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tv   World News Now  ABC  April 5, 2017 2:40am-4:00am EDT

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he whole thing out, go to or on the mobile app. when it comes to pranksters, we all know nobody is safe. not momma, not daddy, not sisters, not brother. i thought there was a line somewhere. >> no. >> well, in the ace family, not even the baby is safe. because you got kathryn and you've got austin and there's sweet little cutie-pie elle. everything is mommy. so what happens when she wakes up in the morning and doesn't see mommy? dad's a great default? what happens when daddy's not there and this thing is there in daddy's place? >> oh. no. >> there you see mom on the side of the bed. she put the pillows up so baby elle can't fall. and dad dressed as -- >> jason/grandma/melty face.
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>> yes. little elle is 10 months old. >> wow. i cannot believe what i'm about to see. >> so once he's situated, he pokes and prods at little elle making sure she's going to wake up. she's enjoying this nap. >> look. somehow elle managed to look like the wig though. >> runs in the family. >> now she turns around and she's still wobbly. she's like, that feels like dad. >> wow. >> looking around. crawls up on the pillow. >> uh-oh. here it is. >> here it comes. >> it's me. it's me. >> the funniest part about this video is i've had this exact same reaction. >> so what? >> it looks like she's okay.
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we'll see you on the next brand new episode of "right this minute." be sure to check out for more fun content. we'll see you next time. ♪ ♪ >> ha-ha. >> oh, yes. great music choice. >> imagine looking out your back window, and there it is. jurassic park. >> no thank you. >> woman on the gulf coast, spotted a mother alligator, herding the brood 16 babies across a golf course. >> 16! >> man. >> lot of babies. >> how many baby daddies? all 16. >> pretty big too. >> that's going to be one episode of maury. >> good not encountering any of those. this one picked specially for you. >> you people. >> just south of where those
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alligators are spotted two python hunters made an impressive catch. a 15-foot snake and they did this on the first day of a pilot program that allows licensed python hunters to go after those deadly snakes. >> yeah, did a story on it. nice. >> you are familiar with the program, right? >> we -- this is, this is -- when i run away from it. really? come on? >> you are like. >> pick the manleyest moments of it. >> 20 meet away from the snake. you've still jump back. >> that's original bounce back. forget big sean. that's it. let's talk taxes. move on for all the snakes. tax day approaches, alert for taxpayers and big change for the irs. >> the agency will hand over debt collection to private firms yuf you may get a phone call about back taxes you owe. >> the roone feason for you --
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>> millions of american have heard the threat from scammers claiming to be from the irs. so telly capera is a victim. >> for years the irs warned against callers demanding money saying the irs does not do that. if you are at all behind on your taxes the irs will have a private company call you starting this spring. part of a new program where debt collectors have been hired by the irs to chase down long overdue taxes that the irs just can't get to. and they had no choice. a new law enacted by congress in 2015 requires the irs hire debt collectors to help pay for new road. but these new contracts could cause a spike in scam calls. so here's how to make sure you are not being scammed when the program kicks in. the irs will contact you multiple times in writing before you are ever called by contractors. you won't hear from a private collector unless you have multiple years of overdue taxes.
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and all payments will be made to the irs not the contracted company. if you got a phone call from the irs and it is this really aggressive, threatening, sounding kind of a thing, hang up. >> if you are not sure, if you have an unpaid account with the irs, visit plug in your information. it should tell you. if not give them a call. kendis, diane. >> stephanie. thank you. >> coming up cleaning with ken? dis? >> what? i didn't sign up for that. i will never never wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene doesn't just wash your hair, it fuels it. with the first pro-v nutrient blend, making every... ...strand stronger don't just wash your hair fuel it fuel your hair. because strong is beautiful.
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♪ ♪ >> it is one of those traditions, this time of year. of course, baseball opening day, and nearly upon us. cherry blossoms in peak, you realize what a loser your ungrateful boyfriend is, kick him to the curb.
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so is tradition of spring cleaning. it could be overwhelming. dana white author of "how to manage your home without losing your mind" here to help us out. good morning. not here for relationship add v vie -- advice. >> no, i'm not. >> should have then to get rid of that good for nothing partner. >> he's good. >> really decluttering. how do you start? an overwhelming thing? >> it is. a lot of people get an urge to spring clean. then they're overwhelmed with clutter. and feel like i can't even spring clean. there is too much stuff in my house. so we are going to talk about how to work through the overwhelming clutter. >> how do we do it? >> number one thing, your goal is to reduce the mess. grab a black trash bag. need to be black so the little people in your home can't see what you are putting inside. decide it is their favorite thing ever. >> by little people, you mean the mice? >> no, i mean the kids. >> sorry. >> yeah. so you go ahead just get rid of trash. usually if there is a mass of
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clutter there is going to be trash in there. things you meant to throw away. but you didn't. why do i still have this. go ahead, get the trash out. the overall mess will be reduced. and you will be less overwhelmed. keep going. >> that's what you would say is the first move. when it comes. after you get through the trash. what next? >> easy stuff. okay. let me ex-plane what i mean by easy stuff. the easy stuff is the stuff that has a home some where else. it is just not there. and so, you look at this mass, you go that is overwhelming. you stay what is easien here. this is easy. take it there right now. so that you don't have a keep box, procrastination box you are suppose to go and you never get to it. >> what if you are not sure where something should go. >> this is my first decluttering question. and that is -- if i was looking for this item, where would i look for it first?
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not where should i look for it? where would i go to find it if i needed this. take it there. that's where it should go. where you would look first. >> for me in the closet. >> where i look in the clozset. that can get complicated. have that problem. go thut spa to that space that is overwhelming. don't get distracted. take out one thing that is obvious, easy. that knead to go in the trash. put that there. close it up. go become to the space you are working on. so you can make progress. >> divorcing a lot of the things you loved for years. >> it's hard. where would i look for this? if you can't answer that question. i have a second decluttering question. that is, if i needed this. would it, occur to me to look for it.
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did you know that you had it. if you didn't. you would go out and buy another one. go ahead and stick that in your donate box. >> what's special about the donate box? >> this is a super boring donate box. it is important. to leave the house. i don't have to go back through it. i will donate it with the donations inside. can be a bag, suitcase. anything you are getting rid of. >> it is a super special box to me. really quickly. do you clean as you go? >> yes. >> don't get hung up on the cleaning. okay. but get your easy, easy stuff to clean it. and things to get rid of the dust quickly. if you will get rid of the clutter. your house will look and feel cleaner. >> can you come back and give us relationship advice on huh to get the ex out of the house? >> yes, i can totally do that. >> thank you for joini ining us. >> find more tips on the
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website. you're watching "world news now." just going to clean up around here. >> okay. >> all right.
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♪ ♪
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>> okay. >> you know mr. and mrs. carter? >> yeah. jimmy and rosalynn? >> different mr. and mrs. carter, celebrating their ninth wedding anniversary and celebrating giving us a little inside look. >> yes, talking first about beyonce and jay-z, dangerous in love, crazien love. and now, something else. abc's byron pitts has the story. ♪ i don't have ha reason to cry♪ >> reporter: queen bee is back, dropping a song for "die with you." the video released on beyonce and jay-z's ninth wedding anniversary. racking up 6 million views on instagram. fan love pouring in to social media. one twitter user writing if you truly dislike beyonce, you are only doing that to be fake different. because beyonce is actual perfecti perfection. another tweeting, beyonce's die with you is what you hear when you go to heaven.
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♪ because darling i'll weak up >> the ballad captured the carter family's intimate moments. ♪ i open my eyes >> the power couple's wedding. >> reporter: the birth of blue ivy. and there daughter kissing peon say's baby bump. beyonce's "die with you" without a doubt has fans dying for more. ♪ ♪ >> yeah! >> byron pitts, abc news, new york. >> what you didn't hear was the whole time that package was playing, somebody was serenading me. >> because years ago she put out the same song. >> demonstrate, please. ♪ sunset i open my eyes so i can see ♪ >> holding the mug so it doesn't break. >> ha-ha-ha. >> too late. cracked. >> important message
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this morning on "world news now," north korea saber rattling. >> the country launched a ballistic missile. latest in a string of provocations from dictator kim jung-un. will the rogue country stay on the agenda ahead of president trump's meeting with his chinese counterpart. >> humanitarian crisis in syria managed to got even worse. war crimes committed in the war torn country as scenes of torture from chemical weapons continue to emerge this morning. the question many are wondering what can be done to stop this? >> new developments in the effort to repel and replace obamacare after the bill stalled the first time. vice president pence on a full court press to win support for revised bill. this as a new poll says the majority of the public want to keep the current system. >> and we are getting into the
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other debate, the politics of pizza. more world leaders weighing in on what is and isn't a proper slice of pizza. if you are tired of being lectured about pizza from others. so are we. fight back with us on this wednesday, april 5th. the pizza debate to end all pizza debates. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." we say good morning to everybody. we are going to got to the latest salvo fired in the pizza wars a little later. but move on to the other pressing salvo that was fired overnight. new missile launch by north korea days before a meeting between trump and the chinese president. >> missile reportedly flew 40 miles into the sea of japan. north korea claims its tests are for the space program. other countries though believe that the program will deliver nuclear weapons. >> secretary of state rex tillerson dismissed the latest missile launch in really what was a brief statement. all 23 word of it.
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saying north korea launched yet another intermediate range ballistic missile, the united states has spoken enough about north korea. we have no further comment. full stop. >> north korea conducted missile tests while japan's prime minister was in the u.s. and tillerson was in asia. abc's bob woodruff just in north korea and asked regime official if the missile tests were strategy to gain leverage in dealing with the united states. >> all of the measures all of the actions in order to bring up nuclear deter enlt forrent forc of normal procedure, conducted according to our own plans. >> north korea was high on the agenda for the meeting at mar a lago between president trump and the chinese president. the president will push chin to exert more economic pressure on north korea. president trump said the u.s. is prepared to act alone itch china doesn't help. >> we turn to the top story, a
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horrible one. stunning new developments in the six year war in syria. >> this video believed to show the moment, syrian war planes dropped chemical weapons on a town south of aleppo. >> even worse this piece of video of the victims. we are staying away from gruesome moments. should point out. john ska carl tells us what happened. >> reporter: an apparent war crime, suspected sarin gas attack killing dozens and sickening many more. young children among the victims. children clinging to life. struggling to breathe. >> the gas attacks are continuing every day. and no one is doing anything to stop this gas attack. >> reporter: this attack following two chlorine gas attacks over the past week.
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while this local activist reported from one of the hospitals, it was hit with another air strike. the white house called the attack reprehensible and said it can not be ignored by the civilized world. but the statement also took aim at president obama. these hap nus aeinous actions b assad regime are a consequence of the previous administration's weakness in resolution. a reference to obama's failure to punish syria, when it crossed the so-called red line when it used weapons. president obama boast heed worked out an agreement to get rid of sa dad's achemical weapons. >> because assad gave up weapon. >> the big question right now is whether president trump will hold assad accountable for using chemical weapons. didn't talk about it but did say
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this in a speech on the economy. >> i'm not. i don't want to be the president of the world. i'm the president of the united states. and from now on, it's going to be america first. [ applause ] >> secretary of state rex tillerson ignored questions on the attack. >> mr. secretary -- >> but just last week, timerson signal a change in long time u.s. policy that bashar al assad must go. >> the status, longer term status of president assad will be decided by the syrian people. >> these syrian people aren't determining the assad, trying to survive his brutality t secretary of state tillerson took a harsher line on assad. condemning his brutal unabashed
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barberism and disregard for human decency. he said assad must be held accountable and condemn al allies, russia and iran,ing they they bear great moral responsibility for the attacks. left still unclear however is what the trump administration plans to dupe about it. jonathan carl, abc news, the white house. >> out to the domestic askren day for the white house. scrambling to get the derailed health care plan on track. mike pence held talks. called the meeting pro dock tiff actually. they're now kidding doing away with the popular obama care provision. another possible change. states may be allowed to opt out of provision that requires insurers to cover essential health benefits. >> the vice president instrumental in bringing together different groups from our conference to talk about concepts. right now, just conceptual stage of how to move forward in a way
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that can get everybody 216. >> another meeting scheduled for today. the president hoping for a vote on revised bill by the end of this week. but some republicans say, that is unlikely. >> as republican struggle to reach a beal. obama care more popular than ever. look at numbers the first time it gained majority approval by the way. 40% want to keep the law. make changes. 30% want it repeels. 26% want to keep obama care as it is. >> turning to the with. severe storm system, has the eastern third of the countrien cross hairs. several tornados, spawned. caused damage in the southwest of missouri. there were no serious injuries or fatality. heavy snow west of denver. closing the westbound lanes for a time. road, schools were closed because of snow along the texas new mexico border. severe threat is in the
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southeast. especially georgia. the region may see tormz. tornado, large hail. and the worst weather in late afternoon and evening. >> national champion, unc tar heels are back home with their fans tonight. this morning rather. senior player, nate bright carried the toefy. following the flight home from arizona. they all attended a victory rally at their home arena. >> still using the net around his neck. you can see. look at it. a sea of blue. pumps up fans. man. >> pretty excited. >> i'd say so. eight years, they're pumps. gulf pros have one more day to line up for the masters. world one, rory mcilroy. well today the players' children will be dropped for the par 3 con ses.
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>> for some soccer. what maybe the most friendly pitch invasion ever in the uk. >> teams were playing when a beagle ran on the field and refused to leave. these things dent usually disrupt matches for very long. as this one wore on. and attempts to catch him kept failing. fans were cheering for the dog. that continues, oh, man for a while. >> so, 7 minutes after this all started the a player was finally able to grab the dog by the collar. a smattering of boos there in the audience. audience was not happy. and they walked a little dog off the field. >> least popular player. maybe didn't catch him so long. they knew that, that one would be -- players did not have the audience. finally united. soccer audience. >> finally united. >> when kwe come back, of in flames. a cell phone combusting. this time took place inside an
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elementary school. >> hear what happened after a 9-year-old, heated up in his pocket. >> if you like laying in bed. make thousand. lounging on your mattress. there is a catch. do long distance traveling. >> to sleep. >> might be worth it. find us on facebook. what do you think abumt this biz. let us know. over on facebook on twitter at abc wnn. you're watching world news now. life looks great
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with tampax pearl. you get ultimate protection on your heaviest days and smooth removal for your lightest. tampax pearl and pocket pearl for on the go.
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traffic came to a stand still during rush hour on a highway in los angeles after a four vehicle crash involving a tanker truck carrying milk. several people were critically injured during the accident. during rush hour. the tanker spilled the milk adding to the problem. >> to the other coast.
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a 9-year-old boy in boca raton, florida, recovering from burns after his cell phone battery burst into flamdes. the boy had it in his pocket. pulled it out, dropped it to the floor. it ignited. students and staff were evacuated while the battery burned itself out. the boy suffered minor burns on his leg. >> the search for answer at connecticut college after a student died during a pancake eating contest. >> all for charity. sadly for caitlyn nelson it resulted in her death. caitlyn nelson was a 20-year-old majoring in social work at sacred heart, a college in the middle of new england, a member of a sa railroad torority. attended an all you can eat pancake competition. everything went wrong. nelson had eaten four, five when she suddenly fell to the floor, started to shake uncontrollably. >> i heard she was choking. didn't know how serious it was. i saw everyone kind of leave
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that kind of room they were in. kind of evacuating the area. they all want outside. everyone was kind of, frantic. like, what was happening. >> two nursing students who were there immediately tried to help. nelson was taken to a hospital near in critical but staebl condition. two days later, trained ferd to a hospital in new york city where she passed away. >> obviously she was choking whether a combination what she was eating as well as a -- reaction, allergic react, that closed her airway. officers tried at great lengths to attempt to clear her airway. >> they say she suffered from food allergies they did not contribute to her death. thousand of students took part in the vigil remembering the classmate, caring and compassionate. nelson's family will donate their organs. she was 5 years old when her father, a port authority cop died in the world trade center on 9/11. >> we began to respond to the
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sacred heart incident. we understood the gravity, a tragedy. to understand this family had gone through another tragedy involving her father and that father being a police officer, compounds the tragedy for all of us. >> no doubt it does. and new york city news, reported the heimlich was performed. did not work. lot of people fried to help ore out. >> really so sad and scary that no one was able to. >> there was nothing they could have done. >> coming up, the crisis at fox news. more advertisers are abandoning the o'reilly factor. the network's latest response. >> first the cast of "speechless" anything but as they discuss the message behind the ground breaking abc comedy. you are watching "world news now." that's why you'll stay in this drawer forever. i can't live without you, and that's why i'll never ever wash you.
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protect your clothes from stretching, fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. it smooths and strengthens fibers to protect clothes from the damage of the wash. so your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. downy fabric conditioner.
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♪ don't be the reason when you make me speechless ♪ >> speechless is the ground breaking new show on abc that is putting special needs characters, or at least one, front and center. >> the authenticity of the family supporting and surrounding him that gives this show a really powerful message. here is abc's nick watt. >> reporter: one thing i like about the show is that you don't live in like the friend' apartment that is lovely.
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you live in a terrible house. >> we do. not aspirational. >> self confessed idiots. >> never had an aide speak for him. >> imagine the elevator pitch for speechless. >> oh, yeah, no that means he is laughing. >> kid with cerebral palsy, terrible house, pushy, protective british mom. >> life is too short. >> according to the district it is acceptable alter that access. >> there is some one else on the acceptable alternate access now. >> i was scared it would be terrible. >> sappily, sentimental. everly dramatic. it's not that. >> he has cerebral palsy, speechless, played by michael fowler who has cerebral palsy. >> making us laugh with glances. is it tough to do that? >> it was tough at the beginning. this role made me a better
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actor. because i have to use facial expression. >> reporter: you are slightly unlikely couple in a way. >> you are saying she is too hot for me. flat out saying she is too hot for me. >> listen, internet. >> i'm saying that. >> i do make minnie laugh in real life. minnie occasionally said i smell good. and, relationships have been built on less. >> reporter: yes, they have. >> an executive producer on friend, created this show, his brother, has cerebral palsy. >> my dad wrote that. he is not a pet or anything. but he is a game who has experience crafted his world view. i wish he had more speeches like that. we have 23 episode to fill. >> reporter: yes, a message. >> action! >> reporter: clearly still has the to play by the normal rules of tv come de. >> reporter: i watch this with my #-year-old boy. if he didn't find it funny he would walk it out. >> my 8-year-old find it
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hilarious. >> these look stupid. >> fun and fulfillment for all. the show walks the fine line. doesn't want to be too offensive. >> my line was, having a disability is really expensive. almost not even worth it. that joke it self pushes the boundary a little bit. scott gave the note. micah should laugh. only work if he tells us it is okay. >> no more special ed. brilliant. right. >> make people laugh, have them observe a family that lives like this. then maybe their in the action with some one who uses a wheelchair on the street is different. >> nick watt for "nightline" in los angeles. >> such a cool concept. actually a really funny show. >> really is. >> great. dealing with kind of a difficult topic. do it in an accessible way. >> love they test out joke on him. should point out, speechless airs on abc at 8:30 wednesday nights. check it out. it is awesome. >> we can relate, she ties hot for him pairing?
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we hear that all the time? >> we do? i don't get those tweets. >> no. >> the pizza war to end all pizza wars next. you get used to food odors in your car. you think it...
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...smells fine, but your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors... ...for up to 30 days smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze. ♪ lysol max cover kills 99.9% of bacteria, even on soft surfaces. one more way you've got what it takes to protect. two kids barfed in class today. it was so gross. lysol disinfectant spray kills 99.9% of bacteria,
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even those that cause stomach bugs. one more way you've got what it takes to protect.
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all right, time for "the mix." and this is becoming a mix theme now. >> yes. >> it seems. pizza wars. when heap thougwe thought we we with pizza. from yesterday. we now -- >> what do we have? >> world leader who is now come up with something completely -- >> guy from new zealand. prime minister. canned spaghetti on pizza. made the at home. then stopped with ham and pineapp pineapple. >> yeah. >> all this started with the pineapple ham pizza where the, australian prime minister said. this is gross. >> iceland. >> iceland. >> yes. that started the war. >> then we had the guy who put peas and mayo on pizza, college
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student dipped hers in milk. >> yeah. >> we decided try to see what do you thing is ultimate worst thing we could do to pizza. >> putting an end to the pizza war. >> want to go? want me to go? >> pineapple to start. >> twizzler pizza. do that. >> is that too gross for you. >> twiz tizlers. >> looking good. yes. >> oreo pizza? >> mm. >> kendis is eating. >> all right. >> oreo pizza. and twizzler. >> yeah, listen, going full monte. >> no, not going. i do have. >> skittles. >> peanut butter. peanut butter and pizza. gross enough for y'all? >> oh, boy. >> peanut butter. >> pizza. >> have skittles. camera one. yeah. >> last but not least. uh-huh. >> smores.
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>> smores. graham crackers, marshmallow, chocolate. >> smoresen one. >> ready? >> uh-huh. okay. wait. one more. hold on. >> got to didn't in something. >> dip it in a sauce. little diet coke right here. >> go. >> dropped skit lds. a -- skittles. >> ready? go for it. here we go. >>. [ groans ] >> did that win? >> oh. >> so terrible. >> awesome. >> oh, jesus. >> while you eat this. take a look at this job. ultimate job. >> you are not allowed to ever get up from the bed. your shoulder, need to be touching the mattress, at all times. what's worse than that? doing that job or eating this pizza? >> didn't know. the peanut but r ter
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make the most of a few minutes with instant moisture from k-y ultragel. z1we5z zi0z
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this morning on "world news now" -- north korea launching a ballistic missile and the world reacts. the u.s. is choosing not to respond to the problematic country's show of force. the view from seoul, south korea. >> the showdown over the supreme court heats up. the democrats are flexing filibuster muscles as confirming judge neil nuclear gorsuch. tell you where the issue goes today. >> new this half-hour, fay fal -- tae lking his victim on an atlanta street. while investigators try to figure out if the attack was random. >> coming up in "the skinny,"
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kendall jenner's controversy new pepsi ad has people reacting with a little bit of anger overnight. the message that is falling flat and causing immediate backlash. it's wednesday, april 5th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." just thinking of all the waitresses and waiters, is pepsi okay? after that ad, people are okay, no, no, it's not. after that ad. a lot of people are reacting negatively to it. >> we'll have all the details on that coming up. start things off with the latest missile test by north korea. comes on the eve of the first face to face meeting between president trump and china's president. >> the u.s. plans to press china to do more to hold back north korea. more on the missile launch from abc's correspondent in south korea. >> reporter: missile fire from a mobile launcher flew 40 miles which would have normally been a failure. south korean military says it may have been a teaser launch on purpose. to show off its defiance and to send a message to president
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trump and chinese president ping. north korea will continue its course of provocative military actions, no matter what the outcome is from mar a lago. >> defiant, intransigent. opaque, the north koreans really do not seem to pay any attention or care at all what the trump administration or what the ping administration thinks of them. >> reporter: what north korea wants is a one-on-one with the united states. without beijing involved at least when it comes to nuclear issues. >> translator: so because the u.s. is the most important relevant party to this issue. so i, i don't think it will be effective for the united states to ask somebody to help in this issue. >> reporter: president trump expected to demand for that help from china. and to do more to rein in pyongyang. he did say if china did not join in he is ready to go it alone. the past u.s. administrations have rejected north korea tea demand for direct talks, choosing to keep the neighboring
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countries involved in the form of six-party talks. that method has proved ineffective as north korea's missile technology and nuclear weapons cape -- capability. >> it is forcing countries into trying to think of new and potentially high risk bays to deal with this. >> reporter: the international consensus now is that time is running out. we're dealing with a militarily stronger north korea, on a different playing field. thank you. and secretary of state rex tillerson had very lit to say on the matter. deliberately. his statement was -- north korea launched yet another intered me yacht range ballistic missile. the united states has spoken enough about north korea. we have no further comment. >> does that mean they will press china to make the moves.
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does that mean we won't say anything. we will act with our military, our weapons, what? nobody knows. >> maybe they're keeping us in suspense on purpose. >> sure is doing that a nother thing the administration is keeping us in suspense on, their reaction. for the most part to the new images out of syria. they stunned the international community. >> we're not showing the most gruesome images. but these will still be hard to watch. the syrian government war planes have dropped what appears to have been toxic -- toxic sarin gas killing scores of civilians including children. >> latest images do show the victims in pain, struggling to breathe. as the rescue workers desperately try to hose off the poison off their body. now the syrian military repeated same denials about using chemical weapons. it's been making over the course of the six-year war. the attacks sparked swift condemnation from the white house as the u.s. britain and france propose aid u.n. security council resolution, condemning the attack. which diplomats say would likely be put to a vote later today. the united nations meanwhile
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says it is expanding camps for people fleeing mosul as the isis resumes its air strikes on iraq's second largest city. the u.n. says more than 300,000 people have fled mosul since october. victims escaping their homes say they're being held hostage in their own neighborhood with no food, no water, no electricity. and, they face sniper and mortar fire if they try to leave. >> back in this country, or not to a grim new report from the u.n. says that even if the wars in iraq and syria stopped today, it would take 40, 50 years to clear out all the mines, ieds, unexploded ordinances from both countries in terms of cost. a u.n. official says it would take about $180 million a year to clean up the areas, that have been retaken from isis. >> and, as i was saying in this country. former national security adviser susan rice denying allegations she used intelligence reports to spy on president trump's
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associates before he took office. rice acknowledged she asked for thames of americans referenced in the reports. but made it clear that the policy known as unmasking was a key part of hour job and not illegal or uncommon. a month after president trump accused president obama of wiretapping him. rice insisted the new administration was not targeted. >> this is not anything political has been alleged. the allegation is that somehow obama administration officials utilized intelligence for political purposes. that's false. rice denied she leaked any names. democrats say it is booing used to distract from russian meddling and ties to the trump campaign. >> now to the showdown over supreme court nominee neil gorsuch. senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell, filed a motion to end debate on judge gorsuch and clear the way for a final vote. while democratic senator of or gun has been staging a mock filibuster to protest the
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decision by republicans to block president obama's nominee last year. now these are live pictures even in the early morning hours there at the senate chambers you can see, the real filibuster however is expected tomorrow. but republicans are preparing to change the rules to confirm gorsuch with a simple majority. >> ivanka trump taking on her critics she speaks out since taking an official job at the white house. the president's daughter now assistant to the president, has been an outspoke advocate for will ep's issues. the 35-year-old mother of three tells cbs news, when she disagrees with her father she expresses herself with total candor and responded to criticism thee she has been complicit by not publicly denouncing some of his controversial policies. >> if being complicit is wanting to -- is wanting to be a force
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for good, and to make a positive impact, then i'm complicit. >> trump also defended her husband jared kushner expressing confidence she can handle his role. he is incredibly smart, talented and has an amazing team. >> police in atlanta trying to figure out the motive for a murder in the middle of the day at a busy intersection during rush hour. police say 39-year-old raylon browning caught on surveillance video stalking 40-year-old, attorney, trin ngyun, sneaking up on her from behind an then shooting her several times in the back before running off. police aren't sure the two even knew each other. but it is clear, he did target her. >> the fact that it happened during rush hour in broad day light is -- i guess, also telling that this guy is not right. that who ever did this is sick. and needs to be caught. >> browning was already wanted for a stabbing and was stopped when police say he blew through a red light. he is scheduled for his first
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court appearance later this morning. >> detroit police got a scare as they approached a van after a report of a child inside. crying for help. and the driver took off. she hit speed as high as 80 miles per hour. and when she ran out of roads, she started driving right across front yards. police say they would have called off the chase for safety concerns, except for the possibility of a child abduction. the driver eventually abandoned the van when it got a flat tire and a police sergeant then tackled the driver. it all happened live on television. her parents, called her as soon as it was over to say, that they had been watching the police sergeant. >> another police take downhere. this one in san diego. had cops literally taking a suspect down off a fence. >> caught by the seat of his pants. quite literally. one officer yanked him down. causing a rip in the jeans to the ankle. guessing the cops weren't concerned. >> those were versaces.
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>> wanted for throwing a rock causing a bloody injury as a result. he was arrested after being helped off the fence by the officers. >> helped. >> we're going to help you off the fence. your jeans may not survive. >> yeah. >> coming up in "the skinny," ad getting see much attention this morning. find out why the pepsi commercial has people all fired up. >> new developments in the fox news controversy surrounding bill o'reilly. what the network is saying now as more than 20 advertisers pull their support. first, a look at today's forecast. ♪ >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by you won't see these folks at the post office. they have businesses to run. they have passions to pursue. how do they avoid trips to the post office? mail letters, ship packages,
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a a bald eagle flying over students as they were reciting the pledge of allegiance at their school in the san francisco bay area. the bird and partner have built their nest in a tall tree near the school, and a photographer has actually been able to capture stunning images of them. they are nearly a dozen pairs of bald eagles in area. conservationists say because of efforts to preserve their
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habitat. >> beautiful. >> yeah. >> fox news dealing with trouble this morning. specifically another lawsuit. this time, claiming racial discrimination. >> add to that more than 20 companies have now pulled their ads from the network. abc's linsey davis with the latest. >> reporter: a burgeoning boycott of fox news as more than 15 companies plan to pull ads from the o'reilly factor in the weak of reports that bill o'reilly and fox news paid five women total of $13 million in settlements dating back 15 years among the advertisers, mercedes-benz who says the o'reilly factor is not a good environment in which to advertise our products right now. radio host, dr. wendy walsh said she too was sexually harassed by o'reilly. >> he told me i was a beautiful woman. asked me to go to his hotel room. then he became hostile to me when i said no. i was soon after, discontinued from this show. >> walsh says she is not asking for money. but money is what o'reilly says makes him a target.
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in a statement posted on his website over the weekend. o'reilly says he has to put to rest any controversies to spare his children. >> fox news' executive vice president of sales is responding saying, we value our partners, and are working with them to address their current concerns about the o'reilly factor. linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> that is not the end we heard of that saga no doubt. when we come back, hearing the start of another saga. this one, soda drama that has the the internet popping off. >> which former president's nephew just got a modeling contract. we're going to find out in "the skinny." coming up next. delivers more complete relief. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances that cause all your symptoms, including nasal congestion and itchy, watery eyes. flonase is an allergy nasal spray that works even beyond the nose. so you can enjoy every beautiful moment to the fullest. flonase. 6>1 changes everything.
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>> announcer: "world news now" continues af r
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♪ skinny so skinny >> "the skinny" on this wednesday. start with the new pepsi ad starring kendall jenner.
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the video, it is titled "jump in." it starts off innocent enough. people gathering in the streets for a peaceful protest. nice music playing. some marching. others playing music there. >> kendall sees the movement and decide to join in. and then, the whole thing end with her grabbing a pepsi can and handing it to a police officer standing across from the group. >> that police officer smiles and everybody comes together. and it is kumbaya. >> on the internet reaction sharp. one tweet pointing out similarities to this -- similarities to this photo, of being detained in baton rouge. saying if only she had given them a pepsi. lots of people frying to have fun with the whole situation. >> launching memes. this one says, one guy pointing out how coke executives might be feeling about all the outrage. at pepsi. >> bet they're pretty happy about it. >> pundit said this. in fairness to pepsi their ad
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did bring people together. >> true. >> meaning lots of people on beth side are mad at the ad. see how long that hangs out. >> to a celebrity getting roasted on line. michael phelps most decorated olympian of all time, won 23 gold medals. it is the bronze sporting at the moment that is getting a lot of attention. >> that bronze. >> yeah, here he is at the ncaa championships in arizona. in the crowd. enjoying the game. but he, he commanded the spotlight. >> kind of hard to miss. wouldn't you say? >> is that bronze? or orange? >> it is -- maybe, little red tinge to it. so, clearly some one spent some time in the sun. >> yeah. >> one tweeter said, michael phelps just discovered outdoor pools. then the photo shop started. this one, compares phelps with the tan cramer from seinfeld. >> remember that episode? >> yes.
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>> this one side by side with -- world's number three player, ronaldo's bust. i think the bust. >> world's number one player? >> you're referring to michael phelps? >> to ronaldo. just the funky statue of hip. not actually ronaldo. >> but, i mean -- doesn't he know you got to take the sunglasses off or swimming goggles on. >> think that's what he did. >> finally, phelps though -- >> ha-ha. >> very tall oompa-loompa. very tall. >> former president bill clinton's 22-year-old nephew signed a modeling contract with powerhouse agency, img. >> tyler clinton's pictures on their site now. and include -- >> whoa. >> him shirtless here in black and white. >> looking good. >> there are a number of pictures showing him with amazing hair as well.
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>> are you jealous of that? >> just jealous of somebody with hair. >> no shortage of shirtless pictures either. by the way. >> there you are. >> if you have a bed like that, of course. should point out. this is roger clinton's son. >> oh. >> all the years heard of roger clinton over the years. his son. >> good look to him and his new modeling career. >> yeah. to a sad story. actor shilah lebouf, latest movie sold one ticket. one ticket. >> like, entire movie theater got sold out? >> one single, solitary ticket. >> he's become known for artistic stunts in recent years than his actual movies. >> apparently the last thing i watched, starring shia was the time he was watching all of his moviesen reverse order. we were all watching shia watching shia. >> may not be a huge surprise when "man down" opened in united kingdom, it sold one ticket. means it made less than $9.
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i wonder if shia bought the tick it. is he the one? can oompa-loompas swim by the way? ♪ oompa-loompas swim by the way? everything. i love you, but sometimes you stink. ♪ new febreze fabric refresher with odorclear technology... ...cleans away odors like never before. because the things you love the most can stink. and plug in febreze to keep your whole room fresh for up... 45 days. breathe happy with new febreze.
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♪ ♪ ♪ nothing's ever going ♪ ♪ nothing's ever going to keep you down ♪ you're the best around ♪ >> keep you down. >> you know, i don't know the words. sorry. you are the best. >> you know the crane, right? >> no. >> the kick. >> no. >> just going to move on. >> oh, my god. my childhood is coming back. you know, baseball season? >> uh-huh. >> there is a little buy who has big league dreams. he got quite a surprise at the plate. >> so his mother and his coach made it all happen. abc's david muir has the story. >> reporter: it is a field of dreams for one boy. who wishes he was out there. 8-year-old danny jones of fort worth texas who loves baseball. >> smacks. >> reporter: danny was born
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without a fully functioning heart. relying on half of it. he had seven surgery as and he is still waiting for a new heart. the backpack he carries delivers life saving medication to keep his heart going. knowing little league season is here, his mother rebecca was determined to get him on the field. asked friend on face book. does any one have old uniforms? that started this. >> reporter: they had more than uniforms. one little league coach, todd collinsworth. >> didn't hesitate. i will take him. >> then look danny at the plate. backpack on. ready. >> practice. new helmet. new bat. new shoes. and its just, hey where do you want me, coach? >> with the winning attitude he won a spot. >> his response, coach i have
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been waiting for this my entire life. >> reporter: he wasn't the only one excited. >> get us a home run, okay. >> i'll try. >> finally danny's chance. go, danny. >> daniel has taught us way more than -- than we could ever have imagined. >> david muir, abc news, new york. >> look how excited he is. >> that, doesn't get any better than that. >> it doesn't. beautiful moment. watch him running. oh. that play, that paid off. >> i saw the karate kid. >> big texas rangers fan. you have home work to do. watch karate kid. >> saw it. jaden smith. >> no, not that one. >> like, he was, his best movie yet. >> oh. all right, what do you think of kendis' movie knowledge. or anything else. love to hear from you about the show. about life. and you already weigh in with your opinions on us. you can continue to share them. >> yeah, you can do so, on our facebook page.
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making news in america this morning, international rout oou growing after a chemical attack kills dozens in syria. the death toll rising and the white house now blaming the obama administration for the attack. we're live in washington. house republicans hold a late night meeting hoping to salvage their health care bill. so, what's on the chopping block? as vice president pence tries to rally support. a tornado ripping a roof off a school. we'll tell you where the threat is right now. we have new details about how tom brady's missing subwper bowl jersey was found. a young pats fan led the fbi to their suspect. and we do say good morning


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