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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  June 22, 2017 2:10am-2:40am EDT

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it's an all new show with great viral videos "right this minute." >> you can't open it yet. you have to wait. >> father's day has passed, but the gifts keep coming. >> dad is like, oh, great. >> the story behind the sweet and not so sweet surprises. wing suit pilots cut through the fog over -- >> the gorgeous terrain of switzerland. >> see them as they glide through the crack. a curious bear likes what he sees. >> he ran. >> the moment he decides this van is just right. and a rapper trying to outlast a fidget spinner. >> almost one breath.
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>> see if it's the lungs or the spin that gives out furst. >> oh! for rachel there's no time like the present. that's her dad sitting on the couch. she hands him a gift that she put together. he starts opening the box. >> already bring a tear to his eye? that was quick. >> you just hold tight. >> look at the back. >> she has something to say to him. >> so dad. there is a saying that love is thicker than water. but this saying is incorrect. the correct saying is the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. >> as she continues to read, dad is in that emotional space because he's not her biological father. >> to me you've always been my dad and i've always been immensely proud to tell people
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that. however, that's not good enough for me anymore. i don't want it to be by word of mouth. i want it to be official. >> there's another piece to the gift. >> so will you do me the honor of being my dad? will you adopt me? >> like a proposal but an adoption proposal. >> rachel said she didn't know that adult adoption was a thing. she actually found out on facebook. while she was in high school, they presented her with the option for him to adopt her, but she didn't quite really understand all the ramifications of it and just kind of passed over it. but now she decided she wants to make this official. and i think he's in. she goes in to hug him and he just holds her and they share a special moment. >> you don't need that piece of paper to confirm your love. when you do finally get it, when i adopted my daughter, no one could take her away. it was special. >> the relationship kids and adult kids have with their fathers, it's special. that's why joe who lives in california decided to send his father joseph a gift.
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>> no! >> as joseph pops that open, glitter goes everywhere. >> wait. don't you send these to people you don't like? >> no, of course not. because this is their thing. joe has always pranked his dad joseph. it's a present he'll never forget. i've seen the crack. you've seen the crack. even jeb was seen grinding the crack in switzerland. >> i thought we were talking about plumbers the whole time. >> no. i'm talking about the line that wing suit pilots love to fly over these gorgeous terrains of switzerland. anton and brendan are back and they're doing good a pretty amazing proximity flight in the crack. anton is up ahead in the red
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wing suit. you see them go where that barn that we've seen so many times in this. this is the part that gets super cool every single time. they get so close. they move. this guy's actually turning his body quite a bit to make the really tight turns as he gets super close to the trees. >> it is a rite of passage. >> keep in mind brendan is right behind him doing the exact same thing but also making sure that he gets the video. he, too, gets super close. >> oh! right at the end, that was a bit sketchy. did you get the shot? well, i got my life. >> we've seen them recently because they're out there jumping all kinds of lines. thanks for showing us the crack, guys. we start in whistler, canada, where matt is tickled to death by this bear.
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>> license and registration, sir. >> he's opened the door of your van. >> it opens the door and it's going to climb in? >> bears have figured out all kinds of ways to get at food. a car door is no trouble. it could have been locked and the bear would have torn it off. >> he's getting in your van, i swear to god. [ bleep ]. >> yeah, it's all funny now until he goes back over to that van and there's tears in the seats and he takes a dookie in there. >> have you got any food in there? >> there was no food. at one point he said something to the bear like maybe you should get out. >> hey, get out of the van. oh, [ bleep ]. >> the bear goes back in. they say the bear took a bottle of water to take with it. and also there were no scratches and no damage in the van. meanwhile in adelaide, australia, it was a koala that
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gave everybody the giggles. this is outside the genghis kahn restaurant. >> koala walks into a bar -- >> the koala has a name. his name is jeffrey. jeffrey walks into the restaurant. keeps walking through the restaurant to the back. at first i thought, job application? no, no, no. those are the bathrooms. >> it's so cute though. >> it is cute. the good news is that jeffrey is okay. they called animal rescue. they were able to get near it and put jeffrey in a crate and returned him to his eucalyptus tree. reports came in of a man brandishing a weapon and threatening people. you can see in the video this suspect is just legging it with british transport police close behind. as he heads up these stairs,
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that's when a member of the public decides to react. grabs him, puts him up against the wall, and slows him down. that's when the officers approach. but tasers are deployed. he's finally incapacitated. this is the reason why. >> ooh. >> yes. brandishing this ax around. he claims he was taking the ax to his mom's to get it sharpened so he could make a bed frame. however, there was a bit of shade from the british police. with previous convictions for robbery involving a weapon, we suspect the intentions were not entirely innocent. >> yeah, you don't say. >> he was actually charged with possession of a weapon. he's been sentenced to 18 months in jail. >> wow. >> now, while the police say that members o the public should not get involved, the guy that did ended up getting himself accommodation from the cops. over to dublin for a weird video to be honest. the star of it being that guy
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right there not wearing a shirt that seems to have a problem with everyone. starts off with this guy carrying the vacuum cleaner. just clocks him. this guy is just ready for all comers. it doesn't matter who you are, he's going to start attacking. >> you've got four people there at least. if they all work together, take him down at once. >> just jump on them and call the police. >> yeah. none of that happens. as you look at the top of the screen, another guy gets involved. and now it's just arms and fists flailing around. once it all eventually calms down, everybody else just leaves him to himself. >> wow. did he just want to fight? >> that's what it looks like to me. i know he was arrested and detained, but looks like he was just one of those people having one of those days. everybody seems to love magic, but -- >> you know who doesn't? dogs. >> find out why they're not interested. >> dogs can still smell out the treat though. >> yeah. that's why they're freaking out.
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and our throat is useful for many things, but i bet you haven't seen this before. >> oh, no, what's he doing this time? >> see what he does with those chop sticks that leaves us speechless. rooms come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. with eight times more fragrance control, the new air wick® scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down. for the perfect amount of fragrance. no matter the size of the room. air wick®. home is in the air™. classic hershey's; plus cookie bits; plus caramel.
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hershey's cookie layer crunch. a layered twist on a classic.
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closed captioning provided by -- s zero nasal allergy symptoms and nothing gets you closer than nasacort because unlike antihistamines nasacort stops more of what makes you miserable. everybody loves magic, right? you know who doesn't? dogs. recently stewart edge, our good buddy on the show here, bought a bunch of dog beds for some pups at the local shelter. delivered those beds and they were happy. guess he was buttering them up. this time he's going back with delicious treats and wowing the dogs with some slight of hand tricks. >> that's cruel. they're already living in a
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shelter. then you're pulling that on them? >> dogs can still smell out the treat though. >> yeah. that's why they're freaking out. the treat is there. >> it's super cute. time after time, stewart palms the treat. the dog is like i smell it. wait. wait. where is it? don't worry the pups get treats. stewart's not a cruel guy. he's a very generous guy. but it sure makes a good video to see these dogs completely baffled by these tricks. >> he's really good and quick and smooth. >> how does the catarac react? >> let's find out. >> it's like, no, you didn't. >> we got the same hair color though. >> tricks, treats, doggy beds. it's another cute video by our friend stewart. the dogs play the stars in this one. i hate to say it, but this woman, she doesn't have it. she goes to start backing up -- >> oh, my gosh.
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>> that went way worse than i thought. >> yeah. and instead of hitting the brakes, she hits the gas. they think she might have gotten a little bit freaked out because she saw behind her and she slams through the glass of the jewelry store. you notice one man jumped out of the way. but four other people weren't so lucky. >> if that was a wall, people would have been pancaked. >> she did also smash into some of the less expensive jewelry counters. the good part is no one was seriously injured. >> this is going to be an expensive audiotape oopsy. >> so many people get it wrong. >> once they freak, their feet don't hit the right pedals and boom. moving over to this video from dash cam owners of australia, here we are riding along when that vehicle starts to back up. >> hello. >> brake. >> stop. >> is there anyone inside the van? >> that's the thing. apparently another car nudged
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him. he got out to tend to that. and there you have it. >> and he forgot to put it in park when he got out? >> looks like he put it in reverse. >> this is just not this fella's day. >> at least it wasn't a big impact. hopefully just a scuff. >> i was looking for the dude. your vaen? >> apparently this dude was all out of sorts. while the owner of the dash cam and that fella were hashing things out, the person who hit the original guy got away. hi, everybody. i'm brad. >> i believe the last time we talked to brad, nick called him the human pincushion. well, his cushioning continues. i could only think that a guy could come up with this idea. >> these are bamboo chop sticks. >> where's he sticking them? >> the last place that you would probably want to stick this besides your year or your eyeball or down your throat or up his nose. >> we're running out of
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orifices -- >> that we can show on tv. >> it's not an orifice but half of one. >> do not try this at home. >> do not try this anywhere. >> i'm going to take the pointy end of my chop stick and put it in my throat. >> and then what? >> he's going to break it in half. let's see how it goes. >> that could have hurt a lot. for what he does, he's strangely unmarked. >> however he does it, it's still pretty impressive. >> thing is now he's going to need a fork. only got one chop stick. >> thanks for watching. these dudes see something in the water ahead of them. >> it's like they're rolling up
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on the jet ski poking it with something. >> find out what it is they decided to poke. >> that's going to make it aggressive. plus she's about to try a pumpkin purifying 24 hour mask. see if this one makes your skin shine bright like a diamond. out of sunscreen, going on a targetrun need anything? watermelon! water please! and soda! grandpa!! got it! get everyday low prices on everyday essentials, targetrun and done. we can bounce backthing about bfrom anything.s that and so can our hair. total repair 5 from l'oréal. fights 5 signs of damage. 5 problems, 1 solution. total repair 5 from l'oréal. listerine® total care strengthens teeth, after brushing, helps prevent cavities and restores tooth enamel. it's an easy way to give listerine® total care to the total family. listerine® total care. one bottle, six benefits.
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power to your mouth™. rwith eight times mores fragrance control,zes. the new air wick® scented oil warmer lets you dial up or down. for the perfect amount of fragrance. no matter the size of the room. air wick®. home is in the air™. your strips are slippy... whiter than mine? ...mine are grippy. crest whitestrips stay in place. crest whitestrips professional effects... ...lock in the whitening for a whiter smile. these aren't going anywhere. these are. crest... ...healthy, beautiful smiles for life.
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t promotional consideration provided by -- fungi-nail stops foot fungus fast before it spreads. fungi-nail. allergytry new xyzal®.ou have symptoms like these for relief is as effective at hour 24 as hour one. so be wise all take new xyzal®. trying something again. >> in today's episode, i'll be trying out a purifyi ining pump peeloff mask. it contains pumpkin and 24 karat
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gold. >> it looks more 24 karat than it looks pumpkiny. >> it's a korean product so it's been processed differently. it's not all natural. >> it looks like it goes on smooth though. >> yeah. it goes on smooth. she applies it super thin on her face. check it out. even though she put it on super thin. she peels it off in one solid piece. >> now, we have seen videos where they don't come off that easily. that's impressive on its own. >> yeah. so this is not one of those really abrasive masks like the charcoal masks. she says it doesn't hurt and it was really easy to take off. but she said there isn't a particularly noticeable difference. >> i feel like it did make redness go down. don't expect crazy results from this. i think it's just fun and cool to use. i don't know if i can say this enough on "right this
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minute," but leave the animals alone, please. these guys on jet skis in croatia see something in the water. >> what is it? >> at first i thought it was a little duck. but you'll realize it's not a duck. it's a fin sticking out of the water. what you can see is a swimmer's area. the swimmers have run in fear except for that one swimmer that's like, shark? who cares. >> so it is a shark for sure? >> reports bloelieve it to be a blue shark which is not an aggressive species. these guys felt like it was time to do their best to harpoon this thing. >> if it's not an aggressive shark, poking it with a stick will make it aggressive. >> the shark was scared off and went to deeper waters. . this next guy in south africa paddle boarding when he stumbled upon something he found very interesting. >> what is that?
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>> if you're not sure, keep watching. >> is that a squid? it's a squid. wow. >> look at the size of that. >> this ain't over. >> yeah. that's a giant squid. james taylor came across it with his wife behind the camera. >> it's like the cracken taking down a ship. >> james said the squid appeared to be injured, so he thought he would lower a rope to it and drag it to shore. which if you're an injured squid, you don't want to be dragged to shore. so there again, leave the animals alone. no word as to what happened after this. he came up with a silly idea. >> what i'm going to try to do is take one single breath and rap longer than this fidget spinner can smidge befospin befi need to take another breath.
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this is a great example. recreating "titanic." ♪ >> paint me like one of your french dogs. >> all right. >> wearing only this.
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sometimes all it takes to ill lis sit an eye role from nick calderone is using the words fidget spinner. but hold that eye roll. >> i'm going to try to take one single breath and rap longer than this fidget spinner can spin before i need to take another breath. >> yeah. in some spitting fire competitive competitionnessness. >> i like this guy. but i don't think he can do it. those things spin for a long tile. >> my personal record is 77 seconds. let's try this though. >> okay. let's see it. ♪ [ rapping ] >> i can tell you before he started the video, he did the bioenergetic breathing technique how


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