tv Right This Minute ABC August 21, 2017 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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twilight. ah, it's coming back. we're starting to see the edges of the clouds light up again. so close here. >> can we see what you're looking at ginger? >> reporter: the light is coming back. are you guys doing all right? >> we're good! >> yes! >> reporter: apparently it doesn't matter. i think the couple libations may have helped. i can't hear you david but i will head back in until we see something again. >> as daylight reappears in nashville. they could handle a few clouds. five state capitals including nashville today. >> reporter: i can feel the energy of nature and i've been really fortunate to be able to see very close up tornados in the pasteople are describing what they're feeling. a strange joy when you see nature has that power and energy and i think that's what a lot of
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people are starting to describe here. we can see the rays coming through. you see those angelic rays coming through those clouds. the temperature has dropped at least 7 degrees. even if we didn't see the full image it is still such a gorgeous moment and almost like we're at sunrise again. doesn't it? it's as if we passed an entire day. that was a quick day everybody. that was fast. let's head back in. >> ginger our thanks to you. we might be up against the same challenge here in charleston i'm going to look up right now because i can't see a thing in front of me but i can see up to the sky and for the first time in about an hour we can't see anything through the clouds. so we might be faced with the same sort of moment that ginger had. you saw what happened with t.j. you had the entire stadium filled in carbondale illinois which is going to see another solar eclipse in 2024. one of the rarityiesrarities.
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and the sun came out at the very last second. when we come back only one more state to go to view a total eclipse, south carolina here we come as we take you to break. we thank you for sending in your pictures and images. we're going to show what many have captured throughout the day as our coverage of the great american eclipse -- that's vice president dick cheney with his hat on. you can see the eyewear elsewhere. senator lindsey graham taking a moment from capitol hill to take in the great american eclipse and some of the faces around this country. little guys staying home from school today. across the south they had a dilemma that school has reopened. whether or not to take the day off. in charleston they allowed them to stay home. it was a dilemma for some schools. i say take the day off. this comes only once. it's been 99 years since we waited for this. the great american eclipse on
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abc news. live coverage continues right after the break. be back in a moment. evator. nothing's wrong with the elevator. right. but you want to fix it. right. so who sent you? new guy. what new guy? watson. my analysis of sensor and maintenance data indicates elevator 3 will malfunction in 2 days. there you go. you still need a pass. some whitening toothpastes only remove surface stains, but colgate optic white high impact white is different. it has hydrogen peroxide to whiten four shades for a visibly whiter smile. trust your smile to colgate optic white. i do! americans - 83% try to eat healthy. yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let's do more. add one a day men's complete with key nutrients we may need. plus heart-health support with b vitamins. one a day men's in gummies and tablets.
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♪ b now with abc news coverage of the great american eclipse. this is time lapse from madras oregon. you can see how quickly day turned to night and then back. we saw moments ago that massive traffic jam people trying to get out but they were smiling. our correspondent there matt gutman asking the families some who have traveled 14 hours to get there was it worth it and they were unanimous from inside the car. they saw a sight to behold as so many have across the country. i want to get back to ginger zee
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in nashville. we're facing a similar -- actually we're seeing the sun. we're seeing the sun. so i'm going to look at the sun and toss it to you. >> reporter: i'm still hearing people say it was amazing and it was a once in a lifetime event that happened for so many people. i have to tell you our sponsor mitsubishi is taking full advantage. they took their brand new 2018 mitsubishi eclipse cross and put it in the path of totality just outside salem, oregon. they have taken cameras and put angles on this car with the eclipse in the background from all different angles. abc is getting this exclusive look before during and after the eclipse. these images are something that will come together for a whole campaign. >> we have a great shot in charleston of the sun. >> reporter: david, we'll head back to you now. . >> ginger thanks so much. reporting in from nashville all
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afternoon. they got a little cheated an weren't able to see the eclipse itself but saw it turn pitch black in nashville. i want to show you the sky above me in charleston. we're playing a game with the clouds here too. you can see a sliver of the sun. you can see right through those clouds and we are not far from max totality here. it's 2:38. we have got less than 10 minutes before it actually gets put to the test here. but we're like so many communities across the country who are waiting to see whether or not we'll see this natural wonder. carbondale illinois at the last second the clouds cleared and were able to see it. in nashville right before it was a game with the clouds. but're looking live that was just aerials of charleston behind me. beautiful city. we are surrounded by big puffy white sort of cumulous clouds. i want to go back to columbia south carolina.
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where the last state before this great american eclipse heads out to sea. as we mentioned before it's happened once ar but we because they're over water and we were lucky this year. let's go to president trump at the white house right now. they're getting ready to look out over the south lawn. a reminder that so many of you at home watching us know that even if you're not in the path that 70 mile wide path, it looks like he's heading back indoors is he not? even if you're the path so much of this country is experiencing this today, if it's not a total eclipse, it's partial anywhere from 20% to 100%. cities like atlanta seeing 90% coverage. you can see them looking up from the balcony with their glasses on. the president behind that pillar there. there he is coming out with melania the first lady. melania trump emerging as they take in what is a breath taking view.
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i hope somebody gave the president and the first lady some approved glasses by nasa. >> thank you for joining us for our coverage of the great american eclipse. i'm sharrie williams alongside brian taff. thanks for joining us. we are keeping an eye as the solar eclipse we're just three rom the best viewing area here in the delaware and lehigh valley. >> we are interrupting abc's coverage of the national event to bring you the local view as the event happens here as sharrie just mentioned about three minutes 30 seconds this a live look from our camera in center city equipped with a special filter this afternoon. to give you the look to give you the view of what is happening at this very moment and take a look, i mean, that's as pretty close to totality as we're going to see and this now a live look from our nation's capitol as the first family gathers on the truman balcony to take part in this historic event. >> this event has been of course getting all the talk, all the buzz leading up to
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today and the first family not to be left out. we see them also outside wearing those special glasses looking up to the sky. as they too are hoping to get their best view of this solar eclipse. a moment in history.we have not seen this total solar eclipse from east coast to west coast, west coast to east coast since 1918, nearly 100 years. >> attorney general jeff sessions and ivanka trump and it's one of those reminders te all of the stuff going on in the country and the world that this is one of those moments that we set aside all the divisions and everything that separates us for this one moment of unity to look up in the sky with those special glasses and realize that we are much less significant in the universe than we often think we are. this is a moment to recognize there's something far greater than all of us as the sun and the moon and the earth align to give this for many people once lifetime view and once in a lifetime certainly here in the united states as this is the first as sharrie mentioned coast to coast
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exclusive to the united states solar eclipse in nearly a century, the moon blotting out day sun. let's take a look at some video if we have it from when this began to race ashore in oregon this afternoon. it began in madras oregon. that was the first place 1:20 this afternoon our time to witness it and we kind of put together a collection of events, collection of pictures to show you how it transgressed and how the progressed right there. >> it's been wonderful to watch, you know. those who are in the path of totality have this experience so this is the view because that's the 100 percent as we are close to 80 percent here in the lehigh and delaware valley coming up in about one minute and 20 seconds. let's head out to cecily tynan as we get ready for the solar eclipse the best view we'll have cecily in just about one minute. >> we showed from the belmont plateau it looks exactly like
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that except for if you're viewing through these glasses the sun appears kind of orangey yellow and do you have to take breaks -- there we go, that's a picture from the belmont plateau with the special filter. if you're looking through the glasses it's the same image instead of the sun looking white it's kind of orange. it's kind of neat to be out here -- all my coworkers are out here, they're watching as well. everyone seems to be pretty happy. i have to admit i thought since we weren't going to be in the path of totality that it would almost feel like there was a big party going on that we weren't invited to but this is still really cool as well. now, that being said, there are some clouds out there. so, i do want to show you satellite and show you what's going on as far as the cloud conditions because we have been seeing intermittent clouds on and off through the afternoon and it's one of these situations where they're drifting in and out of the shot. so the satellite will show you that it's not a wide area of clouds. now, i also want to show you
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this too. you see how the clouds all of a sudden look like they're disappearing. it's actually because this is visible satellite. so the visible satellite really depends on the sun due to the fact that we only have about 20 percent of the sun right now we're actually losing the site light but if you look at the gray you can see there are some patchy clouds around. just be patient. again they're intermittent. they'll be in and out of your view and i have to say it's really neat to see so many people excited about science and in a good mood about this. so, we are right now in the maximum at 2:44 and yes it's still a bright and sunny day for the most part, again 20 percent of the sun is still as bright as 60,000 full moons using these take a b then. it will give you a little bit of a headache. back to you guys. it's really neat out here. i think everyone from the station is outside except for you guys. >> except for us. thank you. we want to see the image of whut there and here it is, it's back because we are in the moment of the best of this solar makes its way acrosry. >> yeah, we rze that a lot of you don't have tho special glasses so this may be your best opportunity rigre through
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your televisio safely look at this just majestic view. soak that in for just a moment as the sun is blocked out by the moon which is 400 times smaller but just an incredible moment there. sarah bloomqu franklin institute. sarah, we're going to kind of go back and forth between you and this picture but you're there with a whole lot of excited folks who gathered together to watch this moment with their very own eyes today >> reporter: their very own eyes as we talked about the last time, a lot of people out here with their own families, hundreds of people and a lot of them with their own families. in fact, this is my daughter, andy and her friend reilly and andy just took my glasses and i'm going to help her. you put these on. it's a little bit cloudy but turn around. what do you see? look up there at the sun. keep them on your eyes. turn this way look over there. no this way. turn a little bit. see them? what do you see?? what do you see? look over this way? you got it. all right well, anyway --
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this went really well. andy is here with her friend reilly and everybody is checking it out mostly for the first time and it is quite a sight. let me see this back here for a second. as we look up right now i mean it's what you've been seeing. a lot of -- a little bit of cloud cover now but everybody's having fun doing this? >> yes. >> reporter: super cool. let's all look at the same time? you ready? all right. >> sarah, how was it. >> reporter: back to you in the studio. i'll work with my daughter with the glasses. >> how was it sarah as far as how dark did it get? we talked about it would maybe feel like dust or not. how would you describe that? >> reporter: it's not that dark. it's -- i can tell it's a little less sunny. it's more like an overcast day i think at the moment but we definitely can feel a little bit of a dip in the temperature as well right now. has everybody agreed it feels a little cooler. >> yeah. >> yeah. >> reporter: does. >> yeah. >> reporter: she's asking me
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does it feel like darkness. not that right. >> the no. >> reporter: doesn't feel like it's turning to night. like a cloudy overcast day. >> it's about like -- it feels like it's about to turn into a storm or something. >> reporter: it does, that's exactly what it would feel like. what's your name. >> colin. >> reporter: thanks for talking to us. >> i'm going to interrupt you for a minute. >> reporter: i think that's a pretty good way of putting that. >> we want to get out to another spot that had a little bit of cloud cover today but it did not diminish the moment for our own meteorologist adam joseph who is live in saint joseph missouri this afternoon adam you viewed it about 30 minutes ago and it was awesome, wasn't it. >> reporter: it got pitch black here. we had that totality. we thought it was a lot of cause. most people left here because it was storming and it was thundering and it was rain and clouds but the window of opportunity -- we had two minutes 38 seconds to see totality and we -- >> we saw it. >> reporter: what was your reaction when you saw it. >> my gosh it was awesome. it was just awesome beautiful. >> reporter: it was pitch black here when it happened. it was like a glow on the
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horizon. >> and we just couldn't believe the ring around the moon, got bumps. >> reporter: how many people actually teared up. >> oh, yeah. >> reporter: you did. this is my. >> it was like oh my god i'm actually going to he sao sit. >> reporter: you never saw the other five. >> no, i saw the other five but we had written this one off and all of a sudden it was there. >> a little rainy. >> reporter: so, guys, it was cloudy here for most of the day, thundering and lightning. most people left. we stuck it out they stuck it out and it paid off. >> it truly did. five minutes before the sun showed. >> reporter: it d did. it came through. guys it's a once in a lifetime opportunity for most people. >> absolutely. >> reporter: the last time it happened on this we are was 214 years ago. the next one is about 200 years away. >> awesome. >> reporter: you going to be around for that. going to find one >> all right guys, reporter: you got to see i even was >> i'll break dowf televisdmit adam j texted brian i cried on air. i can't believe that happened. no shame its a very. >> reporter: that between us. >> it's out to the world. witnessed
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iy a special mom adam. >> all right. are we done here. >> yeah, for this portion. >> for this portion but we encourage you to join us on as we and continue our online digital coverage of this historic solar eclipse happening here and all across the united states today. special moment. >> yeah. >> thanks for sharing it. >> we return you back to abc's program and the grere we are all to witness it. we're a a time we have all this technology and this means that not only the people on the line of see it but it gets to go into homes all around the world. everyone gets to share in the excitement and in the beautiful views.'re on the line of totality you get the full experience. you get to experience the sun going dark. you get to experience the air getting cool. you get to see the shadow of the moon across t countryside. itomething and understand why people travel all over the world to see them. i'm one of those people. and now i think many more are going to be inspired to join us.know
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it really puts us in our place as far as our role in the cosmos doesn't it? the fact that we here on earth are part of something much bigger. >> that's right. we are. we are the universe itself. we are the universe become conscious and able to witness itself. today we witnessed something to the sun and the moon. be we sar nebs the planets condensed eventually us here we are to build instruments in der toee and witne >> i have witnessed the lineup of the earth the the moon. we come back ourcontinues as it moves out to so many messages tweets ande right back. ba crest whitestrip ain thanks! i crushed the est. healthy, ippy. crest whitestrips stay in place. ofessional effects... ...lock in the whitening for a whiter smile.ese aren't going anyw these are. crest... ...healthy, beautiful smiles for life.
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♪ welcome back to our coverage of the great american eclipse. you can see beautiful charleston behind me. you can see nighttime has turned back to daytime here in charleston. as we head back to break i want to show you new york city. so much of this country is experiencing at least a partial eclipse and expected to experience 07% in new york city. fingers crossed across the country that people will appreciate it in some way as you see the empire state building off in the distance. we'll be right back. strong chemo can put you at risk of serious infection which could lead to hospitalizations.
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♪ that was "world news tonight" anchor frank reynolds in 1979 promising we would be bringing you back to this event. we have been honored to share this great american eclipse with all of you at home. i'll see you on "world news tonight." every year south jersey sends more and more tax money to trenton,
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but gets less and less back thanks to steve sweeney and chris christie. here's the sweeney-christie record eight years of underfunded schools. huge tax breaks for themselves and their rich friends while we pay more. and homestead rebate funding for seniors cut in half next year. don't believe the fake news from his wealthy donors. steve sweeney stands with chris christie, not with south jersey. hey, listen. we got a problem. yeah, about "that." things got weird, okay, like really, really weird. maxie: i couldn't agree more. i've been standing here for like 30 seconds, and my husband has yet to swoop me into his arms.
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hey, i got to call you back. maxie! [ laughing ] what are you waiting for? hey. ♪♪ hey, we need more units on poplar and the surrounding streets, and we got to canvas the area. dante? laura. any news? i was just gonna call you. you might want to sit down. i don't want to sit down. i want to know if you've found my grandson. ♪♪ oh, my god. no.
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