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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  March 29, 2017 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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it's march 29th. time for new viral videos "right this minute." villagers frantically dig to rescue something buried in the dirt. >> oh, my gosh. is that a newborn baby? >> that's a human child. >> yes, that is a newborn child. >> the story behind the heart breaking discovery that thankfully has a happy ending. he's a brave guy who's living on the edge -- >> but he doesn't seem to have even the slightest bit of nerves or fear. >> see how he nails some high-rise stunts that will make your palms sweat. >> oh! everyone's ready to say cheese and then -- >> pops in. >> find out why this back seat photobomber is a welcomed addition. we're breaking down the best on the web like the robot taking over the drive-thru.
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>> is that a crash test dummy that's come to order food? >> see the prank that might require an employee reboot. >> everything will be fine. you will not believe what i'm about to show you in this video from india. it starts off with a group of people gathered. and there's already someone digging through this dirt with his hands and then you see what was buried in that dirt. >> oh, my gosh. that's an infant. is that a newborn baby? >> that's a human child. >> yes, that is a newborn child. in fact, according to reports, no more than six hours old. >> oh, wow. how did they find it? did they hear it crying? >> it turns out a small school girl happened to be walking in that area, saw the feet of this baby sticking out of the dirt, ran for help, and that's when
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villagers got to this location to save the baby's life. >> but hold on. does that mean somebody buried that child alive? >> it's inconclusive how the baby got here. some people are saying they believe the parents were the ones behind this, but there is an investigation underway to figure out exactly how this baby got here. because right now they don't know who the parents are. they don't know where she came from. the baby was taken to a hospital where she's being treated. some reports say she's in stable condition. the good thing is that because of all the attention this story has gotten in the video, a lot of people are reaching out to the child welfare committee to adopt her. there's also interest and they will be finding the best home for her. ♪ we're all born with different traits, right? some people are born without certain traits.
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like cricket born without the fear factor, i think. this kid is just bananas. >> oh! >> my goodness. >> oh! no, no, no, no. >> he doesn't seem to have even the slightest bit of nerves or fear. >> or sense. >> he's running around, jumping around, rolling around on these very narrow ledges way up high in the air. this one coming up right here, watch this. did he miss his ledge? no. jumped a whole story down. is that? 12 feet, maybe more. >> i'm sick to my stomach watching this. >> the only thing he wrote in his description is don't try it if you're not a professional. you want to see what it's like if you're not a professional? >> no. >> how about if you're just a college student at ohio university. >> oh! >> dummy. >> that's so dumb. it's a nerf ball.
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get another one. >> he collapses and you hear a collective ooh. in the crowd. now, there have been some reports that come out saying this kid was just fine. but it was also said he suffered a minor concussion and no other real injuries. so that's what it looks like when you're not a professional. sometimes you see a miracle, all you got to do is look up. that's what the people in peru did. they saw what's called a rainbow of fire. let me clarify, not a fire, not a rainbow. but beautiful to look at. >> wait, wait. why is it called a rainbow fire? >> would you rather call it a circum -- i can't say it. circle horizontal arc? >> only if it made you say it three more times. >> i understand why they call it that. it looks like a rainbow. it looks like fire. but it's not. >> but i need to know the
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science. >> the sun has been very high in the sky, at least 58 degrees above the horizon, and then you need some cirrus clouds. the cirrus clouds have to be flat shaped like a plate and the plates have to be parallel to the ground. when they are, the light going through the ice crystals create this. >> no wonder you say like a mirac miracle. that sounds like a lot of things that have to come together to make it happen. >> this miracle different and much smaller. this little parakeet emerging from the shell. in its owners hands. 5 million people in china have already viewed this video because they think it's amazing watching this little miracle, this little parakeet emerging from its shell. chirping already, eyeit's like . you know how it goes. any time we're about to hang out as a family or with friends, you take a selfie -- >> document the moment. >> that's right. that's exactly what this family
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is doing. you've got mom and dad, two sisters here. that's their son's girlfriend in the middle. they're all saying cheese. >> oh, shoot. >> and just as they realize it's a video and they're trying to correct dad, rowland pops in. >> rowland? >> and everybody goes bananas. because rowland is a marine and he told them he wouldn't be able to make it home for spring break. >> did you know he was doing this? >> dad was the only one that was in on this? >> yes. dad went and picked rowland up earlier and they had no idea. he told them that they were just going to breakfast and they put all this together. it was one big beautiful surprise. this next video is super sweet as well. this little one's dad is in the military. he's been gone about a month. they decided to give her a little something.
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>> oh, that's cute. that's her dad. it's her dad's voice. >> yes. they had a voice recording of her father's voice put in her teddy bear so every time she presses it, it plays. this made me melt. >> dad! >> oh, my goodness. i can't handle that. >> dad! he's looking at some sculptures by the sea and realizes -- >> not all art is created equal. >> very interpretive. >> see his spoof not quite open for interpretive. >> connect with your inner child. and when it comes to the morning routine -- >> this dog is better than a lot of kids i know. >> why he's got the dental hygiene thing down pat. listerine® kills 99%
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2:40 pm
our insurance company may not have a name your price tool [ shouting ] but we got disses for days! your mother is so lame, she never put any notes in your lunch bag. sandwiches o-o-only. yeah! yeah, well if you use progressive's name your price tool, maybe you could use the savings to buy a decent suit. i got this jaime. ♪ you could throw shade all day ♪ ♪ but it'll never land ♪ 'cause we got the name your price tool ♪ ♪ in the palm of our h-a-a-and ♪ mic drop. mime: ouch. what? it was a sweet burn. progressive's name your price tool. word to your wallet.
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closed captioning provided by -- strength. so for 24 hour symptom relief be wise all take new xyzal. adrian has headed down to a beach in perth to check out the sculptures by the sea where they
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put all different art for him to enjoy. so -- >> let's get artsy. >> i felt like he should have said let's get snarky. >> this is a very interesting piece. what could it mean? >> then it just stays at ten. >> this is a west australian pastime. leaving crushed on the beach. >> i actually really like that one. i think there's an ecofriendly conversation that it can strike up. you know? considering how much waste you create that ends up in the ocean. >> very interpretive. >> is he going to interpret this entire video? >> that's fine. because this is the road that adrian goes down. >> this particular piece questions national relations in an ever-globalizing world. no, it doesn't. it's just string attached to trees. >> that's what it is. right. >> well, that's the thing. some people are so deep and you be like -- >> what's wrong with being deep? >> a scoff from the producers on that one. >> can you shut up? >> you can't argue with this
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one. >> this is a double tube stolen from adventure world. >> nothing from vera on that one. >> reminder you need to connect with your inner child. >> i'm going to connect with my inner tube. >> very interpretive. >> this piece is to abstract you need to imagine it yourself. >> that's just a lazy artist right there. >> where's my money? here's my plaque. >> before you know it, it's the stool that breaks the camera's back. >> runs into the ocean but not without doing a little bit of art himself. >> that entire video was kind of performance art. one of the most fun and popular offroad things to do these days is buy one of those purpose-built buggies. they've taken the place of quads
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and atvs. these guy
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the country of turkey is known for their large population of stray cats and dogs. but they are very well liked by people. it's very common for people to leave food out for them and shelter for them. however, there's one woman who is treating their care as a labor of love. this is 87-year-old mrs. oksulu. she has been feeding these stray cats in her neighborhood for 60 years. >> what? >> well, that explains turkey's out of control population of cats and dogs. she did it! >> she says she spends about $54 of her own money a month to feed these cats. and they get a nice maeal. homemade pasta, chicken, fish. now she's reaching out to people
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saying i know there's animal lovers out there and it's probably better for these cats to have cat food. if you want to donate cat food, i'll feed it to them. >> that's sweet of her to be this dedicated to these cats. it's kind and humanitarian of her. now in brazil, this dog is better than a lot of kids i know. this dog knows the daily routine of teeth clean is going to get her attention. so every day, this happens. >> how many people have tried this with their dogs and it's impossible? >> it's probably like peanut butter flavored toothpaste. that's why he's like, yes, please. the train spotting parody. one big change. next "right this minute." and still to come, stuck in the hospital and dancing his way out. >> is raising spirits all across the country. probably all around the world. >> drop! >> see why he's doing it next. it's one of the prettiest
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cities in the world. it make yous want to fly. >> i'll just got there in an airplane and let you know from the ground. >> see why charity won't on the next "right this minute." especially for people with heart failure. but today there's entresto... a breakthrough medicine that can help make more tomorrows possible. tomorrow, i want to see teddy bait his first hook. in the largest heart failure study ever, entresto was proven to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. if you've had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, don't take entresto. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. tomorrow, i'm gonna step out with my favorite girl.
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ask your doctor about entresto. and help make the gift of tomorrow possible. classic hershey's outside. with a new creamy, crunchy inside. new hershey's cookie layer crunch. classic reimagined.
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allergy symptoms and nothing gets you closer than nasacort because unlike antihistamines nasacort stops more of what makes you miserable. albreakthrough withyou back. non-drowsy allegra® for fast 5-in-1 multi-symptom relief. breakthrough allergies with allegra®. like us on stay connected all day long. now back to the show. michael lopez is a patient featured in this video who is raising spirits all across the country. actually, probably all around the world. michael is a patient who was diagnosed back in september of
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2014 with acute leukemia. he's been battling it ever since and he's had to spend months on end in hospital rooms connected to machines, connected to his treatment. but is that slowing him down? obviously you can see. he posted this vid embryo in part people are asking what do you do in your room this whole time. >> looks like the treatment is working because he seems >> there's a sweeter story behind these videos. he met a friend in treatment who had his same condition. mr. payne. they decided at some point they were going to do some videos together. but unfortunately mr. payne didn't make it, so michael decided he was going to continue making these videos. he was going to continue dancing in the name of mr. payne. and to talk to us more about his journey, we have michael via skype right this minute. welcome to the show, michael. what does it feel like to have
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that positive influence on people? >> i'm hoping the video -- i'm not really looking for myself to inspire. >> do you feel like you're getting benefit off it though? people all over the world talk about the restorative benefits of a positive mental attitude. you seem to have that? >> i love dancing. i love talking. i talk a lot. a lot of people on the floor, a >> you say other patients are saying this. do you go down the hallways and give them a show? >> i talked to the nurses to show them the videos but they won't do it. so i post it onto groups -- cancer groups, leukemia groups. everyone just shares it and leaves positive how much it inspires them. >> have any of the doctors or nurses say, hey, we're going to need you to settle down a little bit? >> yeah. i get it all the time. i'm the infamous one on the floor. there's one where jump off the armchair. they didn't like that. >> yeah, but we do. we do. >> are you in the hospital now?
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where are you at? >> yeah. i'm in orlando hospital. haven't been outside since february 7th. >> wow. >> look at how happy you are. man, you are just a positive dude. >> got to keep it like that. >> now, you have a new goal. tell us about that? >> now i'm trying to re-enact michael jackson's video with cancer patients of all ages to show the world how bad we are. if anyone hasions to so or jackson estate and ghe license for the song, that's the main goal. u keep doctor told me i'm leaving. >> yea! >> cool. one thing i've always wanted islicense. the freedom of going up in a plane and flying. but planes are expensive which is why i'm thankful for these videos. evythem, i'mstartinghink you ca go up it very calm, it's chill..
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then you can see unique views of unique places. pigetting the bef dubai. ♪ >> you can see some of the more unique features in the city. you can see that from space. it goes out into the gulf shaped like a big palm tree. >> they built their own island, right? i love this. i'm serious, we're learning how to do this. >> i love the view. so i'll just go there in an you how it is from the ground. i'll be there to record your landing. a high-tech customer decides to hit the drive-thru. >> hello.>> these pooro
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>> no, they don't. >> see what happens when a robot serves up a hilarious prank. >> thank you. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to worry about student loan debt. i graduated into it. so i couldn't do the things i love, like traveling. but i knew there had to be a way to manage it. citizens bank education refinance loan. call... an education refinance loan helped me save on payments each month. if you have a question about whether refinancing is right for you, ask me. sincerely, robert kennedy, fellow grad and fellow citizen. call... to refi now.
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out, head over to or our mobile app. robots, they're taking over. pretty soon, won't need you, you, you, me. and apparently it's already starting. >> hello. >> is that a crash test dummy that's come to order some food? >> oh, man. >> hello. >> these poor girls do not get paid enough to deal with this. >> no, they don't. >> hello. >> from this youtube channel, they keep chipping away at them. >> hello. >> i like how she backs away slowly. >> don't move too quickly. everything will be fine. >> hello, darling. $1.90 is your total. oh, my god.
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>> some people just freeze immediately. >> how? >> hello. >> i'm watching you. >> no, no, no. i don't do this. no, no, no. bro, i swear to god. artificial intelligence, i will whoop your tail. >> he has done this prank more than a dozen times. but somehow he always makes it entertaining and reinvents it. >> thank you. >> so we're still like, yes. >> sorry. malfunctioning. >> hey! hope you enjoyed the show. we'll see you on the next brand
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3:00 pm
might i say, you look, uh, stunning. thank you. um, so do you. i-i ordered for us. yeah. i'm just noticing this. [ chuckling ] wow. feeling nostalgic, are we? well, yeah. i mean, i saw that they were specials, so i -- i don't know -- i couldn't resist. good lord. i haven't had one of these since, um... dunbar's retirement party? retirement party. [ chuckling ] oh, wow. see, you thought i forgot about that. i did. those were good times. they were. so, here is to more good times... working together. is that a job offer? i am asking for information about a painting that is on consignment to an auction house in turkey. you feel that requires a fee?


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