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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  June 28, 2017 2:10am-2:40am EDT

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new viral videos on an all new show "right this minute." it's road rule number one. >> pay attention. >> see the rider who better leave her phone at home. >> oh, wow! the touching scene of an exhausted rescue dog. the story of the canine heroes after a devastating landslide. a son shows his father a classic mr-2. the moment dad finds out the dream car is really his. and -- ♪ i'm in love with the shape of you ♪ >> it's hard to top ed sheeran,
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but see the genius behind the molecular shape of you. ♪ molecule when they take the shape they do ♪ >> how does anyone write that? >> i don't know. i'm just dancing. we said it many times before. you can't fix stupid. this first one is a road in china. you see people on scooters going about their way. but if you're going to operate one of those things, pay attention. that's not what this saleswoman doing. >> oh! >> that's a different level of distracted driving. >> this woman was so distracted on her phone, she did not notice her scooter veering off to the side. she suffered a head trauma because of this. the good thing is the other people on the scooter saw and heard the crash. they did end up helping her. she was sent to the hospital because she wasn't paying attention. >> not even wearing a helmet.
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>> when are people going to get it? this next one, i just cannot figure out. to ashland, virginia. we are at this railroad crossing here and it is beyond comprehension why this van turns left right here. >> all right. >> where are you going? >> they're obviously not catching the 310 to yuma. >> i wouldn't say that about the rail lines. >> that is because an amtrak passenger train is coming. the gates start going down. their lights start flashing. and yes, off in the distance, that dratrain is nearing. at this point the car is stuck. >> you can see all the smoke front right. you've got to assume one of the wheels is just spinning. >> the good thing is that conductor saw this with enough distance to be able to break and bring that train to a stop. and fortunately it was on the other tracks also. nobody was injured. here's the best part.
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or worst part depending on your perspective. as soon as the train stops, that driver is finally able to somehow get unstuck, drive over that track, and they take off. >> so they're going to get a ticket or a fine, right? >> doesn't sound like they'll receive a citation for this. but this video was released to remind everybody on theed rooz road to be safe. that's a mac1. his all time favorite car. dad gets inside and he is impressed. because his son pulls in the driver's seat and starts to tell him, dude, nice work. >> happy father's day. >> oh. >> very much so because there's a little bit more to this story. back in the late '90s, dad michael saved up to get his dream car the mach 1.
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after a couple of years honestly couldn't afford it anymore and had to let it go. well, this year his son's like i got the perfect father's day gift. and it's this mach 1. it's not any mach 1. it is really, really special. when paul starts to give us some of the deets. >> original. not restored ever. 1987. 72,000 miles. no rust. completely original. >> wow. somebody took really good care of that car. >> yeah. it is a gem. >> that's an impossible find. you never find cars that are in that condition. >> and only 72,000 miles. >> yeah. like, that's a whole lot of miles that could have been put on that car. >> there's actually a little bit more. >> it's paid for a year. >> that's how you surprise your father. no bill. just have fun. >> because father's day gift
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usually tie, socks, wallet. but car, great gift. when you see a mountain moving like this bit by bit, it's going to get attention. see that? and it starts to trickle down. you see a little bit. but you guys, it's about to take off. >> so get out of there. >> thank you! >> the whole mountain starts to move towards these people. >> you can hear people screaming. that's because they started running and finally the person shooting the video runs too. >> super dangerous. >> yeah. because it's moving towards them rapidly. >> landslides have affected multiple places. in this town, you can see the roadway blocked by this landslide. but watch here. we see the damage that was brought by that. cars moved. they say it was the equivalent of about 254 cubic feet of rocks
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and mud. >> people don't realize just how destructive landslides can be. and this is a very mild example of what they can do. >> what's really sad are the villages that have been devastated by this. that animal wasn't rescued from the debris. it's just sleeping because it's tired. spent hours and hours looking for people looking under the debris. this video of the handler holding the dog like this has got everyone's attention. not the only dog getting people's attention online. in the same village, this other dog that's part of the rescue effort. check this one out. >> comes to save the day. >> that dog is on a zip line to help some stranded victims of the landslide. look how calm this dog is. tammy and luke are a beautiful couple. they've just had their wedding
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and now they're having their first dance. ♪ >> all the guests are standing around watching them celebrate their love. as they continue to slow dance and twirl, things suddenly take a turn. time to get it on. ♪ the groom has his stunner shades on. now so does the bride. >> oh, she's got her own crew. it's a danceoff. >> oh, yeah. the guests never saw this one coming. let me battle begin. and first the ladies serve the men and the fellas are like we will not be outdone. we got this. ♪
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>> the one dance all guys are guaranteed to know. >> you can tell these guys are professional dancers. >> now they continue to go back and forth. this is so cute. ♪ >> women obviously rehearsed and the guys came up with this ten minutes before they did it. >> they're like, shuffle, nod, twist. once they get to the end, they do a group dance. ♪ >> the ladies won that one. >> of course. we always win. and he's going to learn that if he wants to be a happily married man. she's under construction. >> she begins to draw on her body before she starts to fill it in with paint. >> you can't figure it out. >> see if you can figure it out. plus this little cutie has figured out --
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>> his fake cry. and it's pretty funny. >> why not even sleep will defeat his cry. get whatat olive new early dinner duos for just $8.99. choose from over 50 delicious combinations. and all the salad and breadsticks you want. from 3-5 monday through thursday. hurry in, it's early dinner duos. only at olive garden.
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it says you apply the blue one ok, letto me. this. here? no. have a little fun together, or a lot. k-y yours and mine. two sensations that work together, so you can play together.
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closed captioning provided by -- the 99%. gold bond powder spray. anytime. anywhere. stay cool, america. gnarly. gnarly is what we like on this show. and this video is it. expert mountain bikers richie and bret are about to shred right through this. the reason this is gnarly is because they're doipg it at night. >> gnarly with a capital silent "g." >> yes. >> the only way that you could do this route at night is to know it like the back of your hands. if someone like us went down
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there, bye! >> you are right. these two actually first hit this same run 20 years ago. that's why they decided to share this pooif int of view angle of trail. it's midway through the video where they say now it's challenging. >> oh. oh. >> oh! no, no, no. no, no, no, no. >> any time there's any kind of lit, it looks like a total drop. you're never quite sure. >> this is like their roller coaster. >> that's why it's important they know the trail so well. they can fill in those gaps between their head lamps. they're both doing the trail like bosses. that's probably why they're red bull athletes. >> that makes sense. they all crazy.
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>> a gnarly video. but crazy. i mean gnarly. >> that was awesome. i'm about to amaze and astound you with somebody else's work. that somebody else would be mariana. >> she's amazing. >> she is. let's see if you can figure out what she is doing. this is under construction body painting. she begins to draw on her body before she fills it in. >> you can't figure it out. when you think you're going one direction, she flips it around. >> under construction could mean so many things. my first thought was building, pipes. no. she's got hooks there. she's drawing on her arm and on her stomach. my favorite part is when she starts painting like on her upper chest. when she starts adding the negative space, you get a better idea of what's under construction. >> dang, this is cool. >> look at the shading on her bel belly. >> yeah. she's an artist. that's what she does amazingly.
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that's why she's able to convince of all these creations. >> oh! >> look what's under construction. it's like a mannequin or something or the human body under construction. isn't that crazy? >> i think that's my favorite one so far. you know when your jam comes on and you don't even think about it, you're just suddenly like -- >> trampled under foot by led zeppelin. ♪ >> no way. this is her jam. >> oh, yeah. and this is the first time she's heard this led zeppelin song. when those first few chords strike, she goes haywire. >> dad's got street cred. my baby goes out to led zeppelin. >> most kids fight sleep.
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they will not go down. this little boy has figured out his fake cry. it's pretty funny. >> he's like, mom, are you not convinced i'm crying right now? >> she realizes he is tired. like i got to take a little nap. >> y'all thought i was asleep, right? back up. >> he's such a little character. as is this next little one. >> i love me from every angle. >> yes. there she is looking in the mirror. >> oh, you're cute and you're cute and you're cute and you're cute and you're cute. >> everybody gets some sugar. >> she's like, hey, girl. okay. >> seems like this is endless entertainment for that kid. whenever she's acting up again, mom's just got to bring her to the same corner again and she'll be like, oh, i love you. >> this is definitive proof that you do put baby in the corner. >> it's true. and it works.
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it's a world championship rotary race. >> they're taking their rotary tillers and basically drag racing them. >> find out how this competition works. >> oh, no. and time to get your creative juices flowing. >> ladies, whenever you are stuck without anything to wear even though your closet is full of things, try this with an old t-shirt. >> see the t-shirt dress that will save you this summer. >> good idea. stance run. and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just four months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal, infections and cancers,
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three levels of snack time at the same time. reese's snack mix is pretzels, nuts, reese's pieces and reese's peanut butter cups. snacka-snacka-what? hershey's and reese's snack mix. snacks on snacks on snacks. . promotional considerations provided by -- fungi-nail stops foot fungus fast before it spreads. fungi-nail. years in the sun causing dark spots? gold bond dark spot minimizing cream. 81% saw improvement in the appearance of sun-damaged skin. gold bond.
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never underestimate the ingenuity of the lady. because when we can cut corners, we will do it. lets it go. oh, no. what is going to happen? >> that is brilliant. because as it goes around, it's going to start pulling itself in. >> the only danger is once it gets to the middle, it could break loose. you could see in the time lapse as it gets towards the end, there you go. >> so this is like tether ball with a lawn mower. >> and everyone's the winner. >> right. >> also never underestimate the americans for finding a way to race anything with a motor. we're going to head to arkansas. for the 2017 rotary tiller championship. >> dang. >> they're taking their rotary
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tillers and basically drag racing them. i was worried there could be some failure. >> oh no. he's actually a bit of a ninja. >> this proves one point. >> he was running fast. he was in control. the only thing i'm disappointed is the end. >> next time. >> a solid landing. ladies, whenever you are stuck without anything to wear even though your closet is full of things, try this with an old t-shirt. >> you can do that with one of your ex or current boyfriend's shirts. >> yeah. >> the current boyfriend might not want you to cut up his
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shirt. but the ex -- >> here's the thing. you don't have to cut anything up. this is from pink chocolate. all you have to do is literally just sew the leaves shut. once done put them inside the shirt. you pull the neck out a little bit and slide it on and look. the neck is now the tube top. and you can make it cute with the belt. you can paint them, mark them up, cut them up. you can do all fun things with these shirts. go in your closet, find those shirts you thought you were going to sleep in when you got them and make dresses out of them. >> good idea. it's time for science on a whole other level. ♪ slow down your pace and put that orbit on me ♪ >> i'm crushing real hard right
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now. hear the molecular shape of you to the tune (soft music) -oh, he looks so... -that tickles! that's right! ♪ little time, that's good!
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♪ (female #1) he sure does miss his pop-pop. so do i. it's something you never get over. is there anything more we can do to help? i know the funeral was expensive. thanks, honey. i'm doing okay. dad had a policy through the colonial penn program that really helped with the bills. i have one too which gave us both peace of mind. dad told me a while ago but i wasn't sure if you would need help with the paperwork since you're going through so much. the representative i spoke to was so thoughtful and patient. she made an incredibly hard thing seem bearable. i'm so happy we chose the colonial penn program. (alex trebek) if you're 50 to 85, call about a guaranteed acceptance life insurance policy through the colonial penn program for less than 35 cents a day. the average cost of a funeral is over $8500. add other bills and you've got plenty of reasons to call now for free information about this valuable coverage.
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we all have that special someone in our lives. have peace of mind, be prepared. with coverage in place, you know they'll have help with your final expenses in their time of grief. you cannot be turned down because of your health. there's no medical exam and no health questions. also important: your premium will never go up and your benefit will never go down because of your age. give your loved ones peace of mind. call now for free information. you'll be glad you did. ♪ --the hippo. "my birthday?" asked the giraffe. (giggling) ♪
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>> what's funny is even if you lose, you win because it's delicious. >> i'm sugar drunk right now. the great escape. ♪
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it's not easy to one up ed sheeran. his song "shape of you" is still number four on the charts. it is without a doubt the second best version of that song here. because you're about to hear the best. ♪ to sum up how electrons come and go ♪ ♪ matter fields and equations pose ♪ ♪ part of the equation will just lead when it expands ♪ ♪ add it in with the proton and watch them start to dance ♪ >> science can be fun! ♪ orbits all take the shape they do to the quantum


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