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tv   Right This Minute  ABC  August 14, 2017 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT

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>> the simple plan that isn't. >> oh! we're going to surprise her now. >> her daughter hopes she likes the gift. >> the plan is in place. >> what happens when mom sees what's outside. >> is that for me? we've got christian, oli, charity, nick, and gayle breaking down the best on the web including drive-thru pun challenge, celebrity edition. >> what about you? >> i'm good.
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hanks for asking, man. >> see if you can match with them. >> can i get an ice cube in my drink? >> the there you go. animal aid india has an unusual job. not only do they rescue cats and dogs. they also have large ma mammals they look after. in india cows are allowed to wander around. but these two are injured. you can see momma has a big cut right under her armpit you can see right there. and baby, he's got a problem. a rope that's cutting into his flesh. no word on how long. but the good thing is they were able to get them both into their truck and take them to their center and help them out. what i love most of all, that goat's looking on like, hey, i brought new friends. they're good people. don't worry. >> i like they took the time to lie a mat down for the cow on the ground. just to provide more comfort. >> here you see them clean the
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momma's wound. then it's baby's turn. they reveal how deep that rope was going into its neck. >> that's got to feel so go. >> once they get that rope off, they begin to treat the wound. now they have to get gauze and wrap it around the cow's neck. they take them in and keep them. that's where the mat comes back. check this out. >> oh, this is our comfy spot. >> baby is looking around, big beautiful brown eyes. >> i can't believe the level of negle neglect. to see those cows walking around for that long is mind blowing to me. i'm glad these guys took care of them and hopefully they're okay right now. >> nay named them bee and honey. momma put her hand on his shoulder. this is after two months of being in the care. they say if you can donate to an animal rescue, no matter the animal need the love and care. what goes up must come down. in this jukin video we have a guy trying to parasail.
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all he's got to do is run, run, run and so he has lift. >> oh! >> well, he got there. >> the thing is still going so he lifts up -- >> no. >> what goes up must go up upside down. back it up. you realize he commits to it. he jumps like superman. i got it! no, i don't! >> it's just too soon. the worst part is everybody's laughing at him. >> his friends are never going to let him forget that. >> there he goes again. now this guy is off on a paragliding flight. he opens up his canopy and it's great. everything is fine. >> got a massive storm out in the distance. >> which you would imagine may affect the thermals a little bit. he got really bumpy winds.
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and he ended up like this. >> oh, man. >> land, land. [ screaming ] >> we continue to hear him screaming. you can hear that he's in a lot of pain. but you can tell he's also trying to communicate for someone to come and help him get out of there. >> is that a broken something? >> there's no word on his injuries, but he i think was very lucky that it didn't appear that he was terribly high up and he's able to live and tell about it. november of last year, our dog died. and she was in love with him. that was her dog. >> this young lady is speaking about her mother sylvia. >> so we're going to surprise my mom was a rottweiler puppy. >> that's a risky move. is mom ready to accept another animal in her heart. >> cross your fingers. the plan is in place. they have all pitched in and
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they're going to surprise mom. first they have to go pick the litt fella up. >> look how cute. >> that's going to be hard to say no to because that's adorbs. come on. >> now it's time to introduce to their mother sylvia. she sees them with their phones out recording. >> can we congratulate both of the daughters in this video, because they're holding the phones sideways. >> i was thinking the same thing. >> everybody in america should be paying attention. >> is that for me? >> she doesn't know what to do with herself. she's overcome with emotion. >> she knows what to do. she's warming up for some petification. >> oh. >> then she goes into the, you know, that voice. that's the one. >> i'm going to love you so much.
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you're going to be rotten. >> it looks like she's ready to love a new dog. dad didn't know they were bringing a new puppy home. >> dad never knows. dad's the last to know. >> hey, boy. >> that's typical dad. he thinks that's the same dog that was there the whole time. that's another one? really? it's adventure and discovery you're after. this video is packed with it with a pot of gold at the end. these guys from the exploring the unbeaten path youtube channel, they travel the world looking for cool forgotten places. and they've certainly found one here. after they go through this gravelly road, they find this forgotten tunnel. >> that sub tunnel. is that where they kept submarines? >> see it takes on that bunkerish feel. they climb this silo and find more tunnels near the top. after two hours of trekking,
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they reach the zen et of their adventure. it's a former mine layer. it was a navy ship that used to lay there. it looks like somebody parked the boat and walked out and never went back. all the documentation, all the books, maps, everything still sitting there. >> so they just abandon all of it? >> yeah. just somebody's got the key somewhere. >> you kind of wonder, some sort of q q qrter master from the na going, i know we have a ship somewhere. oh, it's on youtube. >> in fact, they managed to stumble upon -- >> dude. >> wow. >> oh, sure. this was a warship. you've got the guns still mounted there. after they were done exploring they stumbled upon one other little gem. >> launch codes? >> nope. just a group of people out there barbecuing. hands them food and a beer. >> score. >> nice to meet you, friends.
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>> speaking of that, though, they should turn that into a museum. for people to check out. >> if you got the money to invest, i'm sure they're looking for capital, gayle. this adorable little girl's knocking people's socks off, because -- >> she's so smart. >> bubble. >> why she's impressing the web in more than one language. >> what? a guy climbs up high but not without -- >> a soccer ball. >> the incredible athletic display after he gets to the top. oh, dishwasher,
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why don't you dry my dishes? oh, he doesn't know any better. you just need to add finish® jet-dry in the rinse aid compartment. it's there for a reason. it dries much better than detergent alone. sorry dishwasher. finish® jet-dry. for drier, shinier dishes. brookside dark chocolate is for my smooth side. my sweet but not too sweet side. and my dive-right-in savor-every-delicious-bite side. brookside. for all your sides.
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closed captioning provided by -- n hold you back. breakthrough with non-drowsy allegra® for fast 5-in-1 multi-symptom relief. breakthrough allergies with allegra®. as this video begins, i'm pretty convinced you guys are sure you know where this is going. but i can assure you you do not. you can see those big antennas. i think in the english countryside. they start the ascent as usual. in this case they do have some safety gear. they're not crazy. they're a little crazy because check this out. >> oh. okay. i'm listening. >> just what you need when
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you're at the top of the world. >> yeah. some fancy footwork. how many feet up in the air? >> 600 feet. dealing with the breeze while he's up there as well. this guy then juggling the soccer ball from foot to foot, gets some incredible drone shots of this going around. have you ever seen anybody do this? no, you haven't, america. this one is awesome. >> yes, it is. it's pretty cool. >> keeps the skills going. at one point starts balancing on one leg. when you got balance like that with a soccer ball, you probably feel good sitting on top of an attenthat. >> i remember when the coach said practice your dribbling skills. which was me chasing the ball around for 30 minutes. this is amazing. >> it's not over yet. i thought this video was cool. he has changed the game. oh, my goodness.
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that is a cute kid. >> yeah, yeah. people all over the internet are groveling because she is not only a cutie-pie. she's so smart. >> eat. >> she is now 2 years old. but this video was recorded when she was 1. >> bubble. >> bubble. >> she's captivating. >> i love her. >> she's going to be world famous. >> head. >> what about this one? bib. >> she's adorable. that's why she's gone viral. not only does she recognize these words in english. check out her spanish. >> right your eyes. >> what? she's bilingual already? >> elephant. >> when they get to elephant. she immediately knows the sound that the elephant makes. her momma says that she knows general words. but because she doesn't speak
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fluent spanish, she can't really pass it on the way she wants. they want to teach her as much as they can so she can adapt in any environment. i think she's well on her way. >> yes, that's your toes. so exciting to go out on those whale watching tours. you can't wait to see them breach and look majestic. what if you go and -- >> belly up. >> there's something moving in the water. what is that? great white sharks feasting on this whale. my buddy shot this while on vacation. they were thrilled to see this. there are two of them feeding on this whale including a number of other smaller sharks. don't worry, they weren't disappointed. dan says they saw about 25 other
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living whales that day. this was sort of the icing on the cake. you can't hear the sharks in that last video but i'd like to think they sound something like this. >> i love when i see this. they're so efficient. >> person that captioned the video said they are a passionate monarch butterfly plan. they planted a tulip tree and decided to raise other types of caterpillars. this one will grow up to be a tiger swallow tail. black and yellow butterfly. you may have seen them flitting about. the person went on to say this was not picked off by predators. they plan to release it next spring. he sneaks his bike into a theme park. >> the guards are onto him. >> run! >> see it next "right this minute." and still to come, jessica's back with a back-to-school diy. >> to make a really cool
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lunchbox. >> the simple steps that will make it even better. plus zues the dog is rocking a new do. >> you can say this one is quite unique. >> see if giraffe zoodles have more fun. >> oh, wow. and you have the determination to keep going. humira has a proven track record of being prescribed for nearly 10 years. humira works inside the body to target and help block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to symptoms. in clinical trials, most adults taking humira were clear or almost clear and many saw 75% and even 90% clearance in just four months. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal, infections and cancers, including lymphoma have happened as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where
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you know what? no one cares. the bathroom. when things go wrong here, you remember. quilted northern is designed to work so well, you can forget your bathroom trips. but little miss puffytail can never forget. "the only thing worse than having such large ears, is having such large eyes." promotional considerations provided by -- life is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. here's to the 99%. gold bond powder spray. anytime. anywhere. stay cool, america. there's a new designer dog out there. i think you could say this one is quite unique. >> oh, my gosh. >> yeah. that's katrina's poodle.
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she runs a salon called katrina's pet salon. we've seen zues on the show before. last time he was on he was a zebra. but she's made him look all kind of different things. today she transformed him into a giraffe. >> she ought to call the salon the island of dr. mareau. >> i think he loves to get dressed up. >> i think this is the greatest thing to have happened to any dog. the amount of attention it's getting -- >> did she say how long these styles last for the dog? is this something that will be on for a day or two or for weeks? >> if you remember last time we had it, she uses pet-friendly dyes. so this is a look they're committed to for as long as it takes for the dog's hair to grow back. so yeah it's weeks in the ma
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making. every time it's pretty cool. >> what's his regular look? is he black? i want to know what he looks like for real. i don't want to know if she remembers. >> i don't think anybody remembers. back in the day you take your lunch to school in a brown bag. that's our own jessica. >> it's just the receipt. >> receipt for the supplies she bought to make a really cool lunchbox. you're just going to need a metal lunch pail. >> this is not self-promotion at all. >> not at all. >> so you want a metal lunch pail because the inside of it is going to be easy to work with. >> you're going to need painter's tape and a plastic shopping bag. guess what she's going to do to the inside? >> put food in it. >> before that. >> wash it. >> after that. >> i'm out. >> she's going to turn the
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inside into a chalk board so you can write in a message. >> you can have a new one every day. >> to talk about this whole thing, we are jessica "right this minute." >> hey. >> did you pack lunches for us. >> actually, you have secret messages for each other. gayle, this one is from charity. charity, this one is from oli. and oli, this one is from gayle. >> splendid. >> okay. >> turn it so we can see. >> now you, dear. >> i'm scared of any message oli would write. >> for life. >> we got to see it. >> glitter boo. just before you eat, you get to picture that before you bite into something delicious. >> all right. >> you have to sing it. sing it, gayle.
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give me the proper version. >> send us your "star wars." >> this now makes it a collectors edition. pick it up at comic-con. >> this is cool. >> this how much fun you can have by sending and receiving messages. for anybody. i've got a message for you. go to our website and click on tv show or go to our mobile app where you have the step-by-step instructions. jake and josh are back with a new drive-thru pun challenge. >> today it's celebrity last names. >> okay. >> see how he serves them up with a side of awesome. >> how much de niro is that
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legend. >> it's going to be celebrity last names. >> okay. >> he's notoriously taylor swift when he comes up with them. i'm going to be ellen degeneres with mine. pulls up to the thrive through. >> how are you? >> i'm good. hanks for asking. i could go back to the springtime mayweather. >> straight out of the christina applegate. he's got more. so do i. >> he's got three minutes to go. i was cruisen through the woods with my friends. >> she's doing well. >> how much de niro is that going to cost me? >> that's a good one. it's what you martin scorsese. >> can i get an ice cube in my drink? >> there you go. >> do you want us to leave? >> you can just go. i'm doing this for america now. >> we'll be right back. >> i already got so much. i don't know if i can carrey all
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this. >> he's building up to what is one of the all-time greats. >> my daughter is like i can't wait to eat. she's already witherspoon. oh, gosh. >> if you think he's kirsten dunst, you're wrong. >> thank you. you're a goodman. >> and if you're thinking he can't have any more, he anne hathaway. >> okay good. i like it messi. >> yeah. but yo yo ma was she in the back seat? did he order for her? >> with the last one i thought they pettigrew on me. but -- >> oh! >> -- i'm starting to like them more. that's all my friends. need more? check out or catch us on the all-new "rtm." getting a cancer diagnosis is difficult.
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getting an appointment to discuss your treatment options shouldn't be. meet with a ctca cancer specialist in philadelphia, in as little as 24 hours. learn more at
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more and more tax money tosends trenton, but gets less and less back thanks to steve sweeney and chris christie. here's the sweeney-christie record eight years of underfunded schools. huge tax breaks for themselves and their rich friends while we pay more. and homestead rebate funding for seniors cut in half next year. don't believe the fake news from his wealthy donors. steve sweeney stands with chris christie, not with south jersey.
3:00 pm
mm. hi, there. hi. you know, i talked to dr. munro, and there's a good possibility that you could be released today. go home with me and the kids where you belong. oh. so we're just going to pretend i didn't shoot sonny. ♪ honey... it's better that way. the only people that know you're involved are you, me, and sonny. you're wrong. i think julian knows something. scott. come in. how's ava? uh. she's healing, physically. but that's really all i can say about that. is she here? no. okay, well, i guess that's just as well 'cause, uh, you know,


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