tv Right This Minute ABC August 1, 2017 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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tv's number one daily viral video show "right this minute." pay attention, parents, to a young girl playing in an elevator when -- >> her little hand gets stuck. >> see the full-on panic as mom tries to pull her free. >> i would not expect the elevator to munch up my kid's arm. a sweet kid with a serious problem. >> see those back legs, they aren't moving. >> how she ranch got sunshine moving again. what do you do? >> just let this guy take over. >> the full throttle way to put out the flames. >> yeah. >> wow. nice. >> we've got christian, oli, charity, nick, and gayle breaking down the best on the web including a birthday that ranks as one of the best. >> in the history of birthdays.
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>> how erica's man pulled off four surprises in one party. >> don't mess up your nails. >> this is worth messing them up for. we've seen what happens when children are on escalators and officials in china have often warned about tending to them, paying attention. but now they're issuing similar warnings when it comes to elevators. this little girl standing in front of her mom rocking back and forth. she's got her arms out in front of the elevator doors. >> there it is. >> oh, no. >> as the doors open, you notice her little hand gets stuck. >> shoot. and the door is still going. >> now mom sees her and she's trying to pull her arm out. trying to hit the button. as the video ends, the little girl is still stuck there. but maintenance did come and free her. and again, the warning is out there. different elevator, same
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situation though. >> no way. >> mom saw it coming too. i wouldn't have thought to keep the kid away from the door in a situation like that. i mean, the kid's just being a kid. you're standing two feet away. i would not expect the elevator to munch up my kid's arm. >> well, i don't think most parents do. she jumps into action immediately. starts trying to grab her daughter out. unfortunately in this situation the little girl was injured. she was taken to the hospital and the surgeon who worked on her posted this to social media. the hand sustained serious injuries and her tendons were broken. he was able to stabilize her but there is no guarantee the function in her hand will return. so this is a serious situation. i mean, some people know. some people don't. but hopefully they'll get the message out and it won't happen again. you're all set up for a nice relaxing day on the water and if you live in british columbia,
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you look forward to these days. you get out there you see smoke on the horizon. you see flames. it's a brush fire. now, what are you going to do quick? get on the phone, call emergency services. or just let this guy take over. >> oh, my gosh. wow. >> nice. >> oh, my gosh. >> there's no situation in the world that can't be fixed with more horsepower. >> he's using his boat to basically put the fire out. >> oh, my goodness. does it actually work? it works. >> it appears it did work in this video. that guy is behind his thousand-horsepower jet boat. it was the first time he took it out this season. out there with hunt. both of them said it was exhilarating. if you look, there are homes
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nearby too. so they just trimmed his boat just right to start firing rockets of water up the bank of the river. >> hundreds around the country putting in forms for thousand horsepower boats. sorry, but it's necessary. >> he deserves accommodation. >> i agree. this kitty has been dubbed sunshine. >> you can see this male kitten at the vet ranch being treated by dr. matt. see those back legs? >> all slunkhrunken up. >> they're not moving. the cat is in batd shape. this cat was attacked by another male cat. it was taken to another doctor. that doctor treated it.
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>> got better. then all of a sudden he went paralyzed in his back end. >> not only can that cat not move its back legs, it can't control its litter box functions well either. they hope the infection clears. >> that would be so cool if dr. matt stepped in there and restored mobility to this cat. he's magic. >> he thinks it got into the spinal cord. that's why the legs don't have movement. time for a beauty bath. watch the water after the kitten comes out the first time. >> wow. >> after a day, he sees it still has a lump. >> well, that might be an improvement from yesterday. >> look at that. kitty's got a little function in the bag legs. >> not big, but a little. once he makes this incision, he's going to leave it open so it can continue to drain. but check him out after one day. >> that is the best you have ever walked. >> he can walk! >> yes!
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>> several days later, let's see what's going on. this cat is so playful and so sweet. >> that's got to be so cool. >> fully functioning. no problem. just going to live a happy, healthy life. >> cute and playful. looks like he gained some weight too. take it from me. this is the kind of conversation that happens weekly with new families. mom is saying something the kid needs. the number one question out of dad's mouth. >> how much is it? just 60. does he need it? >> mom has made herself clear. dad is going to do what she asked. right? >> no. >> so i ain't doing it. >> he's not. >> we've got 12 hours after work to figure out what i'm going to do.
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>> well, looks like he's working away to do that research. that means it's now time for the big reveal. >> here it is. >> you know what? >> perfect. >> the mum not so convinced. >> where'd you buy that? >> made it. >> crafty idea. few modifications and maybe he's there. >> the ladies don't see it's already complete. to try and convince her, he shows off the amazing features. >> it has wheels on it, everything. look. this goes up. that goes higher. spin that around. you can clip things on. >> i'll tell you what goes through our heads. that moment of unbelievable victory. >> come on. there we go.
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look at this. >> did you guys see that? did anyone notice how incredibly well that's working? well, there's still the important question. >> did it actually save you money? >> that cost $24.99 to make. >> don't doubt us! >> you get me a drink, mate. an unexpected guest shows up for work -- >> because australia. >> see how a brave employee takes care of business. >> did he eat the mouse? and a lady's ready to take a swing zp swing. >> she's going to send that ball flying to the green. >> why her plan fails in the most perfect way. >> wait, what?
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australia. >> did he eat the mouse? >> this is in a newsroom. this is 9 news darwin. an editor came to his editing suite and found that snake sleeping behind the computer. that is the program director who came in to remove it. i asked our bosses, if this happened here, who would be more likely to remove the snake like this woman and that man? we topped the list. >> charity's doing it for sure. >> so obviously not a dangerous snake. do we know what kind it was? >> they never named what kind of snake it was. another snake video and completely different and not frightening at all. mechanical engineering students have invented a snake unlike anything you've seen. this is a robot. they wanted to create a robot that could basically grow with the environment where it sets. >> it turns inside out as the material emits from the tips. >> cool. like snakes aren't scary enough,
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now there are robot snakes that can adapt to any situation and kill us. >> they do adapt. but maybe they can help rescue us from tight situations. >> you can scale it up for search and rescue operations. >> they fed that snake under the crate and it was able to basically lift it because it's connected to a machine where it's blowing air to give it strength. >> that snake will be rescuing many children in china. >> while sitting at this table, the two of you have come up with gnarly ideas. and we dismess you. >> i assume you're talking about the men. >> yes. the fella i'm about to introduce you to is a man after your own heart. he may be into something. >> i know exactly what's going on and we've seen six seconds of this. >> he's got places to be and he needs to get there safely. so he's created this driving hack. >> distracted driving law went in.
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don't worry about it. my hands are going to be on the steering wheel the whole drive, dude. i'm not going to get a ticket. >> and you say the men can't multitask. come on! >> well, i stand corrected. just this one time. >> i'm just running behind. i had to make a breakfast and drink for the road. zbluk multitask when it comes to food. that's about it. >> that's the thing that powers men. efficiency. and in this case he's got his phone and his food. and i'm going to assume drink ready to go. >> with the crazy straws taped together, i'd like to add. >> all right. i'll s s you at the meeting. >> the next elon musk. i guarantee. that's his younger brother. >> we head to the golf coast. she's got her driver. she's going to send that ball flying over to the green. >> slow mo too. >> she hits the tee and not the ball? >> the ball doesn't even move. >> she's like i know i hit
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something. >> tiger woods couldn't pull that off. >> it really is so brilliant. >> if only she would have connected, that would have been a nice drive. i've seen my fair share of birdies. even the albatross, but never a herring. these guys are by some water, taking a shot. but look here, there's a herring. he's got the entire golf course to play. >> don't hit the bird. oh! >> no. >> that heron is spooked, takes to the air, flies off. the guy is feeling bad about it. >> oh, my god, dude. i didn't mean to do that. >> if you watch, you can actually see the golf ball continue to bounce for another good hundred or so yards past him. what i'm thinking is, couple of feathers got pulled out and scared the heron. looks like the ball stays on the fairway. so win/win. hot chicken wing challenge.
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>> why do you even want to try this? >> i would try it. >> next "right this minute." and still to come, the race is on until things get turned upside down. >> spectacular from the inside. even more so from outside. >> why the driver is not the only one to take a tumble. >> oh! plus, jessica's whipping up a creamy treat. >> and now we're going to put in some avocados. >> are you out of your mind? >> the unique recipe that will have you screaming for more. >> my goodness. this is good. (hard exhalation) honey? can we do this tomorrow? (grunts of effort) can we do this tomorrow? if you have heart failure symptoms, your risk of hospitalization could increase, making tomorrow uncertain. but entresto is a medicine that was proven, in the largest heart failure study ever, to help more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading heart failure medicine. women who are pregnant must not take entresto. it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby.
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we're riding inside as he's jockeying for position. squealing tires. the back end's gone. time for a cart wheel. we just go riding along inside. before eventually coming to an end. spectacular from the inside. even more so from outside. we've got this angle as well. it goes tumbling. looks like it's heading straight towards the camera. in fact, that's what this story is all about. what's happened behind the camera. while that was spectacular, watch the camera guy. >> oh! >> yeah, you do have to jump out of the way as to not die. >> looked like he jumped about four or five seconds too late. >> if you're going to jump to safety, do it before the danger is past. >> though you give the guy credit. he holds onto his shot until the last possible moment. then he's gone. there's another angle over here equally amusing.
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watch them. and he's gone. >> are he and the driver okay? >> that was morris. he did actually have a dislocated shoulder as a result of that jump whereas the driver was fine. >> yeah. because he had the helmet and the five-point seat belt and the roll cage. this guy had his jacket. >> yes. i just love this. because it's just so beautifully dramatic. he's jumpi ining like there's a explosion behind him. it's like action movies. >> avocados and ice cream. individually delicious. today our friend jessica is going to use those ingredients for a delicious recipe inspired by kirby's cravings. >> first condensed milk. now we're going to put in some avocado. >> are you out of your mind, jessica? together in a blender? what are you thinking?
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>> avocados in their sweet shakes all the time. they can't be that bad. >> whipping cream is next. you may see where this idea is going. once you're done with the whipping cream, she folds that into her original mixture of condensed milk and avocado. puts that into a loaf pan. so she puts that loaf into the freezer overnight. do you know where this is going? jessica, bring it in. avocado ice cream. that looks pretty dang simple. >> you didn't have to put this in one of those ice cream makers that churns and churns? >> no. it's no-churn ice cream. just the freezer. >> you made that look awfully simple. >> oh, my goodness. this is good. it's unique. it's almost like -- >> it's fresh. >> it's like fresh, garden fresh ice cream. >> i'm glad you like it. it is a different ice cream. if you don't like avocados, you
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might not like the ice cream. if you do like avocado, it's tasty. >> i wasn't sure. but here we go. >> it's fascinating. because from the first time you taste it, you're like, okay, this is interesting. you have to keep trying it to figure out, you know, what you think. and next thing you know, it's gone and you realize you actually like it. >> i'm glad you like it. if you want to try it at home, go to our website and mobile app to get the step-by-step instructions. theit's a celebration that'- >> going to go down in the history of birthdays. >> why this birthday girl is not in for one but four special surprises. >> oh come on.
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. >> it's erica's birthday. this one is going to go down in the history of birthdays. her man threw her a surprise party. >> wouldn't have been wearing active wear if i knew all these people were going to be here. >> looks like a good day already. she's got the pedicure sandals on. it's fine. >> okay. >> she stops dead in her tracks. surprise number two is her family that came all the way to california from connecticut. and that woman in those black and white heels, that's her mom. momma can work. and they just pour on the love as they hug and kiss and cry. >> he's a keeper. i mean, he arranged that. come on. >> now erica turns around and spots this. >> oh, come on. >> the surprises keep coming. there her man is on one knee.
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>> she better say i do. >> of course she'll marry you. they hug. >> don't mess up your nails. >> this is worth messing them up for. >> something tells me that's the least of her worries. there's more where that came from. they continue to hug, surprise number four. >> he got her a dog. >> now, this is your engagement present. >> oh, my gosh. >> he did get her a dog! he got her a ring, a dog, brought her family in. sigh. >> yeah. sigh is right. >> babe, oh, my god. thanks for chilling out with us today, everybody. has more. check it out or catch us on the
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next a hello, peco. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help.
3:00 pm
ava! you still up? yeah. yeah, yeah, i'm -- i'm in here, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. when'd you start wearing the mask? uh... well, once i -- i realized that it -- that it does protect me. as well as everybody around me. you're not going to believe who got me to wear it. try me. your daughter, sam. that is surprising. brace yourself for this next bit. she was actually kind to me. what was most surprising of all is how she was trash-talking sonny. extra pickles with that, lots of pickles. you can't put enough pickles in there, all right? thank you. oh, and if you'd add a bottle of sparkling cider, that would be good, too. extra pickles, sparkling cider? are you sticking to the program, or are you picking up cravings for a pregnant lady?
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