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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  April 21, 2017 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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it's april 21st. time for some great viral videos "right this minute." car go ship officer takes the plunge to help a sea creature -- >> trapped in a fishing net. >> watch the minutes he put his life on the line to set it free. she's cramping. >> she endured a painful battle with lyme disease until -- >> one day suddenly all her symptoms stopped. >> why she says her cure came with a bundle of joy. brave guy enjoys an ice climb. what happens when a slipup brings the adventure crashing down. we've got christian, oli, charity, nick, and gayle breaking down the best on the web. like the dudes who decide to cruise through the car wash --
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>> in a convertible. >> i have no idea what to expect. >> see how it goes when it's time to get squeaky clean. we got a pretty serious situation here on a cargo ship off the coast of algeria. this guy taking it upon himself, one of the officers on this ship to step over the railing of this boat, about 60 feet above the surface of the water. takes a couple of deep breaths and finally works up the courage to make the jump. >> pirates taken over the ship, he's walking the plank, man overboard? what's going on? >> none of that. he's putting his life on the line for another. in this case, a porpoise trapped in a fishing net. >> see. that's nice of them to do that. >> this is a tough rescue because you've got the porpoise that's moving about, of course the water, and this huge cargo
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ship. not to mention the lifeboat that's working nearby to help. you'll see here the man that jumped in the water is now working with a very large knife to try to cut away that fishing net. >> incredible dedication. a lot of people in this situation would have done nothing. >> they're working as hard as they can to cut that away. working closely we the guys aboard the lifeboat there. but it's tough. so another man jumps in the water as well to help out and after much work, much cutting, a lot of exhausted swimming, soon we hear some cheers. >> that's awesome. >> as it swims away, i'm saying they were successful. >> i agree with that. it looks like the porpoise doesn't immediately dive under water. i got to believe i've got to get some of its energy back before it takes off back to its home waters and away from that fishing net.
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i should warn you guys, this is going to be a little hard to watch. >> she's in a lot of pain. she's been cramping, full body, convulsing. >> it's never easy to watch a person suffering. this is celeste and she is enduring right now a number of symptoms. >> she's been really tense. chattering in pain. having hard times breathing at times. >> her man behind the camera talking about some of the things she's going through. >> dehydration? >> see, the thing is there's a whole series of videos they captured because doctors were having a tough time diagnosing what was going on. she was suffering through this for a couple of years. you can see there were tears in her eyes. talking about how she's not able to go into work. the videos continue. the involuntary spasming. her jaw. she lifts up her shirt to show
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her abdominal muscles. >> my stomach keeps flexing on its own. >> this is all involuntary. all of these videos did end up helping to get a diagnosis. which it turns out was lyme disease. >> no. >> wow. >> yeah. she believes it was a result of a tick bite she got in salem, connecticut, in august 2014. where apparently they get 30,000 diagnosis a year. >> from a bug bite. that's scary. >> the thing is in december of last year, suddenly all her symptoms stopped. and she believes that this is the reason. it's a gender reveal. as soon as she got pregnant, her symptoms stopped. and so now she believes that the pregnancy hormones involved in what's going on right now seem to have put a stop to the symptoms of lyme disease. >> the body is a crazy thing. especially the female body. the first rule of ice
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climbing club, don't fall. the second rule, if you fall get video. and video this guy did get climbing up an ice water fall. it is beautiful. watch what happens. he's got his picks, he's climbing. he looks down. you could see that's quite the fall down there. >> that's rule number one of climbing. don't look down. >> oh! >> oh, shoot. >> he makes one wrong slip with that pick and he falls. look at that area right there. that wasn't there before. he opened up a nice little ice cave there. >> they had way too much slack. look. he's even lifted off. >> you saw him dive to the side and try to lock him down. >> he said when you do this, you're mostly going to fall at some time. but this time he was lucky because nobody was injured. >> you okay? >> yeah! the party's already started here in kazakhstan. this guy is not wearing much and he goes hopping from ice form to ice form. look how swiftly the water is moving behind him. >> it's like he's playing frozen
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frogger. >> and his friends are highly amused. >> then he has to do the mandatory, i'm the king of the world sitting here on the ice flow. he does have to get the the water to get out of there. because once he hops over there, he's basically surrounded by very cold water. this is getting a lot of attention online and authorities in kazakhstan are not happy. they say, quote, we're outraged. and they want people to be cautious and avoud doing things like this. good morning, everybody. >> it's our aunt boo. she's here to spin truth. >> if you have done your part, you den reached out to people, you done called and texted and they don't want you in their life, move on. >> yes! preach! >> sometimes you just got to let it go. and i think the first thought is romantic relationships. but she's talking about relationships and people in general. >> i have one blood sibling.
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i ain't talked to him going on three years now. to the best of my knowledge it was over some chicken. >> it's always over something stupid. >> yeah. sometimes we get in spats with family and it's over the most minor things. >> chick is not minor. >> i know what it feels like when you thought somebody love you for 40 years and you found out they never did. >> that can be hurtful. >> but listen. i also understand the love of christ. and the love of christ say you love and forgive. >> am i in church? should i -- >> no. she preaching though. aunt boo is preaching because it's about love, forgiveness, and letting it go. >> so if you have tried to fix the relationship and now you find yourself in a psych ward because you try to make somebody love you that don't love you back -- >> well, if they don't reciprocate, let goit. >> baby listen. get some peace and go about your
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life. >> sometimes that can be lonely but there's a silver lining for aunt boo. >> i got almost half a million people i can talk to. >> when you let your light shine like she does. people like moths are drawn to it. a vlogger took in the spectacular scene in georgia. but see what happens when a helicopter crashes the party. >> oh, no! and this little boy can't contain his excitement. >> i do not have the ability to construct the centers to articulate how excited i am right now. >> find out what has this toddler so thrilled. what's it like to be in good hands? like finding new ways to be taken care of. home, car, life insurance obviously, ohhh... but with added touches you can't get everywhere else, like claim free rewards...
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or safe driving bonus checks. oh yes.... even a claim satisfaction guaranteeeeeeeeeee! in means protection plus unique extras only from an expert allstate agent. it's good to be in, good hands. discover new hydra genius by l'oreal. the genius of liquid care. daily hydration that's super lightweight with aloe vera 72 hours of intense and continuous hydration. new hydra genius daily liquid care from l'oreal paris.
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closed captioning provided by -- desensitizes aggravated nerves with the max strength lidocaine available. icyhot lidocaine. luke is vlogging a four-hour tour of jordan. and let's just say it starts off gloriously and it continues. >> oh, no. luke says it was a last-minute decision. he arrived somewhere and the tour guide said hey, who wants
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to go on a tour? he says why not. he goes along with an israeli family that's there celebrating the passover holiday. those are their kids. let's just say, a good time was had by all. that's luke right there. he is a comedy songster and also a juggler. >> random. >> you could get his stuff online. while he's there, he's noticing there's something familiar about the landscape. oli, i'm going to challenge you on some of this. >> mars. >> you got it. >> in "the martian." but right now there -- he's pointing out that's where lawrence of arabia slept. but he sees something else off in the distance. anything else look familiar to you? >> i'm pretty convinced -- >> maybe used in a scene from a movie. >> "star wars." >> on jeda in "rogue one." >> thank you, oli. you get it again. there's one special effect missing.
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>> where the destroyer hanging over top of it. >> you are such a dork. >> check him out when he goes to the arch right there. he gives all the tourists a show. but the best part to me is right about here because this is when it truly becomes "right this minute" video quality. >> yeah. he had all that dust in the back of his truck from all the tourists' shoes. blows it all out. >> yeah. >> you guys are crazy. i got to imagine there's very little more rewarding than the excitement coming from your child. and look at their dad. >> like what are you so happy about? >> does it matter though? like, this kid -- >> yeah? >> he's so excited he can't contain himself. that's just because his sister is about to arrive on the school
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bus. >> is he freaking out because of the sister or the school bus? >> i'm going with both. >> i'm going with both too. >> no. younger siblings get so excited when they see their older buddy siblings. they flip out. >> were you on the bus at the time? >> no. >> show him the fire truck, he'd really blow his top. in this next video, this little girl is going to be excited because she's about to be a big sister. they're giving her a special gift. she takes out the first item and thinks it's cool. little bathing suit. then they give her a picture frame with the ultrasound in it. then there's the best part. while she kind of has a hint, they also give her a necklace. she takes it out of the box. watch her reaction as soon as she reads what it says. >> what does it say? >> i'm going to be a sister. >> she can't even get the words out. her reaction is precious.
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she starts crying. you can tell it's with joy. it's always fun to be a big sibling. en. >> she hasn't thought about the babysitting yet. >> right. but for now she can enjoy the fact a new baby is coming to her home. this is a ballet studio unlike any you've probably ever seen. >> i started it not really knowing what was going to happen. >> what happened has been transformational. next "right this minute." and still to come, the dude perfect guys are battling it out in -- >> sumo suits! >> see what happens when the sumo competition gets fierce. plus, they're the kid musicians showing off their crazy talent. >> with over 7 million views, they're the talk of the town. >> now meet the little superstars who are looking to expand the band. >> eight, nine, and ten would be good. you get used to food odors in your car. you think it...
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...smells fine, but your passengers smell this bell dinging new febreze car with odorclear technology cleans away odors... ...for up to 30 days smells nice... breathe happy, with new febreze. when your little angel expects a lot from you...ft.
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you gotta be kidding me, little dude. strong. life takes softness and strength. that's why we make angel soft mega with more of the value you already love. could bounce back like it used to? neutrogena® hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skin to keep it supple and hydrated day after day. with hydrating hyaluronic acid, which retains up to a thousand times its weight in water. this refreshing water gel plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin that bounces back. the hydro boost skincare line from neutrogena®. see what's possible.
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brushing teeth - easy! new act kids toothpaste strengthens and protects developing teeth, and helps prevent cavities. new act kids toothpaste. easy to agree, we have pretty fun jobs, right? >> uh-huh. >> dude perfect guys have it much more fun. >> giant sumo inflatable battle! >> that's this episode's latest challenge. put on the sumo suits and see who could survive the challenges. jumping in a sumo suit is difficult. >> hey, it's not easy having a big booty. >> this is an elimination style battle. whoever wins this moves on to the next round. however, kobi made that look easy. kobi moves on to the next round. next round is climbing these coconut trees. now, garett at the beginning
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asked what are the rules? >> no rules here. just get to the top. >> so he sort of bent the rules a little bit and won. he moves on. all right. now it's the final round. it's garett versus kobi. >> i know he's got, like, a twin brother, but isn't he the one that never won on dude perfect? >> he's had a bad run of it for the last four years. he's in the final challenge here. garett now ahead. garett's climbing the last obstacle here but kobi says no way. he can smell the victory in the water. and kobi's first win ever. they know this is a huge deal. >> oh, no. no. stop it. there's a parade? >> guys, i love you all. i appreciate you more than you know. now go fight your battles and win. thank you, guys! thank you! thank you! thank you, guys! some folks say a family that prays together stays together.
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well, in this case, this family plays together. and, well, they're not going anywhere soon. ♪ >> good on the bass. >> he's 10 years old. that's his sister melly 9 years old. dad is back there on the drums. he's a music teacher. >> it's a little bit of a throwback. >> it's very '70s funk vibe going on here. >> this happens to be one of their original songs. they've gone viral as a result of this video because be real from cypress hill shared it on his facebook page. now with over 7 million views, they're the talk of the town. live via skype "right this minute" we got clifton, mellody, and dad who is also cliff ton. how long have you been playing?
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>> all their lives. when they were 2 years old, i started them on drums nap really helped them to be exposed to all different types of music. >> so are these guys naturals or because of your great teaching? >> they're naturals but they practice. they practice a lot and they love music. >> do you guys write your own music? and if you do, who writes the most? >> me! >> what do you like about the process of writing music? i just find chords and it's like i made up a song. >> it's that easy, guys. it's that easy. >> it's magic. ♪ >> i also hear that you're looking for a drummer because right now dad is the drummer but you need a new kid drummer. whap are you looking for? >> looking far good drum their can play all kinds of beats.
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we do sophisticated songs. >> is there an age limit as well? do they have to be your age? >> 8, 9, and 10 would be good. >> hey, dad, when you see your kids banging out these songs, that's got to feel so good. you must have so much pride for what you're seeing in front of you. >> when we play together, it's the most fun i could ever have. it's great. >> what are your favorite songs? >> "bird man." that's one of my favorites. ♪ >> i like pop, jazz, classical. all very good. ♪ these guys drop the top for a ride through the car wash. >> they're putting on masks. i'm more worried about that.
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>> see the hilarious moments o
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roger federer's. >> does matt stoney enjoy anything he eats? you know you've all wondered this. right? when you're in your car about to drive through the car wash. i wonder what would happen if i left the windows down. well, the australian comedy duo here decided to give it a shot in a convertible. they said they bought this 1997 convertible and now they're taking it through. >> and they're putting on masks. i'm more worried about the -- >> they considered safety. they're holding hands for support. and at the very beginning, of course, you got to gate little wet. >> it's cold, it's cold, it's cold. >> then the big blobs of soap fall on their lap.
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>> my car! >> then before you know it the brushes is coming on them. >> it looks like fun. >> it does look like fun. ♪ at the car wash >> they're actually kind of that excited. they did pay about 20 bucks for the premium wash. really good quality which means they're skin is going to be nice and exfoliated. on the bright side, his armpit is pretty clean. they go through the very last rinse and this was their favorite part. when you get the blow dryer. >> i have never felt so alive! >> you know, the car does look really clean and so do they. >> i have always wondered. i really have. now i know. >> right? i told you. >> the car looks amazing! thanks for watching. we'll see you on
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we take some unexpected extra steps to raise healthy chickens with no antibiotics ever. for example, thyme. it's part of our 100% veggie diet and helps support their immune system.
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perdue. over 200 products no antibiotics ever. dante. sam. hey. come on in. thanks. i, uh... didn't expect to see you here. well, it was a crazy night, but you probably already know about that. yeah, yeah, i knew. uh, listen, is your mom around? i wanted to ask her a few follow-up questions. the sooner we get her statement, the sooner we can lock julian up for good. you don't happen to have a cellphone on you, do you? seems the, uh, pcpd forgot to give me my phone call. inconsiderate of them. so, are we gonna keep making conversation, or are we gonna celebrate? big brother's alive. the sooner you get me out of here, the better. you think that i'm getting you out of here? aren't you? the last time i was stuck in this miserable place, big brother, you refused to help me.


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