreadsheet. >> unfortunately. i have to think back. i took one quarter of beginner piano at--in college, so i'm trying to think back into my notes. i think i remember what key we started at, 'cause i think you start with c and you work your way on the piano board. so if i...c, c-sharp... sharp... oh, man. let's ask the audience, chris. >> okay, use that lifeline? >> yeah. >> final? >> final. >> okay, audience, j.d. needs some help here. if you would, pick up those keypads and enter your vote now. [dramatic music] ♪ hopefully this is a musically-inclined audience. >> i know. >> let's take a look at the results. all right, well, 42% say f-flat and e-sharp. but right behind it, at 34%,
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was b-sharp and c. >> right. before i decided to ask, i was leaning towards c at that point. 'cause when i was trying to remember where the keys are on the piano, i believe c is a white key, but then b is also a white key next to it. and if you move it up... then b-sharp, the next key, would be c. oh, man. >> i know you hate using them, but you still have two left, if you think that would help. >> i know, i know. >> two lifelines. you're at a big point in the game. i was doing so well. what happened? >> just...stumble-- >> what happened, chris? i was doing so well. >> the spreadsheet let you down. >> it did. >> it's not--it's not your fault. it's the spreadsheet's, yeah. >> it's that spreadsheet, you're right, you're right, good call, good call. all right, let's bring my "plus one," jeff, down. >> okay, final? >> yeah, final. >> all right, this is your friend, jeff, all right. [cheers and applause] hey, jeff, how you doing? >> hello, chris. nice to meet you.
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oh, boy, you were right on not calling me up here. >> oh, man, i knew it. >> oh, boy. yeah, you should have... >> the plaid tie crew, hopefully can come together here. >> oh, man. >> oh, no. >> i mean, if it makes you feel any better, i did pick b. [laughter] but i went with b based on your theory that it goes down, you go up. >> that's what i was afraid of. >> that you influenced everyone else? >> yes. yeah, good job, me. >> oh, man, you were right. yeah, i never played piano. >> okay. >> i played the clarinet, but that doesn't help you at all. >> not in this case. oh, my goodness. >> what are you thinking? >> well, i'm of two minds. i don't want to leave a lifeline on the table, but then i don't want to use three on one. but i don't want to lose $15,000, either. >> what are the odds that we do "50/50" and it leaves b and c? >> i know, that's... [laughter] >> oh, man, i'm sorry. >> oh. >> so, you have the lifeline. >> yeah.
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>> you have $20,000. >> correct. >> you can walk, but obviously you're not gonna walk at least without taking a look at the lifeline. >> yeah. >> so, you either go for it or you risk $15,000. >> i'm not gonna risk that much money. i have to use that lifeline. >> okay, final? >> yeah, final. >> okay, hopefully this will help. gonna take away two incorrect answers. [audience reacts] >> [smacks lips] >> okay, so now you...are left with only a few options. >> right. >> that is, walk away with $20,000, take a shot...but an incorrect answer, you are walking out of here with just $5,000. >> yeah. >> no more lifelines. >> no more lifelines. all right, well, i said band-aid earlier. c, final answer. >> [inhales] going against the audience... >> mm-hmm. >> was a smart move. [cheers and applause] you got it. $30,000.
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>> wow. >> that was large. ripped the band-aid off and he's going... >> oh, my god, honestly. >> you got a shot at $50,000. that's next. >> oh. >> unbelievable. [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> welcome back to "millionaire." j.d. lape, up to $30,000. [cheers and applause] >> yeah, yeah, $30,000, right? yeah. >> you've been cruising. you found a little blind spot in the spreadsheet with the piano question. but you went for it. you gambled. >> yes. >> you risked it and it paid off to $30,000. before we jump back into the game, i noticed the suspenders. >> right. >> looking sharp. >> right, thank you. >> but they have meaning? >> they do, they do. these were a pair of my dad's old suspenders. he passed away in 2012. so he's not here, obviously, to see me--or to witness my... >> right. >> fulfill my childhood dream of being on a game show. so i have a little bit of him with me today. >> and he was a big game show guy? >> yes, he's the one who got me into all the game shows, yes. >> that's cool, i like it. >> yes, very fitting. >> now we got a little karma on our side, i like it. >> i hope so, i hope so. >> well, me too, because the next step is $50,000. >> right. >> nice chunk of change, but
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it's also the next threshold you can get to. no lifelines. >> no lifelines, yeah. >> you're on your own. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] $50,000 question. which classic novel gets its title from the second line of "the battle hymn of the republic"? i hope that was a good laugh. >> it's a halfway laugh. >> okay. >> 'cause i do have a gut instinct, and i feel like i've read it and i know this. "the naked and the dead" i'm not sure would make a lot of sense to be in "the battle hymn of the republic." nor would "the call of the wild." would "the grapes of wrath" be in there? so, obviously, my gut has been
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leaning me towards d, "the sound and the fury." >> you're at $30,000. >> yeah, yeah. >> you are risking $25,000 with an incorrect answer. >> yeah. >> you can always walk away. >> right. >> but this is a chance to get to $50,000 and that threshold. >> right. >> then you get a look at $100,000. >> for free. >> for free. >> i didn't trust my gut last question, and it cost me three lifelines. so, i'm gonna trust my gut this time. >> what-- >> d, "the sound and the fury." and that's my final answer. >> i'm sorry. "the grapes of wrath." >> all right. >> "where the grapes of wrath are stored" was the line. >> oh. >> yeah. >> okay, now i know. >> hey, you're walking out of here with $5,000. >> awesome, all right. >> j.d., you played a phenomenal game, man, it was fun. >> thank you, all right.
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>> we're coming back to play more "millionaire" right after this. oh, man. [cheers and applause] [ male announcer ] for an itch or irritation, cortizone 10 gives you the strongest nonprescription itch medicine, plus seven healing moisturizers. now i'm itch-free. [ male announcer ] cortizone 10. feel the heal. (vo) your love is purely thoughtful, purely natural, purely fancy feast. delicious entrées, crafted to the last detail. flaked tuna, white-meat chicken, never any by-products or fillers. purely natural tastes purely fancy feast.
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game night is our daughter allie's favorite night. and knowing that her favorite general mills big g cereals are gluten-free, like honey nut cheerios, rice chex and lucky charms, she can enjoy it her way. you said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. general mills big g cereals hear you. that's why we say "yes" to whole grain as our first ingredient. and "no way" to high fructose corn syrup. so no matter what your favorite is, you can feel good about general mills big g cereals. >> here's your question of the day. native speakers of which of these languages generally say "pronto" when answering the phone?
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german, italian, french, or greek? stay tuned for the answer. if you could see your cough, you'd see just how far it can spread. robitussin dm max is now better tasting, with the same fast powerful cough relief. robitussin dm max. because it's never just a cough. shhh! laughing) what's going on? gasp! you going to shut it down? this is totally going viral. i wanna go viral. going viral? get scrubbing bubbles, clean and disinfect. 20,000 views! what? oh, it looks so clean in here. school lunch can be difficult. cafeteria chaos. one little struggle... can lead to one monumental mishap.
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not with ziploc easy open tabs. because life needs ziploc. sc johnson. blinds to classic.r shades. bold. modern. sophisticated. hundreds of styles to match any décor. right now take 20 percent off every roller shade in the store. blinds to go. blinds for life. it's blinds to go's roller shade sale! right now take 20 percent off hundreds of styles, fabrics and colors. plus free installation with any purchase of $1000 or more. our best-selling product just got 20% better. blinds to go. blinds for life. >> answer to that question was italian. [cheers and applause] welcome back. we are about to make one of our audience members very happy and give them a little taste of the "who wants to be a millionaire" experience. and hopefully give away $1,000 right here. [cheers and applause] so...i need an audience member. how about...tim myhouse?
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tim myhouse? [cheers and applause] tim, what's up? >> how are ya? >> tim, make me one promise. >> what's that? >> if this doesn't work out, don't crush me. >> promise, promise. >> okay, deal? >> deal, deal. >> okay. i feel like i should start by running. okay, it's very simple. i'm gonna ask you a question. >> all right. >> you get it right, i'm gonna give you $1,000. >> okay. >> you ready to go? >> i'm ready, let's play. >> all right, tim, good luck to you. >> thank you. >> let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [cheers and applause] here's your $1,000 question. in washington, dc, what nickname for massachusetts avenue comes from the dozens of establishments located there, many of them in old mansions? >> all right. i've been to washington, dc. >> okay. >> i know there's no museum mile there.
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hospital boulevard makes absolutely no sense. so we're down to university alley and embassy row. [sighs] on the theme of band-aids, i'm gonna go with b, embassy row, final answer. >> oh, i wanted to give away $1,000 to you, mainly because i'm scared. so i'm just gonna give it to you--you got it! >> yeah! [cheers and applause] >> you got it! way to go, tim. >> thank you. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> $1,000 winner, that's how you end a show. thanks for watching. for everyone who's been a part of this one, i'm chris harrison. we'll see you next time. [cheers and applause] all right, let's do it. >> all: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. >> whoo! [cheers and applause] >> closed captioning sponsored by: listerine® kills 99% of bad breath germs for a 100% fresh mouth.
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♪ >> "action news," delaware valley's leading news program with jim gardner. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> monday night and the big story on "action news" tonight is the return to philadelphia of the only american wounded in the
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turkey terrorist attack and the continuing search for the terrorist. these are images of the man who walked into anise stan bull nightclub where 600 people were celebrating the new year. after killing a police officer and civilian outside he went inside to let loose with a seven minute long barrel horror show. 39 people were killed, 70 injured. tonight, turkish authorities claim they are close to identifying the gunman. at the same time today isis claimed responsibility for the mass shooting. it's seen as a retaliation against turkey's strikes against isis in syria. jeanette reyes is there where jacob raak returned from istanbul and his close brush with death. jeanette?


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