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tv   Jimmy Kimmel Live  ABC  January 26, 2017 11:35pm-12:37am EST

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>> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live!" tonight -- samuel l. jackson -- from "frontier," jason momoa -- this week in unnecessary censorship, and music from kehlani. and now, here's jimmy kimmel! [ applause ] ♪ >> very nice. i'm jimmy, i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching, thank you for coming. this is a special night. i'll be making a visit to sesame street later in the show, and i'm going to bring everyone with me. can you tell me how to get to --
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see, they don't all have to be edgy jokes. they can sometimes be -- anyway, we're also celebrating guillermo's birthday tonight. [ cheers and applause ] and we have a surprise for him. we have something special planned for you. but first i want to update you on our new celebrity president who sat down last night with david muir for his first official interview since taking office. the president will be happy to know his ratings were very good. he almost did as well as "the bachelor." [ laughter ] donald trump is not normally a guy who likes to toot his own horn, but last night, he had a lot of nice things to say about himself. >> i can be the most presidential person ever. >> one of them said it was the crowd. now the audience was the biggest ever. >> that speech was a home run.
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it was the biggest standing ovation since peyton manning had won the super bowl, and they said it was equal. >> one thing it shows is how far over they go here. look how far this is. this goes all the way down here. >> they said it was one of the great speeches. they showed the people applauding and screaming. >> i've had a wonderful life and wonderful success. >> they loved it. they gave me a standing ovation for a long period of time. >> when you look at this sea of love, i call it a sea of love. thank you, david. >> he calls it a sea of love. that's what he calls it. >> at one point, it became downright menacing at one point. david wright asked him if he thought denying syrian refugees would result in more anger from muslim communities. and his response, you know, i know people have been saying trump sounds like a super villain sometimes, but last night, he sounded so much like a super villain. he matched his words with video
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from the justice league cartoon. and here's what happens when the man of steel meets the president of gold. >> i know you're a sophisticated guy. the world is a mess. the world is as angry as it gets. you think this is gonna cause a little more anger? the world is an angry place. the world is a total mess. this is the single greatest meeting i've ever had with anybody, it's the highlight of my life. >> oh, wow. [ cheers and applause ] >> tomorrow, president trump gets a visit from fellow world leader british prime minister theresa may will visit the white house. that should be interesting. i see it going like this. your bent's not that big, i've built much bigger bents. the prime minister wants to reaffirm the special relationship between the united
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states and britain. she hasn't checked america's facebook status lately. we're already in a new relationship, his name is vlad, wrestles bears with his shirt off and knows his way around a computer, so, sorry, theresa may. one leader that trump will not be bonding with is enrique pena nieto, the mexican president. they were supposed to meet, but the meeting has been canceled, to which trump said, see i'm already stopping mexicans from crossing the border. the mexican president posted this video and reacted to trump's plan to make mexico pay for the wall. [ speaking spanish ]. >> guillermo, what did he say? did he say he's paying for the
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wall? >> no, he said mexico is not paying for the [ bleep ] wall. >> they're not paying for the wall? that's not how it's supposed to go. trump claims pena nieto did not back out on him. he said the decision to kacance was mutual. it's like the foreign policy version of, i broke up with her first. i don't know if anybody in washington is listening. i have one small request when it comes to this wall thing. before we put up $25 billion to put it up, can we mix the giant pothole on la cienda for the last four years. i'll tell you where it is. i'd appreciate it. gracias. [ cheers and applause ] we have a fun show tonight. sam jew samuel l. jackson is here with us. not many people know the l stands for lasagne. also with us, from the new
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netflix series "frontier," jason momoa. and jason brought along a bunch of axes, and he throws them and he's going to do an axe-throwing demo for us. so text your loved ones goodbye, i guess. and music tonight from kehlani. [ cheers and applause ] >> by the way, this is a potentially exciting development for us. elon musk, the guy from tesla and spacex, says he has a plan to alleviate our terrible traffic plan here. he wants to dig a tunnel for cars to go in, presumably it would mean less traffic on top. i don't know if he's serious or not, but if he is, this could be great news, instead of being stuck in traffic on the freeway for hours, we could be stuck in traffic under ground every night. but he said he's serious. he plans to start digging in a month. and today he named his chief
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tunnel engineer. this guy's name is el-something. [ laughter and applause ] at midnight tonight, guillermo turns how old will you turn? >> 46. >> 46 years old. [ applause ] scientist bred a human with a furby and guillermo was born. we love guillermo. he's very popular around the office. we wanted to do something special to commemorate his birth. he asked co-workers to share a guillermo memory. this is our gift to you. >> guillermo asked me if he could exercise with me before work one day. i told him to meet me at the gym at 7:00 a.m., we were going to swim laps. it became apparent that he didn't know how to swim and did this all the way down one side of the pool. he was breathing heavily and said that's too much. let's go sit in the hot tub and eat bacon, so we did.
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>> back when guillermo was still a parking lot attendant, he would get chilly during the winter, and we used to keep spiced tequila in our room, and knowing that, he would pay us a visit two or three times a week, and we'd hear a meek knock and it was guillermo, and he was like, hey, guys, it's cold, do you mind if i have a little something? we would always indulge him. >> i went to cover the "fast & furious" and he came, but couldn't go to the afterparty because he brought his wife. >> every once in a while, i get a voice mail from guillermo like this. >> i'm calling because, laura, you just won a trip to cleveland for the holiday. >> i'm not from cleveland. >> every day we hear wardrobe clean out guillermo's pockets. and at the end of the week, this
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is what we get. guillermo, if you want this half piece of gum, come get it. happy birthday. >> after we were doing a shoot in new york, we went to this bar and guillermo said that he would buy everybody these pineapple shots. >> pineapple pound cake shots. >> so guillermo starts ordering them for everybody. >> i mean everybody, at the entire bar. >> everybody in the bar. >> on me, on me, enjoy! >> and then at the end of the night when the check came, guillermo was gone and we were stuck with a $600 tab. >> great. >> happy birthday. >> so i texted guillermo once telling him that we wanted to shoot a video with him and flava flav, and his text response to me was, [ bleep ], i thought he die last year. >> guillermo just learned my name. i've worked here for eight years. happy birthday -- from greg! >> we were in mexico, interviewing the fattest man in
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the world, and guillermo buys a chihuahua in mexico, and illegally smuggles it into the united states. happy birthday, guillermo. [ speaking spanish ] [ laughter and applause ] >> we got the president of mexico. happy birthday, guillermo. we have to take a break. when we come back, a visit from the gang from sesame street. so stick around, we'll be right back. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [john] hey, here's an idea. what if instead of waiting weeks for your tax refund? you can get an advance on that refund. [zombie] an advance on my tax refund, i could really use that. [john] what would you do with that money? [zombie] i'd love to take a tropical holiday. [john] i'd be careful, with your skin tone. [zombie] no i get it cause i'm a zombie. yeah that's funny.
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[off camera] all my undead, we are back. [john] i will see you out there. [zombie] see ya. [john] and don't take it personally. [vo] you can get a refund advance of up to $1250 no interest at block. [john] don't just get your taxes done. get you taxes won. we're taking never ending to the for the first time ever.den. never ending classics starting at $11.99. indulge in never ending helpings of your most loved classic dishes. how about irresistible chicken parmesan? can't decide? switch it up on a refill. plus all the garden fresh salad and breadsticks you want. new never ending classics, starting at $11.99. the best things in life should be never ending. at olive garden. i heard superheroes read chucks norris comics.d you. i heard at night, the boogeyman checks under the bed for chuck. i heard cats say they have chuck-like reflexes. do you think he's still got it? i bet you a buck he catches this salt shaker. you're on! hey! chuck!
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[ it'[ goat bleat ] by peggy lee playing ] [ crow caws, music continues ] this is gonna be awesome! when it comes to buying a house... trulia knows the house is only half of it. and with 34 map overlays like playgrounds, demographics, schools, and more... you can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. trulia. the house is only half of it. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back. samuel l. jackson, jason momoa
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and music from kehlani is all coming. but if you have a child or maybe at one time you were a child, which i assume you were, then you were probably familiar with a place called sesame street. it's now in his 47th season. they put the new episodes on hbo. i grew up with sesame street. it's how i learned to eat cookies the way i do. i decided to invite myself to visit and do some educating. >> hello, everybody, it's time for another day. are you ready, cookie monster? >> ready. >> are you ready, grover is this. >> yes. >> are you ready, mr. jimmy? >> no. >> where did he go? >> jimmy? >> how did he do that. >> hi, kids! it's time for the letter of the day. >> oh, all right. what is it? >> the anticipation is killing me. >> what is it, what is it?
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>> i know you've all heard of letters like, a, and b and c. but our alert of the day is yuke. >> excuse me, jim thi, but i do not believe yuke is a letter. >> yes, it is. i made it up. it's right here. >> elmo, me think he crazy. >> you guys are crazy. you've been singing about the same 26 letters for 47 years. do you know how many times t has been the letter of the day? 648 times. so i made up a new one. it's yuke. >> okay, okay, mr. jimmy, are there any words that start with the letter yuke? >> words that start -- >> yeah. >> yukon and youk laley.
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>> cookie, you could use it in your song. >> i gotta get back to you on that one. >> excuse me. but where does yuke come in the alphabet? >> it comes after z. w, x, y, z and yuke. it's a surprise ending. >> are kids going to have to learn this new letter? >> yeah, they are going to have to learn, but that's why i wrote a song about it. would you like to hear it? >> you wrote a song? >> actually, no. >> i do not really like songs. >> let me sing the song and i think it will be a lot clearer. ♪ there's a cool little guy, you may not have met, he's the 27th letter of the alphabet ♪ ♪ i'll tell you all about him, you don't need to beg, he looks like a u but with a weird little leg ♪
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♪ he's a versatile guy ♪ no one's better because he's a number as well as a letter ♪ >> wait, yuke is a number? >> jyeah, i forgot to mention that. ♪ ♪ it's the best one yet because it's very new ♪ >> sing along everybody. >> that's the best part about it, it's totally made up, so you can say anything you want. >> oh, we can use your imaginations? >> yeah, i call it lying, but, yeah. >> you can put yuok on your wall -- >> youk youk youk is good to eat ♪ ♪ i think youk is really neat. ♪ ♪ it's a great new addition to the abcs, new use it, please. >> you like it, don't you? >> yeah. >> yuke, i am your father! >> no, no, no.
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you're eating my son! [ laughter and applause ] >> yuke! >> jimmy: sesame street is on every day on hbo and pbs. now to a significant change. it's thursday night, time to bleep and blur the big tv moments of the week. it's this week in unnecessary censorship. >> begin with a story out of pittsburgh. police there are searching for an attacker who is accused of biting another man's [ bleep ] off during a fight about donald trump. >> i would like for mr. trump. i will even [ bleep ] him if he will come down here. >> how many [ bleep ] today? >> two. >> one. >> inaccurate numbers involving [ bleep ] were also tweeted. no one had numbers. >> carson, if this would have been the first week, i would
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have [ bleep ] you today. >> i said to myself, wow, and i've seen [ bleep ] before. big, big [ bleep ]. that was some [ bleep ]. >> yes, i have succeeded. i have [ bleep ] a cow. >> donald trump is a world-class [ bleep ]. i'm sure he's going to make sure that we get good [ bleep ] for the united states. >> we will [ bleep ] the american people. >> i am deadly serious about giving you hard [ bleep ]. >> with no further business, the hearing is adjourned. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: tonight on the show, music from kehlani, jason momoa is here and we'll be right back with samuel l. jackson! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: portions of "jimmy kimmel live!" are brought to you by gsn, the game show network, united they win, divided they could lose it all. 6
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more people than ever are choosing nissan... making us north america's fastest growing auto brand in 2016. take on 2017 and get the safety you'd expect... the fuel efficiency you need and america's best truck warranty. get to nissan's take on 2017 event for 0% financing for up to 72 months on 11 models. or save up to $10,000 on select models. ♪ i'm not a customer, but i'm calling about that credit scorecard. give it. sure! it's free for everyone. oh! well that's nice!
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and checking your score won't hurt your credit. oh! i'm so proud of you. well thank you. free at at, even if you're not a customer. . >> oh, wow, what do you do for the department of defense? >> i keep you safe. >> jimmy: me personally? is there something i should know right now? [ laughter ] dear fellow citizen,
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i know what it's like to want to relax with your family.
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but enjoying today doesn't mean losing sight of tomorrow. so while i invest in "the now" my mortgage, vacations i still invest in the future, like my children's college tuition and retirement. i can help you piece together your financial journey for today and tomorrow. if you have a question about investing, ask me. sincerely, amanda etheridge, fellow planner and fellow citizen. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. tonight from the new netflix show "frontier," jason momoa is here. then, her new album comes out a few moments ago, it's called "sweet sexy savage," music from
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kehlani. kehlani went to hollywood high school which is 200 feet from here. as a kid, she would hear the singers and bands play on our show and now she is one of the singers. see? kids, dreams do come true. but almost never. rarely. next week, we have a big lineup with natalie portman, jamie dornan, rob lowe, adam scott, morris chestnut, charlie weber, dave salmoni and wild animals, music from tucker beathard, tom chaplain, and keyshia cole. [ cheers and applause ] our first guest tonight is one of the most successful actors ever to sit under a kangol hat. he is narrator of the freshly oscar-nominated documentary, "i am not your negro." it opens february 3rd. please welcome samuel l. jackson! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: look at this. you look great. >> happy birthday, g! >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: how you doing? congratulations, by the way. not only did your documentary get nominated for an oscar, your atlanta falcons are going to the super bowl. [ cheers and applause ] >> what's up! >> jimmy: are you a life-long falcons fan? you're not from atlanta? >> i went to college in atlanta. i went to chattanooga, but when i was in atlanta, i used to work at the stadium, selling hotdog, burgers and fries. and now you go out on the field and everything. do you ever go in the locker room and give the team a pep talk? >> only in can the coach carter." never been in a professional
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sports locker room ever. >> jimmy: never? >> i've shot commercials when they weren't there. >> jimmy: you don't have an interest in showering with other guys? >> no, they just never asked me to do it. >> jimmy: there you are. you're not kidding around. [ cheers and applause ] >> warming it up, and every now and then somebody run back, found me out, keep catching passes. i walk down to the other end of the field and watch the other team warm up. in fact, last week, when the packers were there, i actually watched aaron rodgers run a play that i'd never seen before during warm-up, where the end came around and he gave him the ball like it was going to be an end-around and he slipped off in the end zone and threw him a pass. and i tweeted it out to make sure somebody from the falcons -- hey, look out for this today! he had the whole little thing. he was practicing -- aaaah!
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>> jimmy: are you a hater of the patriots, or are they just any other opponent to you? >> um, yeah. i'mma have to say yeah. yeah. >> jimmy: will you bet on the game? is that something you do? >> i don't bet on sporting events. >> jimmy: never? >> i only thing i bet on that i have really no control over is black jack. >> jimmy: when you're playing golf, there's no -- >> well, i have control over there. that's not a bet. >> jimmy: that's a competition. you're earning money. >> not even that. some of the people i play with, it's just them giving me money, gifting. it's gifting. like giving strokes. >> jimmy: over the course of your life, you are way ahead when it comes to gambling, playing golf? >> oh, totally. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: you ever played with michael jordan? >> yeah. >> jimmy: did you bet with michael jordan? because he's notorious for betting. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and did you win? >> yeah. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: and does that make him crazy? >> no, it doesn't.
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mike's that guy. mike wants something at stake all the time. but, you know, mike's used to be, i haven't played with him in years, but it used to be mike would try to bet amounts of money that made you uncomfortable, but it's kinda like, dude, we're all millionaires. [ laughter ] i'm not nervous about that. so, let it go. >> jimmy: so then it will be like 20 bucks, or is it way more than 20 bucks? no, it's not 20 bucks. >> way more than that. i remember when he was shooting "space jam" out here, everybody was fighting each other to play him. >> jimmy: really? >> it was crazy. >> jimmy: because basically you just take money from him? >> yeah. >> jimmy: is he a below average golfer? >> no, he's good. >> jimmy: but not as good as sam jackson? >> being an athlete, sometimes you say your handicap is one thing, because you're an athlete, and it's not. and it's not to your advantage
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to lie about your handicap. >> jimmy: bravado? >> yes. i remember barry bonds told me one day, when he first met me, i hear you're a golfer. i said, yeah. and he said, you know i'm an athlete, right? and i said, that doesn't make you a golfer. we belong to the same golf club and i see him in the woods a lot. deep in the woods. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i have to say, i follow magic johnson on twitter, and one of the things i love every summer is looking at his vacation photos and you seem to be with him an awful lot. and i thought i'd show some of them, because these are -- i assume these are spread out over various years. there you guys are on a boat eating ice cream. >> that's actually the tender that takes you into whatever dock you're in. >> jimmy: oh, i see. >> that's the little boat. >> that takes you where you're going. >> jimmy: you're not saying you were on tinder in this particular -- >> no. >> jimmy: here you guys are, again, eating ice cream.
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>> yeah, that's in st. tropez. >> jimmy: and where was this? >> eating ice cream of again. [ laughter ] that could be in monaco. >> jimmy: i know how to eat ice cream, i've got shorts. all the ingredients are there. who organizes this trip? you or magic? >> irvin organizing it every year. >> jimmy: he does? >> yeah. we spend a month on this -- >> jimmy: how big is the boat? the ship, i should say, probably. >> 180 meters. >> jimmy: what is that? american? >> i don't know. big. >> jimmy: it's bigger? >> yeah. it's got a crew of like 22. >> jimmy: i guess you can't put magic on a dinghy. he's a giant just to start with. >> exactly. >> jimmy: and people know him everywhere? >> everywhere. and it's cool for me, because i can be walking with him and they see him first, and they're like, we love you, magic! and he's the friendliest
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picture-takingest guy in the world. they don't even notice me. until somebody will finally look over and go, oh, my god, it's -- samuel lee jackson. i don't know where that came from, everybody in europe thinks my mid name is lee. >> jimmy: maybe it's a combination of sammy haguar and david lee roth. >> yeah, they have it on the television when i check in. samuel lee jackson, welcome. >> jimmy: when we come back, i have a game for you. we're going to look at your film career and i'm going to quiz you on it, to see how much you remember. and i think you're going to like it a lot. >> jimmy: samuel lee jackson is here. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ is is my body of proof. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof that i can fight psoriatic arthritis with humira.
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♪ ♪
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>> i don't know what the labor unions and their bosses really hate me. that sdnts matter, but i know i'm not in their unions. >> i don't know what they have against black people, but i know they keep me in the ghetto. i don't know if the board of education hates black people, but i know the textbooks they give me children to read and the schools we have to go to. now, this is the evidence. you want me to make an act of faith, risking myself, my life,
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my woman, my system, my children, on some idealism which you assure me exists in america, which i have never seen. >> that is james baldwin in the oscar nominated "i am not your negro." of which you are the narrator. how did you become part of this project? >> the director went to school with spike. and for some reason, he thought my voice was the voice of james baldwin. >> jimmy: you must get asked to do so many -- >> a few. but this was special, because james baldwin is very special to me in terms of my development as a young black man growing up, reading his writing and hearing his voice. and the thing that he talks about in this film was taken from a non-published book that he started writing, about his relationship with martin luther
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king, malcolm x, and [ bleep ] -- old man thing's kicking in. and he talks about his relationship to them and their deaths and what they meant to him. and why he had to stop being an ex-pat in france and come back to america to do his part for the civil rights movement. and it's very resonant in terms of what he talks about and what hasn't changed. and what's going on now. and what's about to happen in terms of who we are, how we need to react to it, and how far america has not come in the 50 years since he wrote these words that are there. and i just happen to be the voice. raul had to come a very long way to get me. i recorded this in bulgaria. >> jimmy: oh. >> i was shooting a film with ryan reynolds. >> jimmy: you didn't do it just to make it difficult on him? >> no, no. >> jimmy: like, let's see how much he wants this.
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>> he wanted it that badly, so i spent a day with him in bulgaria recording the voice. but it's a wonderful film, but it's more than just james talking and me saying his words. there are a lot of film references, a lot of book references, the people you'll recognize. it's interesting watching films like this sometimes, because you see the people, like there's one shot of this girl who's integrating the school and all these angry faces behind her, yelling and screaming stuff at her. and i wonder if those people who were teenagers when she was trying to do that, because i was a teenager back in that day too, if those people looking at that film or will see that film and recognize themselves and say, wow, what an [ bleep ] i was, or, i still feel that way. >> jimmy: i hope they do see that. >> you would hope so. >> jimmy: yeah. i'd like to quiz you on your movie career. >> okay. >> jimmy: if you'd be so kind to
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subject yourself to it. we went to the farmer's market and ask some people to read a movie line. and you're going to have to guess if you said it in a movie -- >> or if somebody else said it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> or if you just made it up. >> jimmy: exactly. let's start with the first gentleman. >> you shut your face. if we want to hear you talk, i will shove my arm up your ass and work your mouth like a puppet. >> jimmy: did you say that? >> yes, i did. >> you shut your face! if we want to hear you talk, i will shove my arm up your ass and move your mouth like a puppet. >> jimmy: you're one for one. did you say that? yes. >> jimmy: let's look at the clip. >> i eat the butt, i eat everything. >> jimmy: two for two. [ cheers and applause ] next clip. >> all i have in this world are
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my balls and my word and i don't break them for anybody. >> i didn't say that. >> jimmy: you did not say that. >> all i have in this world is my balls and my word, and i don't break them for nobody. >> jimmy: you're right. that was al pacino in "scar face." >> are you anxious to see leo do that over? i would like to see a remake, yeah. next clip. >> you've been taking them [ bleep ] pills again. >> jimmy: did you say that? >> i said that to bernie mac. >> you've been taking them [ bleep ] pills again! >> jimmy: here it is. next clip. [ laughter ] they're your clothes, mother [ bleep [ bleep ]. >> jimmy: did you say that? >> "pulp fiction." >> they're your clothes, mother [ bleep ]. >> everybody strap in, i'm about
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to open some [ bleep ] windows. >> jimmy: is that a line that rings too? >> everybody strap in, i'm about to open some [ bleep ] windows. >> jimmy: you're really nailing this. let's see another one. >> some other [ bleep ] always trying to ice skate uphill. >> no. >> jimmy: that is not one of your lines. >> some mother [ bleep ] are always trying to ice skate uphill. >> jimmy: okay, yes. >> i like the way wesley did that. >> jimmy: he killed it. next up. >> you ever notice that you come across somebody once in a while that you shouldn't have [ bleep ] with. that's me. >> jimmy: is that you? >> no. >> ever notice how you come across somebody once in a while that you shouldn't have [ bleep ] with? that's me. >> jimmy: and finally. >> it's my --
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[ laughter ] >> that's the corniest line in "shaft" and people love it. >> it's my duty toe please that booty. >> jimmy: samuel jackson! "i am not your negro" opens a week from tomorrow and "kong: -- and we'll be right back with jason momoa. -- and we'll be rig jason momoa. -- and we'll be right back with jason momoa. and we'll be right back with jason momoa. and we'll be right back with jason momoa. and we'll be right back with jason momoa. be right back with jason momoa. be right back with jason momoa. e right back with jason momoa. we' right back with jason momoa. we' right back with jason momoa. humpty!
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humpty! [moaning] oh, not again. aww are you alright? everything hurts! i'm gettin most of ya. [police sirens] ooh. what happened here? he fell off the wall. he was doing his taxes. is this the fool that was on the wall? yeah. reports just in say he was in fact doing his taxes. the main question being asked, "why was he doing his taxes on a wall?" because you can! ♪ kids, juicy fruitmmmm with longer-lasting flavor? mmm (zipping) (zipping) (rattling) longer-lasting juicy fruit.
12:23 am
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12:25 am
oh, i'm tied to this chair! ♪ dun-dun-daaaa! i don't know that an insurance-themed comic book is what we're looking for. did i mention he can save people nearly $600? you haven't even heard my catchphrase. i'm all done with this guy. box him up. that's terrible.
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♪ ♪ >> jimmy: we're back. our next guest, he's a 6'4", 230 pound dothraki warlord and the scariest aquaman ever. he plays 18th century outlaw declan harp in the new series "frontier" which is on netflix now. please welcome jason momoa! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so the last time you were here, you weren't allowed to say you were aqua man, but you were aquaman. and are you wearing -- >> yeah, i'm wearing aqua man now. i'm aquaman, finally!
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i would never guess you'd be aquaman. you don't look like the old cartoon of aquaman for sure. but how long did you have to keep it quiet? >> it was like four, five years. >> jimmy: that long? >> that long. >> jimmy: why? >> because they wanted it to be a secret. >> jimmy: how many people did you tell, like confidentially? >> well, i told my friends. i told them i wouldn't say anything, but i'm really bad at secrets. i like buy presents for my wife, and i'm like, just open it now. i know it's christmas and it's really far away, but you gotta open this. so i'm really bad at secrets. >> jimmy: your wife, for people who don't know is lisa bonet. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you live on a ranch in the canyon? >> kind of like a compound-ish. >> jimmy: is it a working ranch with cows and stuff like that? >> we got animals, dogs, wolves, a donkey. a snake. >> jimmy: really?
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>> two kids. two little feral kids. >> skate ramps and climbing walls. >> jimmy: where do you buy a donkey? you can't get that at walmart. >> my wife always wanted a donkey so i bought her one for her birthday. >> jimmy: really? and the kids are how old? >> 7 and 8. >> jimmy: are they dieing to ride the donkey? >> not yet. >> jimmy: this new show on netflix, talk about your character. >> declan harp, half irish, half native. he was raised by the man who runs hbc, so he's the english kind of -- runs the hbc. i was raised by him and he murdered my whole family and my kids, and now i'm basically made this company, the black wolf company, it's scottish, irish, french, against english. it's basically me killing a bunch of english people.
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>> jimmy: that would have been a great title for it. [ laughter ] and you're playing like a real tough guy with the axe and all that. >> yeah, i throw axes. >> jimmy: before we get to the axe demonstration, i notice you had a guinness beer before the show. should we be concerned about that? >> you should be concerned i don't have one in my hand when i'm throwing. >> jimmy: really? would it calm you down if you had one? >> i'm a better shot. >> jimmy: really? is that true? >> absolutely. >> jimmy: guillermo, maybe you better get him a guinness real quick, so we don't kill anybody. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: does aquaman drink beer? >> of course. >> jimmy: he does? >> he's half human and his human side likes beer. >> jimmy: but he can't drink beer under water, or can he? >> no, no. >> jimmy: that would be amazing. >> yeah. >> jimmy: shall we get out the axes? let's just make sure guillermo
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doesn't walk back in while the axes are in the air. >> guillermo, stay in there, you can have my guinness. >> jimmy: all right. these are your axes from home? >> i started making axes. >> jimmy: oh, you made these? >> this is for you. it's the black company. i got tie tattoo on there as well. >> jimmy: what should i do with this? >> throw it hard. >> jimmy: that seems like a terrible idea. hold your axe-throwing. >> oh, look at guillermo. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you, sir. happy birthday. here. >> jimmy: no, guillermo, i think it's better that you're on this side. >> yeah, i'll stay over here. >> jimmy: this would be the ideal place. now, should i be worried? because i didn't practice this at all. and there's a lot of people. >> this is not like football, so you don't want to curve it. straight over the head. straight over the head.
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>> jimmy: my god. this seems like a terrible idea. >> it's your turn. >> jimmy: just do it straight. >> oh! [ applause ] >> jimmy: all right, guillermo. come on, guillermo. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: wow. that is terrifying. jason momoa! "frontier" is available on netflix now. we'll be right back with kehlani! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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fios in the house!
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dave this fios party is da bomb! fo shizzle! it's tv totally ahead of its time. yo, let me check that. oh snap. that x1 voice remote is crunk! and it lets me search with the sound of my voice. what should i watch? things have come a long way since you got fios. [nervously laughs] what's fios? fios has fallen behind. don't fall with it. xfinity x1 will change the way you experience tv. >> jimmy: i'd like to thank samuel l. jackson, jason momoa
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thanks for the axe, apologies to matt damon. we did run out of time for him. "nightline" is next, but first, her album "sweet sexy savage" comes out tomorrow, here making her late night debut with the song "crazy," kehlani! ♪ everything i do i do it with a passion if i gotta be a -- ima be a bad one ♪ ♪ i'm a-i with the designs du-ragging bounce back game good why we talking practice ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah ♪ pull up score when i want to best thing next to heaven ♪ ♪ they be tryna count me out tho i'm just counting counting blessings ♪ ♪ a real woman 'bout her paper don't know where i came from ♪ ♪ boy i really really came up you can never can say ♪ ♪ i'm lacking all the -- that i been through only made me more of an assassin ♪
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♪ i kill em i kill em i kill em with compassion and baby if they asking ♪ ♪ tell em tell em tell em tell em ♪ ♪ i go i go i go i go cra ay ay azy cra ay ay ay azy ♪ ♪ i go i go i go i go cra ay ay azy cra ay ay ay azy ♪ ♪ live for the challenge it only makes me stronger one more reason to turn up on 'em ♪ ♪ i go i go i go i go cra ay ay azy cra ay ay ay azy ♪ ♪ lit lit lit lit only l-i take is to the face you showed up to see me lose but i overcome ♪ ♪ so you overcame basic basic ain't nothing bout me basic crazy i'm crazy ♪ ♪ better watch what you say to me 'cause ♪ ♪ young sway got the answers give'em hell give'em pressure vip couch no manners
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dirty dirty dirty dancing ♪ ♪ like take a look at what i did go full circle with the wrist whipping whipping ♪ ♪ up the grit get a handful of this ♪ ♪ nasty i got it i got it i got it and you gone respect it ♪ ♪ ain't nothing ain't nothing gon' stop me from making it happen ♪ ♪ so baby if they asking tell em tell em tell em tell em ♪ ♪ i go i go i go i go cra ay ay azy cra ay ay ay azy ♪ ♪ i go i go i go i go cra ay ay azy cra ay ay ay azy ♪ ♪ live for the challenge it only makes me stronger one more reason ♪ to turn up on 'em ♪ i go i go i go i go cra ay ay azy cra ay ay ay azy ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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this is "nightline." tonight, a young woman's mission to join her hero. >> i've been praying and visualizing myself in africa with you and the team in june. >> proo said yes, taking her along to open her school in south africa. >> i said "yes," because i could feel your passion. >> forging a strong bond with these women from the bleakest of circumstances. >> where do you think you would be right now, if you hadn't gone to the academy? >> i'd probably be dead. >> under intense pressure to succeed. >> i have people back home. that's what i always think about. me being here gives them hope. plus a whole new "scandal." kerry washington taking michael strahan for a spin behind the scenes of her explosive show. how s


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