tv Jimmy Kimmel Live ABC June 30, 2017 11:35pm-12:37am EDT
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♪ ♪ > tonight's "jimmy kimmel live" is brought to you by that cup of coffee you drank too late this afternoon. you knew you'd be up all night, but you drank it anyway. and now you're stuck with us. >> dicky: from hollywood, it's "jimmy kimmel live"! tonight, anthony hopkins, chris hardwick, guillermo live at the nba draft. and music from queen and adam lambert. and now, what else is new, here's jimmy kimmel! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: i'm jimmy. i'm the host of the show. thank you for watching. thanks to all of you for coming.
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[ cheers and applause ] we have -- we have so much to get to tonight. starting -- we are going to start tonight with the nba draft, which is taking place right now at barclays center in brooklyn, new york. the nba draft is i think the most interesting draft in sports. and it's important because it helps to decide which teams the players will be on when they lose to the golden state warriors next year. [ laughter ] with the number one pick the philadelphia 76ers chose markelle fultz. he is a great point guard from the university of washington up in seattle. he also just happens to be with our very own guillermo right now via -- [ cheers and applause ] the cisco stream. hi, markelle. congratulations. >> how are you doing? i'm doing good. thank you. >> jimmy: you're welcome. you're going to philadelphia. my first question is cheesesteak related. which do you like? pat's or geno's? because if you're going to live there you're going to have to pick a side. >> i know, i know. i actually haven't been in either one yet. i've been going to like larry's. i had my own chef cook me one.
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i'll have to check it out. >> jimmy: what does it feel like to get picked first in a sport? that's never happened to me. [ laughter ] and i'm just curious. >> first of all, i mean, it's a blessing really. it's something that almost all kids dream of. and for me to do this, it just goes down in the history book and it's a milestone for me. >> jimmy: do you feel more blessed or hashtag blessed? >> hashtag blessed. [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> jimmy: so now you're a professional, you've been drafted, are you going to buy anything exciting like a snow leopard or a submarine or anything? >> no. nothing like that. nothing crazy. pretty much just taking care of my family. anything they want. that's what's going to make me happy. >> jimmy: that's nice. [ applause ] i was watching the predraft show on espn. is it true you're wearing shoes made out of basketballs right now? >> yeah. that's true. it's actually made out of a basketball. >> jimmy: made out of a basketball. so you really are serious about this. [ laughter ] >> this is what i love. it's nice. >> jimmy: go ahead and yell "i'm
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better than everyone else" at the top of your lungs because i think you are, right? >> no, i'm not going to do that. i'm not going to do that. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: good. stay humble. thanks, markelle, and good luck to you there in philadelphia. [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. thank you. >> jimmy: and guillermo, great job. guillermo, go get us number 2. get us number dos. okay? >> guillermo: okay, jimmy. >> jimmy: okay, thank you, guillermo. [ laughter ] there was another big draft today. this morning senate majority leader mitch mcconnell showed us a draft of his top secret new health care legislation. they opened the vault. they laid the bill out on a table, rubbed lemon juice all over it and the text magically appeared for all to see. and wouldn't you know it, the bill includes a big tax cut for rich people. so unless you just got drafted by an nba team it's not great news. [ laughter ] they're calling the plan better care, as in just imagine how much better this plan would be if the people who wrote it cared. [ laughter ] and it slashes medicaid -- [ applause ] -- which could negatively affect
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millions of poor and elderly people. but here's the thing. it won't happen until 2024. it's gradual. which makes you wonder why 2024. what is the significance of that? will we all be in those pods from "the matrix" by then, we won't need health care? the reason it's 2024 is that will be after most of the current senators have run for re-election. [ laughter ] and then these guys wonder why we hate them. and that's why. [ laughter ] speaking of unpopular bills, bill cosby has a -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] an absolutely inexplicable plan. i'm sure you know there was a mistrial in the sexual assault case against bill cosby. and now according to his spokesman bill is planning to hold seminars across the country, town hall meetings at which he plans to teach young men how to avoid being charged with sexual assault. [ laughter ] i'm not -- here's one. number one, don't commit sexual assault.
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that's a way. [ cheers and applause ] but this came from one of his guys, his publicist said cosby's going to teach young people, especially athletes, how to look for warning signs. this is either an exceptionally ill-advised publicity stunt or an extremely elaborate way to trap date rapists. i'm not sure. [ laughter ] the cops should arrest every guy who shows up to this thing, right? [ applause ] who told bill cosby this is a good idea? the only thing we know for sure is the tour will not be sponsored by jell-o pudding. otherwise -- [ laughter ] meanwhile, president trump is on tour as well. trump held a rally in cedar rapids, iowa last night where he explained why he would only ever hire a rich person to help him run the economy. >> and i love all people. rich or poor. but in those particular positions i just don't want a poor person. does that make sense? does that make sense? if you insist i'll do it. but i like it better this way, right?
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>> jimmy: right. the more money you have the smarter you are. look at the kardashians, for instance. it makes sense. [ applause ] trump, he was on a roll. he also shared his plan to put solar panels on his mexican border wall, and he insisted that the solar panels on the wall were his idea, which they were not his idea. donald trump is the guy in like your office who doesn't chip in for the birthday gift but makes sure his name's right in the middle of the card. [ laughter ] the crowd in iowa, though, they loved it. they love the wall stuff. even though mexico is like a 21-hour drive away from cedar rapids. they loved it. and trump was in his element. he's still bragging about his win in the electoral college. he was so fired up, in fact, we had no choice but to slow him down for another presidential edition of "drunk donald trump." ♪ [ slowed down ] >> and those maps, those electoral maps, they're all red.
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beautiful. red. [ laughter ] beautiful. you look at those maps, almost like wow. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: almost like wow. he may have spent the night with bill cosby. [ laughter ] it's fitting that all this health care stuff is going on right now. we happen to have an expert in the house here. dr. hannibal-elector is here with us, anthony hopkins. [ applause ] and not only is anthony hopkins here, he brought a bunch of "west-world" robots for you guys to have sex with. [ applause ] also with us tonight chris hardwick and music from queen and adam lambert. [ cheers and applause ] you know, anthony hopkins is here to promote the new "transformers" movie. and whenever there's a big new
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summer release we run it by our in-house movie critic yehya. he loves movies. he loves movie stars. he agreed to preview the movie. here he is talking about the movie, "transformers: the last knight." >> hi. it's me yehya. i talk about the summer movie. the summer movie is called "transformance." >> it begins. >> you know transformer is like before like the car and he come like transformer. that guy is octopus breem. okay? it's imax. transformer comes jump up to you. you go like boo. he's come in your face like fast. >> what was that? >> that was a mistake. >> and that transformer the director michael bay. he's the first one with the guy shy labomb and megan [ bleep ]. the guy is the first transformer mark wallber.
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big actor, movie star and he's in the movie with georgia clooney. everybody die on the boat. he did the movie with the monkey like military. he did also the movie with the little bear go piss in the toilet and he's next to him. yeah. antonio hupkin also. he's in all the movie. he put mask on his face. he's with jelly fester. jelly fester, she won oscar. he say in the movie he eat people with pins. and he eat them with everything. go watch the movie and good movie. maybe not. good luck. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: like our very own -- when we come back, we have the number two pick in the nba draft. and then i will talk to kids about health care. so stick around. we'll be right back. go, go!
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no, wifi. wifi. it's not a question, it's a thing. take on summer right with ford, america's best-selling brand. now with summer's hottest offer. get zero percent for seventy-two months plus an additional thousand on top of your trade-in. during the ford summer sales event get zero percent for seventy-two months plus an additional thousand on top of your trade-in. offer ends july 5th. ♪ ♪ water, boat, buddies. miles make memories. ♪
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use the card that helps you put more priceless in your life. ♪ lobster and shrimp are teaming up in so many new dishes.fest, like coastal lobster and shrimp, with shrimp crusted with kettle chips. or new, over-the-top lobster and shrimp overboard. but it can't last, so hurry in. the toothpaste that helps new parodontax. prevent bleeding gums. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. help stop the journey of gum disease. try new parodontax toothpaste. ♪ this is how many people were born here. this many are fifth generation. this is how many are named hiawatha kitty mcgee. he keeps the town dry. they'd prefer it a little wet. this many are proud of what we make here. this is how many will go around bragging about it. this is our town.
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if you can't get here, just look for one of our postcards. we send them all over. they look like this. we send them all over. ♪ ♪ always fun, yeah.... ♪ beat-box vocals playing nit's softer than ever. new charmin ultra soft is softer than ever so it's harder to resist. okay, this is getting a little weird enjoy the go with charmin
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so find a venus smooth that contours to curves, the smoother the skin, the more comfortable you are in it. flexes for comfort, and has a disposable made for you. skin smoothing venus razors. >> jimmy: welcome. welcome back to our show. anthony hopkins, chris hardwick, music from queen and adam lambert, it's all on the way. but first as i mentioned earlier tonight is the nba draft, which means it was a very big day at the casual male xl in new york city today. [ laughter ] it was an especially exciting night for l.a. basketball fans because the lakers had the second pick and with it they chose lonzo ball of ucla, a
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local kid. and we go back now to barclays center in brooklyn, where guillermo is with the newest laker on our big cisco screen. guys, if we could just -- [ laughter ] i think lonzo's a little taller than markelle. yes. there we go. hi there, lonzo. how are you? >> i'm good. how are you? [ applause ] >> jimmy: congratulations. you specifically wanted to play for the lakers, and your wish came true. it's really kind of unbelievable the way it happened. >> yeah, it's kind of crazy. but you know, i'm happy it happened. >> jimmy: was there any point in the day where you thought what if nobody picks me, what if i'm just left standing there in a bowtie? >> no. that didn't really cross my mind at all. >> jimmy: it didn't. [ laughter ] who is happier right now, you or your dad? >> i think i am. but i know for sure the media's going to think he is just the way he is. >> jimmy: your dad, i saw him a little earlier, i don't know if you know this, your dad said you're going to take the lakers to the playoffs next year and he said he's going to wear a hat that says "i told you so" after --
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>> yeah, he probably will. there's going to be some -- >> jimmy: are you going to match that guarantee? will you take the lakers to the playoffs this year? [ cheers and applause ] >> that is definitely the plan. >> jimmy: how long until you get an actual paycheck from the lakers? >> i'm not sure. you know, i'll find that out pretty soon, though. >> jimmy: that would be the first thing i found out. [ laughter ] do you want to run and grab magic and ask him when you're going to get the money? >> i don't know if i could run all the way to california right now. >> jimmy: what number are you going to wear? have you decided that? have you asked them? >> i assume 2. i've been wearing it my whole life and i don't think i'm going to change now. >> jimmy: derek fisher wore number 2. it hasn't been retired or anything. so you're in good shape. >> i should be good. >> jimmy: who in your family will be the first person to ask you for money? [ laughter ] >> probably my little brother melo. >> jimmy: well, thank you, lonzo. we're counting on you to make the lakers great again. [ cheers and applause ] that's lonzo ball, the new laker.
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so crazy, right? i mean, one day you're a college student, or kind of. whatever. [ laughter ] next minute you're a millionaire. all right. back to health care. health care's a big story of the day today, and whatever version of the new plan gets approved it will affect the lives of millions of americans, most importantly children. so i decided to sit down with a group of them, our future voters and leaders, to see what they know, what they expect, what -- i don't know. here. ♪ >> jimmy: hi, guys. how are you doing? >> good. >> we're doing -- i'm doing very good. how are you? >> jimmy: i'm doing well. thank you very much. you're very polite. how old are you? >> i am 7 years old. >> jimmy: how old are you? >> 5. >> jimmy: and how old are you? >> 5. >> jimmy: do you guys know each other? >> yeah. >> jimmy: how do you know each other? >> because we're twins. >> jimmy: oh, you are? you don't look anything alike. how long have you been twins? >> for like ten months. >> jimmy: ten months. okay.
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so where did you meet? >> at grandma and papa. >> jimmy: grandma and papa's house. you met there. what was the last time you guys went to the doctor? >> three years ago. >> jimmy: three years ago. >> a month ago. >> jimmy: and you? >> four days ago. >> jimmy: four days ago. what happened? >> i was like -- my heart was not beeping anymore. >> jimmy: it wasn't beeping anymore? >> so the doctor did another one. >> jimmy: the doctor gave you a new heart. four days ago. >> that would have -- you'd have to do surgery. >> yeah. >> i got surgery. >> jimmy: you like surgery? >> when they take it off i was awake. >> jimmy: really? they did surgery on you while you were awake. that's very unusual. but to have your heart actually replaced and to be here four days later is remarkable. it really is. amazing. what if somebody who was poor is sick?
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should people who have money help them to get better? >> yes. >> of course. of course. >> jimmy: of course, right? >> no. >> jimmy: no? why do you say no? >> yeah. >> because i would have to get a shot and then they would have to go to the doctor's. >> jimmy: you don't like shots is what you're saying. >> i hate shots. >> i hate them too. >> jimmy: does anyone want a shot? >> no! >> jimmy: is it scary to go to the doctor? >> no. i just close my eyes and think of something happy. >> jimmy: oh, you do. you imagine something happy. how about you guys? like have you ever gone to the doctor to have that horrible horn removed from the top of your head? oh, it comes off. okay. all right. i didn't know. you can put that back on. >> it has this. >> jimmy: i didn't realize. i thought that was actually a deformity. okay. have any of you ever had cooties? >> no.
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>> jimmy: no. in my school a lot of kids had cooties. they were all over the place. so try to steer clear of those. if you did have cooties, would you go to the doctor? >> yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what if you had chicken pox? >> i would still go to the doctor. >> jimmy: what if you had fried chicken pox? >> what's that? >> jimmy: it's like a more delicious version of chicken pox. >> doctor. >> jimmy: what do you want to be when you grow up? >> oh. >> jimmy: yes. >> i want to be a hip-hop teacher. >> jimmy: a hip-hop teacher. what about you? >> a teacher or a police. >> jimmy: teacher or police. and you? >> basically, i want to be a trump guy. >> jimmy: a trump guy? what does that mean? >> so i could be like trump and do -- >> a president? >> yeah. >> jimmy: so you want to be a president like trump? >> yeah. >> jimmy: how much money do you have? >> 160. >> jimmy: you have $160. and you?
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>> my highest number would be 100 that i have. >> jimmy: how much do you have? >> 100,000. >> jimmy: you have $100,000. you're very rich. where do you keep all that money? >> well, i keep it in space. >> jimmy: oh, in space. do you have a spaceship? >> yeah. i put it in my spaceship. >> jimmy: oh, you keep it in your spaceship. let's say you each had a bottle of water and i had no water and we were in a plane and i was very, very thirsty and you didn't know when the plane was going to land. >> i would share. >> jimmy: you would share. you would share your water with me? >> yeah. >> me too. >> jimmy: would you share your -- thank you. would you share your water with me? >> maybe i'd have her give you water. >> jimmy: you're saying if they gave me water you wouldn't need to give me any of your water. >> because you already drank some. >> jimmy: you are going to be a president trump. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: should all kids be able to go to the doctor when they get sick? >> yeah, they should. >> jimmy: here's what we're going to do. we're going to play musical
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chairs. whoever doesn't have a chair at the end doesn't get health care. okay? everybody stand up. i'm going to take one chair out. okay. now go ahead. ♪ >> i want to get health care. >> jimmy: no, you've got to keep walking. ♪ okay. [ music stops ] oh, see, now you don't have health care. luckily, we have a spare. i'm so sorry. which one are you again? >> aidan. >> jimmy: are you sure? >> yeah. >> jimmy: okay. >> i want to get health care. >> you have it. he doesn't. >> how come if i lose i don't get health care? >> jimmy: well, that's the question we're all asking. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks, kids. tonight on the show we have music from queen and adam lambert. chris hardwick is here. and we'll be right back with anthony hopkins. [ cheers and applause ]
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guys, everybody quiet down... cause this is my jam. showtime! ♪tell it to my heart ♪tell me i'm the only one... nailed it tim, nailed it. ♪ rush in to old navy to celebrate july 4th in star-spangled style! get up to 60% off the entire store plus amazing summer styles from just two, four, six, and eight bucks! come fly your flag at old navy
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and it's about time they gave left and right twix® their own packs. they got about as much in common as you, a mortician, and me, an undertaker. (chuckling) or you, a janitor, and me, a custodian. (laughing) or you, a ghost, and me, a spirit. (laughing) new left and right twix® packs. it's time to deside. thank you so much. thank you! so we're a go? yes! we got a yes! what does that mean for purchasing? purchase. let's do this. got it. book the flights! hai! si! si! ya! ya! ya! what does that mean for us? we can get stuff. what's it mean for shipping? ship the goods. you're a go! you got the green light. that means go! oh, yeah. start saying yes to your company's best ideas. we're gonna hit our launch date! (scream) thank you! goodbye! let us help with money and know-how, so you can get business done. american express open.
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in july, we will be live-streaming from summerfest in milwaukee with acts including sheryl crow, dnce, big sean and steve aoki. to see that online, go to, it's free and you can enjoy it all without having to really move at all. [ laughter ] it's great. our first guest tonight is an oscar-winning actor who's played everything from u.s. president to norse god. you can see him now alongside mark wahlberg in "transformers: the last knight." please welcome anthony hopkins. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ good to see you. how are you? >> i'm good. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: your life is good? look at that. >> last time was six years ago i think. >> jimmy: something like that. it's been too long. >> i love the you two dancing. guillermo and -- he's your assistant. >> jimmy: i wouldn't call him my assistant. assistants generally help you. [ laughter ]
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my body man. >> i have the same problem. i have a guy called juan -- johnny on the spot. except he's never on the spot. he's useless. jots. water. >> jimmy: this is him? this is your guillermo? why is your guillermo so much more handsome than my guillermo? [ laughter ] how are you? how are you doing? >> he's always wanted to get on television. >> jimmy: you know, we already had water. i don't want to ruin it for him. we do provide the guests with water. >> is it okay i did that? >> jimmy: by the way, your handshake is so powerful. i hope you don't mind me mentioning this but you're going to turn 80 years old this year. that is unbelievable. >> that's right. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: maybe this is too big a question to ask. but in your 79-plus years on this planet is there a bit of wisdom you can share with us that -- maybe something we wouldn't know because we've overlooked it or something that
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you really -- above all else you think you've learned that you can share with us? >> to keep going. >> jimmy: keep going. >> never give up. >> jimmy: i think that's really good advice. >> never give up. the thing is we get questions in our head and little voices that put us down when we were kids and all that. so get over that. that's what i've had to do, is get over whatever troubles and just -- i carry a photograph of myself in my phone when i was a little boy and i was a little confused kid, as we all were. and i look at him and i say, we did okay, kid. we did okay. >> jimmy: that's a very high-tech way of talking to yourself. [ applause ] >> because life is tough. but you've just got to get out of bed, get on and do it. >> jimmy: my grandfather always carried his own luggage and all of our luggage too. and we were always like what are you doing? put that down. but now i realize like that's what it is. right? he kept going. >> you've got to do it. >> jimmy: well, that's a very good piece of advice. >> it's good to be here. >> jimmy: thank you very much. good to have you here. do you watch the nba?
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are you a sports fan in that way? >> no. but i like his shoes. >> jimmy: the basketball shoes. [ laughter ] >> yeah. i want a pair like that. >> jimmy: we can get a pair of that for you. it's very "silence of the lambs" to skin something, even a basketball, and to make it into a shoe. [ applause ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: are you still painting? i know you -- >> yeah. i paint a lot. and i have shows in las vegas, bellagio and mgm. one in houston. >> jimmy: they have a lot of great artwork at the bellagio in las vegas. >> yeah. that's right. my wife got me to do that just before we got married. she wanted me to paint. she'd seen some drawings of mine. i can't paint. what can you -- do it. they can't put you in jail if it doesn't work. paint for the wedding. 75 paintings i did. now i've got to do it seriously. and i paint and i paint and i sell them. >> jimmy: oh, she tricked you into making money is what happened. [ laughter ] >> she's the boss. she's the boss. >> jimmy: do you like las vegas? >> i love las vegas. >> jimmy: you do? >> yeah. >> jimmy: i grew up in las
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vegas. it's my home town. >> it is? >> jimmy: yeah. what is it that you like about las vegas? >> the lights, the brightness. i'm not a gambler. >> jimmy: okay. >> i just like the lights and the electricity of the place. >> jimmy: the feel of the place. >> but three days is enough. because i'm not a gambler. >> jimmy: yeah, i was there for nine years. [ laughter ] it was a long stay over in las vegas. >> i was up in vegas with michael bay and mark wahlberg, you know, doing this "transformers," doing one of those big publicity things a few weeks ago. we had a great time up there. met george clooney. >> jimmy: oh, you did? >> what a nice guy. >> jimmy: you'd never met george clooney before? >> just once at an award. >> jimmy: he just made a million dollars, did you hear that? >> who? >> jimmy: george clooney. he sold his tequila company casamigos for a billion dollars. we really have to rob him. [ laughter ] >> that's good. >> jimmy: when you're in las vegas with mark wahlberg -- going to las vegas with michael bay is like double las vegas i would think. >> he is las vegas.
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>> jimmy: yeah, that's right. he does -- he's like the male representation of las vegas. what do you do? what activities besides work obviously? >> with michael -- well, we only went to vegas for that. i saw him in chicago the other day for the opening. but he's a piece of work. he's one of the great directors of all time. >> jimmy: you got along with him. you're saying he's one of the great directors of all time. that's high praise. >> well, he's got that very american let's go for it, you know-k and you've got to be on your -- you've got to be on the ball if you're working with michael. he doesn't waste time. he wants to go on now. >> jimmy: you like that. >> it's terrific, yeah. >> jimmy: he shot one of the scenes i know from the clip we're going to show is it was shot at stonehenge. not a fake stonehenge. not a cgi stonehenge. but somehow he managed to get the transformers at stonehenge. >> that's right. he got into downing street as well with the prime minister. he can do anything. >> jimmy: how does he do that? >> he's michael bay. he has no fear. i'm sure he doesn't mind this story. he came into my trailer, there's
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the real stonehenge, but 5,000 years ago, and there's another stonehenge the art department built down there in another field because we couldn't blow bombs up in the real one. stonehenge, isn't that great? yeah, fantastic. and then he said ours is better than theirs. i said only an american would say that. >> jimmy: he could be president talking like that. [ applause ] anthony hopkins is here. his movie is "transformers: the last knight." we'll be right back. ♪
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geico®. proudly serving the military for over 75 years. ahyou the law? we've had some complaints of... is that a fire? there's your payoff, deputy. git! velveeta shells & cheese. there's gold in them thar shells. [typing] what is going on guys? this is the brand new samsung galaxy s8. first thing we need to discuss is that display. the s8 plus has a higher resolution. the s8 was much better in low light situations. video as well, i'd have to give the edge to the s8. we have gorilla glass 5 front back. ip 68 water and dust resistant. everything else out the way save that s8. ah, i love this phone! ♪
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we have guests! what's the matter with you? >> bits are falling off. >> what the hell? >> he's a complete knucklehead. >> i'm awfully sorry about that, but you see, he thinks it's still the 1918 -- 1914, something like that. later onset of robot dementia. >> jimmy: there's anthony hopkins with mark wahlberg in "transformers: the last knight." it is in theaters. have you seen the movie? >> yeah, i saw it in chicago. >> jimmy: huh ever seen any of
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the transformers movies before? >> yeah, i've seen all four of them. >> jimmy: you've seen all four of them. when is the last time you've paid to go to a movie in the theater? >> oh. i don't know. i can't remember. i think something with charlie chaplin. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah. silent movies. >> jimmy: interesting. because yeah, you kind of -- maybe you forget what the moviegoer experiences. >> i did go to a movie. i saw "silence of the lambs" in atlantic city years ago. and with an audience. but nobody knew i was there. and i was with -- i was doing a film. and somebody said would you come to the theater with me? so i went there. and i hid in the back. then the lights went out. there was a big storm. and someone in front of me said, "it's a blackout. i think hannibal lecter's in the theater." she turned around and went "oh, my god, he is." [ applause ] >> jimmy: wow, that's pretty crazy. last time you were here, and correct me if i'm wrong, you were talking about "american idol" and how much you love that show. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and then it went off the air.
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do you remember adam lambert? >> yes, i do. great stuff. >> jimmy: he's here tonight playing with queen. >> oh, he's here? >> jimmy: yeah. maybe you can get a selfie with him. >> he's phenomenal. what i loved about that show was so much young talent. you know, that came up and i mean put people on the map. >> jimmy: like johnny over here. >> johnny on the spot. >> jimmy: look how talented he is standing over there with no bottle of water. it's great to see you. thank you so much for coming. "transformers: the last knight" is in theaters now. anthony hopkins. we'll be right back with chris hardwick. ♪ jim beam thousands of barrels lay silent aging, building a fuller smoother flavor that only comes from being aged four long years at jim beam our history is made from the inside how will you make yours? now try jim beam apple poured over ice and serve with club soda and a fresh lemon wedge to make a crisp, refreshing jim beam apple and soda.
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♪ >> jimmy: still to come queen and adam lambert. our next guest is a very busy man. he is founder of the vast nerdist empire and the host of every show. some are calling him the white steve harvey right now. his newest is the game show "the wall." it airs thursday nights on nbc. please welcome chris hardwick. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ how's it going? [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you. that's nice. i just took the greatest picture of my life backstage. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> look at that. anthony hopkins right there.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's a nicely composed photograph. >> we were taking a picture. i go can i just pop up behind you? he goes, sure. and we did it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and your teeth are really white. >> they're really white. my teeth look amazing. >> jimmy: can we go through all the photos? >> so the last time i was here chadwick boseman was on. and infinity -- i mean "civil war" had just come out. and so we talked -- i said you know, black panther, you were amazing, i hope there's a black panther stand-alone movie. he goes i don't know. couple weeks later there was an announcement. we were at comic-con last year and i moderated the black panther panel. michael b. jordan was taking a picture and then danai gurira goes hop in because we're friends from "walking dead." i posted this on twitter. thinking this is the coolest picture ever. then a dude captions this "when you're about to take the most bad-ass selfie ever and the guy from accounting jumps in." [ laughter ] [ applause ] but he was right. he was absolutely right.
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>> jimmy: that's part of being king of the nerds, is you get bullied from time to time. >> i do. >> jimmy: what do you think about ron howard directing the han solo movie? >> ron solo. i'm all for it. i think it's going to be great. i really -- because a lot of people were throwing their name in the hat, hey, i'll do it. and i was just like screw it, i've got a bunch of "star wars" t-shirts. i'll direct it. you know, the president didn't have experience in politics before that, why can't i direct a han solo movie? [ applause ] >> jimmy: i don't see why you -- >> that set the example you can just do stuff. >> jimmy: have you directed a movie before? >> no. i have no idea how that works. >> jimmy: you got married -- last time you were here you were about to get married, then you did get married. to a live woman. >> she's real, yeah. >> jimmy: inspirational. >> i have to make the distinction. i married a live lady. she's alive. >> jimmy: to everyone in the black panther panel. she loves all your stuff. like comic books and superheroes. >> yeah. >> jimmy: does she watch -- because you have -- you're on a
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lot of shows. two of the shows you've hosted are about other shows. so it's starting to get a very meta thing. it's like looking in a mirror with a mirror. >> exactly. >> jimmy: does she watch all this stuff with you? >> yeah. she watches "walking dead." "better call saul." we were just watching "preacher" because "preacher" came back. the main thing that we watch, we vacillate between investigation discovery which is all true crime shows. thank you. half a person was very on board with that. [ laughter ] everyone else, take a break. and then -- but then she goes to destination america, which is all ghost shows. so i sort of like to pretend the true crime shows are where the ghosts get made and then we watch the ghost shows where they take revenge on the people who killed them. >> jimmy: i like that. [ applause ] do you ever worry about her watching all the true crime -- aren't those shows mainly about women killing their husbands? >> occasionally i will catch her going under her breath "i wouldn't have done it that way." she's plotting.
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like these people, they make the dumbest mistakes. >> jimmy: you have this game show on nbc called "the wall." what is the basic idea for those who have not seen the show? >> so this show is a giant like four-story pachinko machine, which is that vertical pinball game. >> jimmy: right. >> then we get a team of two people, we spend the entire episode with them, and we split them up. and one person has to guess how well they think their partner is going to answer trivia. so they're strategizing where they're going to drop the ball from. to the left of the board are the lower amounts and to the right is a million dollars. and people can literally win $12 million. >> jimmy: do you feel any kind of pressure or concern for those people knowing that these are people, regular people? >> yes. because we spend a whole episode showing you how wonderful these people are. they're not just random off the street contestants. they all are important parts of their community. they're selfless. they're altruistic. and then it's great when they win. and when they don't it just feels like you got kicked in the balls. like oh, god. but it's really hard.
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i try to cheer them on as much as possible but they don't -- >> jimmy: can you tell them at all? >> i'm not technically allowed. >> jimmy: right. >> but i can strongly suggest. people come on and they see the dollar amounts and the lights and they just kind of go into vegas mode. and i'll go, you know, if you play this ball from over here you have a million dollars on the wall. if you get this answer wrong that ball's going to turn red and you'll lose all that money. they go okay. let's drop three balls from number 7! [ laughter ] they just go into vegas mode. >> jimmy: you also have a festival now because you don't have enough to do. what is this called? is it called idiot festival? >> it looks like idiot. it's id 10 t. it's an i.t. joke. if you call your tech support guy. you go my computer's not working. you go is it plugged? you go oh, i forgot to plug it in. they call that an id 10 t. i made a music festival, a comic festival and there's a comic-con at the center of it.
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>> jimmy: i always dreamed one day you'd have a festival and now you have one. >> well, you know, one of the two of us got to host the oscars. that's a pretty big deal right there. >> jimmy: there's still time. chris hardwick! >> thank you so much! >> jimmy: thursday nights on nbc. we'll be right back with queen and adam lambert. [ cheers and applause ] in the state that invented the american vacation... a legendary adventure awaits. heroes will rise. bonds will be forged. and memories will be made to last a lifetime.
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>> dicky: the "jimmy kimmel live" concert series is presented by mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. >> jimmy: thanks to anthony hopkins, chris hardwick. apologies to matt damon. we ran out of time. "nightline" is next. but first, here with the song "i want it all," queen and adam lambert! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i want it all ♪ i want it all ♪ i want it all ♪ and i want it now ♪
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♪ adventure seeker on an empty street just an alley creeper light on his feet ♪ ♪ a young fighter screaming with no time for doubt with the pain and anger ♪ ♪ can't see a way out it ain't much i'm asking i heard him say ♪ ♪ gotta find me a future move out of my way i want it all ♪ ♪ i want it all i want it all and i want it now ♪ ♪ i want it all i want it all i want it all ♪ ♪ and i want it now listen all
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you people come gather round ♪ ♪ i gotta get me a game plan gotta shake you to the ground just give me what i know ♪ ♪ said people do you hear me just give me the sign it ain't much i'm asking ♪ ♪ if you want the truth here's to the future to the cry of youth ♪ ♪ i want it all i want it all i want it all ♪ ♪ and i want it now i want it all i want it all ♪ ♪ i want it all and i want it now i'm a man with a ♪ ♪ one track mind so much to do in one life time people do you
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this is "nightline." tonight freeway fury. a heart pounding view from inside a road raged nightmare. traffic battles like this one spiking across the country and now the hunt for this man suspected of shooting and killing a teenage girl on a highway. their car seen jockeying for position. >> she was a good girl. looking forward to going to college. >> how these car clashes can turn deadly in a snap. plus mermania. we're diving into the annual mer maid convention. >> being a mermaid means being the privilege of professional and reality. >> where professional and amateur
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