tv Action News at Noon ABC January 11, 2017 12:00pm-12:30pm EST
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thank united technologies, but we've been meeting with a lot of companies. but what really is happening is the word is now out that when you want to move your plant to mexico or some other place and you want to fire all of your workers from michigan and ohio and all these places that i won for good reason, not going to happen that way anymore. you want to move your plant and you think as an example you'll build that plant in mexico and you're going to make your air conditioners or cars or whatever you're making and you're going to sell it through what will be a very, very strong border, not a weak border like -- we don't even have a border. it is an open sieve but it's not going to happen. you'll pay a very large border tax. so, if you want to move to another country and if you want to fire all of our great american workers that got you there in the first place, you can move from michigan to tennessee and to north carolina
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and south carolina, you can move from south carolina back to michigan, you can do anywhere -- you got a lot of states at play, a lot of competition. so it's not like, oh, gee, i'm taking the competition. you got a lot of placing you can move and i don't care. as long as it's within the united states. the borders of the united states. there will be a major border tax on these companies that are leaving and getting away with murder and if our politicians had what it takes they would have done this years ago and you'd have millions more workers right now in the united states that are 96 million really wanting a job and they can't get, you know that story, the real number. that's the real number. so, that's the way it is. okay, go ahead. >> president-elect, i have a question about the supreme court and the border security but i also want to ask about something you said on twitter. are we living in nazi germany. what were you driving at there? do you have a problem with the intelligence community? and on the supreme court, what is your time line?
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you said a while ago you were down to four. have you conducted those interviews yet? what's your time line for nominating and on the border fence, it now appears clear u.s. taxpayers will have to pay for it up front. what is your plan to get mexico to pay for it. >> do you have any more? [ laughter ] on the fence, it's not a fence, it's a wall. you just misreported it. we're going to build a wall. i could wait about a year and a half until we finish our negotiations with mexico, which will start immediately after we get to office, but i don't want to wait. mike pence is leading an effort to get final approvals through various agencies and through congress for the wall to begin. i don't feel like waiting a year or a year and a half. we're going to start building. mexico in some form and there are many different forms will reimburse us and they will reimburse us for the cost of the wall. that will happen. whether it's a tax or whether it's a payment, probably less
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likely that it's a payment, but it will happen. so remember this, okay. i would say we are going to build a wall and people would go crazy. i would then say who is going to pay for the wall and people would all scream out, 25,000, 30,000 people because nobody's ever had crowds like trump has had. you though that. you don't like to report that but that's okay. okay, now we agree. finally he agrees. but, i say who is going to pay for the wall and they will scream out, mexico. now, reports went out last week, oh, mexico is not going to pay for the wall because of a reimburse many. what's the difference? i want to get the wall started. i don't want to wait a year and a half until i make my deal with mexico. so -- and we probably will have a deal sooner than that and by the way, mexico has been so nice, so nice, i respect the government of mexico. i respect the people of mexico. i lover the people of mexico. i have many people from mexico working for me. they're phenomenal people. the government of mexico is
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terrific. i don't blame them for what's happened. i don't blame them for taking advantage of the united states. i wish our politicians were so smart. mexico has taken advantage of the united states. i don't blame the representatives and various presidents, et cetera, of mexico. what i say is we shouldn't have allowed that to happen. it's not going to happen anymore. so in order to get the wall started, mexico will pay for the wall. but it'll be reimbursed, okay. supreme court judge, so, as you know i have a list of 20. i've gone through them. we've met with numerous candidates. they're outstanding in every case. they were largely recommended and highly recommended by federalist society jim demint was very much involved and his group which is fantastic and he is a fantastic guy so between leo and jim demint and some
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senators and congress people we have a great group of people. i'll be making the decision on who we will put up for justice of the united states supreme court, a replacement for the great, great justice scalia, that will be probably within two weeks of the 20th, so within about two weeks probably the second week i consider the first day because we'll also be doing some pretty good signings and i think what we'll do is we'll wait till monday, that will be our really first business day as opposed to doing it on friday because on friday people will have a very good time at the inauguration and then saturday as you know we're having a big church service and lots of good things are happening so our first day and you'll all be invited to the signings but we'll be doing some pretty good signings on monday and tuesday and wednesday and thursday and friday and then also the next week and you're all invited. but on the supreme court i'll be making that decision and it'll
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be a decision which i very strongly believe in. i think it's one of the reasons i got elected. i think the people of this country did not want to see what was happening with the supreme court so i think it was a very, very big decision as to why i was elected. >> the tweet are we living in nazi germany. what were you driving at. >> i think it was disgraceful. disgraceful that the intelligence agencies allowed any information that turned out to be so false and fake out. i think it's a disgrace. and i say that and i say that and that's something that nazi germany would have done and did do. i think it's a disgrace. that information that was false and fake and never happened got released to the public as far as buzzfeed which is a failing pile of garbage, writing it, i think they'll suffer the consequences, they already are and as far as cnn going out of their way to
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build it up and by the way, we just found out i was coming down, michael cohen, michael is a very talented lawyer in my firm who just reported it wasn't this michael cohen we're talking about so all night long it's michael cohen. i said i want to see your passport. he brings his passport to my office. i say, hey, wait a minute. he didn't leave the country. he wasn't out of the country. they had michael cohen of the trump organization was in prague. it turns out to be a different michael cohen. it's a disgrace, what took place, it's a disgrace and i think they ought to apologize to start with, michael cohen. >> question. >> go ahead. >> mr. president-elect -- >> go ahead. >> since you are -- >> not you. not you. your organization is terrible. >> attacking our news organization is terrible. let's go. go ahead. >> quiet. quiet. >> mr. president-elect -- >> go ahead. she's asking a question. don't be rude. >> can you give us -- >> don't be rude. >> can you give us a question? >> don't be -- i'm not going to give -- i'm not going to give
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you a question. you are fake news. sir, can you say categorically that nobody -- now, mr. president-elect, that's not appropriate. >> go ahead. >> mr. president, president obama, do you think he went too far with the sanctions he put on russia after the hacking. >> i don't say he went too far. >> will you roll them back. >> no. >> what do you think of lindsey graham's plan to send you a bill for -- >> for what? i hadn't heard he was going to do that. lindsey graham, i've been competing with him for a long time and he's going to crack that 1% barrier one day. i didn't realize lindsey graham is still at it. it's all right. i think lindsey graham is a nice guy. i've heard he's a nice guy and i've been hearing it. go ahead. go ahead. you've been waiting. >> as far as we understand the intelligence community -- >> stand up. >> from bbc news. ian panel from bbc news. >> bbc news.
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another beauty. >> thank you. as far as we understand the intelligence community are still looking at these allegations, it's false news as you describe it. if they come back with any kind of conclusion that's any of it stands up, if any of it is true, will you consider your position, would you -- >> there's nothing they can come back with, okay, yes, go ahead. >> can you -- >> go ahead. >> -- fake news and all the problems that we've seen throughout the media over the course of the election, what reforms do you recommend for this industry here? >> well, i don't recommend reforms. i recommend people that are -- that have some moral compass. you know, i've been hearing more and more about fake news and talking about people that go and say all sorts of things but i will tell you some of the media outlets that i deal with are fake news, more so than anybody. i could name them but i won't bother but you have few sitting right in front of us. so they're very, very dishonest
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people. but i think it's just something we'll have to live with. i guess the advantage i have is that i can speak back. when it happens to somebody that doesn't have this -- doesn't have that kind of a megaphone, they can't speak back. it's a very sad thing. i've seen people destroyed. i've seen people absolutely destroyed and i think it's very unfair. so all i can ask for is honest reporte reporters, yes. >> mr. president-elect just wanted to follow up on the questions about the u.s. intelligence community and be very clear about what you're saying. do you trust your u.s. intelligence officials and what do you say to foreign policy experts who say you're weakening national security by waning this war of words against that community? >> intelligence agencies are vital and very, very important. we are going to be putting in, as you know, mr. pompeo and other, you know the senator, dan coates and we'll put in outstanding people. within 90 days they'll be coming
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back to me with a major report on hacking, i want them to cover this situation, i also want them, however, to cover maybe most importantly because we're hacked by everybody. you know, the united states, our government, out of a list of 17 in terms of intel industries is the worst, it's number 17 in terms of protection if you look at the retail industry, if you look at the banking industry, various industries, out of 17 industries, they put this in the category of an industry, the united states is last in terms of protecting, let's say, hacking defense like we had a great hacking defense at the republican national committee. that's why we weren't hacked. by the way, we were told they were trying to hack us but they weren't able to hack and i think i get some credit because i told reince and reince did a phenomenal job but i said i want strong hacking defense. the democratic national committee didn't do that maybe
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that's why the country runs so badly that way. but i will tell you, wait, wait, let me finish. within 90 days we will be coming up with a major report on hacking defense, how do we stop this new phenomena fairly new phenomena because the united states is hacked by everybody. that includes russia and china and everybody, everybody. okay. >> mr. president-elect -- >> go ahead. >> mr. president-elect, you said just now you believe that russia indeed was responsible for the hacking of the dnc and e-mails, et cetera. >> you know what, could have been others also. >> why did you spend weeks undermining u.s. intelligence community before simply getting the facts and then making a public statement? >> i think it's pretty sad when intelligence reports get leaked out to the press. i think it's pretty sad. first of all it's illegal. you know, these are -- these are
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classified and certified meetings and reports. i'll tell you what does happen, i have many meetings with intelligence and every time i meet people are reading about it. somebody is leaking it out. so, maybe it's my office, maybe my office, because i have a lot of people, a lot of great people. maybe it's them. and what i did is i said i won't tell anybody. i'll have a meeting and i won't tell anybody about my meeting with intelligence and what happened is i had my meeting, nobody knew, not even rona, my executive assistant for years, she didn't know, i didn't tell her. nobody knew, the meeting was had. the meeting was over, they left and immediately the word got out i had a meeting, so i don't want that. i don't want that. it's very unfair to the country. it's very unfair to our country what's happened. that report should have never -- first of all it shouldn't have been printed because it's not
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worth the paper it's printed on and thank "the new york times" for saying that and thanks a lot of different people for saying that but i will tell you that should never ever happen. okay. >> mr. president-elect, thank you. can you stand here today once and for all and say that no one connected to you or your campaign had any contact with russia leading up to or during the presidential campaign and if you indeed do believe that russia was behind the hacking, what is your message to vladimir putin right now? >> he shouldn't be doing it. he won't be doing it. russia will have much greater respect for our country when i'm leading it than when other people have led it you will see that. russia will respect our country more. he shouldn't have done it. i don't believe he'll be doing it more now. we have to work something out but it's not just russia, take a look at what's happened. you don't report it the same way. 22 million accounts were hacked
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in this country by china. and that's because we have no defense. that's because we're run by people that don't know what they're doing. russia will have far greater respect for our country when i'm leading it and i believe -- and i hope maybe it won't happen, it's possible, but i won't be giving a little reset button like hillary, here, press this piece of plastic. a guy looked at her like what is she doing. there's no reset button. we'll either get along or not. i hope we get along. if not that's possible too but russia and other countries and other countries including china which is taking total advantage of us economically and total advantage of us in the south china sea by building their massive fortress, total, russia, china, japan, mexico, all countries will respect us far more, far more than they do under past administrations. i want to thank everybody so
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this is all just so you understand, these papers because i'm not sure that was explained properly. but these papers are all just a piece of the many, many companies that are being put into trust to be run by my two sons and i hope at the end of eight years i'll come back and i'll say, oh, you did a good job, otherwise, if they do a bad job i'll say, you're fired. good-bye, everybody. good-bye. good afternoon you are listening to donald trump's first news conference as president-elect. it began with flat denial that russia has comprising information about the president-elect. >> something like that should never have been written or had and never have been released. >> i want to thank a lot of news o.s -- >> trump and his teams issued a firm denial of the reports that leaked last night. and this comes nine days before
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trump takes the oval office and how he plans to avoid conflicts of interest with his global business empire. >> i think it's a disgrace. >> reporter: donald trump's first formal news conference since july comes with verifiable that russians have hurtful and verifiable information about the president-elect. >> it should never have been written never have been had. and never released. >> he calls it fake news denying the claims in a series of tweets. i have nothing to do with russia. they are from an anonymous source in the kremlin saying that the democratic operatives gave to the fbi in august and
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later news organizations including abc news, among the claims, that his lawyer, michael cohen was part of a secret liaison with the new york tycoon's campaign and the russian leadership and met with them in prague in 2016. cohen denied the allegations saying he was there in his life. and whether the russians filmed with prostitutes to blackmail if they wish. >> they say they have incriminating information nonsense. but democrats are not laughing calling for a full investigation. >> in the meantime, it is day two of confirmation hearings for president-elected's new administration and they will
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testify for and against trump's picks, including alabama senator, jeff sessions. among them is new jersey senator, corey booker. the first time that a sitting senator testifies against another in a cabinet hearing. and testimony underway for a nominee, rex tillerson and his pick for transportation secretary elaine chow. wetremed the conference live at and the 6 abc news app. that is where you can read about it now as the coverage of the white house transition continues. all right now to breaking news from west philadelphia officials say the attempted carjacking of a septa vehicle is stopped in a dramatic fashion. police converged after the carjacking suspect was struck to the ground after a witness intervened in the crime.
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john rawlining is live with more. >> there is machine to be investigated by this, but we know it begins with a multivehicle crash at 63rd and woodbine behind me here and an individual involved in the crash and the collision was forceful enough to trigger airbags and an individual got out and ran to a nearby septa vehicle and pulls the septa driver out. it's a work vehicle, not a bus. there is a lot of confusion at that point and people on the street there witnessed and raised the alarm. and the would be carjacker walked away toward woodbine and there are shouts to that effect and an altercation and one bystander had a gun and a shot was fired. we talked to father michael falyen that witnessed the collision. >> we are waiting around after the collision for emergency
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vehicles to arrive and we see this guy walking down the street get back here and grab him and he turns the corner and some people grab him and he is fighting and they tackle him and the guy that was coming saying to grab him. he went up to him and got up, the guy that got tackled went to fight with him and then he pulled out a gun and shot him apparently in the leg. >> a wild and confusing time here at 11:00 at 63rd and woodbine, the septa truck driver spoke briefly and did not appear hurt and the individual shot in the leg is transferred to the hospital and detectives are now on the scene and trying to sort out what happened here and why. we are told there is a large number of witnesses that saw this and everybody that was involved in the accident had a good idea what went on here and a good chance a video will help police unravel what happened. live in west philadelphia, john rawlins, channel 6 "action
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news." >> thank you. police say a man that was assaulted while leaving a restaurant in the olney section of philadelphia turned the table on his attacker, the incident happened at 5th and west rockland. the 31-year-old victim was pufrned in the face by the would be robber and he told investigators he ran off but the suspect chased him and the victim told police he pulled out a begun and shot the suspect. the suspect is in stable condition and the victim has a gun permit and don't expect charges against him. >> 15 young children were taken to the hospital after their school bus crashed in wilmington this morning, all the students are evaluated for minor injuries and going to highlands elementary school when their bus collided with another vehicle at pennsylvania and woodlawn at 8:30, still unclear what led up to the crash. a fire destroyed a large barn at russel mill in creek township. the flames quickly spread
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through the barn that was filled with hay and officials have not yet determine whad sparked the blaze. philadelphia lease are investigating an early morning robbery of a pizza delivery driver that happened at 2:00 a.m. on earning street in philadelphia. to men one armed approached him when he was making a dominoes pizza delivery. the man stole two handguns and fled the scene. the driver and a passenger were not hurt. still to come on "action news" a former senator is apologizing for the out burst that got him kicked off of a plane. and find out why sasha obama was not at her dad's farewell speech in chicago last night. a milder after and and clouds are building and tonight we get some rain, the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast coming up. that this is administered by the
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marques lloyd. a second officer died in a traffic accident while responding to the scene. officials say that lloyd has a lengthy criminal record that dates back 20 years. a broward county sheriffs deputy is suspended days after the ft. lauderdale airport shooting was leaked to tmz. it shows esteban santiago shooting in the baggage terminal. he use tropical disturbance to record it off a monitor not realizing their own image was on the monitor likely sold to tmz. stand up for what is right. and walk out with me. that is the only thing they will know. >> that is former new york senator,al fons dematto after he
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asked passengers to switch seats because of weight and balance issues, the flight was already delayed five hours, he was removed from the plane for passengers that refused to remove. the dematto apologized for leaving his patience at the gate. president obama is back in washington following his final presidential speech in chicago, the president and his family arrived back in the nation's capital this morning on what is likely their last flight on air force one. the president held back tears when he thanked her. >> you make the white house a place that belongs to everybody and a new generation sets their sights higher because they have you as a role model. so you have made me proud, and you have made the country proud. >> malia, the obama's oldest
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daughter was seen wiping away tears but sasha obama was missing from the audience, she had to say in washington, d.c. for a school exam today. it makes sense. all right meteorologist, david murphy is here now. we are examining the forecast out there and we are liking what we see. >> mild and dry this afternoon but look at future tracker 6 as the change comes later tonight after dinner time after the evening rush hour, we get rain coming through and it looks like that wrapped up after midnight. the seven day shows a mild high of 51 today and 48 and falling in the afternoon on friday and 45 on saturday and light snow showers and a wintry mix developing in the afternoon and evening. >> a quick break we'll be right back.
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