tv Nightline ABC April 11, 2017 1:07am-1:35am EDT
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favorite is a good ol' southern boy who captured the hearts of many on "the bachelorette," then on "the bachelor," and finally on "dancing with the stars." from arlington, iowa, please welcome my man chris soules. [cheers and applause] what up, brother? >> how you doing? >> good. >> good to see you. [cheers and applause] >> what's up, you ol' redneck? what are you doing? >> just living the dream. >> living the dream? you are living the dream. what have you been doing? obviously, you know, things didn't quite work out on "the bachelor," but you have gone back to iowa, gone back to the farm. it's good that you went back, and you're back working, i know, but what about love? have you found love yet? >> [sighs] you know, i've been so busy that love has taken a back seat for a little while, but, you know, i'm looking, and--but i'm traveling a lot and trying to keep things going at the farm as well, so-- >> i know it's not from a lack of letters and people online chasing you down. >> [laughs] yeah, we've got pounds of letters from women all over the place, even moms
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sending letters to try to get--you know, get me to date their daughter, pictures, and people actually show up at the farm occasionally. >> so you have the moms writing you about their daughters. see, i have the daughter saying, "please date my mom." [laughter] our lives are so different. >> you can relate though. [laughter] >> all right, man, i'm glad you're here, and you know why you're here. >> yeah. >> you're here to raise money for charity, so tell me about yours 'cause this is something i did not--of all the things i know about you, i didn't know why this was near and dear to your heart. >> yeah, so my dad's brother, my uncle, passed away shortly after i was born, and he passed away as a result of muscular dystrophy. so it's always been something that's been important to my family, to help raise money for this cause, and this is an awesome opportunity for me to do that. >> that's amazing. i did not know that story. so this is truly a meaningful journey for you today. that's awesome. let's raise some money... >> yes, let's do it. >> for muscular dystrophy. all right, man. here's what you're up against: 14 questions, the money values growing from $500 all the way up to that $1 million. [cheers and applause] every question you answer
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correctly moves you one step closer to that top prize. remember, at any time you can walk away with the money you've earned up to that point. if you give me an incorrect answer, you walk away with nothing until you get to those two thresholds of $5,000, then at $50,000. you also have your three lifelines. the audience can help you with a question, "50/50," i'll take away two incorrect answers. you also have your plus one to lean on. who'd you bring with you today? >> my mom. >> hey. hi! [applause] love your mom. >> right. >> i mean, you're okay, but your parents? i love your parents. [laughter] >> i give them all the credit for me being half the man that i am. >> it's great to have you. it's good to see you again. and you, it's always good to see you. >> yeah, likewise. >> you ready to go? >> ah, ready or not. >> all right, man, let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ we always start with that $500 question, and here it is. if your ideal mate is someone who likes their food "spicy enough to make their forehead sweat," then what dating website claims to be for you?
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>> hmm. yeah, that's a--i think i'll--i think b sounds like that has to be the answer. that's-- that's my final answer, b. >> sadly, that's probably a real thing. yes, that's right. [applause] $500. $1,000 question. referencing some '80s song lyrics, a popular meme jokes, "rick astley will let you borrow any of his disney-pixar movies, but he's never gonna give you" what? >> oh. i, uh-- hmm. let's ask the audience on this one. >> all right, use that lifeline. final? >> yeah. >> all right, audience, chris
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could use a little help here. if you would, pick up those keypads. enter your vote now. [percussive music] ♪ all right, let's take a look at these results. [laughter] >> kind of what i figured. >> only 95% went with a, "up." >> let's go with a. final answer. >> yes, "never gonna give you up." that's right. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. >> that's what the lifelines are for. gotta get by those blind spots, stay in the game. $2,000 question. one of many different types of "criminales," "contrabandista" is the spanish word for a what? [laughter] >> um... it's either streaker or smuggler. i'm gonna go with b, smuggler. final. >> contraband, smuggler, makes sense. there you go.
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$2,000. there you go, man. [cheers and applause] playing a good game so far. still has his two lifelines. we're coming back to get him to $5,000 next. [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ modern, young, cutting-edge. let originality become your reality at the linq, the new home of urban-art-inspired rooms and endless dining options, including guy fieri's vegas kitchen & bar. located in the center of the strip, you'll love life at the linq. before fibromyalgia, i was a doer. i was active. then the chronic, widespread pain drained my energy. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. she also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions
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see what's possible. [cheers and applause] >> welcome back to "bachelor" fan favorites week. i'm here with chris soules, who just got to $2,000. [cheers and applause] we're three questions in. you've been the bachelor, you've been on "dancing with the stars," now on "millionaire." what's more difficult? >> i think this is more difficult. >> [laughs] all right, well, let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ♪
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$3,000 question. thanks to an mvp performance from lebron james, in 2016 what city enjoyed its first major pro sports championship since 1964? >> i got this one. d, cleveland. final. [applause] >> there you go. >> yeah. keep those coming. i like those. [applause] >> the nba championship for those cleveland cavaliers. that's right. $3,000. next step, the first threshold you can get to of $5,000. here it is. a huge seller, what gadget was reportedly invented because sony's co-founder masaru ibuka wanted a way to listen to operas on long plane flights? >> yeah, it's--i had one of these when i was a kid. i'm pretty sure it's walkman. yeah, we're gonna go with that. walkman, final answer. c.
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>> exactly right. there you go. [cheers and applause] $5,000! >> whoa. [applause] >> i just noticed how quiet you get when you're nervous. >> yeah. >> on "the bachelor," you were like, "yeah, hi, what's up?" now you're, like, scared to death. >> i am scared to death. >> [laughs] you're about to rip this thing out of its-- but you reached that threshold. nothing can take that away from you, so $5,000 to your charity, but we're gonna add to that with a $7,000 question. [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ which of the following pairs of terms refer to the exact same plant, but at different stages during its development? >> talking my language, chris. ooh. [sighs] [dramatic music] ♪ >> i know you don't grow any of this on your farm in iowa. >> i don't grow any of this. well, just could you give me something i actually grow? [laughter]
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♪ i think i'm gonna go with the "50/50." >> okay, final? >> final, "50/50." >> okay, i'm gonna help you out by taking away two incorrect answers. cilantro and coriander, dill and sage is what you're left with. >> cilantro is a--is a green leaf, and coriander--the coriander i've seen is, like, a seed. dill and sage... that has to be it. i'm going with d, final answer. >> sadly, cilantro and coriander. yeah, after the plant flowers, it's coriander. all right. hey, you're walking out of here with not just $5,000. you're gonna leave here with $10,000... [cheers and applause] for muscular dystrophy, so congratulations. good having you. thanks for coming in. >> it was good. >> head on out. chris soules, everybody. [cheers and applause] ♪
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hey, it was good having chris here, and at least he's taking home $10,000 for his charity. i need some more "bachelor" fan favorites. how about we multiply it times two right now? today's "bachelor" fan favorites are another "bachelor" nation success story after winning the hearts of our viewers and, more importantly, each other. from nashville, tennessee, please welcome kaitlyn bristowe and shawn booth. [cheers and applause] ♪ how you doing, brother? >> how are you? >> my lady. come on in. [cheers and applause] hey, guys. >> hi. >> good to have you. >> thanks for having us. >> a fine mess you've gotten us into this time. >> [laughs] thanks. >> you two, i'm just telling you right now, scare me to death. >> you scare us. >> i'm not sure-- >> you should be scared. >> the feeling's mutual. >> we're gonna have a good time today and we're gonna raise some money for charity. what charity are we playing for? >> both: pet orphans. >> yep, it's a charitable organization in southern california. anybody that follows us or knows us knows how much we
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love our dog. >> big animal guys. >> right. >> we are big animal people, and this particular organization, they rescue dogs, cats off the streets, they bring them in for shelter, rehabilitate them, and then find forever homes. >> that's awesome. a very good cause. >> yeah. >> good to have you guys here. we'll catch up more in a little bit. i want to get right to the game, get some money for this charity you guys are playing for today. let me tell you what you're up against. 14 questions, the money values growing from $500 all the way up to $1 million. [cheers and applause] >> oh, boy! >> you have your three lifelines. you know what those are about. good luck to you two. >> i'm nervous. >> i bet. >> we're going in. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ all right, guys, $500 question starts us off. >> oh. >> if you've just inadvertently done something that causes unexpected problems, it's often said that you've opened up what? >> shh.
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do we need to think this one through or can we just go for it? >> i think we both agree that it's c. >> both: c, can of worms. >> final answer. >> you guys did it. you did it! >> [groans] >> you did it! >> okay. >> all right. now we can breathe. >> okay. >> all right. now let's play. >> i feel better now. >> we've gone twice as far as we ever thought you would make it. >> i know. who would've thought? >> [laughs] >> $1,000 question, here it is. in a standard game of clue, which of these is not one of the rooms in the mansion where the murder can take place? >> i don't even know this game, but i feel like it's man cave. >> all right, we're gonna lock in man cave. final answer. >> professor plum in the man cave with the candlestick. you got it! [cheers and applause] there you go! $1,000! >> stop being so dramatic. >> [laughs] we're coming back. more "bachelor" fan favorites right after this. [cheers and applause]
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[cheers and applause] >> that's a lot of money. that's a lot of money. >> i know we all keep up and we keep in touch, but it's good to see you guys again because you're so busy. you're always traveling around. >> yeah. >> so what's life like for you two now that, you know, the spotlight has dimmed a little bit? you can kind of get back to your normal lives. >> yeah. >> what's up? >> we have a real relationship now. it's--we have normal arguments. we fight about the dishes. and that's great. >> is that it? is that, like, the big fight is, like, the dishes or the toilet seat being left up? >> that's so--like, that's nothing compared to-- >> so--right, exactly. what about a wedding with you two? i know everyone wants to know. >> oh, we thought you'd never ask. >> yes. >> we decided to announce it-- >> you know i never ask these questions. >> yeah. [laughs] we decided to announce it on "who wants to be a millionaire." >> yeah, that's the $1 million question right there. >> there you go. so we'll save it for then. >> if we get the $1 million today, we will pick a date. >> we'll pick a date. >> you're going to pick--okay. promise? >> yes. >> promise. >> all right, well, honestly, here's the deal. you know i'm ordained. if you get to the $1 million, i will marry you right here and now. >> i was actually gonna suggest that.
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okay. >> deal. >> okay, deal. >> i'm glad the two of you are here, and again, i'm already glad that we've raised $1,000 for your charity. we're gonna do some more good right now, so let's get back to your game. >> oh, i forgot about that. >> i know. that was a reprieve right there. >> yeah. >> yes. >> let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ all right, guys, here we go. $2,000 question. in pharell williams' hit song "happy," listeners are asked to clap along if they feel like what? >> [laughs] oh, that's funny. it's not a car without gas. a lumberjack without-- i wish it was a lumberjack without a beard, but i'm pretty sure it's b. >> okay. it's not a lumberjack without a beard. >> no. b. >> b, final answer. >> you got it right. [cheers and applause] >> $2,000. >> $2,000. >> whoo!
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>> a chance to get to $3,000 with this question. the site of alexander hamilton and aaron burr's historic confrontation in new jersey is commemorated by a marker referring to the spot as the weehaken what? >> a confrontation? what, are they gonna take it out in a batting cage? >> i mean... >> "let's take this one to the golf course." [laughter] hopscotch it out? >> i think we know what it is. are we over thinking this? >> i think we are. >> okay. dueling ground? >> yeah. >> dueling grounds, final answer. >> would've been better if they had settled it on the hopscotch court, but they didn't. it was a duel. that's right. [cheers and applause] there you go. $3,000. [applause] next step is your first threshold you can get to at $5,000 with this question. >> okay. >> which of the following words cannot be turned into a common sushi roll ingredient by adding a single letter?
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>> this is--this is all you. >> yeah. >> big sushi guy. >> wait. that's actually harder than i thought it would be. >> salmon, right? >> yeah. >> how do you spell salmon? >> s-a-l-m-o-n. >> all right, so that's a common ingredient. >> yeah. >> ice. >> both: rice. >> cab. crab? is that common in sushi? right? >> we're getting somewhere. >> so we got salmon. we added a letter. ice, we got rice. we added a letter. cab--crab's common in sushi. feel. >> eel, but you take away the f! >> [laughs] >> so it's d. >> by not adding a single letter. yeah. crab's common in sushi, right? >> yes. >> you're the sushi guy. all right, we're going with feel, d. final answer. >> thank you. >> oh, gosh! [cheers and applause]
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i'm so sorry! i'm so sorry! >> shh. >> oh, gosh! >> we'll be back. more "bachelor" fan favorites with shawn and kaitlyn next. [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ my abdominal pain and bloating made daily life a guessing game. will i have pain and bloating today? my doctor recommended ibgard to manage my ibs. take control. ask your doctor about nonprescription ibgard.
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>> here's your question of the day. using the handle "thegoodlonglife," who joined seeking a "lover of animals, grandchildren and the outdoors"? martha stewart, diane keaton, betty white, or whoopi goldberg. stay tuned for the answer. alright gus, you're next. [giggle] ready? ok. go!...seahorse... no. -giant snail. -flamingo. the water... ...under the... pony! no. bow and arrow? oh oh... uh-huh. yeah. the leaning tower of pisa. ah-oh. [giggle] really?!
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[ding] ohhhh. what was it? bank on it. ohh, the new scratch-off from the pennsylvania lottery. with top prizes of $300 grand! oh, i knew what it was the entire time. [laughter] keep on scratchin'. the dinosaurs' extinction... got you outnumbered. don't listen to them. not appropriate. now i'm mashing these potatoes with my stick of butter... why don't you sit over here. something for everyone is awesome. find your awesome with the xfinity stream app. more to stream to every screen. >> answer to that question was martha stewart. [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] welcome back to "bachelor" fan favorites week on "who wants to be a millionaire." shawn and kaitlyn with me, and they just got to that threshold of $5,000, so... [cheers and applause] good news...
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[applause] you're guaranteed $5,000 for your charity. that's great. >> yay, that's awesome. >> and all three of your lifelines are available, so you're in good shape. let's add to it right now. let's play "who wants to be a millionaire." [dramatic musical flourish] ♪ all right, guys, $7,000 question. >> okay. >> based on a world health organization article about sun exposure, standing on what highly reflective surface would be most likely to double your exposure to uv rays? >> all right. okay. do you see one that sticks out immediately? >> yeah. snow-covered driveway. [laughs] because it reflects. why do i think out loud? is that crazy? sand-- >> no, that's fine. >> standing on what highly reflective--yeah. >> reflective surface. >> reflective. snow.
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>> okay. we're gonna go with b, a snow-covered driveway. >> oh, my gosh. >> what? now you don't want me to lock it in? >> yes, i do. yes, i do. >> final answer. >> score one for the canadian. >> [yells] >> that's right! there you go. $7,000. >> nice. [horn blares] >> all right, guys, that sound means that time is up for today, but you two are coming back when we play more "bachelor" fan favorites. >> yeah. >> thanks for watching. for everyone who's been a part of this one, i'm chris harrison. we'll all see you next time. [cheers and applause] [dramatic music] ♪ closed captioning sponsored by: (vo) my name is bryan. i'm proud to make dog chow in davenport, iowa. dog chow's been a part of my family's life for over 40 years. my grandfather made it and now i'm making it. as a micro-biologist i ensure that dog chow leads with
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