tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC April 26, 2017 11:35pm-12:37am EDT
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♪ ♪ guardian ♪ guardian ♪ guardian of the galaxy volum♪ >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, the cast of "guardians of the galaxy volume 2," chris pratt, zoe saldana, dave bautista, michael rooker and kurt russell. plus music from bleachers. and now, just relax -- here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: hi, hi. very nice. hi, everyone. i'm the host, i'm jimmy. thanks for watching. thanks for coming. i'm very glad you are here. i'm glad you are here. glad you are enthusiastic. we have a starlord-studded show tonight. cast of "guardian of the galaxy volume 2" and a clip from the movie which they will share with us for free. [ cheers and applause ] tonight's show, weird if they made you pay for just a piece of the movie for the clip. but they will not. tonight's show will be just like a marvel movie, jokes, action, at the end you will sit there thinking there's more, right, there's got to be something else? i saw the movie, we got an advanced screening, our staff did. it's great, i like it even better than the first one. everyone loved it. if you are going to see one movie in which bradley cooper plays a raccoon this year, this would be it. this would be it. [ cheers and applause ] all of that to look forward to. for those of you celebrating
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this weekend, hope you had a happy easter. we had a picnic, family picnic. the whole family gathered at the park like pigeons really. we had an easter egg hunt, and i will tell you it's funny. you can never get kids to pick up their toys, you can sing the ♪ clean-up, clean-up song frighten them with time-out. hand a bucket and plastic eggs on the lawn. all of a sudden they're like a roadside prison clean-up crew. and they go right to work. i need to figure out how to apply that to my daily life. as a parent, you know, an easter egg hunt is an interesting thing to watch. especially when you have a 2-year-old kid like i do. you don't want your daughter or son to be so timid they don't get anything. they don't get any eggs. but you all don't want her to be one of those monster bully children, knocking others, like the starting pistol for the "hunger games" you know those kids? for three jelly beans in a plastic egg. very delicate balance. proud to say i think my daughter found the exact amount of eggs jesus would approve of.
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six. the number is six. [ applause ] so, hey here is -- here is how president trump spent easter morning. his first tweet at 8:18 a.m. said "why would i call china a currency manipulator when they're working with us on the north korean problem. we will see what happens." then six minutes later. someone reminded him what day it was. because he followed it up with "happy easter to everyone." so president trump spent the weekend in florida, again, golf outing number 19 since taking office. made it become to the white house this morning for annual easter egg roll. and for a game of pin the tiny hand on the easter bunny's vagina which went very well. [ laughter ] too soon? too soon? too much? too something? yeah. this is an annual tradition that, that it is held on the south lawn, the egg roll. this year the event attracted around 21,000 attendees, half of
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what the obama events drew or as a white house spokesman put it about twice what the obama events drew. [ laughter ] vice president pence was not in attendance. you know mike pence will not allow himself to be in the presence of a bunny if his wife isn't with him. so he went to south korea instead. usually the egg roll has a lot of big name entertainment, justin bieber one year, arianna grande, didn't get either, they did get something better, group reading time with attorney general jeff sessions. >> the bears went to sleep for the winter. they slept the whole winter. the president's coming. well, let's see. let's see if he comes out on the podium up here. there he is. ♪ ♪ >> wow, that's, wait a minute. you know what i think we might
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have gotten our clips mixed up. here's president trump today. this is how, this is how donald trump got his first ever easter egg roll started. >> i want to thank everybody. this is the 139th easter egg roll. think of it. 139. it began a long time ago, 1878. and we will be stronger and bigger and better as a nation than ever before. we are right on track. you see what's happening. and we are right on track. >> jimmy: he really knows how to talk to children, doesn't he? [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] that's -- well, so the president -- thanked his wife melania who also spoke. according to nbc news melania's planning to move into the white house sometime this summer. reportedly relocate with her 11-year-old son baron once school end. which is a big deal. baron trump will be the first
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male child to live in the white house since his father moved there in january. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] that's true. the first lady -- you know the first lady is like the official host of the white house egg roll. which means the families gathered, were treated to a rare moment of her public speaking. >> thank you. welcome to the white house. this is the first time that my husband and i are hosting this wonderful tradition. and it's great that you are all with us today. i hope you have a great time with many activities. i want to thank military band, all the staff, and volunteers who work tirelessly to ensure that you have memorable experience. >> jimmy: wait a minute. are we allowed to make fun of the accent or not? i forget what the rules are.
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the reason i showed this. i want to point out her speech sounded a little familiar. sounded like another white house egg roll speech. >> thank you, welcome to the white house. this is the first time my husband and i are hosting this wonderful tradition. it is great you are all with us today. i hope you have a great time with many activities. i want to thank military band, all of the staff and volunteer whose work tirelessly to ensure that you have memorable experience. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i'm sure that was a complete coincidence. not only did melania give a speech she read a book to the kids, a book about a dog and an owl. >> i can't ask dog, all he does is growl. i know what i will do. i will ask the wise owl. who? >> jimmy: i don't know. [ laughter ] wise owl. maybe you should let the kids
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read to themselves instead. all of the characters from trumpville were out on the lawn including white house stress secretary sean spicer, who turns out to be quite a lively reader himself. >> okay. how to catch the easter bunny. do you know how? can you help me with this? how old are you? >> 5. >> i'll give you a little break. i have been working long and hard with all my peeps and crew. we've made the eggs and now i'm here to bring them to you. >> jimmy: i bet he is a fun dad. [ laughter ] i'd like to see them replace him with that kid. the president also took time today to help some of the children make easter cards. they set up a craft table. so kids can make cards for the troops. look what he wrote -- i hate eggs, children and being president. hey, he tells it like it is.
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what i will say, what i was most excited about the egg roll today was a music performance from a boy band named bro 4. bro 4, in case you don't know. four brothers from new jersey who kick ass, guillermo, are you into bro 4? >> guillermo: i don't know who they are. >> jimmy: if you don't know who they are, they gave a performance at the white house today that will soon not be forgotten. ♪ say yeah ♪ i want you girl >> all right, guys. we are, just so you know, we are four brothers, all real brothers. same mom, same dad. and, we just, we just want to talk about something real quick. we want to say thank you to everybody that has helped us get here. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: you know what? oh, when they tried to crowd surf, it was a disaster, really. [ laughter ]
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all right, we will take a break. when we come back, don't know if you heard. senior citizens are having more sex than ever before. and we have to be very careful about that. stick around. i will explain why. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ dog whimpers ] man: let's go! man #2: we're not coming out! man #1: [ sighs ] flo: [ amplified ] i got this. guys, i know being a first-time homeowner is scary, but you don't have to do this. man #2: what if a tree falls on our garage? woman: what if a tornado rips off our roof? flo: you're covered. and you've bundled your home and auto insurance, so you're saving a ton. come on. you don't want to start your new life in a dirty old truck. man #3: hey. man #1: whoa, whoa. flo: sorry. woman: oh. flo: you're safe. you're safe now. woman: i think i'm gonna pass out. can you stop using the bullhorn? flo: i don't make the rules.
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. the staff of "guardians of the galaxy" and music from bleachers is on the way. first, i don't want to bring anybody down but we got some sad news today. the world's oldest person passed away. again. [ laughter ] it keeps happening. the oldest person was a woman by name of emma morano, 117, lived in northern italy in verbania,
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the problem, see the problem with being the world's oldest person, not really a title you are going to hold on to for that long. [ laughter ] but there is some good news for older people. according to the national sex study, senior citizens are having a lot more sex. which is good, i think. i don't know. is it good? it's good. you know what? it's good unless the senior citizens are your grandparents. then it's weird. interesting though. because, not always the case. so in the interest of science, we went to l.a. farmers market here at the grove, we asked seniors who gathered there. there are a lot of seniors that spend the day there to share their secrets to success when it comes to doing a little something called it. >> we're talking to people about a study that just came out saying, senior citizens are having sex now more than ever. what's your secret? >> who said that? >> everyone said it. >> not me. not me. good luck to them. and more power to them. >> i am going to be 80 this
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year. i have a boyfriend who just turned 83. and i have to say our sex life is great. >> what's your big move? >> what do you mean big move, i'm not telling any secrets. >> seniors are having more sex than they ever had. what's your secret? >> a little vodka couldn't hurt. >> what is my secret? well, you're not going to get pregnant. >> if you do get pregnant are you worried you are going to have a 30-year-old? >> ha-ha. >> what's the best way to get somebody into bed? >> what's the best way? you ask too much. i can't answer. >> oh, it's a secret. >> yes. not for me anymore. i did my job, believe me. >> well, i'm not bragging or boasting, but when i was on, on
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the bottom -- let's see, when i was on the bottom, i was a superman. when i was on top -- no, when i was on top, i was a minuteman. on top i was -- i'm getting mixed up. with me on top -- i was minuteman. with me on top i was superman. [ cheers and applause ] when i was on the bottom, i was superman. minuteman. on top -- minuteman. well when i was on the bottom i was superman. on top minuteman. that was the truth. >> what advice would you give to seniors who aren't having sex? >> you have to, you have to use it and if you don't use it, you
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are going to lose it. >> you're using it? >> darn rights i am. i just did it today. >> you just did it today? >> yes. >> who was the lucky lady? >> my wife. >> god bless you. >> yeah. >> what are some turn ons? >> my turn on? a smile. >> i like affection. kissing on the neck. holding hands. >> i don't have many turn offs. >> that's what i'm talking about. >> i don't like rough. some people do. it's okay for them. but i, i like a gentle, caring, loving. even if they don't love me they should be loving. >> some romance, not just a one way ticket to pound town? >> yeah, i would say so. yeah. but i mean, pound town is better than nothing.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: so i've heard. from the chamber of commerce. all right. we have a fun show tonight. music from bleachers and we'll be right back with "the guardians of the galaxy." ♪ at lincoln, we're all about making things simpler for you. like, imagine having your vehicle serviced... from the comfort of your own home.
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>> jimmy: welcome back to the show. tonight, their new album comes out june 2nd, it's called "gone now," but you can pre-order it now. bleachers from the mercedes-benz stage. [ cheers and applause ] yes. that's his band. tomorrow night on the show, katherine heigl and rob delaney will be here and we'll have music from dreamcar and later this week, julia louis-dreyfus, magic johnson, kevin nealon, gabourey sidibe and music from yo gotti and dua lipa. our guests tonight make up the
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heroes, villains, humans and blue and green beings who populate "guardians of the galaxy volume 2." the movie opens in theaters may 5th. and here to tell you all about it, please welcome chris pratt, zoe saldana, dave bautista, michael rooker and kurt russell. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: how are you doing? welcome, welcome. it's kind of funny. because -- you, you guys were here last, for the first movie. i think, at that time, the only two people who knew about the "guardians of the galaxy" were these two girls in the front audience right here.
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it was them. they were alone. now, the most popular thing ever. >> it's really, yeah. yeah. [ cheers and applause ] it's really true. >> jimmy: they started it. >> yeah, yeah, i remember, overwhelmingly from people in the press when we were promoting the first movie. like the question that they always asked was -- so, you know, no one knows who the guardians of the galaxy are. doesn't that freak you out? like -- you might be in marvel's first big flop is that okay with you? [ laughter ] oh, god. oh, no. i got pretty nervous. >> jimmy: now you see people dressed up as you. is it weird to see people dressed up like you? >> i see people dressed up like peter zzzquil. it would be weird to see people dressed up like me. fy went to an event and there was -- >> oh, dude. i was at a convention. i saw a guy dressed up just like you. >> that would freak me out. freak me out. >> if it was someone dressed up like -- >> like, i'm dressed up as kurt russell.
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you're like, are you -- >> i like that. >> no, no. >> that would freak you out. >> jimmy: that would freak you out. >> and, as michael rooker, yeah, you would get arrested. >> jimmy: it would be very strange. you went from blue body paint from avatar to green body paint. when somebody dresses as your character that's a real commitment. has to make an impact of some kind, fear, i don't know. >> it's crazy, we did make progress from guardians one to guardians two, we managed to shave off an hour on the whole makeup process. instead of five hours it was four. i really appreciated it. >> jimmy: how did you -- do you cut corners? are there parts of your body you leave unpainted? >> i tried. i always try. i was like guys, they won't see this. it's like, no, we've got to paint it. you don't really see this. we got to paint it. i had green, for like a month after we stopped shooting. i'm like sitting and vacation, and what is -- aah! >> they forced me to paint, the entire, i mean. you don't have to paint everything?
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>> jimmy: you went method, michael. you went all the way, huh? >> well, yeah. my makeup team, guy and a girl, and they just sort of -- i thought they kind of got off on it. >> jimmy: it seems like based on thing figure it would have been okay just to do your hands and your head. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you went for the blue balls too. [ laughter ] [ applause ] thank you, thank you. curt, you are the new, did you know before you got involved in this that you wouldn't have to be painted? did you consider that possibility? >> i, you know, i didn't know about it. i didn't, when i got involved with it i hadn't seen it. so i needed to see it. when i saw it, then i began to wonder what am i going to have to do here? but i can tell you, boy, these two here, well you too, i guess, i don't know, we show up half an hour before we get working. hey, guys how it is going.
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they have been there five hours. >> jimmy: does that make you resentful, dave? >> i think dave has the most. >> i didn't have it that bad. hour and a half. chris, i think takes longer than i do. >> well, the, the side burns and the mustache, the combo, it's really intricate. very specific about it. also, i have to 45 minute lymph drainage massage. >> jimmy: whatever you are doing really working. i will tell you, i'm looking -- you have beautiful skin. >> this took six hours. i don't just do, my whole body. i did my whole body before i came out. takes a long time. >> jimmy: that's not a three day shadow. >> i wash this off. it is hideous. >> he was doing his makeup on the way here in the car. >> that's right. >> is it true that you had the idea to cast curt as starlord's dad in the movie? is that -- >> it was one of those things where they said -- i was like, well -- i mean, obviously -- let's shoot for the stars, let's get kurt russell or something.
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since he probably wouldn't do it, who could we actually get? [ laughter ] >> we got kurt russell. >> you're not going to believe who we got! who? kurt russell. what? you're crazy. >> jimmy: i can see you hitting it off. >> it was rough. when i read the script. i'm only in it for about 15 seconds then i die. oh, i shouldn't have said that. [ laughter ] >> spoiler. spoiler. >> jimmy: i know you have been doing interviews, have you ruined anything? i don't know what i can say. i know there are reveals and there are secrets. and, like, like for instance, can i say sylvester stallone is in the movie? is that okay to say? >> sly is in the movie? >> i think that's safe to say. >> tango and cash are in this movie. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: is that all right? is that allowed? >> it is now. it is now. >> jimmy: i'm glad you're all together. we'll take a break. when we come back, many, many more questions. the fans are very excited. we'll be right back!
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>> what is it doing? >> he said the skin is too thick to be pierced from the outside -- >> that doesn't make any sense. >> i tried telling him that. >> skin is same thickness from the inside as from the outside. >> i realize that. >> ah-ah-ah! >> it has a cut on its neck. get it to look up. ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: there you go. an exclusive clip from "guardians of the galaxy volume 2." that's good stuff. >> it's good. >> jimmy: when you see that -- i imagine your kids, those who have little kids, must go nuts
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knowing their parents are part of this, huh? >> yeah, i, yeah, i can say -- jack is now 4 years old. and he's just now starting to get it. he came and visited -- that was my favorite memory from this movie. my little guy got to come to set. and, and, our director james, his nephew will was there, and they're around the same age. we got to tour them around the guardian spaceship. and he, like, you saw it in his eyes. he thought like -- i've seen it on tv or in the movie, but i guess my dad really does fly a spaceship for work! [ laughter ] >> oh, dude, that was a beautiful day. that was like -- it was just absolutely adorable. you know, you look at their eyes and they're like wow. >> that's right. it's true. my kids think i'm related to the hulk. [ laughter ] so i am using it. and, i am getting them to eat their vegetables. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, really. >> and i even go as far as -- i go behind this wall, "i'm going to go call the hulk because you
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guys are not eating your veggies and he's going to come take your toys." i behind the wall. arrgghhh! they're like, no hulk, no come, hulk. eat your veggies. [ applause ] >> jimmy: wow, that's great. not many parents have that as a real threat. speaking of the hulk, how many of you -- raise your hand if you are not in the infinity war movies? >> we're not allowed to speak or even raise our hands or even -- are we? >> what is infinity -- >> i don't know, i'm with you. >> is there a new movie called -- infinity what? >> jimmy: infinity war brings together many characters from the marvel universe. >> really? >> jimmy: have you started shooting that yet? >> wow. is there -- i don't know this? >> we are shooting a scene right now. [ laughter ] this is going to be it! >> i hope i'm spider-man. >> jimmy: it is all very, when you, you were just in japan, right? >> yeah, yeah, that's right. >> jimmy: in japan, dave, when you are in japan, do people know
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you from this movie? they know you from wrestling? or this giant bald person among them. >> wrestling and the bald person. >> you were in japan? >> yeah, i went to tokyo. >> you were in japan too? >> yeah, i was. >> jimmy: sorry, they sent everyone to japan. except you. >> i noticed i wasn't in this trailer. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you have been cut out of the movie. >> what, what? wait a minute. >> you know how you can really give it to them. tell us what happens in "infinity war." [ cheers and applause ] >> nada, nada, nada. >> jimmy: there is going to be a volume 3 of guardians of the galaxy. [ cheers and applause ] can i say that? >> think i have seen it released. don't know officially released. if not, it is now. james gunn is writing and directing. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: he did a great job with this. the music is great in the movie. and you guys now, well now you do a couple movies. you'll be doing a third movie. i'm sure at the beginning you're excited to be with each other. maybe by the second movie, you got used to each other. by the third movie you will probably hate each other. >> no, no. >> jimmy: those of you who are in the third movie. but before we get to that stage of your relationship, i want to find out how well you know each other. when we come back, we will play a game. there will be prizes involved for both you and for the audience as well. [ cheers and applause ] when we come back, guardian against guardian. find out how well they really know each other. we'll be right back, stick around. "guardians of the galaxy volume 2." ouch! skin-flex™, anna! sit! new band-aid® brand skin-flex™ bandages. our best bandage yet! it moves like a second skin. ♪ dries almost instantly. better? yeah. go!
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good thing because stopping never crosses your mind. band-aid® brand. stick with it™ testinhuh?sting! is this thing on? come on! your turn! where do pencils go on vacation? pennsylvania! (laughter) crunchy wheat frosted sweet! kellogg's frosted mini-wheats. feed your inner kid for all kinds of things... like walking.ewarded hey, honey.
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dad, where's the car? thought we'd walk. he's counting steps. walk, move and earn money... goal! dad... hey, we wanna welcome everyone to the father daughter dance. look at this dad, he's got some moves! money you can use on out-of-pocket medical expenses. he's ok, yeah! unitedhealthcare ♪ "the birds and the bees" let me tell you 'bout...♪ ♪ ♪ the birds the bees and the flowers and the trees ♪ ♪ and the moon up above and a thing called love. ♪ ♪ let me tell you 'bout the stars in the sk♪, a girl and a guy and the way they could kiss ♪ ♪ on a night like this. ♪ ♪ when i look into your big brown eyes ♪ ♪ it's so very plain to s♪e
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kitchen electrics are only $4.99 after rebate and the big one bath towel is just $2.99. plus, get kohl's cash. wednesday through sunday at kohl's. red line, 20 minute delay. oh, no. (rhythmic clatter) can't get a signal? so annoying, right? yeah, and i'm late for a job interview. hey, man, can you just nix it, just for like two seconds? thank you. you need verizon. they have the largest, most reliable 4g lte network in america. it's made to work in places like this. with verizon unlimited, we could video chat the interview in hd right here. okay. hey, man, i'll cue you. (vo) when it really, really matters, you need the best network and the best unlimited. just $45 per line for four lines. i'm a people person. (drumming resumes)
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>> jimmy: all right. we are back. time to have some fun. you have sensed chemistry and camaraderie in the cast. "guardians of the galaxy." how much is real? how much is what they call show business bullcrap? is time to find out how well these super heroes know each other. it's time to play "guess the guardian." here we go! contestants. here is how the game works. i will share an interesting
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fact. some a little tidbit about either chris, zoe, michael, dave or kurt. your job is to write down who you think i'm talking about. you understand. you understand? who is the fact about? if the fact its about you. write me. we presume you will know what the fact is indeed about you. whoever gets the most answers correct is the winner. if you guess correctly, guillermo will reward you with a bag of ice. that's right. [ cheers and applause ] ready for cocktail, soda, and to reduce swelling from injuries. whoever has the most bags of ice at the end of the game will be the winner. are you ready to play, guardians? >> yes! >> jimmy: let's begin. we will start with a relatively easy one. first question is, this guardian collects lunch boxes? who is this guardian? make sure you can't see each other's boards. and put your pens down.
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michael its cheating that's why he was not invited to japan. [ laughter ] and the answers at the same time. guardians, who collects lunch boxes? >> survey says -- >> jimmy: the answer is? zoe says dave. chris, dave. michael says chris. kurt says zoe. dave says himself. a win for dave. zoe, chris. [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah! >> that's a win for dave? >> jimmy: you get a bag of ice. there you go. >> oh, my god. i won a bag of ice. i'm excited. >> jimmy: hang on to your bag of ice. what is your favorite lunch box, dave? >> i have a 1967 green hornet lunch box. >> jimmy: green hornet, nice. is the reason you collect lunch boxes -- because you like lunch so much you needed a lot of boxes? >> i'm always hungry. i need to have food close by. >> jimmy: very good. next question. here we go. this guardian was once suspended from school for making and deploying stink bombs.
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homemade stink bombs. who is this guardian? all right. kurt's finished. everybody finished. show your boards. the guardian is? everyone says rooker except for rooker who says kurt, answer is zoe. zoe! >> i got away with it twice. >> jimmy: what happened, zoe? this is in high school? >> yes. i was 12. i was trying to get kids to like me. i did it. got away with it twice. the third time i got suspended for two weeks. >> jimmy: two weeks? >> awful. it was fun making them. >> jimmy: you didn't realize you had a little junior terrorist in your midst here. >> yeah, try that these days. >> jimmy: our next question is -- hold on. in high school, another high school question. this guardian gave his teacher a chunk of concrete and told her it was a piece of the berlin
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wall. [ laughter ] guess the guardian. >> wait, wait, wait. >> jimmy: zoe you have the lead with two bags of ice. your answers? please? >> pratt. pratt. chris. zoe. rooker. and, that's -- oh, is that the name. it was indeed chris pratt who did it. [ applause ] >> jimmy: chris what have you written on? one for kurt, guillermo. guillermo, guillermo cut out of the movie. he's a little bit sore. >> he's in it for a frame. >> jimmy: he's almost in it, yes. it crossed my mind but i'm like, chris would never do that. >> jimmy: what did you do, chris? what teacher? >> this was, maybe my greatest teacher i have ever had. because i am still proficient in german. frau novak, i had a weird compulsion to kick rocks. fy had -- wherever i was going i
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had to kick the rock all the way there. i was late. so, i, i pocketed the rock. she said, christoph. [ speaking german ] i told her the story. my cousin was in the navy, he was there for the fall of the wall. he had given me the piece of concrete. really a piece of like sidewalk. >> jimmy: did you ever tell her the truth? >> i've don't think i have ever told her the truth. so i need you to know, frau novak, that i am -- >> frau? >> i am forever in debt to your wonderful teaching. >> bad, bad, bad. >> and i love you. i felt bad about that. you were a fantastic teacher. >> jimmy: how do you say sorry in german? [ speaking german ] >> jimmy: there you go, frau novak. we have a tie game right now as far as i can see. chris and zoe are tied. next question, this guardian chopped the tip of his or her finger off with a brick win the love of the neighbor. who is the guardian? the guardian who went to this stunning extreme? gentlemen, lady?
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rooker, rooker, rooker, kurt, it was kurt indeed! >> i got a bag of ice! yes! finally! >> jimmy: michael gets a back of ice, your first bag of ice. wow, kurt. why did you do this? >> because i was 3 years old. >> jimmy: 3 years old. >> but she could get me to do anything. bet you won't chop your finger off with a brick. i said, yes i will. i did. what, you don't believe me? >> it was goldie hawn. >> jimmy: unbelievable. >> had to sew it back on. >> whoa. >> wait, it was like for real? >> i was that stupid. >> jimmy: we have a three-way tie. the final question is -- this guardian lost his or her virginity in a pup tent in a neighbor's backyard. who was the guardian? lost his virginity or her virginity in a pup tent in a neighbor's backyard? all right, let's see your
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boards. the boards say, rooker, rooker, rooker. rooker. and only dave says, chris. it was not chris. it was indeed michael rooker. yes! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we still have a tie is that correct? >> yes. we are out of time. >> jimmy: still have a tie. here's the tie-breaking question. in the first game, guardians of the galaxy movie, how many times does vin diesel say "i am groot"? how many times. whoever gets closest is the winner. sadly michael and dave, you have already been eliminated. dave you have so many lunch boxes. you don't need a prize anyway. all right, let's see. reveal your boards. okay. the answer -- the closest, is zoe, the answer is 13. congratulations. >> no, wait. dave had it too.
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>> jimmy: the answer is 12, actually. >> dave had 17 too. >> dave doesn't have as many bags of ice as you. congratulations, zoe. >> you win! >> jimmy: you're the winner. zoe, congratulations. we got you something you're really going to like. it's a wheelbarrow for all your ice and all the ice anyone wants to give you. and for our audience, everyone in our studio audience, tonight, gets a pair of tickets to see "guardians of the galaxy volume 2" in imax 3-d. so congratulations. thank you. thank you, we'll be right back with music from bleachers. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> dicky: "the jimmy kimmel live concert series" is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. wish your skin
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could bounce back like it used to? neutrogena® hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skin to keep it supple and hydrated day after day. with hydrating hyaluronic acid, which retains up to a thousand times its weight in water. this refreshing water gel plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin that bounces back. the hydro boost skincare line from neutrogena®. see what's possible.
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>> announcer: the jimmy kimmel concert series is presented by mercedes-benz, the best or nothing. >> jimmy: i want to thank the cast of "guardians of the galaxy" and apologize to matt damon, we ran out of time. "nightline" is next, but first, their album is called "gone now" here with the song "don't take the money," bleachers!
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♪ ♪ ♪ somebody broke me once love was a currency a shimmering balance act ♪ ♪ i think that i laughed at that and i saw your face and hands coloured in sun ♪ ♪ and then i think i understand will i understand ♪ ♪ ♪ will we fight stay up late in my dreams i'm to blame different sides of the bed ♪ ♪ roll your eyes shave my head now we're stuck in the storm we were born to ignore ♪ ♪ and all i got is a chance to just sit i'm in love and you've got me runaway ♪ ♪ ♪ you steal the air out of my lungs you make me feel it i pray for everything we lost ♪ ♪ buy back the secrets your hand forever is all i want don't take the money don't take the money ♪
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♪ ♪ i slept on my own those nights was still in my parents house ♪ ♪ and i cut off my t-shirt sleeves and claim a new continent ♪ ♪ til i saw your face and hands covered in sun and then i think i understand will i understand ♪ ♪ ♪ will we fight stay up late in my dreams i'm to blame different sides of the bed ♪ ♪ roll your eyes shake my head now we're stuck in the storm we were born to ignore ♪ ♪ and all i got is a chance to just sit i'm in love and you've got me runaway ♪ ♪ ♪ you steal the air out of my lungs you make me feel it i pray for everything we lost buy back the secrets ♪ ♪ your hand forever is all i want don't take the money don't take the money ♪ ♪ i'm in love and you've got me runaway ♪ ♪
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♪ you steal the air out of my lungs you make me feel it i pray for everything we lost ♪ ♪ buy back the secrets your hand forever is all i want don't take the money don't take the money ♪ ♪ when you're looking at your shadow standing on the edge of yourself ♪ ♪ praying on the darkness just don't take the money ♪ ♪ dreaming of an easy waking up without weight now and you're looking at the heartless ♪ ♪ just don't take the money ♪ l.a.! ♪ ♪ you steal the air out of my lungs you make me feel it i pray for everything we lost buy back the secrets ♪
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♪ your hand forever's all i want don't take the money well don't take the money ♪ ♪ i'm in love and you've got me runaway ♪ ♪ ♪ you steal the air out of my lungs you make me feel it i pray for everything we lost buy back the secrets ♪ ♪ your hand forever is all i want don't take the money don't take the money just don't take the money ♪ ♪ ♪ just don't take the money just don't take the money just don't take the money ♪ ♪ just don't take the money ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> guillermo: hi, i'm guillermo, welcome to "after kimmel." tonight on jimmy kimmel, jimmy interviews the guardians of the galaxy, chris pratt, kurt russell, dave batista, michael rooker. but my guests tonight, the real star of the movie, rocket and groot. thank you for being here tonight, guys. so tell me, if there is any pranks on the set? okay, that's all for the show. adios! thank you, again, guys. [ cheers and applause ]
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this is a special edition of "nightline." "city of angels: legacy of the riots." 25 years later. why a divided community erupted into chaos. long-simmering tensions boiling over after the rodney king police beating and controversial verdict. >> they've all been found not guilty. >> lawlessness in the streets. >> no justice in america for the blacks! >> we're on the ground. >> you can't just not do something. >> with those who watched their american dream go up in flames. and once-silent voices now speaking out. >> they said, you got to get over it because your mom was shot. >> with ferguson and baltimore fresh in our minds, the lessons learned from those dark days in los angeles a quarter century ago. this special edition of "nig
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