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tv   World News Now  ABC  May 25, 2017 2:40am-4:00am EDT

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t up, freeze it, and you've got yummyness. going to get cut one of these days by his girlfriend. because he's up to it again. and this one, oh, this one hits where it hurts. >> today i'm going to prank my girlfriend by getting caught red handed cheating on her. >> oh!
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>> yesterday afternoon i told kate i was going to hang out with one of my buddies. what i did was charlie and i went out to bars and clubs and started taking pictures with girls and puts them on my snapchat story which we hoped kate would watch and basically freak out. and that worked way too well. she has been calling me all morning and texting me frantically asking what the hell i was up to last night. >> so the next morning, kate shows up and he has this fake conversation as he's knocking on the door. kate can't really hear what he is saying inside the apartment. all he knows is he's talking to somebody. she makes it in the door and that's where questions begin. >> who were you talking to? >> what? >> who were you talking to? >> you can tell she's pretty annoyed, upset. >> who were you talking to? why is the back door shut? >> i was watching tv. i don't know if that's what you heard. >> your voice was on the tv?
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that's why i could hear you talking? >> he's doing a good job of getting it set up. >> that's not it. >> whose jacket is that on the floor? >> i don't know. it's probably charlie's or someone. >> charlie wears a ladies denim jacket. >> here it comes. >> now she goes into the bedroom. she finds a bra. >> just go. just claim you were wearing it. >> why is this on your floor in your stupid bedroom? >> she's getting more irritated now. >> probably yours. i don't kn you leave [ bleep ] here all >> she turns around to walk out the door and that is when he finally reveals it's all a prank. >> i just want to ask you to smile for the camera because this is all just me messing around. >> ha-ha. >> that is so funny. i am so mad right now.
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>> too far. too far. >> i hate you. ta ta for now. we'll see you on the next brand new episode of "rtm." l day. it's the best thing that ever happened to me. every great why needs a great how. to the controversy at fox news channel. four advertisers pulled ad from sean hannity's show after he presented a story. >> reporter: seth rich, voter outreach for the democratic national committee was 27 years old when gunned down near his home in washington, d.c. that was last july.
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and his family says they have been living a nightmare ever since. not only because the murder remains unsolved, but because of what they call, lies and conspiracies. surrounding his death. >> you can't defend a lie. anybody who knew seth, knows that's not his personality. or what he believed in. >> reporter: rich was killed a few weeks before wik spichlt leaks published hacked e-mails from the dnc and conservative media including fox news have since speculated rich was murdered to cover up his invo e involvement in passing the information to wikileaks. >> turns out it wasn't the russians a young guy i suspect was disgusted by the corruption of the democratic national committee. he has been killed. >> reporter: 17 intelligence agencies have determined the russians interfered in the election but some refuse to believe it. just last week, a guest on fox news sean hannity show cited an
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fbi srs to claim there was evidence linking rich and wikileaks. the guest backtracked which led fox news to remove the story from the website. and issue retraction. rich's family pleaded for fox and others to stop reporting conspiracies. hannity backed down. >> out of respect for the family's wishes. for now. i am not discussing this matter at this time. >> one fbi official told abc news, the only place i have seen that is through the conspiracy theories on line. >> another one saying, hey we have nothing to support what is in the press, media and public. >> we are going to move on. coming up, billy bush speaks out about the access hollywood tape. >> here his response to melania trump's accusation he was egging her husband on. next.
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pretty familiar with the tape that threatened to cost donald trump, the access hollywood recording with billy bush release aid month before the election. >> in an abc news exclusive, bush is opening up about the tape that's eventually cost him his job. >> who was the first? >> billy made a name for himself as co-host of access hollywood for 15 years. rubbing elbows with hollywood elite. last summer billy made the jump to morning tv, his dream job as a co-host of the today show. but on october 7th, 2016, his career came to a screeching halt. when the now infamous tape was released and he was fired. do you believe you should have lost your job over this? >> based upon the moment that is on that tape i understand people's reaction. i agree, i also felt that way.
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we liven a verbable and digital age. so we get this video, this moment. and we react emotionally. to it. and then you have social media, ability to respond in realtime. and a flame becomes a been fire very, very quickly. >> have you had any conversations with donald trump since the release of the tape? >> no, there was no relationship there. it was work-related. i interviewed him multiple times, especially back then. he never reached out. and i, i didn't reach out. >> melania felt as she said, you egged him on. >> he was led on, like egg on, from -- from the host to say -- dirty and bad stuff. >> would you agree with that? that you added to the conversation? >> i definitely added to the conversation by, you know, i was keeping the ball in the air. >> what was it like for you to go back home, after the, after the tape had been released.
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to face your daughters, your wife? what was that moment like for you? >> my now 16-year-old daughter called me. and she was in tears. and she was really upset. and i said, mary, it's going to be okay. she said why were you laughing at the things he was staying on the bus. why were you playing along. that wasn't funny? >> she was very understanding of the atmosphere and the environment. at that time. and she knows very well. the man she married and -- and who i am. and she was supportive the whole way through. and in fact up until, five minutes ago. we were on the phone when i drove up here. billy is no stranger to the public eye as reporter and member of the bush family. >> i should have known better, absolutely. no question about that. i look back and wish people also
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say, you should have stopped it. but i didn't have the strength of character at the time to do that. i wish i did. >> did you reach out to colleague, nancy o'dell at all and aapproximately jiet apologi? >> yeah, private message, yeah. >> how are you going to convince people, that say you want your job back. you want to get back on tv. >> i can tell you that -- that i -- am only ready -- get back to work now. because, there 'tis purpose and there is clarity. and there is acceptance. and there is a changed person i do feel like a better man. i feel like -- a better father. partner. friend, and i do think, better at my job than i ever was. >> nancy o'dell did say she received his apology, appreciated it very much, and she worked together for so many years. and wishes him the best going forward. >> wish him luck. celebrating a national holiday next by stomping grape.
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>> national wine day, baby. >> just got to make some grapes. drink up.
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clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but will it stop this teen from being embarassed by her parents? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. tand, our adulte children are here. so, we save by using tide. which means we use less. three generations of clothes cleaned in one wash. those are moms. anybody seen my pants?
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nothing cleans better. put those on dad! it's got to be tide. line up is right. wine up, right, everybody. today is national wine day. and we are celebrating in the most generous way we can think of. >> yes. in our never ending quest to embarrass ourselves, which we failed at, we are going to prove how much we don't know anything about it. we are stomping grapes. >> take our socks off. >> nobody said about taking the socks. isn't that part of it? >> our producers have come up with a game for us. as if this isn't embarrassing enough. we have to play a game called is it a grape. we have to say is it the name of a grape, or not.
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>> first grape is chardonnay. >> chardonnay. >> yes, a grape. >> yes, a grape. >> yes. >> yes. >> that was easy. >> that was easy. >> smolier here with the next. >> nero d'avola? >> going to say yes. a grape. >> it is. >> i didn't think it was. >> okay. next. oh, my gosh. look at that. it is a -- it is a -- not a grape. >> no not a grape. >> you made that up. >> it is a grape. >> it is a grape. >> to know anything about this. >> next one.
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eroldego. >> it is a grape. >> no. >> no. >> it is a grape. >> it is a grape. >> i think he has given up. he is like it is a grape. just really bad at this game. >> last one. >> pinole. >> pinole. >> say, no not a grape. >> pinole. our former floor manager. >> not a grape. >> what point do we drink, ryan? >> that whenever you want. >> okay. you can't really see. show camera two. this -- this production. do you see that? that is just -- who wants in? >> drink it! drink it! drink it! >> oh, my god. >> you first. >> ha-ha-ha. >> here you go. >> pour a little bit of yours. >> ready. >>
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this morning on "world news now"-- the urgent efforts to take out terror cells. >> more carried out over the uk, the investigation into the suicide bombing in manchester continues. we'll have the latest on the suspected bomber and the evidence suggesting direct involvement from isis. >> here at home, the big breaking news story overnight. the candidate for congress now charged wai ed with assault on of the special election. the reporter allege is a violent encounter took place after asking a question at an event. how their stories differ despite the audio evidence of the incident. >> and the frightening moment, a tractor-trailer lost control of its brakes, careening down the highway. and there is a police sign there to warn drivers. see how the whole thing ends. with a very thankful driver as well. >> the ultimate in dyi. why some of your next door
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neighbors are, well opening their bedroom doors to cameras and making six figure incomes having sex online. the new money making hobby on this thursday, may 25th. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." good morning to you. we begin with new developments in the manchester bombing. >> british authorities conducted raids overnight. arresting at least able people. salman abedi's father and young brother detained by militia forces in lib yeah. searching one address, investigators carried out a controlled explosion. at abedi's home they found enough materials to build several more bombs. >> really, really troubling development there. some of the most critical evidence was found at the scene of the bombing itself. and can be seen in the photographs, parts of the backpack that carried the bomb and even a detonator. publication of the photos though by "the new york times" has angered british authorities. we get more now from abc's terry
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moran. >> reporter: in the terrible moment the bomb went off. it left behind amid the carnage and fear, clues to how it was made and by whom. those crime scene photos obtained by "the new york times" and posted on their website reveal the bomb's sophisticated design. the possible detonator bloodied. carried in the suspect's left hand, investigators believe with a small circuit board inside and appropriate tr protruding wire, a 12 volt battery more powerful than most suicide bombs. nuts, skroouz, deadly shrapnel. part of the blue backpack. the bomb was carried in. investigators concluding this bomber was no lone wolf. >> i think it is very clear this is a network that we are investigating. >> police stormed a building in central manchester. targeting an apartment they thought being rented as air bnb unit. >> you can't know, who ever body is.
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>> while we were there. >> and for three hours, they tackled this man here. making some kind of arrest. we don't know if it is related to the attack or not. things happen very fast here. turned out a police officer had been trying to barack up a fight. even as the mentmorial here gro. the largest 10 k run. 35,000 runners last year, will go forward this weekend authorities say. safely. terry moran, abc news, manchester, england. >> all 22 people killed in that explosion have now ben identified. >> among them a couple. 17-year-old clowy rutherford and 19-year-old, liam curry. in a joint statement their family said they wanted to beep together forever and now they will be. >> 47-year-old, lisa lice was
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killed. >> and searching more than a day hoping to find her in hospital. they received the bad news. >> we are getting details about the bomber who fives week ago traveled to libya to visit his family. libya is an isis stronghold. the bomber's younger brother tells investigators that they both belong to isis. salman abedi returned to manchester five days before the attack. >> moving on now. president trump attending a nato summit in brussels. greeted by belgium's king and prime minister after arriving in city he once called a hell hole because of its immigration policies. the president is also holding talk with european union leaders and meeting with the new french president macron. anti-trump protesters gathered in brussels, rallying against president trump views from climate change to abortion. >> this gop replacement for obama care narrowly passed the
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house expected to leave 23 million uninsured in ten years. congressional budget office says premiums would go down slightly overall. but they would skyrocket for older american and those with pre-existing conditions. the cbo found some out of pocket costs would jump by thousand of dollars, as states are allowed to opt out of guaranteeing coverage for services like maternity and mental health. republican senators say they're drawing up their own bill from scratch. and a wild situation playing out overnight in a special congressional election in montana. republican greg gianforte faces misdemeanor assault after witnesses say he body slam aid reporter. the incident hours before today's voting. a fox news crew says, that gianforte shoved jacobs after grabbing him by the neck last night. that happened after jacobs asked questions about the gop health care plan. in a statement, gianforte's spokesman says he entered an office, shoved a recorder in the
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candidate's face and asked badgering questions. much more in the next half-hour. >> turn our focus now on to the weather. you can see on the big screen why. it is going to be a soggy thursday for tens of millions of people in the northeast. the radar, on the big wall showing storms with heavy rain moving up the east coast. >> there were at least three reported tornados last night in southwestern ohio. several businesses suffered heavy damage. but there are no reports of injuries. >> confirmed ef-1 tornado responsible for heavy damage to the fire department as well as buildings in the small community in north carolina. a few storms left over in the carolinas today. the old line says every dog has its day. but that recognition usually doesn't come in a school yearbook. >> this year, stafford high school in fredericksberg, virginia is giving a special shout out to alpha schalk, a service dog for jay schal.
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k. a.j. has type one diabetes, alpha's job lets aj know when his blood pressure is too low or too high by sniffing his breath. >> now, alpha didn't just get a pick schur ture in the yearbook. he has a school id. need a booster seat for the picture next time. >> could have worked on the framing of it. well deserved spot there. in the, in the yearbook. aj says, that alpha has been going to school with him since last year. and has saved his life, a number of times. so, well deserved. >> congratulations to both of them. >> coming up. a new health alert. new findings on the risks of not getting enough sleep. what that could mean for your heart for example. >> in other news, captain obvious will have the report. and they're known as cam couples. amateur porn stars, live streaming frumg thestream ing from their own homes. they're not doing it just for
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the money. my investigative report coming up. and remember check out our behind the scenes pictures on instagram, abcwnn. you're watching "world news now." (haha) no wonder you can't sleep, your car is a mess!
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you need parts i've never even heard of. and it's going to cost you a fortune. when life keeps you up... zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. because sleep is a beautiful thing. ...studying to be a dentist and she gave me advice. she said dad... ... go pro with crest pro-health. 4 out of 5 dentists confirm these crest pro-health products... &help maintain a professional clean. crest pro-health... ...really brought my mouth... the next level. go pro with crest pro-health clearasil rapid action begins working fast
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for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but will it stop this teen from chugging hot sauce? ...oh jeremy. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. ito become dangerous.d for an everyday item new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip.
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>> that is an out of control semitruck, speeding down the highway near mexico city. the truck's brakes failed. police were helpless as it hit speeds around 100 miles an hour. finally came to a stop after colliding with emergency braking ramp. the driver able to escape unharmed. the truck was carrying 15 tons of paper on rolls which wound up on the road there. and also caught on camera, dumptruck rolling into an intersection near seattle. wow. and, slamming into a car. the truck's brakes also failing in this situation.
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the driver of that car, suffered only minor injuries. amazing. >> vermont's governor vetoed a bill that would have made it the ninth state to legalize marijuana. would have been okay to grow small amounts of pot. penalties for using the drug driving or around children were strong enough. he says he is willing to work with lawmakers on a compromise. >> jury selected in bill cosby's sexual assault case. his lawyers had accused prosecutors of trying to keep african-americans off the jury. and cosby said that race could be a factor in the dozens of allegations against him. both sides eventually agreed to include two black jurors on the panel of seven men, five women. cosby charged with drugging and molesting a woman who worked for temple university in 2004. he made brief comments after leaving court. >> i just want to be very spa sieve acspa -- specific about the wonderful people of allegheny county. i also want to thank the
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sheriff's department. >> the jury selected in pittsburgh. the trial will take place near philadelphia. opening arguments june 5th. jurors will be sequestered there near philadelphia after being bused all the way from pittsburgh. cosby says he does not plan to test final. >> new information on the connection between lack of sleep and your heart health. researchers at stanford university, studied americans already at risk of heart disease. they found those sleeping less than six hours a night, were twice as likely to die from heart disease or stroke. the risk was higher in people with high blood pressure and blood sugar issues. >> great. great news for insomniacs everywhere. >> thanks, stanford. >> coming up -- the porn disruptors. yep. >> how the regular couples are camming their way into the homes of thousand of viewers, live streaming their most intimate moments and cashing in. i sat down, did the research and all that for this story. it's coming up.
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sometimes we get a little wild at night. but i don't always finish. so i use k-y duration spray to last longer... so we can both... [[wolf howling]] [[bear roaring]] nothing brings you closer than finishing together. last longer with k-y duration.
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♪ ♪ >> so that's what the, the little bleep there is, till the early morning. i didn't know that. >> isn't it freak.
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>> till the early morning. >> they bleep that. >> i don't know. >> commencement ceremonies across the country. so many speakers are telling graduates the key to success is to earn money doing something you love. >> it turns out a lot of your neighbors are taking that advice literally making cold hard cash having sex online. >> only weird if you make it that. we're up all "nightline" with yours truly. >> a little weird. >> they seem like your average couple next door. 40-somethings in love. it is a typical southern california saturday. >> perfect. >> tackling yard work and cooking dinner together. these two just can't keep their hands off each other. but, they have a secret. >> it's something that we really enjoy doing. we get to do it together. on our own terms. in our own home. we don't have to go anywhere. it is a fun business. >> web cam there. that. they're in the business of
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sharing their most intimate moments. >> should i go ahead and start. live streaming their own interactive porn via web cam for money. as the the duo peppermint and dusty. #no. #foreplay. >> they have 80,000 followers on the channel chatterba techlt. a -- they can chat. tichlt a tip. and thank you, bootie play. we are fun and enjoy each other. >> you have day job? >> yes. >> you happen to come at home at night get on a web cam and have sex? >> sure. >> we're going to have sex anyway. no matter what we are going to do it. >> the adult entertainment industry reportedly perth billions of dollars. at any given moment there are thousands of live cams streaming strip shows, foreplay, and hard core sex across the internet. sites like chatterbate,
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myfreecams and camfor, live jasmin one of the most visited web sites in the u.s. more popular than the "the new york times." successful shows can make several hundred dollars. >> yea. >> in just a few hours. >> the most dedicated performers, raking in six figures. peppermint and dusty do like the money, but see camming more as a way to inspire others. >> money isn't at the top of the list. that's an awesome bonus on the side. >> they're do it yourself studio up and running with minimal technology. >> very simple setup. little camera. apple. mac book. small tripod. >> tv. >> whole lot of coconut oil. >> whole lot of coconut oil. >> whole tub. oh my gosh. >> ha-ha. >> peppermint and dusty, stumbled into the business.
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>> we lived together i had a place with a big mirror in the bedroom. is was -- really fun to look over and in that mirror while we were being intimate. it turned us on. >> yeah. >> i think it's time for us to go. going to leave them, for their show right now. >> on this night, their erotic show went on for five hours. at one point, more than 2600 people were watching. >> our highest night. 7,000 people. >> there is something there that consumers are willing to pay for. a lot of people really think that that has to do with the high level of interactivity. >> the industry has got sewn popular that there is even an annual convention. cam-con. adult film star, arianna marie starred in "let it ride" but got her start as a cam girl then moved on to studio made porn movies. >> i'm going to tease you guys just a little bit. >> reporter: now a known figure in the porn industry she off
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goes live on the site, myfreecams. >> i came back to camming. because four years later now i have a name. i am, you know, branding myself a little bit better. i don't want to just oversaturate myself with a bunch of content for other companies. >> reporter: she turned her las vegas home into a cam house, with 22 web cams. kitchen. living room. shower, the places off limits. owning their doors as well to other cam girls in vegas to expand her business. >> i try to split my time. try to shoot scenes. i can keep my name relevant at the same time i'm on cam. >> her husband once performed in films as jack spade. and some times joins in. >> when i was a performer working with the girls every day. end of the day all i wanted to do was come home and cuddle. that's the difference. that intimacy. >> reporter: a young porn pro like arianna may see generations
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removed from 46-year-olds, peppermint and dusty. in the cam world, they're peers. >> we'll be in the top ten. a long time 2,2 years olds, 19-year-olds. i think it is awesome. honored. flattered by that. >> reporter: for all of peppermint and dusty's openness what they're doing is still a secret. their bosses don't know. neither do peppermint's adult children. >> sure there is going to be a moment of them being horrified. i'm sure there is going to be some embarrassment when they see me. but, there is nothing that i am ashamed of. i mean, they know how amorous we are. and i don't don't feel guilty about that. >> which is why they're welling to be recognized. >> there is people that are going to judge us. that's just a risk we are willing to take. i'm not going to lie about it. not going to deny it. we have a loving, passion that sex life. those are all things to be proud of. >> you'll rise no one is watching our show any more.
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>> not at all. last six months all i've been doing research that. 's what it was. >> how studious of you. diligence. 60% of women are wearing the wrong size pad and... ...experience leaks. introducing always my fit. find the number that's right for your flow and panty size on the top of any always pack. the better the fit, the better it protects. always. because your carpet there's resolve carpet care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone.
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resolve carpet care with five times benefits
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♪ red red wine >> cheers, everybody. >> cheers. >> you can't be trusted with a wine opener. >> national wine day. >> national wine day. >> may 25th. >> national wine day. tradition goes back to 2009. apparently someone on face book made a facebook group, said we should have a national wine day. facebook decide. people decided may 25th. there you go. national wine day. celebrate drinking wine. posting about it online. however, for some people those posts don't go quite so well. shall we check it out. >> is this bad? >> national wine day. >> fail. >> oh, yeah. >> uh-huh. >> not just one shelf. >> oh my god.
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>> yeah. >> no, that is not good. >> you asked what would bring me to tears. >> that's what. >> national wine fail. number two. >> they all go down. >> when you watch the first. what could be worse than that. there is your answer. >> oh, the human tity. >> yeah. >> i don't know that i could go on. >> it is a tragedy. >> well, we will have to save one for those. >> those poor -- >> okay. so, as we -- celebrate national wine day. we have this youtube, and, social media star. that is -- going into a different business you might say. he is now selling cars. >> he might have you thinking you have been drinking to much wine. this is real. >> take a look. do you want few go in the car. hey, i am bruss griffin. our prices are low. i can't read. should a dog be selling cars?
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probably not. come get yours today before the government catches wind of this and shuts us down. >> bruss griffin. also known as, gilda by the way. social media, youtube star. decided to shoot the spoof of a motor world. salesman. the owner says that, brus griffin sounded look a slimy car salesman. why not? >> weird when people bring furry animals into unexpected places look a car commercial. don't know why anyone would do that. >> some one else decided to celebrate national wine day with champagne instead. head over off to the global morning news in
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this morning on "world news now" -- the violent altercation between a candidate for congress and the reporter who was covering him. audio of the incident released and overnight that candidate charged with assault. how both sides are responding hours before voters go off to the polls in that congressional race. >> the cost of the house plan to reform health care is now revealed. democrats are slamming it. so could 23 million americans lose their health care? >> new this half-hour -- a woman fights off thieves trying to steal her car. >> going as far as jumping on the hood before they try to take off with the vehicle. see why she admits she could have acted differently. >> it's out-- the first official trailer for season seven of "game of thrones." packed with predictions and epic boasts from denaris, what she says she was born to do.
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it is thursday, may 25th. >> -- against the coming storm. >> announcer: from abc news, this is "world news now." >> are you upset with the open? of "game of thrones." kendis is on season one. >> born to be wild. born to run. >> he has no idea. >> yeah, breaks out into bruce springsteen at the top of the show. >> spoilers about the new season. ha-ha. jason bourne. no? >> yes, absolutely. definitely. >> best of both. get to that in "the skinny" later. we'll get started with the fight night that apparently in montana. breaking news, congressional candidate facing an assault charge accused of body slamming a reporter. >> this unfolded hours before voters head to the polls today. witnesses say, greg gianforte grabbed ben jacobs. jacobs recorded audio of the incident started after he asked
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a question about the gop health care plan. >> the cbo score, as you know you've been waiting to make your decision about health care until you saw the bill and it just came out. we saw the bill and it just came out. >> now according to a fox news channel crew that was there, gianforte grabbed jacob by the neck. in a statement, gianforte, said she interrupted, shoved a recorder in the candidate's face and asked badgering questions. that statement went on to say, quote,
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>> okay, then there is the guardian newspaper released a statement of its own. it reads in part -- facing up to $500 fine, or six months in jail if convicted. fox news channel crew that was there went on to say let us be clear at no point in all of this did jacobs ever show gianforte any aggression before he acted. they go even further. and describe gianfforte, describing punching jacobs. >> from a conservative fox news crew there at the time. >> from the fox news crew. >> reporter there for many, many, years, her crew were standing there.
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supposed to have an interview with gianforte. waiting. chatting with him. they say this whole thinl thing went down in front of them. >> he was leading in the polls. but overnight several key newspapers there in -- in montana, that actually had endorsed him, rescinded their endorsement after this a incident. >> that's right. >> it will be an interesting election to watch today. democrats are again slamming that republican plan to replace obama care now that the congressional budget office has weighed in. >> the new report says the bill that passed by the house, just by one vote is expected to leave 23 million more americans without health insurance. abc's mary bruce reports. [ chanting ] >> reporter: for months americans crowded townhalls, voicing fear and frustration. president trump and republicans have already declared victory. >> this is a repeal and replace
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of obama care make no mistake about it. >> and we finally know what the house health care bill could mean for you. the congressional budget office releasing their report card. finding the bill could leave 23 million more americans uninsured. and reduce the deficit by $119 billion over the next decade. for some, their premiums could skyrocket. 64-year-old making $26,000 in some states could see premiums climb $12,000 or more. those concerns around the country. >> shame! shame! shame! >> reporter: fueled by last minute changes to the bill that would allow states to opt out of guaranteeing coverage for basic health services. like maternity care and ambulances. and, states could waive the requirement that insurers don't discriminate based on pre-existing conditions. even republicans admit that has to change. >> we have to deal with
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conditions in a way that will work for people. >> reporter: the report warning over time it would become more difficult for people with those conditions to purchase insurance. because their premiums would continue to increase rapidly. it's far from a done deal, the senate is now starting from scratch. and some republicans are skeptical. they will ultimately get this done. >> are you confident this is going to get done? >> no. i think. i'm not confident. i think it's, i don't know what the odds are. going to be a tough call. >> reporter: there are serious concerns about the bill in the senate from republicans. senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell admitting at the moment he doesn't know how he is going to get to the 50 votes he need to get this done. mary bruce, abc news, capitol hill. overseas now, british authorities have raided new locations in and around manchester as part of their investigation into monday's bombing. >> eight people have been arrested including the brother of the suicide bomber, salman abedi. his father and brother were arrested in libya. >> "the new york times"
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published photos of parts of the bomb that survived the explosion. experts say the parts point to a sophisticated device making it likely that abedi had help from a terror network. >> all victims have been identified. 22 people in all. including children. teenagers and many parents. waiting to pick up their children. after the american pop star's concert. more than 60 people were injured. some with horrific and still life threatening injuries. >> i think one of the hardest thing that certainly i directly dealt with my colleagues is looking after children who we didn't know who they were, didn't know who they are, haven't identified them. can't imagine what their parents are going through until we have done that. actually remarkably hard. >> he says there has been fantastic support from the community. both for the victims as well as hospital staff there. britain will observe a moment of silence for the victims this morning at 11:00 a.m. local
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time. at 6:00 eastern time. >> extreme weather shaping up to be nasty day of rain from the mid-atlantic all the way into new england. heavy rain is moving into the big cities of the northeast. just in time for the height of the morning rush hour. >> the same storm system left behind serious damage in north carolina. drone video shows a confirmed tornado ripped the roof off the fire department building. in the small community. one resident said the storm sounded like a freight train. luckily no reports of injuries. >> northeast gets a direct hit. >> accuweather's justin pavick, has the details for us, almost didn't want to ask. good morning. >> diane, kendis. thank you, good morning to you. a recipe for heavy rainfall throughout the northeast. big travel delays expected as we go throughout the day. lots and lots of moisture in place. so all along, interstate 95 here, talking rain with potential for some thunderstorms as well. heading in towards the holiday weekend. notice thunderstorm threat continuing throughout the ohio valley. and into the southeast.
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wet weather working its way to the north and east. for memorial day. diane, kendis. >> wet weather for memorial day. >> attorney general jeff sessions under fire over contacts with russia's ambassador. the justice department acknowledged sessions did not disclose meetings with the security clearance form. they say an fbi investigator told sessions he did not have to report such meetings with foreign dignitaries connected to his job as a senator. sessions recused himself from the investigation into russia's election meddling after failing to reveal those meetings during his confirmation hearing. >> one senator issued a critical report about the wounded warrior project. senator charles grassley's investigation of the charity found it provides mislead figures about amount of money spent on veterans. his report says the organization
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needs to be more transparent. and that it should cut down on high spending for plane tickets and staff events. grassley also notes that steps have been taken to fix issues exposed by media reports last year. >> veterans, now have their own parking space at sonic. one at least. in indiana. the space at the indiana location is marked by red, white, blue lines, vets using the space also get a 10 discount on their orders. >> first time. only place that does. >> maybe a trend. see more of this. >> high profile juj tiff from justice. the founder of hot yoga is on the run after a judge issued an arrest warrant amid sexual assault allegations. >> later in the skinny, why the wife of chris hems. worth is saying -- something interesting about his guns. you are watching "world news now." >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. >> announcer: "world news now" weather brought to you by united health care. nothing more important than your health. so if you're on medicare or will be soon,
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clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but will it stop this teen from chugging hot sauce? ...oh jeremy. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. watch as a woman reacts as someone tries to steal her car. at a gas station. she jumps on the hood of the suv and stays on even as the thief tries to drive away. she holds on the whole time. eventually the thief, you see
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get, gets out of the car. jumps into a getaway car. the guy at some points slams on the brake trying to get her off. he leaves. gets in the getaway. she gets her own car under control. >> the vehicle kept rolling. >> the vehicle did keep rolling. >> so there you see it again. >> tries to get her off. she hold on. and then eventually he gives up. gets out of the car. leaves the car rolling. >> she gets in the car. he gets in the get away car. but there are probably some hollywood producers that could sign her of as a stunt, stunt actress. >> she said i probably could have handled it differently? >> you think. glad to know she is all right. >> one of the world's well known yoga experts is now an international fugitive. >> founder of bikrim yoga, hot yoga fled the country amid allegations of sexual assault. now an arrest warrant. david wright has the latest. >> reporter: one of america's
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most successful yoga gurus, bikrim chowdrie is a fugitive. a year ago, a court ordered him to pay $7 million in damages for sexually harassing and firing his own lawyer. >> i feel vindicated. i am elated. >> reporter: but he never paid a dime. so an l.a. judge issued an arrest warrant. bikrim creator of hot yoga. when we first met him five years ago, there were rumors of groping students. >> i never lie, never cheat. i never hurt another spirit. >> reporter: he categorically denied them. >> the hardest problem in my life, david, is stay away from women. women likes me.
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but, yogi supposed to be yogi cannot be involved the women. since then, half a dozen of his former students accused him of sexual assault. >> some one can look him in the eye and say no. and it doesn't matter. >> authorities believe bikrim has the hidden most assets and fled the country. he has been spotted during the past year in india and in mexico. david wright, abc news, new york. >> when we come back, oh, there are plenty of spoilers from "game of thrones." why everybody seems to just, just be doomed. >> only if you are kendis. >> tiny dancer finally gets it own music video. we'll have it for you in "the skinny" next. >> tony danza. ♪ ♪ hold me closer tony danza ♪ danza. ♪ ♪ hold me closer tony danza ♪ you gonna wear? hannah. did you get that email i sent you? i need you to respond... ...before you wake up. when life keeps you up... zzzquil helps you fall asleep in less than 20 minutes. because sleep is a beautiful thing. because your carpet there's resolve carpet care. it lifts more dirt and pet hair versus vacuuming alone.
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resolve carpet care with five times benefits
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♪ skinny so skinny time for "the skinny"
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starting with, this is what i get, sneak peek of upcoming season. >> sneak peek of the upcoming season. >> spoilers. mickey, keep me safe. all right, i'm ready. >> think you have those on backwards for one. also. kendis is on season one of game of thrones. so all of this is spoilers for him. so. >> king joffrey. >> hbo pulled the curtain back. trailer 90 seconds. deneris unleashes her dragons and basically, the blank hits the fan if you know what i am saying. >> i was born to rule the seven kingdoms. and i will. premieres on hbo july 16th. of 2017. unless you are kendis. at some point he will watch it in like august 2020. ♪ ♪
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♪ freeing to holler at me >> good, trying how to come back to us. >> how quickly you will catch up for the next season. >> luckily king joffrey survives that wedding. next. you can call chris hems. worth many things including thor, kirk, just plain hot. >> yeah. his wife chose a different word though. as the two were driving down the street. her hunky husband was driving around. >> yeah. >> as you do. >> looking at himself probably. >> that's right. >> and we are enjoying the view. but his wife had a different comment. spanish model and actress shared the selfie on instagram. and she says -- >> she says please stop flexing. >> wasn't what she captioned. the snap that has everyone buzzing, it was "stop flexing chris." it's gross.
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that's one way to describe it. but -- >> we don't think it's gross, chris. you can keep flexing all you want. >> we didn't buy tickets to that gun show. >> no complaints here. >> throw back on thursday to mid century music classic. >> 46 years after the release, tiny dancer has brand new video. elton john shared a fan made music video, imagery of how we interact with the song in 2017. usually traffic, or on the go. ♪ draw me closer tiny dancer ♪ down the headlights on the highway ♪ tiny dancer is one of three classic elton john tracks. to get new music videos now. rocket man, and bennie and the jets. >> nice. >> new treatments. part of a contest that celebrates the 50 year anniversary of the partnership with songwriter.
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>> can i go back to "scrubs." >> yeah, carry on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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clearasil rapid action begins working fast for clearly visible results in as little as 12 hours. but can ot fix this teens skateboarding mishap? nope. so let's be clear: clearasil works fast on teen acne, not so much on other teen things. brtry new flonase sensimists. allergy relief instead of allergy pills. it delivers a gentle mist experience to help block six key inflammatory substances. most allergy pills only block one. new flonase sensimist changes everything. so we got our new he washing machine but it took forever turns out it wasn't the machine, it was our detergent. so we switched to tide turbo clean. now we get way cleaner clothes way faster
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he turbo clean. 6x the cleaning power in 1/2 the time ♪ ♪ >> there is an app for that. finger spinner. >> there is, there you go. >> high tech solutions. we have one coming up. so it could be tough to get to the doctor if you are sick. now innovative program is bringing health care to patients. >> now, federal budget cuts may take the air out of that. here is abc's correspondent. >> reporter: a morning commute that involves driving the office to work. this is the medical clinic of washington, d.c., joint partnership between georgetown hospital and ronald mcdonald house charities.
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this looks like a truck when it pulls up. once it parks it opens up into a size of a small apartment. doctors are able to see a few dozen kids, each week. anyone under 21 years old can check in with the doctor for no out of pocket costs on their front doorstep. >> dr. levy seeing patients at the clinic for 25 years. many of his older patients. like a private practice with wheels. a day for the team varies. some times physical for teens or check ins for babies. >> valuable. convenient. always have appointments available. always. >> always there when you need them. even through the ups and downs of health care policy. dr. levy says they have been able to keep to schedule both before and during the years of the affordable care act. with the threat of lost medicaid
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fund and current version of the ahca, resources for the bus might get tight. >> if medicaid is rolled back, the reimbursement for our, us, will go, may go down. we will see the families regardless of ability to pay. however, it may impact the work we do. because we have to raise money. it takes more resources to do that. >> until then the wheels on the bus will continue to go round and round. helping little washingtonian lives along the way. washington several years. wish i signed up. had been able to sign up for that. >> wait for me. >> help me out. >> program says all children under age 21 eligible for care whether or not they have medical insurance. >> don't miss updates on face book, >> stay with us. we have more news coming up. >> announcer: this is abc's "world news now," informing insomniacs for two decades. informing insomniacs for two decades.
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making news in america this morning, breaking overnight, a republican candidate for congress charged with assault. accused of body slamming a reporter hours before voters hit the polls. why the selection is so important. with even the president doing some campaigning. also breaking right now the united kingdom is slamming the united states. investigators looking into the manchester terror attack are now refusing to share information with their american counterparts. the leaked photos that made them angry. we have them and we'll show them to you and show you the latest victims to be identified including a young couple. we're live. >> happening today president trump attending his first nato summit. that is an alliance that he once called obsolete. live in belgium with his arrival. and caught on camera. a woman's desperate attempt to not be a victim of a carjacking.


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